... THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, : PORTLAND,'-SUNDAY MORNINGi, FEBRUARY A 1912, 2 FOR SALEHOUSES 81 6 Rooms TIVE A T.n'P I have had this bungalow built to sell with h nhwt of inventing niv money 2.. .fi'tJS CJS7?XSythTnZ for the Interest and In letting the con tract I clioaa a man, not because he was the cheapest bidder, but for the good workmanship put in the house, THE PORCH. Is full width and has built-in seats, and an oak door opening Into a large re ception hall. KKCEFTION HALL. .. Ha a coat closet with pier glass mir- rms. LIVING ROOM. Has fireplace and built-in bookcases; triple windows opening on front porch; a columned arch opens Into dining room. DIN J NO ROOM. Is paneled, plate rail, built-in buffet. triple, window opening on side lawn; a . riouble-acting door opens Into the kitch en: another door opens Into the pass t all. . MTC1I KITCHEN. Has flour, sugar bins, dish cabinets, Tot, kettle closets, woodlift, boiler closet, broom closets, drawers, sink with double drain boards, molding noara. PASS HALL. . A '. . . . Between the bath room and 2 bed - rooms and dining room. BED ROOMS. 1 Are quite laree, with windows and closets. . The bed rooms and kitchen are all white enameled and tinted in pretty pale green, blue, pink colors, while the front, rooms are stained a beautiful golden oak with a flat wax oil finish. The walls are of tan and cream ceilings. There has been exceptional care taken ' fHrt throughout the whole house, by the different mechanics. If you really de sire to get a home and wish to see the ; house. I will be at house Sunday and will be glad to talk to you. and If you are all right, you need not fear as to our getting together on the terms. I will take acreage or lota as part payment Phone Tabor 3159. At home Sunday. Or address K-884, Journal. Homes on Easy Terms Modern. bungalow, 4 rooms and bath, fire place, bookcases, Plato rail, Dutch kitchen. lot 66x80, $2500.: Small cash . tayraent, balance to suit Five room bungalow, strictly modern, furnace, fire place, buffet, bookcases, hardwood floors, gas, electricity, good view, Bose City Park, close to csr; all Hreet improvements paid. 13360 aud 'Olmstead Park , B room bunralow. aiza 30x68 on lot -60 I12; double constructed und built for .borne; living room 18x30 .with flr.e fire place; two large airy bedrooms on first floor, and two can be finished on second floor; large dining room and Dutch . kitchen; .elegant - electric .fixtures and entire bouse tastefully tinted: full ce ment basement and very large furnace. ;. 15800; easy payments. ' We have several six room homes with all modern conveniences, furnaeet fire place, hardwood floors, bookcases, buf fet, Dutch kitchen. These are first class la every detail. $3750 and up. '- Olmstead Park 8 rooms and sleeping porch, full 2 utory; billiard room can be finished rln attic: very large' living room and dining room beamed and panelled; built In bookcases, buffet, firenlaee. Dutch kitchen. The finish Is extra good and - above the- ordinary. Full cement base- , mam.' ana rine large rurnace. Three i blocks to Broadway car, $7000! smail ; payment and easy terms. Large 8 room home at Mount Tabor, excellent view of the whole city, mod ern conveniences, lot 85x185: large ma- ture Royal Ann cherry trees, beautiful lawn, roses etc. . $6000, $500 cash, bal ance terms. , PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. 201, 202. 203 Boaro it Trade Bid. Marshall 47$: A-1022. Hawthorne District or , Small Payment Down Balance as Rent ' Close In. ; New 6-rootn bungalow. Doubly constructed throughout - .Reception hall. ' Fireplace. . Bookcases. . Paneled dining room. . Built-in buffet. Fine Dutch kitchen. White enameled bathroom. .1 large bedrooms. . Largo attic. Fine basement, cement floor laundry trays. . Splendid neighborhood. Tabor 3089. and HAWTHORNE. MT. TABOR AND 8UNNY8IDE. , In this close In and very acces sible district where values are In creasing rapidly we have the cream of all offerings. We have,, bungalows we can sell on small( .payments, some as low as $150 down. On the slopes of Mt. Tabor, we have several fine homes, on easy terms. If you want a house or lot in this district at tha right price and terms, we can serve you and save you time and money. DORR E. KEASKY . COMPANY, Id floor Chamber of Commerce. Sacrifice in Irvington Property Hnrrte of 9 rooms, modern ' coti--r venltJhces on one of the best cor .:.'i ....tiers in Irvington 76x100, with i,. In order to close estate this prop erty is offered for $6750 and it - certainly is worth the money. . Terms can be arranged. Call at . office for particulars. Barnes & Andrus , 40 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts. : ; Main 2081. 1 Home in Hawthorne W am. . t . . i , , . . for $25 a month; lot is 40x100 and house ' v i win lumiBiieu mingaiow, renting i is well and strongly built: t t 2800 this j is a good buy and one that has a great speculative value. , TERMS. , FLAHERTY & CONNOLLY. i in i eon mug. .. EAST 47TH HT. NORTH. ' ' ROSE CITY PARK. ' $100 CASH. 7 rooms, sleeping porch, built-in buf fet end bookcase, solid oak floors, kitchen range, furnace, fireplace, mirror doors, etc. NAL,P,AL 'RWAJMTY & TRUST CO.. - .723 Chamber of- Commerce Bldg. Phone Mais 5129. - ' , HERB IT i&wT Two-thirds of an acre, fi i-nnm v,s,. running water jlrd ( the-hmMwoJ blocks from .station; within IK """ " c'i on tne west side, $2260; easy .terms. Provident Trust Company. 201, J02, 203 Board of a i huh, jm rniTH 11 1.1, A iff zz. have You $1000? If you are looking for an attractive, wtll bhllt home in Hawthorne district and have $1000 call at 1029 E. Harrison jorphone B-2329. Owner. Ba rga in. ROOM t rlotfy modern resldeneeTwiTl 'take in, small S pass, aut.o not over $1209; -value Of property $4500. F-310. Journal.'' . ., . , . ' SNA i'w-1 room house 'Suhnyfife,-$'e000; easy terms. 1103 Yeon bldg. 82110 w FOIt SALE HOUSES fll "Why Not Build?" California Bungalow $500 Down Balance as Rent Close In. went of 30th, and only 2 blocks to car, fine doubly constructed 6 room bungalow, reception hall. large living room, all built in conveniences. including handsome fireplace, book- I cases, paneled dining room, buffet, beamed ceilings. Dutch kitchen, large bedrooms and closets. bathroom equipped with latest and best of fix tures, large basement, cement floor and laundry trays, house will -be tinted, fix tures installed and the best of shades hung at the windows. Wi furnish all plans, material, etc., and will build a home you can not find on the market for 33500. Let us talk the matter over with you, to show you just what can be done. Fine neighborhood and only 10 minutes from 3d and Alder. Tabor 3089 In Rose City Park Only 8100 cash required, balance at $30 a month. Including Inter est. . Bungalow, 6 rooms, every thing complete, basement, fur nace, Dutch kitchen, paneled din ing Toom, china closet, laundry, tubs, wood lift, electrlo lights, cement walks, all improvements paid for. Located 2V4 blocks from car. You will want to buy this when you see It. Come prepared if possible to make deposit. Full size lot. Price only $2700. If you want to see this property Sun day call East 4164. Barnes & -Andrus 406 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts. Main 2081. c. PIEDMONT AND WOODLAWN. In Piedmont we have a num ber of very fine" residences for sale In many cases below cost. One in particular is reduced $1000 for quick sale. Also some very In expensive bungalows and new cottages direct from the builders on very easy terms to responsible buyers. If you are looking for a home or lot in this district, do not full to look over our extensive list of exclusive offerings. DORR E. KEASEY & COMPANY. 2d floor Chamber of Commerce. WILLAMETTE heights, choice corner lot. all improvements In, good view, $2250. Portland Heights near Crest, corner, Ht Zion station, 91x114 feet, fenced, water in, west view, $2800. V. SU GREEN. 403 Lumbermens bldg. Main 8787. YOUR OWN HOME BUILT FOR THE RENT. From your own designs or plans fur nished, on my desirable 60x100 lot, few blocks off Montavilla line, 20 minutes to west side, for $250 down, balance same as rent. Total figure at cost. Sim ply want Interest Why pay rentT Ad dress 983 K. 21st street North, city. FOR sale, 6 room house, 50x100 lot near Ainsworth ave.. with or without furni ture, also ,4 room new house near O. Electric station, near school and church, acre new wire fence; terms to suit. Phone East 1210. Owner or address V. M.. 287 Williams ave.. Portland. Look af This 5 room bungalow, plumbing in. nice '"potion; price $1550, $300 cash takes this. See Grays Crossing Land Co.. at Grays Crossing, Mt Scott car. Tabor 969. Open Sunday. " BEAT the railroads to "Bandon-by-the-8eai" Coos county's ' beautiful sea port, factory town, and beach resort: lots. $100 terms $3.00 down, $3.00 per I monin: piat ana pictures at office. 403 Lumbermens bldg. W. L. Green, owner. Phone Main 8787. $2360 $250 cash, $16 per month. 7 per cent Interest, 5 room bungalow, good as new, 1 block M-V car and Twohy Bros, shops, west of 60th st This is a snap. Hall ft Roark, 522 Chamber of Commerce. Main 9294. A-4885. $700 BELOW actual value, 6 room mod ern cottage on 19th N.; house No. 987; $1700 equity. $700 cash, balance straight mortgage 2V4 "ears, 8 per cent. By own' - few days only. See this. F-313. Journal. THIS ' is your chance to select your homo at a snap. I have some at tractive 4 to 7 room homes In fine lo calities. Price $1700 to $3850, terms. Some must be sold at once. F. E. Miller, 925 Yeon bldg.. Marshall 630. HOME WITH INCOME. New 8 room house, modern, 2 Dutch kitchens, suitable for renting or for home; will consider lots in Bose City part payment; price $3660, terms. 165 Monroe st NEW. modern, 7 room house, Waverly Richmond, just finished and furnished ready to step Into; am called from city; for quick sale will sell for $4500. 605 E. 39th st. 3. $1400 for 5 Rooms Nice 6 room cottage, 1 block from carllne, close In; can you beat this? Also 6 room bungalows on easy terms. 426 Lumber Exchange. Marshall 4295. $1550 SNAP Fine 7room house, bath. T, tv'uciii j. HUM nun, wo large rooms upstairs unfinished rents for $14, near Union and Alberta. $860 cash. East 5790. MONT AVI LLA LINE. 5 room cottage. $1760; good car ser vice within 2 blocks;, another only 1 blork from car. Inquire of J. Tressler 14R3 E. Ql I wan, st.. hut. S3d and E4th sts' $50 Down $17 per month buys new cottage and 60x100 lot, price $1100. Webb. 414 E. Binm sr. $20 cash, $10 per month buys new modern 5 room bungalow and 2 lots 221,10th ave., 2 blocks south and 1 block east Gray's Crossing. SUBURBAN home, beautiful place near river. 150x170 feet ground; new, mod ern; very easy terms and a bargain. Owner. A-5747. Main 746. 5 ROOM, lMi story bungalow, close to 2 cars, Including furniture, attractive and rare buy at $2700: some terms. Hnlght, 969 Knion ave. N. $3050, HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $305" R owner, new 6 room bungalow $400 cash, balance like rent; 406 Commercial block, 2d and Washington. WILL BUILD TO SUIT YOUR Pttrst?. AND HELP FINANCE HOUsi rip r.t. AHru - t . 1 "n v;. I' UKL,ONO, 517 CHAMBER OF COM. MAIN 1429" NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. Apartment site. 100x100 cnmi- nA house. $2850: $600 cash. Fred W. Ger man. 329 Burnslde. Muln or A-2 776. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! $1775 buys 6-room house and 4 lots at 6226 6th St., S. E., 2 blocks south Arleta station.' FOR SALE 2-room house, lot 60x100 at Mentone addition at Lents. Price $400. Particulars 626 Wash., near i i in. IT'S a dandy; 8-room strictly modern: College View; Sellwood car passes door; artistic and native trees. Phone eeiiwooa o. A NEWEY furnished modern 1A houe, 2 yen-rfl' lease, reasonable;-part i;ttii. lie 11.11. BY owner, new modern 7 room home vin Laurelhurst, price $6000, Terms. rtwnm main; vo, xaoor jegi. FOR BALK Is room bouse fOxlOO lot . Hi. ixnua. oc car rare, iiuo; must be sold today."- Owner. Main 8468. RAMSEY, & RAMSEY, contractors ni builders, specialty of bungalow and craftsman houses. Phone Sellwood 1865. FOR SALE Near FlrlartTi,- a new "'S room house. Halght. 4827 ?6tli st. BA RGAIN--$1650. 4-room house,' good lot. Inquire 876 E. 7th. M ' - TWO inoilDru S room cottages on Wll. Hams ave., 6760; terms. East 4702J 83000 k CRISP SWUP FOR SALEHOUSES', 61 Hawthorne District LOCATED WEST OF S7TH ST. 6 Large Rooms I am not so particular as to tha first payment aown as i want to get some one who would take care of the place as l would: so if you are all right, don be afraid to answer this advertisement. I had this house built for my home, and It is done right; double floors; reception nan, oak bungalow door, has oak lloors. ciotnes cioset. stairs rise to nan above three ply veneered door opens into kitchen, and another sliding door opens into trie living room. Living room has oak floors, fireplace, bookcases either side, triple window opening ori the front porch; columned arcn opens into dining room. Dining room Oak floors, three ply veneered paneling, plate rail, corner molding, beautiful built In buffet, with art glass doors; these rooms have cream ceiling, tan walls. Dutch kitchen Natural wood finish. drawers, bins, pot, kettle closet dish cobmets. double drainboarda. boiler clos et, woodlift, linoleum on floor, basement full cement and wash trays. Bedrooms Three large bedrooms with extra large closets, naving windows each untea in very pretty colors. Bathroom Has a full 11ns of plumb I nr. medicine closet. I will let the window shades go with the house, also beautiful electrlo and gas fixtures; street Improvements are all paid. I will take desirable lot as part pay. And the most desirable person can practically mane nis own terms. ' Price $3700 PHONK OWNER. Tabor 2017. Or call at corner of 36th and Hawthorne ave. Hampton's Calendar For February 4, 1912 Two 8 room houses, located on 41st St., Beaumont. These houses are fully modern, consisting of large verandas, sleeping porches, full cement basements, furnaces, hardwood floors, billiard rooms, shades and electrical fixtures. I will sell these houses at the right prices and will give good terms. I defy competition of the houses and solicit inspection. One 6 room house on B9th st, between Siskiyou and Stanton, 1H blocks from Rose City Park carllne. This house Is fully ' modern and equipped with fur nace, sleeping porch and all the modern Improvements. Several good lots for sale in Beaumont, Olmsted Park, Rose City Park, Laurelhurst, Villa mede. . . . Ten acres of good timber land near Mosier; free from fell Incum brance: will sell or tralo for good city property. If any of these places Interest you, call and see Hampton, con tractor and bulldef. 723 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Phone Main 6129, Res. Tabor 1664. $6500 One of the nicest homes in Irvington; 7 rooms, two fireplaces, hardwood floors, sleeping porch; on 24th st. This place cost $7600 must be sacrificed. $5000 Fine 6 room house on Broadway; fireplace, fur nace, hardwood floors, light fixtures, shades, range all Included. This is a buy. Let us show you. $3600 Dandv 5 room bungalow in Highland, built for home; up-to-date and mod ern In every way; built by owner for a home. $4350 8 room house and acre of ground in Woodstock; fruit trees and berries of all kinds. Rowe-Thatcher Co, 324-6 Chamber of Commerce. Beautiful New Bungalow, Rose City Park 6 rooms, full basement, laundry trays, built-in buffet, combination fixtures, screens and linoleum, hardwood floors, eta A really choice home. Glad to show you . this place any time. Price $3500. Reasonable terms. Barnes & Andrus 406 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts. Main 2081. ROSE CITY PARK AND MONTAVILLA. Wis offer a large number of new bungalows In the very best part of these popular districts on ex ceptionally .easy terms. On some wa can accept very small monthly payments, others are sacrificed in order to ohtain ready cash. If you are looking for a house or lot In this district, do not fail to look over our extensive list of exclu sive offerings. DORR E. KEASEY & COMPANY, 2d floor Chamber of Commerce. A BARGAIN. New 4 room bungalow, Just built, modern plumbing, stationary wash tuba, fireplace, walls tinted to suit purchnser, Lutoh kitchen. Graded lot 48x140; 4 blocks from Rose City car line. Price $2000; terms $200 down und $20 a month, or $100 down and $25 a month. For further information phone Tabor 2130 I- $1000 NEW 6 ROOM HOUSE $50 Down BALANCE MONTHLY PAYMENTS On 6 cent carllne, near large grade school, stores and churches. CAN YOlt AFFORD TO PAY RENT? Bin AQington Diclg. fc'OR SALIC A modern 4 room house on Vernon ave., 114 blocks from car. If you are looking for a fine home on easy payments you can't beat this. I will ut this up against anything in Port land; good reason for selling. 'Price $2000; your own terms. Owner, 1104 Vernon ave. MUST sell one $4500 home by Murch 1 Will take $3950. 7 rooms, strictly modern, furnace and fireplace, etc. Near car. Take A car. 979 E. 22d N. Phone nwuiitwH ,ui. v.au tor jvay. $0 MONTHLY Including interest for new double constructed 4 room bun galow, cwnent walk. - Price $ 1800; cash, $100 Good bargain from owner. 680 M Vllvt,'rHCI UIWUll. 1 BLOCK ItAWTH6RtfFJ.i4Ki. " . 6 rooms, modern, on full 60x100 cor ner lot. Take 1350 down, holing monthly nd will pay $20 month to stay In house. Owner, Tabor 422, i - NEW modern 4 room cottage. No, 831 E. 26th St.; sewer, water, electrlo lights, lot ,40x1 00. only $1800: easy terms. B. A. McGrath, 391 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE- My 6 room -bungalow, one . of tlie best buys in Irvington; house no. caa rj, inn in. rnone Ma lit Z756. IliVINQTON Artistic, modern bunga - low, near Thompson, at. and carllne. PLo&e. East 394. , BflfflfM FOB SALE HOUSES . 01 LAURELHURST ;H0ME: BEAUTIFUL ROOM " RESI- - DENCE. -WITH EVERY MODERN - CONVENIENCE, STEAM HEAT. ALL HARDWOOD FINISH ON ' FIR8T FLOOR, TWO TOILETS. CEMENT BASEMENT. , ALL ' BUILT IN CONVENIENCES. A ' RARE BARGAIN AT ' $5JO0. ONLY $500 CASH NECESSARY TO HANDLE. SEE THIS. ' WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON SELECT PORT t AND PROP-" ' ERTY, $3000 TO $35,000. , Ward & Younger, SUITE 425 YEON BLDG. Laurelhurst House"1 115 HAZELFERN PLACE. $600 CASH. New 2 storv. 7 room hoi'isn fnl. lows: Large reception hall, living room with flrnlapa anf )-.,ill, Krt.LrtDD- dinlng room with built-in buffet, paneled vuiib hiu ueaiiiea ceiling, uulch aitcnen, white enameled, with Plenty of cabinet space; three large bedrooms, each hav ing a closet with window; large sleep- iiih puruii, umnruom, unon Closet, attic hardwood floors downstairs; full cement basement with furnaoe; woodlift and laundry trays. The house faces enat on a 50x100 lot; all -improvements-are In Including sewer, gas, electricity, cement walks and paved streets; 1H blocks north or Ullsun car. Balance $6000 pay able to suit. For further information call Main 987 or A-2698. J. V. Guthrie, i 1 1 outm sc. , Mt, Scott and Woodstock District In this district our list com prises a number of nice homes In the vicinity of Reed college, also a large line of Inexpensive cot tages and bungalows on small payments. You can get a big lot here for less than a fractional lot In other districts. If you want a houso or lot in this districts st the right price and terms, we can serve you and save you time and money. Dorr E, Keasey & Co. 2d floor Chamber of Commerce. Snaps From Ringler $6500 10 room house, plenty .good, ground, room, - lawn, everything modern. Just off Hawthorne ave; this is way under tha mar ket $4500 5 room house. 60x153 foot lot. close to Broad way bridge; ideal apart ment house site; in dis trict where values are In creasing rapidly; this is under the market. Chas, Ringler & Co, 211 Lewis Bldg. IRVINGTON. Our list of inspected and verl .fted houses In this exclusive and fashionable district oomprises the best there is for sale. On many homes very easy terms can be se cured to suit purchasers. If you contemplate locating in Irvington, Laurelhurst, or Holladay addition, do not fail to look over our ex tensive list of exclusive offer ings. DORR E. KEASEY A COMPANY, 2d floor Chamber of Commerce. Balance Like Rent dandy double constructed K room bungalow on the slope of Mount Tabor. a grana view or snow capped moun tains. House is modern with all hutlt In conveniences. Price $3760. Call Main 8990, A-4185. 73 6th st.. near Oak. Albina Bargain Corner lot with a good 6 room mod ern house and 5 room modern bungalow, streets Improved, 3 blocks from L car and 1 block to R-S carllne: orlce for all, $5000; will pay over 9 per cent in terest on Investment; owner leaving city. Inquire at 801 Mississippi ave. Phone'Woodlawn 686. 6 ROOM MODERN HOUSE, $2850. If taken at once will sell on very easy terms or will take a lot In as first pay ment. Located west of 34th bet. Haw thorne and Sunnyslde carllnes. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 518 Ablngton bldg. Easy to "Buy New 6 room bungalow In Irvington Park. $600 cash, balunce $26 per month and interest. 8 room house, 2 stories, on Munroe; big bargain, s t $4500. NELSON BROS., 804 Lewis Bldg, Phone Main 7691. A Cozy Home 6 room modern house on beautiful corner lot; Thompson St., west of 15th; price $3700, terms. STAVER & AUSSIEKER- 614 Couch bldg. NKVV 6 room modern houso, $17.50 mo. E. 17th and Rhone sts. Rellwnnd cur- SHOO 101 13 minutes. .7. V. Kertchtm, with Pa-'as tart payment, or acreage close "to ctfio States Fire Insurance Co., 200 Portland. Backus, 614 Chamber of Corn Chamber of Commerce. Phone Marshall merce. . Dt, A-433I. $850 BARGAIN at Ockley Green, 3 room house 50x100 lot, east front, lawn and roses. Some furniture with this: terms cash. If interested phone Woodlawn 1006 or coma today. 'St Johns car; north of car. 13fl3 Gay street. J. L. Eastwood, owner. , Hawthorne District By owner, new 5 room bungalow, -modern in every respect; will be at house Sunday. 391 E. 46th near Lincoln. Price $-'500: $200 down. $2760 Takes a new 6 . 1 j n 1 04 basement. 1 block from cr. f I room nouse. run neighborhood, rented now for $20. A snap for investment or home. 8300 cash and $29 per month. Miller, 925 Yeon bldg. Marshall 630. ' SEVEN room modern cottage on E. 9th St., south, corner lot 60x100, good ga rage. This can be bought on good terms. BEALS A ROBTNSON. 361 E. 11th St. Hast 5023. ELEGANT 8 room house on Broadway near 19th. The best buy In Irvington at $4700, Terms. WATSON & THERKELSEN, ' 806 Spalding bldg Phone Main 7892. Rose City Park New 7 room house at a Imro-aln. If taken today. 540 46th st; near Hraiee. taken todays -540 45th st; noar Brat ioo THKiia large room house, Just a finishing, lot 25x100 ft. at 164 N. 79th st., Montavilla.; 200 ft, north of carllne. Terms. it-aiB, journal MODI URN home, cholua locntlon Wniul. stock line.. $3500. 1700 ilfioin - 34f. u. jamnni UTrect, CALL on Huff for best bargains in real estate. ; - 12B6 Milwaukie road. Wood" atOCk. ; W' '"' - , ' '. ; .-'' . '- ' , OWNER must sucrlflce Sfc-oom house, lot 50x100, close in, $14S): terms no Object 624 E. 2Uti st 8. , FOR SALE -HOUSES , 61 CASH -BUYS -THIS- IDEAL HAWJHORNB AVE. HOME. Brand new 6 room house in good resi dence district where all Improvements are In including bard surfaoed streets; tnis nouse is doupie construction throughout with every modern conveni ence; the house is ready to m6ve right in r witnout ' any expense io you. m u stands on high7 ground with ' an unex celled view of the city; some of the at tractive features or tnis moaern noma are large reception hall, eozy fireplace, triple door bookcases, veneered paneled dining room, a very nobby wide buffet, complete white enameled Dutch kitchen, 3 large bedrooms with extremely large cjosets, the very best of plumbing, fine sleeping porch, electrlo lighting - fix tures, A-l furnace, cement floor in base ment; the price is only $8860 and can arrange terms to suit. ' Call at 1046 Hawthorne ave. or phone Tabor 806. 8 Room Modern House 80x100 'Corner (Fenced) Good Barn' and Chicken Yard 3 Blocks to Car 25 "Minutes' Car Ride Think this over. If von hava 1700 eaah. balance can be arranged to suit A bar fain seldom found. Main 8890, A-4186. i a out pi,, near ubk, . 110 PER MONTH. New 5 room Cottarn!! nlantnrari verff neat and cosy. : lot 67x188, Just the place for chickens or fruit, and not far from 6o car line; price $1500. See owner. r, f, K eoDer 540 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Phone main oof. GOOD HOMES FOR LITTLE MONEY. New 7 room modern house, graded streets and walks In, 3 blocks from car; Will take lot aa nart nsv. Price 13300 cash $260, balance easy terms. Anotner good 7 room house, modern, with good furniture, all for $2250, cash $250, balance $15 per month. New modern 6 room house, corner lot. cement .walks, graded street, all paid. Price $3000. cash 1500. balance In suit. Close to Union ave. CROCKETT STARKER CO., Room 3, Washington bldg. ALBINA 8 room house with stabla im lot. ROv 100 feet; close to Russell st. and Wil liams ave.: rents for I2K ner month. The completion of the Broadway bridge will Increase the value of this property very materially. Price $3000 cash. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO;, 404 Wilcox bldg.. Phones Main 8699. A-2663. BEAUTIFUL 6 room house in Sunny side, just completed and modern in every detail: large living room, dining room and kitchen. 3 sleeDinir rooms and sleeping porch: handsome fixtures, hard- wooa noors, run cement basement and furnace; street1 Improvements all paid: midway between Hawthorne ave. and Sunnyslde carllnes. Price, $4760; terms, ?oo casti, oaiance xz& per month and Interest. Lueddemann & Burke, 921 Electric bldg. IRVINGTON 7 room cottage, modern, all street improvements in and paid, full basement. Don't wait until the middle of the week to investigate if you want a good home. None like it selling for less money; $4700; $500 cash. Can use lot or mortgage for part pay ment. ' GOWEN-IDE TRU8T CO., Room 2, Lumbermens bldg. $4250 - 6 room modern home, 1 block from Broadway; fireplace, hardwood floors, etc. $noo down, balance In monthly payments. II. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox bldg.. Phones Main 8699, A-2663. SIX room house and bath complete; carpets, shades and fixtures through out, gas range. 15 cords of wood In basement, 60x100 foot lot on Tillamook close in. This is a wonderful bargain at $6600. Terms. WATSON & THERKELSEN, 306 Spalding bldg. Phone Main 7592. Yoa Renter. We will sell you a lot on monthly Eayments and loan you the money to uild with. Lots $250 to $350. It will pay you to Investigate. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 618 Ablngton bldg. BEAUTIFUL' 7 room house in Ladd's addition; new. modern and very at tractive; large living room and dining room, hardwood floors; all modern built-in 'features; easy walking distance to city; for 'sale cheap: good terms. For particulars sen Lueddemann & Burke, 921 Electric bldg. I ROOM BUNGALOW WITH LARGE ATTIC AND SLEEPING Porch: hardwood floors; fixtures and shades in; cement basement: everything first class; 60x-100 lot. in restricted dis trict Don't miss seeing it. X. O. Bar ker, 327 (Mohawk bldg. Tabor 2029. NICE 8 room house on 450x100 foot lot facing entrance of.Mt. Tabor's new tjiiy para. mm in reamy is yum in itself and can be had for $7600; terms. WATSON & THERKELSEN, 306 Spalding bldg. Phone Main 7B92. it 376 Vernon1 snap1. $100 down, balance to suit, 7 room house, 50x100 . lot, facea east. 1281 K. 13th N. See it at once, Then sei Neels, 633 Hamilton bldg. Marshall 658. - ' BEAUTIFUL 7 room house, full 60x 100 foot lot, close .in on Weldler st. This is a fine location: $6000; easy terms. WATSON & THERKELSEN, 306 Spalding bldg.' Phone Main 7592. $4500 New duplex house for two faml lies, each part has 5 rooms with bath. a great bargain, win accept vacant 101 i!it?i . BEAUTIFUL 6 room house, full 60x100 IUOI, lUt 1I1.J1IIU lUl.CLHUIl UJI 'W. VUUVU St A snap at $5500; easy terms. WATSOM A- THKRKKLSEN. 806 Spalding bldg. Phone Main TBS2. $2600 'Buys a 9 room house. Jot 60x100, on Minne sota ave., near Fremont st Phone Wood- Inwn 686. . ' ' . . GOOD east side modern 7 room home, 10 minutes' walk to Morrison bridge, $6200, E. 14th and Yamhill. Terms. 825 Yeon bldg. Phone Main liz, a-4678. FOR SALh JaoO v -j; 1 a .' I equity 8, mode In $2900 bun- Park. C. Whlppl". 924 Chamber of Com Main i622, Res, Tabor, 8537. merce. SEVEN room modern house in Rose City Park, $3660: easy payments.- , , WATSON & THERKELH6:N.- 306 Spuldtng bldg. Phone Main 7592. FOR SALE $175 cash and balance easy, a 5 room ' bungalow, price $3100. C. Whipple, 924 Chamber of i Commerce, Ms in ltizz. Kes. xaDor itun v, FIVE room, modern slsw house, Irving ton Park, $100 casTi, $12.50 month. SmlttuWagoner Co- 3U-tl2 Lewis bldg. FRETT"Y 4 rooTrrThousa with acre,30 minutes out, nice view, part terms. Smith-Wagoner Co., 311-312 Lewis .bldg. .3 iioom nouse ana. lot., blocks from ' carline, price $650, '$lu6 cash balance your own terms. - 322 Henry bldg. SUNNSIDE bungalow, all modern, 35th and E. Morrison;,. trms;. $2800.- O 306, Journal.'1," y:-::''';:::-:-':' 1 ;: Slit room house ' i" block 'from-Alberta car $3500; will take 500 cash, $1500 In acreage, j Call 1081 E. 15th st N. BELOW cost, by owner, $2700. 6 rooms, modern, lot 67x152, gas, sewer, street improved. jai i6 jcrances N KAV 2 room house near Jefferson high , school. Owner, 191 Blandena st , - $26 GASH S '" ': , FO SALEHOUSES CI - Beautiful Mt, Tabor; ' ! Several most desirable houses for sale near the new ML Tabor city park. Elegant view of the mountains and valley, paved streets, sewer, gas, Bull nun water, electricity, etc. More tnan 5QQ..f eat- above-- other- residence districts, and - only 24 minutes from the 'river. Take Mt. Tabor car and rido .to East 0h -f , . . , . ,," L a One elegant new house. 7 large rooms. absolutely modern and first class In every respect- several up-to-the-mlnute conveniences. A bargain at $6000; part UUBn... ,l- "!.;.,.". !..'.' ,, ,.,4,1. .iLHPij!'. "' One ' fine. n,v 7'- Mim hmtnii mhA sleeping porch and all modern through out; $4250; on terms. Oood 6 room modern house, t block irora car, zaou; on very easy terms. 6ne fine taodern 8 room houte that has been occupied three years.. All in first class condition. A snap for $2800, part vauu. . , . A . . . ... . . "New 4 room, bouse, J - blocks from Hawthorne car, fireplace, panel dining room, chlckert house, wood house, $1700, on very easy terms, or will take cheap iui. oireei grrga ana siaewain in and We have several other' good bargain right now; fine houses that will make you money if you ever want to sell. come out toaay. TABOR HEIGHTS REALTY CO. 148 E. 69th st. Phones Tabor 629, B-3121 v Mr, Workingman .V ' READ THIS Small houses and 60x100 lot. $400 and up; $20 down and $10 a month; call us up or come out ana see them; it will cost you nothing: also lots $150 and up, $5 down, $5 a month; all these lots are msiae toe ci-y. limits. Tabor 76. . ' . Widell & Wilson . 8002 E, OHsan st. M. V, ear to 80th, $200 CASH. PRICE $2360. Walking Distance S room cottage with basement, bath, etc., lot 47x100, E. 9th St., close in. For the man who wants to be within walking distance of ' his business. Think of the terms. The price is right; $20 a month and interest at 6 tier cent on bal ance. See this Monday morning. Barnes & Andrus ' 408 Lewla bldg., 4th and Oak sts. Main 2081. $2850, $350 Cash 6 room bungalow, reception hall, parlor with fireplace and book cases, dining room paneled, china closet, Dutch kitchen, two nlee bedrooms with bath between, full basement. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Hawthorne Investment Co, Tabor $661. $9750 TERMS. A mpdern attractive..home fot,naIe, very choicest part of Irvington. sur rounded tty costly residences, absolutely complete, hardwood floors and staircase, large plate glass windows throughout, dressing room, two fireplaces, sleeping porch, built in flreless cooker and other conveniences, handsome fixtures, garage, lawn, roses, etc A beautiful home, in side and out. Occupied and for sale by owner. 419 E. 21st st. N., near Tilla mook. Phone Esst BBS. $800 for a good 2 room house; lot 45x 100; on Blandena st. $300 cash, bal ance iu per monin. $870 buys east front lot. 60x100 streets graded, cement sidewalks In and paid for, and new 2 room house. $370 casn, naiance io per month. 1035 Den ver ave. $1160 for a good 4 room house; lot goxioo; on Humboldt st. $350 cash, balance easy. Albert Harala 801 Mississippi Ave. Woodlawn 686. Business Corner 30th and Alberta Sts. 7 room modern house, on inside lot, all light fixtures and shades, Brussels carpets on all rooms, range and heater, gas stove, linoleum In kitchen and bath room; fruit and roses; a fine business corner as well as a home. See owner at 640 Chamber of Commerce, for confi dential price and terms. Phone Main 7967, A Mighty Pretty Little Home for $2500 $250 down and easy payments buvs this 6 room bungalow with built-in buf fet, cabinet kitchen, electric light fix tures, tinted walls, window shades, etc.. all ready to move Int6. Sewers in. gas, water, electricity, cement walks and a nice, sightly location. See Bryant, with Joseph Graham 1 007-09 Board of Trade. HAVE YOTJ $1000 OR MORE. If you can pay $1000 or more in cash down wll) sell at a reasonable re duction from the regular price of $3200, a nice, modern b room and bath bunga low on 60x100 lot. a few feet from car line, near 36th and Clinton. Money will talk strongly In this case. See Poulsen, 418 Railway Exchange. Marshall 45S3. . Why; Pay Rent? $50 DOWX $25 PER MO .1 MONTH Artistic bungalow, in restricted dis trict, surrounded by new, good homes, close to car with excellent service. Gas and electric light Light fixtures and shades In. . . Price $2500, terms Include Interest i C. W. DAVIS & COMPANY i 606 Commercial hi rig. BUY FROM OWNER, i A new, modern 6 room bungalow, ar tistically finished with leaded glass doors on bookcases and buffet, fireplace: Dutch kitchen with new gas range and water heater, shades; Just ready , to move into; 60x,100 lot. cement walks and paved streets; ' block from car. Tabor KM HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. ' We have the best strictly modem up to date 6 room bungalow that $3769 will buy any place In the city. 15 mln-, utes out on Hawthorne carllne, and owner will accept some trade. Mr. Becktell. COLUMBIA f"KUST CO.. " ( Ground floor Board of Trado bldg. v , . Will Take ( A good building-lot, free of incum brance, as first payment on pretty new bungalow In Waverly Heights. See Bry ant with ; - -. . , , ,- Joseph Graham' '':';:'-:-;.' 1007-09 JHwt of Trade bldg. MODEL FARM FOR JiALK. ' " " Model farm of 1 acre, new house, barn, and chicken house, water under pressure, graded streets, walks, best of soli, 6 miles us car g6es to 5th and Washington, 4 blocks from -streetcar; small payment down, balance like' rent L-325. Journal. LOOK herb: 1 1 ' i I can sell you an acre of rich, allu vial soil, 4 blocVs from street car with ?raded- streets, sidewalks and water, or $1150 and finance your house ' on easy terms. - All the comforts of the city and easy of access;. iK-821, Journal. . ' 5 Room Bungalow : Vicinity ei 2Nth and Ankeny. Lot BOx 100. Price 13000 - r J. J. OEDER, Cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankny. 11300 , CASH ( Owner will sell Cozy 6 room bunga low, fireplace, tatty Dutch kitchen, fine basoment, 'rooms paneled and .tinted, restricted district, faces east; price $2800. J-32B. Journal.' A7c")MPLETK''home in Rose City Park, ; 7 rooms and sleeplns; porch, hardwood floors, furnace.i fixtures, shades, fln.i placo,'.' for $4000; easy ,.; terms. i J-828, J oinnal. ; " : ' ','' ," '''','.' V, V'' .' (5rJE flat of 4 apurtments, 3 furnished, 1 unfurnished. 'Brings $127 a month. On Cl y st., close In; $14,000; terms, WATSON & THERKELSEN, , 306 Spalding bldg. .Phone Main 7692. FOK , SALE- HOUSES , 0 5 or 7 Rooms . 55x100 Lot . Paved Streets Will Take Lot " 'as Part Payment ive the best buy m Port i I hat Portland tot the monev. This bouse la dmihls cnnjitriintsd and heavy paper between.' t Porch full width of house: bungalow door to reception hall; entrance to front . uearooms ana .living room: narowooa floors. , v s. , - Living room Is 13x15. trlole window:. opens h front porch; beautiful chipped brick v replace, built-in bookcases,, niet-al-glasai doors, hardwood floors, i Dining room is 13x16; triple window .. opens on side lawn; built-in buffet, metal-barred doors; door v opens into pass hall - to bedrooms. ' double-acting ' door opens Into kitchen. : These two.7 rooms and front hall are done In a pretty shade of tan tint, cream ceilings, while the woodwork Is a beautiful shade of golden oak, flat finish. , i Kitchen Is 12x10. and has all the con veniences that Could be desired, with : its dish cablnets. pot and kettle closets, ' double drain boards, molding v board. sugar ana flour bins, cooling closet, boiler closet, woodlift; this room is . tinted a Drettv. delicate shade of green . and white, enameled. , , Bedrooms are 11x12, have large clos ets and are tinted one a pretty blue ana pina, cream ceilings, wnue enam eled woodwork; there is a pass hall be tween tne two oearooms ana path, also an entrance from the-front bedroom tav. front hall, and from- rear bedroom to rear hall and kitchen; from the rear hall 1 stairs rise to the second floor. .. which has a high celling and sufficient- . ly large to finish into two rooms, dou- ble windows being in each dormer, and; could be a 7 room house. The basement has a cement floor and : cement wash trays, and remember this, ;. you can look over the city in any ais trlct and nowhere will you find . a . house with -the ground, location and -construction of the house all embodied as in this house. Another thing. If you ., are all right, answer this advertisement' and I will guarantee we can come to some kind of terms, and the most de slrablo person can make practically his 1 owh terms. :,, I will be home Sunday, so phone Ta bor 8159. LOOKING: FOR A HOME? Better go out and look over BEAUMONT TODAY. A score of finished houses of many designs to pick from. Deal directly with . lhe- owners . If you wJah - Wh-v"--" "not live in the HIGHEST IM PROVED tract in all of PORT- " LAND? If you do not see any-1 . P thing which suits, let us help you build one yourself, with very lit tle capital. Over 70 homes in months. Tai&, BEAUMONT car on 8d. Alder,- 2d St. loop. BEAUMONT LAND COMPANY. Ground Floor Board Trade Bldg. Main 8900. A-1163. NEW MODERN 6 ROOM BUNGALOW. Full basement, cement walls and side walks, attlo floored, double construction throughout; graded streets with side-. walks; In fact, all up to date; for sale by owner; moderate in price; $600 down, balance like rent Clark C. Fos--ter. 727 Cham, of Com. Main 4622, A- 3143; home. Main 26Q. FOR SALE CHEAP. A brand new house, E. 86th st, Wav erlelgh Heights, all modern improve-, ments. 6 rooms, bath, large basement, furnace, cement sidewalk, and good neighborhood; was built for home, but death of owner compels sale; no agents. Call at 642 Milwaukie st. HOUSE and lot for $960: nice bungalow, nearly new. slse 24x28, 3 Yery large rooms, pantry and closets, woodshed. nice lawn, fruit trees, roses, all fenced; easy terms. Owner, 247 V 5th st. BEST HOUSE IRVINGTON. ' 10 rooms, finished oak: will satisfy most exacting comer, 90x100. choice location. 1866 E. 27th. Owner, W. IL Herdman. FIVE room house in Piedmont very reasonable. Phone East 5203. V ' UNIVERSITY PARK. FIVE room flat for rent. 424 Stan ton st C-1868. East 1868. FOR SALE LOTS 10 THE FINEST HOME SITES IN PORTLAND Those beautiful VIEW SITES on the hill in BEAUMONT. 80x 100 AND LARGER. $5000 BUILD ING RESTRICTIONS. Rose bushes, shade trees, PAVED STREETS, water and gas connec tions Inside the curbs, CLUSTER LIGHTS. 80x100 facing the city on THra, ALAMEDA. 80 FOOT BOULE VARD, ONLY $2391, 10 per cent "cash, balance easy. Special prop osition to builders. Let us, help you-finance a home. Better go out and look them over. TAKE BEAUMONT CAR on 8d or Al der and 2d st. loop. Go to end of BEAUMONT LAND COMPANY.. Ground floor Board of Trade bldg. ,v Phones: Main 8900; A-1163., $400 BUYS you a 60x100 lot, sidewalks, graded streets and water under pres sivra rivht at staniev station: no better on the market; 25 minutes' ride 6a fare. Gresham or Cazndero cars. We also have acreage, good terms. Office t Stanley. 1 ' . v '?' ,100x100 'For sale, by owner, 4 lots near Co-i lumbia Park, finely located Will. sell part or all. Terms if- desired. . Ad-,-dress V-.11 5, Journal, " ' $600 buys H acre, only 15 minutes' oar- . ride, cent fare, fino for home, where you can raise , your vcgfltable.-, , chickens etc. Terms to suit you. M. E. .uee. an wwu diiik. TWO fine lots. 16th and Franklin sts.l Vancouver, Wash $100 down and 3 years' time on, balance. Inquire 403 Commonwealth bldg.. 6th and Ankeny sts., snd-ask ror w.noyes. WE offer 50x100 lot In -a -dealrable -- residence district on the west side, exceptionally close in considering the price, for $1000. - Terms. Le Nolr A Co. 835-7-9 Chamber of Commerce. - 1 ' : . $285 buys a 50x120 v foot lot, . water . ' Plpea to- ironi, iienuiuui niiine nutv only 20 minutes from Morri son st; Mr E. Leo, 311 future; easy payments. M. Corbctt hldg. . ' :y $1350 Portland Heights lot 40x150, on 16th st.. only 1 block from' $7000 lots; must . be sacrificed ; for $1350; a real . snap. ' Backus, 614 Chamber of Corn-; merce. :-' -' ;- "" '"'"- :" T FOR g60D bargains In cheap , lots on. Installment plan in Santa Rosa and Glenhaven Parks apply to William Mast, room 'in. AQington piag. 60s 1 1 4- Lee-'Bo w-Park,- Improved,., small ... payment down ' balance to . suit! a sm.. Frank Wolf, 2070 Clackamas st. 1. $676 CASH. 'i..'.' - V .'.'.v.'-v '' Buys fine 60x100 lot in ' Itose City Park, laces east, tv-iizz, journal. THRKB" lots at a great big sacrtfloe; about nan price takes them; - terms. Smith-Wagoner Coi, 81t-312 Lewis bldg. TWO level lots, near IVllllams ave., i Skidmorev $2250, 815 Wlillame, Wood lawn.;188, -'::'--;-'-J -J '.':. "..V $760, Sunnylde lot, will, double value : In 2 years.. Owner,' TsbQr 1798, TWO Sunnyslde lots on ' corner, east front, Ml "0 each. Phone East BKOK. J'. 60x100, Irvlngtoni i block from Union ave.; $100 downM. 9451 . -V-