The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 06, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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Official Report of the Depart-
merit of Agriculture . Shows
, Less Stock On Farms in the
Country Compared With '10
100.9 -4,362.000
102.7 4.323.)00
.... 4,209.769
Livestock supplies on farms that are
available for the table. Jiave shown a
decrease In th United' States during
the past year, "flffurea Jst glrcn. out
by the bureau of statistics, department
of 'agriculture, show1 that notwithstand
ing the , heavy marketing of hogs and
sheep,- actual supplies in the' country
..have decreased. - ' t"-.
, The figures show In detail. v
, Per cent- of total
. Preceding year. Number
Jan, 1, 1912. . . i(,;'.fi
Jan. , 1911...;..,.
April 15. 1910 (census)
Mules '
Jan. J, 1912. .,..4....
Jan. 1, 1911. . :
April IS, 1910 (census)
Milch Cows.
Jan. 1. 1912..........
Jan. 1. .1811
April 15,1910 (census)
Other Cattle. f !
Jan. i,-f 191 .'.
Jan. 1, 1911 . . . .
April 15, 1910 (c'ensus)
Jan.. 1, 1913...
Jan. 1,-1911
April 15, 191d (census)
Swine . i
Jan. 1. 1912..........
Jan. 1, 1911. ...... .;.:113.8 5,2MO
April 15. 1910 (census) X.. 68.185.87
The bureau of statistics of the de
partment of agriculture estimated the
.value of livestock per-head on January
1. f910, as follows: Horses,, $ 108.1 9;
mules, $119.84; milch cows, ' $J6.79;
other eattle, $19.41; sheep, $4.08; swine
RichMan's Son Who' Is Not Afraid, of Work
93.9 S7.260.OOO
96.4 39.679.000
4 1,178.7 4 4
(United Press Uut4 Wlr.
Washington, Feb. 6. Eipresri com
panies of the country, accused of over
. charging the public, are under Investl-
. the..Jlriteratata..comi.
merce commission, and plans are being
made for their prosecution by the gov
eminent Wholesale and flagrant violations of
the law are alleged against big firms
operating In New York. Chicago and
San Francisco. Heavy fines will be
asked by the commission. Several fed-
V. ' i,. 1 A' -t f S 1 -i
jyji.ii) imm ii muf nmf reuHnnin'ms miiH rn" ' "'
Miss Greenwood Given Ovation
at Orpheum; Flying Ballet
. ' Headlined
Frederick Almy Jr.
New Tork, Feb. 6. Erederlck Almy
Jr., son of a millionaire woolen lip
porter, who, until a short time ago, was
a fireman on the Long Island rail
road, and recently elevated to night as
sistant train' master, has proved the
example that although the son of a I
rich man, he has worked his- way up
through sheer pluck and good work.
When asked how he came to pick rail
roading as a career lie laughingly said
that he always liked a locomotive, and
likes the railroad life. Almy said
that he has not missed the social side
to the top of the railroad ladder.
eral grand Juries are to be asked to
return Indictments, which will be
against the companies, not lndlivdual
officials. -
Woodmen Fight Mobile Bill.
(Calted. .Fei.Xuad Vlr r
Minneapolis, Feb. 6. Thousands of
circulars today have been Issued by the
Modem -Woodmen assembly here to
fight the adoption of Increased Insur
ance rates adopted by the Modern Wood
men of America. Leaders of the organ
isation throughout the country are asked
to send delegates to a mass meeting here
February 22, when plans will be made
for fighting the BO-called Mobile bill,
adopted by the organization at the re
cent convention In Chicago. '
Warehouse andMaaufacturing
Floors. ,
Low rental. In new brick building,
85x100, Just being completed at Hood
and Baker streets. This Is the beet
proposition In South Portland from a
rental standpoint. A L. Fish, care The
Journal. "
Jt Undoubtful If any performer at the
Orpheum . has ever received a greater
reception or greater 'ovation than was
given Miss Charlotte Greenwood : when
she made her return bow yesterday, with
Miss Eunice Burnham under' the. sim
ple Dining or two Girls and a Piano."
Miss Greenwood s the young woman of
elongated proportions who assumes an
gles xor laughing purposes only. The
at Is llttlo altered from last season.
Miss Burnham's songs at the piano
were well received, as they were before.
Miss Grenwood makes more changes of
costumes, and when she still maintained
that she retained her girlish laughter
the audience roared with Joy. Stopping
the show is too mild a term for "Two
Girls' and a Piano."
Julius Tannen, "Chatterbox," is an
other returned favorite accorded more
than ordinary approval. Mr. Tannen
brings a new line of chatter which takes
like wildfire. He closed with a serious
poem, and for a recall gave an Imita
tion of Da Wolf Hopper.
Pouchofa Flying Ballet- comes In
headline space as "The Act Beautiful."
Blx young women go through the beau
tiful evolutions of the ballet and close
With a strlkinor tnhlea 11 a ttmm in Imu
flown out over the audience. White
aoves are let fly from the gallery to
the stage, where hey perch on the
heads and Shnnlrlora nt h.n.i n..n
Wilfred Clnrlra A Cn wnn 1o,,.l,. .
lore in Mr. Clarke's sprightly new farce.
it uwr uepinM. xme sku abounds
In action and unexpected situations. It
la well staged wltu special scenery. '
Ida O'Dajr ft Co. return In J "Betty's
Bet," a vehicle touch more 'warmly . re
ceived than her offering last year, It
is all comedy. Miss O'Day Introduces
a banjo specialty. She Is supported by
Frank Dekum, a Portland man,: and
John Hlnes, a prime favorite as the' of
fice boy. '.' . ';., i w !,'.
An act that pleaaed was given by
Huf ford - and- Chain, black face and
white. Songs and chatter make up the
act with the big hit the "Cullud" par
son stunt. r They won recalls.
The three Dooleys, Jed-Ethel-Bell,
open the bill In an out of the ordinary
cycle act sprinkled with , laughs. Tho
audience liked them, V
Highbinder's Deportation Urged.
(Unltrri I 'rem LurJ Wire.) -
San Francisco, Feb, 6. The Chinese
Six companies today formally urged the
United States authorities to deport all
Chinese convicted of participation in
Itong wars , waged in American cities.
Individually, members of the Six com
panies today refused to discuss their
action, fearing to be marked for death.
Tho vote was a secret one. and the peti
tion, to Washington Is being carried by
personal messengers.
Arizona's First Governor.
(tinttrd Ptmi LeMd Wlre.i
Phoenix, Ariz., Feh. 6. George W. P.
Hunt will take the oath of office as
the first governor of the state of Ari
zona February. 12 at noon. The an
nouncement of the inauguration date
was made today, following the receipt of
advices by Attorney General Bullard
thot President Taft will sign the procla
mation admitting Arizona to statehood
Monday. 1
Harrison's Granddaughter Weds.
Washington, Fb. 6. Mrs. Marathana
Harrison, granddaughter of the late
President Benjamin Harrison, today is
the bride of Harry A. Williams Jr.. of
Norfolk, Va. Only relatives and Inti
mate friends attended the wedding.
Stamp Out "Dope Ring."
San Francisco, Feb. 6. Sheriff Eggers
and Superintendent Gilfeather of the
county jalt have stamped out a "dope
ring" In the county Jail. Thirteen prls
oners sentenced for violation of the
poison law, were today' taken out of
the line of trusties, and for the first
time since enactment of the law making
It a felony to carry "dope" Into jail,
offenders are 'being made to answer.
r; Foe! Stocks tow.
Look at yours, then call for eordvoo.
slabwood, coal. Banfleld-Vey ley I .
Co. A-8353. M. lM.
-18 minutes from' First gt to ,0k
rinkbw, i.'jv.ftVi:!v-',.H"i
ii .ii' L 1 LJ LIU-
A Harmless Way to Darken
Hair; Simple Remedy for
All Hair Troubles.
Who does not know the value of Saae
and Sulphur for keeping the hair dark,
soft and glossy and In good condition?
Aa .a .matter., of. -act,-.uipwhu ls--a.--a4
ural element of hair, and a deficiency
of It In the hair Is held by many scalp
specialists to be connected with loss of
color and vitality of the hair. Unques
tionably, there Is no better remedy for
hair and scalp troubles, especially pre
mature grayness, than Sage and . Sul-
pnur, lr properly prepared.
The Wyeth Chemical company of New
Tork put out an ideal preparation of
this kind, called Wyeth's Sage and Sul
phur Hair Remedy, In which Sage and
Sulphur are combined with other valu
able remedies for keeping the hair and
scalp in clean, healthy condition.
If your hair is losing its color or con
stantly coming out, or If you ' are
troubled with dandruff or dry. Itchy
scalp, get a fifty cent bottle of Wyeth's
Sage, aod .. Sulphur- roiy e-ui-eV ujfg-lt,
use it according to the simple directions,
and see jvhat a difference a few days'
treatment will make In the appearance
of your hair.
Ail druggists sell it, under guarantee
that the money will be refunded If the
remedy Is not exactly as represented.
Special agent. Owl Drug Co.
All the Tone Qualify of the
$200.00 Instruments in This One at
Which Includes
24 Selections
of music (12 double-side Records)
you can pay for th6 s outfit at
"the rate of five dollars a month.
We agree to deliver this, perfect outfit FREE -on
three days' trial, including the twelve doubledisc
records. . - 1 ... ':.'
This beautiful instrument is finished in the choicest
mahogany or quarter-sawed oak, polished like the
costliest piano, wonderfully constructed tone cham-,
ber, tone-controlling doors, perfected sound-bar -in
fact, an unexcelled sound-producing: machine, at this
unusually low price.
Call, Write or Phone . , '
Graves Music Go.
Ill 4th St. Tel.'A or Main 1433. Talking Machine Headquarters
Forced to sacrifice, best and only available corner in the best
and most progressive town in Eastern Oregon. This property
.isxipeiwimprsm at once for.,
a high-class office building. If you want to make a safe, prof-
itable, high-class investment, investigate at once, as this is a
rare opportunity. Owner in city for a few days.
Phone MAIN 2108, or call 911 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE :
FEBRUARY CLEANUP SALES-Odds and Ends and Remnants in All Departments-Below Cost
f MANHATTAN SHIRTS The Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
il assortment is most perfectly complete with all new
1912 Spring styles. .'
No Groceries
No Liquors i
No Bakery
Afirchandlee cf 7a1t Orfy-
No Meat Market
No Pots and Pans
No Restaurant
Free Lessons in Basket Making
Classes Start Wednesday, 2 to 4 P. M.
Cleanup of Men's Wear
50c Cashmere Sox, Cleanup 35c Pair
Men's all-wool fancy cashmere cox in stripes and checks in colors
thai are most attractive and refined. Made with seamless foot, double
heel and toe with ribbed tops. .
All Wool Union Suits, Cleanup $3.35
That Sold Regularly From $4 to $4.5(1 a Garment
Men's all-wool ribbed union suits in natural and blue. They are
trimmed and finished with fancy silk stitching and have ribbed cuffs.
In all sires ranging from 34 to 42.
75c Ribbed Underwear, Cleanup, Garment 39c
Men's heavy derby ribbed and flat weave underwear in dark blue
and natural 'colors, either plain or fleeced lined. This is the heavy
Winter weight. It's a broken line and conies mostly in large sizes.
Coverall and Work
Cleanup 25c
Regular 40c and 50c
Gingham aprons in the coverall
style, made of the best quality ging
ham in checked patterns. These
aprons have straps' over the shoul
ders and a 5-inch ruff le at the bottom.
"AW fitted work aprons of . percale
in navy or cadet bhie, dots and stripes,
, also black with' white dot.
These aprons are trimmed with bias
bandings around the apron and bib. -
Cleanup $1.33
" , Regular Price $1.50 "
Bedspreads of medium weight,
full size. Crocheted in a variety of
very desirable patterns. They are
all hemmed.
Cleanup 25c
Regular Price 35 c Each
Alt lineri"huck'toweHwithhenv
stitched ends with space for mono
gram. Si 19 by 38 inches. ;
Turkish Bath Towels
Cleanup 29c ;
Selling Regularly at 35c
An extra heavy weight bleached
Turkish bath toweL These towels
are 45 by 25 inches; and come with
hemmed ends.. You will do well to
secure some . of these' towels,
they absorb the water and wear un
usually weH. ' , .
Featuring Silk Petticoats
" Cleanup Price $2.45
Attractively fashioned garments, even more
attractively priced. You who are buying a new
pring Suit are probably looking around for
the best bargains in a Silk Petticoat; for, no
matter how straight and skimp the top skirt,
it must be .worn, over a soft silk petticoat to
give the desired effect.
We're offering to you just such a petticoat,
that is neither too heavy nor yet too light in
weight, . .
Just fancy a soft Messaline. Silk Petticoat
for $2.45, in a most attractive style, with a
deep, knife-pleated' flounce at the bottom.
In black, navy, brown, king's blue, purple,
Copenhagen,- era v. red. ween and changeable
Short Kimonos
Cleanup 79c
Regular $1.00 to $1.50
A - splendid assortment of ladies'
flannelette and fleecedown short ki
monos in belted style. Some have V
shape neck, others with turndown col
lar or sailor collars. Trimmed with
fancy borders of satin or sateen band
ings and silk frogs. All made with
three-quarter sleeves.
Long Kimonos 98c
Regularly at $1.50 to $1.65
Long flannelette kimonos in fig
ured and checked designs, showing the
"new high belted waist line. With and
without collars. Three-quarter sleeves.
Women's Cloth Skirts, Cleanup $3.75
i'r Styles That Sold Regularly at $8.50 Each '
If you do not happen to own a sensible dress skirt, avail yourself of
this cleanup sale and secure a skirt of excellent quality and style, $375.
The skirts in this cleanup sale are of chiffon panama, serge and mo
hair in navy,' brown, black and gray mixtures. ;a L..-;.;L i. -1
Made in various styles wfth panel back and front many are pleated'
around the bottom and some trimmed with buttons.
V Lingerie Waists, Cleanup $ 1 .45 i
This waist announcement means just this that at the price you can
not purchase a better styleor better material in a lingerie waist. There
is not just one style from which to make your choice, but a variety of
styles, each, and every one very attractive and all made of fine white
lawn. They are nicery trimmed with embroidery and lace, and have
long or short sleeves. , . .
, . ' SOc Qowti, 50c a Week
Odd and End Sale
of Voile
49c Yard
Beautiful soft voiles and eoliennes
left over from a busy season's sell
ing in odd lots and remnant lengths.
These very popular fabrics are
shown in a good variety of color
ings. Not a piece but what could
be easily made up into an attractive
frock or waist. Cleanup, 49c yard.'
Of 'Marquisette
89c Yard
Several hundred yards df silk and
wool striped marquisette in a va
riety of colorings, also, cream and
black. This is a beautiful, fabric
suitable for afternoon and evening
gowns 42 inches wide. : , ,
' Silks at 69c
We have left over a lot of odds
and ends of fancy silk, Persian silks,
Crepe de Chins and figured mar
quisettes which we place on sale at
69c, a yard.-V':;,;if. "
These silks are all, good, first-
ctass quality, fabrics, and you will
do well to i make your purchases
here while the price is low. c ' i-
The February Cleanup Sales of House Fur
nishings Offer Golden Opportunities
for All Housekeepers
Square Yard of Linoleum, Cleanup 39c
The Kind That Sells Regularly at 75c Yard
Printed Linoleum in "light and dark shades, from 1 to 15
square yards to the piece. Bring your measurements. Many
patterns and very effective colorings.
Inlaid Linoleum Remnants, 93c Yard
Linoleum That Sells Regularly at $1.50 the Yard '
Inlaid Linoleum Remnants in 'pretty tile and inlaid wood de
signs, from 3 to 12 yards to a piece. Bring your measurements.
Nottingham Curtain Samples 1 9c Each
Nottingham Curtain Samples in white or Arabian color, with
pretty borders in plain or figured centers; 1 to 2 yards long
and 36 to 50 inches wide.
Curtains that are worth from 50c to $1.50 each,
25c Figured Curtain Scrim 1 9c Yard
Figured Art Curtain Scrims in light and dark grounds, with
pretty fancy borders with plain or figured centers. They come
in brown, green, red, blue, pink. Scrims suitable for windows
in the living-rooms and bedrooms. .
Selling Regularly at $1.75
House dresses of blue and white striDe flannelette. Made with tun
down high collars and black and white check, side trimming.
Absolutely Up-to-Date Model
In One-Piece Frocks
Cleanup $20.00
Selling Formerly to $45.00
In attending the February Sales, do not
overlook Ready-to-Wear Garments for
In this section can be found just as won
derful bargains as in the yard goods and
odds and ends of all kinds of merchandise.
Here you will find dresses of serge and'
fine imported serge. They are all new
Winter styles, trimmed with velvet, satin
and lace collars and cuffs. ,r
In navy, black, white, brown and wis
taria. - .
Every one of these dresses , represents
all the newest ideas brought out this sea-
nn ' TflA rm S11tlCfTaf4 wilt' iriti. m an
.... u v vvj w .a. jruu ait - 'i
idea of the charm and simplicity of these ,jsjl1
" 11 ;1
House Dresses $ . 1 9
Regular $1.50 to $1.85
House dresses of percale in black
and white blue and white striped or
dotted percale. Made with . military
collar or turndown collar, .- Trimmed
with fancy border forming a yoke on
the waist and also on the panel of the
skirt. Or trimmings of bandings on
the waist, belt and skirt.
Wool and Fiber Rugs ; ;
Rugs That Sell Regularly at
$12.00 Each
Wool and fiber Rugs in pretty,
small, neat designs. These rugs are
especially suitable for bedrooms. They
come in tan, blue, brown and green.
These rugs are all reversible and very
sanitary. size, 8:3 by 10:6.
Infants Wear -
Offered at Cleanup Prices t
Short Dresses 69c Each
Regular Price 85c
Short dresses for infants from 6
months to 2-year-old sizes. , Made
with round or square yokes with
embroidery ; insertions and tucks,
and lace-trimmed neck and sleeves
or lace insertion y and yoke . em
broidery. ; t'i:4'-::-'i. .
Infants short dresses of long
cloth or lawn., s One style has em
broidery yoke in a Very dainty pat
tern and embroidery insertion in
the skirt. , ;
The other one has lacs insertion
and embroidery yoke with a panel
front of lace and embroidery inser
tion. Lace edge neck and sleeves.
Crochet Sacques 29c
Former Price 3 5c
Infants' worsted crochet r
in blue and white ,' ink an I
and all white.