THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 10, 1912 LAUNCHES AKD BOATS C4 BEE my 80 foot launch hulls. 60. Baa my 10 to 18 root rowpu, i j i in nouseooaiB anv- ium 'nnteiaon, loot otj vnnii liAVK 6 acres apple land, free and clear. " that I will trada for launch; value ifno 126 union ave. mm AUTOM0BILES-SIOT0KCVCXE9 44 DONT buy an automobile until yon iOiir atock of over 75 cara We ara exclusive dealer of used auto, inoblles. Every Car Guaranteed. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, 'llat and Waahington eta. SIX cylinder 60 horsepower. 7 passenger Ull Premier, gooa a new in iuu. n nmalnr mialltlea: 4 cylinder. 40 : horsepower, 6 passenger Knox, In equal- ly good conaition; pncea raimin, will ak desirable real estate or smaller car for part payment. Addreaa N-826, Journal. : . . Autos waited. T paaaanger high grade cara only; no model earlier than 1910; real estate and contracts and mortgages to exchange for same. CTrarTa 420 Swetland bldg TIRES. Tires, Tlrea. $3.00 to 115.00 es Smith la now located at JOS Madl each. ill son at Wa buy, aell and exchange anything pertaining to automobiles. Tubes re paired, 25o each. Auto Tire Co., 203 Madison st. TWO TON Kelly truck. In A-l condi tlnn thnmiiirhlv overhauled, new tires n all wheels, $1500 cash; no trades considered; reason for selling, must buy larger capacity truck. For demonstra tion call Main 9341 or 201 Vine at. 6ECOND hand automobile supplies bought, sold and exchanged; all sizes e-f tlrea. S3 to $20 each. We vulcanle tubes, 25o each. guaanteea. worn phones Atito Supnly Co.. 233 Main st. 1918 Cadillac. I passenger, full equipped. A-l condition, just uks new; rs sac rifice for quick Bale. 1 OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, list and Washington sts. WANTED 6000 old auto tlrea. 7c per lb. delivered: 80.000 lbs. inner tunes, tSo per lb.: 60,000 lbs. solid rubber, 8c per lb. J. Lev, l SB coiumoia at can us tin. Main 5198. WANT building lot for my good 4 nassencer auto, less than 8 years old fine engine; will assume but want no Imaginary equities, jenns. Main amu. .AUTO exDresa. bis- money In the bust ness. small payment down, balance to auit; get ready for the spring. 203 Hallway Exchanre. : Springs guaranteed. 23 N. 15th St. PORTLAND Mkgneto -Co., expert mag neto and coll repairing. s w. rarit. LOST AND FOUND 21 -LOST Whoever took by mistake a handmade Irish lace scarf from the "Arcadian Room" on Thursday even ing, will please return it to Multnomah hotel office. ' LOST In the Corbett building on Sat urday, January 27, a lynx fur collar. . Finder . please return to 711 Corbett building and receive reward. LOST Silver mesh bait In lavatory Meier & Frank's, Thursday; finder . ran keep money for return of bag. 222 Commercial Club bldg. - LOST Money sack containing my two i weeks' wagea between 12th and Clay and . 24th and Kearney sts. Reward. Phone Main 1398. LOST On Mt. Tabor car Feb. 9, four $20 gold Pieei; finder call Marshall ids. f. u, dox zi. newnra. LOST A sorrel mare, Thursday p. m last seen on 45th and Main, going ,west Finder notify Tabor 2368. NOTICES 20 - NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the District Court of the United States for the district or Oregon, in the matter of W. G. Bobn, bankrupt; No. 1965. In BankruDtoy. Notice Is hereby given that on tha 7th day or rebrury, a. d., iiz. w. u. Bohn, of Portland. Oregon, the bankrupt above- named, was duly adjudicated bankrupt: and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the offices of the undersigned, .rooms 401-2-3, Fen ton building Portland, Orego, on the list day or February, I9iz, at 11 a. m., ' at which time said creditors may attend, prove their claims, anpolnt a trustee, examine tie bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly coma D fore said meeting. Claims must be presented In form re quired by the Bankruptcy Act and sworn to. Tha schedule filed discloses, doubtful assets. CHESTER G. MURPHY, Referee in Bankruptcy. Dated, February 9. 1912. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Id tha matter of the liquidation of tha American Bank A Trust company of .Portland, or. Notice is hereby given that the American Bank Trust com pany of Portland, Or., Is in tha hands on tha superintendent of banks for liqui dation. All persons having claims against said bank must file the same "duly verified as by law required, with the superintendent of banks at No. SO Sixth street. Portland. Or., on or before tha 80th day of March, 1912. WILL WRIGHT, Superintendent of Banks of State of Oregon. First publication December 30. 1911. Last publication March 30. 1 9 1 2. . SEALED bids will be received at the office of the undersigned, 402 Tll- . ford building, until 5 p. m. FVbruary 29, 1912. for equipment of Washington high school gymnasium. Copy of speci fications may be obtained at the office of tha undersigned. Certified check for fc per cent of the amount of tha bid, payable to R H. Thomas, school clerk, rnuet accompany each proposal. Board of directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. R. H. THOMAS. pated Feb. 1, 1912. School Clerk. NOTICE to those owning stock In the m North Bunker Hill company of Kel logg, Idaho, Issued In the name of John H. Wonrms. trustee, and also to the American Bank & Trust company; I'laaee communicate with tha secretary, Xf. T. Hardy, Kellogg, Idaho, as some , of this stock has not been entered upon the company's books. 'SfY WIFE. Mrs. Lizzy Jones, having left my bed and board, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her. J. U. JONES. A ! . U V..Wnrr I Nice uttlb. box for. tX)Nr you uirie bqv f I, ' , i 1 , ' 1 t - " , ' 1 1 ' ,,',,,' , SO NOTICE Is herehv e-lven that Mnltno niah county will sell to the highest bidder for cash, - the bouses designated as ioiiowh: 414 Yamhill street. Portland, Or. 195 Tenth street, Portland, Or. 411 Taylor street, Portland, Or. 413 Taylor street, Portland, Or. 416 Taylor atreet, Portland, Or. 188 Eleventh Btreet, Portland, Or. 190 Eleventh atreet. Portland. Dr. The sale la to ha'tnaria on or after March 1, 1012. Bids for each house must be submitted senaratelv. S No bid will be considered unless accompanied by a check, certified by a responsible bank of Portland, Or., for a amount equal to JO per cent of the bid, which check will be forfeited to Multnomah county unleaa the successful bidder removes the house within 16 days after May 1. 1912. at which data the buildings will be va cated. T. 3. CLEETON, County Judire. W. L. LIOHTNER, bounty commissioner. D. V. HART, uounty commissioner. BIDS FOR OIL. Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned until 10 a. m. on Wednes day, February 28, 1912, for furnishing fuel oil and road oil to Multnomah county, ror a period of one, two, or three years. Deliveries to be made by tank wagon at: Courthouse. Multnomah hospital. Ferry boat "Lionel R. Webster.' Ferry boat "W. S. Mason." Ferry boat "St. Johns." Bidders to elate nlaca of delivery for road oil In carload lots. For fuel oil for Kelly Butte state place where our wagons can can. r or Muitnoman rarm f. o. b. farm. F. S. FIELDS. County Clerk, Courthouse, NOTICE All parsons having bills against A. H. Maybee store at 682 Thurman St.. must present them for collection within o aays at bbb Morrison st. Wm. M Hlns. PEKSONAIi 22 RADICAL cure by the latest natural healing methods. Including radium; all electrical currents, lights, heat, "vi bration, radiation, baths, massage, ad justment and manipulations; most er- f tensive, finest equipped private office n Oregon; no medicine or operations; over 6000 treated patients and not a death whil under our care. We will be glad to consult with you free of charge. Dr. W. E. Mallory, 812 Roth childhldg. W. I. HOWARD. M. D. Modem Electro-Therapeutics. Chronic dlseaaes cured without opera tion or pain. Consultation free. 804-306 Rothchild bldg. DR. ALICE A. ORIFK Disuse of women and children, haa removed '.o LaFayette bldg, 818V4 Washington st Dr, Burroughs Have had twsntv-flve years experi ence in successfully treating nervoua diseases. Examination free. 406 North west bldir.. 6th and Washington. GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse; long experience. best references: treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, etc.; massages and baths. 348 Williams ave.. near Weidler St.; "U" car. Phone l-.ast Z808, C-35B3. Open Sundays. TAITENA, the prescription of the late Lawson Tait, the celebrated Jtaglleh surgeon, for the cura of female trou bles, to be obtained from the Hawthorne pharmacy, corner Marguerite avc. and Hawthorne. Phone B-3225. Price 60c MILLINERY school, learn In six weeks. Bo ready for snrlnar nosltion and lo cation. Hats trimmed and remodeled for half price. 206 Goodnough bldg. Opposite) P. O. A NEW hypodermic treatment for ca tarrh. Results guaranteed. Non-operative. B. M. Richardson, M. D., eya, ear and nose ancciallst, 808 Northwest bldg., 6th and Washington. UH WALKER, specialist; quickly cure diseases of men. blood and skla dis eases, sorej, ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney, bladder an J piles. 181 First st. fort land. SEXOID Marvelous cure for weakness in men. by mail $lper box, money re. turned if it fails. Dr. Pierce Remedy jo.. 24 Morrison. WET wash, 60c pays for your whole washing, returned damp ready for ironing. iaeai wet wasn L,aunary. Tabor 383Z. B-3141. Wagons call everywhere, SANDERSON CO. Savin and Cotton Root Pills, sure remedv for delayed periods, $2 box or 8 boxes for $6, by man. j . j. t-ierce, zo'A jvinrrison. ASTHMA ( r heart trouble: wish to see tha case I can t cure. UK. UOUOLAS. V. C, 338 Union ave. 1 .. Portland. Or. DR. IVEY, graduate painless ch t rop odlst. foot specialist, drugless Dhvsi- cian, mecnano-tnerapy treatment. Koom o-ju, ziovi- jviorrison. Mam 444 ELECTRIC thermal baths and mechano therapy treatments for rheumatism. nervousness ana poor circulation. 843 jworriFnn DR. A. A. AU8PLUN1). of women and aiira-er-w HV. amlnatlons free. 802 Merchants Trust niqg.. tn anq wasnmtrton. Main 4047. YOUNG man (catholic), age 26, would like to correspond with voune Iadv neiween is arra zz, onjcci matrimony. rs-.i.ia. journal. MRS. SOPHIA SKIP, mental, spiritual scientist, 802 Alisky bldg.. Main 6824. iviriiiiK vv rti. of r ri.. a p. rn. SYRINCES. both spray and fountain: the $3 kind for 98 cents at Rlut Jav drutr store, BSO1 Washington. LADIES' Lorenx Antiseptic Cones are aoothlng. safe and sure. -$1 per box. StlDi Tavlor Drue Co.. 289 Morrlaon at LOR ENS! Nerve Tonic Tablets restore iosi viraiuy: zoo dox: boxes $1.25. Stipe-Taylor Drug Co.. 289 Morrison St. 1JECTECTIVE, private investigations, rhadowfni? and divorce work a an. clalty; license!. Box 2160. Portland. Or. FIRST class chiropody and manicure parlors, open February 7. 417-418 Swetland bldg., 6th and Washington. WOMEN Use remoias when others fan. Sold and guaranteed by the Aunplund Dru store. 110 N. th st Main 8108. DR. ELMA GILL, spiritual and mental sclent lit; advice $1. 1604 3d ave., Se attle, wapn. YOUNG man, 28. wishes to meet work ing airl or widow bet 91 enrl ?K oh. Ject matrimony. C-834. Journal. SAVE $2 to $10 by buying your trunk or suitcase at 632 Wash., cor. 17th. et SCALP' treatment, facial massage. Alton nmei, inn ana BiarK. Itontti 4Z3. BALM of Figs, remedy for diseases- of women, bsz navia at. Main 921B. ARNOLD vibrator for sale! 846 ft Al der, suite 30, third floor. A'OTTCES A SKELETONIZED HISTORY OF TEDDY AS A 01 CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES Or seller's-equity In contract of sal on real estate In Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble. Lumbermen bldg.. Loans. WE BUY notes, contracts, mortgages, equities. Nelson Bros., 804 Lewis Bldg. LOANS WANTED 80 Loans Wanted We want to borrow $1800 or 12000 at once; security quarter block In choice location on east side; Improved with good 7 room house. This is gilt-edged secur ity; conservative cash value $6500. Principals only. See A. K. Hill, 419 Henry bldg. Phone Main 7843. MONEY TO LOAN 27 DO YOU KNOW This New Company Was organized to LOAN MONET to working people and others on their PLAIN NOTES, without indorser or publicity; also on furniture, pianos, horses, cattle, storage receipts and au tos at rates honest neonle can afford Think This Over As evidence of our pood faith wa will, cheerfully accept our money back with in 24 hours without cost to you If the contract is not entlrelv satlBfactory. YOU CAN OET IT TODAY, Rebate Olven If Paid Before Tlma. Portland Loan Co. 208-7 MACLEAY BLDG. Both Phones. wet th and 6th sts. on Washington st. pen Monday and gatnrflav till 9 p. m, W73 HAVE MONET TO LOAN. On salaries only. In amounts of from $5 to $100, at the lowest possible rates. Rebate given If paid befora due. Being salary loan brokers exclusively, we are enabled to mal e the best terms and give the quicket possible service. Our well known reputation for nouare dealing and courteous treatment during me past is our best reference. Business strictly confidential STATR RRCT'TtTTV CO.. 808 Felling Bldg., Cor. 3d ft Wash. Sts. $5 TO Drake's Easy Money $100 Furnished salaried nponle without se- eurltv Indorsement, delay, deception or extortion: ehpanest rates, hpst and moat private terms in Portland. 807 Spalding OlUir. lnrl Dnrrvoi Mr.rtW LUII I UUIIUW IVIUIIOY TINTTT. -VOTT aVV. TTflf Loans on furniture, pianos, salaries. etc.; !owt rates. HTTTTON CREDIT CD. , 807 Spalding bldg $$ SS$xlt$S LOANS made immediately nnd confiden tially on real estate, furniture, pianos. stitos. livestock, storage receipts, room ing notifies nnd all kinds or securities. U. S. REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE CO. 812 Hamilton Bldg. Main 2084. 131 8d Street. 8 8 3 $$$$$$ MONEY LOANED. JEWWIRY, DIAMONDS. 8TTVER, WATCHES. PIANOS. KTC PRIVATE OFFICES, ELRY COMPANY. 820 LTJMRER EXCHANGE BLDO. 'THIRD FLOOR.) SECOND AND STARK STS. Loan You Money On your furniture, d'amords or real es tate; lowest rates of Interest. See ma first J, E. Nichols 616 Yeon bldg. Money to Loan On hVeatoek, pianos, autos or anything ot vaiue: cneap rate or interest. Frank Lane . 609 Swetland bldg. C. Frank Nichols Co, For a loan on anv kind of security. IT WILL COST YOU LESS. No extra charges. Private office, courteous and confidential treatment. CALL AND GET ACQUAINTED. 603 Lumbermen's Bldg.. 6th and Stark. TWTONEY FOR SALARIED PKOPLE Women keeping house and oters fur nished without security, cheapest rates, easiest payments. Coma and get money wnen you want it. ann pay as you can. Offices In all principal cities. D. H, ;roiman. hit mmlier Kxchange. GOOD SUPPLY OF MOIVTEY To loan at low rate on furniture, nlanos. autos, livestock, contracts, mortgages, or any oiner personal security. AdOIpnus l-ane, n Ahintrton hide. Marshall 814 MONEY sold on Installment; confiden tial to salaried People. F. A. New ton RIG Henrv Bldg. $106,000 on mortgages, cltv or farm property, fire Insurance. McKenxIa A- jo.. uernnger Diag.. z and Alder. LOANS on diamonds. Jewelry end other articles at M usual interest rata; con- rmfn'iai. nzp yainng mag. MONET to loan, large eoans a specially, uuiiujiiB luana; iuwbbt raiee; Tire in- surnnce. W. G. Beck. 815-316 Falllna-. MORTGAGE loans; In any amount; Lloernl terms: mortraaes nurehaaed Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. Wilcox bldg. PRIVATE monev to loan In anv amount on real estate security. C-3078. v,n. inirn. $6000 or part to loan in Irvington dis trict 1 per cent. Main 11BB. MONEY TO LOAN ON RRAL ESTATE. A. H. HAR1I1N'-. 813 Chamber of Com. WILL loan $20,000 or less real estate. Farrington. 416 Commercial Clnh hit" uiaw ror the asking, saJary or chat tel The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum hM. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7 per cent mun caiomon a co., zz HtarK at. MONKY to loan on real estatu. O. M. Smith. 603 Yeon. MONEY to loan. 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Seltg & Co., 310 Saplding bldg.. SHORT TIMK LOANS. $100 AND liP. 207 OREGONTAN RT.Pfl. QUtCk loans on all securities! 8. W. King. 45 Washington bldg. Main 8100. SdONKYjlo loan on Improved real estate. j. u. Yvnua. 701 Helling bldg. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ASSAYEBS WELLS PROEBSTEL, nssayers. ana lytical chemists, 204 Wash. M. 7608. FINANCIAL ASSAYS StS MONTANA assay office, laboratory, or testing, mar a nan rvr. i Morrison. ATTOBIfJBTrB A. E. COOPER. Attornav at T.a w nn eral practice; a be tact a examined. Re moved to 1424-1428 Yaon , bid. . Main "Idi AZV L TkpMAS D. REED, lawyer, removed to " iTegoman Dioff.. 4tn xioor. ClJlstOtHERSON V& MATTHEWS, general practice. 418-41T Yeon bid. leotlona. tit Yeon bldg. Main 7876, bicycle Kxrjuxxaa BICYCLES, motorcycles, bought, sold, g)u en. iwaa. ep. bmop. waoison, Bza.irx boos acAXEBa HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY, 109 td at Blank nook m'fg.; agents for Jonee? m proved Loose-Leaf Ledgers: ace the ww mureaa leur. A -3 IBS. H1!D 111, WARIIEN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and crossings. 117 fCK Diaa. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVIWO CO. i-oriiano ornce. sos Electrle ttiag. CABPT CLEAUINO JOYCE BROS.. Electric Cleaning Works. carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our peciauy. a. H-IKBS. Z04 K. lStOM. OABPBT VTEAVtSGr NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, ruga from vaipeia, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. 168 Union ava.. near E. Morrison. kAG carpet and rugH, 1618 Patton ava rnone woooiawn ZB86. CHIBOFODI3TS THE WTGGERY Beauty Parlor, chirop ody, massage, manicuring, etc 403 Kliera bldg. Main 2490. CHIROPODISTS F. J. KING, specialist on flat and d formed feet, will relieve tired and acinng reet. callous and enlarged Joints. " Koincnuq Diag. Marshall 1847. OHMPBAtTTIO PBTCTICTAJT ADAMS' hoth nnrliri 01 li AtK alj,n tlflc massagest. electric blanket aweats and salt baths given for colds, rneumausm bR; EVA MARSH cures all forms of rneumausm. 223 Flledner bldg. Main HAVE given thousands of adjustments; 32.60 week. Bath office 2 and Wash. CHXRXSB DOCTORS DR. J. L. LONG MEDICAL CO.. phy slclan for men, women. 213 Vfc Alder. counazs ajtd bcxooxiS OREGON LAW SCHOOL. 816 Commonwealth bldg. COAT. ABX WOOD BEST COAL LOWEST PRICES Not In the fuel comblna. Oale Creek Lump. 38.60. Gale Creek Steam, $6.60. (Holds fine all night.) Rock Creek Lump. $7.60. Comet Lump $6.60 (sacked) Buy VOUr coal Inn,, mil uvi Kna Mr ton on these m-lces. PORTLAND CONSUMERS COAL CO, cast ist ana Tavior. Tel. B. 118. Home B-1118. UKKEN SHORT WOOD GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD INSIDE OREEN SHORT DRY SHORT WOOD SAWDUST, for fuel and bed!tu Tfce Portland Slabvoo$i Co. Main 3119. A-7001. STANDARD WOOD CO.. box planer and cordwood 347 E. Stark. East 2316; B-1895. Phone Main 718 Tom Mike Co., 657 Upshur st., dealers in ary, green corawoocl. 4-Foot tordwood, $5 V, D, Smith Fuel Co, Dry fir slab and block wood. KUUK SPKINGS COAL EVoV Edlefsen Fuel Co, p2h3oC8- Dry country slab, block and cordwood, tsrancn coal office. Meier & Frank's Slabwood Dry or Green Aiaaita uei co. Alaska dock Main 1S83. PAC, SLABWOOD CO, A3V- Dry slabwood. big and small Inside, block wood, planer trlrng's. cord wood. FROM $6.60 UP Yukon Coal Co. 4 N. 6th. Mar. 8792. A-3182 THK ECONOMY FUEL CO. handles all the leading coals, Diamond.- Rock Springs, Hannaford. etc. Prices right 846 E. Ankeny East 214. B-2.US. NEER & FARR X? rotV, rawed to order. Prompt delivery. 805 Water st. Main 4696. A-4547. East 3138. Country Slab. Tabor 1742 B-2633. Block and Cordwood. B-2629. PHOENIX FUEL CO. Cord, slab and di-y short wood. 621 SAVIER ST. MAIN 8644. Yamato Wood and Coal Co. EAST 818. B-186T7. 4 foot dry wood. Nat. Fuel Co., 387 Water at Marshall SB0, A-S545. DELIVERED PROMPTLY 7. F. J. EVERTS. Ft Currv st ALBINA FUEL CO. -AH kinds of green and dry wood. Rock Springe and Men- uuia cuni, iTIBTr.iKn wnnTi vinn Wood and coal: 4 ft. orsawved: wreck. age. 9tt and Glisan. Main 8383. A-2288 SOUTH lJORTLAND SLABWOOD CO. Mam Z1&3, A-3S42. Dry inside wood, een slabwood, sawdust. Mixed 22 load. :iTY MARKET Wood Yard. Cook ft son, to a no may. Main 3243, A-4333 COAL and all kinds of wood. Phone nuigniB jtici t-Q., scnwooq 4 60, CLOTHES WE pay highest prlco ror 2d hand clothes no snoes. vis Front. Main 4802. COLLECTIONS PHYSICIANS" & dentists' acpt, general Euuocugna. 4ui Meuioai DlQg. M. H18, SCHOOLBOY THE GQML couccnoint WELLS MERC AOY., EST. 190$. CUR RENT, DELINQUENT ACCTS. COL- UfJUTEU. M. 8T7. .701 BU. TKAUlli C0BTA0TOB A3TB BTftXPBBJI 8. WING, carpenter, alt kinds Job work, furniture repaired, upholateced, kalso- inining, painting. at Btn. Mam 7a. tVlLl.lA? jriHiTRRlPW rarruinl,, an, uunaer, joooing ana contracung. 8VI 4th st. Main 6341. t - E. GEORGEFF, carpenter, builder, store iroui.-tiiii store nxturea especially, giazing. i Anaeny. Marsnau Z8ti. HIGHEST grade carpenter and cabinet work for banks, stores and homes. , O, n. Jtiammonq, 185 Madison. . BRICX. stone and cement work. ... Tel eeii. iwe. city or country. A. T. CROSBY. contrajtor, builder, Job- ping, an Kings. ia weidler. m. na. daw euro PP.OFESSOR WAL WILSON'S Dancing School. Dancing lessona 25c. every morning, afternoon and ava.t ''walta." "tWO-aten or "thrae.afan" a-narantaad in iiret leaaon or money rerunaea. xne oeei in always m cneapest. come to night, 888 Wash. St.. bet. W. Park and mtn sts. ijnone Main 7SS7. HEATH'S school lessons 25c, fancy staga and sooia) dancing taught dally, waits and two aten guaranteed In four lessons; class Monday evening. 139 3d St., bet. Washington and Stark sts. ' PR6f. FORD'S schoofof dancing, 87th m n , m vu miu rrnwiuunie ave., cikbscb uea day and Thursday evenings at 8. Prl- va re leesons oy appointment. Tabor 3707, RINGLER'S academy, thorough course in dancing; 10 Instructors: classes aft ernoons ana Mon., wed., Frt. eves, rrl vate lessons dally. 231 H Mor'son. M. 818 DETECT! VS AQBSCT PACIFIC States Secret Berrtce Agency, 421-428 Board of Trad hidv. ria. tectives. enadow work a specialty. Mar- OQAITP HORSB HOSPITAI. BROWN BROS.. 646 Wash. Main 4086, Ites. ti. lZlH. B. 640, B-ZIS7. DBRSSMABJMQ BCHOOI. VALENTINE'S system of cutting, tal- iunnx ana oressir.Biunf laugQL asa rj. morrison. ELSCTSIO XOTOBS BOUGHT, sold, rented, repaired. E-117. waiter M Kencie El. Wks., 108 Union. EXPRESS UNITED Tran., 247 H Madiaon, Expreaa worh, coal by sack or ton, trunks 50c extra aac, stored 7 days free. tar. is. rURfllTUKB BEFAZBHra BOWERS PARSONS, formerly with inn & uiods, rurniture rep. rennlshed, packed, shipped. 100H Front. M. 7448. oasouvb Evonrza STATIONARY and marina, electric. equipments: launches. aireaaoHaa. wholesale and retail; engine repairing. """" macninery co.. iss Morrison. ozuNDinro RAZORS, scissors, safety blades shap aned. Expert rejmlrlng. Portland Cut lery Co.. 92 U 6th. near Stark. M. 7606. HAIR GOODS FEB VET A IlTnEBUT. "t Laadlna wis and lnnn,i mum finest stock of human hair goods; hair dressing, manicuring. ftce and scalp treatments. 147 7th. near Mor. M. 4. HtSURAUCE JA8. Mcl. WOOD & COL all kinds Insur ance, surety bonds. Railwav Fx. Bid. McCAROAR, Bates ft Lively. 101 Yeon bldg. Every form of Insurance, bonds. JOHN KER Insurance, surety bonds. mige loans. i.izi yeon nmg. m. visa. KODAK DEVELOPING ROLLS developed free; prints, 3o tip; man oraers soiicitea. zui Merchant Tnist bldg. BRING your kodak work, enlarging, re- tuucning. to nose city sta. LA2TD SCAPE OABJDEBXDTa PRRn W. TtTTT.TnPK" 810 Teon building. Phone Marshall 3488. iwni, oriveways, shrubs nnd plants. LADIES' TAIX.CBXB(f BCSOOL HOW WOULD YOU LIKE To Invest 212.50 and aeenra a nerma. nent Income anvwhere of from tin n tKn per ween i xnis can re easily accomplished by taking a full course In our cutting. aesigning and sewing school. Good cutters and sewers are constantly In de mand. Our system Is simple, practical and absolutely accurate. Remember, the Investment ! small. But thejtnowledge will last a lifetime. Ettherln making your own garments or as a wage earner. Invest eate. CHICAGO LADIES TAILORING AND . BEWINO SCHOOL. Room 809 Central bldg.. 10th and Alder. LINOLEUM WAXED, surfaced and polished, wears longer ann easier Kept clean. T. H. DUNNE & CO.. 450 Park. A-1748. JTJ ATOEB ABD jPIJTPXB'OS CHAS. U MA STICK St CO.. 74 Front Leather of every description; tap manufacturers, findings HACKXJTZBx- B. TRENKMAN & Co.. hvdraullo and special nine, amoke afanka. oil tanks. mining machinery, all repairs. 104 N. 4th. MODEL making, repairing, machine work. Fort. Magneto Co.. 68 N. Park, KlESBESOEB SEBYICE RELIABLE bonded messengers, day or nism Bervice. Marshall lg. A-1411 AMERICAN "Meaaena-nr Co. Wa fur msnt Bervice. Marshall 188. A-1411. nish messengers at any time, and anv place: service prompt Marshall 176. A-3105. 171 H 2d St. MODEL WOBK EXPERIMENTAL work, brass natterna and gates; repair anything, fit keys, lock and gunsmith. 218 Alisky bldg. MTJSIO TEACHXS8 PIANO, vocal, violin, mandolin, guitar, banlo. wind lnatmmantanrtvafa and club instructions; string instruments loaned to beginners. National Conserva tory of Music, cor. Grand ava. and E. Morrison st. I. THIKLHORN. violin teacher; pupil Sevclk. 900 Marquam. A-4160. Mar. 1629 MOTOaCTCLa CEPAIBTJTO REPAIRS of all kind; also bioycle sup. plies and repairing. 189 Burn si da PROSPECTS DO NOT REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY NAlfB V ' : ' '. ' ADDRESS TaLPH0N Brons Steete ffempaa 4..... ....... Ground floor tewto Bldg,. ..Mala and A-1743 ( Mrubaker A benedict 5('2 J5icK7 ByV- . Ail Chanut A Berlow ......838 Chamber et Oommeree... Mala 16A8 , ook Co" B ".".III.... ....603 Corbett Bldg k..Mln 808 A-8K62 Knapp A Hackey T Chamber of Commerce.,.. ..Mela and A-2010 Oregon Reel Kstata Co., fb:... '"? ,79- Multnomah. ...But "7.,O-08 Shield., J, H..,.. ... Oerlloger BMf.. ....... Mala 84W Xbgnipaon, M. JC, Co.,..'i,.f,"V,;,?en' . Wf , 4th-Oall!, .......U. 8084, A-8827 KATTTBOPATK FHYSaCIAK DR. Catherln C. Oatea. Hit1 xparl- enet thraatlnv nervous and chrontO aiaeaaea, 107 Ablngton Diag. tamr. ! Urs. 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. OITEOPATXIO PHTBICXAlfS Dr. W. W. Christie Osteopath, chronlo nervous diaeasea. ?'K.MfCleTw'f a! "73A"88at DR. LILLEBELL1U PATTERSON, spy- Olaliat on nervea aonta and chronlo aiaeaaea. zus ronton oiag. atain PATDTT, OIL ABTD OLASS '.E. BEACH Ca, Pioneer Paint Co, 188 First at Main 1834. A-7043. RASMUSSEN & CO.. "High Standard" paint. n. cor. id Taylor, w., a-i itu PAIlfTIlTCr ABB PAPEBTWO FOR BEST work, prlcee right, call P. A. ' union v, umbi 'tNTINO $2 a room, painting, paper. I nan"ing. c A. Harnes. wain iaai. PAZBTxara abo vapexxho FIRST claaa paper banging, painting. tinting; reasonable prices. Phones: Main 7089, A-4784. Residence, Main 6174. PAXvAOXOS BTTTDIO PALACIOS Instructor mandolin and guitar. Palaclos' string quartat fur nlahes music for all occasions. 410 Salmon. Main 6S28. PAWBBBOKXBS LOANS 81 TO 81000 TTnon Personal PronartT. TrrT.T"v nn n T nmh,r itt.. 3d IPloor. DNCLE MEYERS COLLATERAL BAN 9 years in Portland, 71 8th. Main sia. PATBBT ATTOBWETS PATENTS Obtained; trademarks, copy. nants reaisterea in an couninvi, uwr- . leta free; consultation without charge, Peter Haberlln. 826 Worcester bldg. U. & and foreign patents procured by a O. MARTIN, 409 tjnamDer ot commerce buiiuhi. T t W.-Tct . J rr i. a rAicnio urvcurra ui . a. torney-at-law. late of U. S. patent of. flea; hook r. T1 Roar.l of Trada blJa. ' ' ' tt. tj. wkiuht. U. 8. ana loreign pat- ents; Infringement cases. 604 Dekum. piAjro Tmmra FRED JACOBSON, piano tuning, 81.00; 18 years' experience. 190 3. Main 9481. PXFB PIPE PIPE PrPHL New and second hand, 4nr prices will convince. M. BARDB ft SONS. 940-2 Front St.. cor. Main. IRON pipe and pipe fittings, engineers ana sieam euppnes. M. L KLINB Centrallv located. 84 to 86 Front St. Phones Main 617. A-351T. POftTLAND Wood Pipe Co.. Factory ana orrice, 34th and York. Mam I4. PLATZBCr WOBXS WJLlMETTE Platlng Works, 2?8.4th. r","n',Q ponsning, m. 4. PLTTMBHra Hot water heatlnv installed mechani cally satisfactory, cheap. Sell. 1047. J. C weatargarq. PBJBTTWCr Welch Printing Co. "Doers of clever thlaara with tvna and ina on paper." ii h isr. Main ana A- 414 1. BAZOX KOBTBa SAFETY blades. SOn dosen mall orders Automatic Keen Edging Co.. 183H 3d. BOOZTBa, PAXBTXSrO, BXPAZBIBO TIN roofing repairing, painting and Job. "ing. xrsn & Moiser, ziz Jeff. M. 1414. RUBBEX STAMPS AJTD 8EAXS STENCILS and office stationery. Cun- mngnam uo., zsi gtarg. Main 1407. TiArtntrc: iraj. .1,1,. k,.. ai stencils. Krehs Bros.. 114 2d. Mar. 187 SAPE3 THE MOr.LER Safa Co.. 108 2d st. Safes Jil-Zeu0TJ PTlc?: repairs; lockouts opened; bargafer In second hand safes.! SEOOITD EABO OOODS WE WANT your old clothes, shoes, fur- nitura; nignest prices paid. M. 8865. SHXBaLXS BEST In Portland. See them. 201 Washington st. 8. E. Gilbert SEWIKQ UAOHZKBS SINGER sewing machine store. Used maenmes your own price. 382 MoitIs n SHOWCASES AJTD PXXTUBBB . - I THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO, new and old showcasea, cabinets, stora "d. fixtures. 289 Couch. M.3708. SHOWCASES ABD PZXTVBES R. H. BIRDSELL, HAMILTON BLDO, wv , in eiucn. rrompi aeiivery. Bales agent M. Winter Lumber Co. BHOWlURKS n avarv llMArlntlnn KanU bar and store fixtures mad to order. xne iutKe Mrg t.o. BZOB AND SHOWOABDS POSTER ft KLEISER Signs; tha iar-1 m.p "ign maaers in tna northwest. J. li1. "J1?. Everett sts. Phones East mi. noma J3-ZZZ4. ANN SIGN CO., quality and servloa a Bi. Aiaer tr Ksst 6302. TAILOBXBTO) ' ATTEBmiDOl KREUZER COHIQH LIFE TAILORS. Wa are live , tailors for live people. Are you living T If not, remember us at 111 12th Btraat hatwaan Waihlnrtnn and Stark streets. ALFRED OQ1LBSE, 810 Labbs bldg,. 2d and Washington. Suits to order. NORTHWEST TAILORS. FOR LAD1KS AND GENTTjEMEN. 8 N. 6TH ST. LOOK BRIGHT TO HIM. TATLOBXETO 8CH00& KTESTER'S Ladles' Tailoring eollaga. learn dressmaking, tailoring. 148 H 11th TAKTDEBMI8 .' PACmC COAST TAXIDERMY CO. 167H 1st st. Phone Main 7778, SUPPLY CLEAN towef. dally, cornbbrush, aoap. Towel Supply Co., 9th and Couch gta. I 81 nr mnnih tiAUn .T.nndpv Co. . 1 nonew Main 4T0. A-4410. 2t BSPEa ABB BTOBAOB c. p. PICT" Transfer Storage Co.. Of. I flees and commodloua 4 story brick warehouse, with , separata Iron roorns 1 ' it thumim, . vwr, au una r me bi t-janoa ara iurni tura moved tnd packed for shipping. through cars to all domestic and foreign 1 pointa. Main n8. A.1S98. . Oregon Transfer Co. Fatahllaha 1 8TA Transfer and forwarding agants. 0ff.e fnd .r. J?6"' vmc and sjoraaa. 474 Oil ZZTIVL 'J. S? morale. Tree tracKaee, Ban street. san. Phonna. Main SO A.11K PORTLAND Van Storage Co, cor. litK and PTv.r.t afa 4..m. fut, most modern storage warehouse In city; every convenience for safa and proper handling of goods; lowest in. surance rate In northwest: free track. age, vans for moving. Main or A-l 620. UTtA66ft ftPRES0 A St'R'GlB CO." aiipo ram jsDor aaiiy. Also olty 42881" n tlXiTenM- llH Grand. rPORTLA ND TlUNER. & dWlIVTSHT vo wasn. Btoraare, piano, ram, K-niiTirorF.. xt-x W5PJ-.. "-nerai iransior ana storage. f POMPT deliveries all parte elti r Dawson. Main 7981 A-x"t8 288 Taylor. I TTPBWBITZmi , A,il, mitfl ranteil mmIm uM -- I nlnvfoam fn ci. .' . J . . "r -" , dw. main uvi, . TYPEWRITER A frunnliea Co. RebHC iA I,,. i iS . , f' . e " .V - e DUU I. i - 6ki n u mar. I il. TTFKOLSTEBEBS CARTWRIQHT ft CO.. 188 Madison. V. mattresses; work a-naranteed Main 8388. 1 VTTmriT a at a m ......i.iun, lumiture repairing and BTESXVABIAjr I MODERN veterinary hospital. 418 a tth. uijr. vfi-ant. iraHTi, cats rreatM. Board. ed. Dr. a. H. Huthman. B-1981 B. 18 47. HUMANE Vet. Hospital; dogs boardSC A. C. Johnson, D. V. S.. 131 Lowns dala M. B841. A-428T. Res. B-IT18. WELIj OBTXIJHO DRTLLTNa wells a specialty; prloM faa. eonablo. Call Main 1346 or wrlta It West. 182 Morrison st WET WASH EvATTVBBT. 60 ants pays for your whole family Ironrng'calT'everywh: iXaY Wash Laundry. Tabor 8632. B-3141. WHOLES AIJD JOBBESI EVERDINO ft FARRBLU proJuoa and nmmu.ioD mercnanta. 140 troru at. Portland. Or. Phono Main 179. , M. A. GUNSt1 ft CCC DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIOARB PORTLAND. OR. ALHAM3 & CO.. wholeeale grooera; manufacturers and eoffaa nuiUn itk and Oak sts. MORGAN" WALL PAPER C6 Hi lj p '"lon "f" """ain. ALLEN A LEWIS ORbCERibA r TBABSPOBTATIOB' EXPRESS STEAMERS STITJ San Francisco and Los Angeles nnnuui t;lAJVOIS. B. B. Boar, 4 p. m.. Fabrnarv 11. Ban Pranoisbo ft Portland SS. Co. Tloket Offioa 14a Third St. Phones Main 4Q3 and A-1409. SAN FIIANC1SCO. IXS ANGELES .vn civ TTri tttJ ROBTX PACiriO S. B. CO. BOAHOKB and S. 8. ELDEB HAH, Kvery weanesday. alternately, at 4 p. m. iicaet orrice 133 Third, near Alder. Phones Main 1314 a. 1111 M,AIV"N A HIOBI... ?? Agent " n. ouuaga,n, jTeignt Agent. COLUMBIA RIVER ROUTE --w- N. steamer "Harresa y,," o , j ' n "treetaock. lng Astoria 6:30 a. m., connecting l(K ,tr M,l,,nH. North Beach pointa. Returning leaves Astoria at 6:80 a. m., arriving Portland 6 p. m. Call at city ticket office, 3d anq wasnington sts.. or Ash street dock. New Yorlt-Portland American-Hawaiian S. S. Co. TEHTJABTBPEO DBTI Freight Carried on Schedule Tlma, juww aaa.xB Frequent Regular Sailings. C. t. KENNEDY, Agent 818 Ballway Exohanga Bldy. Dorsey B. Smith General Steamship Agmt. ATiI UJTEH AT.Tj 0OTBTBZES Experienced Information ahnut 69 rirTH ST., PORTLAND, OKECrOV x-nonee itiarsnan iviv; A-izys. CO O S B A Y LIN E STEABEEB BBECKWATEB Sails from Ainswortn dock, Portland, 8 p. m. avery Tuesday. Freight received at AInsworth dock dally up to B p. m. Passenger fare, first class 310: second class, 87, Including meals and ' oerth. Ticket office AInsworth dock. Phonea Main 268. Main 170. A-l 23 4.