THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNINO, FEBRUARY 4, 1912. PROMISES MADE BY .THE PR ESS AGENTS Hair Raising Stunts by Acrobatic Artists (Continued froni Precedlnr fit-1) lven by the International Grand Opera company, whose memDers are iuibo oyj , ' Via Marlowe, the noted American ao- firann lVinna TO stalla. KftrRh'er." the SD&n f ' v . . . w " - - , ish contralto; Slgnor Kleoldt. tenor, and , DiHiiur im iu, . , . - anil D-rnnit onara will be unt. ! ' , ' Breekv vounrsters are Earl Flynn and Miss Nettle MoLauKhlin. whoae aonga and dances with, comedy will add much t to thei program.!' k r ''4 f I'v- Interesting first run ammaieo. events win h.'hown bv the I'antanesoope, "An Alaskan Honeymoon' the stupen ' doua , musical N extravogansa ; Caesaro the Human Gyroscope, Bob Albright and other-noted acts will be seen tor tho Ilnal performances this afternoon and evening. . 1 t I s in- , " Lyric, ."Jakey, IMikey and Ikey.' "Jakov Mikpv and Ikey." a new mus Meal hodfee podge to the theatregoers of -this city, will be the bill at tne j-,ync, commencing with tomorrow's matinee. This bill Is Wr laughing purposes only and as ; played : by the popular Keating and ; Flood Musical 4 Comedy company, one cannot wish to see a better show. The secret of the success at 'the Lyric , is the short, , snappy hour and a half - shows; 1 that time Is crowded a mecs ley of mirth, music, dances, pretty cos tumes and clever song bits that furnish a most ideal entertainment.'' ' v;. ' "Jakey, Mlkey and Ikey" is purely and simply a laughing show, and as the title Indicates, there will be three lead ing comedy parts, that of two Germans" and a Hebrew, which will be ably ban died by the Lyric's; favoiit, Edward 8. Allen, Jack Curtis and Frank Vack. It has a distinct plot which centers about an American who promised to marry a Tarlatan, after seeing her . on the stage. Out of her eta go clothing 'and unadorned With the gaudy makeup, she Is .far -from being a beauty in her own hirsute adornment, and looks mora like a Hindu servant. . The American, -wishing" to revoke the bargain, seeks to "pass the buck" to two Germans, they in turn jhandlng her along, to the Ho brew. 'In their efforts to rid themselves of the female many complicating and laugnaDie situations occur. aii ins - principals and "honey girl" chorus, un der the direction of Allen Curtis, will be seen at Its best. Mr. Curtla promises the Lyric patrons a treat for the com Ing week, not only from . an artistic standpoint, but from a musical and scenic standpoint as well. There will be the usual two night performances, commencing at 7:80 and 9:15, and matlneo dally at 2:80, with a chorus girls' contest on Friday night after each performance as a special attraction, w w Tfttureg at Peoples and Star. The Peoples' theatre management has ecaicd another decided hit in securing trarTJmretnr Riraarersr-oTra or me erev erest acta on the coast, which will be presented at the Peoples in the cele brated Texas Tommy dance, commencing today. This Is the first genuine Texas Tommy act which has reached Port land. The pictures will be '"Transfer mation of Mike," a special film showing a study In criminology; "A Problem In Reduction," "A Fat Woman'B Trials to Reduce Weight," "Uncle s Strategy," a comedy love alfatr; "Niagara American Press association slides, showing the events of interest wiilch have just oc curred. 1 The Star has "The Masked Ball," dra matic and historical ; "The Grip Snatch tV," a full reel of laughter; "A Lucky Pog," showing wplcndld .canine lutein gence; "'The ! irst vioun, ' very aama tic; the Komlg Twins In harmony sing ing: by special arrangement, Charles futler, better known as Chief Eagle Horse, the popular Indian baritone. The Arcade has five splendid pictures, "Physicians' Honor," dramatic; "Bunkls Hero," showing a splendidly educated horee: "Indian Blood." very exciting; "How Plants Grow and Farming in Tu nlK," two splendid educational pictures. . The Oh Joy will headline "Cowboy or Tenderfoot," a western picture; "Little --Stowaway," : r. sea picture; "Hospital Baby." sentimental, and Elwood the pop ular tenor singer. Friday night, ama teurs' night, continues to increase in popularity. The Crystal theatre by special arrangement will feature for one week Zeinier the Wisard, who will change his act regularly. The Tivoll and Crystal will have the usual first run hesdliner, as also will the Orpheum and Bijou. "The Bohemian Girl" Coming. In, the big production of "The Bo hemian Girl,"-which will be the Aborn Opera company's offering In English at the Heillg for four nights beginning next Sunday. February 11, theatregoers are promised not only the most preten tious spectacular effort of the Impres ario S. Aborn in their career as produc ers of opera in English, but also what Is probably the most elaborate .staging of Balfe's masterpiece that has ever been made in this country. Messrs. Aborn have carefully culled not only from their own organizations, but from other grand opera 'companies, the beet available APPEARS AS ALEXIUS IN CHOCOLATE SOLDIER ' If !" t V -pJ' - J:,- ! , .-V i . ' ; m 4 mi LJ. . '- ... I ' V T 1 1 V Slatiettl Troupe coming to Empress. a ' I n - .: - f -v ::.:'. I : ir.-h i-i 1 1 sr . , Accomplishing an amazing feat ' that has never been equaled, and If It has, very " seldom that of turning s ' triple aomersault from, the shoulders of one brother to. that of another, is but one of tha various hair raising stunts done by the famous Metiettl troupe of trained and wonderfully developed .men appearing, on the bill at the Empress for on week beginning tomorrow after noon, . The troupe Is composed of seven men and one woman,' all of them com paratively" young, and all endowed with what might be termed physical perfect, ness. . . This Is positively one of the greatest acrobatic acta in the world and la sure to create a mild sensation- when Empress patrons get a glimpse of this marvelous family. :- . :. TnEATRE Tayl evaatlt aatt Haia X : lor iaa A Nighu 8:15 Beginning t. i XJfl N A o'Clock ' , , SPECIAL PRICE MATINEE WEDNESDAY WORLD'S GREATEST COMIC OPERA SUCCESS -:t ; v inci , ., . .. .... . GTOCOLMIE -iSOLDM DIRECTION F. C WHITNEY BRILLIANT. CAST MAGNIFICENT PRODUCTION AUGMENTED ORCHESTRA , , PRICES .Evening a . Lower floor .r.. $2. 00-11. SO Balcony, first rows. $1.60 Balcony, next s rows. ...... .$1.00 Balcony, following 6 rows....7Kc Balcony, last S rows... ....... ,50c Gallery, reserved 1 Bo; adm....50c Box seats ..$2.S0 ,Jtpeoial Wednesday Matinee Lower floor . . . .' . , . . . . $1.60-$1.00 Balcony, first 11 rows. . . . . .$1.00 Balcony, next 6 rows . . . 7Sc Balcony, last 5 rows.. ..60c Gallery, reserved and adm... .60c Box seats .$2.00 SEATS NOW SELLING AUTOS and CARRIAGES 10:50 o'Clock talent In the Incidental detail there are Introduced cavalcade of Jiorses, bands of real gypsies, wonderful acro bats, etc. The cast of soloists Includes Blanch Morrison and Anna Hull, wno will alternate , as Arllne; Kattle Belle Ladd. as the Gypsy Queen: John R, Phillips, as Thaddeus (here last year In "The Chocolate Soldier") ; Harry Luckstona aa Count Arnhelm; George Shields as Devilshoot, and Augustus Vaughan as Florensteln. A special price matine will be given Wednesday; --The advance seat .sale opens next Friday, February . .. PLAYS AND PLAYERS Henry Coate, one of stars In show opening at HolHg theatre tonight," 'In His Steps. by Rev. Charles Sheldon, may be dramatized. Mud Lillian Berri may appear In a new piece called'"Polly Pitcher." William H. Crane is to take his new play, "The Senator Keeps House, on tour. Th. Fatted Calf." by Arthur Hop- klnir, ts to -be revived with Cyril -Scott as the star. v " Edwin Arden will be leading man with Viola Allen in ner new piay, The Herfords." Annie Adams, the mother of Maude Adams, has established a oramauc school In Salt Lake city. New York Is to have several more stock companies, as those already or ganized have been doing well. Laura Kelson Hall, who has left the cast of "Everywoman." win appear in London In "Tha Easiest Way." si Walter S. Dickinson, monologlat, Is former Justice or tne peace ana defeated candidate for congress. Eva Tanguay will probably open u.h "l tn nlav about iz weeas in vaudeville at a salary of $2260 a week. Louis N. 'Parker's drama, 'The Car which vu used nere ay ah- ward' Wlllard. has been revived In Lon don. The latest-recruit- to vaudevllla Is Robert Edeson. In a condensea ver sion of "Strongheart" he will appear early in February. rnroth Russell, daughter of Lillian, Is appearing In a playlet called "Am bition." which demands emotional work and dramatic ability. mm William A. Bradv is to produce a r,iv tT Bavard ' Veiller. canea "ine Miracla." In . this play Grace George will have the role of a feminine crook. m m. -rha Master of the House" Is tern porarlly. In dry dock, which gives Jul ius Bteger, one oi me principal moivrm, an opportunity io appwr tuuo- vllle. - 9 m ' - Sir Herbert Tree baa astonished Lon don by entering upon a musio naii engagement, presenting a dramatisation of Kipling's atory, "Tha Man Who Was." - " . - ' Ida" St. Leon, who has been 'starring In "Polly of tha Circus", will have a new play next season, In which she will star under tne management ui Frederick Thompson. r ' m The Tyohoon. the unusual drama of a Japanese In- the Occident, written by a -Hungarian, Melchlor Leyngel, Is to be proaucea in vmcasw uT Whiteside on February 4. In Henry t Bernstein's new play for n-hl rtarrvmore. the neroine is an Englishwoman of rank and title, wha be comes mixed UP innoceniiy wiui mvuiw stolen military documents. Cecil De Mllle'a play. "The Stam? pede," In which Lillian BucKingnaro has been starring the past two seasons, Is to begin a tour of tne principal cities of Canada at Toronto this month. : .,- . m ... . . Llebier A "Co. have announced for Immediate production the Comyna Carr version of ''Oliver Twist," with a spe cial company made up of, as many stage notables aa the long cast calls for. Four players whose contracts are signed will have these parts: Nat C. Goodwin, Fagln; Lyn Harding, BUI Sykes; Constance Collier, Nancy Sykas; Marie- Doro, Oliver" Twist . ; ''.','.1 . Gertrude Elliott, who earlier in the season demonstrated " that she shared to no small, extent her alder sister Maxlne's beauty, has now appropriated one of Maxlne's most effective leading men, Julian L'Estrange. L'Estrange, a handsoma Englishman who, has fre quently been seen In this oonntry, has been - assigned 4 to -the - role of Roger Wade, "the artist Chap," In David Gra ham : Phillips' posthumous comedy, 'White Magic. which- Misa Elliott- Is now -rehearsing. , j-.rr.'c'-". t-'' n'v-"' ' "' -.' '-'.v; From Information furnished ' by Ma jor Lee ' Moorhouse .of Pendleton, the opera "The Cost of the Empire," la to have Its premier production at - the Moore theatre In Seattle during ' the month of April. Miss Mary Carr Moore, formerly a resident of . Pendle ton, but now living In Seattle, Is the author of the opera and the basis of the whole production was obtained in Pendleton from Major Moorhouse, who furnished a . number of photographlo numbers which were produced from ':"7:'. ' V, 'j..,, o'' ' ?: .''.'; '. tha real Indians of the Pendleton tribe and which will be used In the produc tion. : : ? . , ': " v ' ' . '- a v . ' ." ' : : . There are now two H. Fords in charge of ' tha Century theatre. New York, - stage. Hugh Ford, who bears tha proud . title -.- of . general stage, di rector . for Llebier & CO:, and , who originally staged "Tha Garden of Allah," and Harry . Ford, who Is Just plain ordinary stage manager, the man who Has charge-, of tha stage ' hands, the camels, the lighting signal station and the curtain lever at each perform ance. This Harry Ford is a son of tha famous John Ford, in whose Wash ington theatre Lincoln was shot EARLY RULE EXPECTED LOCKS QUESTION (Washington Bureau ef The Journal.)" Washington, Feb. I. Senator Bourne is optimistic today regarding a settlement- on - the Wlll8Mette- lclcsvprtrJect at an early date. At his request Gen eral "Btxby has telegraphed Major Mc Indoe, who leaves for Panama today, directing him to come here on. his ar rival here February 10. He wfll confer with Btxby' and Bourne regarding tha lock project. Many conferences have been held. The situation seems to be clearing. .i " s Freeman Quits Club Work. Eugene, Or., Feb. M. J. Duryca has been elected promotion manager of tha Eugene Commercial club, to take the place of D. C, Freeman. Mr. Free man leaves the work to enter business for himself. tVJT TTpTTTT TT fi THEATRE JTliiiZ-i JiilJJ.viJT iST" 3 SSinq NEXT THURS. FEB. 8th SPECIAL PRICE MATINEE SATURDAY JOHN C FISHER PRESENTS THE GREATEST MUSICAL COMEDY SINCE HIS "FLORODORA" ' MB Gil 65 COMPANY oS- -AUGMENTED ORCHESTRA EXCELLENT CAST, INCLUDING ZOE BARNETT PRICES .XveaJaga. Lower floor, first 11 rows.-. $2.00 Lower floor, first 1 rows... $1.60 Balcony, 6 rows $1 rows 76c Balcony, last 11 rows ..0e Gallery, reserved and adm . . . . 60c Box seats . .., ,'.,.$2.60 , Special Saturday Matinee Lower floor, first 11 rows... $1.80 Lower floor, last 7 rows $1.00 Balcony, .first 11 . rows. . . . . . .75c Balcony, last 11 rows ,.60c Gallery, reserved $6c; adm., -26c Box seats ..$2.00 SEAT SALE OPENS NEXT TUESDAY AT 10 A. M, Xn a Spectacular Berlral of Balfa'a KaaterpJeoe THE- HEILIG THE ABORN OPERA CO. THEATRE 4 NighU Beginning Sunday Feb. 11th. BOHEMIAN GIRL Bp. rial Prloe Matinee Wad. (zirxirausx) Evenings: Lower floor $2.00. $1.50. Balcony $1.00, 78c. 60c. Gallery 80c. Wednesday Matinee: Lower floor $1.50, $1.00. Balcony 78c. 50c Gallery 38c 26e. sxosutiEsrv oast BmrrarooxTS noxrooTzov BBIBiSBlBSaBBSBBBBlBSHBSaBISBaBB PW. Ma '(6. A 1020 w Beginning ADVANCED -VAUDtVlLLK Week, Feb. 5th Pouchot s Flying Ballet THE ACT BEAUTIFUL Julius Tannen WUfred Clarke & Co. Burnham and Greenwood Ida O'Day & Co. Hufford and Chain Three Dooleys Evening Prices: 15c, 25c, SOc, 7i5c lSo, ISo, soa. XOUSaT XATXITSXS Bight rrloes FORMERLY THE GRAND II js i i i . a ;. Week. Feb. 5th SULLIVAN & CONSIDINE : rr.-Emln.nt Stan of the Tented Arana 8 THE METZETTI TROUPE8 Of Par-P.vll Acrolmta Tha ' greatest Pymnstlo Baaaatlon In Yandavtna, , Spaolal r.atura Vand.vlll.'s Mtst rictur.sqn. Sgaestrlaa Bavlew. Ad. Carlisle's Dog Pantomime Company and Pony Circus Introducing "Tom," tha Talking Pony, the Most Wonderfnl Pony In the World ' "A Peerless Fatterer and a Chio Ptanlata." CAINE AND ODOM - ' ' New 8onga, Characterisations and Repartee. Vaudeville's Most Unique Novelty Sclentif lo Bubble-Blowers and Jugglers. OLL1E YOUNG AND APRIL " K i . . in Juggling Surprises. Tha International Artists MR. AND MRS. J. J. DOWLING Presenting Mr.- Cowling's Western Comedy Playlet. Entitled , , "An Arliona Wooing' Vaudeville's Latest Recruit GEORGIA In Songs and Characterisations. Added reatura, The ORIGINAL SOCIETY TEXAS TOMMY DANCERS JTlrst Tim. ;. - ' -. First Time H.ra ORCHESTRA People's Theatre Always Of f erinr Something New Dancing Richards, in a sensational production of the celebrated Texas Tommy, first time gen uinely produced in Portland. FOUR EXCEPTIONAL PICTURES And by Special Request Portland Festival Association. PORTLAND PRIZE WINNING FLOAT PASADENA FESTIVAL (Courtesy General Film Co.) STAR THEATRE The Masked Bally Historical Trag edy. ' The Grip Snatcher, 1000 Feet of Comedy. A Lucky Dog, Intelligence in Dog dom. . The First VioKn, Strong Drama. Harmony Singing, Populsfr Romig Twins. , Chief Eagle Horse, Genuine Indian JJaritone; ARCADE Physician's Honor, Dramatic. Bunkie Hero, a Horse. Indian Blood, Thrilling. HOW PLANTS GROW Educational. Farming in Tunis, Industrial. OH JOY Cowboy or Tenderfoot, Western. Little Stowaway, Marine. Hospital Baby, Sentimental Elwood, Singer. ---Friday Night Amateurs-"- - Brand New first Runs At ORPHEUM and BIJOU, also TIVOLI and CRYSTAL on V v' East Side. ' Special at Crystal 2EIMER, Tha WIZARD THEATRE iy- Mala S, A-8i0 Morn ion aaa aita ?. WEEK; OPENING MATINEE TODAY, SUNDAY, :.."-:-.... FEBRUARY 4, 1912. ED. W. ROWLAND and EDWIN CLIFFORD (Inc.) OFFERS Ite r By EDWARD E. ROSE Author of Janice Meredith. Alice of Old Vinccnnes, The Prisoner of Zenda, David Harnm, The Spenders, Etc, , ; . -. Like the Poem and Song, It Will Live Forever , f . COMPLETE MAGNIFICENT PRODUCTION v ': " GORGEOUS ELECTRICAL EFFECTS r r - Evening Prices 25c, 50c, 7Sc and $1.00.) Sunday .and Saturday , . ; .. Matinees 25c and SOc. i' "i'.' Wednesday ' Bargain Matinee' 25c All Seats Reserved. m..m Li. '' .1 ii. il .1.1 'Vl'i'ii.ii i. -i ij n.., i. i ii i i ' i 'I ' ' " '"" H 'i' ''.''I Next Week: Captain KlelnschmidVs"Alakan Motion" Pictures, ' MJRKEM,W THEATRE . 12th AND MORRI50N Five Nights J r 7th Mat Every Afternoon at 2;30. 2 Shows Evening, 7:30 and 9 . DIRECT FROM CHEYENNE, WYOMING. L. E. McCoy, the World's Champion Bulldogger, Will Give an Exhibition of " . A REAL LIVE STEER DIRECT FROM PASTURE Bull Dogging R.n.l RuafiVwr A REAL LIVE HORSE proncnQ pusimg never ridden before AND TRICK ROPING .J. Also an Exhibition of 3000 Feet of the 1911 uiev foWDOV Frontier Day CELEBRATION THE GREATEST "ROUNDUP" . PICTURES EVER TA KEN and NEVER SHOWN IN PORTLAND BEFORE, Price Evening, 25c; children, 15c. Matinee, 15c; children, 10c Week Commencing Monday Mat., Feb. 5 THE BIG EQ1JR Introducing Original Terpsichorean Novelties Harry Ray Elsie LeMar Elsmore Fay Walter Craig Xnolndlna;! Tha 1915 Walts . The Texas Tommy , Tha Butterfly , Walts ad Others 1 THJE SIX ABREUS The Sensational Cuban Acrobats. "A STRENUOUS DAISY" Presented by the Barbee-Hill Co. PEWITT Master of Facial Expressions. flynn and Mclaughlin . In Songs and Dances. t ( 1 i 1 ' ram jxrxuulATiawxx, oxjjtq OPSBA CO. , . rAXTAOBsconi Boxes and first row balooay reaenrad. rhoaea A-8231, Kala 463ft. XCATX BEB DAILT. Bos offloe opaa from 10 a. m. to 10 psa. Oortaia adO, TilS and a. .Fopular prices. -..... , LYMl(E Fourth and TPIUTTC1 A TPTOTT7 Fourth and Stark Streets THEATRE Stark Streets Week Commencing TOMORROW Matinee The KEATING & FLOOD MUSICAL COMEDY CO. Presents ' ;"' ' f -;"' - Jal(cy, IWi!(cy and Itey Best Laughing Show Seen in This City in Many Moons A Performance That Young and Old Will . Elnj'oy From Start to Finish '.- FRIDAY NIGHT CHORUS GIRLS' CONTEST Two Performances Nightly, 7:30 and 9:15 15c ir. J 25c. ( Matinees Daily 2:30 Any Seat lCc (Es I i ncept Sundays and Holidays), ; next week "AN AMERICAN rrj;;c:i V