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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1912)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, . SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 4, 1012. U 11 SHAPING OF BUSINESS Greatest Influence I Political Dar ing (he Week and Money Holders rA ..Are Scared! Trust" Investigation , ' Harts. . tVV-----f u" V By I ' , Benj. B. Bryan. Of Lorain A Brvan. New York. 'The occurrences which during: th ?ast weeic nay exerted tne greatest ln luenca on atoclc market aenUment have .- bean those of & political charaoter. It was quite evident that the pronounced desire noted In many quarters for in vestlgstlng committees has dona much towards undarmininor confidence ,,. not only in " finanical circles, but . also in financial and Industrial endeavor. While ' an investigation in itself does not nee essarily, mean destruction,: still the - manner in wmon an investigation is conducted often ' has much to do with . Shaping: the course of events, .. This applies principally to an Investi gation of what has been termed "the money trust". Financial conditions gen . erally 'are considered sound, but the " sensitiveness of money lenders,' which applies not only to the banks them selves, but also to the depositors of the -. latter. In a factor which cannot be lg- ' nored when it comes to a question of menandwomen We Treat and Cure Chronic, Nervous . and ; Complicated Diseases of Men and Women We have superior advantages and fa cilities for treating these . diseases, as we are equipped with all the modern Inventions In elec trical and-' surgical Instruments, appli ances, pharmaceuti cal preparations and drugs. &Our Fee $10 And we guarantee to cure any case that Is curable. Rheumatism. Asthma, Bright's Disease, Gout and. all chronlo constitutional diseases given permanent relief when other treatments have failed. Particular Attention Given to Special Diseases of Men ..' and Women. .-.' Diseases of the Nervous System, Catarrh. Throat and Lung Dis eases, Eye. Ear, and Now, Kidney an Liver. Scrofula and Blood Diseases (choice of three treatments for this condition). Piles and- Rectal Diseases, Cancer. Tumor, Eczema and AH Skin Diseases.- Skin Cancers, Varicose Veins, Tumors and Piles removed without any cutting operations or detention from work. If You Are Discouraged Call and investigate our methods of treatment. They are new and modern, different from the old routine and will appeal to you. We are dally curing chronic diseases that wer long ago given up by other doctors. , Consult Us Free Today ' 'If yon'caimot call afouV office, wrl to for free symptom and diagnosis blank. Modern Specialists rirst and Alder fits. Phone Mala 4483 ENTBAVCS 811 ALDUS ST. Honrs t 9 a. m. till 8 30 p. n. Sundays V:'gJ Cures Create Confidence Choose the Right Specialist 1 Sv' 8 ll' I t I 1 Wi 111 r I B J. J.Kccfe, Pli. G.,M.D. Rare Indeed Is the specialist who has mado a complete study of all the AXLUXICTS or atxw. Though a great many claim this distinction, OZTB ITBZAZi of their treatment" will convince you of their false claims. After receiving a liberal classical and professional education. I devoted my Ufa to the investigation and cure of HZUT'S AZUTEirrs. I have spared no expense in the scientific equipment of my office and 1 am now placing ' within the reach of every ailing man all of the world's latest and most wonderful cures. - , !? ANIMAL SERUM FOR NERVOUS DEBILITY ' It Is the Great Discovery for BTEBTB WBAXKES8; it Is extracted from animals and is "HATUSE'g OWN FOOD o 1KB 1TBT1III." No matter how chronic your case nor what other treatments you havV tried, I will soon bring the results you 'so earnestly desire. Are you the man you ought to be and would like to be? Are you despondent, nervous, unsteady, lack confidence and concentration?' Are you aware ' this condition cannot go on from day to day without robbing you of this world's greatest happiness? By all moans act at once and regain your energy. . Don't procrastinate until it Is too late, Come now end have this celebrated treatment." 4-'",V,' .v.,,. V ;' ' : --''' ' ; . ' '. V:.! ' VTBVr ' OXMMAS SISOOTZBT TOM Blood Poison Fee $25 Professor Ehrllch's Great Discovery is now considered a well ostab llshed remedy. It is declared by Kdlson to be the world's greatest'' , achievement of the year 1911. It Is used In all stages of Blood Poison. 1 and Its action Is truly marvelous. My method of administration Is ab- solutely safe and my fee Is only $29 for TCE Oim TBSATMXXT. NEISSER BACTERIN FOR SPECIAL AILMENTS. Professor Nel user's Baeterin .Vaccine accomplishes for theso all ; merits what .the Great German Remedy does for Blood Poison,' no matter .-: how chronlo or complicated the ailment may be. If you have a chronlo long standing case come to me at once and I will positively cure you. x nrurxxA mt vbovzsxsi. t Aooxrr mo xvottbabui oases. v ; I SfXTSS HOLD OUT TAI.SH K07CS. '.;' - V..'..f-.- .,V-U'4: " ' ' Come to me It you have any of the following disorders: TAJUOOBS '1' rezBrs, moezxB, mxbtovs debixjtt, stzibtb, arooo asto im s DISOSJDEKS, BliASDEa TXOOTILB, BZ.OOD VOXSOHV BBUPTXOXS, Vlr. -CEJtS, SFEOXaA AJXMXWTS, ni.E8 OB FISTinl. Hours 9 to 6;T to t dally; Sunday 10 to 1. Consultation Examlnaton Advloe Free. OIR.cJ. cJ. KEEIFE ' ROOMS 11-14 LAFAYETTE BLDG. 3134 Washington St., Ccf. 6th, Portland, Or. choosing whether or t not politicians should be permitted to further their own ambitions and appeal to popular Prejudices by means of making Inquiry or political effect only.; , - There appears to be a disposition in soma quarters to endeavor to anticipate the probable effects upon the railroads of a water' competition which will be stimulated by the opening of the Pan ama canaL Of course, at the moment this appears to "be looking ' rather far. ahead, but still investors making com mitments' to cover a period of years, seem inclined to discriminate rather closely, ... as .apparently rather drastlo changes In rate classifications are an ticipated in a case particularly of the transcontinental lines. Trade reports denote Considerable hes itancy and in many lines complaints are -heard of , the narrow margins of profits which.' of course, were accentu ated. ' ' . . -f . ' As the manner" in which an Inves tigation of the sooalled money trust Is conducted will-do much towards shap ing not only the. course of the market but also perhaps trade ' and Industry. It Is quite true that the short interest has .expanded materially and many weak accounts eliminated which has tended to strengthen the teohnlcal po sition of the list, but what is most es sential to basic betterment, is pro nounced of the standard. Issues, which as yet has failed to materialise on a large scaie.-"Y':v,-,'';;iv.'-.' .. ,, ..'':...'-; v.... ..r.-v-i'r in. ,'..:, "V ,v' Range of New York prices furnished oy uverpeck efc uooxe uo.: Description 1 Openl Hlght Low '"j 1 ? ( ii 1 1 i . i . j " . . . i' i j . "MX Amal. Copper. . . 61H 61 6d y 60 60 iiH . 11H 11 HV4 ! ii's'hi iis . 5 14 84H ! io3H ioin ibi : . 101 ii i2 H 101 : .' 'iiji 'iiji . 229 280- 229 : p 1ST. 18 18 '. iosii iooji ioik" : I '61 '69 ' . '" 'is" '43" . 138 139 139 i '6 '80' 'j6 '. '7 '87 "87" ! 105 ios' i06' '. !. 17 17 17 . 168 168 166 : '. 160 160 160 : 3 83 83 83 129 129 129 ! '63 '53 '68 . 18H 18 18 . 110 110 110 : . 8 36 36 . 107 108 107 : ! iie iie ii6 : . 33 33 83 . 124 124 124 : '. 108 108 106 : : i67 ig8 166 : . 22 23 22 . 3 83 3 r 89 39 89 . 29 29 29 . 107 107 106 : . 26 26 26 '. ii" . 162 162 161 : . 46 , 46 46 . 60 60 60 . 65 65, 64 ! '82ii '82 '82 , - V. Am. Sugar, Am. Smelt, Anaconda . ... 68 Am. Woolen, c. Atcnison, ; e..... B. . 4k O., o . t Beet Sugar ... B. R. T. .. Can. Pacific, vc. Cent. Leather, C. A O. W. c . c m. & st p: C. & N. W.. C. cues, tc Ohio.. Col. Fuel & Iroi Col, Southern, c. cons, uas Corn Prod., o. , Del. & Hudson. D. & R. Q., C Erie, c Gen. Electrio . G. N. Ore Lands. Ice Securities . Illinois Central Int. Harvester Int Metropot, Lehigh Valley K. C. Southern L. & N. 33 M, K. A T, c... mo. pacific , , National Lead . Nevada Con. . . . N. Y. Central,. N. Y.. O. & W.. m. ac yv. v. .... . N. American N. P., c P. M. S. Co... Penn. By P. a. ,1 & a Co P. S. C, o Reading, c. .... . R. I. & 8., c R."' I.r' '. ' a 32 30 L & S. F.. 2 D 8. L. & S. W., 0. So Pacific, c So. Railway, c. . jtn Faciric T., 8. L. A W.; C. union fac e... U. 8. Rubber, c. 8. 8 tee Co.. c Utah CoDDer . . . Va. Chemical . . Wabash, c W. U. Teleg. .; Wis Central, c. Total sales, 197.500 shares. Relieves CATARRH of the. SI BLADDER and oil Discharges In I24H0URS Bfumrtcf (MIDY tOMltfttt. ' 8i44 tiT all tranlMa. Modern Methods or crrsxira wnswa maz.adis , I am positively the only specialist in Portland that publishes his own photograph, personally conducts and manages his own office and consults with and treats all his own patients. I have more Gratifications and ex perience than any other specialist advertising m tnis city. . , w j Every man calling at m office Is assured of my personal and Individual treatment until a cure Is effected. My fees are one fourth that exacted by the various "medical companies," "Institutes" and "museums.'1 My name and Photograph Is not a cloak for a "medical company." Be sure ' to consult .me before treating else' where. PACKERS TRYING TO SECURE SUPPLIES AT ' . - 4 LOWER PRICE IN N:-W. V (Continued from preceding page.) and 3447, for this same week month agO. ..i ! .',.-: !H.ft Bheep market at North Portland: Seleot lambs $ . . B.50 Choice lambs , ., ; ;y 8.85 Common , lambs v 6.00 Yearling wethers i. ,.,... ' u 4.11 Old wethers 4.2604.60 Fancy ewes i. ..,.,.,.....,. . ' 4.10 Ordinary 8.50 3.71 . Konday'a xavsstook Sales. " . i STEERS. Average lbs. steers ..............1070 . steera ' i-., ,,... 170 stsera ..,. 941 steers 748 r ) ! cowa , . ' ' : cow .... . .1270 f sows - . , , 906 ' cows ...... ......... 95a : bull , ........ ... .1570 ii bull ': ....!... ..1430 "' SHEEP. , Price. $5.40 6.00 5.00 ' 5.0J " $5.25 4.78 ? 4.76 V$4.7B ' 8.76 $4.G0 4.60 4.25 8.76 . 3.26 $6.60 10 2 13 ) 80 ' ;vi; 166 60 149 75 67 wethers wethers , 94 90 82 wethers wethers ........ ........ i . . 69 wn.i -..,,...... HOGS, hogs . .. . . . . . . 91 68 33 43 48 T . 1 18J - ' ' 189 v i 139 194 269 351 i.;, 630 nogs hogs i t.89 6.60 6.60 6.40 6.00 (.60 HOB ....,. . . . . . hogs , .... hog ...... Tuesday's Xdvsstook Salsa. Average lbs, Pries. 25 steera ,..1198 i no 85 steers ;...1188 25 steera .....1210 25 steers ......1203 . 84 steers .....1198 , HOGi 90 hogs 226 83 hogs .191 SHEEP AND LAMBS. 48 lambs 84 6.00 6.00 , 6.90 : 6.00 $6.70 6.60 $5.10 Sold late yesterday afternoon. 'Wednesdays xavsstook , Sales. STEERS. J . Av.Lbs. 43 steera 1190 SHEEP. . . 233 old ewes no 96 old ewes-, io5 100 old ewes 104 Thursday's Xdvsstook Salsa, Price. $6.95 $3.85 3.85 8.86 Ave: lbs. Price. 23 steera , mg $8.g5 24 steers ....1201 6.76 25 steera 1U0 6.65 22 steers 1210 6.66 2 ateers 1260 6.60 7 steera 1166 6.60 COWS. 77 cows .v....,....,...1018 $4.75 . 3 cows 966 4 JO cows 1015 4.00 . HEIFERS. 2 heifers 965 4.50 A STRAIGHT 1AIK ON By C. K. Holsman, M. D., I am an expert specialist treating all- ments of men exclusively. I own my uwu umce ana equipment ana puoiisn my own photograph and personally sup-f ervlse the treatment of all patients from the time they come to me until I dis charge thsm as cured. Although my time Is fully occupied from early morn until late st night In looking after ths wants of rny patients, and in adminis tering in V aneninl trMtm.nt fni RlnnA I Poison, Varlcosk Veins and Hydrocele, 1 iwjr use pleasure in consulting with new patients. In offering my services to ths afflict ed the result of 18 years' experience in ailments of men I sm giving you the BEST that can be had anywhere. My experience and reputation for the past 18 years can leave no doubt as to my ability, honesty and Integrity and should be sufficient to convince ths most skeptical that I sm the FORE MOST and LEADING Specialist In Port land I poasess skill and experience ac quired In such a way that no other can share it and should not be classed with inexperienced doctors or specialists. A thorough investigation should be made by every ailing man as to ths specialist he oonsults. Duty snd des- vou demand the beat mnllnl tt.n.fn I 5? .Ab.wtJrd-SR.iT rov t.h,B rvlce. I have always charged uery, re"nable 's. ? that my services may be obtained by any man mlsMSin 5 nlldin statement?, falsi? &&nl3?,LH.rcF" to. hvo you for a K.Mt. t - perlenctlmraavlng-treatment and My Positive Cure for Weakness Every weak man Is eager to have his strength and vitality restored. It's man's greatest pride to BE A MAN, yet it Is a sclen title fact that few men need be weak. In nearly every case lost vigor can be easily and quickly, overcome. There are many distinct local causes undermin ing man's vitality and these nerve racking ailments cannot go on for ever without producing serious or Ir reparable damage. With strength and ambition sapped, happiness and success are Impossible. My accurate and successful methods CURE AB SOLUTELY snd PERMANENTLY every esse of WEAKNESS I sccept for treatment. I MAKE MEN STRONG. I find that aa soon as the causa Is corrected you act better, feel better, look better and the rapid ity with which vitality and strength are restored under my treatment will please and eurprls you. I offer you my services ror. a reasonable tee, with an absolute sruarantee of honeat treatment and permanent curs. sPEcrrco b&ood voxsosr In Its various forms and complica tions Is a treacherous disease.- You must conquer it or It will conquer you. Old forms of treatment krsDt down symptoms, but rarely cured. The NEW GERMAN REMEDY "606" gives you a new lease on life. I was the first specialist on the coast to make use of this remedy and I be lieve I have had greater experience with It than all other specialists put together. The wonderful results I have obtained convince me that It Is the ONE ABSOLUTE and PERMA NENT CURE for every stags of blood r olson. I Introduce It directly Into be blood and In a few days you srs completely cured. My feo for the proper administration of this remedy is lower than the lowest. BE SURa YOU GET THE GENUINE. J Treat All Ailments of Men, and Cure to Stay Cured I Of fer Free Consultation and Advice I invite you to come to my office. I will explain to you my treatment for Varlooss Veins, Hydrocele, Hernia, Nervous Debility, Blood Poison, Plies. Fistula, Bladder, Kidney. Prostatlo and all Man's Diseases and give you FREE a physical examination; If necessary a microscopical and chemical analysis of secretions, to determine pathological and bacteriological condi tions. Every person should take advantage of this opportunity to learn their truo condition. A permanent curs .Is what you ,-.waiit..:!:Li..t.T?.--r- If you are suffering' from any of ths above diseases, write to me Im mediately, giving mo a description of your cass In your own words. By re turn mall I will send you absolutely free a diagnosis of your case and my best professional advice as to bow to proceed In order to correct your trouble. My office is open all day from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m.; Sundays from 10 to 18. All correspondence trested confi dentially., i-etters cheerfully , an swered. DR. C K. HOLSMAN ' 221 Morrison Street .. ' f' Corner Tlrst Strsot. . '! PORTLAND, OREGON " STAGS AND BULLS.' bull ..,..,,.1680. 1 1 tit '87 30 47 T .'1 stag ,1640 ' bull 1070 ; ' - : SHEEP AND LAMBS. yearlings '. . 98 ' i v-: . , , HOGS -'nogs' . .i ,,,.. ..... 187 ?,! hogs,...;. 193 ' 'hogs ................ 171 hogs .....-..,.'.... 866 hog 600 . Friday's Uvsstook ales, 1 STEERS, v... , v.'-,. Ar. lbs. steers 1276 Steers ...............1176 " steers 1.1146 COW& cows ' 1017 cows 988 cows ........ 968 cows .......1006 cows ........... ...,1046 cows ................1043 ' STAGS AND BULLS. stag ......1620 bull .1245 bulls ......1670 bull .., v.. ...1600 CALVES, calves 166 , $4.81 $6.65 . 4.6S 6.65 6.76 ; 6.00 Price. $5.96 6.66 (.68 $4.35 4.85 4.25 $.76 ; 8.76 14.60 4.25 8.50 4.26 202 37 87 14 IS 12 6 .!? 1 t 4 1 $8.00 KANSAS CITY LIVESTOCK . " ; : Kansas City, Feb. 3.- Hogs, 11.000; market, 60 higher: topsr $6.26. Cattle, 600: market, steady. Sheep, 2000; market steady. ; .Every Veman) 1 Inter rtfld tM whoml& iMAEVELWhlrllufSprty I Iks sew Ysstaal srrOasv. Besistot conwusnw It elaanass ssiuur.. V I 1 11 m no other, but Mad stem .It.i fall Mrttoalars and otaee- tlont Invalaaois to uoies. UBTU 00,44 M SM Si. akW TOBX. fsr sale to sate bf SkldBMr Drss Os, Wodar4 (Hacks Oa. aad Lano-Oerir Ormg Ofe4 elans. CHICHESTER'S PILLS Chi? mvSmtSSf Utm. mlt4 with BhM Hbkem. VA uVtoMB iirami FliXa. asi yauiuwnMBOK.Mint, AIMya RalUbM SOU BY CSifiGlSK EV'EmERl FOR WOMEN ONLY Dr. Ssnderson's Compound Bavin and Cotton Root Pills. Ths best and only reliable remedy for DELATED PERI ODS. Cure the moat obstlnsts eases In 1 tn 10 Am-rm. - Prina IS Jtt box. or three boxes 86.00. Sold by rugglsts everywbsre. Address T. J. PIERCE. Room 1, 346 Morrison St. Portland Or. the Leading Specialist 1 .111 imissssm 11 F ? J,i,S, Tfc. OKABOS TOB CVSLT9 OBXT. "i"cA'r..Pr0I.e,0'' accepting Srg'Siato itaSU'T"""1 AXicora w-Rm Manv an 11 n f nrt unfit, man la milntfcA by improper treatment of this dis ease. 1 cure varicose veins dally by painiess and direct method with out detention from .mllv nr tinmA In such a .latlsfactory way that pain and swelling ceases, healthy circula tion is reestablished and vigor re- E.'YVH'i...1 GUARANTEE YOU A KAJJIWAL, . CURE. XY1IIOfl1!t,1I Drawing oft the fluid and injecting carbolic acid, iodine or other irritants are vicious methods, employed by most physicians and they rarely re- un in a cure. 1 guarantee a radical and PERMANENT CURE by a direct, positive ar.d painless method, without detention from family or home, IN ONE TREATMENT. sxDinrr Aim bkadses diseases More complications and symptoms srise from diseases of these organs than from any other atlmeit of man kind. Most all kidney and bladder troubles arise either from dissipa tion or some Improperly treated con tracted disorder, though Injury or train may produce tne sams result. The cause must first bo determined end until that Is done no cure can be effected. I ABSOLUTELY and PERMANENTLY CURB these condi tions in svery csss I accept for treat ment. ICY FBOFESSTOHAX. TEES Every ailing man would like the opinion of an experienced, capable specialist and ths best medical at tention. Many hesitate to consult a specialist euner tnrmign modesty or fear of high fees; others have no con fidence In their doctor because he de mands pay In. advance, and others lose confidence through unsuccessful treatment and thinM there is no cure for them. TO ALL THESE I say, COME TO ME. You may depend upon it that you will be restored to health snd strength for a fee you will be able and wtlljng to pay. Health Is capital at interest and satisfied pa tients pay their doctor. SXOZf THIS OCTTPOnT EO TAtUA- BiiB xjrromMATxoir rxsB Pase send me free vour self-ex amlnatlon blank "For Men." as I de sire to describe my oaae to you for ths purpose of taking treatment If 1 aeciae you can cure me ana your charge Is low enough to suit me. Name . Address .4......... .. 1 1 m v mmv" ij . m ; ft !' .',,; I v;s.,... . CENTS IN COUNTRY The price of onions was advanced 26c per cental at the meeting of the Conf ed- I Cure Men Quickly I am making men well and whole. I am doing what no other specialist can do for men. When all oth ers' fall Z our, be cause my- practice has been wider, my experleno mors. Tar led, b so ansa my knowledge Is mors perfect What I am llnlna tftr: nthara I wiU do for you., 4 ''.'-f my Specialties axe Hervons stability. Blood Ailments, Piles, Varlooss Tains, Bupture, Kid ney, Bladder and all ailmsnts pecul iar to men. Do not let money mat ters keep you away, as my charges srs so low ss to be within the reach of all. OOOD X OWE ST WOBX and a QUAKE SB AX, Is what you want Consultation and examination free. Call now or writ. DR. LINDSAY , Tit Old Billable Specialist Corner ' Alder, and Second streets. Entrance 138 H Seoond street Port land, Or. Offioe hours a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. RREE FOR ALL AIUiNG THE BPECZAZJBT WHO COXES I want all ailing men to feel that they can come to ray office freelv for examination and explanation of their condition, without oeing bound by any obligation to take treatment unless they so desire. I will make a thorough and scientific examination of your ailments, free of charge, an examination that will disclose your true physical condition, without a knowledge of which you are groping In the dark. If you have taken treat ment elsewhere without success, I will show you why It failed. Every man should take advantage of this opportunity to learn his truo condi tion, as I will advise him how to best regain his heslth snd strength and preserve his powers unto ripe old age. My offer NO MONEY RE QUIRED UNTIL SATISFIED Is your absolute protection. Consulta tion, sxaminatton and diagnosis fre. VARICOSE VEINS Weak, Swollen, Barfing, Xnottsd, Wormy-Ilk Veins, Cfotter, Stagnant Pools Of Inarm re Blood, Weak. Bsrv oua, Low Vitality, Mental Dapres slon. We dally demonstate that VARI COSE VEINS and HYDROCELE can be cured without severe surgical op eration, jtsenericiai errecta are im mediate. Pain aulckly ceases, en Urged veins rapidly reduce, healthy circulation speedily returns and strength, soundness snd robust health ar soon restored. BLADDER AND KIDNEY Bnlargod Prostata aland, inflam mation of Bladder and Kidneys, lrs- Snsnt Jstrs, Painful, Smarting, laming Sensation, Cloudy, Eighty Colored, Briok Bast Sediment, Weak, acning Jtaca, ury, rais, waxy Bain. These svmntoma of PROSTATIf!. BLADDER and KIDNEY troubles we rapidly overcome. There la no guess work about It Wa remove every ob struction, stop every waste, allay all Irritation and inflammation, revital ise the weakened organs and soon accomplish a safe, thorough and permanent cure. SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON Bash, Copper-Colored Spots, Erup tions, Ulcers, Sore Month or Throat, atucons Fate has, Swollsn Q lands, railing Xair. We give, with great car and skill the wonderful new German Blood Bsmeoy, which works like magic. Our treatment leaves no Injurious after effect It does not "lock In" the poison, but drives it out of the system, so there can be no comeback. Being a Blood Purifying, Blood Making, Blood Cell Remedy, It gives the patient a pure, fresh Blood Stream and restores him to normal health. NERV0-VITAL DEBILITY The cause of Bfervo-Titai DaMiitv. as well a Its evil sffsot npon ths physical, mental and other powers Is familiar to all afflicted man. Ths symptoms need not be enumerated. We want all ailing men to know that our ANIMAL EXTRACT treat ment is the ideal remedy) for NERVO VITAL DEBILITY. It does not stim ulate temporarily, but restores per manently. All disagreeable symp toms soon disappear, nerve energy Is regained, self-respect, self-confidence and self-control return snd the pa tient Is prepared for, a new period of in. PILES AND RECTAL atnnriiM AW W4MwlaX. VI1sa,a Vltaa M VISffUl B WW 88 1 81 V4T JfXmZUmAUf , sK ML-BJt WVWT VSW Our nrnven methods, mulr Va pltal operations unnecessary. in mftir r a stasi nfl ; Tm ( r n a a.aVa. ywa UCVOIU1UI1 from business, wa guarantee quick reiiex ana positive permanent cures AFFLICTED MEN - If alUna. yon eartalalv aa no Intend to always remain so. Ton surely expect to be restored some tlm. Whyinot now Why delay and grow worsst . What you want Is a cure. Come 10 us ana get 11. unce under pur treatment, you will quickly realise how simple a thing It Is to get well In the hands of a specialist who knows his business. Our cures add not only years to life, but life to years, iws put new energy into Worn out bodies. Off Ice hours, dally to (. Evenings, 1 to 8, Sundays,; 10 to 1. DR. GREEN CO. 4 Jl4 MB 80S Washington St. , Portland, Or. rated Onion Growers association yes terday afternoon. 1 ..The minimum price waa named 1 at 11.88 per cental, t. o. b. country, ship ping points compared with last week? price at 88. ... 1. urlng ths week IS carloads were sold, IS car a being at 82 and on' car at M-10. ", An advice from Lompoo, Cal., stated that seven cars of onions had been sold in I , 1 t V V.J 1 ?sj :.' 'rfssa.' K . . ... , I &kuaii,v;' J . b. a. a. trscXTxs, ' Ths Zadlnr. aTpsoiallst. I am a reslstered and licensed physician, confining my special practice to the disorders of MEN. I nave more money Invested in my establishment than all other Port land specialists combined and I will give 8800 to any charity If I cannot show this Is true. ' I publish my true pnotograph, correct name, personally conduct my office. I am the most success ful and reliable, as medical creden tials and press records prove. I make this statement so that you will know you consult a true spe cialist, who sees and treats pa tients personally. I possess expert skill and experience, acquired In such a way that no other can share. A thorough investigation should be made by every-ailing man ss to the specialist he consults. Duty snd destiny to self and those who depend upon you demand the best medical attention. I have th abll ty and I can give you this servloe. I have always charged a very rea sonable fee, so that my services may be obtained by any man who sincerely desires ' to be cured. I make no misleading statements or unbusinesslike propositions; neither do I desire to be particularly inde pendent and I would like to hare ?ou for a patient If you will com o me on a strictly professional bssls, snd the inducements thst I offer, which sre my ability and twenty years' successful experlencev-time-saving trestmenr"and guaran tee of cure of certain ailments. To all men who are sick and In trouble: to the men who feel they have lost the energy of youth, snd that the strength they ought to have has bean sapped from them; to those who srs not sick enough to be abed, but feel they must use all their will- fower to force themselves even to heir e very-clay tasks to all thess I have a special message of hop and cheer. I can cure that lame snd ach ing back; I can restore the lustre to the dimmed eye; I can make vou re alise that the youth of yesterday has not been burled In an age of several decades snd that your pitiful condi tion Is now due only to damaged health. This health can be restored If you will act now. Come today, or the stage of neglect may get Just past ths stage thst la curable. WBXTTEB" GTTABABTEE. Dr. Smith' written guarantee means a cure or no pay for services. I guarantee to cur certain ailments or refund every dollar you have paid m for my aervloe. My services post yoo nothing unless I curs your Vsrlcoae Vein. Hernia. Plies, Fistula,-Blood Poison, or any ailment I guarantee to cur. My terms ar reasonable and no more than you ar able aad willing to pay for beneflta Office hours a- m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 10 a. m. to. 1 p, m. , . ; - DR. A. G. My One Treatment Cures tones Treatment. For cnarge. tentlon fuse to doctors. your msn of Bonn wast tlm "trying oth doctor. Go to OXEOOB MEBXOAXi s UrSTITCTE, Specialists. Established 30 Years. TPOi TTTT7TVT JL W IVJiJCsilN THIS IS THE There is usually a pain across the small of your back, blue rings under your eyes, (pecks before your eyes, your sleep does not rest you, you get up In the morning feeling tired, your mind at times wanders, your memory is poor, you are noiiow-cyea, wnues or your eyes are yellow, you are fearful, always expecting th worst to happen, very nervous, you start in your sleep and awake from a dream very much frightened; sting, lng pain In the breast, no appetite. ' V,,' if you have been unfortunate In selecting a doctor to trest you, or It jwu uaw nui ktivvu yuuravi ine aiieuiii'n wnicn ynur . disease . aemanas, you know that every day you put the matter off you are getting wore and worse; you are mortified and ashamed of your position among your fellow men. life does not possess the pleasures for yoo it did. would yon not give much to possess that ROBUST HEALTH.. SOUND NERVES and a CLEAR BRAIN thst were yours before the ravages of disease at tacked your system? If you have this desire to be strong and manly in a true, sense of the word, call at my office at one, and I will tak pleas ure In explaining a treatment that has restored hundreds of msn In a much worse condition than you ar. . , ; ,.,;, fnnrfoctorl Voin 1 cur this affliction without pain or knife.' Soreness. lUllgCMCU ttlllS swelling and congestion of the dilated veins vanish ?ulckly. A healthy circulation of blood is reestablished snd that old Urns eellng speedily returns. Avoid dangerous operation. I csn glvs you th quickest and safest and ( Surest cur known to medical science. . R1sva4 PiSann M 7ou nav aor throat mucous patches, pimples, cop DtOOU ruisunper colored eruptions, sores and ulcers, bone pains, fsll tng hair or any symptoms of this dlseass In either prlnasry, secondary or tertiary stages, consult m and be forever cured , of It . My treatment cleanses and eradicate every taint of poison and "every Impurity from the blood and system. , AH dapger of transmission or recurrence Is re moved. Th taking of Injurious minerals for year never curea. My treat ment Is a specific a certain antidote; you improve from the very com mencement and ar soon permanently cured, as proven by posltiv blood teat. , . J ,,:- V : . 'v....' .'., I WANT to emphasis ths importance of selecting the BEST DOCTOR. COME to ME I will our vou In ONE TREATMENT ' by sdmlnlsterlng "The wonde.rful German Remedy" Ths greatest medical discovery of tin age the results are-Ilk maglo.' iu-;,;-- vv. ..v.w-vJ.V.. ,r.rvt I ALSO CURB to stay cured Ruptur. Hydrocele.1 Stricture. Kidney. Blad der and Prostatlo Ailments, Piles, Fistula and Rectal Affections. Rheuma tism. Catarrh, Ecxema and all Chronic. Nervous Blood, Skin and all Dis eases of Men. - 1 , . ,, t UJi. 1 us a full description of your symptoms and trouble. If unabl t YVrUB call. All dealings ar confidential. Expert Consultation Kr. 1. , lays ara dangerous. Hours: 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays 10 to 1!. only. OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 911 SdOXBISOlT ST, BETWEBB" YOtTBTat ABB PTTTK. POSTIAC3, C '.. there at IJ.25 and this la what Indue 1 Ui local advance. According to President Fanno, pres ent weather conditions are ideal f or onions and the stock is drying out well In th houses, .-. ' ; . - ;. Whil between three and four rr cent of men ar color blind .less than on .per cent, of woman ar so afflicted. Varicose Veins Nervous Debility Blood Poison, Bo Sstsntion Trom Ooonpatloa, Tamily Xom. - ; NO SEVERE OPERATIONS. MANY CASES PERMANENTLY CURED TN ONE TREATMENT. MOST TIME-SAVING. MOST NAT URAL, MOST BFE. A RADICAL AND PERMANENT CURBlr-J GIVE MY WORD AND WILL CITE YOH TO OTHER MEDTCAL AU THORITIES THAT THIS IS A FACT. I AM CERTAINLYPRE PARED TO CURB BY EXPERI ENCE AND EQUIPMENT, WHICH ARE THE KEYSTONES TO SUC CESS. I HAVE , THE BEST rruTiPir,n MEDICAL OFFICE ON THE COAST., .: ',"'; I Invite you to corns to rny of flea. I will explain to you my treatment for Varicose Veins. Hernia. Nervous Debility. Blood Poison, Plies, Fis tula, Bladder, Kidney, Proatatlo 'and all Men's Ailments, and give you FREE a physical examination; If necessary, a microscopical and chemical analysis of secretion, to determine pathological and bacter iological conditions. ' Bvit Per son should take advantage of thla opportunity to learn their tru con dition. A permanent cur 1 what you want ' . .'. r TABJCOSB TZYJrs Impair vitality. I daily demon strate that varicose vein can be cured In nearly all cases by one treatment- In such a satisfactory way that the vital parts are pre served and strengthened. pain ceases, swelling subsides, a healthy circulation la rapidly established. In stead of the) depressing conditions. I guarantee you a cure to stay cured or refund the money. FTZ.ES ASTD riSTTTiA. The sequelae of thess afflictions are distressing, nervoua reflexe and painful condition My .treat ment and success are th result of years of experience. I our you with out pain or detention from occupa tion. I give a written- guarantee to cure piles and fistula. XLUBEY AITD BTJLESXB AZXr SCEVTS. ' With these sllments yon' may have more complications that ar presented by sny other atling or gans. By my searching Illumination of the bladder I determine accurate ly the ailment and by microscopical examination' and urinalysis I make doubly sure the condition of the kid ney, thus "lnytng - forjdtlos fr scientific treatment VXXT01TS BESXXXTT. ' Cerebro. where the mental force are Impaired. Spinal, where the spinal csnters are - Involved. . VltaL where the sympathetic nervous sys tem and forces that govern the or gans sre deranged by reflex effect of ailments. I treat these condition and all weaknesses induced by ner vous complications and excesses and put you on the right track to health, restoring ths conditions essential to your future life and happiness.', Avoirs OEBMAB BE1CEDT. I nse a famous new German spe cific for Blood Poison which curea completely. This wonderful remedy Is far ahead of old style mineral treatments. Call and let in explain It tO YOU. ';,-,:,- - 1 ' . -:'! 234 Morrison Cor. of Second Portland, Or. Weak, Diseased Men SMITH Cure, toStay Cured For 80 days I will heal and cur all: Weak. Sick. Diseased snd Discouraged men at reduced fee. This is Just one-half my usual 1 give vou xne asms car ana at- aa Tf you paid my regular fee. You couia receive no petter service ror 11000. If you could but talk to th many cured pa tients I am dismissing daily, you would re suffer longer on the promts of other Don't be a Weaklina. a Failure, and life a miserable existence. Why pay ex- orouant zees wnen 1 oirer you potter cura tlv treatment for this low chsrse? I sm 1 Independent means: ths curing of mv Fatten t Is my first and only thought In thla differ widely from grasping doctors who think only of their fee and car little for the weifsrs or their fellow men. Tak ad vantage of this offer at once; don't wait till the last few days, when th crowded condi tions of my offlcs mayprevent you seeing - m WHO ARE GLOOMY DISEASED, NERVOUS WAY YOU FEEL I