THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY- EVENING, FEBRUARY 8,! 191. I ' x -;?-:l' HEMS SHOW A HEAVY DEMAND BUT ONLY A FEW OFFERED HERE Market Is, Firm and About Cent " nigher, but the General ' Chicken Trade I Mot Brisk;-Some Stock , Carried Over From Saturday. , Portland wnolesais Marktt. Eggs hold steady,. ; v v .-. Hem in better demand. ; Most poultry -is weak. i y Dressed meats holding. .1 , "Potato) order coming. I"'' -.!'.' i, Cheese ; market tinner. 'V-,. Mi Florida oranges arrive. . Spot bops weaker.-: ,::;..!':-. ;, :v''v , : : ' There- is a growing shortage . In' the An supplies of hens in the local market, and an advance of lo a pound la, being nuoiea in me price. . - . Fancy hens are selltng as high as , ) 16c a pound today with. few available. ;:. The chicken market In general la only moaerateiy nrm. come stock1 was car- rled over from Saturday until this !: morning. 1 there betas? ' ; business- In tha line the first day of ine weesj . -' -.-ri V; , ,-.. .,.... u -.' Chickens are looming mostly from eastern Oregon at this time,' and the quality or the stoca is unusually good. The wants of the chicken trade in - general are not extensive owing to the ': greater supplies, and for that reason me ouuooa is not ror nigner prices, . with the exception of hens. J! These - 1 seern to be about pa close to the top iney can gei. . --yi .-. Chinese buyers are still demanding .Pekin ducks. These are selling around 22Ho live and are eagerly picked up - si tnat nrure. umer oucks are quot ed from 18o to 2 do a nound. ' , . . - Gees are not coming forward Verv . ' freely, but , there is only a very nom- ; inai call.- ... .... ;.-. VI ,-T 5 .VI DRESSED VEAL IS STEAD There is quite a steady tone in the dressed veal market along Front street. Receipts are not so liberal and while the . s-eneral market remains around Mc for fancy rood, an occasional sale is reported as nign as 140. DRESSED MOOS COME FREELY Dressed hogs are coming very free ly to the Front street trade. The mar ket -Ja In good condition, with sales from-ttt to o'a pound for good offer ings, but - heavy stuff is tiot wanted very oaaiy even at lower figures. EGG "TRADE HOLDS STEADY ir.,. v. f, - . hi.,,, . ... - ' v There was a steady tone today in the gg trade. Sales as a rule were made from SOc to ale a dosen with most of me transactions at the higher figure. : No outside demand of note is at present ' . . i .'. .i. i -: CHEESE ' TRADE VERY ' FIRM 4 Trade in the cheese market is var-f , firm. Sales of flats of any good make are reporter ..- easily made at 200 a pound. A few small lots are reported turning iorwara irorn xuiamoQK. , f BUTTER BELUX G BETTER '..'' ' ' - " Since the last decline there has . been an improvea demand for butter In the local maricet. city creameries report . ttiat they are experiencing no difficulty In selling their entire make at the prices quoted. There remains consider able weakness on Puget sound. FLORIDA , ORANGES A NOVELTY - ; , f ..,. -'"Florida- Oranges are? arriving In this market, together with a shipment of grapefruit , -The oranges are of the russet variety and are unlike anything sold here heretofore.- The skins are , thin and the fruit very sweet In ap pearance they are far inferior to the California fruit,, are really better, Sale reported at $4.60 a box. V FORECAST FOR SHIPPERS '- Weather bureau sends out the fol lowing notice to shippers: n Protect shipments as far north as ; Seattle agalnub minimum temperatures of about 88 degrees; northeast to 8po , kans. IS degrees; . southeast to Boise, ; 20 degrees; south to Siskiyou, 38 de grees. Minimum temperature at Port- r iana tonight, aooutssdegrees. PORTLAND JOBBING PRICES drain, JTonr and Hay. ' These prloes sre those at which whole salers sell to retailers, except as other wise stated: - j..-..-;',. ,, .... WHEAT Producers' prices; track de Hery, 116c: bluestem, 8J0c: forty-fold. , 8 (a 1 Wills mett vklley, 8 H & 1 7c ; . red Russian, 86c; "Turkey red 81 87o. -f BARLEY -Producers prices lllt f.f Hr JiHHS -roUed. .,; 134.00: ;brwlnti r$2J.0(: mlddlinw. IJJ.80! shorts, 828.00; cnop, i.uu 2.uo. car lots too per lAJ'?rproauer"' PHceATrsek: No.' I. Irnnm"ir,? llt' lS:,ray. 131.60. FXiOUR - Selling price Patents. l2?J trt.lsTr. t. 4. 0 6 9 4. 3 5 : bakers' 8 4.'d HAT Prooucers" prlcl it crop -.riTt.'i'IiL fMtern Oregon tit. SO & ii?anot1? .Wf'A ?1SP14; clover, ttOiOi wheat. $ll41i;Tcheat, lUOll alfalfa, I1I.80US; oats, mHuT ' 'mTlS!''JaFn Poultry. . ? J,?3""" creamery cubes and i.,u, ojBo, pnnis o, oramary prints UMrc; dairy 18c. BUTTEK FAT Producers' ' prioe-i-F, Prtc;. 28 03o t. 0. K Portland; !2?ZJlyfiAt,J?inkl' 1 7 dressed, 20o j '?.e?nr old V' Xoun. $3 2.40. . ' Vir.iCtr"' Kr"00,IS Per dosen. CHEE8B Nominal: " fresh . Oregon ,u" cr',ni' trlnleU and daisies, J,,(?1,)5a vonng Americas, 20c; storage d.i.Taa? i?un Amrlcs, too; eastern ' Trait VanliMaa POTATOES Selling prices: Ordinary Oregon. J1.2S;- good, $1.15? r buying; prlcelable stock, 6c$U0! Amer. i APPL'tfl Nfw crop ii.ibter s.ts. 1 . ONT6nS Tellow no. 1, $3J60: No, t. II 851.50s grllo,: 78c , ' ' , VEGETABLES New turnips,. 61 01 28 sack; beetj.a $1.60; carrots, il ili 60; cabbage, $1.16; Mexican tomatoes; $$ 8 25 per lug; beans, I2ct green onions'lio dosen: peppers, bell, tOo lb, i head let tuce, $176 8.00 orate; nothouae, $1.00 bp;: radishes. 16o dosen bunches; celery. $8.60 crate: egg plant lo lb.: flnnnmi PpUTitYrancy hens, 14016c lb.s ' JPn"- 11 ISIfrcl. broilers and. fryers, 20c: geese. If y; dressed, 16c; live young . ducks. 10O99U!aM AiioVii on-. ...J" ; bera. hothouss, doten;. peas, 8o; ctfull flower. local, $1.2B1.86 float Call , fornta. $3,60 per crate. 7. . KJtBH FRUITS Oranges. $2.16 f-B : - rirarln, . S. Bf a.7; bananas, 4Ue lb.; fsmons ',0: limes, $ a case .grapefruit, 38.00W7.00; pineapples, 6f njr lb.; cranberries. $lll$; pears. : m, jkd oranges, '- '-a Oroosrlss.-" '., '.- " .. ,- S tTOAR Cubs, ' $6.66; powdered. $4.35; fruit or berry. $6.16; dry granu lHtad. $6.15! D yellow, $S.45r best, $6.20; Honolulu plantation cane granulated, 6o ls. -(Abo ftlons are 80 days nt cash.) . BUYERS PAYING $11 ;fi THE-POTATO MARKET Arizona and Texai Bids Are Lower , but Some Back Orders, Are Still - to Be - FUIed; No Extra Fancy ' Goods Are Moving. - The potato shipping market, is again mors active, v Buyers sre today paying uuui i xu 91.V0 per crniai x. o. D. conn try points for choice goods. ' ' Bids 'for -extra fancy an nn mnrlnlr above 11.20 but. no purchases " at this price are reported. Grocers are not wil ling to sen oest quality at any. prloe juHt now ana aeaiers are unaoie to.or fer any advance. ' ' , ....'-;.-,.- .. , - Bids from Arizona anil -r again lower, but considerable business remains to be filled. While most of this stock is already purchased, a, large ir cent 01-11 ji smi recainea ny grow ers and Soma of them seam fn hava th Idea that they will hold up the market Rough potatoes are bein? offered In plenty "by nearby growers, but these are not good enough for shipping. Some of them have been purchased bv hawkers at 75c per cental and are being peddled arouua umong consumers in competition wun me nigner pncea potatoes or quai- RICE Japan. No. 1. IlllUe: No i. tUci New Orleans head. aei Cre ole, sc. ; -.- :. .,- -:' , . ..- - SALT -Coarse, half grounds 00s $8.50 r ion; sua, .uu; taDie aairy, sue, 11a; 100s. 117, bales, 12.20: extra fine barrels, 2s, 8s and 10s, , $48.; lump rock, )20.60 per ton. - -v" BxCAJXB Small wnue. 14.90: larara white, -84.88: pink, $4.26; bayou. $4.76; umas, ; reas, b.du. , v HONEY New, is.75 per esse. ; Hops, WOol and Xtdes. 'HOPS Producers' - price 1911 eron. choice, 42o- prime, 41c; medium, 40c; 1908 growth, $0c: '1818 contracts, 260 2e; 1918 and 1914, 17l$c ' . WUUJ iroaucers- price Nominal, lilt? Willamette valley. KUanu. eastern Oregon. 9016c. MOHAIR ill, selected, 86 y 270. CHITT1M BARK Producers nrira- 1911. less carlots. 6 08: carlota. lUt f. o. b. Portland. - v. TALLOW Prime, per lb.. 4c; No. t and rrcBSe, J 2 V4a HIDES Dry niaes, isc; green, 90 salt. 8c: kips. 11c; calves, dry. 2tfoi calf skins, salted or green, 17c: green hides, ivio less man saitea; sneep pelts,' salted, November, 90c; December, $1; ary. io ic. - . Meats, nan and Provisions. DRESSED MEATS Front street: Hogs - fancy; 8g9c; ordinary, 8c; 1 1 . ,,..1. Awl.n 191 in Ik. lien , . . au-7xivavu ordinary, 13c; poor. 12c; spring lambs, c; mutton, 78c; goats, llc Deer, 9c. , HAMS, BACON, Etc. Ram S. 1 4 H 0' 18c; breakfast bacon. 18H24c; boiled ham. 22 23c; picnics, lOHc; cottage, 12 He; regular short clears, smoked, 12 Vic: bscks. smoked. 13c: nlckled tongues. 76c lb. LARD Kettle. leaf, tierces. 18e lb.; steam rendered, tierce, line oer lb.: compound, tleroes. ,8 Vio per lb. nan orainii kock coa, joo ID.; flounders, 6c; halibut. 8llc; striped bass, 20c; catfish, 12 12ViC: salmon, 12a lb.1 soles. 7o per lb.; shrimps, 12Hc lb.; perch. 708c; tomcod. 8c: lobsters, 25c: herrings. SQtc; black bass, 20o; sturgeon. ( per" lb. r silver smelt, 8c lb.: black cod. 7Hct dressed shad. 7c: roe shsd, 10a; shad roe, 20c lb.; Colum bia smelt, Jo. . OT8TER 8 -Shoal water bay, per gal lon ( ); per 100-lb. sack ); Olym- pia, per gauon, s: per 100 ir. sack, $; canned eastern, 66c can., $8.80 dosen: eastern In shell. $ 1.76 ( 2.00 per 100; rasor clam. -St0X.28v box, . -4 -v . rainis. ooaa 011. Etc LINSEED OIL--Raw7 hhlm ni kettle boiled. bbL. 84p: raw. In cases. ;io; Douea, in cases, stc gal. lots of 260 gallons, la less; oil cake meal. 844 per ton. , WHITB LEAD Ton lots. 80 per lb.; EOO lb. lota. 8a oer lb.: lau .lafa f ll per lb. - - ncnintj bs aegrees, cases, 24 He ,r0 bys, 81 Ho per gallon. tnjtra Aianua, so; aisai, 7 He. . OR CHOICE STOCK IN , IV C Azm ) J I 11 v (CHEERS RRL . m m a mum ' .y;if ' 'A ft . ' X ' -aVfeATTEr4orF 0IUUE1S MtXTE ATTRACTED ; EX-KlMCr KA2oorC5., BILLE UrKfeTHKUT Ye BUSTE PAYING 90 CENTS PER LONT Price Is Forced Cent Illgher With the Demand Heary; Patent Flour Is Advanced, by One Mill, bat the 'i Other Are Holding Back.1. - Oereals in Brief.-v -r vv neat Bids erratic with if 00 4 4 being offered by on mill .for 4 bluestem. " n 4 . Flour One mill advances pat- e ent zoo barrel with similar rise 4 4 in California. Sound expected to 4 e follow. Exports firm but quiet. 4 4 uats Martcet J : steady to. e 4 firm with bids generally at $33 4y tracK ror ko, 1 white. - 4 4 Barley Market generally firm 4 4 ' but nominal. e Miusturrs Air lines showing- a strength at former price. - ' 4 4 Hay Trade easier for ordl-'" a nary quality. 4 4 4T 4 4 4 4 Although every effort Is being made to purchase wheat even at higher prices, there is talk of lower figures. It Is Known posiuveiy that one milling con cern here is .freely offerinsr 90o a bushel track basis for bluestem and its club bids are up to 86c ? The general trade Is offering 88c for club and 89c for bluestem track basis. r "The Drtco of our flour is arettinar ao high that the orient can no longer af ford to - purchase It" ssys M. Sends, local representative of Mitsui ft Co.. known as the Rothschilds of Japan. "Prices being asked here ' for both wheat and flour are getting beyond the reach of Japanese buyers. We are not compelled to purchase our supplies here, but go to the cheapest market, quality considered. Australia Is practically on a European exporting oasis at this tlms while the Pacific northwest Is so high that export business is not al lowed. . . "Mitsui & Co. do not' have all the space on outgoing liners to China and Japan but have considerable. We char tered an entire ship, the Unkai Maru, to take a cargo of breadstuffs to Japan. The ship is bringing a cargo of sugar to British Columbia from the orient and will arrive here in time for loading next month." While one local mill has 'advanced Its quotation on patent flour 20c a bar rel to $4.70, the other three mills are still quoting- $4.60 as their price. The market has advanced 20c a barrel in California and an effort Is being made on Puget sound to put that market on the same basis today. Outside of the one mill that has a ad vanced its quotations, Portland millers were undecided in their " views this morning as to any immediate rise. However, the impression is general that the rise will be forced soon. Export market is firm but quiet at the recent advance. - CHICAGO LIVESTOCK MARKET All Lines Show Steady Tone; Run of Hogs Is Increased. ft,! ..n ... : A . T... TT nn . . viuaft w, feu. v.fuu. nuaii f,vuvj cattle, 6000; sheep, 20,000. nogs are sieaay. juert over. 8700: re ceipts a year ago, 20.000. Mixed, $5.80 7o.a; neavy. io.zvniss.4ft; rougn, t.b 6.16; light, $6.768.2B. Cattle Steadv. Sheep Steady. KANSAS CITY LIVESTOCK Severe Weakness Strikes Mutton Trade in the Yards for the Day. Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 8. Hogs, re ceipts 17,000; market 6o to 10c lower. Tops $6.30. Cattle Receipts 9000; market steady. Sheep Receipts 8000; market 10c to 16c lower. BUSHE RACK FOR era FOR MILL YE SORENESS OF BILLE YE SOLIDDE VE $AVhTE IHTO &MTMEEH-. He. LYKewrJt t-UWETM MOVT StAMBUHKTiOlftLr A t Copyright. 11L by International MARKET FOR OUTSIDE -VEGETABLES TOO HIGH FOR READY SELLING Supplies From the Sonth Are Not Only Quoted at Big Prices but Are of Poor Qnalit; Cabbage Price Remains Lowest in Years Vegetables ar now hlnr nntA at such high prices In California that the jooar trade is not Inclined to order heavily, - . Not Only are.. values hln'h hul nualltv Is not very good and this makes the selling end of the business much harder than usual. This is Dartloularlv trua of celery and cauliflower and In both of mesa lines orders are small. 1 Even head lettuce from the south Is not as arood as usual and this has left a smaller demand for the stock that Is coming forward, As a rule, Los An geles furnishes this market with head lettuce during the winter and early SDrlnar that rnham huili as harri am rah. cage. or tnat reason the stock has supplanted the local hothouse stock In even the home market. , . Rhubarb is offering by the south in jso nign tnat tne traae is nominal. BDinach from walla walla is rind Ing but little call, owing to rather poor quality. Ths - abundance of cabbage nere ana the low price thereof nas left Put uttie can for otner lines, tuven cao bege Is selling today at the lowest price in years lor mis penoa. OMAHA LIVESTOCK LOWER Market Severely Down for Hogs and Cheep In the Yards. 4600: market slow and steady to lower. Steers, $6.6007.70; cows and heifers, $4.60 $.00. Hoti. 16.000: market steady to lOo lower, at $.006.26. 8heep, 13,200; market 10c and 20c low er. Yearlings, $S.166.60; wethers, 4.2004.40: lambs. $6.0006.40; ewes, $3.6604.00. E Deputy City Auditor James Gill. In a communication submitted to Mayor Rushlight snd the city council yesterday asks that the council pass sn ordinance prohibiting the assignment of salaries by city employes. "I trust that the proper committee to whom this communication shall be re ferred will endeavor," reads the letter. to reueve tne city in future from a condition that no doubt tends to depre ciate the efficiency of any employ who happens to place Himself in the clutches of the money sharks." The city attorney has ruled that the council has the authority to pass sn ordinance such as has been suggested by Mr. am. , Button-hook Tears Baby's Tongue. 4 doited Frew Laaaed Wlre.t Santa Clara, Cal., Feb. 6. The 10 months-old child of lira A. Wilson is in a critical condition here today, the result of placing a button hook in her month. 'The end caught' under her tongue, which Was almost torn out Prominent Miner Dead. (Cnlted Press Leased Wlre.1 Tellurlde, Colo., Feb. 5. John Herron, aged 60, a widely known western min ing man Is dead here today as a re sult of Injuries received In a fall of rock in the Pandora mine, of which he was consulting engineer. MANNE! f KAY T0(O ROPOSED ORDINANC AIMS AT LOAN SHARKS of RilLE RPitJ PvUAiiATlfjijaTo tie , News IniTTi r imnirT Trn UAIILtlPKIMHILN. : CENTS LOIR WITH Top Steers Sell at 95.85 - at North Portland This Morning; Hogs Are ' Generally Steady- Here but Lower In Markets of the Central West. Zb ths gftoexyards. North Portland Hogs steady. 4 cattle 10c lower; sheep steady. - South Omaha Hogs 10c low er, cattle steady to lower, sheep lOo to 20c lower. - .. Kansas City Hogs 6c to 10c lower, cattle steady, sheep 10c to : 16o lower, -v.,-. t. ; y Chicago Hogs steady, cattle and sheep steady, PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. . Hogs. Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Tuesday .... 116 202 7 73 11 J.. .. aAA etAB- Mnn Monday 686 396 1708 Saturday . . . Friday ..... 101 394 211 86 197 442 363 808 Thursday . , Wednesday Week ago... 8 1318 768 48 The market for cattle is down 10c for the day at North Portland with quite a rair run. Aituougn tne dressed meat trsde remains In a very Door Dosition and for that reason most killers have overpurchased their requirements, of ferings at the present time are almost sufficient to take care of the trade during normal demand. Best offerings in the cattle division at North Portland today sold sround $6.86. several lots takinc the high point as compared with former deals at $6.85 and even $6 for similar quality. There was a run of 202 cattle for the day at North Portland, compared with 308 head last Tuesday. Cattle shippers: W. B. Kennedy, Cald well, Idaho, 2 loads; W. B. Potter, Hepp ner, 1 load; R. J. Carsner, Heppner, i load; J. K. Reynolds. 1 load cattle and calves: Dixon & Hunt. Metollus, S loads. At Chicago there - were 6000 head of cattle on the market today with tho tone steady at yesterday's average. South Omaha was slow and lower for cattle for tho day, but tops remained unchanged. At Kansas City cattle were steady around the previous range. North Portland cattle prices: Select steers 6.85 Choice stars Common steers Feeder steers Speyed heifers Ordinary heifers . . Fancy cows Ordinary cows Poor cows Fancy light calves , Medium light cslves 4.75S5.0 4.75 5.60 6.00 6.00 M-50 (3.76 D8.00 i7.7 4.75 fancy nulla Medium bulls Ordinary bulls Stags 4.60 4.0J 4.00 Bog Market Xs Steady. t There were only light offerings of hogs at North Portland for the day, but the market was not more than steady at practically the same range as ruled yesterday. Run was 116 head compared with 211 last Tuesday. Elsewhere the hog- market was not quite so good. At cnicago the market was steady to lower, with a run of 27.000 head, compared with 20,000 a year ago. Tops sold there this morn ing at $6.45. Heavy stuff was in beat call and brought 7c better than mixed offerings of quail Kansas City was Sc to 10c lower for hogs, with tops at $6.30. Run was 17.000 head. A drop of 10c was forced In the price of swtae at South Omaha, owing to the smaller demand. Run for the day was itt.uuu neaa. Hog shippers: Wester A Son. Sheri aan. i ioao Nominal North Portland swine prices Fancy mixed ..$6. 70 6. 75 Oood heavy 6.65 Good light 6.66i.70 Medium light 6.60 Rough and heavy .'. 6.25 Poor and heavy 6.00 nominal ghowlng of Bheep. There was only a nominal showing of sheep In the North Portland yards for the day. Only 72 head were offer ing, tnese being from a Willamette valley point, while not enough stuff came forward to test quotations fully. Indications point to a continuation of former prices. The only shipper of sheep to North Portland today waa Hugh Cummlngs, who had a mixed load of mutton and hoes from uervals this morntnir. At Chicago sheen were steady with a run of 20.000 head. Kansas City was weak and lower for sheep. As a rule prices were 10c to 15a lower. South Omaha waa verv weak with 18,300 head available for the trade this momma, uioslna or tne market ahowoif a decline or ioc to zoo. lambs sold at . in ana yearungs at ror beat uneep manist at iwortn Portland. Select lambs $ 6.50 Choice lambs 6.26 Common lambs 5.00 Yearling wethers 4.764.86 Old wethers 4.26 4.50 rancy ewes 4.104.15 Ordinary - 8.603.75 Tuesday's XdTsatook Market. 8TEKKS. Av. lbs. DEMAND OVERFILLED steers 1206 $6.85 COWS. cows 8(5 $6.85 cows 828 3.75 cows . , 961 4.30 BULLS. bull 1350 $4.00 bulls ...1 1190 $.00 CALVES. calves 161 $7.00 HOGS. hog 124 $6.70 hogs 263 6.60 hogs 360 6.00 Fined $25, Appeals Case. Ths sixth man within the past four days to be arrested for putting slugs In randy boxes Is George Geila who waa detected Sunday afternoon by I. J. Vinson In the Dream theatre on Morri son street where most of the arrests have been made. Monday the ac cused was fined $25 and he gave notice of sppeai. J.C. WILSON & CO. ' - KSHBESS - mvr yobx stock vxoxairaa. 2TBW TOKK COTTOtf EXCHATfOB. OHIOAOO BOAXD or TSATjU. TXI STOOK AVD BONO BlOJtAJfOa, j Mala Office Mills Bids;., Baa Vranolsco. Branch Off ioee Vanoonver, Seattle. jHantiiniiu Portland, JCos Angeles, gjan Siego. Boom 0 X.uinbrmns Bank rtnildlAi. srvea8i smsafBasVAJ, vabju, m.iirf 0 verbeck & Cooke Co. ' ' ' ' BBOKSM ,i!.'-V-'. ? toeks. Bonds, Cotton, Orals, Eta, ' ais-817 Board of Trade aidgv . Members Chicsgo Bosrd of Trade,' . Correspondents of Logan A Bryan. Chicago, New York. Members New1 York Stock Exchange, Boston . fttork Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade,' New York; Coffee Kx-' change, New. York 'Cotton Kx-' .change. New Orleans Cotton Kx change, .Winnipeg Grain Kxchange PROGRESS OF CIIY; AND STATE SHOWN DUN'S Increase in Nearly. Every In dustry, in Oregon in 1911 ; With Fewer Failures; Inter esting Statistics. Interesting figures showlnar th nrn. gress of the city and state are shown in me Trade Review of - the Pacific Northwest published hv Tt n ri,. a Co., Just Issued. Accordlnar tn thla re view the Increase in grain crop of Ore gon, Washington and Idaho over 110, amounted to about $23,000,000; for Ore gon, Washington and Alaska, fisheries showed a gain of about $7,000,000: the net results of the hop crop for Oregoa and WashlnatYvn ihnwiil an iiu...... the livestock industry gained in Import- J . 1 1 . - .... vc, auu ma uusiness or Aiassa, rep resented mainly by f laherles and min ing, has been "larger. On the other hand, there has been a decrease in tho value, of fruit raised in. Oregon and Washington of about $3,000,000, the pre vious year having been a banner one; wool production snowed a small decrease and In lumber and shingles there was a decrease of probably 20 per cent- In Oregon there have been 66 fewer fail ures with Increase in liabilities of $117, 689, In Idaho five more with a gain in liabilities of $741,057, and in Washing ton 83 more with increased liabilities of $3,63.60. , Portland Banks Grow. Ranlr Miarlnr. Ii T,.jm, BmIu . 4 Spokane showed a loss, while Portland Hiiuwra a gain, in uie state mere are 250 banks, of which 81 are national banks, an Increase of 18 over last year. arnropsxa or txb ahhtjaxi btatebceut or m CITY OF NEW YORK INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK, IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK. on the 31st day of December. 1811, made state of Oregon, pursuant to law; flinvar. Amount of capital paid up... IlfOOMX. Premiums received during the year in cash......... Interest, dividends and rents received durlna; year.. Income from other sources received during the year Total Income 9I8BTB8 Losses paid during the year Dividends nald durlna tho vear nn rnnlf.t Commissions and salaries paid during the year..... Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year Amount of all other expenditures Total expenditures AHBTS. Value of stocks and bonds owned market value. . , Loans on morteaee.a and collateral. tn Cash in banks and on hand Premiums in course of collection and in transmission Interest and rents due and accrued.. Total assets Less special deposits in any state Total assets admitted In Oregon UAMT.ITTTIBL Gross claims for losses unpaid $ Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks i.,7 i' Due for commission and brokerage ................ All other liabilities ,i, .... i Total liabilities Total Insurance In force December 81. 1911 . . . ... "wsnrBss xar obeoov ro tn Total risks written during the year Gross premiums received during the year.............. rremiumi reiurneu ouring- me year. Losses paid during the year Losses incurred during the year, ....... t CITY OF NEW YORK Statutory resident general sgent and FIRST NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $1,500,000 SURPLUS . $4350,000 OLDEST NATIONAL BANK WEST OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS ; Lumber mens National Bank Capital - - ( A progressive Commercial Bank , with a Savings Department - 'under Government supervision. . A (W On Savings liaddfi Tilton Bank "v-i apitai -Sto';i!-!5-;;ft:- . $i,ooo,ooaoo' ' Surplus and Unaivided Profits $S0O,CC0.CO COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ACCOUNT: Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' ch::' j:, Issued, available in all parts cf t!; ? Corner Thlrtl n n 'c! ' Vssfiir - Deposits in the state -on Peeembf, 111, showed an Increase ct pvarly I 000,000 over November ,10, l'1- 1 closing day that Vnr. being $12I.K34.m . Loans, securities and discounts aluo i: creased, while overdrafts Cet r.n-. i Portland's bank clearings amotintt'il $567, 933. 734. 69 during the year. 1 n.i Portland banks Increased their rs,it,ii stock during the year, to the extent or' $1,300,000 and Surplus --and unUivLi-.t profits Increased nearly IflOO.OOO. iu- v reserves in the city amounted to $, 000.000 on December 5. 1811. Two new wholesale groceries ciiU-it.I the Portland field In 111. v.Th -majority of the -wholesale grocers report an In crease in business. In over two-thltdu of the lines of business represented lit the report in Portland an increase in business over 1810 or an equal volume has been reported. - The others report more or less decrease. Ths rate of in crease has not been as great as usual, us competition- Is becoming much r keener and people are buying more of necessi ties and less of luxuries. 1 ' ' . : : Increase U Anto Trade. , r The Increase In the automobile trade varies from 15 per cent to 400 per cent Prices show a downward tendency and the demand for auto trucks and motor cycles Is increasing.- 'Auto tecessoriea were cut into by increased 'competition and the general tendency to fully equip new cars before sale, v Liquors and ci gars - both showed Increases. Woolen mills reported decreases owing to the mildness of the winter. , Jewelry sales decreased. - Agricultural implements and vehicles showed general decrease. - In Portland, there were 44 business failures during the year, a decrease of 28 from last year. : Liabilities amounted to nearly $100,000 more, being $484,851. One of this year's failures was a bank. Incendiary Admit Guilt. ' San Francisco, Feb. t. Caught In the act of touching off an Incendiary fire. Benjamin Goucki is under arrest here today, charged with arson. He admits his guilt. Detectives had advance In formation and watched the firebug through windows of the house from which he expected to secure the Insur ance. As Goucki touched off the first match one of the detectives sounded a fire alarm, while the other met, Oouckl and placed him under arrest as ho was escaping from ths burning building. ' to the Insurance Commissioner of the $ 600,000.00 (10,408.78 64.448.74 16,142.18 $ 480.009.65 EnCBsTT$t .M.8 310.354.88) 50.000.00 213.8S7.8 27,18S.t 40,(45.47 afootr $ 449,031.69 $ B8O.0SO.0O 248.000.00 70.318.87 180,487.88 7.363.38 $1,444,209.09 10,600.00 $1,453,609.0$ 48.891.14 (14.474 61,581 838,661 83 07 65 S 1,463,609.0 7,330,213.00 9 152.630.00 . 8,483. 0 ' '. 1,248.26 21.20 ' " 21.20 ......... . .. , , INSURANCE CO. attorney for service: ; - PAUL C. BATES. Z3 - $1,000,000.00 , r Comer, Fifth and Stark - Borvlce.;