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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1912)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY- MORNING. FEBRUARY 11,-1912. ' i EXCHANGE KEAL ESTATE 4 'Exchanges''-" ; ' '"Department or Servica" it X piwperiy conauotea; y, maklna- new frlnndu everv a&v. We , "f Annan miv virnrtartl Aflt - Tnr i Ha l or .';-. ' '. trad unless In our judgment the :: ;': V'' Property has merit,, has value, and ." ,; i ;i unless we think we can effect- V ;' - trade advantageous to both parr , ..A, -. ties to the transaction, V f!; -; '".'.'VJS.V,4.- ."J -.. '-"". ; : :f;-. not luDnrn any orrenng. u i vr .4 that will not standi searching ln', Vf Ti-r; vestigation, On all ., exchanges 5, : tf'-'Vfcclostd In our offices, we hold the,, 1. ' " "'deeds, contracts,1 etc, 'in escrow In, .?';' i;-:,;;:Vorder-t, protect .all sides, 'ft-:-'? : Dorr E; Keasey & Co), :.' ;?-r'''id floor Chamber of Commerce - .iMo'rtgage fortSale.:: White Salmon Valley,-Wash, , 80. acres best fruit - land, mortgaged for $Heo, 3 years yet to run, 6 per cent, .worth - double, for. Bale . for . price ,of mortgage. ,, ; -v H- .-. , ,. ,.' '; ,- ' -- . , .: ' '' : l:"'!!, ' ' 10 acres, part cleared, ' smalV cabin, elegant view best soil, 11500, some cash balance trade for equity in Portland cottage or lot " 1 Owner, b. p.- NELSON," 880 Yeon bldg. GERMAN'S EXCHANGE LIST. . . room bungalow, $1800, for vacant iota, 4 lota Glen Haven Park, for close in acreage, (1000. $1400 equity in I room bungalow, Hawthorne district, for lot and some- cash, 100x100 Woodstock, 4 room house, $160. $1080 equity for first payment on modern bungalow, about $2600. Lots of others, some autoa. Fred W. German; 81$ Burnslde; Mv or A -8776: '- : r fyHO wants section prairie land, best' part Alberta, 5 miles east isamuna ton, the capital: ( miles station Grand Trunk; ample rains, grain, hay, stock, good health. Owner, who can't go, will trade for property or clean stock of (roods, west of Cascades, of good value to $10,000 with $3000 or $4000 debt to match similar amount on land. Come to 70S East Salmon street and talk it : over. No agents and no commission,' - Exchange or Sale All kinds of properties for sale or exchange Call and see us. . We can match anything. .Headquar ters for exchanges. A-334, Journal. . M. C. REED CO.. 17 Board of Trade. Main 4675 ROOMING house and apartments to trade for city property or farm; tim ber land, timber claims and homestead locations our specialty. Wanted, first mortgage for a 6 room house up to $3750. Wilson Investment Co., 417 Fenton bldg.. 84 th st. "WANT Unencumbered lot or acreage for $1700 equity in new thoroughly modern 6 room house; house Is leased until April for $27.50 month, after April for $30 monthly. Owner, E. G. Nelson, 820 Yeon bldg. , S ROOMS, LOT 6ttx320. House modern, fruit, berry bushes, flowers, on E. 87th St., W block to car, equity $1400. balance $2100, payable $80 monthly including interest, trade for good lots or house and lot, no Incum brance. Fred W, German. 329 Burnslde. M. or A-2776. We have large and small tracts of all descriptions to exchange for Portland and Seattle property. ' See Mr. Camp. GREGORY INV. CO. 418 Corbett bldg. 320 Acre Wheat Ranch All under cultivation, all fenced, 160 Meres In wheat, 8 good work horses, har. nes and all farm machinery, 4 miles from station, trade for house and lots. WOLFF, 823 Henry Bldg. 90 ACRES for sale or trade at $00 per acre on city property and terms; 40 cleared; good buildings, spring water, orchard, vineyard; A mile to school, 1 mile to Catholic church, 1 4 mile to creamery, store, flouring mill. For par Mculars apply to Joseph Fink. Scio, Or. AUTOSW ANTED. 7 passenger high grade cars only; no model earlier than 1910; real estate and contracts and mortgages to exchange for same. 420 Swetland bldg. Two Fine Ranches Well Improved, best soil in State, free of incumbrance, to trade for city In come. WOLFF. SZZ. Henry Bldg. ft. IS YOUR EQUITY A BURDEN? Have unincumbered lots in good, R Tt. town, eastern Oregon, to exchange for eriultv In low priced city property. Fred V. German, 329 Burnslde. Main or A 2776. . 160 or 3-0 acres, unincumbered, very beat of southern Alberta, towns and nelsrhbors. will plvo fine exchange for Portland home from $3000 to $4000 or ermlty. or for valley ranch or acreage. HAVE any real estate In Philadelphia. Washington or Buffalo that you would exchanRO for property In Port Ixnd, Seattle or adjacent cities? H. C jv.i:,veevr, AT. tau pi... i niiituriiiiB EXCHANGE by owner, on cash basis, 4 room cottage, free from incumbrance, restricted district, want larger bunga low, full particulars, lowest price. A- sas. journal. Wanted Stock and dairy ranch, for jrrocery stock and buildings, good location. , WOLFF, ViZ Henry Bldg. 1V4 cres, 6 room .modern house; hot and cold water, water for irrigation, all kinds small fruit, 8c car fare, for residence in city; no equities consid ered; value $6000, A-832. Journal. FORexc"hange760xl26, clear Chicago lot, ripe for Improvement, worth $1600; residence avenue. What have you in uregon property. u-aa. journal. XVTt.T. talr 'mortffflffAA and BfllAra' inn V tracts In exchange for unencumbered Portland lota, ; restricted district, im- provements in. x-5tt, joprnav &HAT have you to trade for 12000 equity in 7 room new house. corner lot. on Preseott et? Price of house, 84500. owner. 620 uumoer KxcnanKe. WANT to trade 17 acres of good tand WUFUI fuww . V ...... v .. V U UU w. house and lot. ' " ' WANTED Small bungalows to ex ' -change for farm and city property. E R. Balrd, 621 Yeon bldg. Main 6082, GOOD Mot, .value' $800, and some cash, to buy i ' gage or sel to buy good monthly payment mort- tiier s equity in contract., mam 7267. - ; ' 'n . ...... ' i ' ' , ,. t HAVE new modern income city prop- 730 Chamber of Commerce., ' i"-" " v ' - - TO TRApE Rooming houses, acreage 300 Washington sU Vancouver, Wash., or phone 35() nod you will hnve a trade. $lToV "eqiifty In 10 acres. . good land1. value $1600, for entilty In 6 room hunralow. 801 Couch bldg. Phone Main , a - .,....... . . , . MM!", BONDS. . BONDS. BONDS. ' I will trade unincumbered real estate . for Columbia River Orchard bonds.- See G 1 1 s Sm i t h, 517. Board of Trad e bjd g.- I havf number of vacant"iota to'ex cliange for rooming houses, E-820, Journal, fF" YOU WANT TO, SELL. BUY Oh 'J HAVE good rtai, edtate, clear of ln cumbranco, to trade for auto, Thone '. Vain. 8636. . . ' - ' lXVi HlNQ to fell. Coos Bay, Mnrah.ield. Bandon Information Bureau free. 1014 Chamber of Commerce, ion SALlS OR EXCHANGE hotel ' Doris, the ;only $2 per day hotel in Wood liurn, Or. J. L. De Long, owner. A GOOD lnt f to trade for billiard and" pool tableau 3?i Couch-bldg. Phone .TWILL buy, sell or trade anything. H..F, Lee, uoara otl ratio mar. EXCHANGEHEAL. ESTATE 24 88 acres, well , imDroved. good build- tngs, with implements, stock and crop, $4000; for larger-place. -.!,, ,..";-A-. -,:.;!.; . ,1 .. .":f, ..--:-. .-, -vo 40 Acres,' stock, crop and implements, for mortgage or contract to full amount; $3000. A.. .--';--. : ... .,".-.4 :.;;';;'.:;- .'"' r-"-v;-)-" :,' v-w ' . 40 acres, highly improved, ora build ings, .close to . station; take-lit use and lot to $3600,; balance terms; price 6OQ0. 1 40 acres, 20 miles Portlandj with atock and tools and crop" $6000; take- house and lot to $2600 or. 12760, good terms on balance. -vs :- ,.' . ;i r -; !-. 'J j 840 acres, j 480 In ' wheat- fenced! house and barn; fine well;' 1(0 acres can be irrigated; for Portland Income. S ' 60 acre's, well Improved, stook, crop and tools, for Portland house and lot, ' 820 acres, all under cultivation, wire fenced; 4 miles to good R. R. town; will come under ditch, For rooming house., . ,s .. .v ,; v,'-' ' ? r ' '' 10 acres, JO miles to Portland; six acres bearing orchard; good soilv set buildings. , For Portland bouse, and. lot. 1 acre, Garden Home," fine new house, land all in cultivation, for house and lot in' Portland. -; .- -. ' - - 5 acres, Beaverton, under cultivation; for timber close to railroad. 6 acres, within city limits Vancouver, Wash.; highly Improved; will take $8000 income property; szuuv on lermH. ... - A Lin P. K uiiiueuueii U6 810 OAK STREET For Exchange for" Small Farm , Dwelling of rooms, bath, and complete plumbing, cement base ment, lot' 100x100. near car Una. Actual selling price $3000. Our client will trade for small lm- ,, proved farm of about 20 acTa. Hustle on equitable basis. Barnes & Andrus 408 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts. Main 2081. Wanted. We have a' number of good farms and acreage tracts to ex change for Portland houses and jots. Most of them are clear of Incumbrance and are ' owned by parties desiring to move to Port land. . Ifsyou have property of merit and are willing to. trade at cash valuations, submit your offerings to our exchange department. Dorr E. Keasey & Company, 2d floor Chamber of Commerce WE have a small close In , apartment house on the east side netting $160 per month, and all full of good, perma nent tenants, valued at $6600, to trade as first payment on a well Improved farm; will pay additional cash up to $3000 and assume- up to $6000 or $7000 additional. This Is a splendid proposi tion for anyone having a good farm to trade, but don't present any poor places; must be a good improved place, any-. Where In the Willamette valley. GOWEN-IDE BUST CO.. Lumbermena bldg.. 6th and Stark. EXCHANGE. We have desirable property to ex change; houses and lots for acreage and acreage for houses and lots. If you want to exchange on a cash basis, see us. GLENART REALTY CO., (INC.), 421-422 Chamber of Commerce. WE ARE leaving Portland, aud will sell our strictly modern ungelow oq liberal terms, or at a great sacrifice for cash, or will consider country prop erty In exchange. O. C. Caswell, 4728 70ttl St., 8. E. All Kinds of Exchanges If you want to trade city property for farms or acreage, see me. I can give you trade either way. Neal Brown, 70y Swetland bldg. 5 Room Modern House Will sell for 8300 down, or trade for acreage, farm, or mortgages, located 37th and E. Lincoln. 611 Corbett bldg. Main ysi. inr. iewis. LOTS and acres at Multnomah on the Oregon Electric Railway, 20 minutes from downtown, fie fare. In books. This Is fine residence property. Let me Bhow you some bargains. T. G. Hawley, office near station. ONE-HALF section California pine. un. Incumbered, for Oregon property equi ties. What have you? GEO. C. MITTY, R. F. D. 2. Salem, Or. FIVE room house, 1 acre, at fine lake; smalt town, railroad, mills, $120u, clear, for lots, acreage or rooming house. Assume or pay casn balance. Owner, 420 Swetland. TWO LOTS IN PIEDMONT 100x100 feet. Will exchange for farm of 40 to 60 acres. ' Value $2600, equity $2000. Full particulars call or write 701 Spald- ingDiag. $2200 MORTGAGE 7 PER CENT. To exchange for house and lot; house not to exceed $2600, near car line. A. W. Smith & Co., 436 Chamber of Com merce. M. 6826. BUSINESS property; small town; Irrl . gated district; mines, mills, $1800, Clear, for acreage or Portland property. Assume or take mortgage back for bal ance. 420 Swetlandi, APARTMENT house, 2 apartmenU. Will take $600 cash, $3000 trade; house will pay the balance; wrst side; central location. Phone Main 4404 or address D-3S6. Journal EXCHANGE for Portland property, 7 acres at - Beaverton, 3 beaverdam. bal. good upland; fine buildings; rented for $800 last year. Fry & Emmons, beaverton. ur. WANT AUTO TRUCK. 40 acres, Kelso, Wash., 8 acres culti vation. Will consider 4 cylinder 1 to 2 ton true, izz tnnmnir or commerce. SPOKANE residence, $3000, clear, For Portland lots, residence pr land. Pay cash or take mortgage back for balance. owner. 4m swetiu.nd, 820 ACRES in Washington county, 7 miles north of North Plains. Wilt ex change for citj property. Call room 17. Valley hotel gon land to trade for Portland real oetate or other property; 20 to 80 acre; THREE lots eaet side, 1 west side; price $4400; will conHlder good house to $3500. Glenart Realty Co.. 438' Cham. her or t'ommerce, $400 EQUITY in $600 lot to trade as first payment on rooming- house, H. K. preferred. This is gilt edge. A-839, juuniitf. FIVE room modem house. wBt Bide: . 1 lot Irvington; will consider gooo acreage not over $2500. Glenart Realty WK HAVE acreage or houses and lots to trade for rooming houses. a6 Couch bldg,'"' ' ;:',; : flVB oassenger auto for modorn ffun. galow; will assume; car complete. 433 unamner or umimtrcB omg. WHAT have you to exchange for 20 to -40 acres good unimproved western Or- n M a a T .. t HAVE good land , in FlatheaiJ vallay, Un.i . An a wn d a n en', tnt M - iJX vrti vj t v.i'i'pv awa nuuiq All . VT 'ar Portland. . C-33 2, Journal. ", : bea EXUIlAWUlii-l iwjin oungaiow Jn Kpo Kane xor f orx.anu urypeny, : wood' lawn if it-'- 160- ACRES In Yamhill county to cx. " -c ff f tJTc lity propwtJr.Call room 80 ACRES of irrigated land to trade fori Portland properly, 806 Couch bldg. EXCHANGEREAL ESTATE 24 : For, Sale or Exchange - $00 acres, all finest of land and free from rock and hardpan; soil is deep and mellow; lias -idoal and gently rolling: 40 acres are in, .pasture and can be plowed at any time,' 8 acres are in -a fine lake , and form part of the boundary line. Water Is clear and from JO to 60 feet deep. Fine fishing; 260 acres are in fine state of cultlva- .; tion, and 100 of this is In crop and 60 of this la rented for this year, and one-third crop jtoea to tha ' owner, , There la a fine 11-roonV . house, new last year, hard fin Isbed, and full basement, with fur nace heat and bath, toilet, hot and , cold water and all modern con veniences. Fine cement walks to the barn and around the house. Fine well," with tnlndmlll, tank and all plumbing in and water to the barn. Excellent double-built barn, all finished - and well painted. Good rranary-in the barn; good outbuildings; everything; up In fine condition. Buildings and fenc ing cost over $11,000, The well la 4 feet in diameter and walled with cement the first 8 vfeet, then arched over, and then it is filled with small rock and gravel and sand, and there Is a 6-inch tiling runs from the top to the bottom, of tbe well and through this tha Slping for the pump runs. Abun ance of fine water at all times. This farm is miles from the main line of the 8, P. R. R., and the electrlo line is buildlnsr through the place (NOW), and ptatlon will be mile from tha , house. Farm will cut up In fine shape. Telephone in the bouse, R. F. D. and all ' modern con veniences. There is no indebted ness against this place, and can and will' give a clear title, with abstract. Will take $16,000 In good inoome property and soma cash, and the balance In .mortgage at 8 per cent There are 46 pas senger trains dally, run In 8 miles of this farm, and electric cars will soon be running through the place. Remember, no ROCK or gravel. NO STUMPS. This is a . good income-bearing farm, and to see it is to buy It. The price is RIGHT, For tho crop and land, 3 2,000. See photos of improvements at of flea , We have any kind of farms you want; let us know what you want. EVERETT A CREW, 615, S16. 617 Rothchlld Building;. Here Is a Trade Will apply 160 acres timber land with certified cruise of 6.600,000 feet, aa first payment on good dairy farm well stocked, or city property well lo cated, showing good value. Will as sume $6000 or more. FESLER 601 Swetland bldg. Marshall 4663 ill Exchange 15 acres, 10 miles from Portland on main county road, 5 acres In garden and small fruit and apples, good house, barns and chicken houses, all level land and 2 miles from street cars. Wants city property or good business to value of about $3600, or if less, can arrange. The Oregon Locators, 510 Rothchlld bldg. OUR client has an A-l apple proposition in the White 8almon Lyle district, close to the famous Giavls Fruit farm. Beter proposition than Hood River; wishes to exchange for Portland resi dence property, close inlots or income proparty. $8000 to $10,000. If youare In the market for a trade come in and see ua HENDERSON & HILL. 607 Spalding Bldg. Will Take Lot in Laurelhurst n xm itm n si Kuo utt rnl R.rnnm him. 1 galow E. 44th St., close to both Beau mont and Rose City cars. M. L. GALLAGHER, 821 Yeon bldg, HOOD RIVER BARGAIN 20 acres, all planted to commercial varieties of apples, mostly Newtowns and Spitzenbergs, part In bearing; fine spring: good house; beautiful view; near town of Hood River, on main county road; good Income next year; will take modern 7 room house as part payment. Address B.C. f. o. box io To Exchange For Portland property, 2V4 lota in Tacoma. 125x120. alley. 8 room house, street graded, cement walks, lots of fruit; will give good trade. Neal Brown, 708 Swetland bldg. 160 ACRES, some Improvements, close to a R. R. Junction. In Montana; clear of Incumbrance. What have you that Is clear? 160 acres, small incumbrance In Sher man county. 40 acres, 26 miles from Portland. 160 acres, good timber in eautern Or. ALEXANDER & BERRY, 4 N. 6th St. $27,500 BUSINESS PROPERTY Will take farm, lots, or acreage up to $16,000 In trade. Your property must be clear of Incumbrance. APARTMENT houne. 104 rooms, well furnished, to exchange for clear. Im proved farm or city property; value $12,500; can divide; very low rent. Write fully what you have, and value. P-329. Journal. 100x100 ON St. Johns car line, value $1200; will trade ror mortgage, con tract; or will sell for $10 down, and $10 per month. 51 S Gerlln-rer Bide. 2nd and Alder FURNISHED house wanted; will trade 4 room house and lot on 6c carline, to apply as rent on furnished house; no money required. Answer Sunday; no agents; give location of furnished house in first letter, it-xw, journal OWNER of a livery business In good country town, will trade for Portland or other property. This Is doing a good business ana can be had with or with out the renl eatatf. P-826. Journal. 8VAr COLUMN 25 I HAVE stocks of merchandise to trade. Invoices $760, $1600 and $3000. Ad dress owner. P. P. Await, Page Apart ments 18, city. Phone B-2182, WANT heavy work team, wagon and harness; mortgage to exchange for same; also 50 dine records. Phoue East im:. r.ast mam THOROUGHBRED foxhound dog. six months old, value $25, Sell or ex Change for good rifle or shotgun. Wood- lawn V14 or r.umi .mo, journal. WANT to trade? Phone Main 8636, no matter what, l own some dandy propositions and sure will talk business. EXPERIENCED lady piano teacher will exchange lessons for sewing or dentis try, R-329, Journal. WILL trade No. 7 Remington typewriter for good second hand motorcycle. 440 d t.t. Main a to;, a-.ui? WILL trado first class talking machine for inside painting. Portland fnono- graph agency, 8ao Aider St. TRADE anything anywhere. 829 Lum ber Exchange oldg. SELL or trade i shares In potter Coin Machine. T-2,-journal AVAXTKD RKAL ' ESTATE ,.31 I WANT to buy a small ranch or acreage close to Portr land, near; some car. line or i a a sn automobile road. Address, K- 327, Journal.';? v WANT ED Improved farm . land, ; or acres, for $4400 equity In two new modern 7 room homes, vclusa- In. 1 Owner, wood lawn iau WANTEb to buy our or'lva 'room mod ern eottaxe. not too far out on Haw thorne bridge cars. Small cash pay ment down, , JJ-82J, Journal1 WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 WE CAN . SELL TOUR HOUSE ' - - IF t You will take what It is worth. IF You will make the terms attract ive. : k . i 'if- ' ' 'i You will give the buyer a square ; 1 : ; ri deal -;. ' t - We will sell your house If you do ' the tight thing. ' Call and list your houses with us. We will have, our expert verify your listing and if, we accept it., .will specallie on it until sold. , We now have several applications ' : for bungalows on easy . terms in i desliable locations. : DORR E. KEASEY & COMPANY. 2d floor Chamber of Commerce. I WANT, to buy some lots be tween Sunnyside car. line and Powell Valley road, E. 20th, street and Reservoir on the.eastj will pay cash or buy equities. . Prices must be right. Give phone and street address, number of lot, block, addition. K-329, Journal, . , IF you WILL submit your property to us on a cash basis we can sell or trade It for you. Farm,, property, acre age and country homes for city prop erty, or vlca versa. -Call on us or give full particulars and best terms in first letter and owners only. . Wa have clients who are looking for homes which can ba handled on easy terms. If you wish to sell and your price and terms are right, come in and sea us or give full particulars In first letter. We have clients for small farms and acreage close to transportation and within 26 miles of the city, both im proved and unimproved. If you wish to sell come In and see ua or give full particulars and best terms in first letter. HENDERSON & HILL, ooi Hpaiaing xiuuaing. I WANT to buy direct from the tr : r l 607 Hpaldlng Building. owner a u or o room Dunga Jow; might consider 2 story house; price and terms con sidered. No agents. Please give phone No. or street ad dress. K-328, Journal. i HAVE client for elaht room, modern house. Does not wish to pay more man lauuv. Also have inquiries for five to sev en room house. If you have a bargain to offer please give full details. THOS. P. THORNTON, 203 Henry bldg. See Me Soon. .Portland, or. IN THE MARKET for the best buy In the city of Portland. Anything from $250 up to $10,000. Do not submit anything but real snaps. Might consider offerings from brokers. I have the casn. Address S-326, Journal. WANTED To buy modern unlncum bered 7 room residence In good locu tion, from party who will take $1000 cash and balance in young orchard In Hood River district; owners only. Ad- areps tt. i., f, u. pox 4B GOOD lot bb first payment, balance monthly, on modern 5 or 6 room bun galow or house. Full lot. Must be ?ood location and price right Main 267. WANTED House or bungalow In Rose City Para for small payment down; must be new, modern and well built. Price not to exceed $3500. P-SOO, Jour nal. WILL build you a 4 room house, plas- wA K 1 1 4 1 4.. W,,t. Tl,, , W 1.1, -kAn foundations and sink, $496. Phone Eaa 3718. Apk for Charley. WILL pay cash tor equity in Laurelhurst lot if price is right. Address K-326, Jour nal. WE buy real estate, routing houses or business without commission. RUTHFIELD INVESTMENT CO.. 917 BOARD OF TRADE. MAIN 8416. WILL give fine Butck automobile for unincumbered lot; about $1200. W- S28. journal WANTED House near Arleta, close to car, not over $1600; small payment ufjwii. jr-o i. I , juurnii. THE best lot' In Irvington foT cash. oiuie iui niiu uiulk iiuiuuer. v-oui, Journal. WANTED Equities in Portland prop ertv for clear title acreage. O. A. Graham, 588 Preseott st. C-2554. WANT 10 acres bearing nuts or apricots in Goodnoe Hills district. Full par- tlculars. lowest price. T-320. Jou rnal. WANTED Good team, first payment on house and lot. T-826-, Journal. ROOMING HOUSES S3 7 ROOMS, extra nice and clean, $150 down. 11 rooms H. K., rent $30; $175 down. 12. rent $36; fine, only $660. iS rooms, beautifully furnished, 6 baths and toilets. Strictly modern. Lease, cheap rent. $1750. Trade for small acreage. 24 rooms, lease, rent $76. Trade with $1000 for larger place. 18 rooms, nwfy furnished, fine loca tion. Trado i"5r smaller house. BERREY'S REALTY CO.. Marshall 2828. 249 4th st. 10 Rooms 10 1 block from Washington St., good furniture, always full. $l0o will handle. Peters, 15 N. 6th St. 17 H. K. rooms near courthouse. Every thing neat and clean. You will like thin and 1 am going to sacrifice It this week. Deal with owner and save com mission. Marshall 2828. 38 ROOMS. Corner brick, good furniture and lease, rent $80; clearing $125 per month, $950, $350 cash. 310 Henry Ding, $600. GOOD ONE CLOSE IN. 9 rooms, always full, well furnished, rent $28. It's Michael, 202 Commercial cmn. Atom aa. WHO wants a nce clean place, good furniture, buffet, expensive settees, olectrlclty, gas, furnace, lease; this must sell, give terms. Particulars 808 Mill st. PORTLAND ROOMING HOUSE CO., 617-615 Henry Bldg. Mar. 664, A-3263. We handle hotels, apartment houses and rooming houses exclusively. is rocTms. A-l location, good furniture and lease, clearing $75 per month, $360 will han dle. 8' n Henry mag. BEST paying recmlng house In Port land. Long lease, cheap rent. North srd t. i-none main naa, 25 Ito6M boarding house, full boarders. Must . sell. Klckness. Leaving town. C-8149 12 room houme and 4 auto garages: In oome $90; rent $35; part cash or trade. 54 Salmon $2uo"l if AN'fiLKS a 12 room flat; $450 handles 16 rooms, all housekeeping. lsiiv croni at. WANTED Rooming house of 16 to 20 rooms, well located, that a $600 first payment will handle. 810 Henry bldg. IAltOE 18 room, .In fine shape, busmess center St. Johns, $30. Best location in town. 311-312 Lewis Pldg, WANTED Rooming house of 20 to 80 rooms, In good location, that $800 will handle., a to Henry piug. r4"fVb )M S 1 1 earto f " the .city; clears . $60 above all 'expenses; owner leav ing ciiy-j iniiitt nvii. t,.mi ofl iiy.n. 10 rooms, rent $32. housekeeping. $460) tfrms.t i-Tira location; v.iay, ; FOR HALE Cheap rooming house ' In Alblna. Thone D-3170. , s v , 58 R. H. Goodkind Coi; Inc. - ' ' . 1006-$ Wilcox Bldg. i' - , Cor. th and Washinaton 6ta. 72 Room Hotel Trade, ' -I oiriciiT mpaern in every way, Drioa corner, bldg., on 6th st., clearing above all expenses $600 a month; price $12,000; trade equity of $8300 for home or farm close to Portland, bal. of $2700 payable $160 month, 7 per cent interest. ' This house ia new and elegantly furnished; has 4 years' lease and very low rent. - Swell Transient House Try Before Buying : First time on the market: '88 room trictly modern, corner brick bldg., near Portland hotel; private and public baths;, guarantee clearing $260 a month above all - expenses; finest of carpets and furniture: $2600 cash and 3 lots worth $1600 clear of enoumbrance, and balance easy monthly payments. SPE CIAL NOTICE: Owner of this house will allow you $0 days' trial to prova it to be as represented. If not as repre sented, will pay you $150 for your time. Can you beat that? 24 Rooms Steam Heat Easv ,sfor a woman to run; no heat to furnish, as the heat and water are furnished free, and the rent ia only $160, with long loaae. We have a spe cial price on this house for a few days, but you must have $1200 cash for first payment. Smaller Houses , We have several very floe email places, ranging in slxe from 10 to 20 rooms, which will bear thorough Inves tigation. Call for our complete free list of rooming houses. HERE YOU ARE. Mr. Landlord, a 79 room modern hotel with beautiful ground floor lobby: 12 private baths. This place will net $660 per month. Owner will sacrifice aa ha has two places on his hands; $5000 will handle. A LITTLE BEAUTY. 14 room apartment, arranged in 3 and 3 room suites; newly and elegantly fur nished in weathered oak; velvet carpets; brass beds. Good lease and rent only $60. Income Is $160 per month; $800 cash, balance easy terms. WILL TRADE. 14 room house in excellent location, for City property. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH, 907 Yeon bldg. H, E. James, 88 10th St. ROOMING HOUSES FOR TRADE 18 rooms, rent $50; price $1400. 12 rooms, -clone in; price $900. 10 rooms, housekeeping; price $500.' 7 rooms, modern, beauty; price $500. Will take suburban lots aa first pay ment on the above houses. 16 rooms, clears $50; price $1200. 10 rooms, fine location; price $600. Want cheap acreage near Portland. 16 rooms, fine corner, $1200. 12 rooms, good furniture, $900. i rooms, close in. $600, Give as first payment on house and '"lames, 88 10th, Near Stark " Very Special 17 rooms, all full, located near heart of city, where you can always have It full; fairly well furnished. Always sold for $1200 to $1600. Will sell Monday for $250 cash, balance $20 month. This Is positively a snap. Chance to double your money quick. 505 Yeon Bldg, A Few Samples 66 Rooms, steam heat, year's lease. Rent $125 per mo. $1950. S3 rooms, best transient location on west aide. $2900. Easy terms. 25 rooms, H. K.. close In. $850 cash. 11 rooms, 2H years' lease, west aide. $450. $100 down. We have a number of high grade ho tels and the prices are right. J. E. NICHOLS CO., 615 Yeon bid g. 33 Rooms, Brick, Lease One floor, transients and steady, Known to be the best money maker In Portland. Location ideal. Busses bring roomers from depot. Clears JZ60 month above every expense. Kespectable. Worth $5000. Yours for $1100 down. Price $2900. 505 Yeon Bldg. The Oregon Locators 510 Rothchild big. Mar. 3931 We make a specialty of rooming houses and hotels and can just now of fer some good bargains in any size you want, can also make some goon exchanges for real estate. TALK WITH US. IT WILL PAY YOU $4500 72 ROOMS. $4600 $1000 as first payment will put you In possession of this new brick apart ment house, furnished less than one year. 6-year lease, clearing $300 month ly. To see this place call at 810 Henry hide-. 20 Washington Street 20 44 year lease, good almost new fur niture. Clean. This place will sell for $1800 If you will run it until someono wants to buy. Sickness end death have made it imperative to sell, hence you can buy it for $800. Easy terms. Lo cated near 10th and Washington sts, 505 Yeon Bldg, 10 rooms, rent $30. central. $325; 10 rooms, near Washington, trade or sell, easy terms. This is swell and clean. 10 rooms, near 12th and Main, $300 handles. 35 room apartment house, anap. HEINEBAUGH, 303 Ablngton bldg. 39 Rooms39 In heart of city, a-ood lease, extra fine furniture, rooms all full, clearing $225 monthly. Price $1500; half cash. This place Is a bargain at $3500. Petera. ,15 N. 5th ft. 20 ROOMS. Corner bripk, center city, good furni ture, 4 years leaae, clearing idu, month. $1200. This Includes $250 de posit on lease. Easy terms. 310 Henry bldg. 19 room apartment houne. lease 8 years, rent $75. Price $1600, $600 down. 18 room H. K.. $1000; rent $60; will trade for equity In house and lot. 82 room H. K. brick, $500 cesh will hnndle, nnd take city lot In trade. LEWIS REALTY CO., 511 Corbett bldg. Tremendous Snap 24 rooms, newly renovated. Rent $86. Full of roomers. It is bona fide, clears $86 month and your living rooms. It always sold for $1800. Can sell Mon day for $800. Easy terms. 505 Yeon Bldg. 18 ROOMS. One block from Wanhlngton. steam heat, good furniture and lease, A-l transient house, $1000, $600 cash. 810 Henry Mflg, SELL OR T RADIO. r" 10 rooms, fine location near 10th and Columbia; a money maker. Price $500; y, cash or trade suburban lot; would consider acre tract near car and assume some; Call 88 10th. Rooming.House Owners I have aome good city property nnd cash to trade for rooming house: what hay- you? Call Main 6377 or A-7720. Railroad Literature may fool some people half of the TIME, but It cannot fool half tha people all tbe TIME, that's the half we do business with every TIME. At 606 Yeon bldg. Goddard & Goddard " 1 53 ROOMS. "' Comer brick, Weat side, good furni ture and lease, clearing $250 every month;. $3400; $500 cash. 810 Henry hldg. 33 ROOMS 33 In heart of city. Brick building; all II TV ,y, iii.uiB, luiuiiii t. i , ill m.11 rooms; clears $200; price today $1650, trms. Peters, 16 N. 5th st. - - 27 ROOMS. - Corner building, 10 minute' to P. X, rooms always ranted, clear $160 month; $800: $500 ensh. 810 Henry bldg. - FOR SALE BY OWNEIi. On account, of death In family in east am obliged to .sell my 8 room house, elegant furniture, rooms alt full, price for spot cash $650. Owner . 306 ltus sell. , , ; ;-:')t . .. ;. ROOMINO HOUSES 63 505 Yeon Bldg. ' 4 . ThM lira K era In. Vi, vtli.lra'A from a list of several hundred: - 42 rooms, brtck. modern, new, leate 4 years, rent $225,' located right; price $4000; easy terms or part trade. v ;;. ..' ' '44 rooms. $1800 will buy it ; 10 bath, all light rooms, finely furnished; long lease. ":-- $3 rooms, long lease, transient and steady roomers, clears $250 month; $1000 cash, balance trade or terms; price $3000. . 26 rooms H. K., rent $90, Inoome $190; easiest possible terms; $5fl0. , ' ' 20 rooms, long lease clean, transient and steady; worth $2000; yours for $850; terms. 18 rooms, rent' $65; Income $130; price $500; near Cornelius hotel; terms. This is giving, it away. ' 11 rooms, atrlctly modern, near White Temple; $500 will handle It. 10 rooms, $150 down; price $450. If you want a strictly transient house we have it. If a home liko place we have it, . If housekeeping apartment house is required we have 1L If a boarding house we have it. If you haVen't sufficient means to buy what you want we'll loan It to you. Where there's a will there's a way. If you want to exchange your property for a rooming house can do that. See ua Monday. 505 Yeon Bldg. EIGHT room house, 4 blocks from Haw thorne and Grand ave., rent $20; clears $36 and reserve t rooms. . Steel range, gaa plate, cooking utensils for 15, kitchen and extension dining, table, 22 chairs, 2 heating stoves, 6 dressers, 6 I V. - . a ia ahAat mil allrtM. 1IVU UCUW, A UK a, J w.-w ----, sanitary couch, linoleum, $50 parlor car- ?ei, 49 a cenier muiaa, wn tmcn, -day clock, washing machine, lawn mower and hundreds of small articles. This place Is worth $600; will sacrifice for $275, as I have disposed of my bus iness and am gonig away. Here is a place that will clear Itself in months. This is a fine proposition for man and wife. This must be sold at once, and if you mean business, here is an oppor tunlty of opportunities. N-824, Journal. 1P1BTMKMT rTOITSR A BEAUTIFUL PLACE. 100 rooms, S3 apartments, 4 years lease, rent only $5 room, clear $400 month. Owner In hospital and must be sold. Take $1500 cash and real estate up to $2000. Don't delay on this. H. E. James Co., 88 10th St. 33 Rooms 33 Transient house, new hrlck building, long lease, all on one floor, running water all rooms. Brand new furniture; alwavs full. Price $1650; terms. Peters, 10 4- Did Jl. WE PAY CASH FOR ROOMING HOUSES. WE LOAN MONEY. WILL BUY YOUR MORTGAGE Or ROOMING HOUSE. James, 88 10th, Near Stark $T66l 82 ROOMS. $1650 $1000 first payment will secure this and cold water In all rooms, new furni ture, clearing zuo every monm. iv Henry bldg. 1 6 Rooms 1 6 A dandy money maker, 8 years' lease, brink building, clears $100 monthly. Price $360. peters, 15 N. 6th st. 23 Room Bargain . Housekeeping. Rent $70. 2H , year' lease. $350 buys, if sold before Mon day night. Pome terms. Owner, 1009 Board of Trade bldg. . ELEVEN room house for rent, fuinlturj for sale cheap. Main 3753. A-7042. STOfJK3 ANI BONDS 68 TALK WITH FLETCHER All California Oil stocks ..bargain 1000 Alaska Pet. & Coal snap 2750 Almeda Con. trans 35 6 Am. Life & Acc bargain 75 Am. Life & Acc, to trade for west side property. 20 Am. Telegraphone 1.36 40 Armstrong Mf. bid 600 Automatic Call 1000 Bering Oil market 10 Bonville cheap 260 Call Sw'tch bargain t Coin Machine (Potter) special 5u0 Comstoek Golden Gate 08 3000 Coos Bay Traction bond .sacrifice 20 Favary Tire bargain 1000 Eidelitv Copper very cheap 100 Gibson Mfg. Co bid 800 Govt. Stand Powder special 45 Laurel hust Co snap 3000 Meader-Cochrane Press ..i.... .bid 6000 Metallne Con must sell 100 Multltype Machine special 260 Necarney City Hydrocarbon ..snap 10 Orchard Land & Timber bid 200 H. O. Peck Auto Wheel big bargain 25 Port Con. Pile bid 860 Slmonson Fix-It bargain 100 U. 8. Cashier special 100 United Wireleas pfd so cheap All other stocks and bonds; see me before buying; may be able to do better. I WANT: COLUMBIA RIVER ORCHARD BONDS Alaska Pet. & Coal Almeda Consol Portland Concrete Automatic Cull Poulsen Wireless Coos Bay Traction Realty Asso. H. O. Teck Wheel Rose City Marconi Wireless f Snowstorm Omaha Tel. bonds U. S. Cashier Oregon Electric Ry. Wasliougal G. & C, 225 Ablngton Bldg. UNLISTED STOCKS & BONDS. Will Sell 60 V. S. Cashier $10.75 100 V. H. Cnshier hid 1000 Gov't Standard Powder.. bid 600 Coos Bay Trac. bonds.. bid 200 Almeda Consolidated. .. .bid I Want Almeda Consolidated. Portland Concrete Pile. United States Cashier. Portland Cement Bonds. Marconi Wireless. Advise the sale of all Marconi WlreUss Issues. Don't neglect your profits. 0. H. McClelland 208 Railway Exchange. Correspondence Invited. FOR SALE: 600 Auto. Call & Adv. Clock very cheap 80 United States Cashier ..10.60 100 United Wireless pfd 76 4-Anin. Life & Accident ....a snap 5000 Metallne Con 04 2000 Alaska Pet. & Coal '04i 2000 Almeda Con. Mtnes 42H 60 Canadian Marconi Wireless bargain 50 Poulsen Wireless Corp. ..make bid And many others. Submit us an offer for any nart of the above. WE WILL PAY CASH FOR; 6000 Alaska Pet. & Coal 100 Tclegraphone 100 Marconi Wireless Telg. 10 Port. Con. Pile & Eq. Omaha & Tncoma Ind. Tel. honds. And all other marketatble MINING, OIL AND INDUSTRIAL stocks. Communi cate with us before btiylng or selling. It will pay you. Over 10 vears' experience at vour service. Call or write. W.-E. Davidson & Co.. 216. 217 Lewis Bldg. AUTOMATIC Call & Advertising Clock 'stock, 1000 shares to soil at 23 V4 cents er share. K-324, journal. FOR SALE 10 shares of United States Cashier company's stock at $12.60 per share. N-320. Journal. i ' .- . ' 1 BUSINESS t'HANvES : ; 23 I WILL sacrifice "my live grocery and market, as I am forced to leave for the outh: am doing $60 to $120 per day. mostly cash; will bear the closest Investigation. , phone week days, Wood- lawn 18SY, iawn'io(. r , ' ,',.' .. " ; ' ' ' " . $250 Restaurant $250 - ! 7 Splendid opportunity ! for man and wlfa. good. business, little exoens. 60S j pun "in INVOICE $lC0f FOR "'$460' ' " Confectionery, clear and stationary Store. Long lease: living room fur nished. 606 Yeon bldg. ROOMING BOUSES BUSINESS CHANCm BUT LOTS IN HAZELTON, H. C. Profitable investment; Haselton riv als Calgary. Edmonton, Wlnnepeg ter rapid growth: on main line of G. T. 1. railroad. Send for free book -about Hazelton and central B. C Haieiton now busy town';-14 stores, I batik, i newspapers:' , telephone, .telegraph, mu nicipal water aystem; , clear streets;' $500,000 business, done yearly pawt 10 years; center immense mining and an thracite eoal district. Fruit and stock raising. , Lots averaging $100 to $luo on easy terms. Property selling rap idly. - $10 secures good lot subject to' your , acceptance or on reserved for you or mohey refunded, fcure to get good location If send order now with Inquiry. Big book, photographs, map of central. B. C, ree. ' Write for it. Give names of friends Who would be Interested.' .''r---' a.-..-:--v ---v CANADIAN NATIONAL INVESTORS, ' -V.-.. , Ltd., - 810 F Hastings St., W Vancouver, P., C. BRITISH Columbia Is Canada's Pacific province and is larger and richer than ; the state of Oregon. Washington and Idaho combined; f Canadian transcon tinental railway and numerous other railway lines are building through the province, opening up an Immense are , of virgin agricultural, mineral, coal and timber lands; this is the last great op portunity on the North American con tinent to "get in at the etart." BriMnh Columbia' climate la the best In Can- , ada. Let us send you, free of cost, our publication. "British Columbia Bulletin of Information." giving latest new of development, investment opportunities, openings for business of all kinds, etc. Write today. Cend u a postal card with your name and address, r Natural , Resources Security Co., Ltd., ' $06-615 i Bower blda., Vancouver. B. C Meat Market - Market complete, in a good town, Just outside of Portland; good fixtures anu machinery; doing a business of $80 per day. Here la a good opening for a market man. Look thl up; it's all right, Neal Brown, 709 Swetland bldg. Gents' Furnishings- Get in on tha ground floor, now la the time. Rent $30. Only one In the neighborhood. Will invoice about $2500. Vt cash, balance mortgage or real es tate. ..... oil uorDeit ninsr.. inr: uewm. RARE opportunity for partner or man and wife having $300 to invest in per manent legitimate cash business; with out competition; steady demand for goods; experience unnecessary; $125 cash per month or better guaranteed, particulars; F-323. Journal. ; NEW town in valley wants grocery and hardware store, also blacksmith, car penter and painter, lots, blocks and acreage tracts for sale or exchange. . 1 f you want a country location in - best part of Oregon, call room 823 Henry bldg. , ' FOR SALE Hotel at Myrtle Creek depot, the best location and .best pay ing hotel of Its size in Douglas county; can be bought for $3000; terms to suit purchaser; old age and disability force the sale. Address T. J. Simmons, Prop. of Western hotel, Myrtle Creek, Or. Hardware and Furniture Stock Good valley town, Yamhill county. Ini voice $8000. Cash sales. 1911. $12,000 to $15,000. Owner retiring, would consider farm or acreage part payment ' . C W. I.A MAK. 417 Cornet! PIQg. Business Investment - Wanted Permitting thorough Investigation, car-, rylng responsible position; eastern man; highest credentials; communications confidential, E-824, Journal. .-'-'-- - GENERAL merchandise $13,000 stock in thriving eastern Oregon town; $48. 000 cash business yearly; big store, low rents, short credits; railroad this year. At Invoice prices to first caller. Ask R. H. Jon as. John Day, Oregon. Confectionery Wished, good payfnii carrying clean line sporting goods, sta tionery, cisars, pipes, etc.; corner loca 1. ,BV,UIIOIIHU, K V.IVI Htl.ltlB U.'OI 1." . tion: invoice liiztu). j-aun. journal. FOR SALE Local concern, doing a re tail and wholesale business, wishes to dispose of the retail end; will offer A-l prooositlon to a capable man; business easily learned: clean and healthy out door wora. i33s, journal. FOR SALE 10 acres of land, resilience,. barn, 2 story new store building. Tlx diss. Address W. S. Grlbble, Mt Hood, or. FAMILY GROCERY STORE. Lot and building and good clean stock at invoice, living rooms, dally cash sales $35: price $8800. $1800 Will hnndle. room 7?n Chamber or torn. I FINE chance to obtain an interest in well established collection business; references and small . amount of cash required: experience not necessary but preferred -J'eert fem. a-ass, journal. FOR SALE Grocery, clean stock, good location, nice room with cement base ment, good reason for selling. If you mean business write. No agent. . B- i 321. Journal. BILLIARD hall and bowling alley. Must be sold. Paying business, -no com- fietltlon.-ln pay roll town of 1580 poou atlon. Address Qulllen & Hansen, Wln- iock, wasn. TRAVELING man knows good merciiqn dlse stock near Portland, for sale; I a U., 1 Innrtnio nnvMr.v u m nUr v. -change: invoice about $15,000. 8-322, j ourna i. GROCERY store doing good business In Rose City Park. New clean stock. natures, long .ease, cnean. ror par tlcularw call 610 McKay Mdjt.-- - NEWSPAPER Fine Coos county propo sition. Dont' miss It Appeals to alL Gill-Adam Co., 640 Hamilton bldg.. Fortiana. Finn RnsinflRS Harris.' SI ' none Vliy rrinwrr, a.iiiu oirevw A RFAL BARGAIN; " The War 1" 01 n i-,i-.. t-u nLi.J a SHOE repairing snop at a sacrifice. with tools and aewing maenme ana some well made second hand shoe. Mar- In Fesekas. 250 Alder st. THE best opportunity In Portland for $500. Make this amount per month. This will bear strict investigation. 208 Railway Kxcnange. FOR RENT 60x100 utore building, oor ner 21st and Tlbbets; will give ; years' lease. W. R. Lacey, -401 Boar. or Trsne. Mam io. A-iit. SWF.LL little restaurant, mod class trade, good prices, new ijblldlng. cltv ball district, only $400.- See WUHams. 207 oregonian oioa. PRESSING parlor: will clear man and wife $200 mo.; sold for $800 In sum mer. Today,, for $400. Living rooms. 824 Ymnui. 'Ao38. is nor us. WANTED A man who is a good saies , man, with small capital, to tak charge Of a new Jobbing, business., ; D- ?.1 journal. EXTRA good location for restaurant an.l lunch, ronm; see Hosnack A God' man, Oregon Electric depot, Front and Jefferson sin. WANTED An experienced man with $10,000 to take the bead of larg land comrsny. l-ihi, iurntii. WANTED An experienced poultry ralm.r . with small capuai run a lursey and chicken raneni A-asu. J"urnai. STOCK of second hand goods, well will , mml am y irmAtt . PbnnM luvmru, . -i ; " . Fast 43"5. '.' '""' '"'' ' .V"' '' '";'' PA RTN ER for! real estate office, fan Clear $160 per montht referencss ex changed. 80$ Uimbcr Exchange 500 Good Business Cards SI 611 Buchanan blda,, $86 V, Washln gt on; POOL room, cigar store ..easy (rms7 some trade, receipt $15" per day. Owner. 151 Holladsy, afternoons. ' ' FOR SALE Gravel pit, containing 1.4 lots; formerly belonging to l ounty. J, M. Mchon. 1264 DlylHlon st. Tabor J 151 . $250 worth Mt. Pcott eenTetery stock at discount. C-837, journal. , . FOR SALE Pool room and cinfectlon-. ery at half price. 4 6th st. HOTEL barTfine went side locsthui, 4 year iHu-aJH Conch .bldg. nS4'"KUNDf;ES " well pa'Wo J barber abop. Room 2,.24 Fro"t rt. FINf-Ffoi'Mtlon for good aH'"rn?.y. WrU -, Hotel- Wltchill. jlosfnb.jr. , WTl A f ' ' 1 1 r . poTffi T) a " l" v e '"" ' that f IQftO wilbsM'.--? r;'; ' 1 R EST A I' HA N,T r.'r"-l" loi-r tl'M ; rh,-ft n ' - 1 ' ' ' ' SALt'M tN -'- I 1 mi