, THE i VWEATtR , JUIn tonteht "and Saturday; tout hertl 7 " winds.' i i COAST ? TEMPERATURES : SA. IJ. Today. ' - : ; " Seattle j, 4 . Spokane j... ..........,.. 34 ""' Ben Francisco j, .,.,..,.. 44 ' Portland . 47 . aaoeeburg ,,,.,,., '..,....... M ,; Marshleld .,.....,...,.. fia " ' PORTLAND,;: OREGON, FRIDAY' EVENING,' FEBRUARY r;fo 1918-TWENTY.TWO PAGES. VOL. X. NO. 291. , PRICE ; TWO " CP NTS 0,r thaws a wis mrwa Will Probe County. Court Deals Governor to Name Committee Expense to Be Met by County ENTHUSIASTIC AS CAR RUNNING AX " y':-y enlist if drafted5 Nffi uui 1 V EXPERT1NGB00KS Action of West Follows Re quest of East Side Business Men; Grand Jury's Report Finds Court's Methods Lax. ' .Governor Welt will appoint ft com' mlttee of cltlsens and ah expert ac countant to $o into the recorda of tha Multnomah county court. - , The- recorda of business, transactions and the administration of all county In stltutions, Including- tho court Itself, will bo exhaustively gone Into, accord- lnr to the' present plan. The charges of shady deals In the court, In the operation of the county farm, and the county hospital, will be sorutinlsed. Governor West agreed last night to appoint the committee, at the Instance of the executive board of the East Side Business Men's club. When County Judge Cleeton spoke before the club last Monday he suggested that its ex ecutive board appoint a committee of Investigation and employ an expert In vestigator and accountant, saying all expense would be borne by the county. President Dan Kellaher of the East Bide Business Men's club said he did not believe the club was sufficiently high in authority to take such proced. ure. Coventor to Aot. Immediately following the governor's address before the East Side. Business Men's club and the United East Side Improvement association last night, a special meeting of the executive board of the club was held. The governor was asked If "ha would make the ap pointments. He said he would. "I do not want to be understood as Intruding In the affairs of Multnomah " county," said Governor West this morn, lng. . "But with the understanding that Judge Cleeton first suggested the , ap pointing of an Investigator, whose sal ary would be paid by the county, I am willing to make the appointment and will do so as soon as the matter - has been formally submitted to .me. ... Oansored by Grand Jury. . The grand Jury yesterday returned a report severely censuring the manage ment of county affairs by the county court, and calling attention to serious laxness in the administration of the county's business and institutions. Complaint was made several days ago that the county had permitted a system which allowed the clerk of the court, Robert Shaw, to procure a piece of county property at about one-third of Its lntrlnslo value. Superintendent Jackson of the eoun- (Continued on Page Five.) FJGHT TO BREAK WILL (United Press Leased Win Redwood City, ' Cal., Feb, 9. Argu ments on the habeas corpus petition for jthe release of Samuel R. Timothy, slay Ur of John J. Moore, will be heard to morrow by Superior Judge Buck. At the same time Mrs. Lillian I Moore will be arranging to contest the will filed by Jefferson Moore, the dead man's on, by the terms of which Mrs. Moore lscutoffwlth.il. Through her new attorneys, Mrs. Moors has obtained an order from Judge 'Buck requiring Jefferson. Moore and his .counsel to produce any and all wills of 'the late capitalist which they may have their possession.-' Judge Buck named .February IT an the date for the Instru- MMtfl A Via tit-All rtlf intft Mil r ftit ih 10W MOORE BEGINS same day Judge Buck will hear the pe- valleys are flooded; that the populace r,,V ..vn vT.e'ls ln a panic; that the Seville electrio tltion of Jefferson Moors asking thst... . ,m t - rAn . thmt the will cutting off Mrs. Moore bo ad mitted to probate. SENATORS TURN DOWN SAN DIEGO EXPOSITION Washington, Feb. 9. By a vote of 8 to 2 the senata committee on exposi tions today killed the Raker resolution asking the president to Invite partlcl- patlon of Latin-American nations In the San Diego Panama exposition In 191B, Senators. Works and Newlands were the . only, members of the committee who voted in favor of the resolution. ' LOVELORN ELOPERS, 21, 16, 19, 14 YEARS OF AGE, ARE PREVENTED FROM BEING MARRIED .. (Special to The Journal) . The Dalles, Or, Feb. 9. The hopes :; and happiness of two counles of ebil- and v whose hearts beat as one" wera , ungated oy .waseo. county s ever- alert - psutri a.. cwisiusk 1 ju v utm iukvi" ferenoe they possibly would have at- talncd ; thlr hnna. anil ra fM ' tia.v MMirr .at Ar t ua ab his s w. am been sedate married men and women. returning to their- fond parents at 'Waahoutral. . ' - .. L The : youngsters are Esther and Jen- 1 me ioageti, sisters, agea .it ana i lb, tuiuAtlnln fort T1nlr ' 41 1 mA . THisraiT noon DT i mi norm hark T. J. Cleeton, Judge of Multnomah County Court. DISTRICT "ATTORNEY Promises' to Conduct It In a "Fear less, Honest and Impartial Man ner"; Biz Now Seek This Office in the April Primaries. (Salem Boreas ef Tbe Joornat) Salem, Or., Feb. 9. Declaration to be come a candidate on the Republican ticket for the nomination for the office) of - district attorney .of Multnomah county . was filed - today by George J. Cameron, present.' Incumbent of the of fice. He states his platform as fol lows: "I will during my term ef office) eon- duct the same in a fearless, honest and impartial manner." District Attorney Cameron's an nouncement Is believed to complete the field of candidates for his office, there being six In all. The other candidates are Walter H. Evans, Allan R. Joy, W. A. Carter, Seneca Fouts and George N.Davis. Cameron may also have to face a re call election in April, the petitions for recall having been circulated under di rection of Councilman James Maguire and held up for the time being, so that the date of the recall election can be made to coincide with the primaries. If the recall petition is filed next month it will be up to the various can didates to decide, whether they will also file as candidates for the unexpired term of Cameron, running until January, 1913. Charles H. Carey of Rlverdale, Mult nomah county, filed today his declara tion to become a candidate for delegate to the national Republican convention. ALFONSO TO SUPERVISE WORK OF FLOOD RESCUE Madrid, Feb. 9. King Alfonso and Queen Victoria started today' for the scene of the big floods in the south western part of the empire, where scores of persons have perished and thousands of aores of land are inundated. The king plana personally to supervise the work of rescue and relief. The Mana sares rtver here Is swollen to a point havnnA anv itatA reanhAd In tmfl Th I minister of works is already in Seville. He has telegraphed that the Andaluslan light plant is out of operation, and that the elty Is In darkness by night, Two trains, on the Cadis line are re ported caught in the flood,, and a boat bound for La Algaba Is said to have capsized. , " i ' Rebels 'Besiege City. Washington, Feb. (. Dispatches re ceived at the state department say that 1600 rebels1 are besolgtng the city of Santa Rosalia,, in the state of Chihua hua, Mexico, and that' disorders ar' re ported, from Matamoraa, Vera Cms, Hi dalgo and .Parras. At the last named places strikes have been added to the other disturbances. , restaurant and had Just started out In search of the necessary papers that would permit them to be married, when Sheriff Chrlsman, who had been noti fied by wire' to look out for them, dis covered them on the Street and took the four adventurers Into custody,' locking the boys in the county jail and placlnt tbe girls under guard. Jr ' ' - t ' Both girls and boys were very much put out over having their arrangements thua Interrupted, and say they will wait . until they t are old enough, . then show the parents that they will . get married anyway. Their plan was to get married In -The Dalles,' then go to Shor man county where the boya expected to get work on farms . and soon earn enough to buy homes and properly cars for their wives. ' GEORGE CAMERON IS AGAIN AFTER OFFICE OF Early Morning Disaster; at End of Couch Street, Near 19th, Shrouded in Deepest Mys tery. WRECKED MACHINE AND HAT THE ONLY EVIDENCE Car Belongs to W. E. Dyer but -Identity of Occupants Is Unknown. Speeding westward on Couch street at the rate, of BO miles an hour a large touring r leaped the curbing abutting me end of Couch at Nineteenth, plunged down an eight foot embankment, seri ously injuring two of the five occu pants at S o'clock this morning. xne automobile- belongs to W. E. Dyer, a wealthy Portland man, who lives at .Wlnchell and Derby streets in Kenton, and other than this fact the affair is .steeped In mystery. . Dyer has not been located, although he Is the ob ject of a search. Members of his fam ily declare he has not been at home since yesterday noon and disclaim all knowledge of his whereabouts. The machine strangely ' escaped with only minor damage, although It was burled in the mud up to the fenders, the hood being deeply Impressed into the sod. , A few minutes after 3 o'clock a re port like a gunshot rung out, awakening sleepers for. a block in every direction. Then a" clanking rush of tbe auto, a woman's scream and a crash ended the noise. Windows were thrown up all about the spot and after a bit of si lence a party of four were seen to sup port a woman who -was unconscious. One of the women, a handsomely dressed brunette of about 37 years, awakened Mrs. W. J. Fletcher and asked to use her telephone. The visitor was so fright ened, shocked and excited that she could not telephone and got Mrs. Fletch er to call a taxlcab. This done, the woman departed almost hysterically af ter telling of the other woman's injury. Bat Aato ana Sat I,eft. A few moments later the purr of a swiftly moving auto was hiard and in a trice the party had decamped, leav ing but the automobile and a hat to show early risers of their catastrophe. Tbe hat. althoi zh battered. Is appar ently a new derby and was bought from the Chicago Clothing company in Spo kane, Wash. The Initials pasted Inside were "P. W. J." This Is supposed to be the hat of .the man who, was Injured. The automobile is a ffO-horepower four-cylinder American touring car. The front lamps are demolished and the fen ders bent The front axle is probably warped from the great strain cast upon it by bumping into a small embankment after plunging down the street - level. The large robe In the bottom of the car , had no Initial to show its ownership. At the place the car left the street the curbing is fully 12 Inches high, and this caused one of the tires to burst with a thunderous report. The car track shows that It actually left the ground for 10 or 12 feet after Hitting the sidewalk curbing of Nineteenth street. Then It sped across the grass for more than 100 feet, until it plunged down the embankment Just behind the Reo garage, which fronts on Washing ton at Trinity Place. The machine missed a tree by a foot, but bad It struck, this; certain death to more than one must have resulted, because of the high speed It was maintaining. It was on the high speed s;ear when found this morning. Wont Bisouss Affair. Friends of Dyer are loth to discuss the affair, and one or two show signs of knowing much more than they care (Continued on Page Five.) JOYRIDERS HURLED OVER EMBANKMENT FROM "' WXir-"'' -'- 'j ; , Jill llillllllWIIII I'l , "I I"' I I' III HI laasMssWMaaaMaiaaiiH i HlfF ' Bwu ot automobito TITLE EMPEROR IS TO BE ABOLISHED Transfer of Chinese Capital From Peking to Nanking Is Also Rebel Demand; Reign ing Family to Be Pensioned. (United Pres Lea4 Wire.) Washington, Feb. 9. Dispatches from China to the state department today de clare that the Manchu princes have agreed that the Imperial title shall die with tbe present emperor. United States Minister Calhoun reports that Yuan Shi Kat has accepted the ultimatum of the rebels and that an annuity probably will be given to the Imperial clan as part of the bargain by which China becomes a republic. The republicans, Calhoun says, oppose the emperor's formal proclamation of a republic and it Is probable that the imperial edict to that effect will be withdrawn. As a final demand the republloans in sist that the capital of China shall be transferred from Peking to Nanking. Gaekwar Wins Degree. (United Prew Leased Wlre.t Cambridge, Mass., Feb. 9. Jalslnt Gaekwar, heir apparent to the throne of Baroda, India, after winning his de gree of A. B. at Harvard In three years and a ha'f lnatead of four year, today U r reps ring for his return to India. wreck, showing . damaged . . nughlivv at N CH NA FOREVER JUAREZ IMS IB BERLIN : IvATTLE PROBABLE TODAY -- El Paso Authorities Fear That When Troops Manth to In ternational Bridge;, Clash Will Come. (United Preu Leased Wire Ire El Paso, Texas, Feb. 9. A tf ttle be tween Mexicans on American tk nl Is a probability today as , a result of the reported mutiny of Juarez .mrales. Armed with two heavy cannf n and having ISO horses, the mutinesi rs ar rived at Juarez today. At the same time several hundred Mexican I roops are en route to Juares from Eagls Pass over American territory. The a ollco here fear that when the Mexican II roops attempt to march through the atre f ts of El Paso and cross the lnternau( onal bridge Into Juarez, they will be attts. ked by the ruralos and fighting will r tilt Wilson Wires Revolt Spreading . Unlte4 PreM Lnnd Wlre.r 1 Washington, Feb. 9. Ambassal or Henry Lane Wilson, representing I he United States In Mexico, today ti e graphed the state department here tp it the revolt against the Madero gove (i -ment is spreading, and that Amerlc a n citizens from the Interior are flockl a g to Mexico City for protection. i Rebels control the railroad and tel a- (Continued on Page Seven) FLYING AUTO end oX . Couch street. MUTINY JOURNEY MAY STOP WLV IVY RACE Now Believed Minister's Visit to Germany Was to Halt Expensive. Competition in Expahsjonavies ... , (Unite Press Leased Wlra. London, Feb. 9. It is declared hers today by the Pall Mall Gazette that the real purpose of the visit of Lord Haldane, British minister of war, to Ber lin Is to discuss a plan to and the dread naught building race, which is costing both governments many millions, and not to secure the release of Bert rand Stewart, convicted In Germany and Im prisoned as an English spy. Announcement that Germany planned to spend many more millions In building battleships is believed today to have been the real Inspiration for tb hurried visit. Glasgow, Feb. 9. Assertion that the naval supremacy of Great Britain is necessary for the preservation of the empire, was made here today by Win ston Spencer Churchill, first lord of the admiralty. He said: "It is absolutely necessary that our naval program continue, regardless of the activity of any other nation. No other country is confronted with prob lems Identical with ours. In the event Of other nations continuing increasing their naval strength, England will con- Q'tlnue to Increase her ratio. Thua Great I Britain will easily outdistance other powers to sucn an extern tnai it win le hopeless for them to attempt to fol- I w. "With Great Britain naval power Is a r wesstty. while with Germany It Is a la xnry." Berlin, Feb. 9. Lord Haldane, British ml ntster of war, whose vlolt here has can scd much international speculation, wal today the guest of Emperor Wil liam . , The luncheon was purely ' social, audi ho Inference of the object of the Brll h war minister's hurried trip hers wasfc gleaned. TS Imperial chancellor. Dr. von Betla ann-Hollweg, Admiral Alfred von TlrpT is. minister of marine, and Gen eral S Poslah von Heerlngen, minister of war, l;were introduced. . Fl AT F URGED T :i"rlta PrM TnA Wire.) Tien ; tTsln. Feb. 9. Reports reached here toi dy that republican artillery had shelled fn Imperial fortress at Kalptng for 10 h burs and had finally foroed tbe garrison . to surrender. TKe loyalist command tr during the engagement Is reported have executed numerous of. fleers, act aed of conspiring with the rebels. GERMAIIS WILL STAGE LEGGED? BALLET "BARl- (Unit Berlin, Fel I Pri tMd Wlre.J - " 9. with ughts declared to be obsolei and bare legs the real article, a la adora Duncan, theatrtool clroles hers t day are agitated over the he "bare legged ballet" question of There are pr testa, but the managers are apparentlj dotermlued to follow th lead set by arts and use "the more classic and el resslve," If less clothed, balieU hereaft'l r. Of course, It's in the (PRESS . 0 SURRENDER Interest ef Art,!' ' As Transformation In Work ings of State; Institutions Are Shown, Hearers Are at Once West Boosters. : GOOD ROADS GOOD BUSINESS,: HE SAYS Pictures Show Plainly Need of Improved Highways; Other . Speakers. a Where Oovernor Bpeaxa. i 4 Governor West will speak la behalf of good roads on ' the street at tbe corner of Fourth and Alder streets this evening at 7:90 o'clock. Wbare to SIra Fetitlona. The Journal, business effloe, Fifth and TamhilL ' Merchants National' bank; 8eo- ond and Washington. ' . i Beall Se Co, S09 Blast TamhlTL Umbdenstook & Larson, Fourth and Oak. United States National bank, Third and Oak. ! , 0 W. J. Clemons, t Commercial Club bunding. . . Hartman & Thompson, ground 4i floor Chamber of Commeroo s building. Brady A Oliver, cigar store. 4 Teon building lobby. . .. Paolflo States Telephone oom- pany, Seventh and Oak. Chapln A Herlow, 9S3 Cham- 0 ber of Commerce building. Packard Garage, Frank C - Rlggs, Twenty-thira and Cornell road. - Peninsula National bank, St.. . 4 Johns. i Of floe Oregon Association 4 Highway Improvement, 92t Board of Trade building. . George W. Bates & Co, bank- ers, 83 Fourth, street. Clark-Cannon Co, f 4 Trade building. . Home Telephone Beard of oompany. 4 Park and Burnslde. Ai Summit Investment company, 119 Kllllngswortb. . L J. Greco, S08 Henry bldg. . Charles Vlsetta, regent Italian consulate, 29 Cast EUghth'; street. Builders' Cxchang . Second , and Alder. a a- "Good roada is good bualneaa" de clared 'Governor West as the basis of argument for adequate highway legisla tion in an address last night at the Bast Side Branch library, given ,nnder the auspices of the Bast Bids . Business Men's club. . i , i-' "Bonds proposed for roads," ha added, "are but pledging tho state's credit for necessary business . expansion and die-r trlbuting the cost ever a number of 1 years." ; ' , !;.? . The men and women who listened last night to Oovernor West wera amaaed and made enthusiastic by.' his shewrng of the transformation In the appearanee and working of the stats Institutions. He had a new series of stereoptlcon slides to show how weed patches about (Continued on Page Seven) EVIDENCE AGAINST N. B. HARVEY Sheriff Mass Calls Wltneaaea Befora Clackamas Grand Jury, Saying AH the 6tat Knew Was Not Present. ' ed at the Former Hoaring. - fSpeelal to Tbe Joaraal.t Oregon City, Or.,- Feb. 9.-The grand lury today began Investigating ths mur der of the William Hill family at Arden wald Station. Witnesses to . testify against Nathan B. Harvey, the wealthy Mllwaukls nurseryman, were summoned. Harvey was arrested on a charge of eom- mlttlnr ths crime once before, put was dismissed by Justice of the Peace Sam son at the preliminary hearing. ' Subpenas wars served , last . night by Sheriff Mass and Deputy Sheriff Miles. Mass declared today that he did not in troduce all the witnesses he had at ths preliminary hearing of Harvey, thinking the evidence ho Introduced ' would be sufficient to hold the accused. Mass ts confident that the nurseryman will be indicted, but George C. Brownell, who represented Harvey at ths hearing, declares there Is nothing against his client. '. 1 At the preliminary hearing it was shown that Harvey employed Bowermsn it Abel. Portland lawyers, agreeing to pay them $20,000 to defend him la ease of his arrest. He said that men came to his home In an automobile, told him ths wooda were "full, of sheriffs and de tectives," who were after him, and ad vised him to employ counsel, lie sal t he Waa frightened by ; the report, and while In that stats he went ts Portland and signed the contract The prosecu tion also tried to fix the time of the murder at, about , 1:4S o'clock In tbe morning, and witnesses said they had seen Harvey at Ardenwald Station at :0 o'clock. ; A-neighbor of the It:!: said ha was awakned by his dogs hurt ing at about 12:60 o'clock, and a cl whloh'Was found on ths floor of of the rooms in the IIII1 home ! .-. 1 stopped at Uil o'clock. It arf l that ths slayer knocked tits cio x n a taoia , train, naa eaten weir ainner in a Meat ! f .,-,.1. n. ',) ..W-.--1 ,''...:W ...Y;.' v.' v . : .. . x -. .i. ......... l . -