The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 04, 1912, Page 15, Image 15

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i'uhiu'bed ry evening (accept Sunday)
' rj Sunday mornlnr t To Joaroal Build
ing, nru saa Xamaui streets, roiww.
: fcutweil at the poaroffiFa at rVwtlaod. Or.,
rnr tranemlasioa tbroogb til Bulb co4
rites matter.
IfcXErHONKS Tfalo 1T8( Home, A-BOM.
. 411 depart mant reached by theae numhora.
- IU the prtor wbat oVpartmwit rou want.
?njamfa A Keatnor Co., Branawlrk Buildlna.
!23 Fifth avenue. New Tork: 1218 r-aopleTs
' a Bnlldlm. Chlra.
Subacrlprloa Twma by mall or to any address
1 b United States or Meilca.
DAILY. . .
On ra ...19.00 On montb t M
. 81JNDAI.
On roar. $2.50 I Ons month .28
Oim yr (7.60 On montb $ .88
Letters From tne People
000,000 In land purchasea.x.The,re-",l make homes and root themselves on j material, of the widely various ob
6ult la that .the extensions of the her bleak and bare prairlea. . ' . Jects now constituting his collection,
rlty are made to ' conform to the . : When, the league of the seven In so' doing he has aet' up for his
nlana lnt.4 tiewvn V, Y a a.i.4 1 fittttaa Vi c rri rt a l,o I m m Iwnnf lAn nAiin4vmAfi nttAif Inciann. I n il
the enhanced value of the lands i its best agents and most effective Jit-jot all time, eo removing t from thta "cation in tbia department should Mt u4
nunuil h, tho i-lt-ir io hnrta nn J Afafllfo ahnnM ha tlf A 1ia hfhii, noHnn III rononoxh Vif In..l,,.!). I .wda In length, and Bt be accompanied
V. .. ,.V VA .... V..-., ' MV W ..VV...A VXy " V.. . ...... . I ..M.V V X, V W.IV.X XV X IUIUJOLUI 11. J I bf DAflM 1 addeS OX Ult MUUVr.
new streets repay an or more man m or ine Atlantic 10 ao ineir per-i ana imperieci training in tnings out-1 s. ; i
all of the cost to the city of the sonar and Individual work. ' 'rside mechanical achievements.- . i -T TnDnroan
land purchased.
The Germans are a much gov-
erned race. The restrictions indi
cated in count Bernstorft'g address,
which confine and prescribe the ac
tion of the citizens, set lightly on
them. Many of them to us would
be irksome Indeed.
The chief revenue of the German
Ptr-tnrA Invon unit hiivara Bhn.,A A-omand, Jan. IWO IM Bailor ox
SOAP BUBBLE BUSINESS Statues and"-bas reliefs, bronses and A. Journal a wouia use w -,m
statuettea are the desire of cn1lct. I . M M ?. .
OR once and all, Oregon ought ora hi and -little. A: distinct das. ,.rt-!i0:
to end get-rich-quick schemesjis always on the lookout for exam-( burbanltes contiguous to Portland Tak
ui jrriKHuuu, orcuaruuiK ana pies of ancient, of European, and pf J rentwooa, ror axampia. tu norm fins
land speculation. The Ken- oriental Dotterr. But Mr.' Mors-an ot Brantwood , Joins the city on the
lapse supply tne reason. lieyithat has intrinsic worth or butv Portiann. ui n .i.n.t .11 nf th.i,
ii'j v m v i. av.wauv v a iaa jfvi uahu I aV At. t 1 .r . -- ----" tF "
city Is from an income tax. from v "U1, l" on,jr tuuiancM 01 moor- ls too small, too large, or too costly earning to the marchanta of Portland
' . Out of this nettle danger
we pluck the flower safety.
Y proclamation of the governor
the week, that begins today ls
good roads week In 'Oregon.
Why not? Is there a man
io the state , who wants bad roads?
uoads cannot be built on mere
wind. The only activities that can
do business on a capital cf thin air
are. wildcat corporations like those
which have recently collapsed. A
desk, a board of directors, articles
of Incorporation and plenty of suck
ers Is all they require.
But a good road costs money.
There la no chance for inflation or
fiction In Its building, it has te? be
paid for.
rew York state, recently toted a
$50,000,000 bond Issue, and applied
the money in building roads. Call
forma has the proceeds of an 518,
. 000,000 bond issue now available
and is . beginning the preliminaries
of . road construction. The sum
I makes S38,uvO,000 that California
' has devoted in the last few years
to hifehway3. ;
Many other states are spending
t money proportionately. Very short-,
ly, all of them will have perfected
. their systems of highways.
. The first thing to admit, then, is
that the roads, If improved, will
have to be paid for. The main ques
tion left is, tWIll they pay?
if -gooJi roads will not par.Twhy
are single states spending as much
&s 150,000,000 for them? If they
i don't pay, why is California spend
ing 138,000,000 for them? Why ls
; every state in the union devoting re
newed energy Jo road building?
Why are the people everywhere vot
ing bonds to build them? Why is
the federal government considering
huge appropriations for road im-
Are all these states wrong?, Are
all? these people wrong? Are the
benefits they expect from all these
huge expenditures a mere myth?
..The interstate commerce commis
sion, after careful investigation, has
estimated that the United States is
losing more than 1300,000.000 a
. year on account of bad roads. It Is
a greater sum than the entire cost of
running . the federal government
during any year of the first Cleve
land administration. It is estimated
that the loss In Oregon on the same
account is $2,000,000 a year.
Won't good roads pay?
property tax, and various license Pratedh ion. They are nor ths for him to pass
A.-fL,. on'y schemes of easy money.' Theyj When the M
Morgan collection has
for the necessarlaa of . Ufa. ; Nearly all
I of th residents of Brentwood are fcomt
nre tint th rtnlv rnrnnratn nnMnnrf I j i, u i. t I "wnara,. ana are .trying 10 t law ania
."J :u'.ZV':::z::ZZC'mu:ZZ rcD"u aneives nt citlaens. ; But btcausa w llva ao
for shearing Innocent lambs. There 0f the Metropolitan' Museum ft will clot to Portland and yet are outslda
are omers, ana many omers. be a mecca for beautv lovers from I the city limits; U and behold our be
Nor is it merely Oregon incornor- all ouarters of the world. Moved waterworks board get their wits
ations that are out for victims. The Too many American collectors . wor,n concuio iney win noio
y MiawaiuHOBJ W Lf AV aja, 1WV IA1V1V
HE Wilde trial ends in an In
structed verdict. After hear
ing all the evidence of the orchard opportunities, of this state have locked up their treasures of money than our neighbors
nrosecuuon. juaga Kavanauxn ' 'u "iuHe n uw mo cuun- psmuag ana Bcuioiure in tneir on- tne line are ravins: 'in other words
held that, arantlne It allto be true. try. Confidence is being capitalized, vate-gallaries the strictest form of I the ".city, man pays So; cents a month,
the showing was not sufficient to es- and misrepresentation turned into selfishness that disgraces a wealthy I wt' w' suburbanites pay tl a month.
tablish the guilt of the defendant, Juicy dividends
on. the indictment for. embezzlement. Regardless of their adaptability ropolitan Museum will be thronged I in Brentwood that do not use threa cal
This view by the court, doubtless in- to orcharding, big tracts are pur- with thousands of beauty lovers of lone of water, daily, for both father,
dicates that a continuation of the chased and flotations of securities all ages and colors, and in the ac- mother and children work in our town
trial would have resulted either in made through the medium, of glit- cess to them money will not count. ? 'n -. ' thlt washing done ar city
an acquittal, or at the utmost in a tering pamphlets, folders and adver- We are not now looking a gift w.ter works bopd arias, i ni liniliii to
hung jury: The fact that no appeal tlsements. 'Some tracts are sold to horse In the mouth, "nor inquiring the worthy famine of Brentwood why
can be taken by the state, ends the unsuspecting strangers,, who are as- into nis pedigree. The word taint I they should pass over the counter so
cents more than our neighbors, but three
blocks distant? M. M. WTNKOOP.
matter for all time. sured that there is millions in it.
The trial has served, more than There are honest orchard corpor-
ever, to show that the Dank was ations, Dut phony orchard corpora
wrecked by W. Cooper Morris. Hisjtions are doing business alongside of
plea of guilty to the joint indictment them. The east is already wild about
with Wilde is his own confession of Oregon orcharding, and buyers do
dizzy financial methods. It made I not know which enterprise is
his testimony before the court of straight and which crooked. They
little value. It was a slender hope buy of both, and a lot are swindled.
on which to build a prosecution I It is a vicious business. It is a
has not been mentioned.
The Law's Killings.
ENDING local discussion of the L.""""' "T''i . , ,
. ... . t.of Th" Journal I have retrained from
effectiveness of the jhurch the Writin on thi. author n .,,,
' compilation of the religious I my own Ignorance, tout since r have
census of the United States I rd Mr. Searle's letter and that of
which was issued for 111 a day or w- r- 1 ra Beginning to think there
fnr sa A Uv, Yw TJ TT i-vy.w,,,
VVTVP CAfila UJ MJl 11 XV. VaiTUUa iUsT
Mr fiflarT tkarl (ha MilaaatlriM riAasi
more than four yeara after the bank bunco game without a chance on mer lTeci?T f that cen8u9' J8 of 1" hanging prevent murder?" Whether it
went to the wall.
The Oregon Trust and the litlga-
j earth for the investor to win if he
I buys of the bogus company. It Is
terest. The Increase for 1911 is prevents murder or not, no man should
given by him as 694,366 for all the M nn-ed for what another might do.
"- i -"j" - I u i ,.. a. mi. i ii we nana to instill rear in nth,r.
tlon incident to Its collapse have at par with mining swindles and I . . I then we naas over the murder and nana
I nat in...... . jt 1 uer im iiiumer ana nana;
net increase during the decade end- h!m for wnat ,ome otner ml nt or , M
lng with 1910 is given by the same not dot
authority as about 786,000 a year. A French lawyer said: "If men don't
In 1911 there was an increase of wnt to b m then let them stop
but 1990
ministers and of 2833
killing." How on earth can we expect
been a costly experience for Portland other confidence operations.
people. There was the distress and I The corporation has become a con
anxiety of depositors Immediately venlent vehicle for spurlus activl
following suspension. There is a ties. It ls the institution by which
long list of those vho suffered Big Business has long sheared the
financial loss by exchanging their public. Every time land or an or
riAnrtflltH for securities which won t I rhurd ulto nr an ' Irrigation tract Is
i, v. Lu . -v- n.. tn. ,o tomed all of us to the likening of the
love i ai n BU.U1H.O. iuciu uaw I du.u at luui ui ufl u.uod ako uuq ... ... I -1 1 1 A - ,
been numerous costly trials to oc- value, the settler is goldbrlcked. He hurch a ?W d its converts mie1ntv8foaIntde ,fn h dh0e V' '"f,
.. . . . I. ..' , .r . . to recruits. The snhero nf warfarn me""' ana " lney ao lney r equsllj
men of abnormal minds to stop It when
we. a r!hrlatffln nnnl ' wati' i,
The Salvation Army has accus-1 first?
Now there are men In Oregon that
cupy the time of courts and Impose hasn't a chance in the world. He is
expense upon taxpayers.
a failure before he has started. He ,s 4the, wr,d
The sphere of warfare .l...0' aVqu,,y
I vote for capital punishment
Every d of human experience I Is a bankrupt before he ls well be
empbash:es--the-well established gun.
methods by which an army is re- Where can you set authority to say
crulted. Dy . voluntary -anllstmenUor i tnat uoalesa. sinful. to violate
A ' FEW weeks ago Count Berns
torff, the German ambassador,
, rv addressed the City club of
v New York on municipal gov
ernment In Germany. German cit
ies are supposed to be the best gov
erned In the world. So it is worth
r while to compare their methods with
".ours.',.'1. '
The ; high authority there is the
town council, which appoints the
, mayor. But that august body hav
ing laid down policies, and voted on
principles of action, the administra
tion of the city's affairs. In all de
partments, is entrusted to permanent
officials, from the mayor downwards,
iwho, having been very clfrefully
chosen are continued In office for
. Indeterminate periods practically
during good behavior. So a career
- is opened to the official, in which
he can, and does, find his life work.
Count Bernstorff cited as remarks-able
to- foreigners the variety of
functions which the German jflty un
dertakes. He ran over the list,
mentioning water, gas, and electric
flighting and power, hospitals, tuber
'Culosis sanatoria, all schools and
fjcolleges, both for primary and sec
ondary education, generally the
streetcar lines, the fire stations, ab
batolrs, and public docks. They
maintain for recreation and Instruc
tion . museums, picture galleries,
apgrks, playgrounds, baths, bands
,and orchestra, and even theatres.
The town counci: has full liberty
in planning streets, of whatever
width and constructed with what
v ever, materials they decide on. The
council determines what acreage ls
fc-tn ha nnAnnl nn fnr hnllrlfnn-
,Uhe city area, and Jays down th
kblandatd ot cost and the general
j . . i i I, j, . .
iurpuiw ui iu uuiiuings, maaing
'fixed ; building regulations. Thus
'factory, trading and residence dfs
If ictsTea1dnt,and-spaces art
reserved for parks and playgrounds.
A great difference exists between
the powers of a 'German and an
' American municipality in the wide
powers of condemnation and city
ownership ot land' exercised y the
German city. Many pieces of land
and many buildings have been de
vised to the clty by citizens now for
long dead ; and gone,;t Much more
land the cities have condemned and
tought Within the past ten years,
.jrount . Bcrnsterff says, ' the city of
Frankfort has invested over $50,-,
k., AM.M.-tM.sA m..i s milnrimsnr than annthaf Cm rAa. .M
movlm fV.of ayiar,h..Kr.1a flnaina nnrl Tka V-r. 4 A.At. V,v k 1 - LUUrci tyilUU. IQt? Wftr UVIQK 111 1 . . " v wr
dizzy financier-e among the most schemes ot fiction. Inflation and cor- "wing and the armies engaged. Bfl cVaTa ballot oTwnTyoVb.
Vicious elements in the social order, poration soap bubbles is enormous. Y16 Pnotln 0f the country ls evl- nke our Lord and say. "Neither will 1
-,',,; Thev make the state susnected. denced by the numbers who come of condemn him either to death."
They create the Idea In distant l1' will 'and with patriotic
. . . . : " . I hearts to 1nln th nolctrfl
Btranaers wno nave oeen Duncoea - . r
MVTtFD ti,A AaAMih a, v. .. . . . ... . . . . . I ' nfl nPHr nrnnr in m, th,r . ... .
T.tuu vw icucauiuvi vub- tnal lBe ftonest, 8taDie people or ... Burns. Or.. Feb 2 To the Editor nf
I ricultural division of the Uni- 0regon are crooks. A way should Brltain 80und at heart was dur- Tne joU;iTne' marrle aubjeci
ai versuy oi vanrornia mat state De f0Und to make the articles of in- 1UB luc oucr wr wueu inB youm seems a very live issue at this time,
w has run ahead of Oregon in corDOration mean something more of the country f!ocked to flu the'reg- o
establishing Junior Gardening clubs. I than a license to go out and shear imenta. and a I classes, rich and m"BeV and the martan 'X h
A circular issued from the universl- the innocent
ty by Professor Stebbins on January
5 announced that some 75 auch clubs
bad already been formed, with a
membership of over 46 66 ""boys and
They have a little paper, the
"Junior Agriculturist," issued twice
a month and mailed free to the
young gardeners
It has been done in Kansas, and
it crin be done In Oregon.
poor, offered themselves freely. be'ei; lnUrVsttM to me for soml
But It the numbers fell off. or time. I think most of the vourir noti
on ly Just sufficed to fill the vacan- r t0 Particular about the one
cies in the ranks, would there not be
they choose for a life partner. Most
HERE comes to hand, In the
men Jinti worn An rlnn't s-nAw Aanh
searchings of heart among all .lovers I till after marriage, as both parties put
of their country for the reason? Jthe bet foot forward during courtship.
There ls no outward and vlslhle sverage ann is good enough for
. - ... I , . . . ,,u-j I inn iiicu iig WU CIlOUKn
consular report rrom tne Amer- d,k" uuuui iui iu uiimmuueu i tor the. average girl. The habits and
lean consul at Lyons, France, percentage ot enlistments that Dr. looks of either make but little differ-
on niv-nnnr nf a anHetv thoro Carroll gives- - ence so they have common sense. Th
Professor StebuTfis has begun with for keeping necessitous borrowers maybe said ' that times are ireJ Z?r?Zl ?gtVl?tZ
a sweet pea contest, and expects to out of the hands of loan sharks. The changing, that as much loyalty to a living. Very few men like to see
go on to potatoes, corn and other society is called the "Loan of Honor tDe king burns Jn the hearts of men tneir wives-working out for wages
garden products very soon. Society." for the sole obligation as ever, butihe outward expression ."""i""" ,'..T
He expresses himself as Interested taken by the borrowers is a formal only is withheld. It may be suggest- m clothes, chotm'in atov wwi .nt
In raising the Ideals of country life Dromlse on honor to reDav the loan ea mar. tne oia wording or aeciara- taking care of the kids
ihi-nmrh tha tnflnonra nt v,ia naariot a noWoin Mmi nn A,,.in I tlons of faith and ohHtfttlnn tn Mr nr. I I think every man ought to be mar-
departure on the boys and gl rls even terms. "hip has lost Its meaning and needs ?aend'haa"ve J nh0et
more man in leacamg tne elements uurmg tne isbi iiscaijyear money " ici,u prcau, oo m or progress. Tnere are plenty of places
of agriculture in the public schools, was lent to 384 persons in sums the parable, I have bought a piece of for young people to get acquainted. w
But it is Impossible to dissociate one ranging between $6 and $60. Bop- ground, or fine, yoke of oxen, or av the Salvation yhbee'idMs
from the other. Teach the children rowers were Bl clerks, 17 small nave married a wife, and must be dance hails, batnina reaorta an h
tne care or tne garden and the cui- traders. 12 railroad employes, nine eLU8eu- auu me iacis remain, ine yards.
turn nf itn vecpta ViIas fruita a rA I too oh or a tvnrlrtncr man rirlntaro a,n. old slcn that Dr. Carroll's ftaurea There is not the encouragement for
flowers, and the standards of order- dents, tailors, and miscellaneous oth- demand the membership in any there waai
uness, neatness ana Beauty must ers made up the balance, or women UUB Ul luo uidi; oi me cnuren oi hometeadi, where people could make
also stow. Conversely. th exnre.- thpre mr (58 cnrist sun stands. Judged by that good livings.
alnn of th amil nf tri rhlli alrmrlw n nrinMnai a,. r,vi.. test a falling off Is seen How is I Some say love Is all that Is needed
. .. . ... .1 . ... . 1. .. . . , a k 9 '
lmDuea wiin ine tove oi Deauiy in loans were, sickness llv cases, lack 11 l" uo uuwu iu i
form and color, of perfection In of work 83. debts. 84. All helned Two replies suggest themselves?
growth will find itself naturally in were married people. exceDt 27. Tne "rat that admitting the dlmin-
the surroundings of the home, in When a loan is asked a question ifihed ratio of numbers there may
the fruits and flowers in which blank is furnished and the answers Pe a .neigntenea spiritual value in
that rhllit haa a raatlvo an1 nmtirl. L Ino.Hot h.. Ih. ...... I last Year's additions that more than
IaIa.,aI a- iL ,.w,. inmiufiia M Tf thora hn' vnnro I uuy ui anirunumy nas aiw.yi
ciu., u.c, agent, to aetermiue me reBpeciaouuy ' . I ,
ti,, i t xl : . xl. . ataxias in nvornnma than it,., o,,, I .u,.,wim.b
iuoi tuc u. mo iraKiiiK, i oi ine oorrower. most ot ine loans i " " .,.. .v. . . .v..
coast should simultaneously make to date have been repaid entirely, or s8ful effort to come Out and ul'st Btudy of the Uri ha. exercised the
this new departure is of happy omen, partially. The consul says that of makes the recruit of higher worth. same fascination as it possesses at the
Both are building for the future bet- the total advanced not exceeding But the second probably reaches present day. Even among the most
ter than they know. $200 is bad or doubtful. closer to the inner facta.- Can it be primitive people the stare commartied
Tho nHniv la Vont oninr hv .m,n HouDted ttpt., as years Dass. the attention rrom their supposed influ
aw wav a-tvun J timutl - - I . . . .
ELLIS ISLAND dues from members, and the renav- boundaries marking Off each section f"c" ""n ""a'" "?!2
mpnt nf lnAns. The dtvmadA a ' tne greai company oi uei levers are
LLIS ISLAND, in New York Ln .nnrnn,Atinn ,i, i,.... losing their dividing force? Is it
harbor, ls the dumping ground Ln annuai bazaar In aid of funds. Kot true thij great multitudes now
wnme tne BiewrHge pasaengers Thft BORiBtv ! nrnsnerona and "n- l"e expression or a simple
to build a home. .For one I don't think
love will' buy land. Improvements, grub
and clothing. 4 . C. K.
Eastern Oregon Wants Senator,
Pendleton, Or Feb, ' 1.--TO the Kdl-1
top of Tha Journal Ben Selling's cir
cular letter seeking encouragement in
i torlai mbltion-is -no t well re
ceived here, Portland's provincialism 1
Is a subject of conversation, and pollt-
rWorU Growing s;
Yyl '-V Better;- ':: :'hM
By Gipsy Smith In the Los Angeles Kx-
"Is the world better?"
'When thla nuputlnn. la nut to me I'
leal leaders do not hesitate to vigorous-1 rithn., f-. r.trAnt Inn thsir
ihat?S1h!-iH!1,ir It la better, f think there are more
that city on the retention of both sena- , , - ,. .
tors.' They say that Portland's prosper- 00d the world at this time
ity ls dependent upon the great Interior. tnn yr before ln Its history. , -
and that It la tlma that soma recognl- ai cmna, -ins suqaen xnanga
tlon. was accorded eastern Oregon. v The wasunexpected. What was still more
state needs a senator from this aid of wonderful was tha naming of Sun Yat
tha mountains, and only the narrow- Sen to be leader of the new forces,
nesa of Portland will prevent It now. Who ever expected a Christian China-
Judga Lowell'a horn "Is hera, and it Is "n to be the first president Of the
confidently asserted that If be "Is 'given new-born republic? f . i "
the field he will defeat Bourne over. "The world ls changing gradually for
wuaiuuiiajijr, . uui liwi II Deilins enira " Hr, inero are nmny iuuio
the race the opposition will be divided, churches. . There are hundreds of new
and while Selling cannot be nominated, missions. ' More Bibles are sold in the
his candidacy may give , Bourne the world than at any time since the corn
nomination. The Selllna letters have ing Of Christ. 1
been sent to Democrats, Bourne Re- ; "More money Is being spent by the
publicans and .men of every shade of people of the globe for religious pur
poll t leal belief, and hence It is expected poses, for philanthropic works, and for
mat ma lavuraoie repues maae win as-1 cnristian social endeavor.
suredly be from Bourne and anti-Re
publican sources. ;v:r,j. 'TCNDL8TQN,
"The Increase in . the places of ref
uge, where the unfortunates ara looked
after are ever on the increase, Wt have
mora orphanages to attend to homeless
children, more to 1 care for
the . sick and wounded, more refuse.
places for the old folks who have lost
overytning in lire but life. Then we
Statue Made 'of Concrete.
From Chambers. Journal.'
Reinforced concrete as a construc
tional material Is coming more and more
Into - favor. Itexjentlr-was.; pressed have the rescue homes for rnm ant
into service for statuary ' purposes, a women, who have dropped below' the
fine piece of work in this medium hav- 'me of Christian decency. , The lowlieBt
ing been completed recently at Espaly, of th 'owly, the derelict tramp, ls ev-
1- '.'i..v: ' ; en looked after and set back into the
. . . . .' , - .... . I " w XH11 f.l.UK.
Ana staiuv wnicn is jeer nign, ThB work of reaeneratlnn 1.
vruwna jiouta.a. tt ioct in iioiKiii, me i on in jails and penitentiaries, and ln
total height of the monument therefore j other reform institutions, which of
being 72 feet ' V:. .v?-;" I themselves scarcely ever prove a mo-
It was lnterfdad orielnallv that the "ve ror rerormation. A great deal of
statue should b cast in iron, but diffl- K, ZZaZ
cultles arose, with the donor, bo that he to think right, is being done all the
decided ultimately to ascertain tha pos- time and more of this particular work
sibUitles of reinforced concrete for this Is being planned every day. ,
purpose. It was a task beset with ln- 1 "Even then we are not, all doing what
numerable and peculiar difficulties; : but I wa snouia. as christian agencies, the
these wera overcome as they arose. -"and or d ovr churches are not accomp
the atatua ' Maamhlea in everv Wav a llshlng all in their power. But I do
piece of work in stone. r v ,? tnai more is Deing none in- tne
The statue was divided into four vai no uross rar ma
narts-namely. the cylindrical base, a 5 """.T'lJ ; "IT .1
vertical core, a series of horizontal ribs , ".'' .-,.,.
connecting the core with' the external ,. v,.,-v ... . ' ;
shell carrying the contour of the figure, wi.1 S'T iSt SS l
and a special limb to support the up- ttm mucn , tne worlJ, but the
niica arm. ma ivw vi. cross stands out above the world's sin.
statue ls 80 tons. 1 1 am with the rreat anostla who aai.l:
The perfection of the work has I 'Where sin abounds, grace shall much
aroused considerable . comment, the I more, exceedingly.' 'Jesus ahall see of
statue having the appearance of having 1 the travail of the aoul and be sails-
been carved from a solid block of I fled.'
stone. I On these things I base my hope. On
that promise I Btay my soul and wait
and work, and pray and Instruct, in
stead of becoming pessimistic. I grow
riotously optimistic as the days go
Forcing Plant Growth.
From Philadelphia North American,
A-er mao-XIa rls t. ac ally .discover edl)T.;"-
an errective metnoa to rorce piani
growth. The high temperature required
for this purpose was produced by hot
water bottles.
The pots containing the plants were
Inverted over the receptacle in which
the water ls heated. The leaves and
News Forecast of tte
looming Week
Washington. D. C. Feb. 8. President
Taft will ha nn, nf tha anu If Am at" that.
Drancnes are immersed, woiis me earm annual dinner of the League of Re-
and roots remain ary. Tlie inverted 1 publican State clubs at the New w li
no ts rest upon slats placed across the ard hotel Saturday night. The other
hnt w.t.r hath speaaerB win oe unanes U. Hllles, see-
a ..-A ...V.Aa a Af-laa
i .V hiCm of Indiana. Governor Hadley
ing procees and bloomed beautifully I nf X1,x,,,i n. r?iHv u ,
five weeks later. Another plant re- Mary,ana job Hedges of New York,
celving the same treatment except for John H Hammond ot Massachusetts,
tha bath, had not even started to flower. D. d, Woodmannee of Ohio and J.
Matting or rugs are placed over the Hampton Moore of Pennsylvania,
pots to retain the heal during the bath- x Joint caucus of Republican een-
ing process. t. ' ators and representatives will be held
Monday to ratify selections of members
of the Republican congressional cam
paign committee. The caucus is pre
liminary: to the organization of the
congressional committee for the coming
The first state convention to select
retary to the , president; Charles W.
Always in Good Humor
From Washington Star.
No," said Mr Cumrox; "I don't in
wvf, r- d.r v.. n.r
marrying a title.
satisfied." "I am. What I object
is the fellow that goes with it.
mat I "object to C.T!""" WJ" J"2
Tr.i, Boviituiv iucvuai ai ramiaa, x nere
appears to be no . opposition to Presl-
patr,ce I dent Taft ln Florida, and he Is expect-
vvs iv 11a w aii duiiu ucicgniiuii,
The trial of the government's criminal
Patience "That's funny
"What's funny?" "Why, that paper's
aln'.v. ni nUlnrr rtmr a n 1,'. t.ll
lng it. correspondent, never to write "i" h Z L iUV
on nut one Bide or a sheet of paper.
Yonkers Statesman.
called "bath.-tub" trust, who have been
under indictment since 1910, ls sched
uled to begin Tuesday in the federal
court at Detroit.
The universal retard ln which the
memory of Charles Dlckena is held will
oe given eloquent expression throuah-
"I understand thev are amln tn oul le .ng .sn-speaaing wona on Wed-
vi h rnnthaii f,,u. . ., nesoay. wmcn win ne tne one hun-
. - 1. ... v . w w ...... . wx..a . 1 n 1 1 L K n .T . I x ... . . . . .. ..
"Yes. They all agree there should be area" anniversary or tne birth Of the
an entirely new ssaortmnt nf ani. """"
Man Is the only creature endowed
with a soul and a face, with the option j
or saving whichever he likes. Puck.
dents. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
from European ports are land
ed from the steamships and are
strained through the regulations of
the immigration department. The
Bick, decrepit, destitute, unfriended
with those classed- as undesirables,
are held back from landing here, and
are returned to the ports whence
they sailed, and this at the expense
of the steamship companies which
brought them.
But the care of Uncle Sam ceases
In the castf of the great majority of
accepted immigrants when they
have landed on the American shore.
Wanting guidance, and being under
necessity to save, many of the south
European Immigrants lose them
selves ln the crowds of the great
city. More find their way Into Penn
sylvania coal and Iron regions and
recruit the regiments of the steel
trust and allied or competing Indus
tries: V
Most of these people are tillers of
the soil, with centuries of tradition
behind them in the villages and an
cient towns whence they came.
Among them could Tie' found many
who. If selected ..7 nd Instructed
might be guided on west to Vacant
or untllled lands, where climate re
sembles that of their old homes, -
Measures to that end are being
urged. But the selection and the
guidance must begin on the ' other
side. On those principles ; Canada
succeeds In finding settlers who will
very useful.
Lyons ls a city of over a halfmll
lion population, about 200,000 be
ing engaged in the silk Industry.
Christianity in self-denying social
service? Are they not thereby con
tented, without farther advance Into
the mysteries of definite creeds and
formal rituals?
Astonished the Cook.
From the San Francisco Chronicle.
T1...J.. a.l-u.JA ll ..a . . -
inlvoralrv and . hu.Ma .nJ iu-v.inmun, una; nis tnree
1 " cu- . In o -lnrman n ...
dows a hospital. Andrew Car- nown. has. day after day. extended his
negie 'builds libraries, and acquaintanceship from the steward to
peace palaces and creates a peace "acn of th8 waiters and from thence
fund. J. P. Morgan, by careful pur- Snt? the k'tche" V tn 'l00""' And "
rhnnpa nnrond nvpr mnnv Bu "u iai one or tna
chases spread over many years col- eooka nad n(l(1 to send his wife to a
leuis picuiren, urunzes, tapestries, hospital. Clarendon, ever thoughtful,
antiques of all kinds, and strips all bought flowers and sent them out to
Eurone of Its treasure. In the fnl- the kitchen to be forwarded thence to
ness of time he transfers his collec- tnI ""P1'1- ' '
, D,,u , tj . This of course made him more than
Ions from Paris to London, and ,om with the oginary department ot
thence to the home he has destined the big restaurant, with the result that
for them In the Metropolitan muse- whenever a waiter announced that tha
um ln New York. order was "for Mr, Clarendon," the
of thi. ih i.rit.,nn..t.. mow would go the limit, in getting him
w o jvj wui. ui them as woras or art. '
his benefactions. - lie has personally The waiters weren't slow in learning
Interested himself ln the many ne- that the word "Clarendon" was the pass-
gottatlons by which American money port t0 th kitchen's best the open se-
... skta ma a St It tar tar a " f . ' '
Bo It happened that one afternoon a
waiter came Into the kitchen with the
order: .
','T-bone- ateak, rare, for Mr, Claren
don:": :. .'. i;. ,, ' :.
The man at the, broiler threw up hla
hands. w : :':,' .''J':', ,'-if .,:, ;;'v: ;, .
, 'What's come over Mr. Clarend6nr
he asked ln Astonishment. "He haa had
two porterhouse steaka. boiled salmon,
ham and eggs, three oyster stews, sand
dabs, chops,, and now he wants a T-hon
steak -and all in aa hour!"
has tempted the needy inheritors
and present owners of these treas
ures to part with them. The collec
tion is made up of numberless items
and each' has a. history of Its own.
Mere money spent does not tell ihe
tale. Mr. Morgan has mastered for
himself, and has acquired by expert
Knowledge, the -appreciation ,' of
beauty In design, "of antiquity and
rarity, and of comparative value ln
interesting to them, was the study of
tne sun and the moon.
The Btudy of astronomy, ln the sense
in which we understand the word may
be said to have commenced under the
retgn of the Ptolemies at Alexandria
several centuries before Christ. It Is
only necessary to point out what a wise
ruler waa Ptolemy I, to note that he laid
the foundation of a library that his
Bflbjects might beoome acquainted with
literature which under the succeeding
reigns became the most elaborate In the
world. He also established ln hlB king
dom a society called a Museum,, of
wnicn tne memners, maintained at the
public expense, were employed ln phll
osophical researches and in the ad
vancement of science and. the liberal
arts. And all this took place more that.
200 years before the birth of Christ,
for Ptolemy died about a. C. 284.
The career of this famous man is
one of the most remarkable ln the his
tory of human learning. There- may
have been other discoverers who have
dona more for science than eyen Ptol
emy accomplished, but there never has
been any other discoverer whose au
thority on the subject of the movement
of the heavenly bodies held sway oyer
the minds of men for so long a period
as the 14 centuries during which hla
opinions reigned supreme. The doc-
tints he laid flown in his famous boolc.4
"The Almagest ' prevailed throughout
those ages. v.r'..., f
Though Bvery child may now know
more of the actual truths of the ce
lestial motions than ever Ptolemy
cised such an astonishing effect on the
human intelligence for some (0 gener
ations, shows that it must have been
an extraordinary production. ., f:
Ptolemy Is, without doubt, the great
est figure ln ancient astronomy. He
gathered 1 up the wisdom or the phil
osophers who had preceded him. : He in
corporated this with the results of his
own observations, and illumined It with
his theories. There was no geometri
cal figure Bp simple and so symmetrical
as a circle In Ptolemy's day, and as it' Tomorrow Copernicus
was apparent that the heavenly bodies
pursued tracks which were not straight
lines, tne conclusion obviously fol
lowed that their movements ought to
do circular.
dui rio.emy sucrecaca in devising a
echeme by which the apparent changes
mat iaae piece in tne heavens could, BO
far aa he knew them, be explained by
certain combinations of circular move
ment: He commenced the foundation
of his study with laying down the un
doubted truth that the shape of the
earth iB globular for he mentions In his
book that travelers who went to the
south reported that, as they did bo. the
i.eavens at nigni underwent a -gradual
change. If the earth were flat, said
una uig-emuus reasoner, sunset must
necessarily take place at the same in.
stant. no matter ln what country the
ooaerver may nappen to be placed, and
he proved that the time of sunset aa
vary greatly as tha observer's lona-u
tude was altered. He was
with the fact that the Illumination of
mo moon was aue to tne interposition
of the earth, which cuts off the light
of the sun, and brought together at
various quarters the local times at
which different observers had record
ed the beginning of a lunar eclipse. By
demonstrating that the .time , bf sunset
was not the aame at various places
he showed conclusively that the-arth
wae not flat, and yet 16 centuries later
the world was astonished when Colum
bus satisfied them of this fact v
What Ptolemy saw ln the movements
of the stars led him to the conclusion
that they were bright points attached
to the inside of a tremendous globe.
The movements of this globe which car
rled the stars were; only compatible
with the supposition that the earth oc
cupied its center' v.". t, '..' " .:--
. He had fixed Ideas and theories as to
the movements of tha nrin... .....
planets, many ef which are still held
to iniB nay. :ne ngu red out In a way,
knew, yet the fact his work exer-i-whlch seems little less than marvelous
more than 2000 years afterwards, what
he considered was ' the - 'tnovamant nt
Mars, of Jupiter, of Saturn, and was the
nrst io endeavor to account for the
monthly movement of , the moon, for
the annual movement of the un. an
for the periodic movements of the plan
ets which had gained for them tha titia
of the wandering stars, and therefore
we may consider him tha father of as
tronomy, i :..':. -,t ,..
To commemorate the signing of the
first treaty of alliance between France
and the United States ln 1771 by Ben
jamin Franklin and the Count de Vat
gennes, all the French societies of the
east are to unite in a dinner to be giv
en in isew i prk Tnursday night M.
Jusserand,-: Xhe French ambassador. Is
to be the guest of honor and Attorney
General Wlckersham the chief speaker.
The home rule excitement In Ireland
is expected to reach a head Thursday,
which Is the day fixed for the hlg home
rule demonstration in Belfast, which Is "
the center of the district ' which 1. as
violently opposed to the home rule
measure as the south of Ireland is In
fvor of It. .
A great welcome demonstration
awaits King George and Queen Mary,
who are due to arrive ln England Mon
day from their trip to India to attend
the great Durbar at Delhi.
A lengthy program of work awaits
the. first session of .the new Ontario ,
legislature, which is to assemble Wed
nesday. Among the important meas
ures to be brought up are tha working
men's compensation act, the bl-llngual
school question and measures pertain
ing to immigration and good roads, the
extension of the hydro-electrlo system
and tha development of northern On
tario. '
' The New Zealand parliament has been
called to assemble at the end of the
week when the fate of the Ward min
istry will be decided. Neither ,
as a result of the recent election has
a large enough majority to carry, on'
tne airairs or tne country..;
According to late advices from Guat.
emala City the latest link ln the Pan-'
American railroad is' to be formally
opened . Saturday.' This link extend.
for 47 miles between Acajutla on the
Mexican frontier and Ca valla Blanca
In Guatemala. The completion of tha
line will give Guatemala City direct;
communication with the City of Mex- ''
too and the United States.
r: Pointed Paragraph :
The fact that beauty 1b Only Bkln deen
Isn't much consolation to a homely girl.
Theie are only two kinds of glrla In
ths world those who want to b kissed
and those who are willing to be.
'' ' 'f - "' v ,'. ; I-'' (.....;"
Talk is said to be cheap.' but did you
ever take Into consideration the aotual
cost of a session of congress? . ,
Corrected Ills Veracity. ,
From Harper's Weekly.
James Papa, I ain't got no syrup. :
: Father John, correct your brother; 1
John (leaning over and peering Into
James' plato) Yes, you is.