The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 06, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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Town Topics
HEItiaJ."The Chocolate Soldier."' ,
'BAKEIWTba Rosary." -'.. '
OftPHEUM -C-rpheum circuit 4 vaude-
, vine. r i
PANTAOEH -Vaudeville.
EMPRESS Sullivan & Consldine vaude
ville. , ' i
1 PEOPLE'8-Motioit picture. '
Weather GonOltlons. ; ,
Portland and vicinity Occasional
rain tonight na wtanaay; eouin
easterly winds. i '
. Oregon and Washington -Occasional
; rain west tonight and Wednesday, rain
or snow east ponton tonigni or wea
: nesday: ,-easterly winds. ' -
Idaho Rain or snow tonight .or Wed-
! nesaay. ..-..iy ,
. .r.,t-- EDWARD A. BEAlUB..
,- s.ff-- ; .V a , . v District , Forecaster.,
' Pre Peory Wanteds A delegation of
business men from St. Johns and Linn
'ton called upon the county court this
, morning to request the, operation of a
free ferry between their two towns. The
' ' court agreed to pay all expenses of the
' ferry ' until . the new . coonty ferry ' Is
' ready -for- use. Mayor Couch of St,
. Johns acted as spokesman for the dele.
ration.' He explained that a recent law
,, gave the county court the - right to
operate ferry, Complaint was mads by
. the speaker of the way the county court
has neglected the fit. Johns districts in
the matter of a ferry, and said that that
district 1 now pays taxes on property
. valued at $(,000,000. "Other parts of
the .county have free ferries and have
had for long time, said Mayor Couch.
"The people of St Johns end the west-
v era part of the county feel they have
been slighted by the court" The new
ferry will be completed .Within five
" Oomrt Halts tele. The petition of
"Mose" Bloeh, administrator for the es
tate of Robert J. Hill, to sell property,
filed with, the county Judge yesterday
was refused on the ground that the sell
ing price was below the price set by the
appraisers, " The county judge directed
the administrator's attorney to obtain
the affidavits of two responsible realty
dealers as to the value of the property.
Robert 3, ' Hill died early last year.
Among the Items in the Inventory filed,
la lot six, block two in Barrett's addl
. tlon. The appraisers placed a value of
M00 on the lot Yesterday Bloch came
Into court asking that the property be
old for 1560. The Judge refused to al
low the sale until the realty dealers
give their value. Anton Handler Is
named in the petition as the proposed
purchaser. Bloch is a warrant buyer
around the court house.
Stenographers Examination The V.
. 8. Civil Service commission announces
that a stenographer and typewriter ex
amination will be held in this city
March IS. As the commission has ex
perienced considerable difficulty -In se.
curing a sufficient number of eligible
for these positions all competent male
and female stenographers and typewrit
ers who desire to enter the government
aervlce In this state are urged to make
application for and take the examina
tion. The usual entrance salary la 1900
per annum and the opportunities for
promotion are good. Application blanks
and full information relative to the ex
amination may be secured from the sec
retary. Eleventh Civil Service District
Post Office Building. Seattle, Wash.
Position Pays 10O Monthly. A fea
ture of the examination being given to
day at the city hall by the civil service
Commission ' to secure eligible for the
position of stenographic clerk is the
unusually 'large number of male appli
cants. - Seven men are taking the exami
nation with the hope of being appointed
. to a berth now vacant at detective head
quarters. The Job pays $100 a month.
Twenty women are also taking the
examination, but these are not eligible
to appointment at detective headquarters.
, Beaity Board Alter raters At yes
terdays meeting of the Portland
Realty board a resolution was adopted
authorising -President Chapin to appoint
. a committee to cooperate with similar
bodies from the Chamber of Commerce
and Commercial Club in- devising some
plan to prevent the future operations
of suoh fraudulent concerns as the Co
lumbia River Orchard company in its
bond selling game. The following com
mittee was named: V. Vincent
Jones, Henry W. Fries, C. K. Henry,
W. M. Kllllngsworth and Ben Rlesland.
"There be lota o" masters of men who
can't master themselves,"
Wood, who pleaded guilty to contribut
ing to tbe delinquency of a 14-year-old
girl, was also taken to the penitentiary,
E. W. Kelt, charged with passing bogus
checks and pleading guuty to the same,
began his prison pen tence today,
i entenoea t ot PerjurySell Mastereon
was tried more than six - months ago
for Illegally selling liquor In the vicin
ity of Madras. He was found guilty and
sentenced to six months In the county
JalL At the time ot his trial Master
son took, the stand In his own behalf.
He vehemently dented that ho bad sold
liquor without a license. . After his eon-,
vlotion he was Indicted for perjury. This
morning he was brought into federal
court and pleaded guilty to- perjuring
himself. , Ml guess X was - running a
'blind pig,' n he admitted to Federal
Judge "Wolverton. . His sentence was
to serve nine months more in the eounty
Jail. Had he been tried - and . found
guilty the minimum sentence would
have been two years at McNeill's Island.
"Joke Costs HOV James Finney and
Harry Price, who aro playing at one of
the local theatres this week, were ar
rested last night by Patrolmen Hutoh-lns-s
and Nilea on Park and Morrison
streets. On. a disorderly conduct oharge,
following an escapade at a smau siana
conducted by Al Hendricks. The two
nurchased a crab from the proprietor,
and when he went back to wrap it up,
one man concealed a crab under his
coat and the other put one in his pock
et When arreeted the men claimed i
they wer doing it for a Joka but the
joke cost them 0, the fine that waa
assessed against- trice, wun me un
derstanding that Finney pay half the
fine, v v- ) , . , . i . .
v' Waki nifciora. At the rearu-
nniittil 'moAtlnar of the board of
. . ... w .- - v -
directors of the Merchants gavtngs A
Trust company, nwa ' orury b, a.
vv.i.k nrnMiiii of the Portland. Eu
gene As Eastern Railway company and
vnnnafl fif t h A W. h 1 71 ft n-Ol-
egon corporation, and A. I Watson,
capitalist rormeny a resiaoni ox wun.
Ington, but latterly moved to Portland,
having been deferred from the annual
meeting in January, ine atanaing ana
acquaintance of tbe new directors will
add much to the strength of the directorate.
ell to revoke existing permits, for,, the
use of street ends. The property own
ers have been Instructed to remove
buildings that are aimed at by the or
dinances. They will bo given six
months in which to comply with ; the
order,' f,, ;,'!-::f ::.i;C-5V.V'.i-
Mothers) and Teachers to Meet The
regular monthly meeting of the Moth
ers' and Teachers' Circle of the Holman
school will be held at t o'clock, Wed
nesday afternoon at the school. Mrs.
Thomas Hawkes, the speaker of the af
ternoon, will talk on the playground
movement and school gardening. Re
freshments will be served. The mothers
arc requested to be present
Beriatratloa at Ints For the con
venience of voters in Lenta and vicinity,
Attorney R. C. Oroesbeck has been ap
pointed deputy registration official. The
names of voters will be registered at
Attorney Oroesbeck'a office at Lenta
any afternoon, and on Monday and
Thursday evenings until 8 o'clock. Vot
ers must have each two freeholders as
witnesses. -.,- . . , -
125,000 Damages Asked The admiral
ty suit of the Columbia Contract com
pany against the owners of the Oeorge
W. Elder for colliding and sinking the
Kern about two years ago la being tried
today before Judge Wolverton fn federal
court.. Damages In the sum of (26,000
are asked,
Bleotrlo Xight Association The Port
land members of the National Eleotrlc
Xight association will meet in the audi
torium on the third floor of the Klec
trto building this evening at t o'clock to
listen to an address by S. O. McMeen,
recently elected president of the Mount
Hood Railway Power company. Mr.
McMeen will talk on the subject of "A
Few Fundamentals,'' and in addition to
his address, those in oharge of the meet
ing have arranged for other features.
Parole evokea-Th parole of Harry
Coler, charged with forging names to
the referendum - petition to the Uni
versity of Oregon bills, has been re
voked and he was taken to the state
prison this morning. Coler has been in
trouble a number of times. , DeRome
Parent-Teachers' Meeting. The Parent-Teachers'
association of Sunnyslde
will meet at the West 81de library at I
o'clook Wednesday afternoon. Refresh
ments will be served, - Mothers of Sun
nyslde are specially Jnvlted to be present
Warehouse and Manufacturing Ploors
Low rental. In new brick building,
SSxlOO, Just being completed at Hood
and Baker streets. This Is the best
proposition In South Portland from a
rental standpoint A. L. Fish, care The
. "t Am radar Mase." While Patrol
man Jones was standing at the corner
of Twelfth and ailsan streets at 11:10
o'clock last night, b noticed a man
walking west on Olisan ; street look
carefully around both ways, sis up the
saloons on the corner and then motion
to a friend who was a block away to
oome along. . Jones, in a report of the
affair to the. chief, stated that the ac
tions of. this man aroused his suspi
cions and he walked across tbe street,
demanding to know . who he waa . and
what hia business was, "None of your
business who 1 era," replied the strang
er. Noticing . that the man s had . his
hands In his pockets, Jones pulled tbe
handa out and found a black Jack there.
Thla still further aroused the suspicion
of Jones and he pulled his revolver and
threatened the man If ho made a false
move. "You seem to ba a preety blank
smart fellow, I'll Just show you who I
am," he said as he pulled back the la
pel of his coat and displayed a star
bearing the caption. ''County Detective."
"I am Paddy Maherr now I hope you
are satisfied," the , outraged man re
plied. ,),;.-;. "y iv. ..'v
May lack Bvldenoe After indicting
Thomas Murphy and Joseph Locke, for
merly Portland , horse tradera, District
Attorney Cameron has requested Gov
ernor West to hold uo tho extradition pa
pers for the reason that there may not
be sufficient evidence to convict the
two men. ' Both men are being held in
San Francisco, where the sheriff of
fice located them. The indictments
against the two horse traders charge
them with obtaining money by false
pretense. The affair haa to do with a
horse trade.. The Indictments were re
turned December 10. The warrants were
plaoed in the hands of Deputy Sheriff
Leonard, who located tho men In Cal
ifornia last Thursday. Tney were tak
en Into custody by the San Francisco
officers. fi'J - v ;:
Many Get Jobs. The report of the
n,,nnln,l vla KlltlllVmCllt bUrCSU for
the month of January Just ended Is
proof,, it Is pointed out, m irnwr con
ditions are not so bad right now as they
have been painted by certain unions.
The report statea that positions were
furnished for BSe men during the
month and for 110 women.
. Minnesota Society. The Minnesota
Society of Oregon is to have a meeting
tonight In the Woodmen Hall on the
east side. After a short business ses
sion the meeting will tremlnate in an
Informal dance. All Mlnnesotans Invited
to attend whether they are members of
the association or not
employes' Annual BalL The Co-operative
association of the employe of
the Meier Frank store, will hold It's
Third Annual ball at Christensen's hall,
on the evening of Llnooln's birthday,
Monday, February 11.
Steamer Jesse Xarktns for Camaa
Washougal and way landings, dally ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
dock at 1 p. m,
a Am niwaaetan. Clft In the habit
of saying Pacific States Fire Insurance
Co. Home office, Portland, Oregon.
ohool Books bought aold and ex
changed. 168 tth St., opp. P. O.; Ill
3d at., near Salmon.
Try our Mew England boiled dinner,
20c, every Wednesday, Biamark Restau
rant, 209 Morrison.
W. A. Wise and associates, painless
dentists. Third and Washington.
Werner Petterscn Co, high grade
merchant tallns. 2S0 Stark.
Dry stovewood, 12.50 up. East 4879.
Or. B. O. Biowa. Eye, Bar. Marquaut
Levens Grille.
Opposite Multnomah Hotel on Ash
street Special eight-course French din
ner. Including wine, served every even
ing at Levens' Grille, between 4 ana I
o'clock, 75a
House moving and repairing. James
Oarrick. Phone East it 27. 101 E. Mor
ris in street
Vernon School Keating. The Parent
Teacher association of the Vernon
school will hold its regular monthly
meeting at the school, Wednesday at 3
o'clock. Dr. F. S. Smith will be the
speaker; all are cordially invited to be
present '
"The Theory of Xoonomlo Determina
tion" is the subject of the lecture by.
wiiuam inursion crown in tne Moaern
school rooms, 17 Fourth street, Behnke
Walker building.
They Must Vacate City Attorney
Frank S. Orant has filed a report in
the city auditor's office showing the
ownerships of property along the water
front that is afefcted by the 31 ordi
nances recently passed by the city coun-
Geary Street, abova Union Square
European Plan $1.50 a day up
American Plan $3.00 a day up
New steal aad brick straetwe. Every
modern eonvealetMe. Moderate rata.
Center of theatre mad retail district. Oo
ear Uae traaaferriet all over cky. Elee
trie omnibus suets train end stoansore.
Provides the most modern
safeguards against burglary;
fire or water.
Special vaults for the storage
of silverware, trunks and
other,, valuables.
Boxes from $3.00 per annum
upwards.1 ;
Corbett Building
Fifth and Morrison St.
1 v-: 'yo-- "''' ' "' " 1 " ' '" " " " " 1 ' "" ' Vmmm mm smtBgsjgsjgsj
: a ifl-SMInl lThe Uehest'delobment in street 1
(EARS of
Y service have
proven to
the taxpayer
that he is
with paving expense
when bitulithic is-laid.
The highest development in street '
pavement construction, ; V;
-Demanded by : the ' most careful -
The eost of Intermenta haa bees
greatly reaocea by the Holman . ;
unaertaung uompany. ,. f
' Heretofore it has been the custom of
funeral directors to make chars for
all incidentals connected with a fureral.
The Edward Holman Undertaking com
pany, the leading funeral directors of
Portland, have departed from that cus
tom, when cftslce) Is furnished by us
we make no extra charges for embalm
ing, hearse to cemetery, outside boa or
any services that may be required of
us exceut clothing, cemetery and car
Wages, thus effecting a aavlng of 2
to 7 on each funeral
', tV,i;!-J'.':"- ' ..,.. - . . ; ;..ft
e v With the arrival of a wire to , e
0 ,The Journal from Philadelphia ;
' last night all doubts about the e)
4 status v pi Tom w Beaton, tha'e)
Beaver nitoher drafted by Phlla ' e.
deiphla, has been at at rest. , e
e , Seatou'a signed contract waa re- .
0 ceived by President Fofel in the o
4 J Quaker City yesterday, and the.
" latter took time . to remark to r
'( The journal's correspondent that e
e ho regarded Seaton aa quite a e
find, pointing out that Tom had e
e 4 won 24 games out of 4 pitched e
last year, and that he was going . e
to give htm a thorough trial e
e j upon the 4 recommendation of e
4 his Paclf io coast friends who e)
4 . had tipped him off In regard to . e
4 : Seaton. In the meantime Judge
4 McCredle is hankering after tbe e
11000 the Phillies owe Portland
i as the draft price for Seaton, as
! tbe money is needed in these '
' days of new baseball Darks. a
' (Cnlted rroM Lesaeg Wire.
London, Feb.. I. The Italian '-.fleet
started today the bombardment of Ho-
dldelh, on ' the Red sea. , Part of the
Turkish port has already been destroyed,
according to a news agency dispatch
front Constantinople. :f 'yWfi,
' run and exercise, skating. Oaks rink,
(United PreM Leased Wire. I
San Francisco, Feb. 9. Dynamite to
day entered Into the fight among Chi
nese tongs here, when representatives
of the Hop Sing tong planted 100 dy
namite caps In an attempt to alay Tong
Dun Wah, secretary of the Ben Suey
Ting tong. After lighting a alow fuse
to the' bundle of explosives the would-be-assaaslns
fled. Several hours later
See Hung stumbled over the plant and
snuffed out the burning fuse.
The attempted dynamiting also means
that the Blng Tong ultimatum, laid
down yesterday. Is to be- disregarded
and that the war will branch oui and
Include each of the 11 tongs represent
ed on the Pacific coast
e - Home building In Portland la
steadily on the Increase. Yes-
terday the department of build-
lng inspection established a new
record in the number of permits
issued for a single day. A total
of 62 permits were Issued, the
. total value of the buildings af-
fected being I82.S67. A number
of the permits were for repairs.
No Trace of Bodies.
(United Prett Leased Wire. I
Niagara Falls, N. Y.. Feb. 6. Despite
the vigilance of watchera, no trace has
been found of the bodies of the man,
woman and boy who were swept down
the gorge here with Ice floes Sunday.
Pianos for Rent.
New pianos In fine mahogany, oak
and walnut for rent at ft per month.
Cartage free; rent applied on the pur
chase. KOHL'ER & CHASE,
375 Washington street.
l ) . r , J- ,1 - i
Are You Interested
In Needlework?
We are" sole Portland
The line includes Cen
ters, Pillow Tops, made-up
lingerie, Infants' Dresses
and Novelties.
See special display this
The Needlecraft Shop
tn order to Illustrate the rapid growth of savings with 4 pet
eeat ooaaponad Interest added, we have prepared the following
table i
Weekly . . . , , Will In Will la Will la WU1 In
Seiioali Interest Trs. 10 Trs. 80 Trs. 40 Trs.
of Amt to Amt to Ami to Anttto
$.25 $ 73. $ 162. $ 403. $1,294.
50 SS! 146. 324. 806. 2,588.
1,00 pounded twice a 293. 650. 1,614. 5,177.
2.00 l?Frr 1 585. 1,301. 3,228. 10,355.
5.00 7 ' 1,462.3,252.8,070.25,888.
(Established 18 Tears)
consenrativo Second and Washington Sti.
Custodian Open Saturday Evenings, Six to Eight
Your Satisfaction Is Our Greatest Asset
Great Removal Sale
We want you to know that all you may purchase during this great event is abso
lutely guaranteed as represented, or money back.
See our window demonstration this week. You, Mr. Man
Who Shaves, can purchase Razors, Shaving Brushes, Shaving
Mugs, Shaving Mirrors, at a saving of one fourth to one half.
Are such well-known makes as Wade & Butch
er, I. X. L., Ern, Peerless, Swedish, Brandt,
Torrey and many others. Your choice
Si. 00 Razors, Removal Price 47
$2.00 Razors, Removal Price , 89J
$2.50 Razors, Removal Price 51.18
$3.00 Razors, Removal Price $1.57
Shaving Brushes fl
Bristles don't come out, as they are
firmly set in rubber. Your choice
25c Brushes, Removal Price .
50c Brushes, Removal Price . .
$1.00 Brushes, Removal Price
$1.50 Brushes, Removal Price
Cures Dull
Only a few strokes on the canvas (coated with secret sharpening
and you have a perfect edge on your razor. Let our window Tfl.fl $f Cv ft A
demonstrator show you. 3vt IU J.UU
oil mmmmpizD
Does away
with Honing
Shaving Mirrors Fine Assortment of Shaving Mugs
Your Shaving Outfit cannot be complete with- To Select From. Your Choice
out a good mirror. Let us show you a Shav- 25c Mugs, Removal Price .110
ing Mirror that will give you satisfaction. 50c Mugs, Removal Price .190
Your choice y 75c Mugs, Removal Price .370
$5.00 Mirror, Removal Price. . ....... .S3.98 flfOO. Mugs, Removal Price ........... .470
$3.50 Triplicate Mirror, Removal Price . $6.38 - 1 . .
$2.50 Magnify'g Mirror, Removal Price 81.98 FlnctiV IlAciArv
$3.25 Mirror, gilt frame, Removal Price $2.48 CldSUt nUMU)
All Other Mirrors Reduced One Fourth. , KNIT TO FIT on our own loom. Whether
,, .. , you call in person or order by mail WE GUAR
ShflvinoV QnAn antee to fit you.
: oua v,l,6 OUdP Varicose veins are dangerous, and one of
5c Armour's Bar, Removal Price ... ... ; . .30 the many ailments our Elastic Hosiery will
25c Armour's Stick, Removal Price .....150 promptly relieve. '
50c "Woodlark" Cream, used after shaving. Call or send for FREE Price List and Self
Removal Price, tube .270 Measurement Blanks..
Woodard. Clarke k Co,
, ieveBtii a Taylor
TOmOXT, 8 it 8
Tomorrow Hhrht
tnciAX, raici.
tat. Xouorrow
WorWe Oreatest Comic Opora
- .mu vmm r " ''
. Direction Fred C. AVhItny
Excellent Cat--AuKmente4 yrgl.s-
t.v --:!.?.; te'iVijJkl S:f ,tra -,;..v,v j.AV;-- f i. -i.
Evcnlnas: Lower floor, 13. 11.5ft,
adm.. 60c. Box seats, $3. SO.
rows 71o; 5 rows. 60a; Oalleiy,esv.
and admiosion 60o.
Ii. "1 TATX.O
Phoatsi Mala it A-lUa -
3 beg"nnino Next Thursday
Special Price Matlne Saturday
J . n. r'her preants aiateat
musical comedy since his ' Florodora"
1BJI mmm mm.
Excellent Cast; Augmented Orchestra
Evenings Lower floor, 11 row.
12. 7 rows 11.60; balcony, 6 rows, It;
rows 76ei U rows, 60c; gal. 60o.
8at. mat. lower floor $1.60 i; bal
cony 76c. 60o; al., J6c 25c.
THB4T11 '
Main a and A..6360
Tonight All WeekBargain Ma.' Wol
Play of the Hour, 7
The treat NewVork, Chicago and Bos
ton Success. Like the song and tho
poem. It will live forever. Company,
production, electrical effects, stage set
tings and costumes beyond comparison.
Evening prices; S6e, 58c, 76c, $1.00;
Baturday Matlnt-e. 16c. 60c.
BUNGALOW laSYaViorrlso.
Sjriffhts, stsrtlnr Wed. Matinee every
afternoon at a-M; evening- 7ao and 9.
L. E. McCoy World's Champion Bull
dogger, BUUSOOwIHO' .a real live
eteer. Broncho Busting and Trick Bon
ing, Including 8000 feet of the ion
Cheyonne Frontier Day Celebration
n,eV in rrrn
e. A-iOflo
. is-as-w
VSB 5.
snaa-Ts '
THEATRE tt-2S-S-75t
ronchofsjrlylnr Ballet, the Act Bean
ttnUi JoUas Tatuaea, Wilfred Clarke
'"" mi wntivoM. Ida
PoleysT ' .
Mauaes arrary Say.
ronaarjy Oraaa W Bef ! Vaudtvtu
WXBX FBB. 5 Ketsettt Troupe 8,
AA, Carlisle's Vog raatoxnlne Oo. and
roar Circus, Mr. and Mrs. j. J. SowU
lnjr, OUle Tonnr and April, Cains and
Odom, The Original "Texas Tommy''
Dancers, Oeorgia, Orchestra.. Prices,
15e and SSe.
an ntai
WESX EB. 5 Paksy, SKJkey and Xkey,
Vrlday night, Ononrns Olxli' coatest.
Two verformanoaa nlirhtlv. Visa and
il5, 15e and SSe. Matinaa daily. 9 KK),
any sea 15c. Beat Week "Aa Ameri
can Princess."
WEEK PBB. 8 The aijr Poar, TerpsU
ehoreen BovelUes, The Ahrtus, Plyna
ft KoXang-alln, Tne arfeee-aiu Com
pany, The International Graad Opera
Qnartet, Pantages Oreheatra, Pantage.
scope.. Boxes and first row balcony
reserved. .
Miss Alice aJustln
. The Dudley Back Concert Co.
of Boston. Prnrttlna ,
Cast of Five)
Will appear one night only. February 1J,
- -At the
East 10th and Salmon 8tn.
-LadlfH' Quartet Admlwulon Only 50
Free Lectures
Prof. C Morris
Will Give Illustrated
1 Lectures on
evening, 611 Yamhill,
near 16th at., west Md
Free public readings
of men, - women ' and
children, at close of
each lecture,
F. W. Baltes
and Company
invite your
inquiries for
1 Home A U6&
First and Oak
Portland Academy
Fits boya and ;lrl tor enMisn -ma
western collrf'.-s. VVell-eqt'iipp a lahm
stones. - vveu nnpoinufi
Truck and field athMlca. A prlmMiv
and grammar school fits boy ml at ).
for the ucHdemy. Alt dpertintit uii'l.r'
expcrteticed toaohrs. ; , i i
A-5461t Mala 7179. Snd for Catalogs
Foster fitKtclscr
High f.rad 4'omorcliil and Hcrtrt
Bast ft aad nasi rver'Ji !v
. VkUiu lul Hill
" : M i
. --wflf i 'rfVM'; '; - ji
, Jl&raSD BT.,Qli JBAIM0V
i . vH , .
1 ,
ff property owners.