. m iiC A OREGON ; DAILY jOURNAt;. PORTLAND. .TUESDAY EVENING ' FEBRUARY B, 1912. -I , iT ..L ' FURNISIIED ROOMS , . AVEST .SIDE i k .-"(i -V WOTir.l. Al.MA. ' .' 'i 'UTtl A-wn BTARK HTfl. Beautifully furnished rooms, single :cr en suite, with private bath,-hot and vvia 'water, iieim nrai, j . v In every room, elevator and groona floor office; no court rooma; rates It Pr week and up; under new , manage ment. WliEK . triat Rqv i TRANSIENT .oo up." no1 nex mo up. i . ... .,4IM Washington at. ' Are you retting rooms like ours for xne money it not, cnwiio. p' heat, hot and cold water In each room. All ouulde rooma i Ajao housekeeping roon-.s, 4 HE COLONIAL--Beautlful parlor bed ronm nn first floor, steam heat, run ning water, large closet, window open- lng to lawn, on 184b. and Morrison: .Uo t fine large rooma upstairs, facing JOtn and Morrison.-, All rooma suitable. lor I or 4 ' people; very .reasonable rent to permanent people. 188 ; 10th. ' HOTEL FORD, 783 Washington, corner Lucretia at. New brick building, lust completed; fine large ; outside room with telephone aervlce, with oj;.wlth,?.u.t private baths; new and splendidly fur nished; not and coia.waterj icu. best of service: very reasonable rates. 1 i,l.itft "t.rt'lArlrU The heart of the business ntritS and Taylor, oppoaite Halllg theatre, quiet horns fo auiet Vfople, modern, permanent: transient Main ma n'nti r-, a vpwnnT . nitwlv f urnlshed 1 rooma: hot and cold' water, bath and nhnna sis to 115. Main S435, 605. Jef ferson. WANTED 2 girl roomers, nome prlvl leges. 40 Yamhill, $15. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST. SIDE 62 HOTEL CLIFFORD. - East Sixth and Morrison sts. '" Half block from Grand ave. -e Just opened. " Beautiful outside rooms with steam heat, electrioity. hot and cold running water In every, room, 15 and 120 per tnonth. Rooms with private bath $20 and $25 per month. Two-room suites, with bath, for two, $40 per month. Beautifully furnished, handsome lobby, beat of service. Webster Court is now ready for the reception of guests; make your selection oi a room at once, wnier v ". - nd Pacific street, mono o-idp. MICE. lur-B. sunny, front room, also room with largo sleeping porch, $10 each; both are fine for l.or 2 gentle men. $47 Grand ave. N. Walking dis tance. Handy to all union ave. cars. envm. .arv jtoairahia nlppnlnr rooms - close In. .furniture new. suitable for man and wife or two young men, pri- yate family. 471 E. Burnslde. PLEASANT front room. 469 Eaat Ash. B-1153 NEAT, clean sleeping rooma, cloae In. 62 E. Main St., $5 month. ' UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooms, or will furnish if desired. 482 E. Washington. J THREE unfurnished rooma, water and phone free; 208 Park. BOOMS AND BOARD 15 LARGE front room, nicely furnished with board, suitable for 1 or 2. fur nace heat, hot and cold water, bath and phone; rates reasonable; 6 minutes from P. O. 321 W. Park. . OUTSIDE rooms, board, heat, bath, $5.50 -week up." Table board $4.50. Meal tickets- $4.80. ChicReo dinner twice week. 284 Main 8t. WANTED 4 business ladlea to room - and board In widow's private home: laundry and home privileges; new and modern.- 691 Davis. NICELY furnished. suitable for two gentlemen, with board, erenees. 195 16th; ref- TWO fine rooms, home cooking, fine location, good walking distance. The Magnolias. '417 Kearney. , ,,- - r CHEERFUL room "with board, suitable for 2 or $;' hofrie' privilege, every thing modern. Main 6270. 208 N..23d. MANITOU 261 13th st., attractive rooms, steam heat, good board, close In. reasonable. LARGE bright front rooms, with board; modern, with, all conveniences. 497 Montgomery, FURNACE heated front room with best German ooara,. Ji wee, oia vpsr.'ST, corner 20th at. N. THE CAS A ROSA Large, airy, fur nished rooms, with board, splendid lo- nation. 300 Jefferson. PRIVATE boarding house, home cook , lng, every convenience, reasonable. 70S ollwan. ROOM and board, home comforts, home cooking, reasonaoie prices, lor st. Phone Main 7343, 492 Tay- BOARD and room for four young men. $25 each. 30Q jerterson. m BOARD and room, $4.60 week. Hotel Idaho. 827 Hood. FIRST class home cooked meals. "69l Everett st. 3 WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 39 BOARD 1 person for rent of 5 rooms furnished; references exchanged. Phone East 4441. B-2060. Call room 12. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE- HOUSEKEEPING and furnished rooms. Gem hotel, 665 1st; steam heated. new building, room 8J.25 up. LESIRABLE housekeeping room with alcove and kitchenette, all conven- lences. - 849 Jefferson. 3EILKEN COURT, the heart of the bust- ness center, 16th and Morrison, single housekeeping rooms, modern, reasonable. DESIRABLE accommodations; sleeping, housekeeping; convenient; unusually reasonable. "Templeton," 206 1st St. FRONT, sunny, elegantly furnished suite also sleeping room, all modern conveniences. 886 Vj, Mill, near W. Park FURNISHED apartment, 2 rooms, com pletely furnished, modern, $25. Phone Marshall 2749. , CENTRALLY located, completely fur- nlshed. convenient. $2.25 up. 429 Main. Mutt Thought VC SN0 ' TrA Kip AC4VNVT fV6M Ui. TrNKS WKUv TO CHCfett. rA? UP V m ' ' i - -i r housekeeping rooms ' .-. west.8 side NEWLY FURNXSHED -THE UPSHUR. 26th and , Upshur- eta., furnished two room . apartments,, $20, also , 123.50;- 3 room $27.64 to ISO. This Includes steam heat, hot water, private phones, -bath, eleotrlo light,, gas range, laundry room ir, taut u. ism or vv. cars nortn. No dogs allowed Ai.LL furnished housea, flats, rooms-r-4 roojn furnished cottage. $20 month; rooms, fZY.su; xurnisned housekeeping jultes. r rpoma, $8, $10, $12 month; $15, Apply 364 N. 6th. W car from de pot, 6th, west on Morrison to 86thf block Urg!e" elegant "corner room,' furnished; oi.co.ui neat, not ana coia water, iire- place, suitable for 2 or 3 gentlemen or muiea; aiao una room, ztxu. grouna entrance. suitaDie ror ameii nuHinAaa. nicnp. Morrison notei, 533 Morrison. Hunt's Express & Baggage Co , 1 trunk. SOs. Additional Uunkc c . . "rlP wim irunu irea A-I416. , Marshall 1411, Baggage & OmniDus FrahsfeV - v woved and stored Phong mum hwhii. A-axii. - NICELY .furnished t room suite, ele-- gant piano, laundry trays, wood hoist, bjeement, . beds; newy decorated.; 168 tOth St -1 V.. .. ;i ' LARGE outside suite, running water, t sink $3.60, single room as above, $2; 5JS Phone (Collins) new management. ouiiis, 01 3 nice large, well furnli T . rt i . 1 , ell furnished rooms, piano, sink, both wood and aaa nges, - laundry free phone and fcath. 0.1 I c II Bl, TTTH 1 '.. i to. iMBuii iront housekeeping' or Multnomah hotel. . Transients a spe- UNDER new management, clean, light housekeeping rooms, conveniences. 4. .ov uu. ao . man. A-1447. 18th at. cor. Thur- ONE and two connecting rooms, fur nished, for housekeeping, heat light. x, "".. m ana noi water. . . za. Main 6797. ENTIRE upstairs for housekeeping, run ning water, heat, light, also 2 rooma un main iioor; very reasonable. 468 10th st. ' 11REE furnished housekeeping rooms. DiiiK. hh. Dim. u.ninn iia-nra rn- f5nbe; also single housekeeping room. pwi hi. rngne A-A3Z4. two connecting front rooms, first floor, , housekeeping; also single room for either sleeping or housekeeping. 830 ELEGANTLY furnished 1, 2 and 3 room suites; piano, laundry trays, hot and uu.u water, wooa , noist, I iz up. Mrs. j 1 mil non, log lutn, near Morrison. WO connecting front rooms, first floor, housekeenlnir uiMMnmndiilnni for 2 or 8; also single housekeeping 1 win on a noor. rnone a-tsz. THREE housekeeping rooms, running water, waiKing aistance; $16. 618 Va jenerson st.. siae entrance. WILL rent to couple, very cheap, all or ya.11 vi pium uui neatly iurniauea riat. tin, ana Montgomery, ynone Kast 5561 FURNISHED : housekeeping rooma, $10 and up; heat, bath and lights. 387 12th. Marshall 8086 RON T housekeeping room. Alcove, kitchen, runnlnr water, iras. bath. nfi, iinone. id in. 1tn at. 381 TAYLOR Furnished housekeeping rouiiiu. single ana suites, conveniences; reaNunHuie. DEL MONTE, 167 Stout, near 20th and wain. Modern ana reasonable; well rurmsnen nouseKeepmg rooms. TWO nicely connected housekeeping mums, moaern. also sieenintr roomu. 110 uiisan. . HOl'SEkKEPING and single rooms. with all conveniences, close In. free pnnne, nam ann urnts. zn& 10th. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. aiso sleeping rooms, cneap, modern, 4 Main st.. cor. 6th. CLEAN, pleasant, completely furnished, sink, phone, bath, gas, $12. Call after 6. 246 N. 18th. r TWO neatly furnished front housekeep- lng rooms, an conveniences, very rea- sonwoie. zu jv. istn. 42415 6th St. Suitable for coudIb em- ployed . days, walking distance, rea- sonaDie, ciean. SOME large comfortable furnished housekeeping rooms. 91 First, near smrn. LOVELY housekeeping rooms, furnished or not. also cottasres. low rents. 252 Qlbhw. Phone Marshall 3731. TWO, nicely furnished housekeeping 388 5th st. HOUSEKEEPING-or sleeping rooms. very reasonable. M. 694. 463 Hall St. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 676 4th st. AT 810 Main street, homelike house- keeplng suite, close In. 313 14 th, cor. Clay. Pleasant 1 and 2 room rurnisned Housekeeping suites. BACK suite rooms, $2.75 a week, phone, bath. 848 Clay. CLEAN EAN, light . housekeeping rooms, , bath, yard, reasonable. 692 Front. gas ONE large housekeeping room ground floor, modern. 124 Zd st. west side. 4.60 WEEK Furnished housekeeping rooms. 74Z savior. TWO nicely "furnished suites, close in, reasonaoie. i w. totn. LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 600 Jeffer son st. Marshall 471. CAMBRIDGE Bid g. Furnished house- , 1 Ti , ... a v r , FURNISHED housekeeping rooms very reasonanie, central. 6V4 wasnmgton MITCHELL houafKeeping rooms; light, gas: moderate Tth-Flartdera. A-4076. HnirSEKEEPING rooms, $3.50 week up. tld V Ha ty V3 IUUIIint 4.QU PHH CLAY, 848 H Morrison. IIOtSEKEEPINO ROOMS 48 EAST SIDE 8 ROOM suite; bath, sink, laundry, phone, $22; 2 room suite $16. 825 E. Stark: HOUSEKEEPING rooms; telephone" electric lights, $11 per month, 1717 Portsmouth ave. LOVELY housekeeping suite, walking distance, everything furnished. East 8404. . NEATLY furnished suite, rent- reason able, gas, bath, phone. 464ft E. Burn alde. corner Eighth. $2.50 week, nice front rooms for H. K. 533 Williams ave. and Russell. at One Time g INS &0T " to jMShs TfKJB THIS iVl M HOUSEKEEPING -ROOMS , '48 ;,;.:;,:? east side ,vm-vv;.; ' 5,3. '...?"-l; I, 'v-i ;--'2--V-l''Of.'iy!'ii',-' THE BT !' MARKS .3884-892 East .'Burnslde, has tlnteq and re furnished 8 i room housekeeping suites, $4 per week and up; 8 single housekeep ing rooms, $8, and -8 lovely sleeping rooms, $2.60; new rugs and carpets, free light, bath., and phone, new gas, wood nn coai ranges, launary room, cm FOUR housekeeping 1 rooms in - private home. $26 months wood,, light, water ana gas included. 144 Alfierta, near ai nma. jno cnuaren., wooaiawn iy. , TWO or 4 light housekeeping rooms on ground floor: very neatly, newly, con veniently furnished; pleasant neighbor- nooa.it tsast 6Zo. 772 E xayior St.- FOR SENT 1 unfurnished hOusekeeD- ing rooms, rent $10 tno., inciuaina; phone, light and water, ' Address 1067 is. Aider. rnon Taoor IS7. FOUR furnished H. K, rooms, 16 month; : rree iignts; water, nnone. bth Kusseu, hear O.-W. R. & N. ahops; also furnished nouseiteeping and Sleeping room $J-$2.60 weekly, furnished housekeeping rooms: iree nnone. neat. Dfttn. laun dry, yard, gaa. 669 Commercial at:. Between Knott and oranam, -ir car. FIRST' floor, well ' furnished, gas range, nlanA V 4 Vi nt niiA r a rA onnl nalffh. oornooa. ruast lies. 1 . BASEMENT housekeeping rooms, sult- - aoie ror 1 or a men, to per montn. r-none n.ast eon. 8 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 640 East Stark st. Cheap, isast 8533. TWO nicely furnished housekeeplni rooms; private family; modern. 6 is. Jiotn at., n. Kast 406. FOR KENT 2 or 3 unfurnished house Keeping rooms, fnone isast 43. HOUSES FOR RENT 13 NEW 6 room modern house, $17.60 month: East 17th and Rhone Bts, Sellwood car. 15 minutes, a. F. Kertoh- em, with Pacific States Fire Insurance Co., 200 Chamber of commerce, rnone Marshall 869, A-4831 ilODERN 7 room house, on W-W car line, su per montn, or tr owner can make suitable arrangements and re serve one room $12.60: no children. van eio Mciiay Diag: FOR RENT- 6 room house, new, plss- terea. Dorceiain Dam ana toilet, not and cold water. In Kenton. Rent $12,60 per month. Hargrove & Sons, 122 6th st. n. Kotn pnones. FIVE room furnished house, electric, bath, suitable for 2 families. 1111 Milwaukle, on Sellwood parline. Main J 803. electric lights, big' garden and yard; wouia line to Doara wmi peupie. rv. unurcn at., noitr ratiun nv. FOR RENT A 6 room cottage, up to . date, $16, formerly $18, to a good tenant. On E. 9th st. S. Phono Tabor 1604. FIVE room cottage, modern, rent $18.60, 9 room house, moaern, rent 132 60. F. J. StelnmeU. Gerlinger bidg. Phone Mam 8Z01 FOR RENT 6 room modern house, Phone Sellwood 617 or 253. Inquire 836 Powell St., cor. Z6tn. Take W. W. car. NICELY furnished room suitable for 3 gentlemen. With board. 195 16th. Kererences, FIVE room cottage $16: inquire of G. H, Saylor, Clam station; take Mt. bcotl car. MODERN 6 room house, reasonable to right Dartv. good location. 780 Kel ley Btreet. FOR RENT Modern 7 room house, half block from Alberta car line. Inaulro iuzy n;ast lutn st. jm. Kent -w GOOD house, adapted for roomers, close in, rent reasonaDie. Apply Kast 5846, FOR RENT 4 room cottage, close In, B. 1st ana scnuyier. East 2448 NEW 6 room house, 306 Monroe St.; take u. car. Adults NEW modern 7 room house, fireplace. Kast 530. u-zze. 6 ROOM house. East 11th near Wash- ington, for rent. Fhone Bellwood 1754 FOR RENT 7 room house, good loca- tion, $16. Main 6458. SEVEN room house for rent; modern; lights and oath. $zo. zo K, 81st st. B, EIGHT room house, corner 16th and Hawthorne, inquire house in park. FURNISHED HOUSES 86 WELL furnished houses, flats, rooms 4 room furnished cottage. $20 month; t MAm. ft 97 RA , 1 m 1 l tiAuvnlrAanln t suites, z rooms, . io, iz montn; i. $15. Aprly 364 N. 26th. W. car from depot, 6 th, west on Morrison to zth, mock norm. NICELY, completely furnished 6 room bungalow, modern and up to date m every way, Dutch kitchen, piano, gas and electric, sewing machine. $26. 1505 Oneonta. Woodlawn car. FURNISHED house for rent, cottage 8 rooms, modern: fruit and flowers. electricity, gas, $16; Hawthorne car. 406 E. 44th st. ' - ' FOR RENT Furnished house, cheap, 15 minutes on W.-W. car, get off at Bast Z6th; go to 817 Keuey st. WELL furnished cottage, piano, mar ried couple; 16 minute Walk from P. O. 230 Lincoln St.. a-iouz SIX room house, furnished, $27.60 mo.i or will lease at $25. Call 420 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. FURNITURE FOll SALE HOUSES FOR RENT 82 FURNITURE of 6 rooms for sale cheap. cottage ror rent. Bee owner at 187 HaHey. Z diockb rrom steel pnage. FURNITURE of 8 room bouse In good condition, nil rooms occupied; easy terms. 868 13th. $176 Furniture 7 room house for sale, good locution. Call at once; house ror rent. n i(tn at. . A SNAP Beautiful furniture 6 room flat, can Mam 3 Derore a. in., after 4 r. m. FURNITURE of 5 rooms' for sale cheap, rooms, clear expenses, close In. Apply 251 Clay. . 10 ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale: good location. Apply at 27 N. Park st. SNAP 8 room house,. $45 month. Call after 1Z o clock. 80 w. Park. FURNITURE for sale, 8 room flat for rent II desired, call 290 Russell st. That Jeff Was 71 fMtWllWrWNV,N H4JV.U.O ATOU4-H W08U.0. CSJ Just saw T JN'T GOT sbbJ. 4PJ Fie(D WXMlHf To uve 1 f 5wur$iicm.T i POM.. KW nvy MHWS MJOOLDtAKa MS All stlAMT INS &0T 'I I 'it HOUSES FOR RENT , ' ' ' A;u FURNITURE ; FOR SALE 32 $150 CASH, balance as you make It' 7 sunny rooms;, your rent free and $20 besides; permanent, responsible ' ten anta. Worth , Investigating, certainly. NEAT S 1 room cottage, 2 lots, fruit. -- chicken houses, rent $10;. some new furniture -and 80 chickens for sale cheap. Apply 820 Buchanan at., East dv. 1 ionns, NEW furniture of 8 room house, very central: party leaving city, positively must sell at once; will sacrifice; can renc rooms. Marshall gnog.- t-rio ' 1 o V 1 'n i:''.J'LL 1 ..'J A A 11 house; house clears $40 ever all ex- genses besides 3 rooms foi' owner. 401 tark st. $75 A BARGAIN. Furniture 4 rooms for sale; $70 range, fruit .etc. 1619 South st. Fulton-car. Getorr at Miles st. FOR SALE Furniture of 8 room house, mahogany and oak furniture, good carpets; must sell by the 10th. inquire at ail Williams ave. FURNITURE 10 room house, all house keeping, $600 If taken at once. 226 13tn Bt. FURNITURE of 6 room upper flat for rent or sale. Tnnulre 125 N. 17th St. peconq1 noor. Mam 2326. FURNITURE of 6 room flat for rent or sale. Inquire 125 N. 17th. Phone Main Z3ZA FURNITURE 6 room flat reasonable; lease If desired.- Close in. 402 Ross st., cor. uixon. Across steel Driage. 6 ROOMS, new furniture. Invoice 8400. Price $200; 2 rooms upstairs pays rent, jiv. oa K. Tin St. a, FOR SALE Furniture of 6 room flat. reasons pie, iin noyt st. Main 7459. FURNITURE of 8 rooms for sale, flat. APARTMENTS 43 THE WESTFALL, 410 6TH. Lowest rates In the cltv. three and four room apartments, furnished and unfurnished: private baths and phone; brick building. Automatic elevator. janitor service. Easy walking distance A-ZUJH. Montgomery ADartments Corner 8d and Montgomery, new. mod em brick. 2 room apartments, furnished complete, elevator. 5 minutes' walk to business center; rates very reasonable. Main W4ts. IONIAN COURT. 670 Couch. 1 block from Washington St.. cn 18th St.: teleDhone Main 1192: 8 and 4 room modern anartmenta. steam neat, eiectnn elevator, not ana coia water, telephone ana lanitor service. Apply of manager, references required. KING HILL APARTMENTS. 4, 6, 6 room apartmnts; select tenancy. Apply on premlsea, 171 King st. THE MEREDITH is now open, fur nished new, with the best 2, 3 and 4 room apartments: hardwood floors. private rihone and bath, best lanitor service; references required; -new man- ager. uz Washington st "The Oneonta 187 17th st. $20 to 880. 2 and 3 room suites, all modern conveniences, steam heat, easy walking distance. Phone Main 4697. TtXlT 1ij.1TTVl I. I 429 E. MORR.'SON. COR. 7TH. nlshed up to date, private baths, free phone, moderate prices, new manage ment, best service. THE PAGE APARTMENTS i, Vflnt gth and Rurnei-la Strictly modern, furnished and unfur nished apartments private phones and bath. GRACE APTS., 797 Northrup St.. cor. 24th. 6 large rooms, hardwood floors, front veranda, largo sleeping porch, private telephone, water, heat and hot water; new ana strictly modern. Drickston Apartment 448 lTth near College. 2 and 3 room suites, strictly first class, bachelor ap- artments a specialty. zb up. THE CHETOPA, 18th and Fland era sts., 2, 3 and 4 room modern apartments, furnished and unfurnished, new build ing and new furniture.-. Apply to the janitor. BANNER APARTMENTS. 489 Clav St.. ud to date furnished S room apartments. Price $20 to $24. In cluding heat, light and janitor service. I'none Marshall Z074. THE DE LAIR Elegantly furnished 3- room apartments; moaern in every re spect. Very reasonable rent. 619 U Williams ave. East 4189. CAMRRIAN 12th and Columbia. Beautiful two and three room apartments, nicely situated. beautifully furnished. Prices reasonable. JUST finished, Florence apts.. 8 and 4 room furnished absolutely first clans and modern, location excellent, from $35 to ass inn, i'none Marshall 4174. FIFTH AND COLLEGE. Solendidlv furnished 4 room snart- ment. well lighted, every modern con- venience. low rates. The Altamnnt. CEDAR HILL Sunny 3 rooms furt nlshed, with balcony, steam heat and phone, walking distance, reasonable rent. A-7623. Marsnan- aifti. . THE ALBEMARLE. 2 and 3 room apart ments, steam heat, private Phone and bath. 883 Williams ave. East 4193. LAURETTE APARTMENTS 1. furnished 8 room apartment, nrl- vate bath and phone. 229 11th st. THE WESTMINSTER Nioelv fur nished apartments: also sinele rooms. 2 minutes from P. O. 26z 6th. Main 652 THE DAVENPORT Newlv furnished 8 and 3 room apts., modern, walking distance. Thone 6436. 605 Jefferson st. HALSEY COURT. 300 WILLIAMS AVE. 8 and 3 room apartments, modern, lo cation quirt, rrnt renwoname. NORDICA apartments, cor. Belmont and Grand ave., 1 and 2 room furnished apts.; freo light, heat, hath, phone. 2-ROOM apartments, newly furnished; close In: verv reasonable. K. K'J79 or GRAY Gables apartments.- 289 10th. i room apartmits. Phone A-2629. JULIAETTE 2 rooms furnished and unfurnished. 8d and Montgomery. RIS 4 and 6 rooms, unfurnished. ana Mill. - 3Z and $40. His Pal . PAUTT t you- M,T TKS STwTi So 1 c-. tls. 43 f FORDHAM APARTMENTS COM- fAl '170-12 Ford st,' Just south of vvasnington, are the most compiw, hlffheaft e1mm AMPtmmti vmr built III Portland. Finished In hardwood through out, giving tenants cnoioe oi . v-ir-casslan walnut or mahogany; elegant wall coverings, tiled baths- with superb fixtures: htaheat claaa aervloo: each with private balcony and bath: 4 rooms witn most convenient arranaernjiii. $42.80 to $60; 6 rooms, $60 to $60. This bulldipg la different. Let Mrs. Burleigh snow you through. THE VILLA ST. CLARA, iztn ana xayior. Most magnificently furnished apart ments in the city; location perfect; rent- ia reasonaoie; every moaern conven ience, banquet hall and roof garden; high class service; references required. Both phones In all apartments. Main 2276. NEW. NEW. NEW. THE LUZERNE. 263 Hall St.. cor, 3d. now open; all 2-room furnished apartments. with Holmes disappearing and wall beds and large outside kitchens, absolutely first class; these are the best arranged 2 room apts. In Portland; make reserva tlon now. $26 up; no children. THF DF7FNnfiRF 2US 1BTM. NKAK TAIUIK. ONE EXCEPTIONALLY NICE 5 ROOM UNFURNISHED APARTMENT. TOP FLOORj FRONT; ONE 4 ROOM UNFURNISHED APARTMENT. SEC OND FIjOOR, FRONT. APPLY ON PREMISES FOR RESERVATION. THE CAMAR. 704 Lovejoy st. Under hew management, new modern brick. 2, 3 and 4 roorn apartments, fur nished or unfurnished. We will rent you apartments 25 per cent cheaper than any place in the city. Good Janitor service. Give us a call and be convinced. Marshall 2922. SAN MARCO Apartments. E. 8th and Couch sts. New brick, modern, three rooms, private bath and phone. Rates reasonable. Call East 2761. FOR RENT FLATS 13 New Holladay Flats Modern E. 8th and Hancock. Hardwood floor, tile baths, gas range and heater, large basement and attic, 2 blocks Broadway cark walking distance. uwner cares ror lawn; ISO. East 5570 NEW 5 room modern upper flat, fur nace, rirepiace, unoieum on Kitcnen and bath, gaa range, water heater. E. 29th. near Everett. EA car. East 654. MODERN 6 room flat, Holladay addi- tlon, between Union and Williams ave., walking distance. 2d and Clacka mas. C-lOOf. FI V'E room flat, furnished or unfur nished, fireplace, gas range and heat er, linoleum on kitchen. 10 E. 24th St. N. MODERN 6 room flat, 1st floor, large yard, good location, rent $16. Phone A-3935. 143 Abernethy. FIVE rooms, modern, walking distance. 301 E. 12th near Hawthorne. East 4133. FOUR room flats, unfurnished. $13.60; furnished $18.60. 20th and Belmont. Call 703 Belmont. MODERN 6 room upper flat, sleeping porch, walking distance. 424 Tilla mook. C-2058. WALNUT PARK FLATS. . Modern 4 and 5 rooms, 1068 Cleveland IT cars. Woodlawn 2295. EAST SIDE, close In. 3 room modern furnlnhnrt flat Jft 1R1 Mi-Mlllsn nt Tj .. , a a c MODERN 4 room near Russell and Wil liams ave., $20; also 6 room cottage, 81S. East 4702. LARGE 4 room lower flat at 290 Eliza St.. near Cook and Union ave. THREE room flat for- rent, furniture for sale. 489 West Park. TWO room flat, $10. 706 Vancouver ax'e. Woodlawn 1953. MODERN 4 room flat, $14; over store. 807 Williams ave. Woodlawn 1507. FURNISHED FLATS 60 NICELY furnished 5 room ' flat, good location, walking distance. 448 Rod ney ave, corner Tillamook. Very rea sonable. Kast 4 866. MODERN 4 room flats, furnished. $21, with water. 639 Commercial Court, bet. Russell, Knott, Commercial and Kerby sts. ELEGANT 4 room furnished flat with piano, sewing machine, steel range and all modern conveniences; rent rea sonable. 874 Williams ave. FOUR room modern flat, completely furnished, for housekeeping. Phone Woodlawn 1205. FURNISHED 6 room flat with piano. 285 Vi Holladay, near steel bridge. Aauits LOWER flat, 4 large light clean rooms completely furnished, $25 a month. 74 .lonnson, cor. 23a THREE room furnished flat, walking distance, rent $20. Key at 829 Hal!. COZY furnished 3 room flat, reasonable, 11)43 uantenoein. cor. Aioerta. THREE room furnished flat. 917 Bel- mont. Inquire 915 Belmont. FURNISHED 3 soom flat with piano; rent fit. I'nion ave. STORES AND OFFICES 11 Warehouse and Manufacturing Moors T s r r.ntul Tn nam Hl.lr ktilMlni. 36x100. Just being completed at Hood and Baker streets. This is the best proposition in bouth Portland from a rental standpoint. A. L. Fish, care The Journal. BRAND NEW store building, 30x551 located on corner and car line; fine nlate glass front and dlsDlav case at entrance; full basement; thickly settled district: fine location for "millinery or shoe business or 6c, 10c and 16c store. Price $15. Call at R48 Mississippi ave. Phone Woodlawn 202. STORK for rent suitable for cigar, fruit or clothes cleaning establishment; 2 blocks from Union dcot. Inquire Jew elry Store. 109 N. th st SMALL store counters and shelves, $16. 342 Front st. HOTELS 54 BELVEDERE European, 4th and Ale". APART50ATS l JUiT Mefsfi. YOU Nfr,B TH5 THJeT: "JH0 Heuv-6,MUTT. v S T I I I i "V lS. 1 64 HOTEL PORTLAND European plan only, 83, 36 day. - " -' ' WANTED TO RENT 7 WANTED Unfurnished house of 7 or 8 rooms between Couch- and Stark sts. and Union ave. and 7th sts. .. A-323, o uui 1 1 a. i . HOUSE with 4 or 6 sleeping rooms. State conveniences and rent. Y-315, Journal. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 Horses, Mules and Cows FOR SALE. 12 head horses, weight 1350 each. 10 -head horses, weight 1200 each. 16 head horses, weight 1100 each. 8 head horses, weight 1000 each. 8 neao 4-year-old mules. 3 good milch cows. These are all young, none being over 9 years oia. Come and try these to your own satis faction. . HAWTHORNE AVE. STABLES, 420 Hawthorne Ave. ORCHARD MEN AND f ARM ERS. I have a pair of brown murea perfect ly mated in looks, color and disposition; welgnt 2500 pounds, only 15 pounds dif ference in weight; ae-e 7 and 8 years; these mares are full Sisters an.4 work single, double and ride; fat, low, blocky built; in fine condition" to do a good season's work; have been used the last two years on fruit ranch. If you want the best all around team In Portland for the money, come and see my mares at Boarding Stables, 605 Aider. Price for the next three days $225. Auk for Mr. tirooKB or phone Main 1160 GONE out of business; for sale horses, wagons, harness, 1 buggy, 1 dump cart and gen eral eauioment. Call at plant. Sulzberger & Sons Co,, Mac- adam road and beymour ave. ONJii span of vry fine geldings, 4 and 6 years old, kind and as sound as a dollar; weight 3600 lbs., low and blocky, with heavy bone; the most perfect spa of draft horees in the state. Also & splendid young span of bay 'mares, city broke, kind to work to anything by any one, sound every wav. extra good tullers weight 2900 lbs. P. L. Kenady. Wood- Durn, or. Good Young Horses . and mares, all welgnts, at reasonable prices and guaranteed as represented, at Rose City Park Sales Stables. Take Rose City Park car to 62d st Adams Campbell, proprietors. JUST received carload of Eastern Ore- gon horses and mares: some good chunks and well matched teams; mostly an- size you want; ages 4 to 8 years. All horses guaranteed. Foot of Main, remember. JUST arrived with 24 head of horses and mules, ranging from 4 years up and 1000 to 1650 lbs.; some aa good big mares as can be found. Philip Suetter, Z94 Montgomery, cor. 6th. Marshall 1412. NEARLY new, heavy logging wagon, nearly new aye or laundry wagon. light oamel back wagon, one express wagon; will exchange ror horse. 14 Union ave. cor. Ash WILL sacrifice my 2 pair animals, 1 pair of hiares. one pair of geldings. Call and see them. 451 Hawthorne ave. Travis Bros. Wood Yard. Mrs. Conk- lln CARLOAD of s-ood chunky horses and mares, 4 to s years oia, weight Jiu'i to 1800 ids. ah young ana souno nna sold with a guarantee. Columbia Sta bles, 302 Front. MUST . sell good 2500-lb. farm or ranch team; leaving city, zsio osin st. . ta. One block west and two south, end of Hawthorne ave. carllne, TCfTT T .all ntv Antlltv ill R.mnm a r 1 v TTnlvHtsi at Ha r train nr OYfhnnirA for Tlfllr of 1 AT1TA m ai 1 " 41 A T A. 1 HORSES and buggies for rent by day, week and month; special rates to business houses. 6th and Hawthorn. East 72. SEVEN heavy draft teams from 1400 to 1800 pounds; well matched; guar anteed sound and true; trial given. No. 4. East 80th St.. Montavina. $175 buys good farm team, mare and horse, weigh 2600 lbs and 8 month old colt harness and farm wagon. Pliene Sellwood 1788. FOR SA LE Two fine heavy teams, 2SO0 and 3000. 5 years old. Star Stables, SOS Front st. FIRST class 2nd hand bakery wagon, hara-atn for $60. Call 741 Vancouver ave. Woodlawn 2869. 11 HEAD MULES, 7 wagons and cigar Stand, $2100 will tako this. 417 Fcnton bldg. Marshall 2144. BIO team of mules for sale or exchange for horses. 1 4 Union ave. cor. Ash. EIGHT head of horses from $25 up. 14 Union ave. cor. Ash. FOR SALE One 315 Birdsell dirt wagon. Kast 2695. LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY 85 nIGH class Silver Laced Wyandotte eggs, winter lading strain, $1.60 for 16, day old chicks, $2.25 for 16. 180 Alberta W. . FOR SALE 2 fine milk cows, 1 6 gal lons, also Mandy Lee Incubator, holds 140 eggs. 1860 Dana st. Take St. Johns car. WANT good dairy cow; give price and description. Relther Bros., Blngen, Wash. 1 riOROTJGHBRED Rhode Island Reds and Hamburg eggs. 1119 Michigan ave Buff Leghorns Wanted Hens and pullets. V-310, Journal. FOR SALE Buff Rock cockerels. 1406 K. Stark, cor. 61st st RINGLET Barred Rook eggs for hatch ing, cockerels for sale. Sellwood 1335. ORPINGTON pullets, 6 whites, 10 buffs, also cockerels and eggs. Sellwood 1230, HIGH class Silver Laced Wyandotte eggs, $1.50 setting. 1062 E. 9th st. N. WANTED Setting hens. . Phone Wood lawn 2908 LEGHORN eggs for hatching, 6o each; pany emeus, iac. ijji purrage St. FRESH Holsteln cow and calf. 435 Brown, near Killlngswortn ave. H6? HOTELS i&s 1 ' , i c il 1 I . V. " FOR SALE MISCKIXANLXH'H 19 LUMBER FROM WRECKED DUILlw - . -r -. . .-:- INCH. ;- 1,000,000 ft of all kinds: 50,000 ft. of 1x6 In. flooring- 86,000 ft of 3xl in. Jotst; 16 in. z 18 In. girders and-posts; 26,O0d ft. 1x4 In. flooring: 100,000 hrlok; 3 fin platform scales, perfect condition; 1 grain cleaning, machine and grinder: hot air furnaces: bath tubs, sinks and" toilets; pipe of all kinds, windows and doors. Yard 4th and Clay st. eaat M yard, 2d and Irving sts. Phone Mar shall 1834. E. 810. INTERNATIONAL BUILDTNO A WRECKING COMPANY. ' ' ANNOUNCEMENT. We have opened a-plumbing supply branch and can sell at wholesale to you, bathtubs, sinks, toilets, . pipe, bras goods, etc.: and anything In plumbing supply line. ' -See us and get our- prices. M- BARDE A SON, i "The House of a Million Bargains." ; Front and Main Sts. Main 6B3. A-1668. FOR SALE New and second-hand Car om and pocket billiard tables. ' and bowling alleys and accesaorl; bar fix- ' t'ires of all kinds: easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balke-CCMCnder Co.. 46-48 ' 6th at. . ' i - . -u v WE sell cash registers, scales, credit registers, cheese cutters, coffee mills, etc., at greatly reduced prices, either for ' cash or payments. The Portland Store Supply Co., 250 2d St. Marshall 4548. 1 SEWING MACHINEH-A11 makes ful ly guaranteed; with complete - at- tachments $10 to $20. White Sewing , Machine Co., corner llth and Washington. SPECIAL sale of slightly used Singers, "W. W.." White and Standard sew- . lng machines; easy payments.. Call 883 , E. Morrison near Grand. -; , . ' SAFES- New and 2d hand; low prices: easy terms: safes opened, repaired and painted. Purcell Safe Co. and Portland Safe Co., 85 6th St. Main 6309. A-4118. SLIGHTLY used cash registers, credit registers, computing scales,., etc, bought and sold.. The I Pacific Store Service Co., 227 Stark st. Main 7711. WHO wants choice cuttings Dreachki roses, Imported, 26c per- dozen. . ?09 East Salmon. " ALL kinds house furnishings bought, sold and exch-jnged. Star Furniture Co.. 880 Hawthorne ave. East 1067.- CAPITAL JUNK CO.. dealers In iron, metal, rubber, sacks, machinery, pipe, tools, job lots. 87 N. 1st st. Mar. 83. OAS ranger steel range, water heater , wanted, folding bed and bicycle. 610 V Williams ave. ' MANURE for sale" delivered to any : part of the city. Phone Eaat 1775. - GENT'S bicycle In good repair, cheap , for cash. 181 Madison. L DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 40 BOYD, the dog man, boarding, expert .' care: anything for the dog. A-8604. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS g HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO SELL? ' We buy entire plants and wreck, them If wanted. All guaranteed work. Get our figures on any kind Of mer chandise stock whatever. ,- M. BARDE ft SONS, - 4 "The House of a Million Bargains.? Front ana main em. main nua, A RELIABLE party wants.tq buy for cash $1000 worth of all kinds of sec ond hand furniture, stoves, ranges, etc . In small or large lots; Phone East 4U6, .. - un a . r , asK ror rurniturg ram. VU 1 WTVfl Pannl. Af trltjknd tl know that I pay the highest cash price for second hand household goods, jl. M. a . a, a ,1 n . ,1,4 - . , ess ter, na rvugscii. r.i iwna. WANTED Hotel or boarding house In lumber ramp or sawmill town, A-l man at the business. Phone Marshall 2fif6 or address 2 N. 14th at. WE-BUY SECOND HAND CLOTHING ANT) FURNITURE Pay the highest price for overythlngu call Wain ynyw y-n rtrrt. TO buy cash register, scales, cheeae cutter, coffee mill, credit register and meat llcer. Call Portland Store Supply Art a . . t ,C,B . . tJO.. ZDv zo. giargiiHii -p-o. TO buy cash register, scales, cheese cut ter, coffee mill, credit register and meat sneer, fan warsnair ji. COVELL pays the best price for your second hand furniture, carpets and stoves. 204 1st. Main 3022. .nsYT,mc . V-..-"TT-kT TlrtTTOU! 870 E. Morrison, nhone E. 1022.-pays vl'V. iniv marcantil stocks or what ever you have to offer; let, us figure with you. r'-zss ,ioomai. BE WISE: get more for your sefond hand furniture by seeing It to Ford Auction re.. Til ist. mmn mm, WE buy and sell most anything. Main 7T4. BZB ISt St. . WANf 2.J :and furniture. Eaatsli 348 Howthome ave. fleeter A Martin. WANTED 2d hand furniture. .Portland Salvage Co.. 528H Wash: Mar. 8223 : W A NTED Com pi ete moving picture ' outfit. What have your v-auo. jonnm. - . . - 1 . i; 1 CASH paid for household goods. C, M. Pennell ft CO.. aiarsnan WANTED Complete moving picture outfit. What have you? V-805. Journal, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Si ON account df Hlneas am compelled to sacrifice my mahogany case mu;i ruiii nlno.' lust "ear old: cost 3400. 0-28". Jennnl. " " . AM leaving for east, and muat sail an f almost new Vose ft 8ons piano; , will , sell at a bargain. N-239. Journal." ' ; " v A KIMBALL plnno. slightly, used, for sale at a bargain. N-238. Journal. - FURNITURE FOll SALE 63 HARTZEIL ftKNltURE CO. -For sale, stoves, ranges, furniture, etc. W pay highest cash price for house- Bold gooos. iiMitinjaimiiiiiii. PRIVATE sale of high grade furniture at room holme, everv day until all sold; also one 6 h. p. Twlri Indian mi)- torcyoie. ipui n. aist st. n. 7 ROOMS, furniture; for $90. 79i Borth- wlck st. . FURNITURE of 1J room houat "for sale, reasonable. 90 E. 8th. ) LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 SEE my 20 foot launch, hulls $50.' See my 10 to 16 foot row boats, $11 to , $18: houseboats, launch houses, T. Dan iel son, foot of California St.. By "Bud" Fisher ' 1 U " JjJ 1 Cf-.a- yrr 0 ,1- r -