THE OREGON SUNDAY "JOURNAL, ' PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 11, 1912. SHOOTERS WILL SET SAN FRANCISCO ON ; EVE OF BOXING WAR .FORMER BEAVER IS ; NQVT TRAINING, HARD TOURNAMENT'S DATE' MEET DATES SET e mm m-. MEET VANCOUVER Following .the receipt of a telegram from Klmer E. Shaner, secretary-troas urep of the Interstate association, the local gun olub has tentatively appointed August 17, 18 and 2t as the dates for . the Pacific coast Handicap trap shoot - in tournament. President Culllson said yesterday that the dates will be settled today when the shooters gather at the Kenton club traDS for the weely trophy shoot '. Crack trapshooters from all psrts of the country will be here to participat in the handicap tournament. This will be the biggest affair in . th shooting game on the Pacific coast during the year of 11J.. The following letter-was received by R. A. Tyler, former secretary-treasurer f the local cluo, concerning tne ar rangemenU for the seventh annual tour "lament.- v., . . Pittsburg, Pa. Hi A. Tyler, Secretary Treasurer Portland Gun Club Dear girt Kindly note the conditions under ' which the Interstate association will ' give the Seventh Pacific Coast Handl van Tournament, that of 1912, at Port land, ' under the -auspices of the' Port land, Gun club. The, conditions are as , xouows: ? ........ The Interstate association wilt con , tribute five hundred $S00), of which - amount 1100 will be reserved to pur chase a trophy for the winner ,of the : Pacific coast handicap., xoe remaining 1400 will be added 1 v the purses. The Interstate , association will fur- - nlsh and mail the programs itOOi cop ies).. . One page via the program will be reserved for, an announcement of the hotef or hotels selected by the Portland Gun club - as ; shooters' headquarters. This I page ' of advertisement will be gratis to the. Portland Gun club. The Interstate association will furnish all office stationery necessary to conduct the tournament In an up-to-date manner. The Interstate association will bear the outlay necessary to cover Us secretary-treasurer's, time and . expenses in attending the tournament. ' - : - j Manufacturers', representatives ,' to ; shoot for "targets only" In all- events. Handicaps for the Pacific coast handi cap to be allotted by a committee se . lected by the Interstate association. ., The 'arranging of the ' program . of events and th entire management of , the tournament to be left to the Inter- state association. . , The Portland Gun club to contribute ' five hundred dollars (500); to be added to the purses. The - Portlanu : Gun ' club to furnish hootlng grounds properly equipped and large enough - to , permit the , use . of at least three (I) .sets of traps. , . .... , The Portland Gun club to furnish traps such as are made by some mem- ber of the Interstate association. The Portland Gun olub to furnish the targets, which must be such as , are made by some member of the Inter-1 in 11 nA!nntAil . sute association, and trap them at the May IU'1 1 Designated TO customary price charged at tournaments on the west coast, and take all profits. The Portland Gun club to furnish the necessary help to -oarry on. the tourna ment, as a cashier, clerics, referees, scorers, trapper boys, etc.. The Port land Gun club , to have all restaurant and refreshment privileges Annual Track Games at State Institution. ' Graduate Manager Geary of the Unl- rree ot , remit v of Ore-nn annminred vkalun enarg, rrom no interstate assoc.aiion. d8 that th4 ut0 lnter8PboUg. nothing but the advertisement through giving xtre tournament t .The sale of tlcohollo liquors or In toxicating drinks of any kind to be pro hibited on the shooting grounds. The exact dates that will suit us for giving the tournament are August 27, SB and 29. By referring to the Sports men's . Journal you will note that no tournaments are registered at the pres ent time for the vicinity of Portland on the dates named. . In this connection we have bean ad vised, that the $5000 torunament at Den ver, Colo., will In all probability be held during the week of September 8. Therefore the last week of August will be a splendid time for the Pacific coast handicap tournament. Kindly bring this matter before the Portland Gun club and advise us as to what actionals taken-thereon.' Dates' should ba claimed through the columns of several sporting Journals st the ear liest moment to avoid conflicting with other ' tournaments. Tours very truly. TUB INTERSTATE ASSOCIATION, Elmer E, Shaner, Secretary-Treasurer. LINCOLN LOOKS FOR , GOOD DIAMOND YEAR The prospects of the. Lincoln high school team repeating their, 1911 stunt, by winning the baseball championship appear very bright. Cobb and Patter son are the only two members 'of last season's team': who have not returned to school. ' - i - ': Three good pitchers are in school this season. Provost and Munford will like ly do all the mound work unless a good flrstbaseman Is developed, so that Tuerck' will be able to pitch.' Peterson will be behind the bat The Infield will be composed of Tuerck. Schllt, Cum mlqgsand Groce. In the outfield Wa ters, Lewis, Grice, Buckley and Greer. Coach Barrott and Faculty Manager Gar man expect to be able to put the team in winning shape as soon as the. weather permits. It Is expected that E0 will turn ou the first week. t Kentucky university has adopted box. Ing' inter-varslty , sport. The classes, are in charge of E. R, Sweetland. tic. track meet of the Eugene college would be held Friday and SaUrdayMay iv ana it. ,i v: , .'',.' Invitations have been mailed to alt the high schools in the state . It Is likely that some of the eastern Oregon high schools will enter teams this -year. .. Th Dalles and the Hood River schools, will have, teams In the meet, according to present plane. . , , 'The eastern ?Oregon interscholastie meet will be held about the same time as the 'Oregon, university mee and In rase the dates dp hot conflic t, Manager Geary, said that the point winners would be brought to Eugene. ': One" feature that will make the ' trip io cugene worm wniie is an illustrated lecture on athletic training by Trainer Bill Hayward of the Oregon squad.' Hay ward has been training athletes for the past 20 years and during this time ne has photographed the finishes and the starts of all events. He has lantern slides of the proper strides when running and other Important training. Ideas. Th lecture will probab ly be held on Friday night V . v-. v Hayward has the finest collection of track and field "photographs ever gotten together, over 2000 of them being num bered among his gallery. The Orfgon baseball team will meet tn. Washington State college nine on me same aatea and the games will like iy he played in the morning. The stu dents are also planning a canoe cam! vai. wnicij will take in all kinds of aquatic events. The annual Show of .'the dramatln ciud will also be given and the athletes of the visiting schools will be presented wun iree passes to all of the events. 0'Donnell,. Miebus,- McCarthy l and Duff or Franske'Are , j Going North. - Otey Johnson, slugglns inflelder whom the Yankees have turned over to the Rochester team of the International league. Johnson was In poor condition last season, but he is now. training hard at hia home In Muncle," Ind:1 ll ls the opinion of haseball'v experts that Johnson will be back in the major leagues within a year. ' ; BE YEAR'S ORDER Plans for Season Will Follow Appointment of Club's V ' .Chairmen. - , With the possible . invasion of some , California tennis experts and the great improvement shown by the local rao- .quet. wielders it Is expected that some . very fast and interesting' tennis games , will be played In the tournaments which ; which 'will be held in Portland during the lslZ season. None of the California stars has yet ' signified his intention of coming to the - northwest for the 1912 tournaments, but it can safely be said that one or' two . southerners will be here, . , ? . . There is not much doing in the local . tennis set at present and arrangements for the, tournament have not " been started owing to the fact that the ten , nig committees of . the two local clubs have not been announced. ' ' The committee of the Irvington club , will likely be announced before the end of the coming week. Just' who will , have the chairmanship of. the Irvington committee Is not settled. . The Multnomah committee) will not be named until about the middle pf ; March and It will likely bo April before anything definite for the coming sea son Is announced, v ; , ' The Multnomah and Irvington spring handlcaap tournaments will likely be held In April. .. , v , , Several midwinter games of tennis ; have been played on the Irvington, and Multnomah asphalt courts. . W11N I FOR FEBRUARY 20 AMATEURS TO HAVE BUSY BALI SEASON Team Managers Signing Up Players and Talking Over Schedules. Instructor CaVilL Has Class Preparing. Unique Exhibi tion in Water. ' 1 . According to the present arrange ments, the big water carnival of the Multnomah Amateur Athletic club will be held the opening . night of the new clubhouse, which is set for Tuesday, Instructor Cavill has over 25 members of the club In training for the aquatic exniDiuons. which will be the finest ever presented In any northwestern city. Some of those who Jvlll take part in the aquatic exhibitions are: Mrs. W. p. Standborg, Mrs. O. X. - Jeffery, Miss Grace O'Neill, Mrs: F. E. Watkins. Miss Vivian Marshall. Lewis Thomas, Ed Jor genson, Gus Mankurts, Dan O'Neill, Frank Watkins, ' Ira , Clock and H. Bcbade. rv , . Instructor- Cavill stated last niht that no Multnomah club swimmers would be -permitted to compete In any unsanctioned swimming carnival, nor against swimmers who dq not hold ama teur cards. Will Elect Football Managers. Football managers, of. high school teams will be elected during the com ing week. The Washington election will be held Tuesday afternoon and the Lincoln election will be held either Tues day or Wednesday, Schiffer and Brem ner are the two leading candidates for the position at the Lincoln high school. FLYING THROUGH AIR ON SKIIS I '5 A . & ... .. ." f '' ,' ... T.-v... i. T' ' ' ' - iri' m' t - During the past week several ambl iious amateur baseball managers an nounced their Intention of building up learns zor me coming baseball season. 'J he Colts, one of the teams that showed up well last season In road trlDS. has reorganized for the 1912 season and will be much stronger than It was in 1811. Manager Herb Scott of the team has secured the consent of several aood players and he thinks his team will be one of the best In the city. Manaaer 8cott is already arranging his sched-; uie ana teams desiring games m.ay write or telephone H. Scott, 888 East Twelfth street north, Woodlawn 2096. - Fletcher, who managed the Pop Corn Kings last season, has already stated that he wiH have a team In the field next season that will make a good show ing. The Keystone team will be a new one to the semi-professional ranks of this city, but, according to the newly ap pointed manager, the team will make other squads hustle to. win the city championship. . The North Portland Midgets will be in the fold again with nearly the same line-up as thyhad last season. The Columbus club ball team will be much stronger than it was last year and several new players are expected to be developed by the Winged "C". No manager has been appointed so far. but it Is said that the club is dick ering fop Red Rupert. It is likely that Rupert will decline the offer, as he has mado, plans for a team of his own. The McLaughlin arid Amicus clubs will be In the fold with strong teams. The Amicus club wss recently organ, ised and It Is expected that a strong bunch will be turned out by that organization. There are plans afoot to have an as sociation formed, which will look after the booking of games for local and out of town teams. Plans were started some time ago, but whether they will be car rled further will be decided in the next lew days.. The plan Is to employ some one to gei tne complete schedules of all the tesms In Portland and neighboring towns and have them booked, thereby arranging games with teams that are of atiouc tne same, standard. The scheme has worked wonderfully In. San Francisco and It would no c.oubt prove to be a success in Portland. NATIONALS HAVE BEST RECEIVERS ' The mitt .and 'matt erftaia nt tha Multnomah and Vancouver B.' C Ama teur A,thUtlo clubs Will v clash Friday" evening... February jc, n the British vviumoia town. ' ' '." -,:.'. .i'' v.: "''. The , Multnomah chib will' ba reDre- Vented by two boxers and two wrest lers jn me meet with .the Canadian athletes, : and H is expected ' that the local .team ?wllt carry away the prizes. Mam poonnell, the big heavyweight. Will represent ' the winged v''M" -club in tha Jieavywelght division, and Karl Miebus will try for1' the honors in the middleweight class, v-'v. v-v. Instructor;,Traqeys expects' both Mle" bus and O'Donnell to-nuke fine howi lngs against the Canadian' mitt men'. wno are said to p clever fellows,. - . Tiy WWNnughton." Ban Frentjlsco, Feb. 10. San Francis oorthst. is sporting San. Francisco is partial to open air lights..' The average duzpn meaning always the , average sporting citizen loves to sit on the bleachers or in a box bathed in. the glor lous sunshine which, prevails here all the 'eat rountf," and watch a pair, pf JTelt I .otnera physiognomy.;''.. re-! '. Until . certain fdlsgrun'tlej) politicians In San : Mateo covnty -dlscbvered that rdomesUo Incorporated club" was a t la granUy illegal proposition ' the mead ows on the far.lde of San' Francisco's boundary Mne wer a notable rendezvous iur luvoia mi ring spon. ' ' ; ',-'4l tr'.:A.v chmls, ' Xtaior wiw'? f -There on - holiday -afternoons s man .wno Derives, enjoyment from the spec iHcumr Dwot iwvicurrs. coma -cat nis nil. 'ox -excitemftnt. . Ho , could occupy comfortable'. Beati: chew t gum or-munch wno are said 10 pciever reiiows,. s y Vi nt.BUt. A 0i in Vni n : . 6?0e : McCarthy will represent th. WSJ f&f: Z m local clnb In the 161 pound wrestling cliiss and ltnef Duff ;r Franske will be the' other wrestler, who will make ma trip, The Vancouver club has not wired whether it desires a wrestler in the 1SB or 145 pound class. If the lightweight class is chosen Oscar Franske will wear the club's colors, while Duff will go if me neavier class la wanted. The athletes have been working hard to get -in the toeet tf condition for the lnterclub jneet v The, party will leave Portland either Wednesday' evenlnar of Thursday morning. Instructors O'Con- neii ana Tracey will accompany the men. - . , Senior League, However, Has Not Outfield Like Ameri can Circuit. The National league appears to be fortunate In the matter of securing good receivers, i Here Is McGraw with Mey ers, Wilson. Hartley, Paulette and a couple ot recruits, while Wolverton Is scouting around vigorously looking for a catcher who can be relied upon to re lieve' Bweeney. There are many fine backstops In either league, and yet taken. collectively, Meyers Archer, Bresnahan, Kling, Doo. In, Wilson, Simon and McLean would probably have a shade on Thomas, Ktartge, Street, Lapp, Sullivan, Sweeney, Corrlgan and Fisher. The National league is also fortunate in the matter of first basemen. Even with Chase, Mclnnls, Stahl and Galnor to head it, the American league can show no such list as Chance, Daubert, Konetchy, HoblUzell, Merkle and Lu derus. , At' the second. Doyle.-.Evers. Knabe. Zimmerman and Gugglns "are no greater collection than Lajoie, .Collins, Delehan- ty. Gardner and Ball; while at third Baker, Lord, Bngle, Hartseil and Morl- arity would certainly concede nothing to Lobert, Herzog, Bryne, Mowrey and Grant. Both leagues are strong at short; Wagner, Tinker, Doo 1 In, Fletcher, Barry, Bush, McBrlde and Wallace are all of stellar magnitude. When It comes to the outfield, how ever, the National league can show no such galaxy as Cobb, Jackson, Speaker, Hllan, Murphy, Crawford, Callahan and Bodie. , Hedge to Lead Lenta. M. K. Hedge will lead the Lents base ball team next season, according to re ports coming from the Portland suburb. Hedge was given credit for developing the fine team that represented Lents last season. He refuses to talk about the plans for 1911. , ALL-SCHOLASTIC TEAM FORSOCCER Eleven Best Players at Brit ish Game Are Chosen for Season, i Player. Position. KpVinnl Gorecksy Goal........ Columbia Brown Rlsrht Rack. . Waahinvton Greer ....Left Bark T.tnonin Golvln Right Half Jefferson Coe. Center Half Port. Acad Sanford Left Half . . . .Port Acad P.avls Outside Right; . Columbia Lind. .Inside Riaht. . . .Tsfforann T"?rck: Center Lincoln soden Inside Left... Port. Acad. Shevlln OutsideLeft Columbia wnen ,sn wareo "sunt down.: some oho ; built, an open air arena In the .heart of San Francisco to wn-to-wlt, on Eighth street near Howard, This place na oeen tne scene or. all the holiday fights within the past couple . of years. i ne uatcn of , promoters recently ' en dowed with permits, looked forward to using this arena extensively during the cvmmg it montns. " ,- . . i But they reckoned without the host. Jim Coffroth, who has paved, the way for the redpehing "of his arena in the meadows of -San Mateo and who has one of the four permits, for conducting boxing matches in San Francisco, has secured a lease of the Eighth street plant and has all his rivals at a disad Will use Both -Periods. Vary .recently Coffroth declared him self, and this is what ha said: "I will conduct night fights, in San Francisco in tne months allotted to me . by the board of supervisors. I will put. on holiday attractions in .daylight hours in my arena in Daly City, which is the name of the burg In San Mateo county where my property is located. If any of i the San Francisco promoters want to sublease, Eighth street for ordinary occasions I mean for night fights they can have it by paying me my price. I will not rent it to them, on holidays, however, as I will bo running boxing shows across the line and. do not want opposition." , , What forced Coffroth to declare him self was the fact .that a brother pro moter named O'Connell, who controls the February date in San Francisco, an nounced that he would put Frank Klaus and a fighter , named Petrosky in the ring at Eighth street arena on Wash ington's birthday. "I guess he won't," saldCof froth. ' -1 ! " ' W . . - "I'll be showing myself on that date at -Daly City," . .When O'Connell heard this, be bagan to hunt abqut for another location and " it is now told that 'lie 1ih rented one. of 1 the local skating rinks apd will adhere to . his determination to make a Wash-' ington's birthday ..fight of the Petrosky Klass affair, i - ' " , If he does so and Coffroth puts on a boxing show at Daly City on tho same date, it will probably be the beginning of the end .so far as pugUisrayin Cali fornia Is concerned. , r . , , " But O'Connell is not the' that the public expects to see1 Coffroth be- , come particular embroiled wlth Eddie Oraney, the old time referee, Is one of the new bunch of promoters in San Fran cisco and the enmjty which exists be tween Coffroth and Gran ey la something., that age cannot wither. , . '' ; v Xsmberi of Tight Trust. - The two sporting men were friends' In the old days. ...They became members of the notorious fight -trust of 1908, ' the othef members being Morris Levy and Willie Brltt There was a split np over ' the question' of' leadership. Graneyand Levy taking sides against Coffroth and Brltt and, as a fight combine the affair made neither, profit nor progress. Bad blood was engendered and In the case of Coffroth and Graney there has never been a resumption of friendly -relations. When the game of politics was being indulged in here prior to the naming of the lucky promoters by the supervisors, Coffroth was slated for permits for the months of March, July and November. . This would have given him St. Patrick's day, Fourth of July, and Thanksgiving day. Whether he would have made Use of the holiday dates in the city Is a question, but the chances are- he would - have -played'-on ordinary nights dur ing the months named and would have put on holiday attractions at Daly City. Program Was Changed. ' Then the program was changed. There was a division of opinion among the members of the police committee and the supervisors and a result Graney .was awarded the March. July and November permits." And now Cof froth has declared himsejf in respect to the Eighth street arena, the only roof less pugilistic plant In San Francisco at present . ' It all presages war. It la said that Graney intends building an arena of his own for use on holidays and that he la more Interested in thwarting Coffroth than in making profit out of the' match handling Industry. The rusty hatchet which has not bean used to any extent since 190ft is to be furbished up and sharpened until it will shave hair from a blUiard ball and, unless something at present unforeseen occurs to prevent the war of promoters, a continuance of pugillstio pastimes In the far west is seriously threatened, . AH SOMH BALL TOSSERS GET TOURNEV" OF EVERY SORT AT WINGED M PROS'.ILMEET CHAMPIONS TODAY To select the eleven best players from the soccer teams of Lincoln, Jefferson and Washington high schools, Portland Academy and Columbia university Is a task harder than one would think. The five teams that have played soccer this season show improvements over the 1910-1911 season. The Columbia University team has made a clean sweep of all of Its games and Is confident that it can defeat the Portland Academy . eleven, which it plays either Tuesday or Wednesday af ternoon. The P. A. team is in second place and can' remain in that position if it loses to the Columbia bunch and then follows with "a victory over the Wash ington team, which It plays either Thursday or Friday afternoons. Gorecksy of the champions, is picked Increased Cost of Living Does Not Run Away From An- ' nuar Wage. Baseball players cannot' complain that tli el r wages have not kept pace with the increased cost of living. For instance, in 1S71 the 10 players of the Boston .' National league received $17,- 600, an average of $1750 a year. ' Ward's salary -list this year with 30 players will aggregate $75,000, or $2500, and it Is a tall end club. Mr. McAleer will pay out In salaries fully $90,000. It must be taken into consideration, however, that baseball today, has reached a far greater degree of perfec Squash, Handball, Billiard and Bowling Games; Ready T ' for Building. , as goal keeper. He was never put to a i tlon nn ,n h day ' oll. They get real test this season on account of the more Pny than the old timers, but the wonderful backflcld and forward line of C,UDB ownr many "me" ss much the Columbia team However. If ha wm! a" he oW owners did. So they can af- P0RTLAND ACADEMY Tf) f PLAY JEFFERSON , HIGH The Portland Academy basketball quintet will play the - second game against tne jerrersnn rive Tuesday afternoon on theT. M. C. A. floor. Hhe P. A. team will be without Bob Bean. who IS out of the game on account of an injury. Morgan, one of the Inter scholastic stars of last season, will be In the Jefferson5s line-up. The game starts at 3 o clock. . The Washington land, Lincoln teams will play their second game Thursday afternoon on the Y., M. J C A. . floqr. The LInooln team. Which 'was defeated Thursday by the Washington team, ex pects to make a much better showing in the aecond game. The ay ahlotlcally. incHned Individuals amuse themselves during the winter months In Sweden,, where the; Olympic games of 1912 will be held during tht coming summer. .1 The photograph .shows a gkl- "Jumper starting one of the long leap's after V terrific down-hill slide that have th country fvw AMATEUR BASKETERS LOOKING FOR GAMES Two amateur basketball teams 'are looking for games, The Boys' Brigade quintet is after games With the Onk Grove quintet or any other lightweight teams. For games telephon J. D. Ol son, Woodlawn 1114, In the evenings. The J. B. A. C; '11 team is after games with teams averaging 106 pounds. Harry Semler, Marshall 11 J5, Is man ager of the team, and would like to hear from all paper weight' teams. SWIMMING MEET TO : BE HELD TUESDAY EVE The second swimminr meetv of the Portland swimming baths will be held Tuesday jight February 13. Seven of me pest local swimmers have entered the meet, and some.' close - races ara expectea. ".,. , : ij u, Oakley Walte, a crack swimmer ' of the Wisconsin university, has entered the meet Other, entries are George Kelly, Ted Preble, J. MeMurray,, Oollte ter Wheeler, Chester Wheeler and Jes se ferry. ndoor Game Will Be Hotly Contested Between Two . Klines. ' At t;15 o'clock this afternon BUI Steen's aggregation of outdoor ball players 'will line up against Red Ru pert's indoor champions on the Armory diamond. , '1 V Steen's team wfll play' much better ball than th Beavers did ' in . 1911 as there will b no funny .business about thla gfame. ', Steen is determined to de feat the Esehles and Is confident that his team. will be able 4o put up a stiff game f gainst the Indoor cliamps. Red Rupert's team Is ready to meet the outdoof stars and-is "confident of a viyiurj our. inm. rcrawi will pucn lor the; champions of the 'Indoor league, while "Henderson will twirl for fthe out- door champs,. ; . Henderson pitched for the' Honey- man team and lost his, only game to the Esehles in a long contest Henderson had but on chance against them but la confident that he will be able "to beat them, if given the proper support , ' The gam will start promptly-at 2:15 o'clock .and the teams will . Una up as follows: .... ,." ' ' ' .. . . Ruperts Po ' st Felsel ,'..';.,,'. ,P Henderson McConnclI . . .'. . . .u 1 . . . a Bill .tUnna ijuucii . . . , . . . . n. ,iicK w in tarns Turk .......i....2B.i... Pearl Casey Brlgirs Peterson .IB. .K. Frown L8 Mensor. Hunert. .T.F. . . . . . . Gaines, Kotter. man r.i.RF Umpire Nadeau, Mensor . McKuno Harkness Bill Bteen . . Krueger Garrett BANKERS' BASKET GAMES ON TUESDAY The First. National and Lumbermens bank teams of the Bankers' league will play the nrst game Tuesday night, and th Tlnitedi States and Security teams will play the second game.: .- The two games- will be played on th Portland Academy ''gym" floor." : . . ; h The Ladd & Tllton and the Hlbernla teams, will clash In the game, on the A.floor i Thursday evenlnar. , Americans 'Are Entered. ;' Paris, Feb.. 10.-rlt was announced to day that 473 horses had already been entered for the grand prix to be raced at .Longchamps in June. Of the Ameri cans, W.K. Vanderbllt has 11 entries: H. B. Duryea,, nine; c Colonel Millard Hunslcker, three; August Belmont, Seven; Harry Payne Whitney, five; J. K, Wldener, one; J, R, Keene. three, and J. E. Madden, on. . - - cauea upon to aeiena tne goal It can be safely said that he would be there at all times. Brown and Orssr. The back positions are given to Brown of Washington and Greer of Lincoln. Both these players are strong kickers and heady attackers. Blladeau of Co lumbia deserves special mention for his fine work during the season, but his playing is not quite up to the standard set by Brown and Greer. , The selecting of the halfbacks of the All-Star team is no easy matter. Two of the positions are awarded to Port land Academy players. Coe and Sanford are Dotn students or the soccer, game, have played well all season and deserve to be put on the All-Star team. Coivln of the Jefferson team Is one of the star plsyera developed this season. Coivln played hard In. every game of the Jef. ferson team and Lind, who is chosen as one of the forward players. Is another Jefferson man to whom credit is due for steady and heady playing. ' Picking Forward tin. The forward line' could be picked In a number of different Ways, but it la speed and a sure, foot, that counts? Davis and Shevlin of . the champions are chos en as the outside forwards. These two players ar fast and have'mnde many goals for their team this season. Tuerck of Lincoln Is undoubtedly, the best center at the British game. Soden of th P A. team la chosen along with Lind as the Inside forwards. Many othef':good men were developed during the eeasoir. Bronson of Lincoln with a little more experience will de velop Into a fine player, as will several others on the Lincoln and Portland Academy elevens., . ', 'V-: , .,:-.:s-'-Goodwin of the Lincoln team,; played In various positions throughout the sea. son, but his light weight was against him in most all of the games. ' ' ford to pay, As for taking care of themselves, the ball pi ay era, of today make the game a life's profession, or try to. ' The dia mond stars of today include some men who 'have college degrees. They do not follow the profession they , studied for because they can earn more in the dia mond game. They want to stay in the game as long as possible. While they do not love the sport any less than the old timers, a business thought also en ters into the game. The club owners make fortunes by their efforts, why When the new Multnomah clubhous Is completed the bulletin board will b swamped with tournament notices. Plana are already being made for handball and squash tournaments. It is certain that a bowling tournament will atflrt ed and also billiard and pocket billiard tournaments. The new handball courts will' he opened with a big eight handed game, according to A. B. McAlpln. who is ona of the veteran f handball players of Urn club.- Tke game of squash Is somewhat hew to most of the members of the club, .but from the reports of the sale of squas'i racquets, the game is attracting a great deal of attention. The handball and squash courts, bil liard rooms and bowling alleys are com pleted and ready for the players. The tournaments will be open to all members of the club and It Is expected that they will be In force for about a month after the opening, when attention will be diverted In a measure by tennis and other outdoor sports. should the players not get the good of itT And the managers are willing to pay.:, . '',. ... . Tillamook County Mecca of Sportsmen LINCOLN TRACK TEAM HAS .FOUR GOOD BOYS The" Lincoln high school ; track team has three state point winners on ltii 1912 squad.' Woodworth won first slaoel n me nign . jumps in tne state meets last year. Smith of the St. James high school of St.' Johns Is a new member of the 1 LInooln high i team, and V won second place In broad lump. ' McKay Is the third point winner. He finished second In the mile run at the Oregon meet. McCIting Is another runner who can be depended on for points. 1 ir - A ra 1 ti ' l. I 'Hi r r- It ' nr V Hewitt for Pendleton, " V r Bobby Hewitt, th . Jocal southpaw, Will likely pltch in the Eastern Oregon league next season. The Pendleton team Is said to be after the local semi-pro twlrler and If, the terms offered ara Manufactory, Hewitt will probably ao- Kvjf- ins otter, .Typical mountain home; with Charles Rnd,Tpni,WsentertioingrueBt. ' ' to be run'over'the Lylle road to ac commodate the tourist travel in and out of, this couny next summer.. . , Among the most , successful'' ' local hunters are Godfrey and Kmll Lsrsen, . who live on a dairy farm near the cltv, and two .pioneer' bachelors, Tom and Charlie Leo, who live on Cape Lookout The Lee brothers entertain in tho true ." frontier spirit of hospitality, furnishing ' guns or saws for the entertainment of. their guests according to whether they come for adventure or for rugged exer ' else. The walls ot the .'.Lsrsen'' boys' trophy house are covered outside and In . with i relics, of vthelr hunting expedi tions. , ' On the bflVi and' thn Inkra fnnnt large flocks of gcoee. ducks and snlnea during the winter months.l .plgeon quail ' and grouse are found Iri season, thus furnishing-came the year around for those-; who delight to : hunt, i-For the more daring hunters, the Seal Rocks ' opposite the Netarts beach furnish ex citing sport in the shape of bands of larga iea lions which inhabit them, many of which are as large as ordinary cows. ' -... . , -: v., ' . ,, , . Hobsonvllle. Or.. Feb. 10. As soon as tne hears, ; panthers and other i "var mints" can bo driven from the' moun tains. of Tillamook county herds of goats win taae their Placo and a new i.muirjr .win. 'oe aaaea. 10 tne aireaay prosperous section.. In the meantime hunting la an asset Itself. .vv . One of Tillamook principal claims for future, fftme Is based upon-tho prox imity or the - mountains to Ideal beach resorts. From .vast stretches of surf washed sands, nhadowed her and there by gigantic towers of rock, the pleasure eeker may row up any -one of several placid streams and ..within , an hour's time find himself In the midst of a prlmeva'K wood. - .':' . V ,,, . ,v, Leaving his boat st the foot of the' first series of waterfalls by which the stream leaps rapidly down to the flats along the rcoast he may eater at once Into theMhriber to try his cunning with the panther -or the deer, or cope In rblunderoBlty? with th bear. Wildcats, coons,,, minks and rabbits abound.- to make dull days interesting ' for tho hunter. Th people of Tillamook froelv predict that two trains dally will have V