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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1912)
:SDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 8, 1912. F PATENT FLOUR MAY passed1 the ordinances required for the signing of the 117.000 ot Improvement bonds recently bid In by a Denver firm. Money from these bonds will be usd in completing macadamized streets, A number of paving petitions are before the council,' ' r VERY FIRM POSITION i nfZ: OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND GROWING WEAKNESS , IN EGGS IS CAUSE OF DRIED RUTS BREWERS LOAN HOPS LIVESTOCK MARKET ADVANCE ANY DAY 20 THAT GROWERS MAY 4 ,: in1 -. : ii , GENERALLY; HOLDING FURTHER REACTION Cleanups Ar Offered t 20 and 1 29 Cent by Front Street Men - Who Are Getting Increasing Vol- - vme of Supplies From the Valley. tV-.-' n v Eggs Along tha Coait Portland .;..'... 29Oo . Ban jrrancisco ......... . o Seattle 81c Tacoma . ; , 28 J 9a Los Angeles 0 . i, There ia growing wuknen In tha egg fade along Front street. None are now asking above 80o a dosen for beat ranch. ' mock whNe In soiue qtiartera ef f orts are -being made to clean up at 229tts. Receipts of eggs continue to ahow a . . very - liberal lncreaae and atocka are . : again showing some accumulation. ; ' . aa any? on the' coast; and In some in-.-stances bleuer; practically all of the of ferings of the Willamette valley are omlng in this direction , while up W thla time a considerable amount has : peca uiroci tu vans uwrui. , .- . As a rule the Front atreet trade 1a of t the opinion that there will continue to ' be gradual declines In the price of eggs until ; the storage season is reached. Weather conditions alone can affect, the eg market at this time. When once the market starts downward it la hard for receivers to put it uo unless there Is a heavy decrease In offerings. Thla is not anticipated at the present time. , , CHICKEN MARKET IS LOWER A a atsaaaaasssl Chickens are selling off about He aa a rule today owing- to increasing bupnlles and a curtailed demand.. This ' applies entirely to springs aa not enough liena r rnmlnr forward a.t the former lrh level. AMERICAN TRADE Markets Are Firmer for Everything .Available; "Apples Soli High Even '.'Though, pastern Receipts Show a : Very Ileavy Increase. v CENTS . PER BARREL Everyone Agrees That the Market . Should Be Boosted, bat Leaders peslre to Walt Day or So Long ir; Wheat Market Very Firm.' ' DUCKS COME TOO FREELY arV small today" and sale. 30c; do., prime wly made at a reduction of ,nf. No.- . "o. id from former figures for tKSf"Sl 5W ,??Lf.or Rules todav of Pekln stock " c 1 "rsts. 13c; For the first time in several weeks there Is a glut of offerings of ducka in the Front street trade. The wants of the Chinese are being slowl 2 4o a nound l live birds. Bales today of Pekln stock range no nigher tnan uuo- ior. live oiraa. SUGAR MARKET DIME HIGHER An advance of 10c per hundred pounds 28 oeing quoxea in me price ui rciuicu j sugar Dy local joDoeru. i ne ance is due to the recent strength at eastern centers and is the first upward move ment the market has shown for many months. The change took effect this morning. "COMPLAIN OF BOAT SERVICE ,; . - r - Shipments of canned salmon from the Pacific coast to eastern centers are II-abl-b to be curtailed owing to the ex perience of the past aeaaon. - According to' a local packer he sent some shipments forward to Gulf points difrlng August. The stock was expected for the Christ mas trade but did not arrive until a short time ago. DRESSED JIOGS ARE EASIER "With- greater - offerings of dressed hoars alona- the atreet today the market was fractionally easier but prices werer Dressed vetsremalns fairly steady but few dealers are now asking above 13 Ho a pound for pest offerings. FORECAST FOR SHIPPERS ' Notwithstanding the fact that the ap ple crop of tbe United States thla sea son was greater tnan for many years, the dried fruit trade la feeling the ef fects of an unusually heavy European Call. '. .' " . For that reason stocks of dried or evaporated apples In coast markets are Being well cleaned up. Even the heavy offerings that have been flooding the eastern trade are now practically out of the way and prloes are responding to tho stronger influence. The market for dried prunes, while nominal here, is 'showing the highest frloe in years in the east, where tho rade is crying for the coast to offer. Bales are being made In the New York market as high as 13c a pound, with practically no favorable alses available except in small lots, at any price. The extent of tho shipments to New York ean be seen when an official re port made by the trade there shows that up to February 3 the receipts for the season were 609,078 cases compared with arrivals of 203.334 cases for the same period a year ago...: PRICESlSlEV ALONG THE COAST San Franclsoo, Feb. 8. Wheat. Aus tralian, tl.561.60: California club, $1.6001.55; do., milling, $1.67; nor thern wheat, bluestem, $1.601.66; club, fl. 62401.66; Turkey red. 1.62H 1.70; Russian red, $1.60 1.66. Barley, feed, good to choice, tl.StWft J ?7! 1.901.82K; poor to fair, $1.76(f1.80. Eggs, California fresh,. Including cases, extras. 28c; firsts, 27c; sec onds, 27c; select pullets, 2 Co. Butter, California fresh, extras, 3614c; prime firsts, 33c; firsts, Sic: storage, firsts, 28c; pack- California, flats, 'fkney, 3 Vic: California Vnuni America, lancy, nc; ao., nrsts, 16c; Oregon fancy. 16o; do., Voting America, 17c: California storage fancy, flats, 14 He; New York Cheddars, fancy sin gles. 18ci daisies. 18H: do., storage, singles. 17Hc: daisies. 18c; Wisconsin Cheddars, singles, 17c. Potatoes, river whites, fl.35il.E0; Sa linas Purbanks, l.762.00; Lompoos, do.. $1.802.00: Oregon do.. $1.6061.85; Early Rose, $1.59i1.75; American Won der, seed, $22.25; sweets. $2(g2.25. Onions, per cental, yellow, Oregon, $2 M 2.26; California. $1.6002.00. Oranges, per box, navels, fancv, $:.5O0i.OO; choice, $2X2.25; standard, $1.601.76; tangerines, $1.501.75; do.. No. 2, 60c , , Trench Crop Complaints. (Special. Cable.) . r . Paris, Feb. 8. Complaints are coming forward to the trade re garding the outlook for the Wheat crop. Too much rain has fallen for the crop. ; roBExoar tsxat iujieeti. Ziirsrpool Wheat opened H to i lower, closed H4 down. Antwerp Wheat unchanged. 1 Berlin Wheat ,io Higher. Bndapest Wheat ik higher. Paris Wheat mnohaaged, Buenos Arras WheaaH to He lowea WHEAT CARGOES STEADY. London, Feb. 8. Wheat - cargoea ateady. English country markets steady. French country markets firm. j PORTLAND GRAIN RECEIPTS. -Cars- Monday , . . 146 Tuesday . . 75 Wednesday. 93 Thursday .61 Year ago. . . 10 Season to date 9714 Year ego. . .$190 Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay 291 414 4 6 6 4 1644 1430 13 8 8 12 6 1121 646 2 0 t 6 ( sots 1876 While no change was made in the price of patent flour today, the market Is firmer, with the probability of a very early upward price movement. The situation at present is said to really warrant an advance of 30 to 40c per barrel in patent but all Ideas are tha the coming rise will be 20c a bar rel. As yet only one milling" concern in tno Pacific northwest has moved its prices upward, all others desiring to wait awhile. There is no change in the export flour situation. Business is of such character that prices seem to have reached slightly above the basis where the Orient can continue to purchase freely. There is considerable activity in the wheat trade. Sales of bluestem are re ported from 88 to 90o per bushel track delivery basis, while club is quoted from 86 to 87 He for the same delivery. Every Interest seems to have a different idea of the value of wheat at this time but it Is generally seen that holders are asking the maximum, Oats market is slightly more active but most of the business is passing between dealers at a fraction above tbe prioea printed. Hay market la quiet but steady only in spota. WHEAT TRADING IS QUIET .GET IDEAS LOWER Shorts and Beer Makers Working Together for Lower 1912 Product , but, Outlook - Is Statistically Bet. ter Than Ever Before. ' f ' Further wsakneas In the market for spot hope la but -another attempt of urewers ana snort sellers to neat aown tn ideas ol growers regarding the lu . With only a few thousand bales of nope avatiaDie of the 1911 ,trop, short Bellers havs convinced brewers that there Is not enough stock left in the iianas ot growers to nil ineir enure wants. " For that reason all buyers are Inclined to side in with shorts so that they may-get their next year'a require ments at a lower price man tney wouia if they insisted upon taking the few Daies remaining on tne market ana ex cltlns the views of holders. It is even stated that some of the brewers are loaning other brewers a suf ficient amount of hops to tide them over until the next crop Is available. This wouia indicate tnat tne ivi crop , win go upon a market, that is entirely bare of a surplus.- A New York mall advice says of the general trend 01 the maraet there; Bales, Receipts for week 1,778 Receipts from Sept 1 66,238 Receipts same time last year ... 6S,25 Exports to Europe for week ... 612 Exports from Sept. 1 46,617 Exports same tlma last year .... 39.713 Imports for week . , 195 Imports from Sept. 1 8,116 Imports same time -last year . . ; 9,992 'Tjocal conditions have changed some what and we have a lower and unset tled market. Dealers have shown some anxiety to- do business and they have of fered brewers some concessions with out resulting In Important sales. The fact is that trade has not picked up any since the holiday dullness, and operat ors are getting a little tired over the long period of Inactivity. "we have reduced quotations to more nearly represent the prices at which the different grades could be bought 'if either dealers or brewers were at all disposed to take hold. At the same time values must be considered somewhat nominal until there is more doing. Some weakness is snown in tne interior or this state qnd very few sales reported. "Advices from Hjermany indicate dull marxets tnrougnout tne continent." New York hop prices per Dound: State, 1911, prime to choice ...SSift 65 State, 1911, medium to good ...47 61 Pacific coast, 1911, prime to choice 47 48 Pacific coast, 1911, medium to good 43 0 46 Pacific coast, 1910, nominal ...S4io 36 Pacific coast, 1909 30 33 Pacific coast, older growths ...20i 26 Germans. 1911 8631.00 COPPER REPOR T IS AN AID TO METALS . Seattle Markets. Seattle, Wash., Feb. 8. Butter, Wash ington creamery, firsts. 32 33c: eastern fresh: 8031c; do., storage, 26 29c. Eggs, local ranch, 3132c; eastern storage. 27c. Cheese, Tillamook twins, 1819e; do.. Americas. 2021c: do. twins, 1920c; ; market closed at a loss of Ho each for aconda and American Smelted 1 Chicago Has Some Recovery After Much Weaker Opening. New York, Feb. 8. The extremely bullish report of the Copper Producers' I ,.Jt ......... . . .. J .. ni,lMA -c. e mv. oonwwaiivu ibducu iuuhi, vcuncu tx very Chicago. Feb. 8. There was very ',. a(iv-n(.e -onnnr hr. nS n mv ttaoi vuaYi uv,, iwnio, t.sjj cream, 20c; Coos Bay, 1920c; limbur ger,. isc. Onions, yellow,' 1.6Q2.0O per sack; ren, iwoTOi.iio. Weather bureau sends out the follow in notice to shippers: Protect ehlpAients as far north as Se attle against minimum temperatures of about 40 dgries; northeast to Spokane, 30 deree8; toutheast to Boise, 22 de- Srtes; south! to f'sklyou, 26 degrees, rinlmum temperature at Portland , to night, about 88 degrees. ' PORTLAND JOBBING PRICES v OrAla, Tlonr and Hy. , Tbess priLes are (hose at which whole salers sell to retailers, except as other wise stated! WHEATTt-Producers' prices: track de livery. 86 87c; bluestem, 89(fi)90c; fo"-ty-fold, 86c: Willamette valley, 86 W 87c; red Russian, 85c; Turkey red, 86 87e. BARLEY Producers prices 1911 Feed. 35.0O; rolled. $36.00; brewing. $3.OOi40.0O. . MILLSTUFFS--Sellin price Bran, $38.00; mlddltnsrs. $29.60: shorts, $26.00; chop, $19. OOiflt 25.00. Car lota BOo per ton less. OATS Producers' prfca Track Ko. 1, spot delivery, white, $32 32.50; gray, $31.60. 4 FTOtm Selling price Patents. $4.604.70; Willamette, $4.60 per bbl.; local straight, $4.04.25- bakers' $4.30 4.60; export grades, $3.80. HAY PrOoucers' nrlce -1911 crop valley timothy, fancy, $14.6015; ordi nary, $1814; eastern Oregon $16.60 17: Idaho, $16; mixed. $13f?14; clover, $9rai0: whPat. $11112: cheat. 111 S 12: anaiia. nz.oupui; oats, siipiz. Bnttsr. xrss and Vonltrr. BUTliSR Extra creamery, cubes and tubs, 8Itte, prints $4He; ordinary prints BUTTEF. FAT Producers' price F. EGOS Local, extras, Soo; spot buy. Ing price, 28o f, a b, Portland; Aprils, POULTRY Fancy hens, 14 IRo lb.; springs, 12c; broilers and fryers.. 20e: etV Vc; 5r2s21. . I6c: live young ... . (luiiuuni, f7tu; oreeBea, ' Z90; GAME Jackrabblts, $2 per dozen. CHEESB Nominal; fresh Ore eon ii.T, imi v, iiipiciv ana GHisies, J 9 (9 20c: young Americas, 20c; storage i lain, ic; young Americas, jepc; eastern rrnita ana Teratabiss. V POTATOES Selling prices: Ordinary Orfgon. $1.25: good, 11.16; buying prfaa, table, stock, 85c$l. 20; Amer- iS".i:?u9er "eeai i.aswioo; sweets, $3.0rS.25. APPLES New crop, $1.101T5. $1. 251. 60; garlic, 7 So. ; VEGETABLES New turnips, $1 iff 1 26 sack; beets. $1.60; carrots. $1.3501.60; cabbage, $1.26; Mexican tomatoes, 820 $.25 per lug; beans, 12c; green onions, 15c flosen; peppers, bell, 20c lb.; head let- tuce, $2.75 per crate; hothouse, ) box; raoisnes, 16o dozen hunches; celery $5.60 crate; egg plant, 1 So lb.; cucum bers, hothouse. $1.40 dpzen, peas. Sc. cauliflower, local, $1.261.86 dos.; Cali fornia. $2.60 per crata " FRESH FRUITS Oranges, $2.26 ft 2 75: tnftgerlnes. 2.60i2.76: bananss, 4Hc lb ; lemon $R; limes, $9 a case; grapefruit, 86.OOfu7.00; pineapplea. St rer lb: cranberries. $1112; pears. $1.60; Jap oranges, $1.26, , , ' v ' ' ! - Orooertc. ' ' SUGAKCube, $6.65; powdered, 88.46; fruit or berry. $6.26; beet. $8.15; dry granulated, $6.46; D yellow, $6.65; Hon oiulu plantation cane granulated, 5o less. (Above auoutlons are so daya net Potatoes. $28(2)82 per ton. Tacoma Jiarkets, Tacoma. Wash., Feb. 8. Wheat: red rire, fortyfol Butter Cheese llmburger, lb.; block Swss, 20c; Young America, Kargs. Washington ranch, 29c dozen 2et.i5nw T?' 5 L.t?dtahy: kewlse brought up smelting stocks. SSStM ZVL Amalgamated copper advanced i. An- ' " " v 'X , aconaa l ana American smelted 1 May and July.. and unchanged for Sep- A., . . I . v v. iiiw sons t. tv aa-a lemDer t nomln&lly changed There was considerable profit taking Regular dividends were declared on by professionals on the lower price in Union Pacific, Southern Pacific and France. Buenos Ay res was lower. Ant- Brooklyn Rapid Transit, werp unchanged, while Berlin and Buda-1 Exports of gold for the day were pest were higher. Liverpool was lower, i $250,000 for European account. casn w neat no. 2 red, si.Qitt 01.01; Tne detailed report of the Cornier Pro- red KllRHtRTI. X4Cr Plllh. XRf. I i. 1 -i. :.7? u nooun.uuu oiiuno 111 uuuuua. d". 86Hc: bluestem. 86c. ' ' i.1"01 "? "7J l0-.?.'8,clhu; ' Stocks decrease 23.174.062 -Washington creamery. S4c. f:"S r,.' V 1 ?.. ' i 1 iot "OCK "'i52-2!2 e Roatiefort. 1 lb.. 4.75 dozen: X Ltai- rroaumun ""."'.i?? 17il8c new Tillamook 0e; : spring, i.uu)i.u; no. a spring, scw iomestlc deliveries ......... 62,343,901 kn. vn.. "onX $1.09. ' F.xcorts 80.167.904 igiu conBuuiDiion ... 112.011. SUB cash.) RICE-Japan. No. 1. SOIVe: h 4Hc New Orleans head. mlo; Ci- No. 1 ole. Sc. SALT Coarse, half grounds 100s $8.50 er ton: 60sV $9.00: table dairy, 60v- $18; 100s. $17, bales. $2.80; extra fine barrels, 2s, Ss and - 10s, $4 05.; lump rock. $20.60 per ton. , ' . BEANS Small i white. 14.90; large white, 34 85: $4.26: bayou. I4.7J; Lima s. $7; reds, $5.50. , V , ,w ; HONEY New. S.75 per rasa , Hops, - Wool .and Htdea ' V HOPS Producers' price 1911 crop, choice, 4041c; prime, 40c; medium, 39c; 1909 growth, 20c; 1912 eontracta, 26 2CAC; 1913 and 1914, 1718c WOOIj Producers' prlc Nominal. 1911: Willamette valley, 1417V4c; eastern Oregon, 9 16c. MOHAIR 1911, selected. 35 037c. CHITTIM BARK Producers price 1911, less carlots. H4: carlots, 6ftc f. o. b. Portland. TALLOW Prime, oer lb.. 4o: No. S -and grease, 22tyc. HIDlq vry nioes, isc; green, 9 9 10c; salted hides, 10Hllc: bulls, green salt, 8c; kips, lie; calves, dry, 26c; calf skins, salted or green, 17c: green hides. 101 He less than salted; sheep ?elts, salted, November. 90c; December, 1; dry. 10 He lb. Meats, Pish and Provisions. DRESSED MEATS Front street: Hogs fancy, 8H9c; ordinary, 8c; heavy, 7Hc; veals, extra, 13tyc; ordinary, lac; poor, 120; spring iambs, 8ffl9c; mutton. 7 8c; goats, IffilUc: beef, 8499c HAMS, BACON, Etc. Hams, 14 CT 16o; breakfast bacon. 13 H if 24c; boiled ham, 22 23e; picnics, lOHe; cottage, 19o;' regular short clears, smoked, 12Uc: backs, smoked. 18c: nlekled LARB Kettle leaf, tierces, 13o lb.: I Tannorv steam rendered, tierce, livtc per lb.; March compound, tierces. 8Uc per lb. Ui. FISH Npmlnal Rock cod, 10c lb.; tn flounders. 60; halibut. Utile, striped ! osss. zuc; catiisn, iiio'iiy,c; salmon, 12o lb.: soles. 7c per lb.: shrimps. 12V,c lb.; perch, 7 8c; tomcod, 8c: , lobsters. Range of Chicago prices furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Co.: WHEAT. Month. Open. High. Low. Close. May 103 103 103 103 July 96 97 97 Sept .... 94 94 94 4 A CORN. May July Sept May July Sept May July Sept May July Sept. May July Sept. 674 68 7 74A 67 68 67 67 67 68 67 68 OATS. 61. 62 61 62 A 47 48 47 47 .... 41 42 41 41 pork. . ; ....1620 1635 1620 1630 1645 1652 1645 1660 1665 1662 1652 166) LARD. .... 938 937 930 935 "945 952 946 950 957 967 . 957 965 1 RIBS. 876 885 875 882 882 890 882 890 .... 892 900 A 26c; herrings. 66c; black, bass, 20c; sturgeon. ( ) per lb.: stlveV smelt, 8 lb.; black cod, 7c: dressed shad, 7c; rn. .hail 1ft,., h.tft MM Attn IK Cnlnm. bla smell, 2o. OYSTERS Shoalwater bay. per gal lon ); per 100 lb. sack ); Olym pla, per gallon, $3- per 100 lb. sack. $9; canned I eastern, 66c can., $6.60 dosen; eastern in shell, $1.76(93.00 per; 100; razor clams. $202.26 box. Paints, Goal Oil. Etc . LINSEED OIL Raw, bbls.. 82o gal,; kettle boiled, bbl., 84c; raw, In cases, 87o; boiled, In cases, 87o gal, lots of 260 gallons, lo leas; oil cake meal, $44 per ton. WHITE LEAD Ton lots, 8o per lb.; 600 lb, lou, 8o per lb.; less lota, 8e per lb. BENZINE 86 degrees, cases, 24d uum., uc per Kanon. ROPE Manila, 8c; sisal, 7e. COAL OIL Cases: Pearl, 16o Star, F ', wr wnue, DU1K, H8S IJHjpec gallon; special water , white, lZfrtf)6c. GASOLINE Red erown and motor. 1622c. gallon; 88 gasoline, 2886o gatlow; V. M. & P, naphtha, 1820c gallon. 7 TURPENTINE In cases. 7S.- -mA barrels, 70c; iron barrels, 66o per gal- New York Cotton Market. (Furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Co.) New York, Feb. 8. Cotton market range: open. Hien. iow. ,.1028 1030 1026 . . .! 2 1000 988 ,.1007 1023 1003 ..1012 1012 1012 ,.1018 1033 1014 .1020 1030 1016 .1022 1A22 1014 ..1025 1028 1018 ,.1025 1035 1026 July August . . September October . , December Close. 102627 1000W0I 1013 1012 1025 1024 1020 102223 1028(329 Range of New York prices furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Co. Description Open Hlgh Low t BU Amal. Copper Co. NORTHWEST BANK STATEMENT Portland 3Bank. : " Oeartngs today It.639.486.84 i ear ago 1.44,1.799.60 Gain today Balances today ........... x ear ago 197,686 84 176,684.21 199,677.26 .Tacoma Banks. uiearmga today Balances today . . . m It rt it . n 16.736 ' Seattle Butt ' Clearings today ...,.....,.. $1,870,087 .Balances today . .v , 270,687 KANSAS CITY- L1VESTOC1C Hogs and Sheep Are Steady; Cattle 10 Cent Higher. 1 Kansas CltwFnh l.-vrisavaAin 12,000: market steady: tops. $6.20 ' - Cattle Receipts, S800: market - 10c higher. - - ' , .. Bhcep-Recelpta. 6000; market Steady, Money and Exchange. London, Feb. 8. Consols, 78 1-18; sil ver, 27 9-16; bank rate, 4 per cent. New York. Feb, 8. Sterling exchange, long, 4. bo; snort, San Francisco, Feb. 8. Sterling: eX' change, 60 days, 4.88; sight, 4.86; sight, 4.86; documentary, 4.82; transfers, telegraphic, iv premium; signt, par. San Francisco Grain Market. Ban Francisco, Feb. 8. Grain calls: Barley: Bid, Ask May 189 182 Dec 146 147 NEW PRIMA DONNA COMING TO LYRIC Next week at the Lyric theatre, com mencing with Monday matinee, Keating & Flood, managers of the " theatre, will present to theatregoers seven couples of rear and genuine "Texas Tommy Dancers." They Will not only do this celebrated dance, but will Introduce some new and startling stunts and dances. The bill the "An Amer. lean Princess," and will serve to intro duce Miss Pauline DeVere, late of the eastern "Babes in Toyland" , company, as ths new Lyric's . prima donna. ... v Matador's Togs' at Auction. ' United Pros Leaosd Wfra. v -Los Angeles. Feb. $. Matador En rico Roble's $10,000 bullfighting togs will be sold at publio auction, A friend loaned Enrico $250 to go to Mexico to puncture a few bulla, . Enrico didn't go and the friend fjled an attachment. Journal Want Ads bring results i Am. C. & F., c Am. Can, c do pfd Am. Cot. Oil, C. Am. Loco., c.,.. Am. Sugar, a... Am. Smelt, c... do pfd.. Anaconda M. Co. Am. Woolen, c. Atchison, .c... do pfd BaltL & Ohio, c Beet Sugar.... Brooklyn R. T.. Canadian Pac, c Cent. Leather, c do pfd Chi. & G. W.. c. do pfd C, M. & S. P. . C. & N. W., c. . Ches. & Ohio .. Col. F. & I., e Col. Southern, c do 2d pre.... do 1st ofd... Cons. Gas .... Corn Prod., c. . do pfd Del. & Hudson D. & R. G., c. . do pi a Erie, c ....... .do 2d pfd.... do 1st pfd... Gen. Electric .. Gt. N. Ore Lds. do pfd , Ice Securities . , 111. Central Inter Harvester, Inuter. Met, a do pfd Lehigh Valley K. C Southern. Louia. & Nash., Mexican Nat 2d M. St P. 8 S M M. K. & T., C . . . do pfd. .(.... Missouri Pas. . , . National Lead . . Nev. Cons N. Y. Central . . . N. Y.,, Ont ft W Norfolk ft West. North American North. Pac Pac. Mall Ss. ... Penn, Ry f. G. L. A C Co Pressed St'l C'd do pfd Reading, o do 2d pfd. . . . do 1st pfd. ... Rep. Iron & St'l do pfd. Rock Island St. LAS. F., 2d do 1st pfd. ... St. L. & 8. W., c. do pfd. South. Pac, o. .. South. Rail., c. ,. do nfd. Texas & Paclfle . T-, St L. & W., c. ao pro. ...... Unio Pao., c. do pfd. U. S. Rubber, o,. . do pfd. U. a Steel Co,, C. do pfd. ....... Utah Copper ... Vlr. Chem. ,,. . Wabash, a .... do tiro. ...... W. U.SJTel. i...., West. Elect. ....! 61 12 92 33 118 70 '84 104 103 102 "71 77 230 17 17 104 141 69 Z5 63 12 92 33 '85 ioi 103 102 65 77 230 18 17 65 10 173 20 '30 '6054 157 86 128 19 136 65 168 162 83 131 104 141 71 26 "6T 11 92 83 118 69 '$4 104 103 102 66 77 235 17 17 65 10 173 20 '30 '60 157 36 128 19 136 65 169 152 88 181 40 40 54 54 18 19 111 111 108 116 32 12 A 106 168 21 III 107 28 12 22 u 184 "ii'C 109 61 108 55 7 18 83 109 116 82 1Z3 106 168 23 103 141 69 26 65 10 173 20 30 '60 128 19 136 108 107 1.8 22 18 14 46" 109 61 108 68 '7 49" 116 31 123 106 i67 21 76 25 163 45 109 59 66 '7 18 83 48 63 67 11 91 49 33 118 103 35 25 104 103 102 55 77 230 IS 85 17 103 141 71 26 43 65 76 139 10 78 173 20 30 40 60 166 S6 128 19 136 106 17 65 158 25 152 131 62 89 63 19 110 36 108 77 116 82 122 106 2 82 99 157 I a in 65 30 69 107 28 163 92 45 109 60 107 65 68 7 18 PORTLAND YARDS Ron Is Fair in All lines With the Packer Taking . Hold of Hogs r Quite Freely; Cattle Trade Slow . but Is Stationary. " ' 4 In the Btookyards. North Portland Hogs, cattle and sheep steady. Kansas City Hoga and aheep steady, cattle 10c higher. Chicago Hoga 60 higher, cat tle steady, sheep weak. ' South Omaha Hogs slower, cattle 10c higher, sheep steady. 444444 PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. Hogs. Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Thurs. . 164 190. 6 1111 Wed 602 62 2 Tuea 115 202 7 72 Mon 686 395 1 1708 Sat 101 65 Fri 197 4 Week ago ....394 442 8 1316 Top hogs continue to sell at $6.75 at North Portland although the run for the day waa light Packers started In to buy quite early in the day, indicating tnat present arrivals are needed. A to tal of 164 head arrived since yesterday's report, making 1867 for tbe week to date. Hoga are quoted somewhat better In the east but Chicago had the only ad vance for the day. There was a run of 87,000 head in that market for the day compared with 84,000 a year ago. Tops sold at $6.27 with heavy stuff of quali ty still bringing a premium over mixed loads. At Kansas City hogs were steady at unchanged prices. There were offerings of 12.000 head for the day. South Omaha was Blower for hogs with tops at $6.20. Run waa 21,200 head. On the basis of the Omaha price today It would cost $7.30 to land Mis souri river hogs at Pacific northwest packing plants. Thla is 60c above the Present basis here, log run today 16 1 Week to date 1.367 Month to data 2.862 Year to date , 13,628 Same period 1911 10,650 Hog shippers today: W. D. Vander pool. The Dalles, 1 car; J. C. White, Riddle, 1 car. Nominal North Portland swine prices Fancy mixed $6.706.75 Good heavy 6.65 Good light 6.656.70 Medium light 6.50 Rough and heavy 6.2$ Poor and heavy 6.00 Cattle Market Za mow. There waa a slow tone in the cattle market generally at North Portland for the day. The run waa light but liberal In view Of the conjected condition of the trade at this time. Values aa a rule continue at the previoua average, there being practically no change in condi tions. At Chlcaso there waa a steady tone in the cattle trade with offerings of 7000 head. Kansaa Cltv was stronger for cattle with an advance of 10c over yesterday's average. Run was 800 head. An advance of a dime waa forced for cattle at South Omaha, where the mar keting for the day included 3800 bead. Cattle run today 190 Week to date 83 i Month to date 1.513 Year to date 10,064 Same period 1910 11.403 Cattle shippers today: C. F. Bau man. Haines. 1 car; J. L. Cox. Eaton, Idaho, 1 car; K. O. Koehler, Baker, 2 cars; J. C. Staak. Mlllersburg, 1 car; Lee Davenport, Redmond, 1 cai;; M. M. Davenport, Redmond, 1 car. North Portland cattle prices: Select steers $ 6.85 Choice steers 6.80 Common Bteers Feeder steers . . Sneved heifers . Ordinary heifers Fancy cows Ordinary cowa Total aalea. 299.100 shares. ' Call money 22 per cent . ', A bass drum and cymbals ean , be played in connection with a piano by using an electrical attachment that a Pennsylvania man has patented for the purpose. Ai.'V; w,:jivf;i;;;'u f ' . 4.755.00 4.1ft . . 6.50 6.00 6.00 4.25(314.50 Poor cows 3.60 03.76 Fancy light calves 7.768.00 Medium light calves 7.0007.75 Fancy bulls 4.75 Medium bulls 4.50 Ordinary bulls 4.00 Stags . 4 00 Boeep Market Zs Holding. There was a aood tone in the mutton trade at North Portland for the day. Receipts were 1111 head compared with 1316 head last Thursday. Today '4 run was the first really fair showlna of sheep since Monday when 1708 head came rorwara. rrices are uncnangea. At Chioaaro there was a weak tone in the sheep trade with a run of 20,000 head for the day. Kansas City had offerings of 6000 sheep tor the day with the market steady. soutn omana was sieaay ior sneep with 8200 head In today. ' sneep run today 1,111 Week to date z.mhi Month to date 3,207 Year to date 16.699 Same period 1911 29,99 wneep snippers lonay: Kugg uros.. Pendleton, l load Mctjououitn et Hum Me, Joseph, 1 load; J. L. Cox, Eaton, Idaho. 1 load; L. v. uentry, Heppner. 1 load; J. J. staak, Minersnttt-g,. 1 load Sheen market at North Portland: Select lambs $5.60 1& 6.76 Choice lambs 6.25 Common lambs 6.00 Yearling wethers 4.75i4.85 Old wethers 4.26 4.60 Fancy ewes 4.10 (W 4.13 Ordinary 8.603.75 Thursday's Livestock Bales. steers; Ave. lbs. 11 steers 1090 8 steers ..1030 2 steers 970 COWS. 960 1102 1080 BULLS 1430 HOGS 189 6 hogs 113 92 hogs 189 SHEEP 260 ewea 84 LAMBS . 134 lambs 91 135 lambs 92 Price. $5.40 6.40 6.40 $5.00 6.00 4.60 $4.50 $6.76 s.eo 6.00 83.60 $5.10 6.00 Weighed off cars, therefore filled prices would be 100 less. OMAHA CATTLE HIGHER 2 - cows 4 cows 1 cow , 1 bull . 92 hogs Market Up Dime With Better Call; Sheep Are Steady. South Omaha," Feb. 8.-:-Cattle, 8800; market steady to lOo higher;- steers, $6.60416.70; cows and heifers, $4,600 6.00. e. ',..; Hogs, 21,200; market slower at (6.95 6.20., Sheep, $200; market steady: yearlings, $5.15(5.36; wethers, $4.0orc4.40; lambs $5.9006.26; ewea. $3.600 3.90. ' CHICAGO ' HOGS HIGHER Market Vp 5 Cents After . Losing ;. That Much at the Start. nn ewr aTWK ' 1 T) ItM lTa Ail A It 1 V.CS-SS V. Wlt uia. UUB lVVV cattle. 7000; sheep. 20.000. , - Hogs are 5c higher: left over. 7000; receipts a year ago. 34,000. Mixed $5.60i6.25: heavy, $4 P64M 27; rough, $5.65iwl0; light. 5.SoT5CT0. cattle, steady, . , .., Sheen, weak. 1 Journal Wa.nt Ads bring results. SESlKEilNfPl ROAD'S FRANCHISE -0. ' ' ': . . v;r;;;:,; Cf ;i That the attorneys for the Southern Pacific company are playing a shrewd game In seeking a franchise for the electrification of the Fourth street line is the opinion of Dr. Harry Lane, for mer mayor of the city. "What the city council should do with the company's application," said Dr. Lane today, "ia to reject It and force the company to apply for a new fran chise Instead of an amendment of the franchise which was repealed by the council during my administration. The validity of an ordinance regulating traf fic on the Fourth street line will be de cided by the supreme court to which body the railroad appealed. Pending that dacislon the council should not grant any- amendments sought by the com pany. I believe it is tho company's game to get a perpetual franchise by this means and to secure an exclusive right on the line. The council should now pass an ordinance declaring the franchise on Fourth street forfeited. "The electrification of the Fourth street line is, 1 believe, a laudable pro ject and the company should be per mitted to achieve this and to double track, but there should be a reasonable time limit to Its franchise and the com mon user clause should be inserted therein." Paving Funds on Hand. (Spoclal to The Journal.). Junction City, or., Feb. 8. Funds for the Improvement of the city streets will shortly be at hand. The council - has r,fl Shady Side for Drinks. , Ctalted Pren Lsaed Wlre. Menlo Park, CaL, Feb. 8 Patrons of the Menlo Park Golf and Country; club mast hereafter 00 all their cocktail and other such drinking on the north porch. The sunny aid' ot the clubhouse Is la the "dry limit" of the county. 1 , ,' 1 , 1 1 1 J.C. WILSON & CO. &CZWBBS$$ 6 V1W YOBK STOCK XXClf A2T0S, KB W YOBK OOTTOW EXOHA508. , - ' OHtcaao BOAJtD or tkaob. VMM STOCK AID BOND BKOXAJTOII. ABT rBANCXSCOv Main Office BCllit Bldg Baa Francisco. Branch , Of floes Vancouver, Seattle,' Portland, Z,oa Angelas, Sam Vlego. , Coronado Beach. fGBTZkaBTD OmCBf Boom 8 Xinmbermens Bank Tlnlldlag. Fhonfs Marshall 4180. A-4187. - Overbed & Cooke Co. BKOKITKS ' Stocks. Bonds, Oottoa, Grain. Etc 1 aie-817 Board of Trade Bldg. Members Chlbago Board of Trade, Correspondents of Logan Ss Bryan, Chicago, New York Members Near York Stock Exchange, Boston Stock Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade. New York Coffea Ex change, New York Cotton Ex change, New Orleans Cotton Ex change, Winnipeg Grain Exchange M 1 This bank offers you every security and protection to your money. Our organization and facilities embrace the latest and best methods of transacting, . all branches of the banking business. Hartman & Thompson, Bankers CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 3LDQ. roturth and $nark Sts. PORTLAND. OREGON SERVICE to its patrons ia the cornerstone upon which v has been builded the success of this institution. A strict adherence to the highest banking principles from its inception a quarter of a century ago accounts for the confidence which this institution enjoys today. J MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Founded in 1888. Washington and Second Streets FIRST NATIONAL BANK . CAPITAL $1,500,000 SURPLUS . $4350,000 - .4 OLDEST NATIONAL BANK WES1 OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS lumbermens National Bank Capital - - $1,000,000.00 A progressive Commercial Bank with a Savings Department under Government supervision. , Ctl On Savings Corner Fifth and Stark Ladd frTiltoii Bank ESTABLISHED 1859 Capital Stock - , - - $1,000,000.00 . h Surplus and Undivided Profit $800,000.00 COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS . j : Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks V, . Issued, available in all rjarts of the vor!J Corner Third and Washington 'Sir - l