k won sale- ixts 10 y ACREAGE 57 ACREAGE - 57 ACREAGE 57 ACREAGE 67 FOR SALE FARMS ' 17 FOR SALE 1 ARM i i: THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING; FEBRUARY 11, 1912. A. '1 or 2 Fine Lots $700 : . On E. 45th st, close to carllne. These lota command a beautiful vlw of the entire city and are covered , with fruit trees,; Terme very easy, t)eY O UNO & JOHNSON. ' ; "tiH Chamber 'Of Commerce bldg. ' Two Blocks:; -iiij! 4 r ' B. 26th. JTth and 28th sta. ' Pacific st. and Holl&day ave. . Will sell lots or blocks ..v..;, '' ' " '.je r... ' , J." J. OEDER, ""'v''.i'o'. Cor,- Grand ave and E. Ankeny. Laurel hursts 100x100. -"Want to aell or trade my equity of 1800. cash in each lot for un incumbered property of equal value ex cellently located. Boom 8 Washing- ion bin jr. $950 Close in$950 - Fine oOxl 00 fronting east, cement walk. IVi blocks from neW Rose City cax. Nonresident owner must sell. B. B. cot-X & CO., . 503 Corbett bldg. , Irvingtbn $1160 -, Fin lot on hard surface street. 18th st.,' near Irvington car. Liberal terms. Stayer ft Aussfeker, 814 Couch bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. I can sell you a good lot for f 10 down and $10 per month. Here's your chance for a home in a high class district. I 820, Journal. . ' ' ' A FINE lot in Rosa City Park. I will ell for $10 cash and f 10 per month. K-8 28 Journal. : SELL WOOD buys at right prices; lota iir t Southmoreland. Phone Sellwood 26H Office Leo avenue and E. 13th St. V, ACRE for $600, ' Best valu In the city. Terms to.suit you. M. K. Lee, 811 Corbett bldg. ACREAGE 67 POTATOES 1ET THE MONET. Fine silt loam soil, rolling, dandy .community, 1. miles from Fourth st line, soon to be electrified. choice tracts left of 6, T and.10 acres. Bhould you not car to farm it yourself we will lease It and give you one-third of crop delivered in warehouse. Will net ' from 12 to 16 per cent on your Invest ment at a valuation of $200 per Sere. We also have 20 acres to rent-to re- . sponsible party, renter to furnish seed, equipment and give one-third of crop. RUFF & KLEINSORGE, 418 Board of Trade bldg. """ CRANBERRY LANDS. ; Wanted As few investors to Join In buying cranberry lands, develop the same, and grow cranberries where the cranberries grow, at Ilwaco, Wash. You ' have heard about the profits, know the demand. Let , me present to you . the opportunity which may never come to ?ou again. Act now. Don't waste your Ime unless you have some ready cash. Don't say you don't know anything about growing cranberries. 1 know you don't, very few do, but 1 will show you how and where to get in on the ground floor. Call at 824 Board of Trade bldg. FIVE acre tracts on macadamised Germantown road, northwest of city, rood timber and only tVi miles back from Willamette river, $200 per acre and upon monthly payments. Office open until i p. ra., evenings. ' TBIE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 36 ,102 Fourth St. A8500 $500 CASH. HOOD RIVER BARGAIN. 5 acres of good orchard land situated bout 4 miles from Hood River on coun ty road, all planted to young orchard in prime condition, mostly 2 and S years old; sufficient water for raising straw berries or small garden. If you are looking for a nice homesUe in the beau tiful Flood River valley, this is your opportunity. Price, $3000; only $600 cash required, balance easy terms. P- 3Z8, Journal Six Acres, Facing on Oregon Electric Near St. Mary's. Fine soil, gentle south slope. Some good cordwood. Faces county road crossing electric. $226 pjr -acre. Terms. Land not so good selling for $400 close by. Main 3510 or E. G. ADAMS. 101S Chamber of Commerce. A Snap-Buy I Vk acres of the finest, level land, practically all in cultivation and right at electric station; 12H miles from court house by automobile road. Owner is 'leaving city and is sacrificing. Bee it at pnce; $500 cash required. - FEEM3T1SR & DE GRAFF. lit Btark st. Main 8476 10 Acres, Timber Land On good county road, near Portland and electric lines. Plenty water, black soil, near school and river. Cordwood should pay for clearing; $100, monthly payments. Examine plats and abstract of title any time. FAC. N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO., INC.. 405 Couch bldg. NOTHING LIKE THIS AROUND PORTLAND. . 30 acres, richest bottom, much bea verdara, running stream, 7 miles court house, 6 minutes 3 electric stations. Price $300 per acre few days, worth $600. Terms. Marshall 3054. Beeker, 831 14th st 40 Acres 11 miles from postoffice. near Beaver- ton. Black loam soil, all tillable, cord wood estimated 1800 cords. Owner needs the money and will sell for $70 per aere. (No trade). MIX A MARSH. 808 Yeon bldg. 1 Acre, All Cleared ' , I room shack, -water piped to house. Small chicken house, best of black .soil, all kinds of fruit and berries, on Ore gon Electric line, , 20 minute car- ser vice. Just outside city limits. Best of terms. Room 8 Washington bldg. ACREAGE BARGAINS , For the cheapest close to Portland on electrlo line, three acre tracts. See us a once. No better soil In the state; onlr few more left-at low price of $200 ner acre; small, cash payment and terms to suit. Vanduyn & Walton, SIS Cham ber of Commerce. ' - " ; CHOICK ACREAGE. On electric carllne, rich garden land, suitable for truck farming and a choice plate for suburban home 3 minutes walk tot station, $375 per acre, 3H and 4 acre tracts, come son and get vour . choice, easy terms. A bargain. W. J. l'sy, sa Hoard or Trade. 13 ACRE FARM HOMEi All cultivated, fine garden and fruit soli, 8 room plastered " house, barn, chicken house and park, other buildings, adjoining railroad town 80 tulles south; .cow. chickens, feed; $3500, v.iCOROE W. LILLY, 606 Marquam bldg. Garden Home ' acres ncartatlon for $2650. Easy terms. Some ood acre tracts on your own terms, . 7 , STAV'ER ft Al'SSIRKER, S';' . . . iy v;oucn Ping, 10 Acres v ; On Section Line Road. 6-miles from city limits. - Dandy location for a home or fine subdivision. Price $4325. Terms. ' "Boom 8 Washington bldg. EASV PAYMRIOTS 5 and 10 acre tracts near station on S?alem Electric; deep,, r rich soil, all "t flwilf, rwnnln water,, very easy terms, La Barre, 209 Commercial block. ' MULTNOMAH BTAxTON ACREAGE. $360 per acre, the.prlce of a 60100 foot lot; No 1 soil, partly cleared: noth ing so cheap on the market today; easy ', rm" w- J- Pay. 423 Board of Trade. CHOICE 6 and 10 acre tracts, 26 miles . , from Portland, adjoining station. Come ; In and sea-us about these tracts. Room , 8, Washington bldg. ' AN ACRE, Oregon City carllne, Ho car fare, modern bungalow, right at sta .. Una, cheapest buy on line. $3300. Terms. 811-811 Lewis Bldg. - ? .. S ACRES Assorted bearing orchard, ex- cellent spring, 6o fare,. 31760. terms. ' 326 Worcester bldg. . For particulars of good properties 8KB O. W. P. SIGN BOARD ' Opposite waiting room, 1st and Alder, TKN sere ttacj near-Mt. Hood H. R. and Gresham. $1600; $800 cash. Owner, 480 Worcester bid . .. . . , 1 A fPLENDID OPPORTUNITY! If vou in lookinor for food land to locate on or fur Investment, you will , avitu yourseit 01 mis opportunity wnn out hesitation as we are stilV selling our land from $15 to $30 per acre on ear-terms. Most of the land Is located In the Wlshkah and Hoqulam river val leys, 5 to 13 miles from Aberdeen and Hoquiam,' two of the fastest arrowing cities on the Pacific coast, with three transcontinental . railroads, a BDlendld rfieep ;. water harbor and the greatest lumoer industry . in tne wona. ' Bine many contented families live on the land now, we have convincing proofs of tta fertility, being free from rocks and sandy soil Is entirely unknown here on the harbors. - The land con be reached by navigable rivers and good county road. Numerous small streams run through the land. Owing to thefaot that the land la selling very fast, you will exercise good judgment by -writing for further information at once to WASHINGTON -.'.. STATE COIONIZA TION CO., Aberdeen, Wash, Only $200 Per - Acre and Up for 2 1-2, 5 and -10 -Acre . Tracts ' 10 miles from courthouse, 88 minutes' ride; station on the property the most desirable acreage near Portland for the homebullder; only 10 per cent down. . Atchison & Allen v ;-, 818 fterllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. Severe Illness ! - Makes me sell 40 ' acres, 5 miles west from city limits; SO acres best black alder bottom; 20 acres in fine cultiva tion, 10 acrea very- valuable timber; fair buildings, excellent water; automobile road to Portland. Price $$750; $2000 under market; easy terms. This price for quick sale. .You will oall this oni of the best buys, in Oregon. Must sell quickly. NORTH COAST COLONIZATION CO., 432 Chamber of Commerce Bldg, Main 255. A RARE BARGAIN BE QUICK. $37.60 per acre will buy very choice 40 acre tract of good land, suitable for nice country home, 2 miles from live town, on railroad and loat line, not far from Portland. .County road to place. Four acres cleared, house, barns, chick en house, family orchard, etc Improve ments cannot be duplicated for less than $1000; timber and cordwood worth $300. Land Is ideal for fruit and general farming. Terms, $800 cash, balance 2 or 8 years. - NEUHAUSEN & COMPANY, j 703 Lewis Bldg. Two Acre Home In the citv limits, all highly culti vated, 6 room house, new barn. Bull Run water, 40 assorted bearing fruit trees, finest -cherries in district, land lies beautiful, on Section Line road be tween' 76th and 77th, south side of road. If you are in the market for a close in home call on the premises and get fur ther details. Priced for quick sale. Mrs. J. Haas, owner. 1, 2 OR 3 ACRES. 1 mile from station on Fourth Street Elec tric, sidewalk one-half the way, soil the very best, easy cleared and yours at $250 per acre on monthly payment .plan. Office open evenines until 9 p. m. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 36 102 Fourth st. A-3500 Best But 'Cheapest 6 and 10 acre tracts, $20 to $45 an acre, easy terms; deep red shot soil; well watered; Ideal for frufC vegetables, '-trying; fine view; some buyers already living on property Income producing all Trtnter; school on ground; on county road close to live town on R. R. and river, near Portland. Neuhausen A Co., owners, 703 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak eta. For appointments evenings, phone Kast 394. T For Sale Choice 10, 20 and 40 acre tracts, close to Portland and Vancouver; rich fruit, nut and garden land; no stone or gravel, all level, partially cleared, right on R. R. and adjoining good town, with graded school and church; prices and terms reasonable. C. G. Brown, owner. Brush Prairie, Clarke county, Wjulh. v Fine Country Home 14 acre chicken and fruit ranch just outside the city; fine buildings, good bearing orchard and 2 : acres of small fruit, running water and good well, beat of soil, on good auto road. If you want something fine see this; Income from fruit alone $1000. Neal Brown, 610 Swetland bldg. CHICKEN AND FKUIT RANCH. Near Portland, a new subdivision. Low est prices, best soli, fine view, wood, water and roads. $ acrea $400 per tract; -10 acres $600; $20 acres $S0O; 40 acres $1200; 80 acres $2000; 160 acres 33000. Liberal terms. Better seo us. FRANK McFARLAND REALTY CO., 809 Yeon bldg.. Portland. Or. 10 Acres $1500 Near Gaston, Or.; 7 acres In fruit trees, 600 prune trees, 80 cherry trees. $1000 down, balance easy. McGOWAN & McGOWAN. LRoom 3, Healy Bldg., Grand Ave. and East Morrison. Phone East 282. - 7 ACRES. ' At Tlgardville, 2 miles from electric station; house and outbuildings; 6 acres under cultivation; running stream all year around on place: land lies fine; 11 miles of Portland; $2600 for quick sale. -A. W. Smith & Co, 436 Chamher of Commerce. Main 6826. Five ,or Ten Acres Cleared, level, deep, rich soil, splen did for fruit, garden truck and grain; near depot; big market; adjoining tract nnder cultivation, $100 per acre, easy terms. Owners', 103 Second street. Between' two carlines, 6o fare, only $1000; easy terms; remember, it's time to make garden. See Mr. Camp, " GREGORY INV. CO.. 418 Corbett bldg. $100 PER ACRE. 10 acres within 48 minutes' ride of olty, half mile of electric station, 12 from Portland and lies fine. A. W, Smith ft Co., 486 Chamber of Commerce. BIG . tract near Portland, fine subdlvl slon. 0'ily $8000 cash, $7000 trade. Sacrifice at $100 per acre, A' real bar gain. Purchaser can clear $20,000 in one to two years. Gill-Adams Co., 640 Hamilton bldg., Portland. Marshall 3222. 10 Acres on Villa Ave "Close to Mt, Hood Electrlo railway, 1 miles east of city, partly cleared, small house, good well, fine platting roposuion. uwner. jj-b, journal. 10 OR 20 acres stump iand, mile from Yacolt,' Wash. Good soil, brook. 846 an acre. Terms. Also 120- acre home stead, 40 tillable, 4 H miles from town, $125.- Wm. Irle, 681 EJ. 8th, Portland. Bellwood 196. ' 1 , 64 ACRES, 2 miles southeast, of Mil waukie; 44 acres In cultivation, re mainder small timber, with fine spring; easy terms; will take part In nlty prop erty. E. Coleman, R. F. D, No 1, Mil- waumct ur, Acre On macadamised road, close to car and school; 326 down and $10 per month. Ints iteai g;ime '...' j-enis, uregon, S ACRES highly improved home, with orchard, city limits Vancouver, on car line;' worth $8000;, must raise $3000 cash) will sell for $6000. y Owner,,. 308 Ablngton bhlg. 1 ' . ' ON B, K, 3 and 6 acre tracts, close in suburban property.; good electric car service. J 100 to $400 per acre, essy terms. J. W. Hefferlia RealtytCo., 414 l.ffnipiiuiHi(. 7 ACRKS 1 miles from & P. at JReedvllle, unimproved, -at a bargain. P." O. address C. Sorenson, Bcaverton, ur., Konit . 80 acres all under cultivation.' $30 "an acre, iz:u uown, oaiance 6 years, S per cent! Phone -2981. 862 Chapman All for $55 Per Acre , 165 acres, good 6-room house with water" piped to : kitchen, good frame barn - with granaries, , also other out buildings. . Thero Is 60 acres In crop, 18 acrea of rotten oak grubs that could be gotten ready for late potatoes with but very little expensev 26 acres that could bs cleared for $20 per acre or less. About 90 acres of second growth fir, very tall and straight for piling, from 12 to 24 Inches at the butt, which would cut 10, 000 cords of wood,, which brings $4.00 per cord in McMinnvllle. This . place would all be tillable land if cleared. , The place is all fenced and cross fenced, arid lays on the main county road hVt miles from McMlnnville, which will have electrlo car service this sum mer, 40 miles on one line and 60 on the other ffom Portland. There are 7 cows, team, harness and wagon, 8 hogs, STO goats, 8 dozen chick ens, also plows, harrow, nay rake and hay fork, pullles, and all go for $56.00 per acre, on good ' terms. . If you want to buy a good farm from the owner and save .agents' commission see me. v . I. H. BjOGERS, ; -Phone Marshall 464. 648 White ave., Portland Heights. $3000 Will" buy one of the choicest 10 .acre tracts, about 1 44 miles from ' ' Gladstone on the Oregon City" car line; there is about half of it un der cultivation and the balance is covered with brush and a few scattering' stumps, easily cleared, excellent soli for vegetables or ; fruit; there is a young orchard set . . out now of about an acre or more, also some strawberries; a nloe, comfortable little house, barn, chicken houses, fruit house, a good well of water, neve, falling, all Well fenced, on good road good (neighborhood; can be handled with $500 in cash. It Is 13 miles from Portland. . : " i:'-'- Otto & Harkson Realty Co. 133 1st st. WE have the following lands for sale and trade, and cannot give a full, de scription In ad. Write, telephone or come in and get a full description, prices ana terms. 142 acres -of good land, covered with timber, 5 miles west of Forest Grove. 42 H acres, 30 cleared, good house, barn and orchard, 13 acres, alK cleared, good house; a bargain, close In. 60 acres, 35 in crops; good house, barn and chicken houses. 18 acres. Improved, fine chicken ranch. 18 acres, near Ashland, all In fruit, mostly peaches. ' 72 acres, house and barn, close in, a good bargain. Chicken ranches from one acre up to any slxe you want, improved. 2 large sawmill propositions, with large tracts of timber. , FISHER & HILLIER. 614 Selling bldg. Main 4841, 40 acres 6 miles from R. R.. 35 miles from Portland, mostly tillable, IflYS well, running water unimproved; price $1100; $260 cash, balance $15 per month 6 per cent interest 40 acres 3 miles from Forest Grove, 15 acres cleared and seeded, 6 acres cul tivated, 26 acres under fence, 15 acres rolling, good soil, 2 good wells, also creek on place, good road, orchard, ber ries, grapes, 7 room house, barn 20x30, machine shed and other outbuildings, telephone, milk route. R. F. D., school and church at hand; Mice $4000; terms. 40 acres, 88 miles from Portland, 4 H miles from R. It., some improvements, running water, fiae soil; a snap at $2200; $30 cash, balance easy terms at 6 per cent interest. D. M. BAKER. 611 Corbett bldg. And within mile of the city limits of Vancouver, something you have been looking for; a fine little tract of 2 acres for $660 and $100 cash will handle it and you have 4 years to pay the balance in. Don't that beat buying a lot in the city? Here you can raise ?'Our own living and work in 4he city f you wish. If 2 acres is not enough I can give you any amount you wish. Stop and think it over, then come and look it over and convince yourself -that it's the thing to do. The soil Is of the best. E, F, Gilbert 106 Washington st Vancouver, Wash. Open Sundays. Phone 176, Res. 718. Acreage ABUTTING ON FOURTH STREET ELECTRIC Tracts of one acre and up, richest of soil, completed road along each tract, only 30 minutes' ride from Fourth and Washington streets, and ranging from $250 to $500 per acre, upon monthly payments. Office open evenings until 9 p. m. The Shaw-Fear Co, Main 35 102 Fourth st. A-3S0O Trade" for Acreage B room modern cottage, 37th and East Lincoln, rented for $20; $3600 mtg., $1260, 5 room modern bungalow, 72d and East Burnslde, $3000. Mtg. $1250. AND WE HAVE OTHERS THAT WILL TRADE SEE LEWIS REALTY CO., 611 CORBETT BLDG. ACREAGE hear Portland is a good In vestment, when priced right. In quire about this, $200 per acre below market value; 10 acres, fenced, $ miles from city limits, near Base Line road; 5 acres plowed; $476 per acre. M. L Gallagher, 821 Yeon bldg. " CENTRAL OREGON. 80 acres, cultivated land in Agency Plains. i,i mile to railroad, near Culver, Or.; fenced, small house. and barn, rent this year should bring income more than enough to pay interest and taxes; will double In value in a few years; at $16 per acre, $700 caslr required. I want to get In touch with private party look ing for investment. No agents need apply. B-334, Journal. RELINQUISHMENT ON 160 ACRES. 16 miles northwest of Willamlna and railroad; 100 acres can be easily culti vated; farms nil around," fine water, best of land, Yamhill county; .... . CHAPIN & HERLOW, t 832-338 Chamber of Commerce. I3S0O M, acres, on Salem Electrlo and two county roads, 9 miles from Port land; Vi in cultivation, grubs pulled on remainder; beautiful vlw. good soil, some small fruit and building; land ad joining Belling for $450. Owner, Mar shall 1768. v . T 6 ACRES. ' Three blocks to carllne. graded school and stores, two miles from city line, half in cultivation. The very best of soil. Price $3000. Very , easy terms. 4Qg Lumber Kxcnange. 10 ACRES Tualatin valley, in cultivation, good soil, lies fine, county road. $3000, $260 cash, bal. your terms. Must sell. w. M. Arrist;, 4t Henry mat. 2 hi ACRES Was sold under contract and has been taken back. Close to Multnomah on the Oregon Electrlo. See tne trustee; unaming nmg.' ONE acre and small bouse near Mult nomah station; sidewalk to the prop erty. Will sell for $1025, Call 414 SPaimng riig. 1 3.20 ACRfca, United Electric; $680, eas ieat terms. N. M. Apple, 429 Henry bldg. " 1 ACRE, must be old regardless of price. Be fare on E. 80th st. Call 1037 Chamber- of Commerce. , , . . ACRE, all cleared, 8 room, tent house, ' for sale by owner. Tabor 641. fciuK; Bnyns Aurrs. close in, low prices, aay terms. 428 llanry bldg. , . - Acreage FOR CONVKNIKNT HOMES. " 'H acres, about 4 acres cleared.': small house; young orchard, land all level, no rocks or gravel, close to -station on electric line on county road. . Price $2000. , fS acres, good , barn and well, extra good soil, easily cleared, close to station on electrlo lino, 80o fare. Price $1200. ., Terms. - y 6 acres, small house and bam, 8 chicken- houses, on electrlo line, close to small town, 30c fare. . 28 acres," 14 acres In clover, S acres in timber, 'balance easily : cleared, 8 miles from electrlo line. This place can be had at a very 'low price, if taken before March' .,1f;.;;'V:.,v:;H';:!-;!' V 1 acre on Main Street at Lents, an exceptional buy at $1250; must be sold, will bear full investiga tion. . A vester 825 Railway Exchange bldg. Phone A-7489, Marshall 2674. 5 and 10 Acre Tracts $75 an Acrer Easy Terms 50 Minutes From Portland Level land, on main county road. ' 10 trains a day each way. Daily steamboat transportation. Dally mall, telephone, neighbors. $50 to $125 an Acre 26 Miles From Portland One Mile From Newberg 3000 People , A mile from college and high school. Frequent and quick service. A creek on some tracts. , On a( good road, daily mall. Come With Me Sunday and Look Them Over FRED F. HUNTRESS 512 McKay bldg., 3d and 8tark. Telephone for further information. Of 10 acres, and $200 cash will give It to you. Why not own one and be inde pendent? Don't put your money into city .lots that bring you nothing but a bill of expense all the time. Gilbert's Garden Tracts have the finest of soil and in the beBt part of Clarke Co. Only 3 miles from the city limits of Vancouver and 10 miles from the heart of Port land. It has been seeded to clover the past 6 years and- never cut, so the ground is well mulched and will pro duce a full crop the first year. One crop of spuds will pay for the land, only 16 stumps per acre and no brush to speak of. The finest of fruit and garden land; none "better at any price, nly $150 per acre. Come and look It over; it costs you nothing, and com pare it witn otners. E, F, Gilbert 106 Washington st, Vancouver. Wash. Open Sundays. Phone 176, Res. 718. One of the Choicest Places in the Vicinity of Sherwood There are 13 acres, 12 acres of which are under cultivation. 1 acre timber, good new house and barn, all the land is fenced, M . mile from station; price $276 per acre; $1000 cash, balance can stand for 6 years at 6 per cent; would consider Portland property as part pay. This place is 19 miles from Portland, with a train service of 8 trains a' day. Otto & Harkson Realty Co, 133H 1st St 10 ACRES' on Section Line Road, just outside city limits, all in cultivation. $6000, part cash, bal ance 6 per cent. 5 acres on Base $2000. Part cash. Line Road. 6 acres at Rockwood. all cleared. $2500, part cash. 4 acres, mile east of city limits on Section Line Road, all improved. Fine bungalow. This Is a snap at $6000. cash. Can double your money in 2 years. ROWE-THATCHER CO.. 324-6 Chamber of Commerce. B ACRES, all clearel low land, black soil, very rich, an extra ordinary tract for gardening, sidewalk along front, only 14 mile from station, on Fourth street electric line, 30 minutes ride from Fourth and Washington streets, 18 new houses in view, 32860; terms of $300 cash, balance monthly with interest at 7 per cent if desired. Office open until B p. m. TH fHE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 36 102 Fourth st. A-3500 One Acre Pickup Six room new house, never occunled. five-cent fare; Bull Run water, in city limits, strawberries logan and raspber ries, nearly an acre and a quarter: 110 gravel, fine garden soil, about four blocks to car. Makes me hesitate to quote the ridiculous price of $2100, but its got to go quick, $1000 cash. No phone calls on this. JACOB HAAS 408. Yeon bldg. Young Manl Put some of your earnings In acreage. The land will help you pay for it and when you need it, will keep you. I can sell you 6 or 10 acres, close to Portland and electric railway, on such terms as ?ou can meet: land all clear and in cul Ivatlon. Price $800 per acre. Thos. McCusker. 329 Lnmbermens bldg. FOR SALE by owner, 4 acre tract on - O. W. P. carllne, two miles east of Lents; brand new barn, all finished, good chicken yard and chicken house, good fruit and berry land: no rock .or gravel. Take Gresham or Eetacada car, f et off at Gates Crossing. Ask for J. ,elthelser. ACREAGE for platting Into city lots 10 acres, 3 blocks from city limits, near Villa ave.: 3 carlirles, 5o fare, M. L. Gallagher, 821 Yeon bldg. $12.60 per acre. 480 acres, 25 miles from Portland, 6 miles from good town. 820 acres old burn without lim ber, $60. acres tillable, balance good gracing land. Very easy terms. 310 Henry bldg. FIVE acres for $760: all in cultivation; close to Salem Electrlo; on county road. Fine for potatoes; $100 cash, bal ance $10- per month. Owner, 80S McKay Bid. FIVE acres near Base Line Road, ty mile west of Rockwood. All cleared, plowed and fenced. $600 per acre. Terms. Watson A Therkelsen, 308 Spalding Diag. Jliiiv mnin ion a. fTvE acres on Base Line Road near Rockwood, all cleared and fenced. This acreage can be bought cheap and on essy twms. Watson & Therkelsen, 306 Spalding bldg. Phone Main 7692. ' ACRE 8 blocks from Hawthorne ave, car. $2600. Easy terms. Watson A Therkelsen, $06 fcpaldlng bldg. Phone Main 7692. : 1000 ACRES sptendld iand. Lane county, $30 per acre. Some trade, Shannon, 209 Railway Exchange.' 10 ACHE tract level, clear, good ' soil, close to ..Portland, and -electrlo Una; ft 80 pereicre, terms. 603 Worcester b) djr. 6 ACRES near electric station. $100 per acre, lerms. Apple, 42V Henry bldg. Ringler's Acreage Bargains' i . 6 acres, unimproved, on line of v electrlo railway, forced sale. $200 : ; per acre, all cash. - -5, 10, 16 acre tracts, all cleared, close te station on -Uh st. line; , v Ideal for poultry, - truck garden and fruit; $125 acre, easiest of ' . terms- long time to pay. . CIIAST RINGLER & CO, 211 Lewis bldg, 1 ' s 4 ACRES, small fir trees, easy to clear, only mile to Fourth Street Electric, mile to station, sidewalk all the way, the very best of soli, only SO minutes' ride 1 f:-om 4th and Washington sta., at 81900; terms of $200 cash and monthly payments at 7 per cent. Otfioe open-until o. m. 1 THE SHAW-FEAR (COMPANY, Main 35 ,103 Fourth st. A-8600 ACREAGE to exchange for automobile. Call 811 Corebtt bldg. FO SALE FARMS 17 ACCIDENTALLY FOUND. -ABSOLUTE SACRIFICE. 76 acres, all in high state of cultiva tion, absolutely no rock or gravel; all lies level; half In crop; 6-room comfort able house, barn 36x40, good well' and outbuildings. mllo from good schools and S. P. K. R. station; 2 miles from good town, with large milk condensery and high sohool; fine open country, 45 miles from Portland on good road. The first man that sees this will buy it Price $5000; $1500 cash, balance to suit at' 6 per cent We Just accidentally ran across this bargain. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO. 620 Railway-Ex. Bldg., 4th and Stark. One of the Best 26U acres on main road, 9 miles from court house, 1 mile from car line, all level land and good soil. 20 acres In good state of cultivation, 6 acres timber. Fenced and cros.i fenced. 6 acres in clover. 2 acres as sorted fruit 6 room plastered house. Large barn. Price $8000. Vi cash, H 8 years' time. 40 acres, some in cultivation. Chrfap house. Price $1200. 80 acre farm, borne stock. $2500. 40 acres, livestock and Implements, $2600. O. W. P. LAND CQ 1st and Alder. ANOTHER BIGlARGAIN. 60 acres, 80 acres in high state of cultivation, mostly in crops; fine black soil. 6 room house, barn 30x40, 1 cow, double harness, 75 chickens-, wagon, buggy, implements and tools; 3 miles from 8. P. R. R. and good town, with large milk condensery; 45 miles from Portland. You might look the rest of rour life for such a bargain. Price 4000; $1000 cash, balance to suit Don't delay. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO. 620 Railway Ex. Bldg., 4th and Stark. Farm Bargain, Platting 480 acres, about half cleared, railroad station on place, on macadamized mutn highway, between two good towns, 1H miles from one and ly, miles from other town; several springs and running water, finest soil for fruit, grains or grasses; land level, easy slopes; several barns and buildings: sure to advance in value; electric road in near future; price cheap and terms easy, or will trade equity for Portland 'property. DIETZ ft MUELLER CO., . 316 Ablngton Bldg. BIG BARGAIN1; 20 miles from Portland. 80 acres of the finest of sandy loam soil; lies beau tifully; 65 acres In cultivation, all fenced, 7 room house, large barn, hop house with double furnace, family or chard; lies on main county road Vi mile from Oregon Electric, mile to Willamette river; good town and schools. Just think! Price $131 per acre; $250v cash, balance loag as you want at 6 per cent Worth $200 per acre. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO. 620 Railway Ex. Bldg.. 4th and Stark. GOOD INVESTMENT. 10tj ACRES. FOR SUBDIVISION. LOTS AND ACREAGE, v ' Adjoins town and depot, 20 miles south; lots across street and all told; can sell in lots, acres and 6-acre tracts at great profit 65 acres in crop, bal ance In grass. Lies nearly level and soli rich. $13,000, $6000 cash and mort gage, with partial release. Geo. W. Lilly, too Marquam bldg. FINEST STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH IN STATE. 639 acres, Tillamook county, mllo ocean; warm climate; finest grass and range, abundance of water, two sets buildings, abundance fruit, strawberries In December; Bchool on land: cheese fac tories close; 2 miles beautiful luke re sort, big hotels, etc More full infor mation on request A wonderful bar gain at 120 per acre. Marshall 3054. Becker. 381 14th st 88-ACRE FARM. 3 miles from good railroad town. 35 miles Portland; 40 acres In cultivation, 10 acres pasture, 39 acres oak timber (1500 curds wood, b acrea orcliard. irood soil, well and springs; 8 room house (rout imqu, nam and other bulldlnvs. Price $75 per acre, and away below actual value. Will accept Portland residence to $4000. George W. Lilly, 66 Marquam bldg. am 10 acres, all in cultivation. X mnm bouse, new barn and outhouse. Cost $1600 last summer. 3 wagons, horses, 40 chickens and farm Implements go wiiu Mni-c. onap at ouu. Terms. Two miles from town and In thtrlrlv settled country. Diamond, Grant & Co.. 80 Acres v SO acres In cultivation, good 4 room house, barn and outbuildings, good well of water; 70 acres tillable, nearly level; creek runs through one corner; H mils from Dufur and R. It This adjoins Dufur tracts selling for $460 per aero. Price $2500. terms. 231 Vi Washington St., room 16. 40 Acres $2500 $1000 cash, bal. 4 years. 6 per cent 30 acres slashed, easy cleared. One man can clear 7 seres In 6 weeks. , All good plow land except about 3 acres along the creek. SH miles from depot. 14 miles from boat landing. 3 miles from town. i mile to school. Peper ft Baker, 444 Sherlock bldg. 4000 ACRES, 2-3 In cultivation, well lo rR t kH fnw nla It In it , nlull ..... can double money In 12 months; small amount of money will handle. Biggest snap in wiimmeue vsuey. no agents, RAYMORE REALTY CO.. nu Worcester h i n g. 22 ACRES cultivated, new barn 40x40, 4 acres beaverdum, 200 yards to school, 1 mile to R. R. station, 2 miles from Hlllsboro, $4000, H cash, good terms. EVERETT CREW, ii Kotncniia bldg, TEN acres at Beaverton, 6 room house, barn, orchard -and other . improve ments, close to depot, on main street; $8000; easy, terms. WATSON Ik THERKELSKN, 806 Epaldlng bldg. Phone Main Hi. 10 Acres IS miles from Portland and close to the river end electrlo station, for only $1500; 8 acres cultivation, balance tim ber. 514 Chamber of Commerce bldg FOit " SALE cheap by owner, 3Td-acre farm 47 miles from Portland, -river and rail transportation, large house and bam. Best dairy proposition in the state. S-83T, Journal, - " , ' . One Acre At Meldrum station on Oregon City car line. Uood 6 room house. Big value. yjwner, pox n. uregon l.lly, yr. Opportunity of a rife time,'." I26 acres,- located three miles from Kla math Palls, 310 per acre. 3600 will handle It. Address journal." 60 ACRES about 10 miles from city; Tould be cut Into 5 or 10 acre tracts. Who wants It for $8000, . 430 Worcester 44 ACRES i mile from Yoncalla: fine fruit land: $1000, terms. . Owner, 430 Worcester piog. $0 ACRES, -40 clear, good building, 10 acres orchard; stock, tools, ev $:7Co. terms. Shannon, 309 Railway Exchange. BUMPER CROPS - The best subdivision or coloni sation project in the northwest. We offer for immediate consid- ' eratton 8500 acres on the Columbia river, within 8t4 hours ride of Portland. On this tract is some of the richest land in the west. Several hundred acres have al ready been planted to orchard and sold to discriminating in- vestora. .. ., ... .- , Included in the project 1T a splendid townsite on the main .transcontinental railway. Irrigation is not required, al though ' the tract has an ample supply of mountain water for all purposes. Included in the company now owning, the property are some of the most prominent horticultur ists in the state. Special reasons require imme diate action! M. ' McDonald, of -the Orenco Nursery Co,, Fays: "This district will soon be recognised as one of the finest fruit growing and vine yard districts in America, not even excepting the best districts of California. " . We can deliver this entire prop erty on a payment of only $15,000 down, the balance on very easy terms. Over $200,000 profit can be made on this within the next few years. - We will submit details to prin cipals only. Dorr E, Keasey & Co, 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. OREGON-FARMS' 267 acres, 250 acres fine loam farming lanu, 17 acres timber, rencea ana cross fenced, county roads on 2 sides. Lies fine to subdivide. R. R. station on place. House, 2 large barns, windmill, neces sary outbuildings: few miles to 8 good towns. Best part Willamette valley. A 8 nap at $65 per acre. Good terms. 200 acres, TO acres cultivated, 2 acres orcnurci, eu acres pasture, bti acres goou timber. Living spring, good well, house, new barn 20x48, with vhed 14x48. Old barn 30x40. On main county road, 3 miles s-ood town. Marlon county. Price $50 per acre. Good terms. Ad joining land selling $75 per acre up. 80 acres, 45 In cultivation, 15 acres In wheat, 6 acres clover, 8 acres tim ber, balance pasture; 3 good springs, 6 room house, barn 42x54, granary, etc. On good road, 4 miles town. Price $5500, $2500 cash, balance . terms. 120 acres. Washington county. 35 acres cultivation, A-l soil, spring and nice creek; 3 miles R. R. Price $3600; $1500 cash, balance terms. Give us a call. We have a large list or larms, ail sizes; some snaps. J. E. NICHOLS CO.. 615 Yeon bldg. BRITISH Columbia is Canada's largest and richest province and Is being opened up witn tremendous rapidity Dy three transcontinental lines of railroad, as well as numerous other railroads. The British Columbia government has undertaken to build-a north ana soutn railroad, running from Vancouver to Fort George, and from Fort George through the Peace River district a dis tance of 900 miles. It is estimated that $300,000,000 will be spent in railroad building in British Columbia during the next five years, and this work will open up a virgin country of fruit and farm lands, as well as timber and mineral re sources. You can buy large or small tracts of farm lands now at 90 per cent less than the same lands will cost you within 6 years. Let us send you Infor mation in regard to the vast empire which is being opened up. The climate is the best in Canada. Write quick for full information. Natural Resources Security Co., Ltd., 413 Bower bldg., Van couver, B. C. All Records Broken 100 acre rar.ch, 85 miles from Port land on Salem Electric, best of soil no waste, 75 in cultivation, high school, V, mile. 25 acres in oats and vetch, 7 acres in clover, 8 acres commercial or chard, 6 acres fine oak timber, balance pasture good family orchard, walnut trees, all kinds Of berries, 8 room house, 2 barns, all kinds of outbuildings, 4 big mares, 2 in foal, 11 head Holstein, 18 hogs, 1 registered P. C. boar, wagons, harness, hack, buggy, binder, mower, rake, plow, disc, all kinds of small tools, 2 heating stoves, 1 range, 4 stands bees, some chickens, plenty hay and grain to feed stock: only $3000 cash. The place will pay for Itself. It has R. F. P., milk route, telephone. The owner don't know It, but the im plements, stock and improvements are worth what he asks for the ranch. See Geo. II. Root, 208 Railway Exchange DKlg, WHAT $500 WILL BUY. THREE OF OUR BEST TRACTS of ten acrea each are being partly cleared and will be ready for plow by March 15. The soil is rich and very productive, suitable for garden truck, etc. Poultry would do extremely well on balance of each tract By combin ing the two, Immediate results are yours. Advantage of closeness to Portland market, fine transportation, plenty of wood and water. AN OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU. $600 will make first payment on land and leave you enough for modest equip ment. We own the land and will make the easiest terms on balance. DAVIS & SHARP COMPANY, 606 Commercial blk. 40 acres about 15 miles from Portland, 30 acres under a high state of culti vation, m acres In heavy timber, 8 acres in pasture, growing crops all in, good new 9 room house, good barn and outbuildings, good . well of water, 4 horses. 1 cow and calf, harness, wagon and plows, harrow; there Isn't a foot of waste land on the place; we can recom mend this 40 vary highly. If you are In the market for a small rancn you can do no better, price jsuou. DEITZ MUELLER CO. 816 Ablngton bldg. ,43 Acre Cherry Farm $15,000 A good investment. Cleared 16 per cent not last year, regardless of unfa vorable conditions. Located few miles Newberg In best fruit district. Faces on macadam road. 41 mile from station. 35 acres in 15, 16 and 20 year old cher ries, walnuts and prunes. S acres gar den and small fruit. Balance pasture and wood. -Good house, barn, dryer and S"hlcken house. Plenty water. Terms ijono cash, $4000 city property consid ered, balance to assume. i C. W. LAMAR, 41T Corbett bldg. For Sale by Owner 24 acres under cultivation, balance Casture and timber, living water, good uildings. 4 miles from Oregon City. All necessary farm Implements and stock, consisting, of fine team, 4 cows, 50 hogs. 150 chickens snd some house hold goods goes with place. Hog feed for the hauling; steady income. All for $6800; terms. Apply - ' i t W, H. SILCOX 1 Brunswick House, Oregon City, Or. 40 seres, 3 mllfs of Forest Grove,' IS acres cleared, 26 seres nearly level, bal ance roiling, partly fence, 7 ' room house, barn 20x30, machine shed, other buildings, 2 good wells, creek on pIA m, 40 apple trees, 84 cherry, 600 rasp berry, 8000. strawberries, ,140 grape, tManhnnn. milk nnft R V W. t M.k,tf and church within 60 rods; $3300; H cash.' -v;:'','" '".' ' ' '.'"'.. :. 1 -Vs.- V : IIIITflllU . 1208 Yeon bldg. BEST FARM tN CLARKE1 COUNtf". 93 ' 1-8 acres near Fisher Landing, new t room housn, barn, ; orchard and other Improvements. y. ... WATSON A THERKELSEN. 806 flnairllng bld ' phone Main 7R92, For partlculnrs ofj"ol liroi e' tl-s SEE O W. I Opposite welting 1st sua Al'.iar. . Best Buys on the Market Dairy Farms Garden and Fruit Land Diversified Farming ' . : ' $60;.. . ' Per Acre v ; 100 acres, all In cultivation. Deep, rich ' soil, land has Just enough slope to Insure good drain age. When you buy this you are not paying a big price for a lot of unimproved or nontlllable land. 8 room hojise. .' Barn 60x70. All fenced. The Improvements on this place are not In ; the best of condition, but with very little ex pens . they could be made first class. There is no better soil in the . Willamette valley. Located not far from Portland, mil from railroad station, on mall route, close to ttuhool. We have personally inspected this farm. We guarantee it to be a big snap ' and exactly as represented. Dairy Farm . , 20 Miles' From Portland $120 Per Acre ' . This splendid farm consists of 120 acres, nearly all cleared, feet of fair buildings. If lies right on the river. The soil is all rich bottom. The short distance it Is from Portland would make it a fine proposition for gardening. The place win easily run 40 dairy cows. Every morning your xnl lie and cream is taken right lit the Portland markets. If you want something that will show you a good return on your investment, . Bee us at one about this. . 60 Aces , Improved - All in cultivation except acres of oak timber.; Ne,w room house and barn, fenced and cross fenced with woven wire. Will raise most any kind of crops,, but is well adapted to fruit Located in the famous Chehalem valley, near ' Newberg. Land close to this farm has sold for $400 per acre. . New- berg is a live town of about 3000 people. It is surrounded by one of the most rapidly growing sec tions in the Willamette valley, 26 miles from Portland, with river transportation, and will soon have two carlines, one already in oper ation. This is a good buy at $7600. which includes some farm ma chinery and 330 bushels of grain. Owner must raise money, and if sold within next few days will . give an attractive discount on this price. Otherwise it will be taken off the market 20 Acres 14 Miles Out All cultivated. Fine potato or farden land. New 6 room house, 'his farm planted to potatoes will pay for half Its value the first year. Price 5000. , , 20 Acres Improved All cultivated. Rich loam soil. Young family orchard. Well fenced. New 6 room house, 3 large barns and outbuildings. This ' place Is located H mile from rail road station and close to school and church. Near prosperous town of 2500 population. Not Tar from Portland. This Is a splendid place for some one. Price, includ ing crop, $4500. . A. K. HILL CO. 418 Henry bldg. Five New Railroads J . NOW BUILDING Into Eugene We have a number of excellent buys near Eugene. This Is the busiest city In the state. Railroads are converging there from all points. 1600 acres, 3 to 8 miles south of Eugene: rolling and creek bottom land. Excellent soil, all cleared, price $40 per acre. Terms. 40 acres, $H miles south of Eugene: all cleared, fine rich soil, $50 per acre. ' Terms. 80 seres, IV, miles south of Eugene; all cleared, fine rich soil, $50 per acre. Terms. T , 200 acres, electric survey through It; 100 acres in cultivation; 100 acres scrub oak pasture; all bottom and second bot tom lands; rich black soil; fair Improve ments, on good county road; school close. Price $60 per acre. Terms. $25 Per. Acre . $80 acres, well improved, rolling land 200 acres being farsned. . Can farm 600 acres. Fenced and cross fenced. Run ning water, springs, good house and barn. Fine fruit land; $2000 worth oi personal property. Close to 8. P. R, It . Price $26 per acre. Term. , : 80 acres on electric road, 8 H mile i from Eugene; all cleared and cultivated; 6 room house, barn, family orchard; on good county road; horses, cows, pigs, : stock of all kinds and, farming imple ments. Price $100 per acre. Terms. 41 acres, 2 miles from Eugene; all cleared, very sightly; no house; big barn; deep reddish and black soil. Price $160 per acre. Terms. 160 acres. 8 miles from Eugene: finest Improved farm in th country. 8 room house, barn, family orchard. Excep tionally good land, well watered. $85 per acre. Terms. 1 miles from 8. P. station. . -- ',. ..y - , Office open Sunday, 10 to 2V vy ": oud Boara or Trade bldg. HOW does this strike you for a coun- try nomer two acres and a 7 room house, right at station on the Oregon City carllne and only t miles from Port land; car every 30 minutes; lots of bear ing fruit prapes, berries, strawberries, walnuts, shrubbery, etc. This is view property, lies high and dry, no dust or mud; conceded by neighbors to be the prettiest little country home on the Ore gon City carllne. : ..vwy' ' A SNAP 18 acres. V, mile from de pot at Tualatin, on Salem Electric: 28 young fruit trees, Just beginning to bear, 4 room box house, barn, etc.; fin est of soil, gentle elope to the north; all fenced and on good county road; spring and well water; $260 per acre cash. ; , '.,', '. :;i '..'.'; .'.' -We -have farms and country homes for sale all over the Willamette vallnv and vicinity. We can suit you and the prices are right, as we do not co i eider boosted values. Come in and s- us. We know values, we know good land, and we know th country. HENDERSON HILL. ''. 607 Spalding Bldg. ' , ' " "A PRETt PLACET"""" " 5 teres on Oregon Electrlo at Corne lius, H4 blocks from depot 3 Mock from graded school; small orchard, room house Jn nice condition, berries, small fruit and lots of roses.! Id! country home, $3500. $1609 cash. bal. 4 . years. 7 per cent See Dodd rid g-. 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. I, it now, as this little place will sell read- HARTMAN tk THOMPSON. StocLor Dairy Ranch " 180 acres. U creek bottom ; land 60 acres under cultivation, fine new build ings, aa rattle, to p,, cmckens, team, all necessary farm machinery;, sale or trail e for grocery business or general merchandise stock. WOLFF. 322 Henry" bldg. - 80 acres, 25 miles south of Port lan. I. 40 acres cleared. 24 sores hops, orchs r I good house, barn and hop house; tl.'.rt per acrea terms; may. trad up to 83000. Gill-Adams Co., 640 Hamilton bldg., Portland, GUKENlsKRG' STATION'. ' ' 8 12 acres. 2 blocks of station. 4 roott house, large barn and outbuilding; ., 1 well and orchard; 3 acres straw ' r on good county road. For psrticul inquire A. W. Smith C- 434 Chart, i of Commerce. Main 6?1. A Fine HA" ' 80 acres, good r town Ktr tin;. 33UU9. 'J' I I- 1 '