THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 6, 1912. It CMIjjESE FACUIG . SWAINiML FOR AID SOUNDED New China Beset ' With Grim Calamity; Local Chamber of : Commerce' to Take Up Ap peal Tomorrow. . . Thousands are starving In China and ; fnoney la badly needed for their relief. This la the tenor of letter received by ,Tha "journal . rrom . E. C. Lobenateln, ' secretary of '.'tha Cen tral China Belief committee wltn'of . flees in ; Shanghai. A. latter haa also been addressed to the Portland Cham ber'of Commerce ' '' h'X' The Chamber of Commerce may ;ar range to receive and forward subscrip tions as was done some ; months' ago when a call for assistance cam , from the far east.':-v , '-'.. in the letter 'jto lha Chamber of Com- merce, Secretary Jjobenstlne states: , . We are asking S00 American cities to take part in a great demonstration of good wtU to the new China. Tremendous Calamity. "China is facing a tremendous ' cal amity. Two and a half millions of her people are In "dire eet of help, most of tbtra in the same district where ths famine raged last year. ' The Chinese are In tha mldat of a struggle for free dom and unable to. do much for their own people. Indeed . one . great reason for the revolution is the recurrence of famine conditions Throughout a large portion of two populous provinces schools, are closed, business is at a standstill, the weak are becoming beg gars, families are being broken up by tha sale of wives and daughters, often ' into Uvea of vice, and the people- are lapsing into apathy and moral chaos. "Ia. previous famines people all over tha country have given as Individuals, but It is now proposed that throughout tha nation each city act as.a unit, cable at once Ita willingness to help, ralsa a fund to be sent on as fast as it comes in, and on May 10 cable a statement f the total sent to date, with mes sage of good will In the nams of the city. "We shall transmit these messages tax the Chinese press and publish them in a booklet to ba presented to offici als, and members of the national and provincial assemblies, and ttrns not only help to avert a great calamity but make the alleviation of suffering the -opportunity of strengthening-the friendship ' between China and the United States. ' Time Is Opportune. The time 1a opportune. America has long been looked to by China as a dis interested friend. The return of a large part of the Boxer indemnity made a deep impression. . . The inslstance of the revolutionary . party upon a republic shows how great is the Influence of the United States. All these are beginnings, and with the opening of the Panama, canal will make, China a neighbor in a new sense.. . "A demonstration of friendliness on a national scale will in this hour of need arouse great enthusiasm among the men of tha New China, and the effect on trade and political relations, and oil tha progress of civilisation and Chris- At .... 111 V. lM1Altl.ltU nanny, waai uo ihvwmim.h. ... . " "TVi. torlll Via tlflatt ' tft SiVeTt 'iHfiittnn' anA llo ' JhA ' : nfala tl'm T tO Start China upoo"a policy Of $onserva-'j UOn. 11 IS JIlHIinVU W ilYQ ictivt wi.7 In return lor laoor on canaia ana dykes except in the case of those un able to work. Condition orows worse. X3.""'"l. Jameson, the engineer sent out by the. American Red Cross so. .clety, is cooperating with Chinese en gineers In making all such work of per manent value in preventing future floods. The famine committee believes that the new government will adopt a program ' of conservation , and, until this can be carried to completion, shoulder the responsibility of relieving famine conditions, thus making the com mittee, which la presenting this appeal tha liaf nf Ita klnri in China. Thn NftW China is awake to the situation and many influential . men are already pledged to such a policy, ' , "The famine will be at its worst In February and March and will continue until harvest, in the middle of May. It is imperative that money begin to come in before the end of February If great loss of life Is to be avoided. We oonfldontly hope that you will take prompt measures to bring this before the citizens of Portland and secure a large fund." . '" ' ' LA FOLLETTE GIVES CUE TO ROOSEVELT; ASKS DECLARATION (Continued from Page One.) ho conditions would he. ba a 1 candidate in lilt. , -.''-- X f "La Follette- started ' the fisht at time when prospects of preventing the renominatlon' of President . Taff were ridiculously small...' As the reasons' for Taff a retirement grew and indications of 'progressive, strength, developed, .- the Roosevelt boom was launched. This by many was at first believed to be back fire of the regulars to split the progressive Republicans. The crisis was -reached ''"when-; many - who - had pledged themselves to La Follette, but who really had preferred Roosevelt,' an nounced their discovery that' La Fol ietttt could not win, and that the nation demanded Roosevelt." . , .;, , , Attack Called Blunder. . "Tha first break' came Friday night when Xa Follette, whose physical . con dition was such that if properly coached, he would never have been allowed to speak, and who .was suffering from a shattered ': nervous system, .committed what even his most loyal friends admit was a grievous political blunder by at tacking without discrimination the press or the nation." ....';; : i:" - Medill McCormick. head of the La Follotte publicity bureau, and a strong progressive, haa addressed this state ment to;, the Illinois Progressiva Repub Mean league: i,-y. .;. ;,: a tv, V,-.11'."-;: ; ."Considering all the clrcumstanoes, Including Senator La Follette's physical condition, in tha opinion --of the over whelming majority of Progressive Re publican members of both houses of congress. 'Progressives' In Illinois must unite to send Roosevelt delegates to ths next national convention. ; : "With Roosevelt and . Jones (men tioned as Illinois Progressiva, guberna to rial nomination), the progressives can sweep Illinois and establish, in state and nation progressive: administrations which will substitute a . policy " of positive leadership . for. a. policy of compromise with principle and concession to special Interests." . , .' Movement Certain of Success. " " (United Press Lesmtd Wire.) Oyster Bay, N. Y., Feb. 6. "I regret Senator La Follette's illness and trust ha may -speedily recover, 't . waa former President- Roosevelt a . oomment today on the collapse of the Wisconsin pro gressive leader, v "One man may retard or advance the progressive movement," ha added,. !but tha movement is not de pendent upon any man or group of men, and Is bound to be successful." And that , was all he would say on that subject. .Asked his opinion of tha Florida con vention today, Roosevelt said: "Oh, that will ba a Taft convention. It would ba absurd to expect otherwise." , Climate Failed Medicine Cured It has been absolutely shown that rest, fresh air, and good food do help many persons suffering from Tubercu losis. But, to be really honest, it must be admitted that the disease is seldom mora than "arrested." Something mora is needed. -. Eckman's .Alterative is a medicine made for the cure,. of Tuberculosis. It haa cured this disease again and again. Often these eures have been effected where tha surroundings were not ideal, -where no Intelligent care was taken of the patient, where money was scarce; good food and good cooking unusual- yet cures resulted. Now we argue and urge that Eckman's Alterative should be used in "every case of Tuberculosis, In addition' to good nourishing food and fresh air, which we all need. Tha facts the evidence of cures that have been made are .interesting read ing, i A remarkable cure follows: ,,. T ' Weldon, 111. "Gentlemen Through Eckman's Alte ratve -1 have been saved from a pre mature grave, and, feeling that I might benefit- suffering. ..humanity, I taks pleasure in writing; you a brief . history of my sickness, which' you- are at liberty to use.V v :;- J. . . v- r "On DecembeJ1 14.5 1004; I -was taken with Typhoid- Pneumonia: My .lungs became very much effected; my sputum was examined and Tuberculosis .Bacilli wore found. On February 21, -1906. was advised to go to- Fort 'Worthj Texas. AVhile thore an' abscess in my right lung broke and . discharged. ..I grew worse, and became very much emaciated. My physicalan informed me that I must go to Colorado as quickly as possible. .-1 left Texas June 1st,, and' arrived Irt Canon City June 8, very, feeble. After being thera two weeks, ; my physician informed me that nothing could ba done, as my case was Hopeless. Three -weeks later I returned - home, -weighing ..103 pounds, the doctor having given me no assurance of . reaching there alive. v "On July.; 14, J 606, I began - taking 1 Eckman's. wonderful-- remedy for Con nmntlon'tt havlnar beewhirhlv rerom- mended. ,Today I weigh 168 pound. I am stout and well and can do any kind : of work about my grain elevator. I have not an ache nor pain In my lungs, eat well, sleep welK ftnd never felt better. I would be glad If every person afflicted f with Tuberculoids took Kck man's cure." (Signed Affidavit) ARTHUR WEBB. ' Eckman's Alterative Is effective. in " Bronchltl,-,Asthma,,,Hay. Fever, Throat end Lung troubles,, and -in" upbuilding the system;.. " Does not contain poisons, opiates or habit-forming drug"' 5 l'of ale- by The' Owl Drug- Co. ,n'l- other Jeadfng druggists. : Ask "for booklet .-of Mired cases -and write, to Krknmn ' I.ab oroiorv. I'lilladclphla, I'a.. for additional , irldcnc 1 " .' ' " '' " . ! ". Plnchot Slakes Statement. V (rnltvd Press Leased Wire.i New 5 York, Feb. 6. Amos - Plnchot. brother of Gifford Plnchot. former chief forester or the United States, today dls- cussecrthe progressive Republican pres idential nomination Imbroglio In a state ment to-the United Press. He said: "When the small group of progres sives met. . in Washington to discuss placing a presidential candidate in the field. It had two .definite ends first, to bind the progressives . together as an effective fighting; force, and second, to prevent the nomination or renominatlon of a reactionary candidate. - "We believed that In practically every case where tha interests of the average man .conflicted with the Interests of the standpat machine and great business Interests, the Taft administration would be found lined up with big businesa Since the organisation started, largely through the work of Senator La Follette and tha men .-supporting him,' political leaders have clearly seen that the only way to save the party In 111 and make It serve tha average man is to nominate a progressive candidate for the presi dency. ' a "Senator La Follette's withdrawal from the race would simply mean that the progressives realise that owing to tha demand for Theodore .Roosevelt and owing to the Wisconsin senator's health La Follette himself cannot accomplish the purpose which has always meant more to him than Individual success. With La Follette out of the race and his followers free to get behind Roose velt, the old fight with other Republi can leaders will ba continued. ' "Many supporters of La Follette feel that , Colonel Roosevelt is not so far advanced as the Wisconsin senator In progressivlsm, but it is clear that Roose velt and La Follette agree in most of the fundamentals and above all have the same convictions that tha country belongs to the people and the govern ment must be an instrument for the people's benefit.. "It seems clear that Senator La Fol lette's withdrawal is the only means of uniting, all progressives and insuring the nomination of some progressive can didate," ' DEEPER CHANNEL, CHEAP COAL, FREE SHIPS ARE NEEDS . (Continued from Page One.) tained at the entrance to the river, then I say let the Port of Portland .obtain a 40 foot channel up tha river to Port land. , .- , ... . oel Question TltaL . -."Lack of proper facilities for coaling vessels and the lack of coal at prices tor which It can be bought at other ports is one of the main obstacles to the Increase of the shipping out of this port. Puget sound has facilities and cheap coal, more inviting for the pres ent and hence Portland suffers in com parison in that respect. The fuel ques tion is the most Important for foreign bottoms, and, .taking into consideration American shipping, we find we have no bottoms worth mentioning. ' "Completion of the Panama canal. It is generally believed, will be followed by a very, rapid increaae in commerce by?; water.' but I fall- to. see1 how this commerce .is going .to. be .handled be tween .tna American pons . unless our shipping laws be altered so as to pro vide tha necessary Vessels.: Unless such amendment is made,, the trade that , our people are hoping and expecting will go to our -neighbors across tne una-v -. Bsspsn Channel tn SlTtr.'T; "They " will f have ; the advantage of shipping tn foreign bottoms to American ports, whereas tha shipping1 laws of ths states bar, foreign built vessels - from- engaging In trafflo between our , o ports.. '.-..; . ' ;. :'" .' '---v , - - -i "For this reason, l say, it is not. a question of water, but of fuel and ves sels. There Is no reason why Portland's shipping; should be done at Astoria for Antorta offers no advantages that we cannot secure for - Portland. Let us provldo a channel in the river, to match the depth of water 'on the bar. Let us work for cheap coal and Coaling facili ties and free ships, for an are. necessary to our future as a port, and the chan nel between , Astoria and Portland Is the least of the difficulties, and the others, fuel and ships," are as difficult at As toria as at1 Portland.!- wr .;' J v ' V. C. T, Leader Dead. 'iftWted. -Tress leased Wire.).5 " , Iinniim,, rvu. o. mis. urr u ijeitvm, honorary president of the world's W, C. T. U. fur 40 years, is dead here today. . itandord Sewing Machlnca Sold on the Club PlanDepartment on Cccond Ladles' Home Journal Patterns, Flrot Floor -Optical Department on tne First Floe Occupying Entire City Block-Bounded toy Morrlson. Alder. Tenth ond est Park Streeto .a J iff"' f " t.i WW MM I j-- II IU IIS mm if -i ii eM(D)msliipMii(D)ini ExfeaoiPiliiisiiry OF THE-FAMOUS Royal Worcester Bon Ton Corsets ' : In our Corset Salon, Second Floor, by Mrs. L. A. , ' BelderiJ Expert Coretiere from the East. See her. V. Iff wW. 1 --Hk ft sr.. n ; onH h THURSDAY AFTElOON-JJVING MODELS 'Auditorium, 4th. fl. Watch papers for particulars. 015.00 Values lop 010.73 ' S17.00 Values for 012.75 $10.00 Values lor G 6.7i3 ; Department on Third Floor. Inventory brings to light three .lines of living-room Chairs which the department man ager says "must be closed out." They are the English Fireside Chairs,. Arm - Chairs, Straight-back Chairs and Rockers with mahogany base and rims, with hard wood frames, upholstered with moss and hair and covered with good quality of art denim; 0"t O 77K regular $10 chairs, go for $6.75; regular $15 chairs, for $10.75, and $17 chairs DJLi I J BED 'SPREADS -Cleanup of odd lines of Bedspreads, in many heat patterns; our reg ular $175 grades for $1.45, and our regular $2.00 grades for $1.65; also 100 Bed Spreads which have been slightly soiled; our regular $1.00 grades, for' only UfJl TABLE CLOTHS In the linen aisle, a ir1annn nf ra11nnH rnnnif nMttrn flnttis slightly (nussed; 36-inch, $2.50 cloths for $1.90; size 45-inch $4.00 cloths, for $2.95; size 54-inch $5.0d cloths for dJEf OK 4; vrw $3.75; 72-inch $8.00 cloths at only (CleaiEiiiLJp r-t... Iirt OepaiPttiiTuemtts oil ttlhie Store Enormous reductions on all odd lines, broken lines, odds and ends, etc A general clean-up of everything that's sorted out during the invoice. M0)iim Size leg ; SaiEe J320 Grades G15.85 CIO iTlnoHoc ot GT firs Notion At tlie First-Floor Bargain Circle Right between the elevators, on the main floor. Another 'great sale of notions and small wares for one day only. Be sure to take advantage. Dress Shields, siies 2, 3, 4, regular 15c grades, special at only e Basting Cotton. Alex. King's 500-yard spools, 5c grades at only 4 Hooks and Eyes, white or. black; all sires, 5c cards on sale, 2 for 5 Collar .Stays, white, adjustable, assorted; 5c cards at only 2 for 5 25c Skirt Markers, specialized at only 8s 10c Tomato Shape Pin Cushions, special, 5s Wic Folding Wire Coat Hangers, only 8 5c Wood Coat Hangers, special at 2 for 8 15c dozen Ironing W a V special tor only uf 12c taffeta silk Seam Bindinsr. at only 7e 5c Tape Measures, specialized at only 3 10c: Sylvia Hait Nets, the dozen, only-35 Hair Nets, large, silk; 5 for this sale at 10 uc f can uuttons, special at, tne card, f Collar Stays,-"The Girl," white or rblack, lOclgrade, 7c, or the dozen at this sale at T5f Tailors' Chalk, 72 pieces to the box, assorted colors, 35c box at this sale for only 31 4 Dress Weights, Nos. 2 and 3100 to the box; 50c and 70c boxes on sale at 30 and 35t Belting, heavy grosgrain, 2-inch; regular 10c A yard; special at this sale at only 6 Belting, heavy grosgrain, 2-inch; regular 12 cents a yard; special at this sale at 8e Belting, heavy grosgrain, 3-inch, white or black; regular la-cent grade; special at 12e 25c dozen Buttons, assorted styles, only 5e 5c pins, 400 to the paper, twa tor . only oe 5c oaoer of Needles, specialized at only 3 25c box Hair Pins, assorted sizes, only .15s), 10c Shirt Waist Belts, soecial for only 8 5c Beeswax, special, the cake, at only 3 35c Hair Rolls, assorted shades, only 25 50c Hose Supporters, the pair at only 25$ Rug Department Third Floor In the Floor Covering Dept., third floor, a splendid assortment of Tapestry Brussels Rugs, size 9x12 feet, good patterns and col ors, such as we sell (Tfrr. er 1 regular at $12, special ? I VU rfe: ciean-up Silks, Wool Dress Goods Dress Goods and Silk Depts, First Floor For this cleanup sale we group 5 exceptional lots of Dress Goods on 5 different tables to be closed out at the following reductions: Economy buyers should take advantage. Table No. 1 Novelty Suitings, worth $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 a yard priced at only 69 Table No. 2 Scotch Plaids and Rob Roy Checks, $1.00 and $1.25 grades, at only T9 Table No. 3 Fancy Suiting, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 grades special for this sale, yd. 984 Table No. 4 Tweed Suitings, $2.50 and $3.03 grades special for this sale, yard f 1.49 Table No. 5 Imported Suitings, worth $3.50 regular special for this sale at only SI. 75 BLACK WOOL-BACK SATINS $2.50 grades, special sale, the yard fl.48 $3.50 grades, special sale, the yard 82.48 $5.00 Black Wool-Back Satins for 83.48 $6.00 Wool-Back Black Satins for 84.48 Double-Faced Satins, our regular (IJO AO $3.50 and $4 grades, special, yard VAisrtO SILK DRESS PATTERNS All of our Imported Dress Patterns in chif fons, voiles and border silks. To make room for our new Spring stock, we price theni for this sale at just ONE-HALF Double Width Foulards in the $2 Q- QQ and $2.50 grades, special at, yard visOs A sale of full 9xl2-foot Rugs, Axminster quality, in a good va riety of rich patterns, in attrac tive colorings, such as we sell in the regular way at fl! C QC $20 cleanup price wAtlsOfJ Axminster Rugs, sizes 27x54 inches; regu- (J , A lar $2.25 grades, now selling at only, each tDlsU Axminster Rugs, size 36x72 inches; regu- C.V'QC lar $3.75 grades, now selling at only, each vLsJ SHORT LINES OF, CARPETS NOW AT GREAT REDUCTIONS REMNANTS OF DRAPERIES SELLING AT REDUCTIONS ODD LINES OF CURTAINS AT GREAT PRICE REDUCTIONS GREAT CLEAN-UP OF ODD PIECES IN FURNITURE DEPT. G2.00 All Ovcr laccs 80 12c Wash IJBL&ijS At the Lace counter, first floor, a cleanup of thousands of - yards of Linen Torchon Lace, Cluny and Wash Laces in edges KA and insertions; good patterns, spl yd-..V Fourth Off Main floor tomorrow, cleanup sale of a splendid assortment of 18-inch Lace All overs in white, cream and ecru, oriental, filet and venise patterns; grades to QQA $2.00 a yard, priced for this sale at OaL All Auto Women's Ql.OO Belts 25c Our entire stock of .Auto Veils in best qual ity chiffon, extra long, with satin striped borders or hemstitched, all l flff wanted shades your choice " Main floor, a large assortment of Women's Belts, odds and ends, in patent leathers, elastic and novelties in ' black and OKn colors, all sizes; worth to $1, speciafaytU THue IBaseinnieiiutt Has Is IiiiienEfs Tomorrow All Qdldl luinies to Be Closed Oul 818.00 Suits Only 39.98 $22.50 Siiits Only 01098 In the Basement "Underprice Store" Women's S1.50 Waists $3 Wool Sweaters Tomorrow in the Basement "Underprice Store," a cleanup sale of Women's White Waists, made of good quality lawn and linen, in many styles, plain tailored or neat ly trimmed in lace or embroidery; QOp $1.50 values, special for this sale at O'v $1.75 Kimonos Reduced to 98c An unusual offering of Women's Long Kimonos, made of good quality flannelette and cotton crepe materials. Splendid styles, excellent colors and patterns; reg- GQp ular $1.75 grades, special, to cleanup aU"- $1.25 Gowns for Only 78c A rare, good sale of Women's Muslin Gowns, of fine sheer material in several styles, trimmed with embroidery or lace, cut full and long, all sizes; $l.2S HOp grades, on sale for the cleanup at CJ' In the Basement "Underprice Store," an nual inventory cleanup sale of women's All Wool Sweaters, in white only. Heavy car digan ribbed, V-neck styles, with finished edges and large pearl buttons; medium lengths, all sizes; worth $3.00 Ol AO each, special for this cleanup sale )Xfl"0 35c Veiling for Only 10c Don't miss this cleanup sale of fine Silk Face Veiling, in fine or coarse mesh, black or colors, a good assortment of patterns to choose from. Lay in a good supply " fn for coming season; 25c and 35c vals. XUC : Calico on Sale at, Yard, 4c A cleanup sale of 4000 yards of good stand ard Calicoes in dark, medium and light col ors; good patterns in the neat, small 41, designs. Special sale at, the yard tc2 V A clean-up sale of a splendid lot of women's tailored Suits, in a wide range of materials and colors; serges, cheviots, worsteds, mannish mixtures, etc.; faultlessly tailored; all good, stylish models; many new ones in the lot; worth to Q QO $18 each; on special sale spU-iO A most extraordinary sale of won derful values in women's tailored Suits, mixtures, velvets, corduroys; and plain serges; rich, plain tail ored styles; well made and neat fit ting; Suits worth $20 and $22.50 regularly are on special . fM A AO. sale at the low price of JLUsIlO Cr) Is i. Outing Flannels at 4c Yard Final cleanup of Mill Ends of Outing Flannels, all good qualities and splendid colors in neat checked patterns; useful lengths. Specially priced for A this sale tomorrow at only, the yard choice Bm Towele An unusual cleanup of Bath Towels; heavy, un bleached quality; size 19x38 inches, with hemmed ends; very special tor tne inventory a Cleanup at the the low price of only, each ftJ; W io mm lm sn n ft s res , VA usv iiuriiu uoa u.u k-t in the . - wwnn ina iBASEMENTW jnioaJlJl XTflW On the Bargain Circle, in the Basement "Under price Store," a final cleanup Of Remnants, thou- ; ,..-111 in ::v;f, sanas ox mori; lcngtni wnicn nave accumuiaicu curing tne recent neavy selling cuttings irom our Dest lines oi urcss Goods, Silks, Drapery Goods, Outing Flannels, Flannelettes, Ribbons, k 1 irai Cmkrri1ariaa ff tn nnrtA ti.afnl lanfffh- a ' Specially priced to effect a speedy clearance at exactly a 1 at roar or JSTAIS $7.50 Dress Skirts $3.98 . In the Basement "Underprice Store". , A rousing clean-up sale of 200 splendid Dress Skirts in serges, corduroys Panamas, mixtures, etc. Black and white checks and a good assortment of colors; $5.00 to $7.50 values; specialized for this clean-up sale 0 QP 'vJi. " only. Your choice of these garments at this sale for only, each su . Vz' Full D o u b 1 c-S 1 2S e Bed Shceto at 39c Annual Inventory Sale ,of full , double size Bed Sheets, made of fine quality sheetings, torn and hemmed, ready for use. . Supply-your needs OQ at the exceptional price for tomorrow at only "-7w .Valentlnesi A great cleanup of al of last season's Valentines in hundreds of styles;, worth from 5c qp to $1.00 each. Specially priced for this great Annual Cleanup Sale for tomorrow at just exactly ONE-HALF PRICE Groceries Picnic Shoulder, the pound, 11 Eastern Bacon, the pound, at 16e Sunflower Shaker Salt at only St Snider'a Catsup, special for ; 18f Blue Label Catsup, special at 18 Babbitt's Cleanser, 3 for only 1 Standard Tomatoes, three for 25 Standard. Corn at three for 25e California Apricots, the can, 15 CaL Layer Raisins, 2 pounds, 25 Holly Milk; 85c dot; case, f 3.25 Jersey Queen Milk, 2 cans at 15 ChUdren's 45c Underwear Only 25c Inventory cleanup sale of Girls'. Vests and Pants, of fine ribbed cotton, in the Spring weight; vests and combinations of vests and waist; the pants are ankle length; sizes to fit girls from I Off to 16 years of age regular 45c values, spl, Men's and Woniens Slippers for 25c Men's and women's Carpet Slippers, in durable and comfortable makes for bousewear; Oft A heavy carpet soles, plush tops, all sizes, pr. aiisJIv Regular $1.75 Slippers Reduced to 98c A cleanup sule of men's and' women's Slippers, felt and kid, in black and colors; women's are trimmed in fur and ribbon men's are plain QQp tan; all sizes; $1.50 and $1.75 values, pair aOV Regular 20c Creamers, Now 10c A special table of n. 'ntily decorated lA Creamers, good shapes; 20c grades XUC Regular $2.50 Curtains, Now 98c Here's a rare chance to secure fine Not tingham Curtains; mostly odd pairs. Many are slightly imperfect; good, large sizes, in beautiful patterns; Curtains which sell reg ularly at $2.00 and $2-50 a pair; we QO specialize them for this sale at only yOv Swiss . Curtains, Special Now . ; 25c A cleanup of fine quality Swiss .Curtains, of Swiss muslin, in neat striped patterns,' with ruffles; 2J4 yards long, special OCJ price for this sale .only at, the pairtlV Bathroom Fixture 35c Tumbler Holders, special at 25c 25c . Tooth ' Brush ' Holders only 10c 15c Tooth Brush Holders only 10c l5ci;Toilet Paper Holders only' 10c 30c Towel Bars, special at only 20c 55c Towel Bars, special at only 43s 85c Bath Sprays,- special only C7: 10c Pants Hangers, special only 10c Folding Coat Hantrers onlv 25c DUSTLESS DUSTi::iS " 50c DUSTLESS r.TO.V, f 4 -