The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 06, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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Tho Hogt in Value r Tho Pest in Quality
New Idea
Wzxr 11:
Pattern 3
$125,000,000 May Be Saved
v Yearly, by Proper Care,
'" Says Expert. . :.
Coquille; River Property's New
Friends of Convicted Doctor"
Endeavor to Raise $10,000
r Bond. : 1 . ,
Owners .Expect to Spend
i ; $100,000 on It.
' "Whenever you strike , a match you
start a tire. -Be aura that you put it
out." "f tv V M 5
' This la the advice Franklin H. Wont
worth, an expert In the prevention of
fire, gives the general public, fie saya
- that If every person will do that halt
the . total loss ef 1250,000,000. sustained
reach year from fire in the United Statea
" will le saved. . " , , .
; ,C"At the present Umi." he" says, "$J0,
V 000 1a burning every hour of every day
v In the 365 lived by the American people.
This appalling loss can -be cut 4wn to
116,000 an .hour, . if afl the people will
cease to be negligent in handling fire. .
In the United States the annual loss
from fire is nearly $S for every man,
V woman and child In the country; In Eu
- rbpean countries, it la only . 23 cents per
capita. ,Tbe difference is 'due to the
aTreater ;, proportion of , frame construc
tion in American , homes, and the Ines
timably greater care observed in Eu-
ropa' In the handling -of fire. J..fe'':.? ,
That Portland and Oregon may do
their full part in saving to the country
each year $126,000,000 which Is now a
hopeless waste, Mr. rWentWorth will
; com here "to make an address ton the
' evening of February 12, at the Commer
cfal club. His-topic will be "The Fire
Waate." He has been Induced to come
cross' the continent by the Portland
j Association of Credit Men, to pivot the
heavy ,. work which this organisation
plans to prosecute In. Oregon for. more
effective fire prevention. . -.j ''
' wni Improve Credit.' ,
-With Mr. Wentworth will be Charles
E. Meek, assistant cashier of the Fourth
; National batik of New York City, and
also second' vice president of the Na
tional Association of Credit .Men, , Mr
Meek ' has ' spent year studying this
same problem. ' . j I . ,
This meeting February 13, under ths
auspices of the local Credit Men's asso
, elation, Is to Inaugurate persistent edu
, catlonai ' work by . the business element
of the state. - Chairman - Underwood of
the fire prevention committee of the
Credit Men's association,;,;- has ' beeri
studying the situation for a long time.
Mayor Rushlight, ..the fire-committee
of the executive board and council, the
fir -chief and all other officers of. the
city, administration especially Interested
In the subject are invited to be present.
The chamber of commerce.. Commercial
club and all the other aeereaslve clubs tor nd ,so middle fork of the
of the city have, been invited by the , Coquille; river beyond Myrtle Point,
credit men to send large delegations. fMc "me. y " tapped toy a
A conatant'sugge-uon from school 1 SI?.?!" i"l???l7Ji
teachers to their pupils will be asked
' Special to fas Jonraal.t - WW.:
Marshfleld., Or Feb. -H, B. Ou'th
roy,. president and general manager of
the Pulaski Coal & Navigation Co. of
Los Angeles.' who is now In the city,
announces ths purchase by his company
of the Plka coal property on the Coquille
river, three miles bf low Coquille. It is
the Intention to develop the mine to full1
capacity. ' ' ' , ...
The., purchasing vcomnanv la , one in
which, ,lrfa Angeles and Chicago capital
la interested. Mr, Guthrey came With
nis engineer.. A. J, Bwedberar. to mnkn an
examination of the property. The engi
neer is now at work making plans for
vycujug m mine. -:-w ... . - v -
: On the property there are flvs vein's
or coai siantJng downward, and the plan
is; to sink a shaft which will tap all
five veins and bring. out the coal from
ine one snart. , There is 81 feet of coal
m the rive veins,, . To reach this coal
it will require a 400 foot double com
partment shaft, cutting through each
vein, xne Bnart win cost 120,000, and
Mr. Guthrey eays probably f 100,600 will
be required vto develop the mine,:, and
that It can j be put in full ; operation
within: eight' months. mUj--- ' 4
, The coal property coniDrisea 170 urii
Nf land and the company has, also pur-
cnasea woierrront on the Coquille river,
where bunkers will be built for loading
the coal onto vessels, there being 16 feet
or water at that point in the river, mak
ing It . possible for boats which can
cross the bar of the Coquille atBandon
to come up to the coal mine to load. ...
The representative says his investlra-
tioi.s prove coal can be mined In Coos
county and shipped at a good profit, and
ha expects to find a market for all the
product in' Ban Francisco aria Los An
geles. -".. V; i5-'.. - v, s ' '
; Mr; Guthrey, president of the com
pany, was formerly an oil operator In
the California oil fields, but will re
main on Coos Bay during the time the
mine is in course of development.
V.;:-V ; m - . -. ..
C. B., R, & B. Railway Not Sold.
' 1 (Speclnl to The Journal.)
Marahf ield. Or., Feb. Reports re
cently circulated to the effect that tho
C. A. Smith Lumber & Manufacturing
Co, had purchased the Coos Bay, Rose
burg & Eastern railway, the local rail
way holdings of the Southern Pacific,
are said, to be without foundnation. Rep
resentatives of the Smith company state
positively no such deal has been made
or contemplated. The Smith interests
have large timber holdings on the south
Credit men of Portland are making
plans for a great reception for Mr. Meek,
i their national vice president. For seven
years he served as secretary : treasurer
of the national association, during which
period rapid progress was made in Its
work. Starting from, Buffalo January
23, the two men are now eh joute west,
via Cleveland, Milwaukee, Grand Rapids,
Minneapolis, SC Paul.. .Duluth, ; Fargo,
Butte,- Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma, Port
land, Eaa Francisco, Los Angeles, San
Diego, Salt Lake City, Denver, El Paso,
Fort Worth, Dallas, 8an Antonio, Hous
ton. New Orleans, Montgomery, Birm
ingham and Knoxvllle. . .
to the report that the lumber company
had bought the Southern Paciflo hold
ings. i"V ,, ..
' (United Prsn Leated Wire. . ' '
Minneapolis, , . Feb. . . Theodore
Roosevelt, Republican, snd , ' Governor
Woodrow Wilson, i Democrat, are the
choice of ? their respective parties in
Minnesota, Sfor the presidential comln-
atlon, according to. a poll Just closed
by , the Minneapolis Journal. The vot
ing stood Roosevslt,2488, Lsi JFpllette
aft-Mi' 4 v ..- i.'J'M.i
Governor Wilson lei the (Other Demo
cratic possibilities, by a. big majority
':".' Dnlt4 Press Leased Wlr:t '. -New
York. Feb. 6. John McNamara
of. San Francisco,- who Is "known ' as
"Australian- Mark," was arraigned be
fore United i States Commissioner
Shields and charged wlth i complicity
in tho 1258.000 robbery of tho Bank of
Montreal at . New Westminster, B. C.
McNamara was remanded to the Tombs
. without bail until February '16, to
await the-arrival ot depositions in the
-case from New Westminster. He is
.fighting extradition, -
1 . Burglars lis Pistols. ;
. Whits J. - A. Putney and family of
won canyon Tarm, several miles weat
Cf Portland, were attending church yes
terday, thieves, got vlnto : ths house by
. creasing a winaow. i ney tooR several
articles of value. With a. revolver and
rifle, the robbers shot holes through the
wans ana cooking, utensils, causing con
; slderable damage.' Small boys are sus
pected by Putney as' being the thieves,
; The matter has been reported to Jtha
. : Juvenile court, but ss yet no action has
heen taken, It is said. i . .
: Roadbnilding rians In Coos.
''':"!'.,' (Special to Ifce Jonnwl.t
Marshfleld, Or.. Feb. . The ounty
commissioners of Coo's are planning a
large amount of road building for the
coming summer, -and have purchased an
engine and rock crusher, which will be
Installed at the county stone quarry near
Coquille. The commissioners have made
plans for planking ths county' road be
tween Marshfleld and North Bend, so
It will be passable for automobiles at
all times. On the east side of the bay
several pf the .more isolated , ranching
districts, whisht are now reached only
by water, will be more closely connected
with- the cities. - The Roseburg stags
roads are t be improved. - ,
Gives Ultimatum That Unless
War Is Ended It Will Take
v ' Active Part. '
Lillian Poll; who alternates with, Leila
Hughes in the role of ,"Madina'r, In "The
Chocolate Soldier,", which' Is the attrac
tion; at the Helllg theatre , tonight
and tomorrow night with a spe
cial price matinee Wednesday Is well
known in light opera, particularly
through the west, for long runs in San
Francisco , and Los Angeles the latter
city being her home.
She was chosen from a long number
of young . California girls to pose for
tne central figure on the Valencia the
atre curtain .in San Francisco, and, this
first introduction to dramatic life led
her to study. for two years with Slgnor
Buxxt of Los Angeles for the stage.
She stepped Immediately into the lead
ing role and sang in that work for two
years and determining to' step high in
the operatic scale, went abroad to study.
She was a pupil of Jean de Resxke for
a year and 'then with Mme. Pet tide
mange, also of Paris, : for another year,
. Utilising the current from a magneto
or batteries, an Inventor, has brought
out an electrically heated steering wheel
for automobiles. , .
(Called Premt tie4 wtre.J '.iv
! Port Orchard, Wash.. " Feb. 6.- Dr.
Linda B. llazzard, convicted of man
slsughtar for the death of Miss Claire
Williamson; probably will be sentenced
tomorrow. The maximum is imprison
ment In th penitentiary; for- 20 years.
A 'Jail term up to one year, fine up to
$1000. or imprisonment and a fine, are
provided for. . . y, ;f ,.
Mrs. Haxxard is still in the custody of
tliersherlff, while her husband, former
LteutenantHascard, Miss Nellie Sheiv
man. her faithful nurse, and Frank
Llllle, who was also employed at the
Olalla Institution, are in Seattle trying
to raise the 310,000 ball to secure her
release pending appeal. ... .
Miss Dorothea Williamson, sister of
the dead girl, who ts In Tacoma, Is the
recipient of numerous proposals of mar
riage coming from all parts of the coun
try.' She Is in full health now and still
clings to her vegetarian diet, claiming
that Dr Hasxard's -abuse of the theory
forms no reason for prejudice against
It. Miss Williamson admitted that she
Is to go back to Australia soon.
TUnmatclied February BapgaiiiD
Opium Found on Liner. r '
Ban Francisco, Feb. 0. -Inspector
Charles J. Bennlnger and P. Huffaker
found 105 tins of ' opium, valued at
$3000, on the Pacific Mall liner Persia,
which is In port today. .
Aboot tbe Hie of yoor aboes. It's son satlafse
tloo to know that man? people caa wear iboM
a site aoialler br abaklng Allen's Pnot-EaM. tbe :
antiaeptte powder, into them. Just tha thing
for Danelns. Partlei, Patent Leather Shoes, sad
for Breaking In Near Shoes. Whs robuera or
Ternhoea become seeeaaary and - your shoes '
mcn, Alien rnni&aae fim inaTaoc reiier.
old everywhere. SSe. Sample FHKB. Addreas,
aiuea u. uimatea, ut ooj, pi. x. mi l accept
any aubatltut.
"Our Personal Gnarantee
to all SEcin Sulfercrs?
(Slddmore,Drug Co.)
Ask Your; Doctor
You niay cough ' tomorrow 1
Better be prepared for it
when it comes. . Ask your
doctor about keeping Ayer'a
Cherry Pectoral in the house.
Then when the hard cold or
cough first appears you
have a doctor's , medicine at
hand. .Your x doctor's . ap
proval of its use will certainly
set all doubt at .rest. JDo
as he says.- A' ,'
(United Press Leased W1re.V
v' Ban Francisco, Feb. 6. Prospect of
the-bloodiest tong war ever waged on
the Paciflo coast is seen here today In
a sweeping ultimatum to other warring
tongs Issued by the Blng Pong tong,
the most powerful and influential Chi
nese organisation in America. The ul
tlmatum is to ths effect that peace
must : be restored among the warring
tongs at once. Unless the strife is end.
cd the Blng Pong tong threatens ' to
enter, the tight and wage battle to the
bitter end. -
All Chinatown Is upset this afternoon
over the announcement and the wires
are being kept busy notifying other
tongs from Victoria, B. C, to Ban Diego,
CaL, of the Blng Pong tong's ultima
tum. The Hop Sing tong, which stands
next In power to the Blng Pojig tong,
threatens to Ignore jthe order, and in
this event the 11 organised tongs are
likely to engage, in a struggle that will
affect every city of Importance on the
Paciflo slope. . Up to date the present
tong war has been confined to the Hop
Sings, Hip Sings, Suey Sings, Sin Tuey
Ylngs and the Wong fdnlly.
We have been In business in this town
for some time, and we are looking to
build up trade by always advising our
patrons right.
So when we tell you that we have
found the eccema remedy and that we
stand back of it with the manufacturer's
iron clad guarantee, backed by ourselves
you can depend upon it that we give our
advice not In order to sell a few bottles
of medicine to skip sufferers, -but be
cause we know how it will help our
business If we help our patrons.
We keep in stock and sell, all the well
knewn skin remedies. But we will say
this: If you are suffering from any
kind of skin trouble, eczema; psoriasis,
rash or tetter, we want you to try a full
alee bottle of D. D. D. Prescription.
And. if it Hoes not do the work, this
bottle will cost you nothing. Tou alone
to judge.
. A rain and again we have seen how a
few drops of this simple wash applied
to' tho skin takes away the Itch, in
stantly. And the cures all seem to be
D. D. D. Prescription made by the
D. D. D. Laboratories of Chicago, is
composed of thymol, glycerine, oil of
wlntergreen and other healing, soothing.
cool Inn: Insrredlents. And . If vou r I
Just crasy with itch, you will feel
soothed and cooled, the itch absolutely
washed away the moment you applied
this D. D. D.
We have made fast friends of more
than one family by recommending this
remedy to a skin sufferer here and there
and we want you to try It now on our
positive no-pay guarantee.
Skldmore Drug Co.
spMii 'Woolens
jr.O. ArerCo..
Lowall. Man,
Bronchial Troches
- ". ' , r it'
(Special t The Journal.)
.. Huntington, Or., Feb. The city
election ts taking place, in Hunting
ton ! today. The following ticket
is in ths field: The only, contest is over
the marshal's office, where C..W. Kel-
sey is opposed by Amos Cantreil.- C A.
Northey is out for mayor, vwith o. s.
Fraser, Victor Green Blade and F. Macr!
as members or the city council; -C W,
Kelsey Is seeking renomlnatlon for mar.
shal snd Judge. Woods for city recorder.
The ticket is an. open town ticket.
Men who know tell me that I am showing not
only the largest line of material in the west, but by
all odds the best and latest woolens that the lead
ing foreign and domestic mills manufacture.
The identical patterns being shown right now
in the leading high-class Eastern shops are here
ready for your selection.
I have ordered heavier than ever before in an
, ticipation of a large Spring trade, and you are cor
dially invited to inspect this advance Spring show
ing. And I am equipped now better than ever to
maintain my reputation of building , high-class
Faultless Fit Superior Tailoring
Complete Satisfaction
" "' (United Press Leaaed Wire.) ' '
New Vork. Feb. . Marshall 8. Mara,
den, appointed referee to take testi
mony , in the suit! for divorce brought
by ; Upton Sinclair, , the author, today
has reported; to the supreme court In
favor of the decree. , .
r r- r-s av--rr tr! - 1 1,UHCn 1Birori or warns, .
i ' i f (United Press LeaaeJ Win.) ' ,
Pasadena. Cal., " Feb. . 9. Adolphua
niiMrh will rlva.tRn.AAA'tA
T..v, 1. .1.1 i 1- m m . I . "
;''" " scriptlon to build a 1700,000 opera
Troubles, Hoatseneas and Coughs. Also fires houge St. Louls, according to the de
relief la Bronohial, AstkasaMs ss4 lwig affaa- ta of R pIaa mad, pubiloheVtoday
t ons. Fra. from opiates. Slaty years' repata, The faiui0nalrt brew wou,d
!H..,l-BWi!2LM,u,, tea. lie hafl' wired friends In the Mls-
k- - i souri city informing them of his
Here you receive the benefit -of superior equip
ment I have my own shop and my completely organ
ized staff of tailoring experts some who do noth-j
ing but work on coats others who devote their ,
whole time on -vests others .who are particularly i
skilled in making trousers each department pro-
ducing garments that for artistic finish are not pos-;
sible or duplication m average shops. . ;
Besides, I positively save you $10 to $20 on
your suit . .1 ,n ,
Remember, you must be satisfied in cloth, style.
r-. I 1 . it a a . .
1 ,
Mew Silks and Woolen DreooGoodo
Swiss Messalines in New Plain ' H Ef
Shades, SpedaUy Priced, Yard OC
27-inch Swiss Messaline Silks of splen
did weight, brilliant finish and perfect
weave, shown in all the new plain
Shades as well as: the staple colors for
street and, evening wear. You will
1 agree with us that they are silks of ex
ceptional quality at this low price.
YaroSWide' Black . Peau de QOr
Cygne Silks,' Special, a Yard 0"
36-inch Black Peau de Cygne Silks of
extra weight, made ' of the purest silk
fiber, They come in a deep, rich black
and the finest Swiss finish. Good,
durable black silks of matchless value
at 98c a yard, j
New-Suitings of the High- C PA
est Order, Special, a Yard ) 1 OU
54-inch New Scotch and Heather Mix
tures, shown in the new tans, silver
grays, browns,' greens and novelty ef
fects. Fabrics of splendid weight that
are extremely fashionable and durable
and the finest goods we have ever
shown at $1.50 a yard. ; , ; .7
Wool Challies in Many Pat
terns, ' Specially Priced, Yard
28-inch Wool Challies in light grounds
with different colored designs in small
dots, rings and stripes; also rich Per
sian designs and pretty bordered styles!;
A Great Sale of Marqnisette or Voile Dresa Patterns
Elaborately Embroidered in All Wanted Colors Regular Values to (I O fl Q
$10.00 Each Specially Priced for Tomorrow's Sale at, Each, Only?J)tJ-ZO
For tomorrow, a great special offering of "Mercerized Cotton Marquisette or
Voile Dress Patterns that contain 354 yards of elaborately embroidered flounc
ing with bands to match. The flouncing comes 45 inches wide and bands 5 to
6 inches wide. Many beautiful designs Embroidered in white, pink, lavender,
light blue, Alice blue, old rose, American Beauty and black. These AO
patterns sell regularly at $10.00, . Priced for this sale at ........ . .DO.yO.
Shetland Veils or Hat Drapes, All Pure Silk, 1 Yard's Long and 18 JAl
Inches Wide, Regular $1.00 and S1.25 Values, Specially Priced Only 0"C
Tomorrow, at the Lace Counter a special offering , of Shetland Veils or .Hat
Drapes at less than factory cost. They are of all pure silk and come . yards
long and 18 inches wide. Shown' in black' and white only Sell regu- CO
larly at $1.00 and. $1.25 each. Specially priced at. . . . . . . ... ...... .O" C
Big Embroidery Sale Continues Prices Lower Than Evr
Regular 7c Elmbroideries special at 4c
Regular 10c Embroideries special at 7c
Regular 15c Embroideries special at 9c
Regular 25c Embroideries . special 15c
Regular 35c Embroideries special 23c
Regular 75c Embroideries special 33c
Regular $1.25 Embroideries for 48c
Regular $1.50 Embroideries for , 79c
Regular $1.75 Embroideries for 89c
Regular 2.50 t Embroideries for . 98c
"Women's Fleece Lined Union Suita
Form-Fitting Styles, in AU Sizes Regular $1.25 Garments On Spe- CQV
cial Sale Tomorrow at This Exceptionally Low Price, the Suit Only UVC
One of the most important offerings in our Knit Underwear Section. A sale
of Women's. Fine Ribbed Fleece-Lined Union Suits," in form-fitting styles and
in all sizes. They come in cream and white and are made of the best grade
combed peeler cotton. Garments that were bought to sell regularly di fi
at $1.25. February Sale price . . . ; . V;' V r.;. OyC
Woolen Hose for Women, 40c 7Qr "Old Hickory" Hose for Boys,
Grade, Specially Priced, Pair sW 7 C 35c Grade, Special at aPair isOLr
A special uriderpricing of Women's The? celebrated; "Old Hickory'! Stock
Wool Stockings. These are made with ings for boys that good, durable , sort,
seamless foot and fine ribbed leg and fast black and heavy ribbed, all .sizes
are guaranteed fast black.; ; All sizes, from 6 to 9x2. The kind sold re?u
Regular 40c grade, for Febru- .Q. larly, at 35c a pair priced for, j
ary Sale at . . . ; : . . ; . . , . . . .-vt February Sale at ; .. ...awOL
Portland's Leading Tailor. -
Mew; S p r i n g Wash Goodo
Silk-Finished Challies Shown in a
large variety of neat small designs in
pretty colorings in medium and. dark
shades. ,A fabric that willlC-,
wash perfectly. Yard ...... w O L
Twisted Stripe, Poplins One of the
most attractive of the, new Spring
fabrics. Comes in all wanted plain
shades. It is very pretty and mod
erately priced. Special, a . g q
New Scotch Zephyrs Shown in an
.unlimited assortment of , new styles,
' in' checksv stripes and plaids, all col
ors, c The very best quality OCJ-
to be had at, the yard ...... wUL
New Novelty , Foulards hown in
4 the popular bordered styles;. also in
neat dots, figures and stripes. Com:s
in both medium and dark colors and
special value at this low
price, a yard