10 PRICE OF EGGS IS SHOWING A FURTHER; I O.SS ALONG STREET " Market Down 1 to 2c a Down With Increasing Supplies From Wil lamette Valley folaU South Supplies the North. Portland Wbolasale Market. , Eggs ars lower. Butter . maker fighting1. ' Sugar rise In effect. Wheat prices higher. j . Hop shorts desperate. . Chickens held over. , Dressed meats steady, v Potatoes move higher. n.th.p In the firicalta h.lnr nuAtnl mt Sn in cube, and of eggs along Front street today and .u. 7Z. a- trana- t the lower figure. Again an incraasa in the . .ni thlM has forced down low as 2o a doien, .1- i though singU cases sold aa high as jsc Ths average was Prhaps midway Do. tWT?,!l SiSn TJ? market Prices was erneotea fPtit the extreme bearish . th0.uh',-Df.t- K?.. H"JiAhiI E h ?,h sr neini the values lower than 00 With bringing tne VSlUea wwer t hv ahmid have cone. l .. . . rmn. all narf. Of the Willamette TU ire. W'thiSctrn ,T 35 f-5a.saf.worltdavrSw iendf fo?tn 10 to 1. acrea at a time. . reimuiS I" "A ...J,j mere is aa jei n vum . owing to the mild weather everywhere, which has stimulated the production . ' mm M.rahln extent, eoutnern markets are so muoh mora lower than -the trad here that the nominal call from the north la being supplied from there.. . : . HOP SHORTS GET BUSY In their efforts to cause further de pression in the local hop trade, short sellers continue to send out reports thst the market here la tne weaaest snown. j-jrrorcs to purcnaae nope ai mo rw- Thew movement of short aelier, fa . said to be a concerted attempt of dealers to force low price, for the coming crop as well as for 1811a ' s -r CHICKEN MARKET NOT GOOD Trade ln the chicken market Is wl healthy. Quite a liberal amount, or V1aZVI5E; tmllLl.1 SSor dav .".'n'rh'i.'w'lire ciV: ried over until tomorrow. FIRST ASPARAGUS ARRIVES . i . . i. - ummm I With the arrival or tne nrst nipment VffiSSSS-W sHnrirsd," ne hipPmlStrc.ff rom'Cn'rrcco Sd old at 4Si a onund. Lew A Snleal were the recelvet s. Quality was first class. Fvrther ahipraenta are now ex- cectea aaiiv. - - n . SMELT MARKET IS GLUTTED The smelt market Is srlutted With suppllea While receipts sra , no heavier., demsnd Is not so good. Sales sre being made from tOo to $1' per box or pounds net. SUGAR MARKET FIRM AT RISB Al tne ns or juo quotea in tne tutir trade late Saturday afternoon, the mar ; Vet Is . , firm throughout the United , tstates. Tne aavsnce was quoted in tne east Saturday morning and the trade was no Btponr th.t ft wm aulckly Dlcked up by coast reflnera. un hv rkt rsflnn. - FORECAST FOR SHIPPERS The westhrr buresu sends out the following nnllM tn hlnn.r- pfW3 ;;;mmi ' -mth .. c...i r. ri.. 1 'ot sbout 46 degrees: northeast to Boo- Kane. . 33 degrees: southeast to Boise, I 25 derree.: amith tn fl aklvnu ' 26 oe. I arees. M'nimum temperature at Port- land tonight, about 46 degrees. PORTLAND JOBBIXO PRICES Q rain. Tlonr and Hay, ..uhrM!J?,r,?S.ii. "A" ."e.'2 rstallers. except as other- wpiTPi4,rf a Ii3v AiZT- M!L&liVk&? ljvenr. $7714c:.Wuestem. 89990c; for- S.tUCV Ilk 11, rea, sv it-ioio, sec; Willamette vol ley, 87c; red Russian. 86c; Turkey re ik. i BARLT5Producerr prices 1111 Feed. 36.00 tS.040.00. rolled. $26.00; brewing. M7LLSTTTFF8--8elltne price Bran. $23.00; mtddllnrs. $29.60; shorts, $26.00; chop. $19.00026.00. Car lots BOo psr , tun irvm. OATS Producers' nrleeTrsek No l snot delivery, white. I3232.60; gray $31.60. . sa .lVy..:,'""?.. J"1.? .7 ""l"! tt AtTv i . . locsl straight, $4.0504.25; bakers' $4.30 4.80; export grades, 13.80. .!. !. Prtnt...8437c: ordinary print. m,rv minjtai mnn I aairy, ISC. BUTTKI. FAT Producers Dries F. o. b. Portland, per pound, 87c. , EQGS Local extras, 27c; spot buy ' lng price. 26c f. o. b. Portland. POULTRY Fancy hens, 14c per lb.; springs, 18c; broilers and fryers, 20e; . hi;, . urpBBm, IOC; 11VO ducks. 18e; turkevs alive, nominal. 11c; aresBea. ZUc: I blgeons, old. 21: vounr. Hat. An . OA MB Jackrabblts, $2 per dozen. CHEE8FV Nominal! r..h n fancy, full cream, triolets and dHlatea. J20cs young Amerlras. 20e- storaare flats. 19e: young Amerlcae. 20e: eaat.rn dalsiea 20b. J ( I . M rt . I Vlnttai anjf VavafaMa. POTATOES Belling prices: Ordinary Oregon, $1.261. 86; good, $1.1601,26; $1.0501. SO: vuyins price tame stock, American Wonder seed, sweets.' $3.26. $1.2601.60; APPLKS New crop, $1.60 2.78 ONIONS Yellow No. 1. $2;60; No. 2 81.261.60: aarlle. 7ao ' VtUKTABLKS New turnips, 81 I 26 r.bba: i?:IBV LTi' li .l . v. i r a . - . 17'a-" l""w I per lub; beans, 12c; preen onions. l6o iX". VII' Vi iwpyera, pell, zuc io.; tiead let- luo-, per crate; notnouse, ( ) hot: rsrtlsnes. 15c dosen bunches: celery $6.604.00 crate; egg plant, 10c lb.j cu cumbers, hothouse, $1.40 dos.; peaa. 17c: rauliflower. local, 21.261.86 dos.; Call- avrnin, u.pv mr rrats. Crroeerioa. caah) HICK Japan, No. t. $$Hc; No 1. iitCW 0r,"M hX S9,ei Cnl '""sc. "' war a vvni sssa, ner 1 st 1 wuuus - w vm S.OV e.tan.t tna BAA, a.M. .l Ca. aaas. 8AI.T COSfSe. TlSir grounds 00s $8.60 ".".-V"'" "m'U- "y3- l;i r son $J0 R0 p"" ton. 1 HKAks Krnall whlfe. $4.90: tlW; vliit. $4 $6: pink. $4,26; M-.as, 7; reds. $6.60. bayou. Valleir tlmoihy; fcneV. iT4.S0ai: 6 Ca,"0U'' c r?r'l ,IL "" Oregon $16.60 f" A&SsEPrlnia. ner lb.. c: No l J W ,nS,, ,.c, ereen. , M'NAMARAS' COUSIN anti-s s w4iY 10c; salted hides. 10911c: bulls, green f A 11 TRIFQ wmZVS-'?? pon,r7' . salt. 8c: kips. 11c: calves, dry. Jc: calf JAIL IttlCO r kmi vkiiith - iipa t m. 19 Ik a, i acini uuiipu. ddiu bo: raw. in eaaata 1.76; tangerines. $1.60; bananaa. lUa boiled. In cases, 87a raL lots of lb ; lemons, $6.60: limes, $9 a case; 160 a"ns. le less; oil cake meal. $44 grapefruit. $.00O7.00: plneapplea. it I PeL,l?Pi . ' " y rer lb.: cranberries, 19 ti 9.50: nears. I .WHITH5 LEAD Ton lots. 8e per lb.; SI Kn- Jain annna tl K - - I auu ID. iota, so nnr lh leaa Iota IU . " . r r- - - r- . . ,-f. ...... 1 , 1 , '. ' y . ! nruTtun mm , i ouuAKuoa ie.jojpowaerea. 26.56; gallon- iron b Ma 2 ? V. o tier Vi.Tlon J- w- Bgman, founder of the banking fruit or berry $.86; 6eeV $6.26; dry " ROPE-Manlla 8c- sfsal 7Ci " i house of Sellgman Co. s - cruU'V.nUtion: .'nufaVeJnS .Ipv'rllatMi ,Xwo unsigned not. found m the vlci yiuiia viauvmtwn ymuw raiiuiaieo, 0 ife c.r ar.llorii (.. vhlta K1V f,i tlm'a room, arnlalniul h. A-m, . a leaa lADOva ouotauons are so dava nai THE VALLEY CREAMERIES PLAN ORGANIZATION TO FOSTER SELLING I Prepare to Fight '. CUj Creameries, Which They Claim, Are Artificially Controlling Prices City Makers Say Too Little,. Butter. The greatest fight In the history of ' the creamery butter tradyTS-fowNbalng waged tn th Portland and Willamette markets.- -, i y Acrordlnsr to well defined renorts riv en out this tnornlnsr bv handlers of out of town creamery butter, the creameries of the Willamette valley are nrenering plans for the marketing of their product under conditions tnat will give mem Doner returns ana uicewiae piece incin in closer touch with the city market. The advance of 3 He a. pound mads this morning in the price of butter by city matters is not being rouowea oy lout of town creamttriea. fMtv creamerv tuba which means practically J7o for I Prints and wrappers. .Au"l.cta"".7 ""J I'" " I "?" ",nriniVv.a" slne, the previous decline In the but- r market here the demand for the fh product has been so great that to fill the orders that hava come for- MwU' h result was that nerore the k .... .JV . K nit malrora won i -j . . iiirki. c v " " . . -.7-,. - IU BUI 11 III winyiraio. , eameVyo of the says t. B. Townsena or tne xownsena i ft.n! U - could make if." says Manager Klock I n k Vlnlr Pnwluxa nnmnanv "anil y - therefore an advance was forced.1 TO RAISE POULTRY ... . n i . m r, . . . . today copy of resolutions naB-d bv the Portland Livestock Ex- Warmly Indorsing and off ertaa hmrtr sunnort to the eamnalrn of "Earth Education," being waged in the state under the direction of Superlnten-J cent Aioerman. uk ew,eii;QoorooO to $20.00o"oo0 worth o? T oim- into ' n Jnn .Jh We realise very ruiiy tnat aometnins; aon each 'rom the east, which witn a little education along lines set forth in your campaign would result in this vast sum of money being paid to our own farm communities," say tne resolution In addition Sunerintendent Alderman I l.M tot rarloaile of m were shinned into oreaon last year, ana over zo car- ,,,m Vi. l. . .,. v.t fc orgTAs'sttonTu trlnV tsoSoUns l"?""? years' time, said Suoerlntendent Alder- man. "There are 0.ooo children in or L egon i wno ' ougnt to raise itmcjraa r... ...t.j i. ifl? lili non 'fit 'Avim0It!!!L rld a record as a pro- r"" . r - Sucer: hen broke the world1 MORE RAIN MEANS fSoeelal to Tbe Journal. - C"UW"L' V;"""'" SCHOOL CHILDREN MORE CROP MONEY aim iuuib hiuhcj ivr "IlO D flUnng Ul coming WK. BWfcVUioiu vuiuo u f aiir uiuy viiubiUuii hi ha natsi aassaalr Isa Time Slllat MIimSv WnlU I the Sou haTnot bn .oakSd bw'drVnch: lng rains such as occurred at different i P?&jiifyVlWBm Reach $6.45 In Yards Sheep "."" ""u .iroo.l .twi uav ana tne sprouting grain nas been much benefited. During several days warm sunshine has added to the unusually wci..c iuum.,.. - fiCT PARI Y I AMDQ Ut CAnLT LAIVlDO AT CPUfl nDCnnMI. H 1. VI I U. untuuil Echo. Or.. Feb. 12.- Lamblns; on hay ts going on briskly here. Joe Cunha is ,ar band of sheep on hi. home ranch near here. Antone Vey is I l80 lamblns; on hay at his Butter Creek ranch. In speaking of this early lamb - i on hav. Xfeaara Tnnha and Vv ..v ln on Messrs. Cunha and Vey say that whll ' expensive and the risk of MVlng the lambs is great, the extra nice and earlv lambs for market nv r .jt , v.. i HONET New, T75 per rase. Mops, wool and aides. HOPS Producers' Drlce 1911 eron. cnoice, ivviic: prime, vuc; medium, ip; FvJZZ'KiS"uX,V,KJ Ui"'"?' i. uP. ili ne T lBli lTBiier" 'w ""'i."..": 1911: Willamette valley. 14M17Me: vv vw- a suuu.v-aa ui i,v aiuuuuaii. i MnHAi4ll elioted rHiTTIM Trark PoduVeroHe- - . - ... IVS JSJ??- salted: KelS . . - . . . . green n.it. - .. UA' Kovomhor. 0n- neoemha. $1: dry. lovje lb. Meats, run ana rro visions. DRESSED MEATS Front street; Hogs, fancy, 8 He; ordinary. 7V48o,; heavy, Ye; veais. extra. 13 Ho ;""Z It., mam 19a n.ln. l.t 'I Tha ahflva atataman, w.. w..Jt. IM fJ01.."1100' 7W8C' aoata, iuic; ii". v. . nm. 16e; breakfast bacon. lSUJ4c. boiled ham. i(a28e: Dicnlca. lOUo; oott.r. . -' - rm 1 12tte: regular short clears,, smoked. Hc; nacaa, smoaca. 11c; picitled tonguea 76o lb. . T . , .. fr , , . . . I j.ahu n j uciwa, 10., i comDi,"nd1. t,ere 8Ho per lb. ne. v., uTiu . iiw in., i rou kj;;:rv;:u' ..i .a. . i lh . ' I flounders, 8c: halibut, BOllcj striped ar ion iaviiiiunwt.a wu. xun in.: i oa as. iuc; camsn, tzprizo; aaimon, 12c lb.: soles. 7a per lb.; shrimps. 12 He I io.; ZKc stur lb.; blsT Smelt o'oc $100 r" bo";' ,T" rrtaa aha l Dr aano rl rMaV WilM lh OVSTWUSI Rhnalwataa h.. .l av. Ion ( 1 : oer 100 lb. sack t1 1 Olvm. I pia, per gauon, fi; per auv 10. saca. .; I .st. Tn .he'n'-k.oo 'o.,00 Paints. Goal OIL Eta. LINSEED OIL Raw. bbla. 82o gal,; I o I per lb. fii"" sauon; special water, wnite, aASorrvw waa -a- ist JoT"m rallowi v. m. a. t ...titi,. nAtAii. i.llon." - ; -il 0-URPENTIN18 tW mm..: won I -junrr.ii i i;sBin esses, 73c: wood I caae ots. 12a. , v London Sliver Market. Xaondon, Feb. 1$. Sliver, J7d. percn, tqpic; tomcoa, so: loostsrs, and letters from John McNamara asking ; herrings 6 c: black- bass, lOji him to corns to Loa Angeles and work rgeon. ( ) per lb.; silver smelt. IL ...i. k.i,.i .; black od, 7c; dressed shad, 70: :"""" """" OREGON - DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. , MONDAY LOCAL MILLS HAVE SOLO FLOUR OUTPUT OP TO JUNE F T I Export Ordert Hare Come So Faat at 83.80 That Grinders Are Un- able to Accept Further Ordei Holding Patent Flour Down. Qrein Market Outlook." "Wheat Bids for club general at 87o or better for track 'de livery. Flour Expert orders on hand sufficient to keep mill running until Juna 1. Patent pries un changed. Oats Somewhat free offering with )31 extreme top for No. 1 white. Some offered at $11.60. Hay Only selected timothy and alfalfa showing any decided demand. 4 SaVaTBMr CAJTOES OXOSSB. Today being- Xdoooln's birthday, no sessions of the grata, cotton or stock exchanges ware held la the east AU will reopea for tmslnsss tomorrow mora- PORTLAND GRAIN RECEIPTS. Cars. Monday , 2 11 f I ?'" ? JJ" Mi! ?,. Ycr ago. . ,27 41 1461 64 1(01 I . 1 Local mills have aold every barrel of export flour at this time they can pos sibly hope to grind up to Juna 1. The assertion was mads this morning by a leading local miller who stated that not only was the price being maln-J tainea at ij.bu. less s Der cent, dux in some Instances he was making aalea as high as $3.80 net. No changs was made In the price of patent flour today. Leading mills say that there Is no desire on their Dart to advance the price and allow other mills to undersell tnem. While, they say, that tne situation luily justmes an imme 1 nlntA anvanpn In tMTMf t n V im nn r pHos in order to allow other millers to cut under them. .Ths wheat market 1. veryj irm with 7c being freely offered track basis for club and 0o for bluestem. , In aoms quarters a fractional increase 1 V -Sri., i7 " " . I nuicu. "'"" quoting 232 a ton for No. 1 white, tarn buyer stated this morning ths I irK" ouyer aiaiea iiiia mvrmni mat ne waa offered beat quality at $11.60 late Saturday afternoon. s v, Hay market la very dull for anything I except select quality. is 1 1 rnii -rr iiiiir a llVliL. I UIM IU HHVC H PREC00L1NG STATION (Spselal to Tbe Jtmrnal.) Freewater. Or.. Feb. 12. At a meet lng held In the officea of ths Milton Freewater Fruitgrowers' union on Batur- Freewater Frultsrowera' union on fiatur. oy large numoer or mi iruitgrowers discussed the advisability of erectinf a pre-coollng station. D F P5,u of department of ag- day a lar. nuni0r of th, fruitgrowers rtculturs was present and announced that If a Droner buildina could be ae- cured the government would establish a pre-coollng station hers for: experi mental purposes. The great waste In shipping fruit Is due to the fact that the fruit goes Into the ears in a heated condition and the consumption of Ice while the fruit Is In transition Is very heavy. The ore- cooled fruit would go to the cars at the proper temperature, thus Insuring It reaching; its destination In a much bet ter condition. Tbe directors will take up the matter aecwion at m ow ing ssj , OMAHA HOGS HIGHER - wwa ioc flonth rwn.h. irh il rvtfi- itnn market, steady to lOo lower. Steers, o.euav .u; cows ana neuera, .ou 1.60. Hogs, iz.ooo; market, loo Higher at $.05o.4S. nep. 700"! market, steady to iso iiower; yearungs, ifc.JbWb.36: wetnera, $3.6003.90. ; NORTHWEST BANK STATEMENT n,lmr, Clearings today Portland Banks. V.., loaay 'f oSe'?? S? Tear K 2,096.172.07 1 ?" today $ .67,179.98 uam t Balances 120.169.78 Tear ago 186,748.90 Potatoes Sell Well. (gneelal to The Joarnal. 1 Elgin. Or.. Feb. 12. Advice received from U a. Stoop, who Is in Kansas Cltv with the shipment of potatoes from this Place, Is very encouraging to the holder . j .a. a... rri i a .us Y'Jl'. "'"?l??Z potatoes suits the southern market There are about 88 cars of poUtoes ifi l n srw sanii nuinniiuna gsrsi nvi i for from many Texas potntf. IN SUICIDE (floenUI ta T JoonuLt Aberdeen, Wash., Feb. 12. "My name Is James McNamara and what I know I. n. nri W.m . V l 1 ,n5e th. w-ithte . A under the weather and want to get to pan nere oy James McNamara, a cousin """'i ne same name. n,mlt in the Time, hnll namitmg the Times building, after he nnw irnnT-iainTisii-i mr asn f inanrin ww a was ' soued by police officers from ne ponce stauon bath tub, ucmmani waa arrestea oaturaay - . . . m . . nirnr ror Deinar flrtint nn Alainnlerlv . . - . - . e aid not recover from his stupor until yl7lea5,' w7en; ""? "h remorse, he . . . ... ";. "r ma rescue ana arrival McNamara produced telegrams McNamara had purchased ticket, to Portland, and from Portland to Los An- aelea. 15 SllimnP THROUGH LOVE TRIALS malted Press Leaaed Wire. New York, . Feb. 12. Police here re ported to the coroner that Washington Sellgman, aged 60, a banker, today shot and killed himself In bis apartments at the Hotel Gerard. He Is a nephew of ciae, stating that Sellgman was tired of . continued Illness. It Is , rumored, however, that the true reason is a love affair. '..-.. ..f., . h.,,--,.- annnr.ntlv oofc a eaivnlvAe1 muffled Ms head with heohlothl. . ' : r". murrjea nis neaa witn oedmothing and Beligmaa sold his membership Ott, the New- York ' stock exchange two ' years ago. Since that time h. had been trad ing jnaepenaeoujr. , . RUN LIVESTOCK "AT NORTH PORTLAND BUT PRIJJES HOLD Market In Good Shape for ' Every - thing Montana Heifers Sell at $5.00 for Extra Select Quality- Fancy Steers at fa. ' UTB8TOOX KOTXI QUIOXLT. Sarly this afternoon it was shows that the xnovemsnt of Uvestook at,Vortb Portland today was the . rreatest and nlekest for many a day. Titers was a good tone la all lines, with oattls and hog vrloes maintained at last week's big-n average, while one lot of extra good ewes brought a nickel nor la the aranoa market. . PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. Hogs. Cattle. Calves, Sheep. Monday ...1244 Saturday,.. 211 Friday .... 16$ Thursday .. 164 Wednesday 602 Tuesday ... lit Week ago.. 180 J0 1189 . ' It 10 : a 202 IS 60 . 1 111! - ve There waa no change In general live stock conditions at North Portland, al though It was hard to get even select ed steers above 18.98 today. There Was a very liberal run for the day, with Montana sending1 forth lib eral offerings. Today's run of 630 head compares with 896 head last Monday. xne great difference at present ex lsting Detween ins price or too steers at North Portland and those arriving at Booth omaha is causing much comment among the trada While one lot of Mon- tana stock rscerttly stretched the top iiore ui , uwwi u uiram uuiil, "w ,Stiln" ot a?SX.rV?dln" would bring more than $6.88 0S.6. . South Omaha was Paying ; $7.M for vwt mil luuiuiua, wuui hi. iuw prics for the day waa far .better than the best price here. The price differ- ential -Is now great that leadlnR shippers assert that they can do better with fancy quality In the Missouri river " iiiu hoi, vnuvuua freight charres. Cattle shiDDers todavi Kldwell Jk Caswell, Echo, 2 loads; A, R. Robinson, Baker, 1 load cattle and calves; W. O. Cummlngs, Baker, 2 loads; A. Beggs, Baker, 1 load; H. R, Peacock, Nampa, Idaho. 1 load cattle and calves; Davis Daniels, American Falls, Idaho, 1 load; Tarn. hAi1i1 Ul.Ua Unn. T U.J.i XJT Albertson. Pecabo, Idaho, 2 loads; Baker city .racking company, Haines, loaas; C C Clark. Arlington. 1 load cattle. calves and hogs. worm rortisna came prices: Select steers I5.5 Choice steers 6.86 Common steers 4.76 Feeder steers ............... Speyed heifers Ordinary heifers Fsncy cows Ordinary cows 4.15 Poor cows 3.60 Fancy light calves 7.76 Medium light calves ........ 7.00 HI fancy buns .. Medium bulls . Ordinary bulls 4.00 4.00 stags Keavy snowing or nogs. There was an unusually heavy mar- I I..,!.. . 1 XI.i. T.1.J ,nu'J,;n"X' comnared with 6S laat Mondav. Bales were made in tne swine traae .av? tne .".a?B. 1)U,1 fm Saturday. a. f"., v J . " forward that practically the entire controversy which has existed want- of killers are being supplied. For (for some time. between the admlnlstra that reason the market, so far as live- I tion and J. E. Morson, president of the .i.v..,i. .v.. uTriiiniratiot In ths east, plus freight charges. 0t!.b,,u,.l S tWa.hogs should be worth $7.66 In the local market today, Instead of $6.7$ aa is at present being naM J . .. . . Boctn umtnt was quoting; tops at $7.46 for the day, with a run of 12.000 head. . Hog shippers: Severe ft Weed. Beav erton. 1 load: W. B. Kurts, Rigby, Idaho, 1 load; Kiddle Bros., Union. 2 loads; Imbier, 2 loads: O. W. Ballad ay, Joseph. 1 load: A. B. Gale. West Sclo. 1 load hogs and sheep r T. 8. Walker, Enter- oads'; W. B. kurts, Idaho Falls. 1 load. rise, loads: t. a. Hunter, winowa, a Nominal North .Portland swine prices: ww as sAa sf rancy mea .4 ... s.iuwj.ig Good Tight .6O!70 Medium light 6.60 Rough and heavy ... 6.26 Pou-and heavy .......... $.00 va-. - -v.. heon In thai miittnn dl vfalnn Norti I Portland today. Over Bundav 1289 head came forward compared with arrivals I or 17US last Monaay. rr ices n genera 1 8heepDhippe;ytodayrcf S.URldale. Enterprise, two loads; Pence A Pence, Payette, Idaho, one load; R, N. Stan- field, Stanfleld. two loads. o.f"ri.K. ' "l """" Rftfti 9s I Choice lambs .' . . . ! ! . . ! . . . UI Common lambs 6.00 I Yearling wethers 4.7SSM.SS I Ordinary . ! '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. 1.60 $ t.l I ZMsposltloa of Zaivastook. I Followlng sales of livestock were I made at North Portland during ths week I enaea naturaay, 1 eoruary i: wattie t,aves oas aneep Union Meat Co... 450 Frank L Smith. 78 1482 2067 104 M. J. Olll Co.... 64 247 Adams Bros..,,. 18 R. Falrchlld . 78 70 i66 Misc. Portland.. 21 Misc. Oregon.... 142 Carsten Packing. 26 fry. & Co...,,. 72 amea Henry . 25 T acorn a Meat..'. 26 260 90 a Misc. Washington 6$ Touts 1048 20 1701 2690 1 Monday's Uvestook Sales. STEERS. Average lbs. Price. 28 steers . 28 steers .......... ...13S a.. ..a. 988 $6.00 66 steers 1004 27 steers 1120 tl steers ...1112 19 steers' a a. 1118 4 steer. ,.....,.1238 12 steers ....1039 16 steers . .......... .a. 1045 10 steers ...1107 ( steers .....1018 , 2 steer. ,. .......1045 1 steer ....a,.. 960 ; t steers . 873 . HEIFERS. 2$ Montana ...... ......1017 26 Montana .',......-$.1042, 28 Montana .1076 27 Montana 1018 26 Montana .......1070 26 Montana , a a " s-w ;s 1060 26 Montana . ......... .1097 8 Montana ,......,...,1116 -vv.i BULLa - ; X bull ; , . ', . . ... . . .. ,.1390 : - CALVES. 2 calves . ,...'... .1..... $40' yyy.: HOGS. 6.96 6.80 6.80 5.76 6.76 -rj I 6.06 I 6.00 6.00 4.76 4.60 4.00 $5.60 ;S ?y 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 Sfi 5.60 6.60 6.60 . $3.50 j yk $$ 00 1 ill hog. J.. a. a. ..,.;. 215 hogs .... 163 . ' $6.75 : y 6.75 ' . T' 6.75 76 hogs ........ 168 20 hogs ...... 272 6. 26 4 bogs .i.$12 v i.;$.2S LAMBS. 270 lambs ;$5.00 . 4.60 80 lambs 70 ; SHEEP; - -u i.. ';5 $us ,.t., uviiii : 95 , 4.60 P , a 101 'Vij 4.10 201 awes 168 awes '' 177 swas Sheared price -on lambs Is la less and eld sheep 76c less than wool stock, i J Postofflce at Onley. 5 ? v" lrWsshltigss Boreas ef tks'aearBsili Washington, Feb. 1?. Postofflce es tablishsd at Onlr Wasco county, L, D. Friebaugh postmaster.. Mrs., Mary Bain appolntnsd - postmaster at . Lawen. EVENING, FEBRUARY 12, MEXICAN TROUBLES CAUSE HEAVY DEALS 1 Buying From Southwest Is Greatest , Ever Known and This r :: induces Buyers to Pay an Advance of 5 to 10c per Cental. - ' ' Potato Prices Xlffnas, Owing to the very heavy out 4 ' Side demand for potatoes, whlob 0 ' is believed to be principally for e the account of the United States 4 government, prices are to 10o ' nigner oere tooay. oeaiera say they are anable to state whether, the stock Is needed for a Mex ican campaign or noC , Oregon potatoes are to follow United States troops Into Mexico as soon as the word a-oes forward from , waahina i ton. - .'.i. y : Wolf A 'Eon of San Francisco, who generally - act as buyers for , any con siderable commissary order, are sending their representative forth Into the local territory, and are buying everything of quality that can be secured. Toe price being offered by buyers now ranges from II to $1.10 for choice stock. For extra fancy shipping pota toes buyers are generally orrering ti.za i n .n.i at Mnnin hinnina wint. But one or two interests are said to have stretched the bid to 11.80 for eomethlnar out of the ordinary tn qusUty. j Wlille Wolf Son are scouring the country ror supplies, sii other dealers r squaUy active. The demand from Arlsona and Texasvls now the greatest Ver known, and practically the entire. trad, is nt buying lor tnai ana tau- fornla account just how long this demand will cori- tlnue depends entirely upon events that win hap Den in rovernment circles here I arter. Locally there Is a firmer tona id lM potato traae, witn some aeaiers asking an advance of lo to lOo In a Job- Ding way. Discovery : Is Made at . Salem That Land Board Minutes Carry No Record. (Salem Bnrcaa of ne Joarnal.) I Salem, Or., Feb. 12. Discovery today I that there Is no record whatever In the minutes of the State land board meet- I ' . , a contract with the Deschutes Land com- I Pany, in regard to the reclamation or a 1 tract or lana witn water irom tne east I fork of the Deschutes river, may give Governor West the whip hand in set- I iana company. The eontract Held by the Deschutes I Land company la supposed to have been negotiated with the state land I b M under the date ot September 18. I . " . 7 .7 f - . . I 1S8Y. oearcn vi tne recoras vi tos iana I . . . A 1 . Aw . j I ooara meviuii iiuia o iiuw mt m land board ever considered ths oon- tract In a formal meeting or In any way authorised It State Engineer John H. Lewis acted as assistant clerk of the board, his clerkship being confined to matters pertaining to arid lands. The 1 records show that meetings of ths land board were held , on September 23 and 12B. 1S07. but the Desohutea Iand com- I - pany contract Is not, mentioned. Governor West and other member, sf the present state land board have besa endeavoring to Induce Mr, Morson of the land company to give the settlers better terms for water than na pro- Pse8. The land board refused tO fv I the company permission .to sell any wa- ter rights under existing conditions. To I avoid this order,' the company has been f n- 'l" at some future date. The governor has been trying-to get a list of option, that have been Issued, but the land nompany refuses to give one. Since the discovery that no record has been made of any contract between the state and the land company, the ques- tJon rlses whether the land company h lesal contract, even If bonaflde signatures of the' state officials are at- tached to It Clinnr nrnomil Oil I OWIUU I. rt-lvOIUIV DILI. STARTED ON ITS WAY (United Press Leased Wlrs.l Washington. Feb. 12. By a vote of S to 4 the senate committee on pensions today defeated a motion to report fa vorably on ths Bherwood $1 a day pen sion bill. t Ths Smoot substitute was then adopted. The bill ss drawn by Senator Bmoot of Utah Increases ths , annual pension roll by $24,000,000. , ANTI-THIRD TERM ' MEASURE IN SENATE (United Press LeMd Wtra.t Washinarton. Feb. 12. United States Senator Reed today Introduced Into the senate a joint resolution making any one lneug-ioie to . tne presiaency wno has served two. terms, or one term and part of another. The resolution , pro poses -a constitutional amendment to this effect- r r vw; , tooks. Bonds, Cotton, Orain, Bto, 816-217 Board Of Trade Building. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO aALL EXCHANGES 1 Msmbers Chicago Board of Trade ' Oomspondsats of Taogan $t Bryan, Chicago, vew Tork. J.C.WILSON4C0. ' - MSKBXTltS ' ' - irrw tokx stock sxohakoi. 1T2W YOBK OOTTOUT EZOHA.7TOB. CKioaoo BOavms oi taADi. TSB STOCK AITS BONO BXOACAWail, I MSls Office-MlUs BldgM SanJTetaelaoo. Branca Of flees Vanoonvsr, , Seattle. ! . Portlsad, loa aagsles, saa SUgo, Boom 6 Saumbsrmsns Bank Snnalaf, IN POTATO MARKET MBNCOfflW OYKK&WO 1912. SOLDIERS ESCAPE EARLY t y Government Powder Magazine Blows Up Report Heard I - . - for Ten Miles. ; 1 V ' malted Press Issd w!rs.V V' New Tork. Feb. 18. With a report that was heard for 10 miles a powder hiagaslns on the government proving grounds at Fort Hancock, Bandy Hook, exploded early today. Flying sparks from the embers of a ' small firs set off the. magasine. The 500 soldiers about the garrison escaped Injury... TRIAL OF STRIKERS IS r sk sea-a a a ffa-BK a -ass iilpt At Lawronoa Mass., Feb. 11. The hear ing la the caae of, strike leaders Ettor TTOlUOTEb STATES '", 'j :'":-:-iyij : v; y'i,?.yy.i,'' t't , , , 1 . NATIONAL BANK rffei&W PORTLAND, OREGON y'":.t !':';';?!? 'l'y'SJ UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital .; s.. .... . A ...... . . ; . $1,000,000.00 Surplus anrj PrbfiU . . . ; J. . . . 900,000.00 OFFICERS j; C AINSWORTH, Pres,- !. n R. W. SCHMEER, Cashier - R. LEA BARNES, Vice-President A, M. WRIGHT, Assistant Cashier i Wa A. HOLT, Assistant Cashier DRAFTS ISSUED ON ALL FOREIGN COUNTRIES. PAYMENTS MADE BY POST TO PARTIES ABROAD ' . WITHOUT COST TO RECIPIENTS. , , UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOUNDED 1864 Capital Paid In . . ... ....... .. .$8,500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits. .... .$7,905,912.00 ";'.. . vbranchk; r Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and Virginia City We buy and aell Foreign Exchange; Issue Drafts and Cable Transfers, Commercial Credits and Traveler s' Lettera of , Credit, available In all parts of the world: make collections en all pointu and conduct banking business. , ; XamtXBT FAZS o PORTLAND BRANCH Chamber of Commerce Building aoTwi!W ooim or mL A. KalO ail, Manager. ' lumbermens National Bank Capital - - - $1,000,000.00 A progressive Commercial Bank witn a Savings Department under Government supervision. A 07- On Savins FIRST NATIONAL BANK , . CAPITAL $1,500,000 SURPLUS . $850,000 V OLDEST NATIONAL BANK WEST OF. THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS NOTICE DEPOSITORS V :l-y i : m . .. 1 .1 yZm-' American Bank & Trust Co. We are making arrangements to reopen the bank at an early date ' DO NOT ASSIGN. YOUR DEPOSITS . v , 1 V For Full Particular Call on ' GEO. L. MacGIBBON 923 Chamber of Commerce Building - ! J, Ll"J.J-J'l".. . Li"l.3 and Qlovannltl, held in connection with the riot . here , wherein .Anna Laplzzo. striking textile worker, was killed, was resumed todsy before Judge Mahoney. , Seven witnesses wers examined. They described the events preceding . the riots.' Thirty more witnesses are waiting to be called by the defense. The defense expects the prisoners to be held for the grand Jury, but hopes they will bv ' admitted to bail. The strike situation remains unchanged.':; . " Cbafla Speaks at Forest Grore. J .. (Special to T(.e lonraal.i Forest Orovs, Or.,1 Feb. 12: Eugene W." Chafln, Prohibition candidate - for president in 1008, spoke before a crowd ed house In the Methodist church In this city last night" Mr. Chafln was heard with close attention, He pointed out that local option would not stop ths sals of liquor, but that the only way to hav true prohibition Is by national legisla tion, -s"'; : ':y'yy','"r 'iyy"yy.;''-;yt:r'- BL O. Slantrezza Entertained. ' f ' :,- (Boeelal to The Journal. . . La Grande, Dr.. Feb. 12. Twelve business men entertained at a banquet Saturday night in the Foley grille In honor of M. C. ' Moutressa, representa tive of the Italian consul at Portland, who Is looking over this city and the Grande Rondo valley. ..- 1 i t -' a general foreign and domesUo AWIt ATZVai DCTOSTT xxxms awd wtamx btjuists : J. T, IVITOIaiLL, Asst. MgT. Corner Fifth and Stark - V" i )