THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,' PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 9, 1912. 13 HELP WANTEIV-MISO. 49 1 Men Take Notice! We vint men to learn auto driving and repairing. We supply "elB...or one of the leading taxfcab automobile and trAtmfat rimnanV f n . town, and erC In ucad of men who ara of good habit", ': wa guarantee a position. : No pthar auto school can do this. You wortt on gooa machines that ara la uaa dally.'-: Off lo 108 Railway TOcohanira. . :;.V r:: HELP . WANTEDFEMALB fl GIRL for booking "and "generaTTmMoJ I work, family of 1. good wage. Call mornings, ,1lXfrJ.rlivrlWsX:'dT'- Broadway1 ear. Y':: ' ;--y-'v; WANTED--t licensed ladybarbere, Ap- ply 411H Morrison St., w., wiwmb a ana T p. or i GIRL for general houaework; cooking 583 Myrtle at. "pTafi , ? EMPLOYMENT .AGENCIES .; 65 T. M. CV A. INDUSTRIAL EMPLOY- ; .- ' . - MENT AGENCY.. ' . . ,. ... i. SECOND AND ASH 8T8. ' ; r. Headquarters ' A construction men, farm hands, and all .YlR"ee of skilled and unskilled labor. , Write, wlra, rto or call at our ax- pVee. V' . : .... A square deal to employer and employe. - ' .! .No charge to' yn ployer. FREE, EMP10YMENT OrTlCE All classes of unskilled, skilled, pro fessional and olarloal, mala and female help furntabad on abort notice, . No feea. . Men'a department IIS d. cor. Salmon. Women'a department 145 Salmon st : V Main IRKS- A.KIS4 C. R. HANSEN & CO, GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Main office. t N, Id at. Portland. Ladles department, 7th and Waah. at , upstairs, Portland. 414 Front ave.. Spokane.' ' 17-89 4th at. Ban Franclaoo. Established U76. Bennett's. Emuloyment Agency 14 M711 8f4:-A-l8l. Quick service, reliable help to employer free. Butts & Eldredge Emp. Co. i4H n. a at Main 8208. A-llll WANTED AGENTS need a salesman In each of ser- eral excellent fields to aell our splen- Iflld nursery stock. A permanent place; ash weekly and a aquare firm back of ou. write lor paruouiars. waeoingron urwary roppsntsn. ween. iWAiMiUJJ salesmen to aia us auppiy the brink demand for our goods, gome . i i . .. IHUll lai I ivui j r ,1, vtnj Mtfcv mwrnm f the Mississippi. Caah weekly. CAPITAL CITY NURSERY CO. Faiem, or. TOU CANT HELP but make money ailing our guaranteed-to-give-satls-faction stock; free outfit; caah weekly: exclusive territory. Yakima Valley ; Nuraery Co.. Toppenlah, Waah. SITUATIONS MALE 8 EXPERIENCED, reliable house carpen-t-- t yeara, references from last place, wishes position as general re pair man In hotel or publio Institution, aprtng door check, locka, furniture re- Jl MIDDLE aged reliable German wlshea position as watenman or careiaaer, i Maignt. VP TO DATE printer, 10 yeara expa . Hence, would like position aa fore man or Job printer with country newa- ITUATION wanted by experienced of- noa man and bookkeeper; salary mod erate; reference and bond. F-824. Jour rial. (WANTED A position as working fora man of a food farm a competent married man; nothing but a good propo- POSITION wanted by competent watoh maker. In or near Portland. D-830, Journal. JOB aa dish washer: atear eober man. 848 Vi Front at., room I. Hart house. jjeavenote. MOTION picture operator deslree poai tlon, experienced, thoroughly reliable. Phone Main 926. Res, us tytn at. WANTED Work by all round black smith; sober. C-IZ9, Journal. SITUATIONS FEMALB A YOTJNO colored girl wanta position aa family helper or as oook. Apply Peo ple's Institute, 284 Burnalda si Main 1871. BV a widow, home with middle age peo pie, neat In sewing; will assist la home; light service: no youngsters or invalid; salary. Main 9st EAT appearing young lady wanta gen eral house work: rood Dlaln cook: would leave city, r-gio, journal. WANTED General- house work by In duatrioua young woman. Good plain cook. u-si, journal. WANTED Work by the day. Main iti, a-4v. itoom ivt. tu alter .1 III OUNG lady wants office work and . j a t . 1 LACE curtains laundered, J60 up; by expert: can. oeuverea. xaoor sit. WANTED To care for a child under 4 yeara. Mrs. Ada Rae. Cornelius, Or. LADY wanta work by day or hour. Call West, East 8968, evenings. CllRTAINS wanted, hand" laundry. Woodlawn 8884. GERJllAN woman wanta work by day Or week. Phone Woodlawn 78S. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AND FEMALB 23 POSITION by man and wife, city or country. 15 K. 80th. Pbona East 5781. yot home Bunqaya. MAN and wife want work on a ranch. Mra. Sater. 4B oolaemlth. PLAIN sewing and hand embroidery dona at reasonable rates. 588 B. ith. Bellwood 188. WANTED Plain dressmaking and al teratlona. 54 ffi ISth at It's a Wise Father That Knows His Own Child I w -. 1 1 . - 1 .- I f I MeVejrT SCH H9 tXA , I a. mm , - Tva; saxMTA 1 VMeeet Of) N C taVTwe, rV '-l CTVr A' j S V&X. TX Usqq T fQ f 44LOli I IXWr TOe o lta4 earV 1 I I VTX '0JmHHH- Xs 4wF9 I Hts) rr Tvx tOW w v5 WCT j j CXTTrnXT tTTTttl "TVSW. J j I rnI (iAirTt. Pcsvaeoea Ot I aVe vWX Swm, l coeajtj T tse J v et WCft AA4f. Up I 'JHy WCaWvfjl m -VCH T-- PT I ftvltsnr . ;j , :4W..Onm vasaa. 'Ol WwAA I i I ' V '' ''...'... ' JJ,it..MMM,,M.,M,..,,,,ja, I , . 1 -eaaaaaaaaaeamaBaaaasieaaMaassaeaas .,.,., .. 40 SICK garments made well. , If . your sieeves .are out oi . piace : wa restii them. If your sklrta are 111, wa guar antes a cure, It your coats or Jackets are broken down, wa build them up and five them new Ufa. Our operating ta les are wondera. Our chief surgeons tne oast, uur balms cure au ma tnat wearing apparel la hair to. Coats re lined. .-See our styles and samples for Krlng aults. Hlldreth, ladlea tailor, tttarns drafted to order. Make Over Dept. Room SOt, Central bldg., 1 10th ana Aioer. LADIES" tailoring, cutting, fitting. 4 sponging cloth, making buttons, but- able pHoes. Gordon, 861 Yamhill. LADiES' tailoring, alterations. ooaU re . lined..' -Mrs. Muckler, 581 Davis. W Cer. . . , A GOdD dressmaker would like engage- ments 13.60 per day; references, ecu SUIT sklrta and one piece dreaaea made reasonable for text 80 days, specialty to working girls. Marshall 48. NURSES CO aksSSeMaasssiaaMaaiasaai INVALID needing home care. ktn3 treat ivjg VWkl II U I BV, A S,uur eV4JAl. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE SUITE of t rooms on corner, opening to 10th and Morrison;, hot and cold wa tar, steam heat, large1 closets, beautiful ulte fnp riiiiIa rtr Art turiln', also couple fine rooms upstairs,' suitable for or i peopia. tee lMin. w car irau oepoi, HP1. fc- - - . . a .1 i i , Vt, J rr. i tt . 1 1 1 av. . . . quiet noma for quiet people, strlotly NEWLY furnished clean room, all mod- ern conveniences, launary privileges, use of parlor ana piano; cheap. 370 Irving st. MEWLt and nioely burnished rooms, walking distance, all modern conven ienoos, reasonable rent. 187 N. 17th. Marshall 8528. THE KING, 80ft Jefferson, nicely fur nished rooms, modern oonvenlenoes. central, rates lneludlne- bath. 82.60 weeic up. THE DAVENPORT, newly furnished rooms; hot and oold water, bath, phone, tit to 116. Main 5485. 606 Jaf- rerson. VAtf BORDER HOTEL. 105U 12th st, near Waahlngtosu Quiet home for quiet people; oentral, modern, translenta solicited. 7te day up. WANTED Good steady men to oooupy our clean beds at J6o to 60o, or $1.10 per wees. A tie rtoior, inn PALMER house, Alder1 st' Rooms 82.60 oar week and uo: at earn heat. iree Dams. EVERYTHING abaolutely new, strictly modem, first claas rooms. Phone A- 7807. 881 H Montgomery, TWO large, nicely furnished front rooms, all modern oonvenlenoea. HI w. Park, oor. Salmon, $1. $1.60, $2 week up, nice, clean, quiet, homelike place, all conveniences, close In. ISO Madison. LARGE front room In private family. suitable for l or I genuemea, moaern. BOB 30 st., rial A. NICELY furnished front rooms, mod ern conveniences, 8 blocks from post- orrice. reaaonapie. it lamniu. WuHji a lfciklOTiniwwiiftiu.Bo ap per weea. Free phone and i atn. wain 7 lie. IF YOU wleh good first claaa rooms chsao. call at the RoycrasC 175 13th St., corner lamnui. TWO nioely furnished outside rooms. bath, pnone ana neat, iobm mo. Main 78ZB. NICE basement roorna with bath, very close in per weec. rnona auun HOTEL NORftIsV, Alder, corner 17th: modern, close In, quiet, reason- anie rates to permanent people. eepl 114 WEST PARK between Morrison and Yamhill, neat, newly furnished ouU aide rooms in neart pi eiiy, p up. FURNISHED sleeping room; heat, light and bath; modern; close In; genUe- men prererrea. 43i xayior. NICE furnished rooms for ladles or guv liemen, saeap, u fitvto. wi n loin si. THE BAKER HOTEL. Fine, large, brlrht furnished room, hot and cold running water. " LARGE bright front room, close In, reasonable. All conveniences, 88 N. ISth st. PLEASANT, large, homelike rooms, close in, all convenienses, reasonable. 18 Farit PLEASANT, large room, suitable for t, all oonvenlenoea; also large attlo room, rent cheap. t lamnui. CHOICE room In choice neighborhood on W carllna. walking distance, rea- sonapie. oil Kearney. HOTEiL, RoyaL 108U 4th eC, between Vi 4 Washington ana Stark. Rooms br night. BOc and nr; hy week. $1 and np. FURNISHED rooms, clota In, modern, nrivate homa one room, two beds. 581 uavls. Main nos LARGE outside rooms, $1 each) 1 sin gle outside. $z. 888 Btn NICE sleeping rooms, team heat; also one nouseneeping. n Morrison. NEW furnished rooms, 746 H Hoyt st. Mars nan Z7U0. GAS, electricity, bath, phone. Nob Hill. H. BO. bo ri. ia. mam save, FURNISHED rooma, suitable for t gen tlemen. bb ntn st. LARGE desirable room, all conveniences, i s aaa war s . 1 cwee in, iao yv. j ROOMS, B0e.ll per day; $1 up wlc NEWLY furnished rooms for rent, mod- . . , aan ,r.. ' SLEEPING rooms, aultable for work- Inymen, 8, $io month, eve uoucn. MODERN furnished room for rent it8 pine st. 11.60. to 15, all oonvenlenoea, also slent. I N. 14th. Marshall 1688. tran- ROOMS 510 to 880. modern. 410 Park. ROOMS 81.68 ann up. uiH yvasnst. FUBNI8HED ROOMS EAST SIDE 82 FURNISHED room, light heat, bath, $ month. 289 Fargo sc. u sar. DRESSMAKING ) A .f;l VW JH B2 . " HOTEI CLJFTORD. ' '.. ICast Sixth and Morrison eta. . 'Half block from Grand ava. ' - - Juat opened, Beautiful outside rooms with , steam heat electricity, hot and cold running water In every . room, 16 and $20 per month, Rooms with prlvaia bath t20 an , 825 per month. Two-room aultes, with, bath, for , two. 540 per month. Beautifully furnished, handsoma ( loony, nest or servioe. 'it6DERN And' cLeaN. ,i -. 1714 lArranu Mt. The Larrabee hotel Oust off HoIWtay ave. nas a raw nicely rurnisnea rooms with , hot water heat and hot and oold water in each room. My rates ara but fj.oy per weea.- Webster Court is now ready for the reception of guests; make your selection of a room at once, corner Grand ave, and Paclflo atreet Phone C.1645. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 SMALL pleaaant front room with two large wlndowa, with board for lady Or Jentleman; prioa reasonable; walking lstance; all modern convenience. 21 B, tn N, Phono Kast BU18 OUTSIDE rooms',, board, heai, .; bath, 58.50 week up. Table board Meal .Uckets 84.60. Chiokeo dinner iwics a ween. 284 Wftin st. ROOM and board for two gentlemen or ladles, $20 per month; without board 87; good home, good cooking. Call vvoooiawn LARGE, fine, front room, with or with out board; all conveniences. 190Vi ITtn St. A-6097. $20 -QUIET home for 1 young 'men, large sunny room, good, wholesome rooo, wanting ci stance, aaax YOUNG lady employed may have room ana oreaaras oioae to Duamess oeo- ter. tq xayior St. BOARD and room, $4 per week; table board $4.50 week; home cooking. 409 Btarx st. FRONT room down stairs completely furnished for housekeeping, bath. neat, teiepnene, ween, tvo pinrn. TWO fine rooms, home ' cooking, fine location, good walking distance. The Magnolias, 817 Kearney. : heat, telephone, $4.80 week. 405 Stark. CHEERFUL room with board, aultable for 8 or I; home privileges, every thing modern. Main 17Q. hub n. zbx MANITOU 381 18th st, attravctive rooms, steam heat, good board, close in. reasonable. THE CA8A ROSA Large, airy, fur nlshad rooms, with board, splendid lo cation. uo jerrersqn, BOARD and room, 84.50 week. Hotel Idaho. 827 Hood. FIRST CLASS room and board la pri vate family. 646 Yamhill. BOARD and room, single or double, $8 weeK. ii inn. Marsnaii bsss WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 80 YOUNG woman wants room and board, board Ins- houaa or nrlvata fam ily, walking distance of P. 0 reason able. A-888, Journal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE 8 ELEGANTLY famished single PL K. room: hot and cold water, wooa noist, 818 ud. Mrs. Johnson. 168 10th. near Morrieon, FURNISHED Two aleeplng rooms with large kitchen: also single housekeep ing room, eleotrio lights, gas, bath. rhone A-B8I4, bit Bth. BASEMENT housekeeping rooms, warm, ory, auitacta tor wvrmng yeopia, 19, io montn. syb cougn. oor. mn, DESIRABLE eoeommedatlona; sleeping. housekeeping; convenient;, unusually reasonable, ''Templeton," 80H 1st st. FRONT, sunny, elegantly furnished suits, also sleeping room, all modern conveniences. 886V4 Mill, near W. Park 408 2d Bright clean front rooms, all conveniences, reasonable, walking dis tance: no children. VERY reasonable, sunny,' large rooms for housekeeping or sleeping, all con veniences. Main ZBIO. FURNISHED housekeeping room, 810 ana up; heat batn ana ugotsv. y ltth. Marshall . 6086. HOUSEKEEPING and famished rooma. Gem hotel, 866 1st; steam heated, new bonding, rooms 51. IB up. LOVritHd housekeeping rooms, furnished or not also cottages, low n Glbbs. Phone Marshal, $761. or not also cottages, low rants. 161 4 UNFURNISHED rooms, git meerth, range, gaa, sink; front sleeping; room ramlsnea. ttarnson, near iq. SUITE housekeeping rooma, hoi' and oold water, day and night rent cheap. 778 oiisan st NICEST, cleanest housekeeping swoms in city at $1.76 and $8 pef week. 184 Dnerman su FOUR rooms, furnished complete, boused keeping, walking distance. A-tait, Main wvtw COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping rooms, olean and pleasant Ptione, sink, gas, bath, $iz. Z4B w, iBtn. t, .8 or 4 nicely furnished suites for housekeeping. Nob Hill district Main 761 NEWLY furnished housekeeping suites, neat and clean, 11. &o, ia.o per week. walking distance, til itn. I NICELY furnlahed coonectlng house- keeping rooms, waixing aisianca, Datn and pnone, reasonapie. ise otn. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, 600 Jeffer son st. Marsnau 471. TWO nioely furnished housekeeping rooms, lib per montn. saa inrtn st, TWO furnished housekeeping rooms cheap. 48 Btn at. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. reasonariie. bib t-iay. Marsnan 4at4 HOUSEKEEPING or sleeping rooma, very reasons Die. m. . ns tiaii st. CAMBRIDGE Bldg. Furnished house- Keeping rooms. Jtm. m, so m Morrison. MITCHELL housekeeping rooms; light gas; moderate Ttn-r lanaera A-u ie. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $3.60 week up. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $2. SO week; modern. 824 Main, corner 6th. SINGLE houaekeenlng room. gas. bath, phone, heat 68.60. 171 N. 17th st OUTSIDE aleeplng room, with bath and beat $ J-50 per week, 405 Stark st FURNISHED ROOMS ' EASX SIDE , , HOUSEKEEPTNQ ROOMS WEST SIDE ' NEWLY FURNISHED THE UPSHUR. $4th and Upshur sts furnished two room apartments, $10, also $22.50; 1 room $27.64 to $80. This tnoludes ateam heat hot water, private phones, bath, el ec trio light gas range, laundry room all free. Take a. 18 th or W. oars north. 4-io os auowoa ENTIRE lid floor, run n ting water, gas range, fine view, beautifully fur nished, private home, every convenience, 56.60 week; light heat fuel, gas In cluded. 488 10th. ' Hunt's Express & Bagsage Co 1 trunk. 60o. Additional irnnks. 16 ?"n..ur,P wltl hk free, , A-84H. Marshall 1,416. Baffffage & Omnibus Transfer ..'kage moved and stored, Pbona wimin srnio, A-5882. TWO connecting front rooms, first floor, housekeeping aocommodatlons for I or I; also single housekeeping yr, au nwr, rnone j-ioi keeping rooms, gas, electrio and phone frao. Private bath and Dutch kitchen. pti napman at t OR 4 nluiy furnished housekeeping rooms, waiKing aistanoe. 449 7tn st. between College and Jackson. ' Call evenings. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 48 EAST SIDE THE ST. MARKS 888H-891H East Burnalde, has tinted and re furnished 8 2 room housekeeping suites, $4 per weak and up; I s'ngla housekeep ing rooms, $8, and 5 lovely aleeplng rooms, $2.50; new rugs and carpets, free light bath and phone, new gaa, wood no coat ranges, launary room, ou, 4 HEATED rooms and bath, all connect ing, 8 beds, dining room and kitchen, running water, gas range, one block from carllns, near steel bridge. Phone wt aim, ween. HOUSEKEEPING rooms; 1 suits llgni housekeeping rooms with alcove, kitchen; free heat phone, bath and light: rents reasonable. 694 E. Ankeny SU Bast 6171 THREE very pleaaant clean front rooms In private family; electrio lights, gaa, bath, private phone, laundry, electric irons, nasi C3:. B9B is, fine. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, large, sunny, clean, heat light water, phone, gas, bath, sliver, linen; Sunny- siae car. b neimont. $1.60 to $2.60 week, clean, furnished housekeeping rooms, free beat laun dry, bath, phone, yard, gaa range. 404 Vanoouver ave. 'hone East 6029. SUITE of 2 or 4 extra well furnlahed housekeeping rooms, on ground floor, with gaa and bath; two oar lines. 771 mast Tayior. i-none mast bzsp. OWENS APT. 280 H Russell st. $3.50 up. Dandy ltgnt clean nouseKeeping suites; gas, bath, phone; cheapest and nest. 'i'wu nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; priTate lamuy: moaern. . 80th st. N. East 4068. TWO or three nicely furnished house keeplng rooms with all modern con veniences. 04 uenton. uast a (40 NICELY furnished suites, hot and cold water, gas, Mtn, pnor.e, electricity: 61t and up. "95 H JK. Morrison WANTED Roomers foir furnished Sir unfurnished rooms, board next door; walking distance. 104 n.. litn st. THREE completely furnlahsd rooms: bath. sink. laundry, phone: no objection to child. .$20. 826 E. Stark. MODERN housekeeping rooms : gas, bath, lights and phono. 104 E. 18th st , East 11... FOR RENT. Furnished housekeeping rooms, single and en suite, steam heat 98 H Union ave. 8 NICETjY furnished housekeeping rooms, very reasonable. 074 B. Salmon, corner itn HOUSEKEEPING rooma; telephone, eleotrio lights, $11 per month, 1717 jrorcsmoum ave. 2.60 week, nice front rooms for H. K. Bsz wiuiams ave. ana nusseii. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, walk ing dlatanoo, 818 month. East 1366. HOUSES FOR RENT 12 A NEAT 4 room house, altuated between two best earlines in city; electrio lights, full basement Beattie A Hof mann. Inc., 104 Stark at Main 1687, A-177. TTIVlO room furnished house, electric. bath, suitable for 1 families; rant $18. 1111 Mllwaukla, on Sellwpod oarliaa. Main H5I. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $86 month. I rooms, garage worth $60, corner lot, nice lawn and up to date, owner; tnwui. Bin. 6 ROOM modern oottage, west side, sear U llu .J V(. . n V rr if .lit , eleotrio, bath, large porch. 842 Vaughn, only i"nonc Marsnan Mm. ODERN 6 room house, reasonable to right party, good location. 780 Kal- ley atreet, FOR RENT Modern 7 room house, half block from Alberta car Una Inquire 1027 East lwtn st. n. Kent io. FOR RENT $18 cosy, 6 room 00 1- tage. corner Minnesota ava ana Fall- mg st. Tans u car to railing. $12 8 room suite, also bath. K. 86th and Hawthorne ave. Burrell Invest- ment Co.. 250H 8d St. MODERN 10 room house, gas range and Viantor rand hern. 1U blocks from Jefferson high school. Woodlawn 1469. f"OUR room cottaee for rent close in, 788 Bortbwlck st Modern In every way. Inquire next qoor 6 ROOMS on carltne. 962 Williams, cor tt Trenott at.: modern: 111. Phone wooQiawn ea MODERN 7 room house, 1220 E. Malni take Hawthorne or Mi. Scott car. get off at 41t; rent i FOR RENT Nearly new modern 6 room cottage, Bo. 117 Vi. t'ia st. 1 trior ii. NEW 6 room house, 804 Monroe st; take TJ. car. Aouits. aast am. MODERN 6 room house, 1230 Hancock; yard, rrmt xrees. iae rtose uity car. 6 ROOM1 house, E. 11th near Washing ton, for rent, rnone peuwooq 17B4. J-ilOOM house for rent. B. 11th near Stephens. Call 626 Stephens. Rent $16. 1 ROOMS, partly furnished, phone Eaat 86-4. Alberta dlstriot e 13 NT CB little-6 room hoasa! slectrrto lights; St Johns carllns; $18. . . -6 room house, soma modern conven iences, in Alblna; 815. Desirable 5 room cottage, on Klrby St. $15.. ! 4 room house on Montavin earllne. Lovely 8 room modern bungalow, al most new. 1 block from car, $18. Otto 6 Harkson Realty Co IMJJITmBt. RENT I will rent my five room furnished house with two acres of splendid garden, rood poultry houses, small fruits, etc; only 86 minutes out on the Oregon Electric railway, one block from station; rent very reasonable. B- journal. NEW 6 room modern house, 617.60 month. East 17th and Knone sts, 8ellwood oar, 16 minutes. J. F. Kertoh em. with Pacific States Fire Insurance Co., 200 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Marshall 469, A-4331. Reduce Your Living Expense By renting one of my large, new. mod ern, 8 room flats for 89 per mo. W. R. Laeey, 401 Board of Trade. M. 670; A- 7 07U. FOR RENT 8 1-8 acrea with small house, at termlnua of Fulton Park carllna; creek running through place. Inquire at Herman Metiger, 126-228 Front at FURNISHED HOUSES 8C WEST SIDE-, walking distance, 4 room completely furnished oottage, yard, grass, reasonable. 695 4th. FURNISHED house In WoodlaVn, rent 58. East 864. FURNITURE FOlt SALE 82 HOUSES FOR RENT NEW furniture of 8 room house, very central: party leaving city, positively must sell at once; win aacrlfloe; can rent rooms. Marshall 2SB8. FURNITURE 10 room house, all house keeplng. cheap from owner If taken at once, in istn st. FURNITURE of 6 room flat for rent or aale. Inquire 125 N. 17th. Phone Main 9 ob. FURNITURE of 8 room house in good condition, all rooms occupied; easy terms, uaa mm FOR SALE 10 room house, furniture, rent $26. Call at 26 N. Park at. from owner. FIVE room house for rent, furniture for sale; 1 rooms pay rent; a bargain. 7 urano ave. rx, A -SNAP Beautiful furniture 5 room flat Call Main 138$ before I a. m. arter 4 p. m. FURNITURE of 6 rooms for sale cheap, cottage for rent. See owner at 117 Maisey, z mocks rrom steel bridge. NEW furniture 4 room flat for sale. Inquire 897 Ban Rafael st, flat C, arter 4 p. m. union ave. ears. FOR RENT 8 rooms for light house keeplng; furniture for sale cheap. Call 288 Taylor st. FOR SALE Furniture of 5 rooms, 888. t:al) 874 Bast 9th st.; rent 610 month. PIANO and furniture, cheap houaa for rent 6 union ave. APARTMENTS 48 THE PAGE APARTMENTS East 8th and Burnslde Strictly modern, furnlshod and wwfur nlshed apartments private phones and bath. JAEGER APARTMENTS. 701 Waahlngton, modern brick building. 1 rooms ground floor (entrance on King st.), $21. Upper floors, $ rooms, $30, $32,50: 4 room $40. References required. The Florence Two brand new, beautifully ftTrrrfshd 8 room apartments. 888 11th st Mar shall 4174. THE Lots: 401 HdY f Sf. One t room, one 4 room for rent; 4 room hss large sleeping porch, private phone and bath; right up to date. Phone Marsnan znio GRACE APT8., 797 Northrup st, cor! 24th, 5 large rooma, hardwood floors, front veranda, large sleeping porch, private telephone, water, heat and hot water; new and strictly modem. Drickston Apartment 448 11th near College, 1 and 8 raosa suites, strictly first class, bachelor ap artments a specialty, bzb up. BANNER APARTMENTS. 480 Clav st, uo to date furnlstisd 1 room apartments. Price $90 to $84, in cluding heat light and Janitor service, l"hone Mawinau 1074. SAN MARCO Apartments. E. Sth and Couch sts. New brick, modern, three rooms, private bath and phona Rates rwwnauiq, vn ivnoi siwt, THE DE LAIR Elegantly furnlahed 8 room apartments; modern In every re peot. very reasonable rent 619 ft Williams ave. East 4189. ' reasonable, can East 17B1, CAMBRfAtf ltth and Columbia. Beautiful tw and three room apartments, nicely situated. beautifully rurnrsncq. mces reasonable. THREE room apartment with gaa range, bath, etc, at Eleventh and Montgom ery, $22.60 per month. Fted S. Wll- liams. V f mrst street. CEDAR HILL Sunny 8 rooms fur nished. with balcony, steam heat and phone, walking distance, reasonable rent. A-7B9. Marenan sisi ?HE WESTMINSTER Nicely STrT nished apartments; also single rooms. 3 minutes from P. O. 889 th. Main 6682 BEFORE renting an apartment see the Albert Apts. The best for the money. 640 Union ave., cor. Russell. THE P&NSHTRN, 2K5 Mont Marshall 4253. First class front apartment; all conveniences. T5HE bAVENPORf Newlv furnished 2 and 8 room apts., modem, walking distance. Phone 6435. . 605 Jefferson tL HALSEY COURT. 800 WILLIAMS AVE. 2 and 8 room apartments, modem, lo- cstlon quiet, rent reaaonspie. S-ROOM apartments, newly furnished; close in; very reasonable. E. 8279 or a k. inn. GRAY Gables apartments. 299 10th.i room apartments. Phone A-3899. JULIAETTE 2 rooms furnished and unfurnished. 2d and Montgomery. IRIS 4 and 6 rooms, unfurnished. 13 and Mill. ana 940. tr HOUSES FOR RENT? APARTM3UT8 - ' THE VILLA ST. CLARA. -; ltth and Taylor. , Most i magnificently furnished Apart ments In the city; location perfect; rent als reasonable; every modern conven ience, banquet hall and roof garden; high class service: references required. Both phones in all apartments. Main j t. ' NEW." " NEW". NEW. THE LUZERNE. 161 Hall st., cor. 8d, now open; all J-room furnished apartments,' ,wttn Holmes disappearing and wall beds and large outside kitchens, sbsolutely first class; these are the beat arranged 3 room apts. In Portland; make reserva tion now. $25 up; no children. TH -DEZENDOftF 108 16TH, NEAR TAYLOR. ONE EXCEWlONALLY NICJ ROOM UNFURNISHED APARTMENT. TOP FLOOR. FRONT: ONE 4 ROOM UNFURNISHED APARTMENT. SEC OND FLOOR. FRONT. APPLY ON PREMISES FOR RFHF.RVATION. THE JULIANA 46 TRINITY PLACE. , Beautifully furnished 1. 1 and 4 room apartments, private batha. free phone, hot and cold water, steam heat In ev ery apartment, everything new, This Is a first class place. Price $25. $80, $32.50. $86 and up; good janitor servioe. "- Burch Apartments 110 N. list and Glisan. W ear. New brick Just completed. Strictly modern and up-to-date. 1 rooms, furnished first-class throughout, $26 to $85. thb" webtfall. 410 6TH7 Lowest rates in the city, three and four room apartments,' furnished and unfurnished; private baths and phone; brick building. ' Automatlo elevator. Janitor service. Easy walking distance. A-ZQ88 Mnntprimflrv Anartments Comer $d and Montgomery, new, mod ern brick, 2 room apartments, furnished complete, elevator. 6 minutes' walk to business center; rates very reasonable. Mam v4s. IONIAN OOtTRT. 570 Couch. 1 block from Washington St., cn 18th St.; telephone Main 1192: 1 and 4 room modern apartments, steam heat, electrio elevator, hot and cold water, telephone and janitor servioe. Apply of manager, references required. KING HILL APARTMENTS. 4, 6, 6 room spartmnts: select tenancy. Apply on premises. 171 King st THE MEREDITH is now open, fur nlsbed new, with the best t. t and 4 room apartments; hardwood floors, private phono and bath, best janitor eerviee: references required; new man ager. 711 Washington st The Oneonta 11 17th at. 110 ta 880, 1 and I room suites, all modern conveniences, steam heat easy walking dlstancs. Phone Main 4687. THE MeKINUSfi 419 B. MORR'SON, COR. 7TH. I, I and 4-room apartments, fur nished up to date, private bathe, free phone, moderate prices, new manage ment, nest eerviee. THE ALBEMARLE, 2 and I room apart menta, steam heat, private phone and bath. 888 Williams ave. East 4148. FOR RENT FLATS 18 New Holladay Rats Modern E. 9 th and Hancock. Hardwood floor, tile batha, gaa range and heater, large basement and attlo, 1 blocks Broadway car, walking distance. Owner care for lawn; $80. BaM 6670. WEST side modern 6 room steam heat ed flat unfurnished, on 11th near Columbia, $45. Apply to Poulaen, 107 11th. Marshall 1758. FIVE rooms, modern, walking distance. 801 10. lztn near ilawtnorne. juurt 41!!. CALL Wain $76 or A-W6 about that new 5 room flat for $16. W. R. Lav- cey, 4gi uoarq or -rraae FOR RENT 8 reom flat, walking dls tanoe; rent only $16 per month. M. E. Lee. 611 Corbett bldg. 4 ROOM lower flat 628 E. Main, In quire 141 E. 17th, corner house, pbona East 997; $11. UPPER modem 5 room flat close In, rent reasonable. 488 H JB. Ill ana uivision. Mam &4i. 130 BltNT i room fUL arand view. very low rent M. E. Lee, 111 Cor- MOfERN 1 room flat for rent; good lo cation. $18. 140 Chapman at LARGE 4 room lower flat at 190 El has st near Cook and union ave. MODERN 6 room upper flat west side. East 1621. FURNISHED FLATS 60 5 ROOMS, 406 7th, furnlahed complete, all conveniences, clean, reasonable, elose in. Call Sunday 10 U 1, or phone Bast 249B, B-8121 NICELY furnished 6 room flat, good location, walking distance, 441 Rod ney ava, corner Tillamook. Vary rea sonable. East 4868. WANTED Livable flat of 4 rooms, furnished: close In on west side. E $26. Journal. 1 ROOM flat with piano; rent $25. 8 Union ave. ' STORES AND OFFICES 11 TWO large offices on Stark at, near Front for rent reasonable; excellent location for brokers or commission mer chant Inquire at 96 Front st Phones Main 119, A-41BD STORE for rent suitable for oigar, fruit or clothes cleaning establishment; 1 blocks from Union denot Inquire Jew elry Htore. io n, tn sr. TWO large first class stores on comer of 4th and Mont fine location; rent very reasonable. Call 971 4th, $16 MONTH 1 new modern stores. Ap ply owner in jewelry store at Anabel, Mt. Scott ear. Fine locality. HOTELS 54 7JNDER old management Hotel Mltch ell. Mrs. J. M. Mitchell. Joseph, Or. (noTICl- POJHTLANU fciuropear. ian ' onlv: 68, 66 day. SeXVEIjERR European. 4th 'and AidV- By WANTED TO KENT WANTET Unfurnished house of 7 or 8 rooms between 'Couch and Staik sts. and Union ava. and Ith sts. A-!: 3, tfuurnai. 1 WANT BD Livable flat of 4 room. ..furnished: close In on west side. JE. 816 Journal.- ,V Li HORSIS. TKHICXES, ETC IS I HAVE soma best cheap horses and mules In city. I also have I of best mares In city for quality: 4 year old and one 8 year old; one fine Shetland pony. Best children's , pony in city with, saddle and bridle. I have) most any kind of horse that any person would want; must be aa represented. 894 Mont gomery. Phil Buetter. ONE team mules, 1 team work ' horses, 10 head cheap horses, will ' be sold at auction, 1 p. m., Batur- - J At 1 A I Tnlnn a lie sT " VKtVU mm V Vs. . ' " f Come and See Another shipment of choice wall broken -horses and marea , and at reasonable prices. All guaranteed to be as rep resented. Take Roee City Park car. Adams Campbell. Phone Tabor lltll. Good Young Horses and marea, all weights, at reasonable prices and guaranteed aa repreaented, at Rose City Park Sales Stables. Take Rose City Bsrk oar to 62d st Adams uarnpoeu, proprietors, A BARGAIN $145 buys aloe 1600 lb. team; true to work any plaoe; har ness and farm wagon. Also $66 buys 1100 lb. horse; works single or double; gentie. rnone wenwooq i7B. TEN head of marea and horses, weight from 1000 to 1400 lbs., most of which r wagons; all good workers: prices $40 : to u, m a. mn, oor. Maoiaon. NEARLY new, heavy logging wagon, nearly new dye or laundry wagon, light camel back wagon, one express wagon; will exchange for horse. . 14 Union ave. cor. Ash. WILL sacrifice my 1 pair animals, 1 pair of mares, one pair of geldings. Call and see them. 451 Hawthorne ave. Travis Bros. Wood Yard. Mrs, Conk- lln. I WILL sell myequity In a t-room : bungalow in Waverly Heights at a bargain or exchange for pair ef large crart norsea. jt-iu, journal. HORSES and buggies for rent by day, week and month: spealal rates to business houses. 6th aad Hawthorne. East 75. 10 HEAD of horses and marea, from 110O to 1800; all young and sound; sold under full guarantee. Columbia Btaoiee. ui f ront st. FOR SALE Horses and mules Just ar rlved at 646 Front at Wm. Buohholta, , Phona M. B881. TEAM horses, weight 1100. harness and wagon, guaranteed sound and true to worK, ii3ft. 4 m. paimon. HORSE, gocxl stock saddle, braided bri dle for sale. CaU 645 Front at or Main 4728 after 8 p. m. FIRST class 2nd' hand bakery wagon. Dargatn ror Boo. yau 741 vanoouver ave. Woodlawn 1860. . FOR ' SALE One 5U BlrdseU dirt wagon. East 2698. ' LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY 85 Incubators. Carload just reoalved, best Incubator . made at any prloa. Special prices this week; 90 days' free trial, satisfaction guaranteed. THE FOOTT MACHINERY CO, - ic union Ave. nIGH class Silver Laced Wyandotte eggs, winter laving strain, $1.60 for 15, day old ahlcks, $1.16 for 15. 180 Aioerta w. THREE fresh cows, Jersey. Durham, and large Holstein with calf; 7 gallons 5er day: tuberculosis tested, tit .East ohns St., St Johns. FOR Sale or exchange, 110 egg lncu bator, good as new. Joseph Blrree, ta. bb si. a., i4, forttana. ur. I YOUNG fresh gentle cowa. Holateina,' Jerseys and Durbama, $46 up. ,, 9s East 80tn, p-a car. FOR SALE Freeh cows er will trade for beef. 1417 Commercial at, cor. DeKum. wooaiawn !7i. ONE pair (1) angora goats for sale. Inl .. quire Columbia River Fish ; Depot ' mbiw Maraei. YOUNG fresh Jersev sow with calf; , neavy miiaer. latm xl xrving, cos. 49th Montavllla car. , FOR SALE 80 egg Incubator,' broodea, eoojpe, run sad supplies. 1181 Union FOR SALE I freah eowe. 111 4ind 1 Hi. v TWO fresh Jersey cows. It! Insley, Bellwood car. HIGH class Silver Laoed Wyandotte eggs, $1.60 setting. 1061 B. 9th st N, FRESH Holstein Jersey eow and calt 435 Brown, near Kllllngaworth ave. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 40 . BOYD,"1" the dog 'at boartlni' Vxpsrl care; anyxnina- iur tne cwg. a,v,. FOR SALE Fine large yeans; doc! Phone Ess ot- ; FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 SLIGHTLY used eash registers, credit registers, computing scales, . etix, bousrht and sold. The Pacific Store Service Co., 127 Btark st. Mam T7H, WHO wants ohoioe cuttings Dresohkl roses. Imported, 11c per dosea. 701 j:n p V payiumn. . ALL kinds bouse furnishings bought, sold and exchanged. Star Furniture, East salmon. yo.. ago lilwinoniB ith Bamwx mirei. FOR SALS Young hollv tree, suitable for hedge or lawn. . W. XL Smith, 947 c inn st. n. CAPITAL JUNK CO., dealers In Iron. ' metal, rubber, sacks, machinery, pipe, ' tools, job iota t r. ist st. iwar. hh. BEAfJTY and Halrdresslng Parlor equip ; ment for sale. P. O. Box 109, Vanoou ver, wash, pnone ss-J. 185 cords of fir wood 11.50 per cord. J. E. Hedges, mile west of Nasoma station, Oregon giecinq OA si ranee, steel range, water heater! folding bed and bicycle. . 110 WU- -Hams ave. . '' -' GENTS' bicycle, in good repair, far sals cheap. 181 Madison. , "Bud'7 Fisher tMiATeM,1 "?"fW sm. IA4T kT. wsr 1