THE OREGON DAILtf? JOURNAL', PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 12, 1912. 40 - BICK garments made well. If your leave : ere out of -flare we reset them. If your skirt are ill, we g-uar- niM a cure.' ir your coats or jhoksib re broken down, we build them up and five them new life. Our peratlne; ta , tire . wonder. Our chief surgeons ", the hntJ nil, halma rnr alt II In that .wearing apparel la heir to. Coats, re- . . iinna. tst our styles una sampiee lor , KDrlnr suite. ,'Hlldreth. - ladle' tailor, Patterne drafted to order. Make. Over Dept.. Room- 109.. Central .bldg... .10th and Alder. , NURSES 60 INVALID needing home care, kind treat- , ment. uan nurse, -ranor n. v : FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE 'The heart of the bualneaa nter. 1th n Tuin, uniiMlh TTaillc theatre, a quiet home for quiet people, strictly modem, permanent: transient Main HI ViP'.wT.v fnrnliiheil cluBn room, all mod '', ... I ...... ..a .. UiinM nrlw llflrfN. I U .VII ' .11. ...IV...... 1MU.1UI "-- V D use- of parlor . and piano; h cheap. 770 urvinii st, NEWI.Y and nicely furnished rooms, ,',' walking distance, all modern conven, lenc m, reasonable rent.; .117 N,v 17th. jvj h rn n 1 1 coso. ' THE KWG, iO Jefferson, nicely fur- central, rates Including r bath.. ; $3.60 ween up. Vi:i ormnicri hotel. 105H 12th at., near Washington. Quiet nome ror quiet people: cenirai, mwwra. transients solicited. 76c day up. , transients solicited. 76c oayup our clean beds at 2Bo to 60o. or tl.BO to 2.0Q week. . The . Victor, 171 Front. .? :. PALMER' house, 'iota Alder al ttooma . ea.ou per, wee ! n upi vtou 1 rree baths, IT 11 sn 19 wmV n n. nle. clean, aulet homelike place, all convenUnces. close . in. 160 waaison. Jl27MBn it, rooma' un tier wee. Free phone and I atn. Main net. IF YOU wish good first claas rooms -cheap, call at tne ttoyereat, lie iim t., corner lamnni. - HOTEL -ORRIS, 63$ tt. Alder, corner ,. 17th; modern, close to,, quiet, reason' Die rates to permanent poopie. THE BAKER HOTEL. Fin Urge, ' bright furnished room, hot and cold running, water. EBOft etn. ' LARGE bright front room, close, in, reasonable. AH conveniences, . 16th st. 6MALL. sleeping room. $ per month and Other rooms, $1 and $13- per month, i nrmn. cor. yamnm. walking distance, $10 per month. Apt 1. 407 lUtn. A-31ZS. PLEASANT, large, homelike rooma, close In, all conveniences, reasonable. J o T K Ci. H. CLEAN, well futnlshed rooms, strictly modern, reasonable. 80 N. 16th st, jus ram. near wasningron. HOTEL RoVal, 108 H 4th St., between Washing ton and ' Stark. Rooms by rtlrht. SOc and ur: by ween. 11 ana u 3 iManON . HOTEL -Nlcelv furnish rooms, ateara heat all time, hot water, 13.60 Up. Zoo bo st. TWO fine rooms, good location, borne -cookinc: W. or 16th mU car. Tha Magnolia, 617 Kearney. NICELY, furnished room for two gen tlemen, 'tnorougniy ciean, no waier, bath, raa: reasonable. 657 Madison at. sJ4tt 6TH Close in. large, airy upper room, - moaern. rwwinani.i NICELY, furnished- room, $3 a week; home privileges. 175 North 15th, NEATLY furnished room. $10 per month. 44S 7th st. NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for two- gentlemen wun poarq. laa letn. 11.50. to $6, all convenienoes, also aient 1 N. 14th. Marshall $586 tran OAS, electricity, bathf phone. Nob Hill, l.V AAA t an j ,,,, ll.BV, to, nt cu. jyi a-i ii Bain. ROOMS. $0c. $1 ter day: 12 up THE CLAY. 4$H Morrison et. week. idODERN furnished room for rent. -OS ROOMR 110 to $20. modern. 410 Park. WELL furnished front room, modern; reneonahle.1 2 Eawt IBth st. -NICE clean rooms, walking distance, $10 per month. SSS Montgomery. FURNISHED ROOMS j EAST SIDE 82 MODERN AND CLEAN. - - 4274- Larrabe -St. " l"he Larrabee hotel (Just off Holladay ave.) haa a few nicely furnished rooms with hot water heat and hot and oold water In each room. My rate are) but 12.60 per ween NICELY furnished rooms in private family,; $3. $3.50 weekly. 46 E. I tn at, near uak. TllE Montgomery, cor. E. Morrison and m. stn; nioeiy lumienea rooms, irora to. IZ.BQ per weeK, FURNISIiEU sleeping' room, heat, light IS Hlisnell St. ' C-14!l. ONE newly furnished sleeping room, $2 per week. S92M- B. Burnalde. - UN FURNISHED ROOMS 10 FOR 1 RENT I unfurnished basement rooms with range for $ month. 24$ unni a i. THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms, 6 B. 8th ft. Phone East 4634. ROOMS AND BOARI' 10 ROOMS4 and board, also fine table board; home cooking only. 604 Ever ett, cor, tain, jqaranau uf, NICELY furnished front room,, with or without board; all conveniences. 115 CHEERFUL room with board, suitable I. for $ or t; home privileges, every thing modem. Main 5270. 10$ N. $$d. MANITOti 2tl 13th st, attractive - rooms, steam neat, gooa Doara, x:ioae i in. reasonaoie. 5 WASHINGTON at.; room and board, $5.50- a week. ; 1 ' , . ; ROOM and board very reasonable. .164 N. 1IC11 It. DRESSMAKING BOARD and room, $4.60 week, Hotel Idaho. 627 Hood. ROOM with board, home cooking; terms ' moderate. Phone M. 724$. - 492 Taylon Some Kids Get Awfully Husky in Three COHm Itver, WrVo MS TML60 TO ' rAiKKsr eleofiu 4 wc 'y iZ;y':y v t , - jr 1 I, 1 " ii"'"'". ?"'', ...,;;,,.;,;;,,. , ...i . m, .m n i n . .......n i..,,-, ? 1 .".'. , - : ' ROOMS AND BOARD . : 15 ."1 .... IJ 1 Ullt . UUIIIO. II.UIJ . W. - with board, suitable for 1 or 2; hot anl cold water, bath and . free phone, home cooking; rates very reasonable; 6 minutes rrom p. o. - azi w. ,arn st. CHEERFITT room, modern home prlvi lieges, for two, with or without board, near good ear serviqej walking distance. reasonable. S7 Everett. fHB CAHA ROSA Lara: e. airy, fur , nlshed rooms, with board, splandid lo cation. too Jefferson.' ,' LAltUK, rine, front room, witn or witn-out- board; all conveniences. 10 OH i7tn St. A-8097. $20 QUIET home for 2 young men, - large sunny, room,' good, , wholesome food, walking distance. East 6043.' FIRST CLASS room and board in prl vaie Tamiiy, Dtp immn, NICELY furnished, rooms with or with out board,' phone and bath, zsz iztrt. WANTEDRO0M AND BOARp 80 A YOUNO man wishes board and room . .in private family. N-627. Journal. H0U8EKEEPINO ROOMS 's: WEST SIDE :U:. WKLL furnished houses, flats, room s- e room rurntsnea cottage, 2 monin; 7 rooms. 127.60: furnished housekeenlng suites, 2 rooms, $8, $10, $12 month; 8, $lt. : AdpIv S64 North 26th. W car from aepot, 5th. west on Morrison to Hita, piocK nortn. ; Hunt's Exoress & Baseaee Co 1 trunk. 60a Additional trunks. 85e eacn anp with trunk freen A-S41I. Marshall 141ft. Baggage d Omnibus Transfer ' Baggsge moved and stored. FDone Mln 11980. A-6822. i - : ELEOANTLY furnished single H. K. ; room; not ana cold water, wood noist, $13-UD. Mrs. Johnson. 188 10th.' near Morrison. . FRONT suite, newly furnished, furnace - heat, telephone, gas range, f nel, every-thlns- furnished- 15 week. Rooms brlarht and sunny. 4(8 10th. NICELY furnished single rooma and apartments; hot ' water ' heat, reduction. 785 Everett st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, cosy, clean rooms, with-, kitchenette; also pleasant basement rooms,- elqjie in. $80 mmi st, Det. etn ana vtn. COMFORTABLE furnished housekeep ing room, close , to Multnomah ciud: free ohone. bath and el ec trio llchts. 15 i Chapman St. . . , FURNISHED rooms for light house- keeDlns-. chone and ras In house. walk- Ins; distance, $47 Market st., near sew Lincoln high. ONE - large furnished housekeeping room with kitchenette: lights, phone, furnace heat, $4.60 week. .440 Jeffer son st., cor. 12th. - NICEST, cleanest housekeeping rooms in city at si. ana a per ween, ist Sherman st. X ROOM connecting suite, gas range, gas, phone, furnace, electricity free. wop mil, i3 in. iza. Main ga76. EILEEN COURT, the heart of the busi ness center, 16th and Morrison, single housekeeping rooms, modern, reasonable. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms gas, bath, sink, yard, reasonable. 602 Front , COMPLETE housekeping room, light, eras, bath, phone, 1$ week. CI N. Slat, 1H blocks from Wish, 402 2d Brigh clean front rooms, all .conveniences, reasonable, walking dls tance: no cnnqren. FURNISHED housekeeping rooma, 15? and un: heat bath and llarhta. inn. Msrsnau iubb. HOUSEKEJEPINO and furnished rooms. Oem hotel. 665 1st: steam heated, new building, rooms $1.1S up. NICEST, cleanest housekeeplna" rooms in city at 11.75 and $2 ier week. 184 enerman si. FOUR rooms, furnished complete, house- keeping. wanting oistance. A-33is, Main- 0029. BACK suite housekeeping rooms, con vement, 3.z a weex, batn, phone. 848 Clay. - FOUR nice unfurnished rooms, 2 blocks from oar: rent $13.50. 6$ Montgom ery. NEWLY furnished housekeeping suites, neat and clean., $2.60. 13.60 oer week. walking distance. 411 4th. - NICELY furnished connecting house keeplng rooms, walking distance, bath and phone, reasonable. 294 6th. DEL KONTE, 147 Stout near 20th and Wash. Modern and reasonable: well rumianea . nouseKeening apartments. TWO nicely connected housekeeping rooms, large and light, heat, gas range and bath, walking distance. 175 N. 17th. ONE light, clean room, furnished for Housekeeping: all conveniences, house modern. lib y. HJ3 st. Main 1797. FURNISHED housekeeping and sleep- lng rooms, reasonable. I'nur- man st. FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms. modern, rent 918. walklnar dlstanca Phone Main 7773. a H ACTIVE clean, heated housekeep Ing rooms. $4 per week and ud. 407 Columbia st LARGS front room with kitchen prlvl leges; gooa room ior a seamstress. 593 Kearney st. NKWLY furnished suite, hot and cold water. Dhone, bath and lla-hts free. waiKing distance, is a week-, Main 8979, FURNISHED for housekeeping; a home like cottage suite. 3io Main st l'W'O housekeeping rooms, ground floor. easy walking, cheap. 294 14tli St. ONE nice housekeping room, $10 month. 647H Johnson. I'WO room housekeeping suite; phone. eras, opposite r ailing scnooi. 721 1st. CENTRALLY located, completely fur- msneo, convenient, ix.zs up. I9 Main. LARGE front room, suitable for two gentlemen, $$ month. 485 W. Park. 102 furnished housekeeping rooms for small family, 74? Savler st. 61 TAYLOR Furnished housekeeping rooms, single and suites, conveniences. HOUSEKEEPING or sleeping " roamsl very reasonable. Marshall 4460. t CAMBRIDGE Bid g. Furnished house. Keeping rooms. Km. , la dfc Morrison. MITCHELL housexeeping rooms; light. cms: moderate ttn-i" ianors. A-teia, lOUSEkEEPING rooms, $3.60 week up. -xam uuii, 4H aiornson. .' .. tt j 11 " - I -wllf'WwgsjrrT- sejejT-.i , SJk . ' YTmxei 'fsyea-WaM nn.. I I 1 1 I hW-himS. .! ". .. Ut!Hlt"tiiTT,kl in a m vhiw m u sv'sri r a i. l rw m-f r? v i . . , s 1 1 tk m r v vagkaa 1 1 avjssjs 1 . r - 11 ' rw i m i ,s,. housekeeping rooms west side -::-,-,;. NEWLY FURNISHED THE TTPSHUR. 26th and Upshur st furnished two room apartments; ' $20, also $21.60; $ room $27.50 to $30. This includes steam neat, not water,.; private phones, oatn, electrlo light, gas range, laundry room all free. Take S. 2$th or W. earn porth. no oogs anowea. ' ' .......... ? IIOUSEKEEFTNG ROOMS FOUR f uralshel H. K. roomsv $16 month; free-lights, water,' phones 87H Russell, near O.-W. R. N. shops s also furnished ; housekeeping and, , sleeping . Will. 2 PARTLY newly, furnished housekeep Ing rooms, $16 per month: also 2 at $1$. 188 Grand ave, . oor. ..' Morri son. w' 1 ' 1 a' i it ttbciiANi, moqern, furnished house- keenln apartments very cheap. ' 268 KnotU ; ; ave. oar, H block, south Williams $2-$2.76 weekly, furnished housekeeping suites, free phone, heat, bath, laun dry, yard, gas. 569 Commercial St., be tween jvnvii ana urtnam, u car. 2 MODliJIN housekeeping rooms, lights and water. 812 month. . . 82$ East Alder, near aotn, TWO or three housekeeping apartments Salmon st.i corner 19th. V TWO sunny housekeeping rooms, $17, ln- cludlng fuel. aras. bath. .12$ East 20th, near Morrison. THREE new, , completely furnished rooms; bath, sink, laundry, phone; no objection to child. $20. 825 B. fltark. AND 8 room modern furnished apart- menta. 11I2U Ilnlnn av Woodlawn HOUSEKEEPINti rooms for working 6i m ronui rent, nivvt E. Morrison. COMFORTABLE, light housekeeping ,vuiiAB L-uuvvuiBiicw, . ;iose - in. nwngn8w tits iarraoee et. MODERN housekeeping rooms; .. gas. bath, lights and phone. 104 ei. itn st East 2832. FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms, slnale and en suite. staa.m ht as union ave. HOUSEKEEPING rooms: telephone. eleotrlo lights. Ill ner month. 1717 forcsmoum ave. NEATLY, furnished housekeeping front suite, reasonable; gas, bath and phone. 464 hi E. Burnslde, corner 8th. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; private ramiiyi moaern. s K. 30th at. N. East 4058. NICELY furnished housekeepln suite, 2 B. $3.60 weekly. $12 monthly. Hurnsioe. A SUITE of 8 furnished housekeeping rooms, lower noor, want in pr oiscance. 19 K. 8tn N. fhone East 1865. THREE rooms, unfurnished housekeeping rooms, reasonaoie rent. iot7 m. Aim near 86th Tabor 2678. TWO -furnished housekeeping rooms, oatn, pnone. 70 m. gtn xs. 2, 8 or 4 furnished housekeeping rooms. Ground floor. 202 E. 45th. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 540 Kas BtarK st. Cheap. East 8583 HOUSES FOR RENT 12 ft RENT I will rent my five room furnished house with two acres of splendid rarden. pood Doultrv houses. small fruits, etc: only 86 minutes out on the Oregon Electric railway, one block from station; rent very reasonable. , B 831. Journal. NEW I room modern house, $17.60 month. East 17th and Rhone sta. Sellwood car. 15 minutes. J. F. Kertch- em, with Pacific States Fire Insurance Co., 200 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Marshall 669, A-4331. MODERN Almost new 6 -room house, both electrlo and aaa. paved street. good neighborhood; one block to car: take Hawthorne or Mt. Scott car, gel off at 51st, go south to 47. $22.60 per month. FOR RENT 8 1-8 acres with small house, at terminus of Fulton Park carllne; creek running through place. inquire at merman jucuger, zz-zsa Front st FOR RENT 6 room house, bath elec trlc lights; 617 Overton St., $20 Per mohth. inquire room 11 Mulkey bid?., 2d and Morrison sts. A-4144, Main 6821, Monday. A NEAT 4 room heuse, situated between two best carlines in city: electric lights, full basement Beattle & Hof mann. Inc., 204 Stark st Main 1637, A-4776. FOR RENT 6 room modern bungalow, furnished and piano cheap to right farty; owner going to leave town. C 80, Journal. NEW 6-rootn bungalow, modern elec tricity, full lot one block from car. $16. P. E. Potter. Whitman St, Mt Scott car. Tabor 1488. . MODERN 7 room house, 1220 B. Main; take Hawthorne or Mt Scott ear, get off at 41at; rent $18. GOOD 8-room house, close in; nloe yard, basement gas, electricity.. Phone laaat 6H4Q. NEWLY furnished or unfurnished modem 4 room cottage; terms, Call 1118 Ifi. Mill st. MONTA VILLA houses, one 4 and one 6 room house, cheap rent. Inquire 60 H orana sve. in. or pnone to. luff- FIVE room house, 386 Division st,' h tween Grand and Union aves.; $16. f none Main ana. $12, 4 room cottage and bath, near Ma- son, twoiblocks orf Union ave. Owner, 418 Corbett bldg. 7 r6om house, 17th st, $17 a month. Inquire 628 Irving st. 4 room-vbungalow furnished or unfurn ished; Inquire 50$ Yeon bldg. SIX room modern house, E. Taylor near 3 2d. rent $26 month. , B-8035. HOUSE for rent, C rooms, furnished. C-lfi6. East 173. W. H. Herdman. FOR' RENT 6 room house. 160 E. Alder. Phone East 8670. '' fi-ROOM cottage for rent, close tn. East side. Phone Eaat 7B8 GARAGE suitable for 2 autos; good lo cation, $8 per month. 824 Jackson. 6-ROOM house, barn and ( lots at Car son Heights. Inquire 601 N. 24th. 8 ROOM house. E. 11th near Washing ton, for rent Phone Sellwood 1754. FOR RENT Wew modern 7 room house, fireplace. East 630, C-2261. FURNISHED, HOUSES ' ' 80 WELL furnished houses, .flats, ' rooms - 4 room furnished cottage, $20 month; 7 rooms, $27.50; furnished housekeeping suites, 3 rooms, $8, $10, $12 month; 8, $15, Apply . 864 . North 26th. W-car f rorn -depot, 6th; vwest on Morrison to " VI..I. - "... . . ' . , . . .J 6 ROOM bungalow, modern end up-to- date In .every-respect completely fur nished In every way; piano, $25. 1605 uneonta St., Woodlawn.' - -9 ROOM house for rent $ rooms rented, r walking distanoe, furnished. Price 18$. oo i iw arxei, NICE furnished room house. $4th st near Burnslde! long term. , Bant 6670. ' . -T 'f .-. one 6 ROOM., house, furnished or unfur- vnished. East 13tlt, and Alnswortli ave. x-nung cum ing, . .. . ' ; NICELY furnished house. 876 Height ave. bi Williams, - Woodlawn 1. FOUR room furnished cottage, aa-e. Kas and electric light $36. Inquire 467 7th.- :;;'einmMTuiiB ''fob sale ; sa . HOUSES FOR ' RENT 27 ROOMS. with large Income, good lease, owner leaving town, rent paid toMarch l; also deposits on water, light and gas Included In purchase price. lf taken before the 16th: $1200 cash, balance terms. Mnln 77 RK l ; , A SEVEN room house with I large Store- rooms for rent and t nrnltiiM fnr sale, very convenient for a large family or for roomers. 629 E. Ankeny st SACRIFICE furniture 4 room flat: beau ttful weathered oak furniture: manor. any piano, Havlland china, etcr every thing practically newt warrants lnvea- tigauon. may u nawtnorne ave. (your terms), 7 beautifully furnished sunny rooms; rine beds, , good carpets. Imported curtains; your rent free and $20 besides; permanent tenants. NEW furniture of 8 room house, very central; party leavinar city, positively must sell at once; will sacrifice: can rent rooms. iaarsnan zvoa. 9 ROOMS good furniture, west side: rooms fUlL worth 1850. If taken aonn will sell for $476; terms Phone Main NEW piand, 6 rooms new furniture. 2200: total involca 1706 Tnendav n. m. craving otq a nm st. 0 " SNAP Furniture rooms, house for rent. $200; 8 rooma pays your rent. 41$ Man st. 22 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. Well furnished: will sell or trade at a sacnrice; cneep rent zbz Qtbha. FURNITURE of 12 room house for sale or trade; rooms all rented: arood In come. u etaric st Aiarsnaii iosv. FURNITURE of S room house in. gooi condition, an rooms occupied; easy terms. ae i3tn. SNAP Beautiful furniture room flat Call Main 3338 before a. m. after 4 p. m. FURNITURE of 6 rooms for sale cheap, cottage for rent. See owner at 187 waieey, z Blocks from steel bridge. NEW furniture 4 room flat for sal Inquire 397 San Rafael st. flat C. after 4 p. m. . Union ave. cars. FURNITURE 6 rooms for sale cheao. good terms. I rooms clear rent close in. zoi ciay. SNAP Owner going away; house of rooms for rent furniture for sale: rooms run. t;an z inn. CASH or terms. Furniture of 12 rooms, good location, cheap rent West Sida Main 0489. FURNITURE of 6 room cottage, nearly new, a enap, most sen. . Aioma ave. EIGHT room house for rent furniture for sale cheap, close in. 515 Johnson SNAP 8 room house, $46 month.' Call after '13 o clock. 80 W. Park. APARTMENTS 43 TITB7 ALMIRA, cor. 14th and Salmon. Furnished and - unfurnished S and 4 room j apartments, private baths, ele vator, steam heat Prices $30 to $40. At. tto. Drickston Apartment 448 Ilth near College, z and X nom suites, strictly first class, bachelor ap- arrmenta a specialty, iza op. BANNER APARTMENTS. 49 Clay st. tm to date furnished 1 room apartments. Price $20 to $24, in cluding neat, light and janitor servioe. Phone Marshall 2074. The Florence Two brand new, beaatifolly furnished room apartments. 288 11th st. Mar. shall 4174. JAEGER APARTMENTS. 701 Washington. Modern brick build ing: upper floors. rooms $30, $$3.60", rooms. jo: reierences required. THE ORMONDE 656 Flanders, Nob Hill. One modern 5 room anartment: nice lia-ht rooms, gas range, refriger ator. . Main 8261. CAMBRIAN 12th and Columbia. Beautiful two and three room apartments, nicely situated, beautifully fnrnlohed. Prices reasonable. FURNISHED 2 room apartments, out- side rooms, large winoows, private bath, light phone and water; olose In. East 6279 er 69 Eaat 12th st THREE room apartment with ras range. batn, etc., at tiievenin anq Montgom ery. $22. ko per month. Hams. 92 First street. Fred S. Wll- CEDAR HILL. Sunny $ rooms fur nished, wun oaicony, steam neat and phone, walking distanoe, reasonable rent A-7 0I3. xwaranBii 3101. NEW ANNEX unfurnished, 4 rooms, sleeping porcn, neautirul grounds. Would take meals and work from per manent coupio. t aat letn. i BEFORE renting; an apartment see the Albert Apts. The best for the money. 840 Union ave., cor. Russell. THE PENSSTEN. 285 Mont. Marshall 4253. First class front apartment; all conveniences. . HALSEY COURT. 800 WILLIAMS AVffi 2 and 8 room apartments, modern, lo cation quiet, rent reasonable GRAY Gables apartments. 289 10th. 1 room apartments. Phone A-2639. JULIAETTE 2 rooms furnished and unfurnished. 2d and Montgomery. IRIS 4 and 6 rooms, unfurnished. 3d and Mill. 332 and $40. UNFURNISHED two and three-room; gas range, disappearing beds. $84 6th. Years ,43 - ' NEW! NEW! JUST OPEN. . NOW READY, ! J'- AL.AMQ APARTMENTS, r 419 MARKET STREET. NEAR"' 14TH. Beautiful, elegant and artistically fur nished and unfurnished apartments, ab solutely new, fireproof brick,-building, steam heat nrlvate nhonea and baths. Holmes disappearing beds, bvllt-In buf- ihib, a-as ranges, linoleums on citcnen and bathrooms.. Janitor service. ' Mod ern 'equipment Nothing to compare In city.- - When yon ' have seen these you will ge no further. -Reasonable ratea. Reserve apartments' now. Only few lett - - THE VILLA ST. CLARA, Mostt magiilfloently furnished apart ments In the city; location perfect; rent al reasonaoie; every moaern conveu lence, banquet hall v and roof garden Both phones In ail apartments. Main e a? I V, THE DEZEND0RF I 1 : ior ittt riR fivtrm Fr ONE EXCEPTIONALLY - NICH-I T,nP FLOORjFRONTL ONE 4 ROOM UNFURNIsriED APARTMENT, SEC OND FLOOR, FRONT. APPLY ON r-HjKMIBEa FOB RESERVATION. 'THW.tl7f.lANA" 41 TRINITY PLACUi Beautifully furnished 2. and 4 room apartments, private baths, free phone, hot and oold water, steam neat In ev ery apartment everything new. This Is a nrst class place. Fries Z5, $30, 32. bv, ao anq up; good janitor service, THE WESTALL. 110 BTH. Lowest rates In the city, $25 and up, three and four-room apartments, fur nished and unfurnished; private bathe ana pnone: brtcK buiidins-. Automatia elevator. Janitor servioe. Easy walk Ing distance. A-8088. Rurrh AnnrTnientft 110 N. 21st and Gllsan. W carl New hrlnlr 4llt MmnUtuI fiMittlv mrti1.m and up-to-date. 2 rooma, furnished rirst-ciasa throughout, $25 to $35. IONIAN nmiHT 870 Couch, 1 block from Washington St. on 18th St! telenhona Main 1192: 8 and 4 room modern anartmanta. steam neai. eiectnr elevator, not anq coia water, telephone and Janitor service. Apply of manager, references required. KINO HILL APARTMENTS. 4, E, 6 room apartmnts: select tenancy. Apply on premises. 171 King st 1 m6ntgomery apartments. Cor. Third and Montgomery. New modern brick; two-room apart ments, rnrnisned complete; elevator- minuter walk to nusinens center. Kate 127 up. No children. Main 9466. THE ARCADIA. . 706 Everett. Near 21st st One exceptionally nice 8-room medem nicely furnished apartment first floor front; also one outside sleeping room, hot and cold water, steam heat. THE MEREDITH is now onen. fur nlshed new, with the best 3, 8 and 4 room apartments: hardwood floors. private phone and bath, best Janitor ager. via wasningxon st. THE MeKINLE 429 BJ. MORR'SON. COR. 7TH. . 8 and 4-room nartmenta fnr- nlshed up to date, private bathe,' free pnone, mooerate prices, new manage- in en t, neet servica CUMBERLAND APARTMENTS West i-arK ana woiumoia sts.; nrst-oiass z and 3 room furnished apartments, all modern conveniences: choice location, fronting the park, only I minutes' walk from business center. THE PAGE APARTMENTS East 8th and Rurnald Strictly modern, furnished and tmfnr- nished apartments privets phones and rain. BEAUTIFUL 4 room anartment, all eon- veniences, hunt In disappearing beds, Piedmont district rent $18. 1139 Mlcht- gon ave., near KllUngsworth. St. Johns or l, . car. , ST. CROIX New. modem- bulldlnar three-room apartments, furnished or unrurnisnea; low rates, best of service. 170 St. Clair, between 22d and 23d. near wasnington. Main sza, Durfee ADartments ' t room, steam heated, unfurnished apartment: private phone, bath. 108 Stanton st. East 1065. THE WESTMINSTER Nicely furnished apartments: also single rooms: 2 mln. utes rrom v. o. zez tn. Main 6682. BUCK-HARTFORD. 21st and FlandersJ 2., 8 room beautifully furnished. 4 rooms nnfumlshed. Moaern. Cheap. FOIl RENT FLATS 13 New Holladay Rats Modern ex ten ana Hancock. Hardwood floor, tile bathe, gas and heater, large basement and a range blocks Broadway car, walklni distance. owner care ror lawn; iso. 1st 5670. UNUSUALLY desirable modern lower flat 6 large, light, airy rooms and bath, fireplace, close In on west side. 34H4 Montgomery, cor. 7th; very rea sonaoie. FLATS on west side. 4 and 7 rooms, TnitA lirn n 4 now haiamanr rn ma aa woodllft porches, etc $20, $25. $62 V unsnur sc. MODERN 6 room flat, newly varnished ana painted, fronting river, $22.60. ivt margin, or state iaunory co. UPPER modern 6 room flat close In, rent reasonable. 488 U HL 12th and Division. Main 6469. MODERN 6 room flat, furnished or unfurnished; furnace, fireplace; blight rooms. 3u uiacxamas. u-iooi LARGE store for rent, suitable for r roc err: also modern flats. Phone Tabor 687, HANDSOME flat, comer Shaver and Union ave., $18; can rent room for $S. wail store uxinemeatn. MODERN 6 room flat 1 llock to Sunny- side car. Cheap to aflui'a. Tabor 1798. LARGE 4 mom lower flat at 390 Ellsa l., iir.i mm Valium I. v rr t ROOM flat E. Pine, near 13th. C-J260, Vmm KAK t. near Cook and Union ave. East 6095, TWO room flat, $10. 706 Vancouver ava woodlawn 1988. I ROOM upper flat corner of Stout and Maoison. inquire oi Main a-4793. e v e ATART3I3xT9 FURNISHED. FLATS . ; ,60 TWO furnished flats, ; gas rangea, hot water, electrlo lights, lower flat 8 beds, upper flat 1 good beds; pantry. inn,, Datnrooms, , cnuuren aamlttea., oil NICELY furnished t room flat, good location, "walklnr rtlatancei . ' 448 Rod ney ava, - corner Tillamook. ',Very re- eonanie, rjasi tuna NICELY furnlahud $ room flat, cheap. modern. 1043 Gantenbeln, ... eor. , Al berta. '- - STORES AND OFFICES "11 TWO large of floes oil Stark st, near Front for rent, reasonable; excellent location for brokers or commission mer chant Inquire at S Front st Phones Main lis, A-41JB. TWO large first class stores on corner ; of 4th and Mont fine location; rent very reasonable. Call 373 4th.- ' STORE, rent $36, fine location for aman barber shop. Call 48 N. 6th st ' HOTEIjS 54 UNDER old management. Hotel Mltch- ell. Mrs. J. M. Mitchell, Joseph, Or. boTKL POHTLAND s.uropan ,iaa only: $3. $6 day.' ' BELVELERE Bnropean.' 4th and Al''-" FORRENTMISCElJiai:prS 33 GOOD wide plank stalls; electrlo light, i city water, plenty wagon room; 10 cents per day. 446 N. Flanders WANTED TO RENT FIVE or 10 acres, with buildings, near carline. Inside 10 mile circle. Write 193 Knott St., city. ONE unfurnished housekeeping room with gas, by one lady. East side pre- rerreo, t-mi, journal. WANTED Two or three unfurnished housekeeping rooms; state price; per- manent; aouits. w-jh. journal. WANTED To rent farm of 20 or 40 acres or dairy of 16 or 20 cows. F $26, Jonrnat HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 0 head of horses on hand. In this lot are well matched teams of mares (some in foal) and geldings. They will range In size from 860 lbs. to 1660 lbs. $er horse, and in price from $60 to 300 a horse. Also complete farm out fits, delivery wagons and horses; also driving outfits complete. New and sec ond hand farm wagons. Same In har ness, both single and double. Pony cart and small teams of mules. Every thing sold with our written guarantee to be as represented or your money refunded. Bank and business references furnished. E. W. HAG YARD A R L. EVANS. Props. Portland Stables, 16th and Couch sts. 25 HORSES Just received . from New berg. These horses are young, well broken, fat and ready to work, and show for themselves. Ws will not give 10 days' trial and place the monet In the bank and then run and hide, but will always be found doing business en the square. Come and see eur horses and visit with us, maybe you will see some thing you will want; have few cheap ones. 881 Water, foot Montgomery. $825 BUYS a complete farm outfit con sisting of new S inch farm wagon, rood harness and a team, weight 2600 lbs., asea 7 and 8 veara old. rood work ers single or double. Come and try them. Also a small team of mares, wagon and harness cheap. $75 takes nice sorrel horse, weight 1160 lbs. good worker. 247 E, 12th st, earner Madison. Come and See Another shipment of choice well broken horses and mares -and . at reasonable prices. All guaranteed to be as rep resented. Take Rose City Park- car. Adams oc Campbell. Phone Tabor 21 CI BARGAIN on team of horses,- weight Z6U0 ids. ; ciean ana rat; true workers, harness and farm wagon: all for $146: also $25 buys 1100-lb. horse; little, clean and fleshy; works single or double; 1s gentle; aiso Bargain on a aoo-iD. norso. f-none ueiiwooq uss WE have 25 head of horses and mares weighing from 1000 lbs. to 1700 lbs. These horses are sold under a guaran tee. G. K. Howitt 80th at. and Burn. sioe, m on t a vina. GOOD farm team for sale cheap. Leav lng city. 281& 68th st southeast, one block west, two south. End of Haw- tnome ave. canine, HORSES and buggies for rent by day, week and month; special rates to business . houses. 6th and Hawthorns, East 72, WILL dispose of my pair of mares and one ralr of horses: can be seen at Travis Bros.' wood yard, 451 Hawthorne ave. Mrs. Btumbiocn, WILL exchange big work team for smaller team. 14 Union ave., corner Ain. CALL, Inspect these horses and mares, weight looo io lioo, ana several mares. 9th and Hawthorne 11 HEAD MULES. 7 wagons and cigar stand. $2100 will take. 417 Fenton bldg. Marshall 2144 FOR SALE, CHEAP Imported Belgian stallion. Address Box 1L H. F. D. 1. w ooo ou rn, vjt. WANTED A horse for easy work fer Its keeping, good cara Main 1855 or Tanor asm BARN or stalls for rent Union ave. and E. Tavlor. Apply today. Phone of fice, Main 3939, A-2475. Res. Eaat. 220$. AUCTION Wednesday, 2 p. m. VUg span young mules, 1 big work team. zo nean cneap norsea, i union ave. ALL kinds horses and mares. - Some good teams. Foot of Main. 28 HEAD of cheap hones, $26 up. 14 union ave., corner abh. FOR SALE One 3 Blrdsell dirt wagon. East 2595. LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY 30 FOR SALE Jersey-Holsteln cow, 4 years old. fresh 8 months. 1 gallons. trorner "tn anq nwen ste. DAIRYMAN, do you want more milk? if so. I can furnish a limited amount Address weo. w.-Turner, Barton, or. HldH class Silver Laced Wyandotte eggs. $1.60 setting. 1081 EL 9th st N. JLIVESTOCK AX11 I'OULTUV M Incubators ; ' Carload Just received, best lnmiboe made at any price. Special price this week;, 90 days' free trial, sutUlaotioa guaranteed, . .-."- ( --190 Union Ave. WHITE Wyandotte esga for hatcMnar, $3. 60. per 16. Two matlnga Only; both special), choice breeding stock for sal. warx, oza ,itn ave, southeast. Archer FOR SALtf'fcHP.Atf fctra : cow; must sell. Call forenoons or evenings $39 East' $0ta St bV Take yv-w car. r . .. nlGH , class Silver Laced -Wyandotte . eggs, winter la-lhg strain, $1.50 for 15, day old chicks, 12.25 for 16. 180 TWO good milk cows. 1 HolsUln and Jersey Durham: 21' Marguerite ave, near Holgata. . , W W. car. , Sellwood 111 P FOR SALE 8, C. Buff Orpington eggs for hatching. Also cockerels and day old chicks. Cook's strain; 889 Savler st rnone nam Z113. RHODE Island Red, ' French Houdan, . White Ieghorn eggs,' settings and In cubator lots. Mf. Mines, Ryan Place. ytcinress uenerai L'eiivery. j'ortiHnq.- THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock eggs. to a selling. Choice eocKerais, ORPINGTONS, Buffs, and Whites, PuU ' lets, cockerels and eggs, cheap.- - Mur-' ; phy. Sellwood 1230. - - - . FINE family cow for sale, ave. 14 Union DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 40 BULXj terrier puppies, blue ribbon stock, cheap. . Phone Woodlawn 1330, ibzv uieveiano ae. CANART BIRDS Fine singers, Im ported stock; ,also females cheap.- xaoor sit. BOYD, the -dog man. boarding, expert: care; anything ror tne qog. a-3bm. FOR SALE anSCELLANEOUS 10 FOR SALE $1 receipt for mak- Ing genuine German dill pickles. Best pickles, easiest money. These dill pickles cost you lOo per gal lon; sell for 408 per gallon; all'" other pickle receipts each $1; now hurry; J. C FY Holcomb. 470 Taylor st Formerly with Helnse. ' ' ".a ' ' ' FOR SALE New and second-hand Car- ' om and pocket billiard tables, and ' bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix--; tures of all kinds; easy payments. .-The '' Bronswlck-Balke-CoUender , Co 41-41 6th st :. - ,. -- WE sell cash registers, scales, credit registers, cheese cutters, coffee ,mlll. etc.. at greatly reduced prices, either for -cash or payments. The Portland Store Supply Co- 260 2d st Marshall 4548. SEWING MACHINES All makes txxH, ly guaranteed; . with complete- at tachments $10 to $20. -White Sewing ' Machine Co, corner 11th and Washing ton. . . i SPECIAL sale of slightly used Singers, "W. A W.," White and Standard sew. Ing machines: easy payments..; Call 883 . Two Box Ball Alleys : - . To sell or trade. ,$300. Mills A Son. til tTujixny mug, 8AFES New and 3d hand; low prices easy terms; safes opened, repaired and painted. Furcell Safe Co. and Portland Bafe Co., 88 6th wt Main 6309, A-4U. . NEW gasoline fishboai with cabin, with or without. engine,- good carrier and. passenger boat, at a bargain. Inquire Box 720, Astoria, Or. . ., SPLENDID standard latest style sew ing machine, $46 model, used - one week. Price $27.60; $6 down and $2.50 monthly. 3o Aider st SLIGHTLY used cash registers, credit registers, computing scales, . eta, ; boua-ht and sold. The Pacific Store service uo,, ZZ7 Btarx st. Mam ttii. FOR SALE cheap, 1 solid . oak . roll top desk and 2 ohalra to match. 3' 3Z3, journal. FOR SALE L Cl Sml th typewrt ter desk, chair and press. . A bargain. 400 uenum Ding. ALL kinds house rarnishlngs bought sold and exchsnged. v Star Furniture to., g ap Hawtnome ave. East steT.- CAP1TAL JUNK CO., dealers tn Iron, metal, rubber, sacks, machinery, pipe. . tools. 300 iota st M. ist st Mar.- 18. GAS range, steel rangewater heater! roiaing pea ana oicycie.. oiv wu- nams ave. f 10 buys $0 Singer sewing machine! complete accessories. 6 6th st, es- u.W hall - - GENTS' bicycle, in good repair, lot sale cheap. li waaieon. FERTILISER Well-rotted manors. East 227. MANURE for sale, delivered to any part of the city. Phone East 17715. FOR tin shingles and : valley tin. go to FY H. ieitner, aa anq jerrereon. GAS RANGE for sale. , Hign even. Mar- Snail 1311.' - . ; $36 EDISON rotary mimeograph. $TH $8 down, $2- monthly. $50 Aldon. SPLENDED Smith Premier typewrlterj 625: $5 down. 3 montn. 3t)o Aider. WELL rotted manure; East 4926. WANTED MISCELLANEOrS 5 TO buy cash reglstar, scales; cheese cot ter, coffee mill, credit register and meat aimer, can aiarsnair ets. COVELL pays the beet price for your second band ' furniture,' carpets and i-M. ftA, . 1A4 tOTra. iui icy. w.m oj urn, . . , RARGER'S AUCTION HOUSE $70 E. . Morrison, pbon E. 1022 pays hlhest rash price Tor rumituTe, BE WISE; ret more for your second hand furniture by se'.ilng It to Ford -. . . n . . . . . . a . 1 h A r . . . 1 . . ATirtion K-o.t ll IBt ginin in, mg--f. V.. 1 1. I I I... WANTED 2d hand wheel, cushion frame Marshall izii. - --' WE buy and sell most, anything. , Main vise. it ist si. WANTlCO 2J hand furniture. East 3134 348 Howthome ave. fleeter ft Martin. ' WANTED 2d hand furniture Portland Balvare Co.. 528H Wash. Mar. 32i3. WANTED Complete : moving picture outnt. wnat nave you 1 v-bub, joornai. CASH paid for household gooda C. M. renaeii a uo., juarsnaii tzus. jat By "Bud" Fisher