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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1912)
, - THE . OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY . EVENING, FEBRUARY 5, 1912. I CjKVERAL REAL ESTATE 63 IMTtyou want a bargain In house, br va rum lot, if so go to 26th and K. Sher inarr ws. on the hill aat of Ladd addi 1 1 1 . ri" n cf sea these nice 6 room houses iv.r 13260 or lot for $1260 on your own forms.: Lot in this vicinity are selling high a $8000. Only a lota if ft at i 1 J50. Beautiful view of pity, restricted restrict, and: easy walking . distance down town. '' .-'A' Call afternoons at 825 . E. Sherman, cor. 26th. and we wilt gladly show you the best buv In Portland, Or, ' F. J, STEINMETZ, Gerlingerbldg. ' ; FOR SALE HOUSES 1 y nnKicrn iivme vprv choicest nart of Irvlnston. sur - rounded by costly residences, absolutely '-I'mpiew, uaruwuuu " V; - elate rises windows throughout. dressing room, two fireplaces, sleeping porch, built in flreless cooker and other conveniences, handsome fixtures, garage, la wu, rosea, etc.- A beautiful homt. In side and, out Occupied and for sale by owner. 412 E. .1st st. N.. near Tilla mook. Phone East 6B96. ( . Business Corner - -30th and Alberta Sts, ' T room modern house, on Inside lot; all light fixtures and shades. Brussels carpets on all rooms, range and heater, "pan stove, llnoum in kitchen and bath room: fruit and rosea; a fine business corner as well as a home. See owner st 640 Chsmber of Commerce, for confi dential price .and terms. Phone Main 79R7. ; ' - v . Mr YVorkirignrian . - READ THIS Small houses and 60x100 lot. $400 and up; $20 down and $10 a month; call us up or come out ana see mem; it will cost you nothing! also lots $160 and up. $6 down, $6 a month; all these lots are Inside the ci v limits. Tabor $7$. - Widell & Wilson l2 71 Gllsan St. M. V. car to 80th. For Sale by Owner 1 Brautlful 9 room house, bungalow de sign, new and absolutely modern, lo cated In choicest part of irvington, con venient, to 2 car lines. Price $7000; any amount to $.600 down, balance monthly, or will trade equity for small place or Hos in acreage, clear of incumbrance. Tel. East 2763, and talk tothe owner. $2250 Neat new 6 room modern bunga .. low. easy walking distance of ' Jefferson high and - Thompson ', grammar schools; terms.' $3500 Almost new fine bungalow, sit- usted on nice lot 60x100; street ' - 1 Improved with ' Hassam i pave . - ment; terms reasonable, ) ' JAMES D. OODEN. ' ' 848 Mississippi sve. Woodlawn 202. : ' STEAM HEAT, . $ room house, finished In hard wood, hot and cold water in every bedroom;, full cement basement, all modern conveniences. Price $5600, $500 down, - balance to sirlt. Call ' Marshall $$40.- Mr. Kinkier, or Tabor 2531 evenings. --r-. EAST -47T-T-NORTH. - ROSR CITY PARK, v v $100 CASH. if 7 rooms, sleeping porch, built-in buf. fet and bookcase, solid oak floors, kitchen range, furnace, fireplace, mirror doors, etc. NATTONAI, REALTY TRUST CO, . 723 Chamber of Commerce Bldgr. Phone Main 612. , HERE IT IS. 1 Two-thirds of an acre, 6 room house, running water piped In the house; two Works from t station; within 15 minutes of center of city on ths west side, $2250; easy terms. Provident Trust Company, 201, 202. 203 Board of Trnde. Mamha'1 47. A-1022. - . $1600 " Near Kenton and stockyards, new loom plastered cottage, 1 moflenv con- : crete foundation. $200 down, $15 month in Fred W. German, 329 Burnsido. M. or A-Z7 78. LobK here! r t can sell you sn acre of rich, allu vial soil, 4 blocks from street car with graded streets, sidewalks and water, tfor $1150 and finance your house on easy terma. All the comforts of tlia city and easy of access, K-221, Journal. $1400 for 5 Rooms Nice ( room cottage. 1 block . from cnrltne, close in; can you beat thisT Also 6 room Bungalows on easy terms. 4e i.umner Kxcnange. Marshall 4ZK5 SEVEN room modern cottage on E. 9th - at., south, corner lot 60x100, good ga rage. This can be bought on, ood terms. BEALS & ROBINSON. r 1 K. 11th st. Kaat 6022. .. .. $1300 CASH. Owner will sell cosy 5 room'bunga )ow, fireplace, bath, Dutch kitchen, fine basement, rooms psneled and tinted, : restricted district faces east; pries tamo. i -a an. journal. . A COMPLETE home In Rose City Park. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, furnace, fixtures, shades, fins 5 lace, for $4000; easy terms. J -32 8, ournal. , j . ' . BEST 1'OUSE 1rVINGT6N. . 19 rooms, finished oak; will satisfy most exacting comer, 90x100, choice location. 1$6$ E. 27th. Owner, W. H. 1 Herdman. - " " " ' MONTAVILLA LINE. . - I room cottage, $1760; good car eer ' vice within J blocks: another only 1 block from car. Inquire of J. Tressler, '1453 R. Gllsan st.. bet. 63d and 54th sts. $0 MONTHLY Including interest for new double constructed 4 room bun rilow, cement walk. Price $1800; cash, 100. ' Good bargain from owner; 630 Worcester block. ' $76 down, balance $16 per month, new 5 room moaern nungaiow, is, use si., near Hawthorne ave.; lot 40x100, paved sts., eaat front;, price $2800. Owner, IWls. journal, NEW modern 4 room cottage. No. 831 E. 26th st.; sewer, water, electric lights, lot 40x100, only $1800: easy terms. E. A. McGrsth, 231 Chamber of Commerce. $Jn60, HAWTHORNE DISTRICT, $3060. By owner, new 6 room bungalow $400 rash, balance like rent; 406 Commercial riiock, 2d and wasnmgion. WILL BC1I.D TO SUIT YOUR PURSE AND HELP FINANCE HOUSE IF YOU OWN LOT. A. C. FURLONG, $17 CHAMBER OF COM. MAIN 1429. FOR SALE 2-room house, lot 60x100, at Mentone addition at Lents. Price $400., Particulars 626 Wash., near j i tn , IT'S a dandy; 8-room strictly modern: College View; Sellwood car passes door; artlsllo and native trees, phone pell wood 09. ; "GOOD eaat side modern 7 room home, 10 minutes' walk to Morrison bridge, $6200, E. I4th and Yamhill. Terms' ! g Yeon bldg. Phone Main 11 2, A-4574. iOR SALE $580 equity In $2900 bun- gnlow, 6 rooms, modern. Rose City Park. C. Whipple, 924 Chamber of Com Mcrre. Main 1622, Ras. Tabor ' 3537. FOR SALE ti 76 cash andbalanceeasy; a 6. room bungalow, price $3100. C. Whipple, 924 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1022. Res. Tabor 8637. fcl'NNYKlDE bungalow, all modern, 86th and E. Morrison; terms; $2800. O- uo, juurnai. ' BKLOW cos cost by owner, $2700, 4 rooms' modem, lot 67x162, gas, sewer, street iproved,.,Cll llS6 Frances, bbtt Frank . L. McGuIra to insure asralnst fire, 51S Autngton bldg. . M. A NEWLY furnished modern 10 room house, 2 years' lease, reasonable; part cash. 128 .14th." FOR KALE if room house rOxlOO lot t at -Lenta. 6c car fare, $400; roust ' mnn nwny, uwntr, wain 8408. R A M HEY, A RAM 6 EY. contractors and builders, speciaitv of bungalow and era I' tan nn housws. Plion e Bell wood 1366. TOR BALE Nifr FlrTand, a new t room house. Halirht. 48J7 7lh m . 1IAHGAIN $1660. i-roonil PtlibbU. 4-room liouac. good lot. inquire tit r.. fin. rt. iS"t.V 2 room liouse near Jefferson high si hool. - owner, 191 Klandena st. k W t room iioii and lot $1400, 1200 ih. . phone Tabor 82. Jll, ymm tlal fur rent. 424 B tan tun si. 0-186$, East 1868. - FOR SALE HOUSES 6i Homes on Easv Terms .Modern bungalow, 4 room a and bath, Tire Dlace. bonkniM. Din to rail, Llutcn kitchen, lot 66x90. -82500. - Small. cash Five room bungalow, strictly modern. hardwood floors, gas, electricity, good jurnace, rire place, Durret. Dooitcaaea. view. Rose Citv Park, close to car: all street improvements Paid. $3260 and Olmstead' Park . I room hunnlnw. ! 80x58 on lot BO Till; double constructed and built for borne: Ilvlna- mom tim with flr.a fire jigor, ana two can Oe iinisne-n on lecona 1 floor: rfhin. .,.,.,. and rtutnh kitchen: elegant electric fixtures and j enure nouse tastefully tin too; run ce- tsgoo; MVm..t. ' : " ; J l 'vT , ' ' We have several six room' homos with sll modern conveniences, furnace, fire - Place, hardwood floors, bookcases, buf- let, uutcn kitchen. , These are urst class in everv dtll I37SO and ud. Olmstead Park $ rooms and sleeping porch, full J story; billiard room can be finlahed In attic: verv. Inrare - llvlnv . room and dining room beamed and panelled; built I in Dookcasea.. buffet. tireDiace. uutin kitchen.' The finish is extra good and above -the ordinary. " Full cement base- nivni ana nns targe rurnace. 'inree blocks to Broadway car, $7000; small payment and easy terms. Large t room home st Mount Tabor, excellent view of the whole city, mod-1 conveniences, lot Boxms: targe ma ture Royal Ann cherry trees, beautiful iawn. roses etc, $sooo, $600 caan, bal ance terms. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. 101. 202. 203 Boaro if Trsde Bld. Marshall 473: A-1022. Hawthorne District Small. Payment Down Balance as Rent ' Close In. New 6-room bungalow. Doubly constructed throughout Reception hall, i , Fireplace. i!1 ' Rookcsses. , . Paneled dining room. Built-in buffet Fine Dutch kitchen. White enameled bathroom. 2 large bedrooms. Iarge attic. Fins - basement cement flnnr and laundry trays. Hpienaid neighborhood. Tabor 3089. ' Brand new 4 room bunralow. atrlctlv modern: attlC and mAnfr haaamant ""umui fireplace. Duut-in DOOKcases, buffet. .Dutch , kJ t c h eji,:-f ine-4a t b,-e1 did neighborhood. Just one -block from Hawthorne-ave. and Mt Scott car line. I i-nce I2zoo; $zoo cash, $16 per month I and Interest at 7 per cent: no first mortgage to assume. This la actually the best bur nil the oaat Hide that nan be had on easy terms. Phone Tabor szs. jan 1406 Hawthorne ave. TMEffES! Most Convenient "BEST DESIflNRn AM) BtTlIATiriri room house, in swell residence diS' trlcL will sell at sacrifice. It la what you want if you will come and see it. Auto will show you. Place 10 minutes from center of city. 600 ft. east of union ave. pnona at once, Woodlawn inn 1 or tJ-Uft (. FOR SALE Six room dweillnr-: un parlor and sleenlns norch inclosed In glass; hot air furnace; full concrete Jne aoor: r,Ter ""Si?. w,u ut."" basement; stationary tubs: llvlna-rooms. '." horse, cow, 80 chickens, all m l$x:$; one bed room aanT; 1 ilSSSSSr PlT,t " w,tA P-c. 'Main 297, A- oeo rooms; located at 753 Broadway: imi""-" v-uqh jnm, m u . suxiuu. ror saie; very easy terms. MoCARGAR, BATES A LIVELY, ' vi x eon Diqg. FOR SALE LOTS 16 CALL East 4428 and buy of owner. Haw. morne aiatnct, cioae in, z 6 room bun galows, mo. 1 in every respect: Includ ing hsrdwood . floors and all modern conveniences. . $3050. $400 cash, bal ance, as rent: slao 3 lots with store ixz. trice II400: termi BEAUTIFUL view, lots on Southern! Including cement aldeWalk! curb. mdM siope near council test $650 and up. streets afid water. Building restrictions. Sold on easv term a PmvMtm ti I company, 201, 202, 203 Board of Trade. I Marshall 473, A-1022. $10 DOWN. Ilo PER mWth ' Fin. - view lnr mafnr. .,it - I restricted district, near ear. nement walk I and curb. Bull Run ai.e PhivMmi I Trust company, 201, 202, 208 Board of I Trade. Marshall 473. A-1022. A VIEW lot containing approximately I ji.uuu aq. it, situatea on Portland I Heights. 2 blocks from csrllne. It Ilea anlna" ma.ny l"? ,,r iree8- Price $3000. Terms. Le Voir A On 1 Chamber of Commerce. $326 buys a very fine lot in Flake ditlon. 60x100. water nlned t aa-h I lot. This Is ons of the choicest Sddi- tlons alone- the firearm RVrtrl. Tirnti to M. K le. 311 Corbett bldg. S10 nnwn flnH 9 Ppr Ppnt MfV t - vuiii inwi SKS1 "J1!!!!?. -tatJ.n' .ZSi11 & Flrland station, Mt. Scott car. ii i ii i i 1 THE best investment In apartmenta or ei , .it., i. i i ,u . I flat altes In Portland, cloae in on eaat I side. Sea Anderson. nr for bin. print, and lowest prlcea 313 Hamilton 2 LOTS. IRVINGTON PARK. $676. ' $26 down. $10 monthly, 1 block from I car. can you beat this? Fred W. German, tan ournBiar. Main orjv-zris. MUST HAVE CASH. Rossmere lot 60x100, near Sandy Road. will sacrifice to sell Immediately. G- s mi, journal. ii, $600 for M acre west side, 6c car fare; only 15 minutes' car ride; best home value In the city. Terms to suit you. HALh; acre, Gladstone and 87th'stTonTy $2100; terms. H. T. Palmer, owner; i. r. an i.uroru Diai, i win be at 816 Lewis bldg., 2 to 8 p. m. any. ELM HURST lot. A avh, wwv V 1 1 1 ,,uu uil tin n w wenn . terms. Phone M. 8924 during week, or DDI .IDS. ' -i 1 ' ' 60x100 JUST south of Hawthorne, $900, a snap, small payment, balance to suit. ii!44 Mawtnorne ave. LOT MUCH BELOW VAT.TTH- Must be sold, 60x100, near East $7th and Hroaaway. K-319, Journal. SEE Frank L. , McGuIre to insure seainst nre. oi ADington bldg. M. HIOS. A-1146. - RAMSEY 4k RAMSEY, contrsctors snd , Diiuaers, speciaitv or nungaiow and ee.etaman hnn.Aa PfiAna BallwAnil Iocs ioOxlOO NEAR E. 89tn and Harrlaon! , mnn mn M.h .in I $477. BEE Le Nolr & Co. siasisi propertyexelus!ye dealers p2 Improved lot In bearing j side realty. 837 EXTRA large fruit 110 down. tlO nee mnnlh Ta. bor 2868. - - -' ' $576 CASH ' " Buys fins 60x100 lot In Rose City Park, face east. K-822, Journal. 12500 buys close In corner, east side, worth $50jBO; good apnrtment sits. M, E. Lee. 811 Corbett bid. FOR BALE $400 equity n Ridgemont lot, N. Mt. Tabor. K.-3Z6, journal, i50 Suonyside lot, will double . value I In 2 yeara. Owner, Tabor 1798. f TWO Sunnysid lots on corner, east I front $1100 each Phone Eaat itOS, tOxlOO, li ving ton. 1 block from Union M. 9461. ' iw aown. NAP, 60 .font lot, west of Improvements. E. 40th B-2481, St.. $70,1, ,i 2 I.OTH 60x100 on the west side $800: $310 down, $io month, Sellwood 249. 10 WB offer to parties who desire to build a homi an Y(flntlonftl nnrairtiinltv nn Portland ' Helerhte nnrxrtv. With an I initial navmcnt or 11000 raah on certain I properties that we have to sell we will to du a t moaern noma fames Dung ing to negotiate ail matter coincident lth building. Investigation will prove I that the property at prices from $1660 to $3000 per lot, Is the lowest, priced property, Is ' all situated within 1 100 feet of the carlina. Le Nolr ft Co., 836 1-9 cnamner or commerce. $$7660 foot lot on Blandena at.. $10 oown, balance fie per month. $1360 60x100. on MlsslssiDDl sv. 1120060x100. near carllne and not rar irom tne jerrorson nign scnooi sewer, sidewalk and street Improved. , JAMf.B i. uuutn. . 848 Mississippi sve. Woodlawn' 202. MT. TABOR LOT AT BARGAIN. t 76xl00 feet, Just east of Josselyn home, commanding splendid view of the 1 city and view that can never be cut off. Best buy In the district. An, Ideal I ir m aume. nnu w ti-jn, juur inai. ACREAGE 87 Acreage 'y-''-'---'' on Fourth Street Electric ' 1, 2, 6 and 10 acre tracts In the Tualatin valley Juat west of Council Crest; the very richest soil; road along- every tract and with the electrifying of ; Fourth st line, which passes through the - very center of our platting, you are certain of rapid increase, both In values and development. Sold vii mummy inaimiiiiimii. : Office open until 9 p. m. The Shaw-Fear, Co; Main $6. . 102 4th St A-3S00. $25 down and $1 'a week, per cent interest f or one acre of rich black garden soil, no rocks, snd under cultivation;. SO miles out from city, on 8alem electric cars; near 2 stations. ' Also small tracts of timber land st $100 per acre at the above terms. Inquire, of owner, 211-212 Failing bldg., 3d and Washington, city. Best But Cheapest 5 and 10 aore tracts, $26 to $48 an acre, easy terms; deep red shot soil; well watered; Ideal for fruit vegetables. 'Irylns; fine view; some buyers already living on propertv; Income producing all winter: school on around: on countv road close to live town on Jt,-R. snd river, near Portland. Neuhaffsen A Co., owners, 703 Lewis bldg., th and Oak sts. For appointments evenings, phone East 894. 4 1-2 Acres - Within blocks business center; live lamiuu county town, voc rare to Fort land, arood schools, churches, etc., im proved, with large 4 room house, chicken rune, 8 acres- cultivated, best soil, set to strawberries, bearing fruit trees, grapes, etc. Price $2850. half cash, C. W. LAMAR. -417 Corbett bid-. Main 3931. CHICKEN AND sKUIT RANCH. Near Portland, a new subdivision. Low est prices, best soil, fins view, wood, water and roads. acres $400 per tract: 10 acres $600: 320 acres 1800: 40 acres $1200; 80 acres $2000; 160 acres 13000. Liberal terms. Better see us. FRANK McFARLAND REALTY CO 809 Yeon bldg., Portland. Or. DEATH In family; I must return to eastern farmTwM sell 10 acre fruit and truck farm at two thirds Its value: yu the. terms. To see It is to ror.u is a oeauty. streetcar to SU ACRES OF GENUINE BEAVER- DAM LAND Near Portland, electric lines, and on 2 county : roads, school across the road, nearly all cleared, $13.60 monthly, or other essy terms. PAC. N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO, INC. ' 4ud uoucn Bias?. - $10 cash. $10 monthly, no interest no tsxes. secures 10 acrea of beat 1an In ths world, ready for ths Plow, trans portation facilities unexcelled. Rabb & Patton, 322 Lumbermens bldg., 5th and Btara. ONE. 2. 3 and 6 acre tracts, cloee In uburD?,nPro.per.?'-g00d l,tno car service. $100 to $400 per tew. easv terms. J. W. Hefferlln Realty Co... 408 Corbett bldg.. HAVE half acre tract that I must sell. Will take $20 cash and 87 monthlv. Cleared, cultivated, arood location, close to car. 7 cent fare. DON'T MISS THIS. Owner, Main 5763. room 407. - TST acres 1 KL milea from B. P.. Ta.,u. .VUe- unimproved, at a bargain, p. O. v. . buihiu, ownrniii, ur Route 4. 1 FOR SALE 1 acre. 4 room houae,' all kin. nr erif i' Jl building, suitable for poultry, cla-eona or shop. Tabor 29. in irul-o - BnnnKn-i - i- cheaD: red shot soil- fine stream innaa ih nln, Aililm, Tin-- nu .. erton. Or. ' l 1 " .. .' . i x rive, acres, an in cultivation, best of .?.lL -,0 to Salem electric, $760 per iraci twu caanaown, oaiance tie per 6 to 10 acre tracts, close to Portland. ' III Corbett hidr. j . terms to suit you. M. E. Lee, 311 Vf "":,'.'."'A, ".f i.1 CHARLES E. 8HOR T. 2 25 LmbEx. TEN acres, fine soil. $200, $20 cash, $10 per mourn, u rty.- n;xcnange. FOR SALE FARMS An Investment Worth While: 157 acres. 3 "A miles 8. W. of Perrv. uou vtf iii i irn a. , win runiaiiUi VII OUUVU- em Pacific; 40 acres under cultivation, balance oak timber; 10,000 cords worth $4.60 per cord; small house, barn, family A n 1 1 . c.-.t a vrciinra, tencra, s sopa sprinas. land 0Jll rorrl1r.ul,t: ""ts ,T .2lvJ,: ?led f"ning. This Is one of the best w v. j . l 1 1 ,3 nintn.L, ,uu JCI nil r, I r I I II n to suit at per cent Interest. SOS Board or Traae Diaa. ARK YOU LOOKING FOR a' GOOfi FARM. IF HO. BKK HEHK. 119 acres HI miles from nreawall' Or., 80 seres bottom 'and, balance fine bench land, 800; chickens. 11 cows, 4 pigs, snout izuo worm or reed and all the farm tools go with the place; price ivuu; suuuv caan. caiance to auil Dur chaser at 6 per cent. Call on or write E. J. Moore. Crs- well, Or. RETIRING, will sell mp farm 173 acres 60 in cultivation. 22 head cattl as nogs, noraea, a room nouse, oarn 118x 118, all farm Implements and tools so. WchuwHsl'T - yloVt M- nurcn, ma xayior St. W. HERE IS A SNAP. 120 acres. of a mile from Creswell. - .il i i j .. .c: . cM Write E, J. Moore. Creswelj. Or. p DON'T get scared of our low price; our lend is good and near R. R. Why a. aaaall a A jtAaaaa . I aa k a. I ' ws sell . so cheap. Is man a cnance, u acres, f600 $Z0 down $10 month. Lamar, 810 Fpaldlng bldr! H, N. Swank ; - acrea Tlllamoolt .mhuI, . aaa. 320 1 hays $1000 cash at Once. . $08 uinmn muy. s'ORTY acrea all cultivated. $4000; 62U "' 1 .eultlvatsd. $2500: 34 acres, I ?i!IrhftM butldlnira. Hugh Magee, Scotts Mllli 20 ACRtiS, no waste, near good school under Klickitat ditch. Reat e land, V, plowed $20 per acre. Terms. 211 Macleay. Main 1305. - ... i ac'res true and chicken ranch for rent 1 mile- from elnrtrln iin. . ti miles from Portland. Shader Realty. FOR SALE- LOTS 17 207 Acres' (3 acres cultivated and wlreil; wheat crop all In; 6 acrea youna fipitsenber trees; 1 acre family orchard ,8 years old; Italian,. French and silver prunes, peaches, pears, cherries, berries; water ires i springs; cows, i rresn. aiecra, ,s, norses ana narness, l Du 1 Wilton. 2 vounr pigs. 14 turkeva. chickens. 2 pig houses, chicken house, rake, harrow and 7 room house in mood condition .- and water piped. ' Price $7000; terms. Inquire at 614 E, Oak, corner 11th. ' .'-..''..-.-..; 20 acres, $76. per acre, only $ milea from station, on Mt Hood R. R, arfd Itt mnes east or forlland. Flna red shot soil. Partly cleared, running wa ter; the choicest of . fruit and berry land. Thla Is $25 under the market vaiun, wwner, ziu Aiacieay bldg. Main FOR RENT FARMS 14 1$ acres clsared and fenced land, 4 milea aoutn OE Bridal Veil; llvlnr water? also wood proposition. 1940 E. Gllsan, FRUIT LANDS 43 Rogue River Valley . 10 acres nears. 2 veara inld 1 mlla from town. $400 per acre. Includes eul- ,(.,!., . . . , cash, balance 4 years without Interest ree owner, Jlf uoiicn- bldg. HOMESTEADS 47 YOU CAN'T GET SOMETHING FOR But we can show you for a rnn. aoie consideration where-you can get ons of Uncle Sam's best A section f re-j homesteads in eastern Oregon before It is an taken oy tne eastern emigration that is sure to come to Oreron thla spring, can Martin s sexes, 350 M Alder st, room 7, between 4 and S p. m, evenings by anointment. HOMESTEADS near Portland, large tlm- ner running water, prairie, good soil, desirable homes, near railroad and river; location fees right Covey, 267 Oak, room 21. . . . HOMESTEAD on county road, near good -school. Nine miles from Columbia river. Under Klickitat ditch, signed for water. Snap.' 211 Macleay. Main 1305. FOR SALE TIMBER 28 160 acre stock ranch 3 miles from P. O. Enough timber on the place to pay for it. Located In Polk county. Call room 7, Valley hotel. , . TIMBER claim location, fee $150. For particulars C-819,-Journal. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 SELL' OR EXCHANGE Best wheat lands In Gilliam county, 1 mile from ; R. station. 600 to 1600 acra tract now under cultivation, $26 per .acre: easy terms. 319 Worcester bldg. WILL, take in, exchange for lots or gasoline boat. team, waaon. farmlnar tools, cows. For Information call at 069 E. Pins st F. Anderson, Mayger, Or. Box 9. - . " i HAVE high class. Columbia phono- graph - outfit, .consisting of Phono graph, fine cabinet and 200 records. Cost $360. Wanted, real eatate In exchange. See at 62614 Wash., near 17th. WANTED To trade my equity of $235 in west side lot as first oavment on S or 6 room bungalow or as rent for a or s room fiat or Dungaiow. w-xio. Journal. 1 WILL take mortgages and sellers' con tracts tn exchange for unencumbered Portland lots, restricted district ini provements In. X-500, Journal. NEW 7 room house to trade for close in acreage or city lots, would uninu small amount 404 Commercial blda-. Marshall 4020. WHAT have you to trade for $2000 eaulty in 7 room new house comae lot on Prescott stT Price of house, $4600. Owner, 620 Lumber Exchsnire. ACRES in Gladstone, vslue $1500, for sale: would trade for A-l S na&a. autn. or eaulty In city property. 807 Wilcox bldg. - CLOSE In Portland property; Income 230 Per month: trade for nrnnertv tn Grand Rapids, Mich. Call (10 McKay bldg. FIVE acre tract 8 acres clear, good " ' ntiu, uvunp, sa3s o laiiuu. CHUCIII EjIfSV trict line, $900 equity; will sacrifice, as neea caan. journal. HOME close in, within block of Haw- - thorne ave., ror small farm close In, on electric line. Capitol Trust Co., 225 nenr jrwiu a;. TO EXCHANGE for Portland property, 0 acres. 1-8 mfle from Coeur d'Atena Idaho: price 32000. Whionle. 924 r-ham. ber of Com. Main 1$22, Res. Tabor 8687. WANT to trade 17 acrea of good land - worth $2000 . for rooming house or house and lot. . OWNER, 820 Lumber Exchange. TO EXCHANGE 9 rooms, fine location, rooms full. $900 value of furniture; will consider automobile or lots. What havs youT X-316, Journal. , I WILL sell equity In a five-room bun galow in Waverly Heights at a bar rain or exchange for pair of large draft horses. X-810, Journal. . , IF YOir WANT TO SELL. BUY OR TRADE. SEE SHOEMAKER INV. CO.. 624 HENRY BLDG. MAIN 4405. - WHAT have you to trade as part pay ment on modern bungalow, exceptional locaiionT i-aia. journal. WILL accept timber lands part pay- ment-for my $6000 house. Answering state location and price. H-814, Journal. 80 ACRES fine wheat land coming under irrigation ditch, eastern Washington, Price Is right 805 Couch bldg. 160 acres timber land In Yamhill coun- (xo exenange tor t-ortiana property, room 17, Valley hotel. Car JNICE lots at Kern Park for lot or equity In houss snd' lot at Newberg. Home Land Co., 145 ft 1st st WANTED Jo trade auto . for wagon and team or single horse and spring wagon. 1112 Hawthorne. TRADE EVERYTHING ANYWfctEERIi EWEN REALTY CO., , .11 ALilOAI SSLdLHJ, COLORADO lands and lots to exchange ' ir pruperiy nere. naoiey JHOrtgaare & Land Co., 810 Spalding bldg. I WILL buy, sell or trade anything IT. F. Lee. 917 Board of Trade bldy. BUILERS contract tor exchange for clear lots. Tsbor 1147. , Abe Martin A. fellef will fight with his wife at breakfasv kn' tip a waiter at noon. ;! It takes a purty. smart feller t admit that he's wrong, y. .:','. 1 V v 'i'.- Hsnd FOR - SALE FARMS EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 2 City Homes, - Farms or - Acreage room bouse. Alberta st, 12600, $500 mortgage: WANT 20 acres about $4000 eaat or city, room houee; hew,-Mt. Tabor, value $6000. no mortgage; .WANT 10 or IS acres ciose in, ouuo. . .. , 8 room house, Monroe st, Alblna, value $6600. mortsaare 32000: WANT 1(1 or 1 acres between Portland and Ore gon ' city, not . over $10,000. y I. have others, .. :'. .1 C W. LAMAR. 417 Corbett bldg. -Trade for Rooming House 10 acres, mile B. of Lafayette. room house, barn; store room, ' hen house. 1 acre orchard anDlea neara. lieacnes, wuinuiw, piunis, grapes. acre strawberries, y, acres vsteh and oats. - 1 acre wheat. 1 acTe per manent meaaow. Home DiacK onion iana. tevei ana an rpneea. - this a beautiful home and farm. - Price $4000. Fiulty $3200. 606 Board of iTaae' oiag, v .; Exchange or Sell 12 rooms, rent $10; no Incumbrance. 10 rooms, for. lot op innun. 15 rooms. 6 veara' leans, for irrrr 62 rooms, 4 years lease, rent $116. A Brick for acreage, . , . I 8 rooms, modern. tIKA hindliia ( EWEN REALTY CO.v- -v Room 111 AllRkv rtllllrlln' ROOMING house and apartments to vraae lor ciiy property or rarm tim ber land, timber claims and homestead locations our specialty. .... Wanted, first mortgage for a 8 room HUUBO up to S4I0V. , - i - Wilson Investment Go,v " 417 Fenton bldg. 84 th st. GOOD stock of general merchandise tn good location. Invoice about $6000, doing a good cash business: will take some land, or property in Portland; musf have some cash. We Invite close investigation by any - onev wanting good business. F. J. SteinmetSa. fler linger Ding Pvrrmnrra rr Qolo '." We can match anything. Headquar ters for exchanges. -.- All kinds of properties for sals or ucumiie. taii ana see US. . . M. C..REED CO.. I7 Board of Trade, Main 475.' Trade for Rooming : Houses 68 acres, Donald station, on Oregon Electric Ry., 27 miles from Portland. 20 acres under plow. Balance fir tim ber. Excellent cord wood proposition. rm-e oiuu. duo Hoard orTrade bldr. Trade for farm or Acreage Apartment honn. Wilhlnrlnn mt lw,.L tion. 72 room a Htpam hat nHv,l baths.' excellent fumltiir inna- always full. Profits Urge. - Eouitv Furniture and leaaa of am nr V t furnished, modem, fireproof buildings in the cttv: a II onft nrnTvwin and can Show good Income.' Want wnnA Cm-J?i5"r.S. f'rt,antli n"18 be best of land. H-32S,-3oOrnal. . WILL exchange my equity In a 60x120 foot lot on Macadam st, for most anything of value. This lot faces two streets ana nss united Kallways track age; Ideal .location for small factory of oiiy auiu. or goon . ouBiness location. Write owner. E-375. Journal. 6 ACRE chicken ranch, on Interurban car, an pianea in town lots, good soil and location; has a Rood small house, brooder basement and chicken houses; easily worth $3750; want house and lot In Portland. H-329. Journal. 800 acres good timber in Josephine county tn exchange for general mer chandise, farm or income property in Columbia River . valley; price $8500. What have you T Box 134, Goldendale, t ami. Relinquish mJsnt for sale or ex- change In Lake county. Or.. 6 miles from permanent survey of the Crescent Vale R. R. Address Chronicle, Klamath Falls. Or. SWAP COLUSIN 25 WANT to trade? Phone Main 8538, no matter what you have. I own some dandy propositions and sure will talk business with you. ' . : , , EXCHANGE Good guitar, also Wln- iwieater yz 2 nrie ror tnorougnorea chickensor eggs. Gay, 761 EL 83d st, W. W. far. TRADE anything anywhere. ber Exchange oldg. 329 Lum- - WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 WILL build you a 4 room house, plas . tered. built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen. foundations and sink. $496. Phone East ins. auk ior unaney. lAiwtnn piutiujs it you want to aAll ap Ipail. vnn. fmi I.. the city see W. G. Jenkins, 810 Railway LIST your property with the live one. II et quick. Try us. Lytton gr Welnblatt. 728 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Lot In Rose City Park from owner; give price and lot number. J 827, Journal . STOCKS AND P0ND8 68 MINING and industrial . stocks and t bonds bought and sold. ' ycC'cllang' 0 Rsflway Ex. WANTED Governmept Standard pow- der stock. Call room 17, Valley hotel. ! ROOMING HOUSES . . C3 34 rooms. $1100 down;' you can clear $260 month above every expense, brick building, lease, well furnished; opposite Multnomah hotel: price $3000. 24 rooms, rent $86, housekeeping newlv renovated; income $196 month; It's worth 1800; vours for $800, terms. 20 rooms. Washington street, 6 year jrrfq , ii ice i y xurninnea, always soia ior $1800; yours for $676, terms. , Giving It aws. - - - ' 17 rooms, $460. terms, rent $60, good iiuubs biju ur you . ov pionm, . alio ieon mag . Downtown Hotel ,.. . $ 6,500. .- $ story brick, corner 100x100; contains 131 rooms, 8 year lease, includes ban dining room, large lobby and rented store rooms, old established, doing good steady transient and rooming business. Lega tion very best in down town district ior per aay nouse. jror particulars C. W. LAMAR, 417 Corbett bldg'.' Strictly Modern 44 ROOMS $6000 TERMS. ' Brick bldg., new. Wash, st, long tease. iv Dams, ah nant rooma. other. r. -king $10,000 for places no better. See it peiore you ouy. ".;,,, f. b05 Yeon Bldg. Cominel" The best hotel seaaon that Portland has ever seen.. Now is the time to buy. For any aina or noiei or apartment .house see DEVLIN A- FIREBAUGH, . 7 f'1 007 Yeon. " ' DO YOU WANT 1T7 Apartment house, 8 i rooms. In 8 and 8 . room suites,' well furnished, , long lease. Price J3300; $1000 cash. .CROCKETT-STARKER CO., s r f Room 3. Washington bldg. ' 20 ROOMS20 A-l location, transient house, 4 U resrs' lease, worth $1600. Price today 800, terms. Peters, 16 N. tth st FOR SALE Rooming house, 18 rooms, . good location, $1600. $1000 cash. This Is a good buy.' O-809. Journal. $1900 WITH terms will buy good pay ins, ciean rooming nouse, ' tv rooma. By owner. Marshall 2688, PORTLAND ROOMING HOUSE " CO 617-619 Henry Bldg. Mar. 664, A-8263. We handla hotel, anartment hnu.-a rooming houses exclusively. bui mis- i room ana be independent hard times: rent $50; price $1000; $700 caah, clearing $8$. See Johnson & Johnson. 16$ 10th st 63 20 Rooms Wash. St. r S yeara'ease; this Is a money maker ana onlv Ih'bu. on, easy terma., j. r Nichols Co.. 615 Yeon bldg. . 4 a nnn up i f i s , k j 'S'k h i u nuumo 1 U i- " Mn heart of city, rooms- all full, a money maker, $100 will handle. Peters, 16 N. 5th st. '' - 1 ! BUSINESS CHANCES SO ' . '' Read This S; - X have a business that will clear $250 monthly;- no rent to pay, only work ons day a week; first one comes gets this for $260. .Peters, 16 NBth st. ' WANTED To sell electric contracting! business: - arood location : for , retail trade. Over counter sales pay rent, bookkeeper, light and all overhead ex penses. Net earnings for year, $3700. This is a snap. . D-812. Journal. FOR SALE or trade, a grocery stor-i with stock and f xtures . omplete Have a-good paying, business. Will con Slder farm. E. A. Yunker. 3519 62d st city. Phone Tabor 14. UESTAURANT, for sale, right down town, doing a fine business: owner III sacrifice: chean rent and ' sood lease: make Offer. 417 Kenton bldg., 84 Will WANTED Partner" in established sro- cery store' In the best suburb In city: must have energy and $400 cash. Call at e-rncerv. R. fi?d and Kanriv rnad. Rnaa t;uy faric canine. LIST WITH ME CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS NO MATTER WHERE LiOCAl jbD. IT'S MICHAEL. ' 202 COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. 860 Clears $300 monthly, -splendid res taurant, good trade." Ions leaae. low rent: coins- awav and must sell. - Rahh ft Patton, ,322 Lumbermens bldg., 5th ana marie. . FAMILY GROCERY STORE. liii ,anii Kniiiiinv an.4 ii Stock at invoice, living ' rooms, dally cash sales $36: price $3800, $1800 will nanoie. room 7Z0 Chamber or com. rliUMcliRB, take notice! . Kor sale, onlv Dlumolna anon in one or tne neat towns east of Vancouver -on the 8. P. A S. Write or call at once. W. S. Har- I v, Wmhnnn TVaah -" f tnr Fine Saloon Location, license, and nrlca Is'rlsbt gos uoucn oiag. . - 500 - Business Cards. $1 , Rose City Printery, 192 V4 Third Street' A REAL BARGAIN, The War l on I GOOD cigar stand, best location In Ore- ?:on city, cneap. inquire of Journal ice. 7th and Main sts.. Oreson Cltv. CHANCE of lifetime, cleaning-pressing shop. Price $50; cheap rent; doing good business.. Johnson i & Johnson. 188 10th. . i v . OR SALE Bakery In good town. In. eluding bulldinar and brick oven, for $800. H -3 2 6; Journal. I 150 buys a restaurant, to be sold at once: No. 1. location. 10 14th at.. As toria. Or. ' V . WANTED Partner with $600. . Excep- j tlonal opportunity. Big money. 208 Railway Exchange. ROOMING HOUSES 500 Good-BusinessGar4s.4l4EREEIEMFLOYMENT OFFICE on nucnanan oiag., zss Washington, DRUG STORK, west side, doing a good business: IZOOO will handle., II. I. rairiay. boa noyt st, , . FOR SALE Pool room, owner has other business and will sell rlahL Phnna Ta. nor hb MEAT MARKET $25 a day, good local r.fe It PhonehT-rd451Ver5:: " wf Vl JLJ " " .1 ... -V I - .. 10 PER month will make $1300 in two .vears sure. 1 Investigate. . Ijun,, ac, i.,i,.i.i.a: i. f BAKERY and delicatessen, doing a nice business; good location. R-S 18, Jour nal. - WILL buy seller's contracts at reason anie oiscount. B07 Spalding bl d g, HELP WANTED MALE WANTED For the United State army, u iniuieu unmarriea men ' oetween res Of 19 and 85. oltlxena of TTnita habits, who can speak, read the English language. For Information to recruiting orricer, worc 3d and Oak sts.. Portland. Or. CHEF headquarters and helpers. Call- rornia wins uepot, xamhlll, next io journal.'. - r WANTED At once. 2 men to learn to drive and repair automobiles. Call at Hawthorne Qarare. 448 Hawthorne,' v iCJSr:J W Apply 223 r.......,.x.m. v-iun o.n. , WEAR, a Kenshaw $1 hat: all atyisa I 4th t 449 Washington. - ' WANT laborer, lather, carpenter; give I dentistry. Call 207 Allsky bldg. V i-. HELP WANTED MISC. 40 WANTED AUTOMOBILE MECHAN- tea Atm nnivnpa . Toung men, why not better your con dition and learn the automobUe busi ness? -.- :. GREAT SPRING AND SUMMER DE MAND FOR RELIABLE MF.N. we train m-:n for this work and aa- E,neVT!s,r,5?.",n,.05: '""f- To those interested, we ask them to in , THE OREGON AUTO SCHOOL, iw-iii "ln' o" JeTTerson. - '. ' Men Take Noticel - - 1 We Want men to learn antn fdrtvln and repairing. We supply the help of one of the leading taxicab automobile ana irsnsrer company In town, and are In need of men who ere of good habits, we guarantee a position. ,. No other auto school can do thla. You work on good I machines that are In naa dallv. Office 208 Railway Exchange, v , '. WantedMeni al i x.earn to operate- motion1 pictures.1" We teach yOU in Olir flna Mil nnail niuilii. picture theatre. Lesions at half price. I We guarantee tn tench vnn rlcht Ma pay unless satisfied. Y-il, Journal, Set the rWht srAfef M " lrar?t: rvi?,? F0R. REPAIR AND DRIVE, AN! . . . , I We havo a fully equipped shop and I .JJ'".'"- mi aionce, , THE PORTLAND' AUTOMOBILE : ... , iza Firt st. North. and women .to learn aha KrK..e I --i1? ,B w"k."- Spsolal Inducements, I German. English and Hungarian, percentage esrned while learnlna- ToAialni i,,0i . ,; .. . "V bune'ST ,.nchtoo1,t0T llf'elm': schol! arshlp given to every student mSimI Barber college. 3 N. 4th st. Portland. Or ; , ; r j MEN an,l women to learn barber trade dn ;.wJ.e"" V international Barber school. , First lass et of tools free; percentag-e esrned while learning; best of Instructors. 15 years In buslnsss. Life Mm, ..hnLMMn, .1... ..... - a I n i CovrH st?eef." -uueu VIi-imkidu- o ' ' - tees, I will give a limited number of I fl: ? Positions to . ii , nponninpi or , gsaran- I desirable applicants and teach telegra- Ei'T " practical way. . My era fell Vlanders St.. Portland Or ' . ' tO MEN wanted who appreciate bar. .-r5lnA In. work., pants, small waists, SO to i 38, clean up price $1 a pair, many worth $3.60, , v Jimmy . Dunn, room 81$ firatTAntan kM rT'a a1...ia. . STENOGRAPHERS, beginners anil ad" vanced. specially drilled and n I a red in position;- dny and night classes.. 630 Worcester bldg. .' STUDENTS, either ex. In latest sclen- ' tlfio methods of druslaaa treatment 'f'erviede'o-Yli fRr?.ilmMrVi0t secured. Price reasonable. cniid Mig. LESSONS given In oil and water colors: price 30o per hour. .. Eaat 2418. Belmont St. WANTED Immediately; men to "Jearn automobile drlvina and renalrlna Call ay o L'nion ave.. near Mawtnorne. ....... . niTH.s. . Learn our businesa; Banlfary Beauty P.vln. Jrtil .1 ,1,1. I IVU-li, ujua. ' HELP WANTED MISa ' 49 7 Wanted, Moving' Picture ' ; - : Operator t 1 . :. . " 11 . t.' ,, ' .. J . !, -.. . i ' .- .1. -V ., In all cities throughout tHs world, -v-; Great spring and summer demand ; ' For competent men, We have the onlv reliable and fin est equipped school In Portland. Guarantee to - treat - you right Lessons half 1 price this week, -i..-. NEW YORK SCHOOL OF OPER- ; ',, ATING, v. '-V'" -.;:.-!,;-' 62$H;,-vVshington, near 17lh. HELP WANTED FEMALE f, 3 WANTED YOUNG ' LADIES , FOR TELEPHONK .OPERATING. .WITH OR WITHOUT EXPERIENCE. APPLY THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE TELE GRAPH, CO.. E8T SIXTH AND AN KENT 6T8V ' ' ' ' ' , - WANTED Several young ladles be tween the ages of 1$ and 35, for per manont positions. Apnly P. T. &-T. Co $74 Alder st. or 418 E. Ankeny st WANTED Good reliable general house work girl to go on ; fruit ranch In. Hood River valley, no cooking for out- side heln, small family, modern con- veniencea. waaes sio n coniyciein. P'J "rs. Walter Kimball, Hotel Sew Isrd. Tuedsv -from 3 to 6 p. m. I WANTED Bright young lady to Inter view subscribers: large' pay, steady Magailne, . Hamil- posltlon.i ,j Scribner'i ton bldr.. city.. WANTED Lady aolicltor. good eommls. slon for right party. - W-812, Journal. EXPERIENCED girl for marking and sorting. Phone Columbia 242. WANTED Apprentice to dressmaker. 32SH 2d st. i; HELP ' WANTED MALE AND FEMALE . 20 TEACHEH3 wnted it' ihV-Ohrl'iitin Chinese- mission. Call Monday after noon or evening. 1 8 5 H Morrison. . -" EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 53 Y, M. a A; INDUSTRIAL EMPLOY. MENT AGENCY. SECOND 'AND ASH STS. ' '. , s Headquarters . . for ccmpetent loggers, mlllmen, R. R: construction men, farm liands, and all classes of skilled and unskilled labor. Write, wire, phohe or call at our ex pense. - ' . MARSHALL 2271 A-7745. A square deal to employer and employe, No charge to employer. r MUNICIPAL All classes of unsklllea.-aktlled, ro- fessional snd clerical, male snd female help furnished on short notice, ' . No fees. i.- ; -. . - ." Men's department 115 Id. cor. Salmon, Women's department 845 Salmon st MMn 8556: A-8824. C. R. HANSEN & CO. I GENERAL EMPLOYMENTAGENCIE8. - ottlc, 28 N. 2d at, Portland. Ladles department, 7th and Wash, sta- upstairs, Portland. - ' 424 Front ave., Spokane, v 87-89 4th st.. Ran Francisco. Estsbllshed 187. . " - Bennett's Emoloyment Agency service, reliable help to employer free. Butts & Eldredge Emp. Co. ; 34 N.2dt . ,. Main 8208. A-1391.r- " ' r Red Cross Employment ,q- por Burnslda M. 5298. A-6738. WANTED AGENTS WE need 's salesman in'eaoh of sev- eral excellent fields to sell our splen did nursery stock. A permanent place; "n Twrlt J f , n rti2,,i.ri- "wS.Sf c2' KHL. W n tJPJ?J-CKta5f-'. Wa"Wnfton r' PP ' h' tLSTd'ouVodI vacant territory yet In everf stata wiit of the Mlssissinnl. Cash weetrlv CAPITAL CITY NURSERY CO, . Salem. Or. - T ' V6u, CANT HELP but male mony selling our sruarahteed-to-fflve-satls-faction stock: free outfit; cash weekly: exclusive territory. Yakima , Valley Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wash. SOLICITORS wanted, out of town work! liberal commissions, profitable propo f LuSn ."Pfjisea guaranteed from sUrt. 88 N. 3d, Portland. . SITUATIONS MALE . WANTED-Prunlng - on fruit tree, or Shrubbery, bv exDerlenreil man. irf- dresa W. H. Thompson, 770 Osage ave.. city. - ' - , ' . ... GOOD carpenter wants work by da v. -..Contract new buildings, repairing' reasonable. 887 2d st. C. Hansen. . CHAUFFEUR, of good habits, wants position, either , truck or private. X 318, Journal. TWO experienced prospectors l wiah grubstake for new dis-a-ina-a nanu furnished. 2-810; Journal. - MOTION picture .operator desires posi- tion. SXDertenced thnrnns-hlv iiiki. ' Phone Main 925. Res. 166 10th st ' ' MAN wants to clear land, 3 years' ex -perience in using powder, wages over $1 with board. W-113, Journal. , A YOUNG man wishes position as sales. - Journal. man. jenoi airaid or work. W-S18. BY EXPERIENCED flremanl stationary mvummive. Aggress isos ifl. th N.T !' 'SITUATIONS FEMALE .,4 YOUNG widow with boy yesr and-half i ui-oirea puaiuun in private lamliy for with widower.'? Write or call 114 WANTED Situation as saleslady in bakeshop or grocery store. Speaks . A- FOR' private Jutorlng in gramma ii : ..?ol -.BniUsli ad- ' -"" ournar. EXPEKI KNCED 8we Swedish woman ltv references." desires altuatlnn . e Infant child. Main 2039, A-4778. FIRST class colored laundress wants - aays woric, wasning, ironing, clean- ,11(5. - 47vrib OOIV. .' a, . . l mini i mil i ,i LADY wishes washing and cleanlnghy ""u canare. xieierences. xa. fryjt NTKD Work hv the." ' vf.. tllUsa ni ini r2?,y-.e.M."2 mr 1101 771. A-4680. KOOin lot. Call after WANTED General house work by ' In-' dustrious young woman. Good, plain cook. T-816. Journal. . , f , STENOGRAPHER wants position;' ao" . cept small wages to start. Phone A. 884."' -.- "-. .,-- K; YOUNG lady stenographer, 6 years' ex ' nerience, , wants good position, . Mabi 110. LACE curtains nicely hani laundered, called for . and delivered. Marshall , JJiitS 'teP 7. st 899. WASHING . nd Ironing , to sitThoTneT for Monday snd Tuesday. Main kkat LACE curtalna , hand laundered. Phone Main 1486. - - " ' - WANTED Waahing to take horn e by experienced laundress. Main 1493. WTahorNl 9W22nUK.Tk b CJi'-UMAN womon wants washing at ; home. Mrs. Kolassa, 464 Larr&boe it r