THE ;' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 12, 1912. 11 t , m. a. a. tnmw At tn fceedlna; peoielU , ' I am ft registered and llosnsed physician, v, confining my" ",kJ Eractlc to the ailments of MEN, I v. mijrt monay ranltil.lli W establishment than ' all otbafr Port Una apeclalists combined. I uaa my photograph so that whan you coma to aca ma personally you will recognise ma. Investlgats my reraosal stsndlng before accepting raatmant from a doctor ot unkoawn Identity er reputation. ;". '-,- " V Are You ". bain treated in ft aatlsf aetory tnaw ner b your present doctor Tift ns carrying out his promises Ha he erred you In a reasonable Mm. nd Jrved up to hla guarantee Ara you paying him exorbitant prtoaa for RedldnsT Does ha employ thorougn ' u-to-dst and actentlflo methoda which would be approved by the reg ular family doctor? If yon cannot answer theaa questions favorably to yourself, com end hava confiden tial talk .with ua .about, your as Tt will coat you nothing TAMIOOn - YSXBB. X.OOI JOt- ojt. mms, nmu, ETO . Cured in 5 Days Wvyr .Vstentloa From Ooeapatioa, , Family or Soma, NO JBVERK OPERATIONS. MANY CASKS PERMANENTLY CURED IN NIC TREATMENT. MOST TTMF.-SAVINa MOST NAT URAL, MOST 8AFBVA RADICAL ANDPFRMANENT CURE. I OtVE mt wonn ant will crris tou TO OTHER MEDICAL AtrmORI- ITES THAT THIS T8 A FACT. I M CERTAINLY REPAR3t) TO TtTRE RT EXPRRteNCB AND rOTTTPMFVT. WHTCH ARBS THE KKTSTONKS TO STTCCWSS. I HAVE THE RERT EOT7TTPETV MEDICAL OFFTCF ON THE COAST. rms oonvxiTATxov I invite you to eoma to my tfflee. I will explain to you my treatment for Varicose Vein a, Hernia, Nervous Debility. Blood Disord ere, Plies, Fis tula, Bladder. Kidney, Prostatic and all Men's Ailment, and Hive you FREE a phvwfcal examination: If nee eeaary a microscopical and chemical anslysls of secretion to determine pathological and bacteriological- con ditions. Every person ahould take advantage of this opportunity to learn their true condition. A per manent nre 4a what yoo want. My offlcea ars open all day from a. m. to I p. m. and Sundays from aTg. Smith, Mo Da S34H Morriaoa St., Cora Si Portia, Oregon Modern Methods I am positively the only specialist In Portlan4 that publlahes hla own photagraph, pereonaHy conducta and manage bis awn office and con sult with and treat all his own patients. I have mora qualifications and experience than any other spe cialist advertising In this city. Every man calling at my office is assured of my pemonal and Individ ual treatment until a cure la ef fected. My fees ara one fourth that c-sacted bv the various "medical companies," 'institutes" and "mu seums." Be aura to consult ma be fore treat I ne elsewhere. mCW OSBMAI SXSOOTBBT TOB BLOOD POISON $25 I TVX.miL HIT PBOMXKBS t ACCSFT WO nroxntABZ.B CASTS X Bayer KOXJB OUT VAMS BOPES Why treat with Incompetent when you can secure the expert servleea of a competent specialist? Come to me if you have any of ths following disorders: Varicose Veins, Pimples, Werrons Debility, jr a r v a, Blood and Skis. Disorders, Bladder Trouble, Blood Poisons, Eruptions, TJlcsrs, Special Ailments, Piles or Ztstula. - to to 1 Xany Sunday 18 to 1 Cxamlaatloa A dvloe Traa, J.J.Keefe,PkG.M.D. Boom ; 11-14 barayetta Bldg. S13V4 V ASHTTwaTOH STH OOA tth POKTI.AK"D. OB. TO BB BX2STOBBB TO KXAXTB fulokly, safely aad pallly ought ts ho taa aim of every smfferer. With na ture's remadies so near mt band Bad so eaay to take, affording- patients sseana to recovery without going to hospitals -or health resorts out of the oity, thus hark compounds should be tried by sick people whs have glren up hove. They are not a new thing-, sor are they ftajr exneriment. Whsn vonr aasa oomes Be fore the doctor, be will eU yon osV tively whatboc ha benefit. you or not. Unless your condition can n un proved, ha win hot take your oasa. xt is tor that wary reaaoa that taousaaaa of people through out the northwest nre neraidiny ua praises. c. Gee Wo C. Gee Vo- Von. will do well to call on him If vou are suffering; from dieeases 1 tho Nerves, mooa. sin, neart, ijivar, etom anh or Kidnevs. Includlnc Rheumatism. ; Paralysis, loss Of Nrrve Force, Consl pstlon. Catarrh, Indisrestion, Dyspepate, AVeaR Back, lloaiin, .uropjiy, ucsema. Scrofula and Diseases of women and M Tf " rou llva elsewhore tha'n In Port land end wish to procure hla inedloinea, send cents in stamps and ft aymptam blank Snd circular will be forwarder, to you. This you will fill out and proper remedies win tnen am m?n o you, ; Open Evenings and Sundays. Ih C Cce Vi CLncse, Ez?.czt Co. Z.C2M rirwt Cort liorrlson, A 01 t.uJ Cr, JETTY MATERIAL Demand for. Tonnage to Re move Freight to Small Coast ; Ports Great; May Add More t Vessels Shortly. t ' FuJfUllnf the first pari of ft contract to deliver material to the contractors tor ths -Sluslaw Jetty, the cms schooner Din OPTXOB X' Where Hen Get Cured S BPBCIAXIST W0 OVBBB Our well known and reliable cura tive institution, ths DR. GREEJ office. Is A permanent fixture of Portland. It has become a Mecca of hop for afflicted men throughout the Northwest. Its financial re sponsibility is as solid as -gold. Its business and professional methods are clean. The ' strictly modern treatment it administers, as acoroa of ita- cured patient know, is ssm ful, scientific and successful APTXXCTXS SEE, before trsftttae: elsewhere, honestly investigate our provea aawusoc. tou wiu tnen unaer- stanft now eaeuy and euicuy we oure all enrable eaaea of VAJUOOSB tbxjtS aaa aiuOCIIJ without sever smrr ioal eperatlen; fJBETXAX. OBSTBUO TIOaTt withoat cutting of sumisa: kPBaxrxo xx-oon potsosr without in. ran on eurugs (ao skilfully adminis tered when preferred) BXBVO-VXTAX, BEBXUTT without stimulative reme dies PBOSTATXO, BliASDEB and BID VST Troubles; COKTBACTEO CJ ordersi mil, BXCTAX. oomplfttats ftftd all ftiimsftta of men. Our Offer NO MON8T K QTJIRED UNTIL SATISFIED IS ?our absolute protection. Consul atlon. Examination and Diagnosis free and atrictly private. , What you want is a cure.1 Come to ua and Cat it. One Under our treatment, you will quickly realise how simple ft thing it la to get wall in the handa ot ft specialist who know hia buainess. Our cures add not only years to Ufa. but life to years. We put few energy into worn out bodies. Office hours, daily, to ; evening. I to S; Sundays, DR. GREEN CO. Mft Washington St Portland, Or. 'STMEf S DISORDERS By C K. Holsman.M.D.,The Leading Specialist I am an expert specialist, treating ailments of men ex- Miialvolv. I own at efflco and equipment, publish my trus photograph and neraonally supervise the treatment et all patlenta from the time they com te me until they are discharged aft cured. Although my time la fully oe iinlafl from early morn until late at jilght in looking v ... ne m natiMita. and m i w special treatment for Blood peioon ana always vase pleasure in oonmiwa -wim ...i miw unlMi te the afflloted I am Blvtna? vou I k K&a anvwhera expertence for the past -II yjrs ear. nVysblllty. honosty and Integrity and. to convince the most Skeptloi jnaj a :jTt niMHa cM.ri&llat InPsrtland. i a ! mrti a wit that It and should not be classed slth inexperienced dootors or ajy gj. , ls9vssasaa.BM .A ' a thorough investigation shsulsl be made ty every ftiMn man as to the soMlallst be osmsults. Duty and destiny to self and those who depend upos Trou demand Tt hi best medical attention. I have the ability and can tfveVou tMe oerytea I have always charged a vary reasonable tea, so that mv service may be obtained by any man whs sincerely deetrea to be mmI I makt misleading statements, false promises orunbulnessl!ks IMon. 1 would Ilka ts have yen for a patient If you will come to me ITatrtlv professional basis, aocsptlnj inducements that I ffar. which ara my ability; II years ftuosesstul experlenoe, tUns-savtng treatment and cure of csrtaln diseasea . ' TABtOOSB VBTBTS. " I daily deroonstrat that these i awn dltlena can be cured In nearly all easea by one treatment In anieh ft at Ufactory way that tho organs are r'rved snd strogthsned, T-atn cesses, swslllns; njsldea, a healthy elreulstlon is rapidly roostabllshed. Instead of the depressing; fopdltlons. I guarantee yoa a ours to stay cures or refund the money. - 1 " . WTTtwsrr in VXJLSBBB XIXsV , BASxa. With these diseases yow may hayo more oomplloatlons than are presort ed byany other diseased organ. By ny searching Illumination of the bladder I determine accurately - the disease and by m)crecopie examina tion and urlnslysls ! jmake doubly sure the condition ot the kidneys, thus laying foundatlonft for scienti fic treatment.-,- -, micme bxaob vono. Solsntlfie treatment only ehnuld bs used tn eembattlng this) loathsome dlseasa I euro Bleed Poison by tho new German Bemedy whioh I intro duee directly Into the blood, purify ing It, neutralising It and expelling poison from the system. - New blood thus formed suppl'es and rebuilds the tissues in such a way that tho patient recovers; his normal stats) of health. Strength and soiindneea. KT . PXBBOT . ATfBBTi .,. Ttm That disorder commonly known as Weakness has tor years and genera tion baffled the effort of physt ciane, yet te this very day aaina toritv of dsotars, aneeialists not ex- -eeytea. en i pmi -s i trsstftt hit AMmsWrttsa' off Msm nnd ours to mtmy outwd I Oiler Free CcniaUallon end Examinalloa I invite yes to como to my offlso. I will wrplaln to you my treat ment for Varteooe vein a hsmla, nervous debility, blood poteen, Piles, fia tnla, bladder, kidney andi all men's) ailment, and give you FREB a physical esmmlnatiea if rem write for free book and ftelt-oaamlnatloa blank. , ; mt ofxVs Is srpws an Cap from a. sa, to p. as.' aad Banday rrwak ja a la, AU aesrespoadeaee txoated ooaf MsntJaUp. Sottoss akoarf ally nnsweeea. DR-CIuEfllSEM "m ..jaewr: Osprey, Whlc1 arrived Saturday ftftsr noon, will eatl v tonight or tomorrow morning for Florence. She will be in command of Csptsln H. Vahlbuach. , A. D. Chase and Oeorgs Tale, who rf operating the Osprey, plan to ind her direct to florenoa for trip or two af ter which she wUl, make Neatucoa, Til lamook and Nehalem. making; ft trip v sry tlx day. She will bft Inspected at 1 O'clock this afternoon by the local In spectors and shs will sail . from here with 10 tons material tor the Slus law Jetty, -v- .. - .' . Tho operators of the llttlo craft have a contract for delivering supplies that will keep her tunning all summer la ad dition to other freight which she will handle to and from Florence) and other ports of Southern Ortgon. v It Is understood that tho demand for tonnage to . move freight between Port land and smaller porta on the coast Is ed great that the people interested in the Osprey are figuring on securing two other vessels of larger tonnage to place In1' ths trad.. . . v.'s Another gas schooner which ' Chase and Tals are. operating now is the En terprise which piles between Bandon and the Rogue river. . Bhe will handle freight sent from this port on the Os prey taking it from sanaon ; to . tns How Cold AffecU the Kidneys Avoid taking cold if your kidneys are sensitive. Cold congests the kidneys, throws too much work upon them, and weakens tbslr action. Serious kidney trouble and oven Bright' -disease may result. Strengthen your kidneys, get rid of the pain and soreness, build them up by the timely use of Foley Kidney Pills. Tonlo in action, quick In reaulta For sale by Skldmore Drug; Co., two stores: Main store, 161 Sd ot. Branch store, Morrison and West Park sta. MEN AND WOMEN JV VVfl X AAJXtJa AAJB-JU VAX VTiAA TOVB OOOTOB OrTBir XirBPXBES A All that ws ask is that you call at our office and talk over your condition with ua We will treat it confidentially, give you a complete phys ical examination and our best advice. If vah ,Yi I V Aiir A 1 a Ir- nosls and advice cor rect ana our ree right, wo win oe pleased to treat you. I TOtrm ookti- nmoB la us and our ability to euro you will grow as ws become we produce results Consulting Spe better acquainted. abreast of the time, our methods of treatment modern and all Old routine and uneuccessful methods have no room in our establishment. .. ' wx enma aotttb ajn crxatoHzo dis- BASXS OP KEN AJTD WOSCEH regardless of how long stanHlng. After you have tried patent medicines with out number and have conaulted and treated with aeveral doctors and they have tailed to relievo you, w will cure you. Our External Absorbent Method of .-.... , . . . T, . tbla stubborn and painful ailment. UIBJU We will refund the cost of treatment to anyone Buffering with this dlatreas in Aondition if ws cannot arrant ft Per manent relief. . ic ursaaTivn necessary for the aucoessful treatment of Pllea, Tumors, Cancers, Rupture and other similar conditions. - OXBOBXO COKSTXPATXOB Nervous Diseasea, Kidney and Bladder Diseases, General Weakness, Ear, Nose and Throat, Cstarrh and Lung Diseases, Liver and Stomach Diseasea. Ecsema cured by our methods of treatment boos ruuwsiaw We offer you s choice of three reme dies for this condition Including "6.M a TOV ABB SISOOVBAOEO COIT- ' BTJXT TJS rXEI TOiDAT If you cannot call at our office, writ for free symptom and diagnosis blank. Boors S a. as. U S p. bv Bundays 11 tUl 8. Modern Specialists rtrst and Alder Sts. Phono Mala 4485 BBTTBABOB 111 ASSEB BTBXBT in administering mvl ui u ii i vartcoee veins, i riumw Mv reputation andi leave no doubt as tol should be sufflcLsnti am ino lunjMuoi I nossess skill and! no ether can shareL. it by methods that have boon in con stant use and have always failed for half a century. They dose tho sys tem with powerful stimulants and tonloft. calculated to restore nervous force or strength that is net and never hss been lacking, with the re sult that the functions are tempo rarily excited te the peeltlvo detri ment of the patient. Weakness Is only a symptom resulting from many local oondltloss and Is curable, by local treatment only, without the giving) f a single internal dose, which demonstrates the absolute ac curacy of my understanding and treatment of tala disorder. In years I have not met with a single failure and I have entire oonfldenoo in my ability to cure all oases that come te me for treatment. I am eq nelly certain that no treatment other than that whioh I have perfected can com pletely and . permanently . rsstora strength and vigor. , wo MONBT REQTTntED VO COMMFNCBj TREATMENT. Many patlenta have no confidence tn their doctor, because he demands pay be fore cure has been effected and there ara many who have been mis informed about their eerdltien or through unsuccessful treatment have become skeptical and think there Is ne oure for them. I want an oppor tunity to treat such tnen. It makes no difference about the financial part, as I accept pay1 for my serv ices as benefits are derived; when t am satisfisd the patient is reliable. Health Is capital at Interest I will prove my ability to cure before ask ing pay, for my serrioea 221 i Mcrrixca St J V I I I My j I Rogue, ' ths' Osprey being too large to onter the latter river. ) , 1 , , . i. ' v ' ' ' - WATERHOUSH FLEET ' r f f hi , British 6. 8. Suveiric JJpe February " 10 Other Schedules, " Due to arrive her February II, ths British steamer Suverio will be ths next Waterhouse fleet to arrive at this port to load for the orient. Shs' is now ftt Victoria according to the weekly report of Frank Waterhous A Co, whioh follows; Oriental eervloe." Hercules, sailed co rn ox. Jan. IB, for Mojl; Kurqerlc, ar rived Manila, Feb. J: Lucerlc, ftt Hong kong; Orterlo. sailed Vancouver for or iental porta. Feb, 1; Strathlyon, sailed Vancouver for Kobe and Shanghai. Jan. 10; Suverio, arrived Victoria: Rygja, at Tacoma; Strathendrtdc:' sailed 1 Mujilteo for Yokohama and Kobe via' Nanalmo, Jan. 10. . Australian service. Belle of Scotland, sailed San Francisco Tor Auckland, Jan. IS: Henrlk Ibsen, sailed San Francisco for Auckland and Sydney, Jan; 14: Croy don, arrived Auckland, Feb. ; Strathalr ly, at Tacoma. . ; HUMAN . EXPRSSS PACKAGE Chinese Boy to Arrive on George W. Elder From Bar City, Oee Foag, the human express pack asa. Is scheduled to arrive her at to night on tho steamer Oeorg W. Elder from San Franclaoo, according to ad vices received this morning by Local Agrent Martin J. Higley of tho North Paolflc Steamship company. Oee Feng, ths Chinese boy, is being seat by ex press through this country from Ene nada, Mexico, to Vancouver, B. C and his delivery out of this country has been guaranteed by the , Well-Fargo Express company. Higley also received a receipt for his t00 head tax which is to be delivered when ha leaves here. Ha will be sent from here to Seattle on ths Great Northern and from Seattle be will be ahlppitl to Vancouver by way of the Canadian Pacific Steamship com pany. This 1 supposed to be the first time that a human being has ever been shipped from on point to another by express. WILL TOW ROCK SCOWS LdtUe 8tesuner Roberta Bought by Sittslaw Contractors. (Special te Tb Journal.) Eugene, Or, Feb. IS. The little steamer Roberts, a pioneer vessel ot ths lower Sluslaw, has been purchased by Johnson A Anderson, contractors on the north jetty at the mouth of the Slus law, and 1 will be used to tow the rock soows from the quarry up the river to the jetty. The vessel has boon In dry dock for a year but it will at once be launched and placed In . commission. This steamer was brought to the Slus law about is yeara ago and until the time it was placed la drydock it was used to tow lumber schooners in and out of ths harbor, besides making trips to Astoria, Newport, Coos Bay and other smaller ports along the Oregon coast, carrying freight and passengora MAKES RAPID TIUI Reaches Astoria 20 Bays Oat From Santa Rosalia, . Squalling the performance of the Ger man ship Lasbek, ths British ship Port Stanley, Captain Williams, reached As toria yesterday after a passage up ths coast from Santa Rosalia ot tt days, The time of the two vessels was ths same and they are the fastest passages ot ths season. The Port Stanley left up tor the Llnnton ballast dock this morn Ins; in tow of tho steamer Ocklahama FOR COLDS In Head or Chest Try This Simple Treatment No Co caine or Opium, Mind You. Booze and Quinine Upset the Stomach and Muddle the Brain. J No stomach dosing with this sensible treatment that puts ft cold out of busi ness overnight. Do this once during the evening and again upon retiring. Into a bowl of boiling water pour a scant teaapoonful of HTOMEI, cover head with towel and breathe for five minutes the healing, soothing, antiseptic vapor that arises. HTOMEI is made of purest Austral Ian eucalyptus, a remedy that ia pre scribed by nose and throat specialists ererywhera Bottle of HTOMEI only to cents at dealers everywhere. Complete outfit, which includes pocket inhaler that can be used during th day, $1. tirnuAi leureeaunrn IllUllWWdllUditutl.c, mk and hytrleavl er oftBdenS at tames. eCKWfl IAMD MKJtVB TOMICoaree far good. Bmll4iy tha ayta ad fcrtgfet m te ald. 7Sc a box. Write for proof. X)K BOsAMKO CO. FUlaaelphla Pa. I Cure Men Quickly I am making men well and whole. I am doing what no other specialist can do for men. When all oth ers fail I cura be cause my praote has been wider, my experience more var ied, because my knowledge is mora perfect What I am doing for others I will do for you. MT SPX0XAX.TXES ABB Tsttous Debility, Blood Ailments, Piles. Var loo Veins, Buptnrs, Kid ney, Bladder aad all ailments pecul iar to men. Do net let money mat ters keep you sway, as my chargea are so low as to be within the reach of all. OOOTJ BOBBST WOBB snd a QTJABB BBAX, is what you want. Consultation and examination free. Call now or writa DR. LINDSAY The Old Bailable Specialist Corner Alder and Second streets. Entrance 1 28 Second street, Port land, Or. Office .hours t a m. to g p. m. Sunday 10 a m. to 1 p. m. and after discharging aha will come to tha local harbor to load wheat for. the United Kingdom for Kerr. Oifford A Co. TAKES "OUT FRESH; BUOY fc I unto .. - 8 V t , ManianlU to Change Position of Signals In Grays Harbor District. , Steaming from Astoria this morning, th lighthouse tender Mansanlta took a number of . freshly . cleaned and painted buoys out for Orays Harbor, where shs will do buoy work for the next two weeks. She will relieve : the buoys at present there and ths' positions of some will be changed, according to Henry L. Beck, Inspector 'for the Seventeenth dis trict, Bom of the buoys being miss ing, : they will be replaced. ; ALONO THE WATERFRONT Laden with . . cement and general freight the steamer Claremont Captain Christiansen, -.will be due to arrive to morrow from San Francisco. , ' . Carrying 400 tons of cement and 400 tons of general freight. the steamer Carloa, Captain Petersen, arrived, at th Couch street dock this morning from San Francisco. She also had passen gers. With S10 passengers and 2200 tons of general freight the steamer Bear, Cap tain Nopander, sailed yesterday after noon for Ban Francisco and Loa Ange les. The steamer Ross City, Captain Ma son, will bs due to arrive from Los An gelea and. San Franciaco -this afternoon at 4 with 200 passengers and 1S00 tons of freight Oho has 700 tons of sugar and 100 tons of general freight In . a report ts ths Merchant Ex change yesterday afternoon. It was stated that tho British bark Brltlsb T soman, which put to sea from here on January St, had put Into San Fran cisco' because of her steering gear be ing damaged In a storm shortly after she left the Columbia river. Laden with a full cargo of oat, th steamer Pomona, of tho Oregon City Transportation company fleet will be down tonight from .Peoria Shs went up there yesterday for' ths grain, MARINE WOTES Astoria, Feb. IS. Arrived at and left hp at T:S0 a nu, steamer Falcon, from San Franciaco. Balled at 7 a. m, steamer Bear, tor San Franciaco and San Pedro. Arrived at 7 and left up at 1 a. m., steamer Ross City, from Ssn Pedro and San Francisco. Sailed at 7:S0 a m., steamer Maverick, for San Francisco. Sailed at 7:S8 a m., French bark Rene, for Queenstowa or Fal mouth. Sailed at S:IS a. m., stesmer Heather; at 9:40 a m., steamer Mansan. ita Left up at 11:10 a m.. British bark Port Stanley. Arrived at 11:80 p. ra. stesmer OeO. W. Elder, from San haMego snd way ports. Left up at I a m.. steamer Oleum. Eureka, Feb. 11. Arrived, steamer Alllsnoe, from (Portland. Astoria Fob. 11. Sailed it I a ra., steamer Klamath, for Ban Pedro. Ar rived at :S0 and left up at I a a, steamer Breakwater, from Coos Bsy. Arrived at S a m. and left up at 4 p. m., steamer Johan Poulsen, from San Francisco. Arrived st I and left up at 10:80 p. m., steamer Carlos, from Ban Francisco. Arrived at S and left up at 9:80 p. m., steamer Tosemita, from San Francisco, Arrived at I p. nu, steamer Oleum, from Port San Luia San Francisco, Feb. 11. Sailed at 1 p. m., steamer Claremont for Portland. Arrived, British bark British Teoman, from Columbia river, for Sydney; put in with steering rear damaged. San Pedro, Feb. 10. Sailed, eteamer Shasta for Columbia river. . Astoria, Feb. IS. Condition at the mouth of the river at a nu, smooth; wind east, SO miles; weather, eloudy. Tides at Astoria Tuesday High wa ter: 9:18 a nu, T.8 feet; ll:!i p. m, 6.4 feet Low water: 8:87 a m., 4.1 feet; 4:48 p. nu, 0.4 feet Daily River KrvmTlngs. rj jt-T : a Js STATIONS - 5 fo e 9 Ss s- - Lewlflton I 24 I 4.61 0.6 0 Rlparia 80 6.4 0.4 0 Umatilla 26 8.8 0.8 0 Eugene 10 7.1 0.1 .01 Harrisburg ........ 1 4.9 0 0 Albany 80 9.6 O.S .07 Salem 26 9.6 0.6 0 Wileonvllle 87 16.8 4.6 0 Portland 1 8.0 0.4 0 Rising; falling. Ancient Fall Cause of Insanity. Coquille, Or., Feb. IS. Frank L. Grif fith, an unmarried young man of 27 years of age, who lives a f sw miles west of Philomath, wa adjudged Insane and was taken to the Infirmary at Salem. Griffith has been acting strangely for some time, one of his Illusions being to think he could see his step-father in the act of killing his mother. It is said a fall when a small child, when bs struck in some manner on his head, is the cause of his trouble. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS CERTIFICATES, of title made by the Title A Trust oompany. Lwta bldg., 4th and Oak. Ellen Ralston and husband to Co- operatlve Trust company, lot 1, block 2, Field's addition f lit J. A. Pettlt and wife to R. M. Porue, lot 8, block 6, Baglnaw Heights US Portland Trust oompany to Thomas Russeir lots 8 and 4, block 87, West Portland Park. 180 E. O. Allen and wife to Oregon Realty company, tract 83, Ab ernathy Heights 100 Jscob E. Grebe and wife to Ash ley A Rummelin, bankera, lot 1, block 127, Stephens addition... 7,600 Ada M. Hart to Fred N. Clark et al, 1 acre to Kyle IX L. C, also 8.026" acres beginning west line of D. L. C of Thomas Carter 400.94 feet southerly from N. E. corner of said tract "D". . . IS. 000 PACIFIC Title A Truat Cc th leading a he trao tor. T Ch. Com., arounj floor. W. R. HAIZLIP CO. tnc, Abstractor. 606 Oerllnger bldg" Sd and Alder sts. BIRTHS CATLIN To Mr. and Mrs. Seth Catlln. 742 Overton street, January 18, a boy. GEVERTZ To Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Oeverts, 742 Overton street, January 6HEL10N To Mr. and Mr. Edward Sheldon, 742 Overton street, January 18, a boy. .,' . - SHEINeK To Mr, and Mrs. Charles Shelner, S46 East Seventy-fourth street February 4, a boy. LA WILL To Mr. and Mrs. Jay La will, 660 East Twentieth street February P'OLLOCK To Mr. and Mr.' Jam Pol lock, 8 Albin street, February T, SHADKIV To Mr. snd Mrs. Nathsn Bhftdkln, 2084 Bherldaq street, ami- bSiOMAKK To Mr. and Mrs. Charles ftohomakor, 8806 Forty-ninth street, February 7, a boy, , PETTY To Mr. and Mr. Petty. Bill Thirty-third street, February 8, a boy. HARPER To Mr. and Mrs. Jame Har per, 4047 Blxty-fourtn street Febru ary . boy., , ; - HOCrUB To Mr, and Mrs. "Wflllftm Hogue, 2T infty-elrhth atreet Feb. niarv S. a hnv. , ISHERWOOU To Mr. and Mrs. Felix Isherwood, 1064 Quimby street, Fsb ruary 8, a slrL yoifN(i To Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank Young, 402 Third, street February ,10, a alrl.. STEW TOP AT ? A COMMERCIAL HOTEL - DOWNTOWN ; ;: . $16,500 ! ' An old established hostelry, known all over Northwest, s year lease at is per room. 6 story brick, 100x100, cor ner; spacious lobby, bar with license and .stock, buses, eta. all included , in price. 814,600. This Is a sacrifice ac count poor health. Some clear real ae tata would be considered. CW. LAMAR 1T OOBBBTT BXJDO. 10-Acre Tract 20-Acrc Tract ONION LAND BEAVERDAM LAND Onions are $2.25 per sack. You can grow 600 sacks per acre. Easy terms. The Spanton Co. Members Portland Realty Board 269 Oak Street We Will Buy Stump Land We have a wealthy client who has left it to us to pick him out 300 to" 600 acres of first-class stump land. He wishes it as an investment and will buy immedi ately. We will investigate any thing at looks good. Now is your chance to sell. C. F. SMITH & SON 210 Railway Exchange A-4315 Marshall 2672 $41M Can you beat this for AN WWESTMENT? f seres, well improved; good 9 room house; inside city limit and within blocks of bank, poatoffica, atorea, de- ?.ot; one of th best towns in ths Wil amett valley. This clatted Into lot will bring f 10,000 at present prioeatSeo M. S. Cobb , 91 Ton Bldg, Portlaad, Or. 90x100 $25 cash, balance $10 per month. This is a bargain. THE SPANTON CO. Members Portland Realty Board 269 Oak Street Finelmproved Farm 1(0 acree, all in cultivation. STBAB EVOBBB 1H miles from railroad. 8 room houee, barn, family orchard. XSSPB0TB3CBBTB AXX. VUBT PZBB Good water. Exceptionally Good Land Price 86 per acre; 1-S cash, balance 8 DOUGLAS BROS. 80S BO ABB OP TBATJB BISO. BE INDEPENDENT! FIVE -ACRE TRACTS Fine soil, adapted to fruit, poultry snd garden. mil good town, with 16,000. High.echool. SS6 CA8B, S10 BtOBTSK. Also choloe farms on eaay term. Bleckstone. Simpson k Blackbum Bidgsflsla, Wssh. REAL ESTATE LOANS MORTGAGE LOANS PZOJn JOHN E. CKONAN rr0?o ' aoa. Snaldlag Bid-. " is MEETING NOTICES 41 MULTNOMAH CouncU Boyal . Arcanum meets at Kl P. g Shall, 11th and Alder street. the seoond and fourth Monday Vi iXf ot each month at 8 p. m. 5atf Visitors cordially weloomed. P. Lloyd Cover, Secretary, 64 Union av. M."W. A. HOSE CUT CAMP Monday Selllmr-Hlrsch bldg.. Washington near 10th. Phone clerk. Main 984, A-488A JL N. A. Ore. Rose Camp, meets Frt v., Alissy nan, ti ana Mwrum MARRIAGE IJCENSES James Morgan, 6S7 Williams ava, age ST. and Oraoe Coulter, age 7. John Dupay. city, age 21. and Jktn dred O'Donnell. age 18. Kenneth Evans, 682 Main ag 11, and LouIh Matlen. age 21., Emlleo Rlvelll. IS. 28th and Kelly ava. gur an., ana wiuvmui jrmuvru AiWa-9 xP4vi W TTallai -nitv ' Or :ir Atkar XMik TTallai TlltV ' Or T tff. ' T" VV. G, Smith & Co. ?tftV' c?. Washington Bldgoor. 4th on Wash'ton, FLOWERS, f loral designs. Lubllner. florist, 488 Wah4 bat, 11th and 13th. Mr 7B8. A-1884. URKSS aults for rent1 all sUe. L'ulqu Talloriner -Co.. 8fll Wrwrk at. CLIIKK UKua., Holl and floral dun ten a. f ii t iU u BEATRS ' AND ' FIXrilAI.'l HAWKS .At ths home of her son, 1 1 o r ac B. Hawea, 1087 Eat Washlnwto't at, Feb.; 11, Elisabeth Haw, antd ?ear 6 month 21-dnyn. l-uii'il will eke place, from the Central Christian church. , East 20tht and Haltnon iri tomorrow ('Tuesday) Fob. 18, at 8 p. m. Friends respectfully Invited. In-: terraent lKne Fir ce-rriotery. -HKDEMARK Andrew lledemaik, 'tloo.l Samaritan hospital. Feb, 10. axe 41; hemorrhage. . ...!'( . : ...... '; , PETERSON Frank; Peterson, Lenta, Or.. Feb. , age 78; heart failure. BOLTON Wealth Bolton. 30 E. (th et. N.. Feb. , age 91; old age, JOHNS Edward , Johns, Multnomah hospital, Feb, 9, age 19 months; men ingitis. . - t ' ! iLAX M. SMITH, florist. 169 tth U pp. Meier A Frank's. Main 7211. FUNERAL DIRECTORS J. P. Finley & Son - Third snd Madison. Lady attendsnt Main 9. ' A-1699. Dunning & McEntee US?." ertaSer Modern In every detail. 7th and Pina.'Mala 4IA A-4D&S. uiay anitant. MR." EDWARD HOLMAN, the leadins funeral director and undertaker, ,220 tn it., cor, naimon; laay aseistant. A. R, ZELLER CO. MoTJt FRIPCHM Undertaking Co. JjaTa LnlUoUll lt6. A-1136. LadV as't EAST 8ID5S funeral directors, succene- or io r. . uunntng, ina K. x, Blltn. Ft RPU UnderUker. Lady aaslstanL 1888. K.-T81. E. Cth-Alder. PaJ rtnn Pn Funersl directors, 8- rparson lo. S7i Rueii t. a io. QlFWFQ Undertaker., 8d and Clayl OrCVVLOMaln 41S8. A-18S1. Lndy at CEMETERIES iT.eWTT The CEMETERY Beautiful s LA ROB, PERMANENT , s PORTLAND'S ONLY " MODERN CBMETERT - WITH PERPETUAL , of all burial plots without extra charge. Provided with a permanent Irreducible Maintenance Fund. . Lo cation ideal; lust outside ths city limits on north and weat slopes of Mount Boott, containing 888 acre. Equipped with every modern con venience, ,-. ,... PRICES TO STTTT ALT ' SERVICE THE BEST. ONE MILE SOUTH OF LENTS. REGULAR, AUTOMOBILE BERV. . I ICE FREE BETWEEN , LENT8 AND THE CEMETERY. . . ... , ; CTTT OFFICE, 9S0-9S1 TEON BUILUINO. MAIN !ZS, A-7084; CEMETERY OFFICE. TABOR 1448; HOME PHONE. RIN3 B-4111. THEN CALL LOCAL 4S0L . . . GENERAL REAL ESTATE 62 FOR BALE 10 acre .tract unimproved. Good land. 830 per.acra Alexander or Berry, 4 N. tth st FOR SALE HOUSES x 01 $100 down, $10 a month. 4 room pl&st. ered house; corner lot, on main street at Lents, 8 blocks from car. Pbons Tabor 1899. ... ... " .; -'. ' FOR BALE A bargain for 10" days; my new S room bungalow, modern In every respect,- full concrete basement, fire place, . corner lot- Also 8 lots, smalt nouso, S minutes' walk from Firland sta tion. Inquire of owner, 4(88 74th sk S. E. and 47th ave. AM anxious to sell my new modern room bungalow,' SOxlOO lot, full ce ment baaement, 'cement walk, built-in Putch kitchen and buffet Price $2500: $60 down, $28 a month, including inter est See owner afternoon at 1217 17th st tt. - - - - - : $2750 rooms, full basement, cement floor, best plumbing, oak floor, fire- filace. double eonatructed, built-in fix urea, mirror door, eta half block Rose City Park ear, 42d St.; about $800 cash. Phone Woodlawn S298 after p. m. HOUSE AND BARN, 1404 E. Flanders st No sham. If you don't want to buy, don't torn, and diaturb tenant This 1s a bargain at 82200, buyer to as sums a mortgage of $900, balance cash. Office, 1458 B. Gllean st J. Treesler. BEST BUILT HOME : Irving-ton. 10 rooms, finished oak. Will satisfy most exacting. Two hatha Corner 90x100. Choice locatloa. C 1868. East 27S. Owner. W. H. Herd man. ' - ' ; . ' -' ' SEVOBN room modern cottasr en "SL 9th st, south, corner lot-SOxlOO, 'rood gara. This can be bought on godo terma BBALS ft ROBINSON-. t9l E. 11th st East 6028. SACRIFICE FOR CASH,' - Havw $1800 cash paid on fine modern Portland home (balance about $2000). If taken immediately will take 0 cash for my equity. Ne agent. Owner, R- 828, Journal. $2795 3 , New S room modern bungalow a full slued corner lot near Jefferson High acnooi; xmiM. x nunc i..h MUST sell my modern room bunged . low, block from Alberta car line, cor ner, worth $8200, for 82688. . 8800 cash, balance $28 per mo. Ownar, Woodlawn 501. Evenings, 8 16S. KERN PARK BUNGALOW OILY $2160 New. 5 rooms, .bath, electric lights, modern conveniences, half basement, Ait Boott car, $1850 cash, balano $800 st 8 per cent, main $25 Cash. $15 Month Modem nsw S room, bungalow, bath, wired, etc; nioe location. Frio $1500. Owner, D-82 4. Journal. FOR SALE. BY OWNER A new, mod- ern 4 part flat. Income $44 a month; price $6000; will give terms; might con sider good lot as part pay. : Phone Woodlawn 18. ' Buv From Owner v Modern larg three-room hoos. 184 Esst 79th st. Montavllla Terms If de- sired. Address H-8 2 8. Journal. FOR BALE 8 room bungalow, modern... built-in furniture, cement basement waah trays; furnished or .unfurnished. Owner. (Tabor 1719. . ' NEW bungalow, late, modern type; fruit trees, exceptional location; 6 rooine; only $150 cash, balance suitable; price $2100. Main 81, Room 90B. ,r" . $2250 SNAP. .V.-vy. --K :, Grsnd ave. v : '''" . , f room house snd lot. tSS Chamber of Commerce. NEW modern 6 room bungalow fur aale or trade.1 . Investigate this and you won't be sorry. Owner, .404 Commercial bldg.- Monday.- '":':'' ,V , ' ; ' wilL build iro fetiif your rr u.s fl AND HELP, FINANCE HOTWM 19 YOU OWN LOT.-'.'; A (J. FUKLONO. BIT CHAMBER Of CQM. MAIN Ml! 9. $"660 CASH and aeeume contract of "i r.hJ at $16 per month and Interest buy food room houss, lot 80x100, G 824, ournal. - '""-' ' " ' ; ; .-. '' ' ' 82&00. 9 rooms and bath; lotF'iICO; cement front, and stepa Owner, ' Frsnk 'Cain. 827, n. lltn, Eet us figure on your houee, i free, satiwracuou ,urBiwn. Woodlawn KfiO. ' FTVE room modern" neautlfufly" flu. corner bungalow at .eacHfloe; t 811 V.. 54th ft. N. ' ltoii Cay f(r. Call rr rt A NIOWLY furnthliwd iiiu'l.-r u i 0 nnuse, z ver ravi,, eewh. 1 1 lili!1-, , RAMKV, ie li'AM ' btilWWs, ST,"'"ilf v ( Li To l: