f w, f Hi'1 THE OREGON, DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY -EVENING, IS FEBRUARY 6, ,1912. , . AUTOSIOBILES-MOTORCYCLKS 4i Sacrifice 1M tv rtartAtr. v B : I)ftseneer: owner (If CarU rnV'Tt Is fully equipped andtn perfest i . -.,... Thiiriiiav. muni nr condition. -......- Main 6244. A-:i8. Orej on' Auto Exchange Cist and Washington st. ' DON'T fcnv sn automobile until you see mobile. Every Cur Guaranteed. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, Slst and Washington sts. iSlOCsdniao: E passenger, full eonlppea. "ArSnditlW just like new: Hr- rlftoe for quick sale. ; . OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, , tint and Waahlngton eta. pertaining 10 """."!;" i,-nn S02 paired. 25c each. Auto Tire Co.. zu 11 Madison at ' , ; - To Exchange for Automobile House and 2 lt 1" Oakedale, Wash., free of all Incumbrances; $S or $10 per month Income ,' on rent. L-323. Jour- TWO TON Kelly truck. In Atl conm- fltl ft reaVn for .rtllnk. "St buy OAn ' t Ion rail TU.tn'sMl or 201 Vine at, SECOND hand automobile . aPP- bought, eold and exchanged; all slses ii to 320 each. We vlcnle tubes. :i6e : each. ,"7nM-,0;; Thones ' Auto Bnnnlr Co.. ?8S Main at. DPones atihj WANTED 6000 old auto tirea, 7c par " " " m . an Ann ika Inner tubes. IK T Tav IKS IJOlUraUlW uii tit. Main Bl8. ' ' "-' ' rao in rh nilHl ASt-.m.II: payment own . batence to tult; get reaoy " TlftHWaV KXcnanKg. )IHI Gl Bnrln-a guaranteed. 32 N. IStn at AUTO nearly new. 8 passenger, sen or exchange tor good lot or equity rn ,i" lot Phone woooiawn mi lot, j-iiuiiq " v.... " - - A FIVE itom bungalow to trade for t orx3 ton auto truck. Owner, 1 E. 6Bth and Anneny. 7 PASSENGER Winton A-i cona.tH.n, for aale or trade. 428 Lumber Ex- mnae. Marshall 4295. FOR SALE, cheap, 'r"t1 good as new. Phone East 4368. Ask for Mr. Ietson ATTOM0B1LE8 bought, sold and ex- chansred. 421 Hamilton ums- PORTLAND MkgnetorCo., expert mag neto and coll repairing. 83 N. Park. LOST AND F'Opro A LARGE hook, laundry ledger, waa left en Alberta, car, Saturday night, finder please phone Woodlawn 2101 or call at -1103 E. ,17th at. N. for liberal reward." 1X)ST February 4, on 46th St., oetween Belmont and Hawthorne, brown fur neckniece; return 02 Selling bldg. Re ward. - " " LOST English bull terrier, white with . brown left ear, cut above left foot Reward. Phone Main 1067. liOUND Book of car tickets. Owner can have same by applying at Journal office and paying for this ad, LOST A bunch of keys; finder reward, ed by returning them to 196 4th st. PERSONAL 22 MILLINERY school, learn In six weeks. Be ready for spring position and lo cation. Hats trimmed and remodeled for half price. 306 Goodnough bldg. Opposite P. o. A NEW hvpodertnlc treatment for ca - tarrn." Results guaranteed. Non-operative. B. M. Richardson, M. D eye, ear and nose specialist, 309 Northwest bldg.. th and Washington. Ltti WALKER, specialist; quickly cui diseases of men, blood and skin dis eases, sorej, ulcers swollen glands, kid ney, bladder an J piles. 181 First at. Portland. SANDERSON CO. Savin and Cotton Root , Pills, sure remedy for delayed periods, $2 box or 3 boxes for 15, by mall. T, 3. Pierce. 245 V, Morrison. ASTHMA 1 r heart trouble; wish to see the case I can't cure. DR. DOUOUAs. U. C, 23 Union ave. N Portland. Or. ' DR. IVEY, graduate painless chlrop odist. foot epeclalist, drugleFS physi cian, mechano-thrapy treatment. Room -10. 246 V. Morrison. Main 4644. ELECTRIC thernial baths and mechano v therapy treatments for rheumatism, nervousness and poor circulation. 843 H f Morrison, . PR. A. A. AUSPLUND. nisea-.es of women and surgery. Ex . amlnations free. 203 Merchants Trust bldg.; th and Washington. Msln 4047. MkS. SOPHIA 8EIP, mental, spiritual scientist. 302 Allsky bldg. Main 6824. i Meeting Wed. & Fri., 8 p. m. CHIROPODY. manicuring, massage; formerly Raleigh bldg., 614 Dekum Vildg., 3d and Wash.; entrance 3d st. MIS.'iXEWIS, late of San Francisco, . treats . baldness and diseased scalp. ritarK. Mam aoatj. SYRINCES. both spray and fountain; the S3 kind for 98 centa at Blue Jay ' drug store, 680H Washington. IADIES' Lorens Antlsepila Cones are soothing, safe and sure. SI per box. FtiOf Tavlor Drug Co.. 2R9 Morrison st LORENZ Nerve Tonic Tablets restore lost vitality; 25c box; 6 boxes 81.26. Htlne-Tavlor Drug CO.. 289 Morrison st. DKCTECTIVE. private investigations, shadowing and divorce work a spe . clalty; licensed. Box 2150, Portland, Or. FIRST class chiropody and manicure parlors, open February 7. -417-418 ffwetland bldg.. 8th and Washington. , WOMEN Ue remolds when others fan. Sold and guaranteed by tha Ausplund Drugstore, 110 N. 8th st. Main 8108. , 6CALP treatment, facial masaage. Alton hotel. 11th and Stark. Room 428. BALM of Figs, remedy for dtreases of woman. 682 Dsvis st. Main 9211. fc-CALP Bpecialitit guarantees row hair. Give me trial. 314 Swctlund. A SKELETONIZED HISTORY OF TEDDY AS AN INFANT JJiQX ' ' T - . .. I .- : .. .- . . i- , : i .' ' i ' - r- I.;; vv:; PKRSONAIi A SPLENDID INDORSEMENT FROM TliK CHICAtlO JOURNAL. ( .1 OP HEALTH . ; . Ri.nnii.-. ir,..... h.a tin. questlonably . proved its right to rank as a apeclfle of the highest character. This wonderful auccMifn remedy is compounded by Prof. J. Blanchard, skin specialist, Chicago, 111., and la a genuine vyecuio tor oKin Ulseasea. being man proprietary remedy in a tnousana i tnai this publication can consistently indorse. C Jo. Blanchard haa onened ff ice at 231 6th st, Portland, Or., and m assist users rree. write ior symp- vn oiana. . cilice nours rrom i 10 RADICAL cure by the latest natural heallnr methods. Inrlnrllnur radium: all electrical currents, lights, boat, vi- uraviun, raaiation, natns, massage a IllSttnent Anrt tnAnirtnlatiAna- mnar ex pensive, finest equipped private office in .uregon; no meaicins or operations; over 000 treated natienta and not a death while under our care. We will be glad to consult with you free of charge. Dr. W. E. Mallorv. 813 Roth cniiq ning. n ai.trn! a nntvv Dtsase of women and chlldrea. has removed to IFavetta bids- 313 Washington at . W. I. HOWARD. M. D. Modern Kleetro-Thrno';iles. Chronic diseases cured without ooera- uon or pain. Consultation free. u-so jKotncniid Diag. Dr. Burroughs Hava ha tie.ntv-flv. ..Tnart- enee in successfully treating nervoue seasea. Examination free. 406 North west hid.. 6th and Washington. GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse; Ions evnoriAnr. heat references: treatments for rheumatism, lumbago. etc.; masaares and baths. S4ft Williams ave., near Weldler at.. 'U" car. Phone East 2608..C-2553. Open Sundays. TAITENA, the prescription uf the late LAwson xait, me eaieoratea sngusn surgeon, for the cur of female trou- Wee; to be obtained from the Hawthorne nharmae mn... mah.hi. .va and H.wthorhV Phone B-8325."PrlcV 0e. " SEXOlD Marvelous cure for weakness in men. by mail SI per box, money re- turned If l falls. Di r. Pierce Remedy t;o.. Z4SMi Morrison. AOTIJE8 20 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the district court of the United I States for the district of Oregon. In me woun ui nrnucu sr. iiuuuui, aa in i autos. iivestocK, storage receipts, rnom Individual and as a member of the eo-1 in- hmiu, pnH all vindn of securities partnership of W. P. Hurlbut & Co., bankrupt No. 1960 In bankruptcy. in o lice is nereDy given mat on tfio za aay oi reoruary, a. xj. iviz, wenaeti P. Hurlbut of Portland, Or., the bank rupt above named, was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that th first meeting of nia creditors win do neia at tne oinces of the undersigned, rooms 401-2-3 Fen ton building, Portland. Or., on the 21st day of February, 1912, at 10 a. m., at wnicn time naia creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, ex amine the bankrupt and transact such other businena as may properly come before said meeting. Claims must be preaented in form re quired by the bankruptcy act and sworn to. The schedule rued discloses no assets. CHESTER G. MURPHY. Referee In bankruptcy. Dated February 6, 1812. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the district court of the United States for the district of Oregon, in the matter of U Ulll, bankrupt; ho. 1946 In bankruptcy. Notice is nereby given tnai on tne 29th day of January, A. D. 1912, L. Gill of Portland, Or., the bankrupt above named, was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of her cred itors will be held at the offices of the undersigned, rooms 401-2-3 Fenton building, Portland, Or., on the 16th day of February, 1912, at 10 a. m at which time said creditors may attend, prove their claims. aDDOint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come oeiore said meeting. Claims must be presented In form re quired by the bankruptcy act and sworn to. The schedule filed discloses no as sets. CHESTER G. MURPHY, Referee In bankruptcy. Dated February 6. 1912. , NOTICE OF SALE. In the district court of the United State8, for the district of Oregon. The "Wm. Nottingham," etc., and cargo. The Port of Portland, et al., libe lants. Globe Navigation company, claim ant Salvage. Notice is hereby given that on Tues day. February 13, 1912, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the north door of the postofflce building, at the corner of Fifth and Morrison streets, Portland. Oregon, I will, pursuant to order of the above entitled court, sell for cash to the high est bidder, the derelict schooner "Wm. Nottingham," her tackle, apparel and furniture and her cargo of, to-wlt, 700,000 feet of lumber. LESLIE M. SCOTT, U. S. Marshal. WILLIAMS. WOOD & LINTH1CUM, Proctors for Libellant. Port of Portland. Dated, February 6. 11Z. NOTICE to those owning stock in the North Bunker Hill company f Kel logg, Idaho, Issued In the name of John H. Wourms. trustee, and also to the American Bank & Trust company; Please communicate with the secretary, N. T. Hardy, Kellogg, Idaho, aa some of this stock has not been entered upon the company's books. NOTICE is hereby given that the part nership between G. T. Henry, and T. Br Wheeler, known aa The 'aclflc Sheet Metal Works has been dissolved and the business will be carried on by G, T. Henry on and after this date. January 13. 1912. Stanley H. Rich. Attorney at Law. Swetland Building. FINANCIAL 51 I NEED THE cash and will sell gilt edge $1700 first mortgage about 2 years yet to run, secured by city prop erty worth $4500 drawing 1 per cent Interest, for big discount If taken at once. B-326, Journal CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES Or seller's equity In contract of sale on real estate In Washlngtbn or Oregon. H. E. Noble,- Lumbermens bldg.. Loans. WANTED Partner in business; have long lease, cheapest rent In the city. $7600 required. " This will net you $300 per month. Address, K-329, Journal. WANT CASH? We btly mortgages, sellers' contracts. O-OPERATIVE TRUST COMPANY, 404 Yeon bldg, WE BUY notes, contracts, mortgages, equities. Nelson Bros., 80 Lewis Bldg. 30 I $4000 for3 years on 80 acrea of land 18 mues rrom t'ortiann. A inuo irom a I station on an electrlo , road, worth I ilZ.000: will nay 10 per cent and aeml- annual intereat, but no bonus, L-328. I Journal. ' ' I WANTKD 17000 loan for 6 veara at 7 I per cent on 400 acrea of' Improved farm. 618-519 Hoard of Trade. MONEY TO LOAN 27 Dp YOU KNOW This New ComDanv Was organised to LOAN MONET to working neoole and others on their PLAIN NOTES, without indorser or publicity; alao on furniture i pianos, horses, cattle, storage. receipts and an. tos at ratea honest people can afford Mo pay. Think This Over- As evldenca of our rood faith we will cheerfully accept our money back with in 24 .hours without cost to you- if the contract Is not entirely satisfactory. YOU CAN (!ET IT TOUA1. Rebate Given If Paid Before Time, Portland Loan Co. 208-7 MACLKAY BLDG. Both Phones. Bet. 4th and 6th sts. on Washington st. open Monday and Saturday tin p. m WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN. On Kfllnrle onlv. Tn smottnts of from J5 to 31P0, at the lowest possible rates. Rebate given if paid before due, ",' Being salarv loan brokers exclusively, we are enabled to maU the best terms i and give the quicket possible service. Our well known renutatlon for Sduare dealing and courteotis treatment during the past is our best reference. Business strictly confidential. RTATTT fSEntTniTY CO.. 80 Falling Bldg.. Por. 3d Wash. Btg, $5 TO Drake's Easy Money $1 00 - ',Vv fnn rfZSii w ct,r'ty. indorsement, delay, deception or 'l BJ.,SSS Don't Borrow Money uwtiij you shju u'a Loans on furniture, pianos, ealaries. etc.; lowest ratea. HITTTON CREDIT CO. 307 Snaldlna bldg. T anS made I mmedlatelv and confiden tlally on real estate, furniture, pianos. u. S. REAL ESTATE BHOKERAGE CO. 312 Hamilton Bldg. Main 2084. 131 3d Street. 3 t 8 3 3 3 MONEY LOANEO. JEWELRY. DIAMONDS. SILVER. WATCHES. PIANOS. ETC, PRIVATE OFFICES, ET.BT COMPANY. 320 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG. ITHIRTI FJ.OOKJ SECOND AND STARK STS. Loan You Money On your furniture, dtamords or. real es tate; lowest rates of interest See ma first J. E. Nichols 1B Yeon hldg. . Money to Loan On livestock, nlanos. autos Or anything of value: chap rate of Interest Frank Lane 809 Swetland bldg. C. Frank Nichols Co. For a loan on anv kind of sectirlty. IT WILL COST YOU LESS. No extra charges. Private office. courteous and confidential treatment CALL AND GET ACQTIA TNTKIJ. 808 Lumbermen's Bldg., 6th and Stark. vnMPV lwnNTCY To loan on Improved city property and on imoroved farms. Also money tor first mortgages on apartments in sums of from $10,000 tip. NORTHWESTERN TRUST CO. Wilcox bldg. 6th and Washington. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE Women keeping house and oters fur nished without security, cheapest rates, easiest payments. Come and get money when you want It, and pay as you can. Offices In all principal cities. D. H. Tolman, $17 Lnmber Exchange. INVEST In select first mortgages on Improved city property and on Im proved Willamette valley land. We can make monev for you. See us. NORTHWESTERN TRUST CO. Wilcox bldg. fith and Washington.. MONEY to loan, large voana a specially. building loans; lowest rates; fire In surance. W. O. Beck. 315-816 Falling. MORTGAGE loans, In any amount; Liberal terms; mortgages purchased. Henrv C. Prudhomme Co.. Wilcox bldg. MONEY to loan 6 to 7 per cent. 507 Soaldln? bldg. Phone A-4064. Marshall 8952. PRIVATE money to loan in any amount on real estate security. C-2078, even ings. MONEY sold on installment; confiden tial to salaried people. F. A. New. ton 615 Henrv Bid. 7 AND 8 per cent money, improved city property, large amount, 5V5 and 6 ner cent. 500 Henry hldg. 1100 000 on mortgages, city or farm property, fire insurance McKenxie ft co oernnger riie.. ia and Aider. LOANS on diamonds. Jewelry and other articles at usual interest rsts; eon- rinen'iai. szb railing mag. $500 to loan on house and lot In Port land. Call 414 Spalding bldg. for par ticulars. $2000 TO LOAN for 1 or 2 years. 607 Spalding bldg. Phone Marshall 8952; A-H164. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. WILL loan $20,000 or less real estate, Farrington, 416 Commercial Club bldg. LOAN for the asking, salary or chat. tel. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. MORTGAGE1 loans, 6 snd 7 per cent ljouis Salomon ft Co., zzs stark st MONEY to loan on real estate. O. M. Smith. 603 Yeon. MONEY to loan. 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Belts ft Co., 310 Bapldlng bldg. SHORT TIME LOANS, $100 AND UP, Z07 OK1SUUNMN BLiDU. yllTCk loans on all securities. B. W, King. 45 Washington bldg. Main 6100. HONEY to loan oiTim proved real estate. l. Lm White. 701 Belling bldg. $6000 or part to loan In 1'rvlngton. dis trlct 7 per cent Main 1166. ' LOANS WANTED BUSINESS'DJRECTORY A8SAYEBB WELLS ft PROEBSTEL, assayera, ana. lytlcal chemists, 204 H Wash. M. 1608. idONTANA asflsy office, laboratory, ore testing. Marshall 3721 189 Morrison. ATTOsinnrs A. K. cjbOPER, Attorney at Law. Gen eral practice; bdsibcis cuminiM, n, moved to 1424-1438 Yeon bldav Main THOMAS D. REED, lawyer, removed te eotf oregonian ttiog., tn rioor. CHI8TOPHER7SON & MATTHEWS, general practice. 416-417 Yeon told. ' motions, szs iron may, mam lata. BI0TCX.B BBPAimiWO . BICYCLES, motorcycles, bought, aold. repaired.- Man, itep. anop. ii waaiaon. S&AOTC BOOS ttUCEBS HOWE. DAVIS COMPANT. a 2d et, Blank Book m'f'g.: agente for Jones mproved Looee-Leaf Ledgers; see the new Eureka leuf. A-3133. Main tit. BUSHTESS omv WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paring, sidewalks and crosslnge, 117 Beck bldg. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO, Portland office. 05 Electrlo bldg. ... jnvcir TLttnA Fiectrle Cleaning Worka. carpeta cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty. E. 440. B-1903, 204 E. 19th N. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, ruga from old carpets, rag ruga, carpet cleaning. It union ave.. near m. Morrnon. RAG carpet amTTugs. 1613 Patton ave. Phone WooOIawn 2H8B. 1 CHIP.OI'ODISTS F. J. KING, specialist on flat and de formed feet, will relieve urea ana cchlng feet callous and enlarged Joints. i Kotncmid piag. fliarsnau i.. THE WIGGERY Beauty Parlor, chirop ody, massage, ' manicuring, etc 402 Ellers bldg. Main 2490. CBMQgll03ff SIC1IA1T ADAMS' bath parlors, 91 6th.. aclen- tifio massagest. electrlo blanket sweats and salt baths given for colds, rheumatism. bn EVA MARSH cures all fonnsoi rheumatism. 221 Fiiedner mag. Main 4S91. A-6218. HAVE given thousands of adjustments; z DO weeK. tiam omce 2 ana vrasn. tTEUriSarB BOCTQB8 DR. J. L. LONG MEDICAL CO.. phy- slcian for men, women. Alder. COLLEGES AND SCXOOX.S OREGON LAW SCHOOL. 318 Commonwealth bldg. OOA.X, AXTD WOOD BEST COAL LOWEST PRICES Not In the fuel combine. S Gale Creek Lump, $8.68. Gale Crek Steam, $6.60. (Holds floe sit night) Rock Creek Lump, $7.60. Comet Lump 86.60 (sacked) Buy your coal loose and save 60a per ton on these prices. PORTLAND CONSUMERS' COAL CO, East 1st and Taylor. Tel. B. 118. Home B-1118. IE PRICESAON a$)Uk GREEN SHORT WOOD GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD.. INSIDE GREEN SHORT DRY SHORT WOOD SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding Tbe Portland Slabwcwi Co. Main 3.119. A-7001. Phone Main 718 Tom Mike Co., 657 Upshur at, dealers m ary, green cordwood. 4-Foot Cordwood, $5 V. D, Smith Fuel Co. Dry fir slab and block wood. ROCK SPRINGS COAL EVoV Edlefsen Fuel Co. Dry country slab, block and cordwood. Branch coal office, Meier ft Frank's. Slabwood--Dry or Green Alaska Fuel Co. Alaska dock Main 1988. PAC, SLABW00D CA Dry slabwood. big and small Inside, block wood, planer trlmgs, cord wood. FROM $6.60 UP Yukon Coal. Co. 4 H. 6th. Mir, 8793, A-3183 THE ECONOMY FUEL CO. handles atl the leading coals. - Diamond, Rock Springs, Hannaford. etc. Prices right 4S is, Anaeny. r;ai 214. -z.i. wood. 4- foot of Rawed to order. Prompt delivery. SOI water st Main 4K96. A-4547. KAst 3138. Country Slab. Tabor 1742. B-2633. Block and Cordwood. B-26Z9 "phSenist FUEL CO. " Cord, slab and dty short wood. iZl pA Vtf.K HT, MAIN 8B44. Yamato Wood and Coal Co. EAST 818. B-1867. 4 foot dry wood. Nat Fuel Co., 887 Water st Marshall 860. A-3S4B. DEI.TVERETTn PROMPTLY EVERTS. Ft. Curry st. WRECKING wood. dry. Call up be f 0 re ordering. International Building & Wrecking Co, Marshall 1884. East 610. ALBINA FUEL CO. All klnda of green and dry wood. Rock Springs and Men dota coal. STANDARD WOOD CO., box planer and cordwood, 147 E. Stark. East 2316; B-1695. - . - -- -'- " p6rt LAND WOOD f ARt. Wood and coal: 4 ft. or sawed; wreck. age, tth and Ollisan. Main 8868. A-2288, SOUtH PORTLAND' SLABWOOD CO. Main 2153, A-3342. Dry Inside wood, green ninbwnnd, sawdust. Mixed 13 loaj CITYTMARKET Wood Yard. Cook ft on. ia ana ciay. aiain izts. A-412J CUML "BW'lLltt'lllB' I REAL ESTATE: DIRECTORY ' Lumber market dead, .cutting: our neavy timDers to stove lengths. - Quick service. Tel. Marshall I98S. I PACIFIC HOUSE-WRECKING CO J ; i Merchants, Truat, bldgv , ; - C&OT3ZB3 WE pay highest price for 3d hand clothe ana snoes. X7S f ront. Main eaoi. 0OX.XJIOTI0VS ' wtpt T a utrpryri a r ryan io ' ... ,nrvv, .K, . , " ' J- v. v. . - RENT, DELINQUENT ACCTS. COI 1JKUTIS.U, 111. MT76- 701 BIJ, O TKAJUK, PROF, credit bureau, phy. .and dentists' alo. 201 Medical bid. M- 17. A7038. COWTRACTOBS 4JBTB BVIXBBBS 8. WING, carpenter, air kinds Job work, furniture repaired, upholateced, kalao. mining, painting. t Btn. Main 74b. , WILLIAM FlSHBECK. carpenteF" an; builder, jobbing and contracting. 201 4th st. Main I41. E. GEORGE FF. carpenter, builder, store nunc rno Biore rixtgres espeeiai:: glaslpg. 291U Anfceny. Marshall 285 HIGHEST grade, carpenter and cabinet - wosk for banks, stores and home. O. ti. nammonq. 186 Madison. ERICK. ntonear.d cement work. Tel. cm. imu. i iit or rounmr. , . A.'T CROSBY. contraitor. builder, Job. mnir mii K.nns 7S wemier. K. bwbb s Ancnror PROFESSOR WAL WILSON'S Dancing i'Bnc'"a; lessons Zbc. Every morning, afternoon and eve.; "waits,'' two-step and "three-step" guaranteed in first lesson or money refunded. Tha r , 'w"y me cueapest. come to n'Kbt. 3865 Wash. st. bet. W, Park wis, inone Main 76S7. i n a school lessons 26c, fancy StagA and Social itnrlp 1., jl.11- waltx and two step guararteed In four iaauns; ciass aior.day evening.? 1JS-. 2d rr-j.- ' Wa'h"gton and Stark sts. PROF. FORD'ITichooI of dapclng. iltti Am . anr Hawthorne ave, classos Tues- ,mu mursoay evenings at 8. Pr. ''" JgnwiiH ny appointment. Tabor8707. ni JWLB.R 8 academy,, thorough course in dancing; 10 Instructors; classes sft. ernoons ard Mon., Wed., Frl. eves. Pri- .-,0 icssorm oaiiy. Z31V, Mor son. M. 313 PBTBOTITB APE WOT v PAC!FAC. States Secret Service Agency, zj'2S Board of Trade bldg. De- .Tm, TS2- "naaow worg a specialty. Mar. POO AHP HOBSB KQ8OTAX. BKOWN BROS.. 546 Wash. Main 4086, ttcs. si c.. i;tn. IS. 544(1, B-I2B7. PBESSMAKJHQ BOHOOXi VALENTIN'E'S system of euttlna. tal lOrlng and drMamalrina, tanrlit SI ha. worn son. EIJBOTBJO MOTOXS r B(wP,l1T' ?SM' T"1'"!. repaired. E-117. Walker M'kensle El. Wks.. 108 Union. EXIBES3 UNITED Tran.. 247 H Madison. Express work, coal by sack or ton. trunks 6O0, xtrm zpc. Btoreq 7 flays Tree. Mar. zssi. r PBSTTtmE BEFAnuaro BOWEPS A PARSONS, formerly with Tull & Glbba, furniture rep. reflnlshed, "nippea. iuv tTont. M. 7441, OASOIJ37E EHoarss BTATIONARY and marine. . electric. cMuipnrenw; jauncnes, accessories, wholesale and retail-engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co 186 Morrison. OBnrszira RAZORS, scissors, safety blades shap- nra. expert repairing. Portland cut lery Co.. 92 K th. pear Stark. M. T606 GOODS . rEBVRTvft HANEBUT. Leading Wl D- ' mnA tmiiuri malram- finest stock of human hair goods; hair urcaaing, mnnicuring. jrac ana scaip treatments. 147 7th. near Mor. M. 646. xtrsnrsAarOB JAa Mel. WOOD ft CO.. all kinds tnsur ance, surety bonds. Railway Ex. Bldg. MeCARGAR. Bates ft Lively,, 801 Yeon bldg. Every form of Insurance, bends. JOHN KER Insurance, euretv bonds, mtge loans? 1823 Yeon bldg. M. 9285. XOSAK SETEZiOZOra ROLLS developed freej prints. So up; mall orders solicited. 205 Merchants Trust bids-, - BRING your kodak work, enlarging, re- touching, to Rose City studio. 66 6th. LADIES' TAH.CBUJO BCHOOl, HOW WOULD YOU LIKE , To invest $13.60 and secure a perma nent Income anvwhere of from $10 to $50 per week? This can te easily accomplished by taking a full course In our cutting. aemgning ana sewing scnooi. aood cutters and sewers are constantly In de mand. Our system Is simple, practical and absolutely accurate. Rememberthe Investment Is small. But the knowledge will last a lifetime. Either In making your own garments or as a wage earner. Investigate. CHICAGO LADIES' TAILORING AND . BEWINO SCHOOL. Room 809 Central hldg.. 10th and Alder; LINOLEUM WAXED, surfaced and polished, wear longer ami easier Kept Clean, v T. H. DUNNE ft CO.. 450 Park. A-2746. X.EATXEB AXTB rXBDIXO-S CHA8. U MASTICK ft CO., 74 Front Leather of every description; tap manufacturers, findings. MACHI2TEXY B. TRENKM4N & Co., hydraulic and FPeclal Din?, smoke' stacks, oil tanks. mining machinery, all repairs. 104 N. 4th. i, ,,. . MODEL makinir, - repairing, machine work. Port. Magneto Co.. 63 N. Park. MEBSBWOEB -BBBTICB RELIABLE bonded mesaengei'S, day or nignT service, fliarsnan laa. AMERICAN Messenger Co. We fur- nlsh messengers at any 'time, and any place; service prompt , Marshall jb. A-nioB. 171 2d at. KODE1. WORK EXPERIMENTAL work, brass patterns and gates; repair anything, fit keys, lock, and gunsmith. 213 Alluky bldg. HE GETS EVEN NAMB firaiis-Bteele ' romnsoy i.,;........... Hruluker ft Veiwdlct , .., Chapla ft Herkw Knapp ft. Martff ...... i .....;..,. J. raaoiber of Commerce..,. ..Male and A-2010 OrrB Kal EUte CO.. Tbe......,...M....grDd Are. and MultaoDMB,j..Mt T, C-1706 t, Rhleld. J. H. .. ,''''''"''Jr nlST BS-X,m''' ii a?1. Mi TbompaoB, at, g Co.. ..,'.' ""' BWg., 4th Ot.,..,,..M. 6084. A-6S37 PIANOS vocan violin, mandolln.guitar. .banJo 'vtnd Instruments; P'vJf atory of Music, cor. Grand ave. sa,nd,s. Morrison st. 'V ; ; - . .,-,i.ti.--,, "irt.-.iin . mandolin! - guitar,' banjo Instruction. 489 Wasn. 7 ruittf nriRK violin tewcher; pupil , . Svlk. 900 Vtamusm. A-4160. Mar. 1B1 ? If OTOBOTCXB DEPAraWOj REPAIRS of all kinds; f'"0 h05re.!e..,up piles anq repairing. - BATUBOPATH yBTBICtAg; r.n .1 1. n rimtmm it nmMru' axnerl ence threatlng nervous andfnronio diseases. 807 A bin g ton Diag. tamr. Hrs. 10 a. m. to P. m. QBTEOyATHIO SflTTSggXAjM TfrTwTwrChristie rmiiannAth chronlo ftervouft dtMAMf ill an m-'sji a m At" 1 I' Itrm' .-""4-. a SaTer,VglaMaJ alt-kaa. OR. LI LLEB E L-L.il. ; r A 11 a, now i- , -i -II ... m.mwmmm .aetata- and ChrOnlO viaiiak vii . , mnat diseases. -208 Fenton niog. Main pAjorr, ozx ajtd glass F. E. BEACH ft CO.. Pioneer 'Paint co. 1 f irst St. Main iao. T-vflK ctannar.1 ...... . paint. n. cor. q m lay.or. w.. - pAiarnira ajtb a?" FOR BEST work, prices fight call r Doane. 104 union ave. cmbi TiNTING $2 a room, painting, paper- hanelnr. C A. risrnes. min imt a PADS' TTWO ABTD PAJEBIBQ r FIRST class paper nawglng. painting. ii-ll.-. . kla wa 6 mt PnAIMal Main 7089. A-4724. Residence. Main 6174, PAXACZOS BTtJDIO pat.acios Instructor mandolin ana guitar. Palaclos' string quartet fur- nlahaa milsln for all OCCSSiOnS. 41V Salmon. Main 6828. ' AwjrBBOmjBa IXJANS $1 TO $1000 ' TTnen Parannal PronartV. ELBY CO.. 820 Lumber Ex.. 8d Floor. DNCLK MEIERS C6LLATERAL BANK 40 years In Port land. 71 etn. Mam am ATEITT ATTOBBBIt PATENTS obtained trademarks, copy rights registered In all countries; book- leta free! ronaultatlon without charge. Peter Haberlln. 326 Worcester bldg. . DTS. and foreign patents procured by r O. a MARTIN. 409 ensmoer or commerce ttuuainaj. PATRVTff nrne.urMl of J. K Mock, at tornev-at-law late of IT. 8. Datent of' flee; book free. 719 Board of Trade blJy. TL t WHlfihT IT. R and foreign DSt ents; ininngement cases. ueaoin. FiAiro TxrsrzBO) X1CU JAUCOUIl, piailU IUIIIIIB, aa.vv. 18 years- experience. io i. Main PIPE PIPE PIPE. New and second hand. -Our prices will convince. ' M. BARDB ft SONS. 240-2 Front st. cor. Main. IRON pipe and pipe fittings, engineers ana steam supplies. M. L. KLINE Centrally located. 84 to 86 Front st Phones Main 517. A-2617. PORTLA Nb ' Wood ' Pipe Co.. Factory ana orrire. Z4th snd Yrk. Main I4. SrXATXBCr WOBKB WILLAMETTE Plating Works. 203 4th, fisting anq poiisning. M. raa, a-hsh. vsnrmio Welch Printing Co. f "Doers of clevr things with true and Ink on paper." 141 V4 1st Main and A- 14Y. 3SAS036 EOBTNO SAFETY blades. 30c dozen: mall orders Automatic Keen Edging Co.. 18IH 2d. SsOOrXKO, FAXBTUrO, KEPAXUBQ) ' TIN roofing repairing, painting and Job- oing. LA-mt at rioixer. ziz jeir. M. HZ4. BUBBEB. STAMPS ABU BBAXS 8TENCILS and office stationery. Cun- nmgnam Co.. zsi star. Main 1407. BADGES, trade checks, brass signs, stencils. Krebs Bros.. 114 2d. Mar. 1871 BATES. THE MOr.LER Safe Co.. 108 2d st Safes at faetory prices; repairs; lockouts opened; bargain' In second hand safe. EOOZTD HABD GOODS WE WANT your old clothes, shoes, fur niture: highest prices paid. M. 6855. samaras BE8T 1 In Portland. See them. 201 Warilngton st. S. B. Gilbert sswnra ka chutes SINGER sewing machlno store. Used machines your own price. 882 Morns'n SBOWOASSS AB1 SnXTtTBEB H. BIRD8ELL. HAMILTON BLDG, Show cases in stock. PromDt delivery. Sales agent M. Winter Lumber Co. SHOWCASES of every description, bank. Dar ana store rixtures meat to oraer. he Lutke Mfg Co. - THE JAMES i.' MARSHALL MFG.' CO., new and old showcases, cabinets, store snd office fixtures. 28 Couch. M.270S, SlOZf ABD SBOWQAJIDS FOSTER ft KLEISER Signs; the lar gest sign makers in tne nortnwest. m. f th and EL Everett sts. Phones .East mi. Home B-zzz aANN SIGN CO, quality and service. S89 E. Alder Eae8302. - . 7 WITH THE C00IL ADDRESS ' A TKLEPHONB . Grollud flfMir trivia RMr. '. . . Main anil A.I J Am jKeK".' '' Main 54ft ; ......."'12 riiauilwr of Commerce.,,. .Mala IMS TAIXOBrSO 'WTEITiM KREUZER COHTGH LIFE TAILORS. ,.w "ft vj ' tailors for live people. ff.r,iJ,v,Il1iKnl' remember us at jnd ?ffk yr,MMnMUm t!lS"5S U-B3E. 810 Labbe bldgM ii . n.nmtion. Nuits to order. NAvn,nX,XAILR3. FOR tAblFiS AND GENTLEMEN. 2 N. STH ST. K i HR.2.JHla.lM'. ?rtng college, learn dressmaking, tailoring. 14SH 1 Ah TAXIDBBina f' lal t?Ci COAST TAXIDERMT CO. -18TV4 1st st. Phone Main 7778. :: TOWEt BTJPHiT m . - . ji r-i iii'g.,K t-i l2w'1? ". eomb, brush, soap. lTSW,elvup.Ijr "0 Couch sta. TBAHSyEB AJfn BTOBAOB fieai mA lrpnrI Storage Co.. of. mmImSta n commodious 4 story brick d fi?riXtn ,.,ear't? ir7r5oms JePr20t..vn,t ' valuables. N. W. 1 tZZ'it.?n'iMTM, Pianos ard furnl- ' fini.TirL'lna i"CKe for shipping. fi?JSf..-K I?' "" on goods In our pOm" WrtZil'm".. , Oregon Transfer Co. r.. -"l"raned3870. . . -f . Transfer an rnrw..ji.. Off ira. Pis'!:- trt trackage, v unices and store re. 474 Oilaan corner ith and Glissn.- , T'nnriBui Mala. a gPgg'n Storagecorcor, liTS est n,nm. ZmiA1' ,.u"t opened, new. In cit7- e,v.Il0lSPn ort. warehouse propel h.BIT moving inMt dally. Also city T?onTi.ANfr rrs ....... -iaua. . i '"WESTERN Transfer Cu,. ii-ti r rlZH. fe"7nf? "arts city. J. -... imn 7ai. A-8716 ICH Tavlor. TTPEWBITBaO A nlnS.1i1S?VI'a.a' IfVS1- CM" 142 2d st VTXOLSTEBJBBS "iSSSJ11! .CO - " Madison, np. holsterlng, furniture repairing and mattresses; work guaranteed Main 686 BTBBJBAMAJr o?.tSnry hPital. 41B E. 7th. ed Dr n w ct" treated, board- ea Dr. G. H. Huthinan. B.loi E. 1847, kUMANK vet. Hospital: dogs boarded! dale. M. 6841. A-4287. Res. M 718 " - - - i-1? Pimojio DRILLING wells a specialty; prices rea. WHOLE SALB JOBBEBS flia -SlR?". and fMrtlsnd. Or. Phone .Main ate . M. A. OuNsT ft C5 DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS WL"..M C6 -. Wholesale grocers. and'oBk"stts3rer" n1 COff, ' 5 St.. between Salmon and Mai- " ALLEN ft LEIVlg GRbCERtgg TBABSPOBTATIOW EXPRESS BTEiWifij mo San Francisco and Los Angeles TIT 1HT r ,-,, . a w "i.8" ? 4 P'm- Sfebnisry It. ,San PraneiBco ft Portla bS. Co. Tleket Of floe ua Third St. PhoneaMain 409 and A.14O0 SAN FRANfclSCt, . LOS ANRELES , anu oaa vuufM) IHKEIJT 2TOBTX FAOITZO B. S. CO. 8. 8. BOABOXB and B. 8. XLDEB 8AIX ElI?.r3L yr!?5 asr- a1ternately.,at p. m. i xnirq, near Aider. Phonea Main 1314. A-1J14. MARTIN f J .HIGLET. 'pisi Agent ' W. H. 8LUSSER. Freight Agent New YorK-Portland American-Hawaiian S. S. Co. TZBTTABTEFBO BOTTTB Freight Carried on Schedule Time, tOW BATBS. leouent Regular Sailings. J. KENNEDY. Agent ' SIS Ballway Exchange Bids;. Dorsey B. Smith General Steamship Agent. ; AJUb X.IVES axi; COTrBTBIZS ' ' Experienced Information about IVaval. ' 69 flTTH ST., POBTLAWD, OHBOOBT . jrnones Marsnan i7; A-1298. COOS BAY LIN E TEA1IEB BBBAXWATKXl Sails from Ainswortn dock, Portland, p. m. every Tuesday. Freight received at Alnsworth deck dally up to 8 p. m. Passenger fare, first class $10: second class; $7, including -meals 'and' berth. Ticket office Alnsworth dock.. .Phone Main 268r Main 170. A-lISf. -Zy " - 'V;- A