8 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 10, 1912. aali 8BeBaijMjs STEIGEfi A BEAVER Erldegroom -and s Kelly Ex change Catcher for Pitcher; Henderson to Report. Manager McCredle of Portland and Manrjer Mike Kelly of St. Paul have fixed up trade. In which Tommy Mur r becomes a Snlnt and Lefty Sclgnr a Beaver, It has been known for some time that McCredle had planned sending hurray to St. Paul In a trade, but the bridegroom had not made up hli mind until yesterday to take Stelger In ex change. Stelger 'had a good bush record with Springfield of the Three-I league, but won two yamea and lost threo for St. Paul He la a youngster and Mc Credle expects him to develop into a good man. Judge MeCredie recelred a letter yea terdny from Benny Henderson, dated at Tracey, where the bis flinger ia hunting wild fowl, stating- that he would report at Santa Maria aa soon aa transporta tl on arrived. '' . ? .Haa Some Smoke. Pitcher Blalna Thomas, who will try for a regular berth on th Sacramento twirling staff this spring, ia eld to hare so much amok that a backstop has to lay off a day or two after eaten Ing him. Thomas was aold by tha Vic toria dub of tha Northwestern league to Boston, and, later transferred to Sac ramento. Ha has not yet signed his contract , Senators Havre Holdouts. Jimmy Lewis, Chris Mahoney and Catcher Cheek are the holdouts ao far ; registered with Saerameeto. All want mora money. - Thirteen Senator have already signal their eentracta. Patsy O'Kourke expect to start training with 28 play era will peHSTor : . . free tennis court T1i following petition Is being cir culated among tha business and pro feaaioaal men ( Portland: "The eltl lena of . Portland. Oregon, whose stg nature appear on thla list ara deslr, out of gbUa baseball and tennis ' grounds, suea as ara enjoyed by our slatar eitlea. Ia placing their names to thla liat tha city of Portland they hops to oon vey to tha board tha magnitude of tha seed of at least 10 baseball diamonds and six tennis courts located as close In as poaslbla . Their expressly desire that action be taken yet this winter ao that tha grounda may be i ready for uaa by Marco It. .The Hat has been signed by several prominent business and professional men of the city and tha list will likely be presented before tha park board in a fear week,.;- ,,,, , -, . SIMP SCHOLASTICS : Despite tha fact that the Oregon Un iversity basketball team played under the rules of the Amateur Athletlo un ion, H swamped the three local high school quintets on tha Portland Acad amy floor last evening. The Lincoln team was defeated by the score of 24 to ( and the Jefferson ...u n niuiiivn wn tail By loe way aide by tha aame score of l to 4. The Oregon team showed excellent form throughout. Tha local teams, al though outweighed, ahowed up well against the university students Tk. . A 1 1 T- .1 , . H'lntet last night defeated the McMtnn ville college five by the clone soore of 1 to 14. The two teams were evenly matched and a fine game was played. In the first game the Spartans de feated the Dental oollege team by the core of 82 to 28. JACK JOHNSON SAYS MARRIAGEJVAS LEGAL . ' , (United Prate &eawd wire.) Chicago, Feb. J.O. -Diacusalng reporte hare today from Pittsburg that tha au thorities there ware planning hla arrest for contracting an Illegal marriage In tha city, Jack Johnson, world'a heavy weight champion, admitted that ha waa married in Pittsburg in January, 1911. to Mrs. Etta Puryea. The negro de clared tha marriage was legal and that :, he does not fear prosecution. - Mrs. Johnson aecured a dlvorca from Clarence Duryea of Hempatead, L. I, about 18 months ago. The pugillat e wife la a white woman. . 1 Coulon Starts Training. (United Press Vtuti Wire.) New Orleans, Feb. 10. Johnny Coulon, bantam champion of the world, started training here today for his 20-round fight February 18 with Frankte Burns of Jersey City. The bout will be staged on Sunday by the West Side Athletlo club. Golf Play Starts Today. , 'The first round of the men's handl rap golf tournament of the Waverly club started this afternoon. Sixteen members qualified for the first round and today'a scores will tell who will qualify1 for the second round. 5,000,000 Cases ol Ca- ' tarrh, Only One Guar anteed Remedy "Write for Pre Sample. , If one fourth. of the number of Ca. tarrh sufferers would use Clover Leaf 1 Catsrrh Remedy it wouldn't be very long before the other three-fourths would Know su about it. Are you ao tng to be one of tha first fourth to find oat about thla wonderful remedy, or are you going to Buffer until some one makes you get it? You run no rink. We guarantee thla medicine, with a regular "money-back" guarantee. Catarrh and oolda make you miser. able. ' Oet out of the rut use our rem edy end Ctover 1-eaf Catarrh Remedy will have one mora booster added to Us Iad tint nt trlsnA. -J,- .'.(.--.vii v price tOe, For sale by alt druggists or aent by mall postpaid by tha manu facturers, Clover Leaf Pharmacy, Clov, eroale, call y vnr BASKETERS GARDENERS BETTER Thirty-five Outfielders in Ju nior Major Bat Over Three Hundred. Why ia It that American league play ers outbat their National league riv als? There were 85 playtre in the new or ganisation who swatted tha ban ror an averase better than the coveted .800 mark, while In the National there were lust 21 over thla mark. Just 27 of the 85 In the American played in more than 60 sames. while In the National but 14 of tha 21 were In more than half a hundred battles. In olub batting the American league also excelled, the team average of tha Athletics, the pennant winners, being .297, while the Giants, who copped In the National, swatted but .27ft. Many excuses for the apparent ad vantage In favor of the American have been mads by the National league back ers during the past three aeasons, but each and every one has bean shattered witn all ease. . At nret it was staiea that the American used a livelier ball, but this was knocked In the head when A. O. Spalding stated that the balls used in the two major organisations are Identically the aame with the excep tion of the name. After- this tha Na tional leagtie'a supporters came for ward with the assertion that the Na tional league twlrlera ara better than those Id the American. Just take a look at the result of the 1811 world series and then form your own opinion. Outfleldera Hit Consistently. The main cause for the difference la batting is found in the outfields of tha rival organisations. Both have hard hitting outer gardeners, but those in the American are the kind that are able to bit tha ball consistently, rolling up one, two or three hits each and every day. In tha parent organization this class ef hitting is now rather eoaroe. Laat season in the outfield of the American league clubs there were 14 players who batted better than .800, while in the National Just five regulara swatted above thla mark. The Nation al had plenty of hard hlttera, but none who are able to deliver each game. Boston Kad Bast Trio, Tha star outfield hitttng combination of tha world during 1911 waa found with tha Boaton American league olub. This outwork was made up ef Trls Speaker, Hooper and Lewis, and all three batted better than .800, Speaker leading with .827. Every club In Ban Johnson's league, with the exception of St Louis, had at least one hitter above the .800 mark. In the National five ciuba were minus a .800 hitter, who worked regularly in the outfield. The outfielders that hit above .880 are: AMERICAN LEAGUE. Philadelphia Murphy .828, Lord .810. Detroit Cobb .420, Crawford .878. Cleveland Jackson ,408, Easterly .824, Birmingham .204. Chicago Molntyre .828. Boaton Speaker .827. Hooper, ,811, Lewie .807. New York Cree .248, Wolter 404. Washington Lellvelt .820, Milan .818. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Chicago -Schulte .800. Pttteburg Clarke .824, Wilson .800. Boaton Miller .888, Ponlia .818. r ABE ATTELL IS 2 TO 1 FAVORITE FOR FIGHT (United rreas Leased Wire.) Log Angeles, Feb. 10. Abe AttelL featherweight champion, rules today a 2 to 1 favorite over Johnny Kllbane, who will contest hie title at Vernon February 22. There haa bean little ear ly betting, tha Kilbana man apparently sitting back waiting for long odda. According to experta, however, the I to 1 price ia not deattned to hold good very long, 10 to 7 being the figures at which tha wiseacres declare the men will enter the ring. Kllbane haa much local aupport, and that, with the backing of the Cleveland sports who follow him, la expected to keep up his and. SWIMMING CARNIVAL NEXT TUESDAY NIGHT The second swimming carnival of the Portland batha will be held Tuesday eve ning, February 20. Several crack swim mers of the city have already entered a number of the events and a closer meet Is expected thla time. Several of the Multnomah club awlm- mers will likely enter thla meet in view of the fact that the first one held waa very successful. Some of the swim mers who will enter tho meet are Ches ter Wheeler, Colllster Wheeler, Ernst Maglus and Earl. RUH AND ST0LL TAKE BERLIN SIX DAY RACE (United Press LnaA Wire I Berlin. Feb. Id. Walter Rutt and Joliann Stoll, comprising the German Dutch team, today collected first money In the six-day International bicycle rare which ended here last night. Joe Foirler and James Moran finished a pp. ond, )wlth Eddie Root and Fred Hill third. The men covered 2406 H milea. MAHM0UT IS AN EASY WINNER OVER RUSSIAN Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 10. Mahmout. the Turkish wrestler, today Is considered the coming mat champion by local fans, who last night saw him easily defeat Ivan Romanoff, the Russian giant, In straight falls. It only required 21 min utes for Mahmout to win thfe first fall and 12 minutes for the second. Races nt Jnarer. Juarez, Feb. 10. Results yesterday: First raoe Inquleta, 7 to 6, 1 to 2, 1 to 4, won; Blue Jay, 4 to 1, 8 to 1, second; Mother Ketcham, 8 to S, third. Time, :40 4-5. . Second race Baby Poll, 2 to 1, 4 to 5. 2 to 6, won; Mabel Hill, 4 to 1, J to 1, second; Gus Hartrldge, 8 to 1, third. Time. 1:27 4-5. Scratch, Allsa Page, Mabel King and Thistle Roaa. Third raoe Golden Ruby, 6 to I, 5 to 2, 6 to 6, won; Lady Stalwart, 5 to 2, to 8, second; Mapieton, 8 to 1, third. Tlmo, 1:14. Scratch, Rosa Worth and King Thistle. : Fourth Eye white, 8 to X. I to 5. out, won: Dutch Rock, J to 4. out, see ond Florence A, out,- third. Time, l:t 8-5. . Fifth race Zool, 8 to to 1, 8 to I, won; r.mma u, o to l, S to l, eecond; Bob Lynch, 1 to 2, third. Tims, 1:14, Scratch,, Annual Interest1 'l';, Sixth race Wicket 1 to 1. 8 to I. 1 to t, woni Discontent, 2. to I, I to , second; Misprison, even, third. Time, i:n. ., Boratcn, useuro. ; .;.r HIS WHOLE FAMILY ; SIGNED BY PIRATES Harry Gardner, tha Portland boy who was not tenderod a contract by Barney Dreyfuss. the Plttaburg magnate, until ho Lad H8red to tak his wife and baby east with him. Gardner waa homesick last year. lie BOOSTING Jack Trying to Convince Fight Fans That Flynn Will Win the Bout. (United Press Uims Wire.) Albuaueraue. N. M.. Fab. 10 Predic tion that Jim Flynn. the' Pueblo fire man, would dispose of Champion Jack Johnson by a knockout in their July battle was msde here todsy by Jack Curley, manager of Flynn. Curlay, who la promoting tha affair, declared that business men ef Las Ve- gaa had offered him 8100,000 to ataga the bout there. In discussing tha com ing match, Curley aaid: "There is no doubt In my mind but that Flynn will win. He haa won IS atralght fights and haa disposed of ev ery heavyweight of Importance except Johnaon. Flynn ia a wonderfully im proved fighter and ha will enter the ring againat the negro weighing nearly 200 pounds. - I do not believe Johnson would fight if he could get out of it, but he muat do ao to maintain hla reputation, whloh is earning blm 82000 weakly." LI BE Fi ISHED Tl Piar for aecond place In the city pool tournament will be resumed this afternoon, when Ingram and Johnatone will finish their game which waa etart ed last night Ingram la leading John stone by the score of 82 to 46, and the rest of tha 125 pojnta will be played today. In the flrat game laat night Plokard defeated Johnstone by the score of 121 to 118 in a 61 inning game. Johnatone waa leading Ptckard by 20 pointa at one time. Plckard waa defeated in the second game of the night by Ingram by the score of 125 to 100. It looks as if the tournament will end with Wilcox first, Ingram second. Pick. ard third and Johnstone fourth. SMITH-REILLY BOUT IS DECLARED A DRAW (United Press teased Wlre.i San Franoisco, Feb, 10. There is a lot of difference of opinion here today over the Frankle Smith-Charley RelUy four-round bout at Dreamland laat night. It ended In a draw, but friends of both boya claim the honors for their man. However, Eddie Hanlon refereed the bout, and hla decision stands. Eddie Cam pi had ao muoh on George Cooper In the bantam battle that the bout had to be stopped after a round and a half. Tommy McFarland and Ray Campbell, lightweights, put up a fast four-round draw. Willie Robinson got the decision over Cy Bronson; Cy clone Kelly put Frank Burgess to sleep in the fourth. M'CLOSKEY BEATEN BY NEGRQ ,N PAR,S (United Press tenwd Wire.) Paris, Feb. 10. Blink" McCloekey, a white American fighter, la still dased today as a result of a beating he re cerVcd last night at the hands of Bob Scanlon, a negro from the United Statea. Soanlon put McCloakey to sleep in the eighth round with a terrific right to the Jaw. McCloakey waa unconscious for half an hour. PACKY M'FARLAND FOND OF HIS MUSH e (United Press tested Wire.) A e New York. Feb. 10. Bxpiana- e e tiona ware forthcoming here to- e) e day from Paackey MoFarlahd, e who failed to show tip in Phlla- a) 4 dclphla last Wednesday . night e for a six round conteat with 4 Toung Krne. "It waa like thla," 4 4 began McFarland. "A man haa e but one face and mine reata on ; e) :my shoulders. I might add that X am very fond of it, too, and., 4 4 whan Kid Burns closed up my i right eye, I decided It would ba 1 e bad business for me to meet Mr, .4 e Erne with only one glim work , in. That's all there la. to it." e e e i 4 e X BOUT DOWN SOUTH OURNEY IN DAY Ill Portland Compelled to Change Dates on Account of Conflict. On account of the fact that datea first act by the looal gun club for the Paolflo Coast Handloap tournament in Which trap shooters from all sections ef the country will take parti conflict with other tournament dates of the In teratate association. It has been de elded to hold the Portland tournament during the last weak in August ' President Culllson aald this mowing that tha datea for the tournament would be Auguat 27, 28 and 22. Tha looal olub planned to hold tha tournament tha week after the Elks' carnival, July 8-12, but on account of the conflict with other tournaments It waa decided on a charge. BfloreUry Addleman received tha fol lowing telegram from Elmer VS. Shaner, aeoratary-treaaurer of the Interstate Commission at Pittsburg, Pa,, which la self explanatory: "J. A. Addleman, Port land, Or. The Interstate association's circuit for the year was arranged un der fhe Impression that the laat week In Auguat would ba the satisfactory time for holding the Pacific Coaat hand icap and all tournaments have been closed for with the exception of Port land. Several other large tournaments are scheduled in conjunction with our circuit and we cannot ehanga the Pa cific Coast handloap 'datea without dis rupting these arrangements, which we feel would ba unwise to do. Therefore please have tha Portland Gun club oasa upon conditions and datea named in our letter. Advise promptly as final arrange menta must be made at the earliest possible moment to avoid Conflict with other tournaments. BLMER XX SHANER." JIMMY LAWLER, PUG, MUST GO TO PRISON (United Praw Leased Wire.) Ban Francisco. Feb. 10. Jimmy Lew- ler, former pugilist, manager of the Turf cafe, waa taken to the county Jail today to serve alx months for having Druiauy attacxea Ada Bretagne ot Hao ramento, a danca hall girl. He must also pay a fine of $500. Lawler'e sen tence came aa the reault of his third trial, two pravloua Juries having dis agreed. Tha third jury was out Just to minutes. Lawler said he would have to mort gage his mother'a home to pay the fine. Zbjrsczko to Meet Demetral. (United Ptees leased Wire.) Ban Franeisoo, Fab. 10. James W. Coffroth, fight promoter, today has completed arrangementsfor a wrestling match here March 17 between Stanislaus Zbyscsko and William Demetral. The bout will be catch aa catch can ' and will be staged in an epen 'air arena at Eighth and Howard gtreeta. Phillies Release HaiL (Called Press tsaMd Wire.) Philadelphia, Feb. 10 The Phlladel phla National league olub has today re leased Pitcher Hall to the Tacoma Northwestern olub. DALLAS OPENS CAMPAIGN FOR HOME MADE GOODS (fseelal t The learns!.) Dallas. Or., Feb, 10 Wedneeday even ing a publla meeting waa held in tha courthouse in thia oity for tha purpose Of encouraging the use of Oregon made produets. A movement was started to form an "Oregon First Consumers' league," and over 100 signers were ob tained. The meeting was opened by W. L. Toon Jr., secretary of the Dallas Commercial club, and Colonel E. Hofar of the Pally Capital Journal of Salem. L. Bamuela of the Oregon Life Inaur- ance company of Portland. Charles Hoag of the .Manufacturers association and Charles Huokenatein ef Balem made short addresses on the benefits to the consumer and retailer by ualag Oregon made products in preference where quality and price were on a par with other produota. Two hundred persona ware preaent at the meeting. It la the Intention to hold similar meetings in towns throughout, the valley, and fur ther establish the "Oregon First Con sumers' league." UMATILLA COUNTY HIRES GENERAL ROAD ENGINEER (peri! to The Joarnal.t Pendleton, Or., Feb. 10. Tha Umatilla county court thla morning entered into a contract with C H. Martin, East Eighth and Couch streets, Portland, whereby he ia to act aa general road engineer of the county and to superin tend the construction of good roads and bridges in the county. Martin is a road builder ot 20 years' experience. He will commenoe work on Mareh 1 and will aet a force building a 10 mile etretch of macadam east from this city. Magnate Killg Himself. (Cnlted Pros Leased Wire.) Phoenix. Arlx.. Feb. 10. A. W. Ballard. president of the largest electric cor poration la Arisona, la dead today, hav Ing ended hla Ufa by ahootlng himself twice through the haart Hla body waa found in a chair at hla desk. Li health la believed to have caused hie act Cushman for Representative. Eugene, Or., Feb. 10. I. B. Cushman, a lumberman living at Acme, haa filed hla nominating petition for representa tive from Lane county on the Repub lican ticket. He waa a member ot tha last legislature. He promiaea to jrtand by the atate university and the public aohoola of the atate. Take Cel-so f or a bad stomach The first glass will give Immediate relief for any stomach trouble. Removes gas. heart" burn, Indigestion and headache. Cel SO Mildly laxative, absolutely harmleia. A pleasant foimy drink. A pleasant, foamy drink. Try it acta like magic v, ;;! ,rJ: glass1 ' Bold by leading druggists, safes snfl soda fountains. lOo glass or 85 and COc bottle, .;. , ... ..- . . PERSONALS ..Si-'.'. E. B. Hanaon,-a feromlnent -member ef the Rotary -elub of Baq Franoiaeo, la a guest at th. Perkins. VC. R. Parker, a business man and land owner of Buhl, Idaho, la a guest at the Perkins. : . X). Williams a prominent eltlaen ef Corvallla, is a aueat at the Parklna,. M. Thacker, a bualnees man ef Hu. sum. Wash., is registered at , the per kins. i-n-rAu. - v : ' Ernest Beaks of North Tekima. a buslnaaa man, is a guest at the PerWne. H. Toby, a . merohant of Ywlt Wash., ia a gueat at th Parkins. 9. A, Oraham, a lumberman ef Kelso, Wash., la registered at the Parklna, ' Harry Handryx, a mining man ef Bumpter, Or., Ia visiting in the oity. F, B. Walte, the wall known banker and real estate dealer of Butberlln, is a gueat at tha Imperial. ' James II. Nichols, a merchant ef Ba ker. Or., Is regtetared at the Imperial. A. C, Dlson, . lumberman of Eugene, is registered at the Imperial. A, N, 80) lee, gn attorney of Ontario, Or,, ia registered at the. Imperial. Luke Ryan, a pioneer merohant and land bolder ot Jacksonville, . Or, la a guest at the Imperial. . C. H. Bproat, the prise fruit grower of Hood River, is regtetared at tha Im perial. . Dr. 8. P. Smith of Sardo, N. D., Is reg istered at the Imperial. ' A. A. Jayne, an attorney of Hood River, la registered at the Imperial. O. E. Barlow, dealer in electrical goods, of Seattle, la a gueat at the Im perial. Roy w. Bltney. a farmer of th. Pen dleton country, and R. R. Johnaon, are gueata at the Imperial. W, C. Milea, a promlnet lumberman of Seattle, la a guest at the Imperial, Mark Moor house of Pendleton, accom panied by hla wife, paaaed through Port land last evening on their way to Los Angeles, where Mr. Moorhouse will as sist In putting on a "round-up" similar to that held annually at Pendleton. James A Howard, a mining man of Baker, Or., la registered at the Imperial. Oeorge H. Walther, a hardware dealer of The Dallea, Is reglatered at the Im perial. R. If. Cowden, a lumber dealer ef 811 verton. Or., la a guest at the Oregon. J. Farleigh, a business man of Ash land, and wifs, are guests at the Im perial. J. W. Bounds, a real .state operator of Eugene, Is registered at the Imperial. Oeorge Llndatrom, a merchant of As toria, is a gueat at the Oregon. T, H. Kinney, auditor for the Portland Oas company, baa returned from New York, and la a grueat at the Oregon. Fred Kats, a contractor of Ban Fran cisco, is registered at the Bowers. A. I, Mason and C. K. Bpenoe of Hood River, representatives of the atate grange sood roads measures, ara guests at the Oregon. Mrs, A. Newton and daughter and Miss Sherman ef Walla Walla, are gueata at the Bowers. A. P. Davia, a government official of Washington, D. C, is a guest at the Seward. J. P. Johnson, a business man of Clatekanle, Or, ia a gueat at the Sew ard. J, P, Howe, a business man ef Eu gene, and wife, are reglatered at the Seward. A. W. Weeterberg, a lumberman ef Minneapolis, Minn, is a guaat at th Seward. J. C. Fairchlld. . bualneaa man ef Ta eoma, la reglatered at the Seward. Alex White of Westport Or., la regie, tared at the Seward. J. W. Oreen, a business man ef War ronton. Or, la registered at the Cor nellua. B. T. Crenshaw of Astoria, is regla tered at the Cornelius. Charlea W. Jonaa of Louisville, Ky who Is engaged in the manufacturing bustnesa at Portland, is a fu"t at the Portland. W. Clayton, capitalist and railroad man of Spokane, is a guest at th. Port land. O. Currier Jr., who la Interested la Hood River fruit lands, Is a guest 'at the Portland from Hood River. Nathan Strauss and sister, Miss Clara St rati ss of New York, are guests at the Portland. Mr. Strauss is the eaatem repreaentatlve for Flelsohner-Mayer Co., of Portland. Mrs. H. C Levy and sen of Cascade Locks, Or., are registered at the Port land. Fred Wertman ef MoMlaartUi, la reg latered at the Portland. Would Leave Her Fifth. (United Prese teased Wlrs.l New York, Feb. 10. Mra. Margaret nestine Wheeler - Kountse - Miller Fauser today baa applied to Jostle Hotchklas for ' a separation from her fifth husband. ) Nature's Remedy Cures While You Sleep vitality and strength and gives to every weak or inactive organ the power to do Its work properly as natur intended. When your body has sufficient electric energy to eatlafy th demands ot nature, weaknesa and 'disease cannot exist , . . ':ss, -j -v ?:;$. Electra-Vlta ia different from electric belts, faradlo batteries and other contrivances you may have seen or used. It makes Us own power and is always charged, ready for uaa It ia curing men and woraon every day after all other methods of treatment fait , . ; '.v lv , v "; ' '.j., v;V;''::'Vy .' Mr. C. F. Wagenblast, Slatera. Or, sayaTTor some time pact I have been completely cured of the rheum atlam I had in my lega. The paina were very eevare and were caused by exposure. I alo had lumbago, and the.t too, haa been cured. I would not hav missed the cure Eleo-tra-Vlta has effected for five times what the appliance ooat ma" FREE TO YOU Juat put your nam and address en this coupon and mall It to us if you can't call. We'll aend you our nig free book oloeel.v aealed), which telle all aboat Electra-Vlta, how It cures and what it costs. This book is finely illustrated and ex-, plains many thin as you should know . reaardlng ib dlaeaaee , Of men and . women. rpi-'K-i' . '''rirt1. 'i.'V;i'---:T.':.ftV K : y :"'' AU ef our patients get the services ef an expert physician free of charge while using ElectrvVlta. , DR. GREEN , ' . OinUS B3UYO JsTBjr , BACKTOHEALTH We our quickly and permanently all curable rases of AJUCOaTO VETS , and snrBBOOSUt, without severe - surgical operations; Uatal- TKKAXi ossrrmTdTzoars without cutting or burning; 8WIOITIC BUIOO rOZSOXT without Injurious drugs; (808 skilfully administered If preferred)! ITXUtTO-YXTAX BBBX& XTT without stimulative remedlee; PROSTATIC, BX.ASXBJ and XXO BTBT troubleal OOBTBAOTBD dlaor- derai nun and all motax ail ments ef men. :., t . PAY WHEN SATISFIED la your absolute protection.' Consul tation, examination and diagnosis free, and private. No' oaaes aooeptea through corre spondence. One personal visit to offioa required be fore treatment e o m m enoea We must flrat ae and know your exact condition. Thla Is tne oniy intelli gent, satisfactory way, ' Come today. Hours dally to 5; evenings. 7 to 8; Sunday, 10 to 1. DR. GREEN CO. 369 Waehingtos art, Portland, Or. I Cure Men Quickly 1 am making men well and whole. I am doing what no other specialist can do for men. When all oth ers fall I cure, be cause my pract: haa been wider, my experience mora var ied, beoause my I 1- t What T . mTf doing for others I will do for you. XT BPBOZAZ.TTJBS ABB BTerrous Ztebillty, Blood Ailments, Piles, verieeee Telns, Bupture, Kid oey, Bladder and aU ailments pecul iar to men. Do not let money mat ters keep yotj away, as my charges are ao low as to be within the reach of alt. OOOD StOVBBV WOBI and a BQTTAma SB AX. Is what you want Consuiutlon and examination fre. Call now er write, DR. LINDSAY The Old Sellable pecteUat Corner Alder and Second atreets. Entrance It 84 Second street Port land, Or. Office hours to 8 p. m. Sundays 10 a. m, to 1 p. m. S. K. CHAN Chinese Doctors BXMOTBB TO in. m. The wall known Sis. gt r. .K.Ohanfh .rmU.!i ,Ch Chinese medicines of herbs and roots, have wonderfully cured many sufferers of both external and internal sioknesaes when ail other remedies have failed. Jfe operation. Examinations for ladies by Mrs. Xr. Oban. Call or writ, to a. X, Ohan Chinese Medioln Co. 1st at V. W. Cos. Alder, Portland, O. Kcxnovad te 833 Vi Waslu eons ad St, Chines Xootor. Hla Chinese berba and root medleln euro blood trouble and all dlaeases ot tha heart lungs, liver, stomaca, kidneys, When others have given you up, con sult or writ to Bins 2honc rjHICHESTEITS PILLS " THE DtAMOlTn ' KBXKD, pillslsKed MiTU SiewlllAV &M, ltd wtth Slae Rlbkss. VX iTyeBsdVrsKb W II MabmsMIAlimlilkkM SOUJ It LEGISTS EVTOhFjaL To people who suffer frem ' ehronlo troubles of any kind, rheumatism, nervoua oomplalnts, lost strength, debility, weakness In any form, or stomach, kidney or liver disorders, we offer a cure at a otic, within tha reach of aU. We have no drug to sell you. The remedy we offer Is electricity ' that's nature medicine. It la impossible te our. any chronic ailment by doping the nerves and vttala wtth stimu lants or polsona. . Your body needa new life and atrength. Our Elec-tra-Vlta -glvea that It helpa na ture cure by restoring the energy and activity of every weak, slug trlah organ ot the body. Electra-Vlta Is a acienOf lo de vice for saturating the nerves and vitals with a steady, unbroken current of electrlo life for hours at a time while you sleep, with out the least shock or unpleasant sensation. Electra-Vlta builds - up ' THE ELECTRA . VITA CO. 810 aCAJSSTXO BX.SO. , SBATTX.B, WASH. -- Please send trie, prepaid, your free, 80 page. Illustrated book. ?...-: -io-i8v Btreet":;;, i y:fy 'i ,,"', ''j 5 Town " I . . . . ,'. 1-- A. a-J ' f) xrn. a. o. 8rnTit v ; The leading? Specialist I am a registered and licensed physician, confining my ..apeciai practice to the ailments of MEN. I have more money invested In my establishment than all other Port land specialists combined. I use my photograph 00 thaW"n you com to see me peraonally you will recognise ma Investigate . my Eiersoaal standing before accepting reatment from a doctor of unkonwn dentlty er reputation. Are You being treated In a atlafaetery man ner by your preaent doetorTMa nt carrying out hie promlaeaT Hae nj cured you in a reasonable t!mB na lived up to hla guarantee Ar you paying him exorbitant - prloas for medielmjT Doea he employ thrfj,,' ly up-to-date and scientific methoda, which would be approved by the reg ular family doctor? If yon cannot answer these questions favorably te yourself, coma and have a confiden tial talk with us about your ease It will cost you nothing. TASieoBra Ynnra. fcOO yox ow. pxxbs. rzsmnbA. bto Cured in 5 Days ire detention prom Ooenpallem, Psmlly er Some, NO 8EVBRI OPERATIONS. MANY CASES PERMANKNTLT CURFD IN ONW TREATM1FNT. MOST TIM F-BA VINO, MOST NAT URAL, MOST SAFE. A RADICAL AND PERMANENT CTJREI OJYE MY WORD AND WITJL CITB YOU TO OTHER MKDICAL AUTHORI TIES THAT THIS ISA FACT. I AM CERTAINLY PREPAKID TO CURE BY EXPERIENCE AND EQUIPMENT, WHICH ARB THE ICEYSTOVE9 TO STWESS. f HAVE THE BERT EOTTTPPETt MEDICAL OFFICE ON THE COAST. rstEB COSTS TX.TATI0B I Invite you to come to my office. I will explain to you mv treatment for Varicose Veins, Hernia. Nenroua Debility. Hlood Disorders. Piles, n. tula Bladder, Kidney, Prostatic and all Men's AUmente. and give you FREE a physical examination: If nao easary a mleroscoptaal and chemical analysle of secretions te determine pathological and bacteriological co ditlona. Every neraon ahould take advantage of thla opportunity te learn their true condition. A per manent cure la what you want My offloea are opeti all day from fta. to 8 p. m. and Sundsya from aTg. Smith, M.D. aaM Morrison St, Oeraat tl Portland, Oregon Modern Methods I am positively the only specialist In Portland that publishes his own photograph, personally conducts and manages his own office and eon suits with and trests all his own patienta I have more qualifications and experience than any other spe cialist advertising in this city. Every man calling at my offlee la assured of my personal and individ ual treatment until a eure Is ef fected. My fees are one fourth that exacted by the a r I o u a "medio! companies,' "instltutea" and "mu seums." Be aura to consult me be fore treating elsewhere, www aim MAir sxscotxby poos BLOOD POISON $25 z rrrtrftx. kt pboiqsbs X AOOXPT XTO IBTOITBABIiB OASTS t Bever KOU OTT PAX.SB XOP3BS Why treat with Incompetents when you can secure the expert aerrioea of a competent specialist T Come to me If you have any of th following dlaorders: Varicose Telna, pimples, Herrcue Debility, Xf a r e, Blood and Skia XklaordersV Bladder Tronbles, Blood Poisons, Brsptioas, trloers, Special Ailments, Piles or Plsenla. te o 1 to S Ballyi Sunday 10 to X . Examination -Advloa Pres. J.J.KeefefPh.G.M.D. Boom j 11-14 X.afayeMe Bldf, S1SM VTASHirOTOXT st. Cor. grin POBTXJlTX. OX. Hundreds of Successful Cures Since He Opened in Portland vHe cures with non-poisonous, non Injurloua herbs all diseases of the Throat Heart Liver, Lungs, Stom ach, Kidneys, Piles, Constipation, Nervousness. .Neuralgia, Rheuma tism, Catarrh, Ecaema, Blood Poison, Diabetes and alt organic disease. . OOKStntTATIOW PBBB. ' Patienta out of town can secure these health-building remedtea Send i centa in stamps for symptom blank. ., wo crarjTEss mbdioax, co. BBOVi Alder. Cor. Third. . Dr. 0L Dr. VMX