2 THE OREGON. SUNDAY -JOURNAL, PORTLAND.. SUNDAY . MORNING, FEBRUARY 4, 1912. IeSBSof hi diseases Mothers and Girls Help to Solve Cost of Living Domestic Art Classes Boon to Working Women) One of the. sewing classes In the domestle art department of the Y. W. C. A." Dr. Givens, Superintendent of - North Idaho Asylum, Makes Practical Showing of Merits of New System. " Lewlaton, Idaho. Feb. I. -Idaho's plan Tor carina; tor tha Insana of the state Is said to h tar superior to the aye terns, employed' by Oregon, Washington or any of two western atatas. Dr. J. W (livens, superintendent of the state In dtttution at Oroflno, and who la in fact the creator of the Idaho plan, makes strong -claims for it. Dr; GHven ia a pioneer In the work With th insane. Am early a 1883 he ;" 11 rected the removal of t ha-Oregw In sane, aaytum from Portland ; to Salem tinder Superintendent Carpenter. H haa given his life to the study of tm proving the condition of the unfortun ate and , haa solved the asylum prob lem by the creation of the email inatl- tut Ion where Ideal home conditions are provided, ...... Working Out Ideal lOa. The plan wn evolved while Dr. Glv rna was superintendent of the Idaho state aaylum at Blackfoot. . The legla lature provided for the establishment of a north Idaho Institution Following the selection - of the alt lb i H i a By Will T. Kirk. In a bright cheery , room in the at Oroflno, 40 men from the Blackfoot Toung Women's Christian Association institution were sent to Dr. Glvena and building,. Seventh and Taylor streets, summer camps were established on the the domestic art classes meet. These newly acquired - ground. During the classes Include aewln. dressmaking summer the brick was burned, the ground cleared and before winter set in the main building of the Oroflno In- shirtwaist making, hat making, in fact, every manner of sewing for the girl or stltution wea completed and th north the """"wife who feels the need of Idaho patients to the number of about nominis m ims nay ot nign price 100 were taken there. land high cost of living. And the trans- Further .ririmnn. h.v K..n formation those classea are making in .Kit ih. h.niii KniMmn .Mmnrii I"" homes in Portland can scarcely are largely the product of the efforts be comprehended by an outsider. of the patients. The largest appro- -- - - " prlatlon for a year's buUding opfra- w,hrn n"Ty very ?uhter ,w" tions has been 838.000. According to '- Je,raent" ewl" th; less thaa the large institution. ' h Lf.1. Expense Is Jiight. ent time. , There are Jl patients at Oroflno. and 1 Thia laok of early teachinr. while .the plans provide for a maximum -of I due largely to the change in present 250. Aside from Superintendent ulv- day conditions from those of a score or ens, the highest salaried man draws more years ago, is nevertheless keenly but 350 per month, whlla the average felt by thousands of young women and wages are 335 Per month. The farm wives and mothers who are compelled produces all vegetables, 'dairy product to make limited salaries cover the cost "and meaTUTfbFWe'lM --..... ear considerable Quantities of these I saw such a pretty dress pattern supplies are sold in the public markets In. the store today. I would get It if to aid In defraying the regular expense it didn't cost so much to have a dress of the Institution. ; ' ' mada." Dr. Givens is advocating, the estab-1 IJow often has such a remark been lishment of a second institution at one mads by women who love pretty clothes of the cities in tba extreme north end sut often have to deny themselves be - of the state, where ideal home con- cause of the expense of making? With dilons, the opportunity .for persona many garments the cost of having them study of each case and the advantages made is greater- than the cost of the of recreation In the pure mountain ar material that , goes into them, would demonstrate the superiority of Xany Join Classes, the small institution plan by. the larger To overcome thia difficulty m.nv wn. percentage of permanent cures effected, men and children are taking advantage ur. uivens points to Oregon as pos- 0f the domestic art classes recently es aessing ; ideal conditions for working I ta Wished at the Y. W. C A., conducted out- the small institution plan. The under the direction of Miss Marjory honor policy of Governor West in re-1 Lewis. The majority of the members ram to Ms prison trusties would pro-1 of ' the classes are working girls and vide all labor necessary . In the caab-l wires who were working , girls before lishment of the small state institutions I their marriage. The girls corns from and the t operation of the state farms the department stores, the offices, the tjv hls prison labor would provide the shops and the schools. There are morn- .vegetable and meat products for an of ling, afternoon and evening classes. The ' the ataeeMflgtitutlons located at Salem, evening classes accommodate, moro es pecially, the girls who have to work - "CHEAP? GEMS GIVEN FOR Ml. much lower than foVtCday claisea Dnfl Dfl DDniC: W Al IIADI Ct One of the most Interesting classes uumuu i rny inbunuuu lis the mothers' class, which is In Istruoted in the art of making every- Cftieyennej '. Wyo.;, Feb. 8. Twenty thing for the boy and the girl and the yeans ago a Woman who boarded -with baby The mothera are taught economy ;wrs. luinn mevena or this place was of buying and also how to use every unable' to .settle her bill, and, desiring I scrap of goods for something. They to depart, left with the landlady as are instructed in making over clothes. security i two red stones set in eold. land in making children's clothes from .That was pie last Mrs. Stevens ever) the discarded garments of the grown- nraro ox int woman. ; . , I ups. Recently a 8a n Francisco lapidary vis- In this class have been mothers of Ited Cheyenne with a collection of gems widely varying ages,, many of them wo ; which ho placed on display. Mrs. Stev- men who have learned by sober- expert- ens too It to him the two stones which enco the value of the dollars they have she had held so long as aecurity for an had to spend . in the past to pay dress- uupaid ; iet)t and which she supposed 1 mtkkers . bills.. One of the mothers, as were cheap Jewelry. part of her work in the class, made The lapidary examined the atones, at from one of her discarded .skirts a coat first Indifferently, then with more atten-1 for her little girl which was very at t ion, ana finally minutely. "Madame." I tractive, and the cost of it was less lie said, "your garnets are rubies, and than 81.00. of such value that I hesitate to appraise Shirtwaist Class. 'tnem nsstny." The shirtwaist class is composed Astonished, Mrs. Stevens requested the larsrelv of sirls eneared in buslneea expert to ascertain the value of the life, working in offices and store. Most Stones and to sell them for her. The re-1 of them have, been hlrlnr thalr wntata suit Is that she has set out for San made, paying from 31 to 33 for this r rand sco with the gems, having re- service, the cost of ha vine- the nrmnt ,ceJved a letter from a firm of Jewelers mace always exceeding the cost of the vi inn cy stating that on the report material. A short time in the class of the lapidary will pay at leant nreoarta them to maka thlr own wal.ta 3!50 for the two stones and may pay and enables them to effect a saving of 3300 if an examination shows them to fsom 100 to t'00 per cent, and their be as fine as his report states they are. waists look aa nice, and In many cases nicer, than before. nniTARP RROVfy'lulPW n 8'rl- an employe in a department -w. Miiw.k. iii i-i store, recently a member of th a claas. FAVOR WALKER ROAD to,d'0' on'' of her winces with " " wsFsasawi It irt Wfl I HT KM MOfl ntArl -sVss 1 f-i SP al a- ri'u- , , 1 oust moioi, njaauvj vi ouitlfj 1 lealltlfji II IK Cottage Grove, Or., Feb T That the ter!fU w!jlch had 508t ber. , t0 haV I i ..u .uuu ui. Alltil tirnnn(1 Hon t v mart Tmm r "' Orovs to Walker Ih pretty near a reality Jh learnd t0 make her own waists, she ,s believed by residents of this city, due bo"a-ht a much prettier piece of flannel. which Waa on sale, paying Just 75 cents for alt the material she needed for the fcommsreial club, have nnf -f ;; . Then h mftde it herself, giv to the fact that the county viewers, ac i-'impuuro oy a committee from the the week going over the proposed route. her a prettier- and better fitting The road will necessitate the building f",le"it thre-,ourth' of fhe plc . . . . . 8 I th tin1 n.M fur t h a. matnj 01 expensive Driages across the Coast m,i v. .1 k 1 Vh ..... lron ana Willamette rivers. Injured at Sawmill. Sped. I to Tb Jonrn.l.l This haa also been the experience of other girls In the class. After learn ing- to make their own waists they can afford to buy bettor and prettier gooda and still keep the total cost of their 40rVFtb- s7-John walsta at about 60 per cent of what 111 mi n7..T L ' '?mn they formerly paid. The averaga mate- tarsd rflvto for "Wrtwaists coats from 10 to , 3 urea py nyitiff splinters veterdfiv thntl.A e a - j k.. . a, umm 4v a k v. i a. , 1 ,v vctiisi e iu. biiu vuu, lurtso varus ttWA''' ?- Wn t of hiring -n. .7 .h- ": ni"wai8ts "ae run i 33. caught In the machine. A splinter that had been thrown from the board pierced 'Mr. Nagel'i right lg and another hit i him in , the hip. ' Sawmills Ilsume Operations. " (Spwlal to Toe Jouratl.) Cottage Orove, Or.. Feb. 3. One by one the lumber. mlUa in this vicinity ar resuming; operations after a shutdown " f two months. -The Baw Rlrer Lumber company opened today and it Is pre- . dtrted that every one of the 31 mills tributary to this city will be in opera tion within 8 days. Wilson and Harvey Meet. tlnlt-d Prrat rasd Wlre.l ' Philadelphia, Feb. 3. Colonel Harvey. Voodrow Wilson and Senator Lav Fol ' )ett were guests at a dinner given last nisht by the Periodical Publishers' -Association of America. Senator La Fol letta and .Mr, Wilson spoke i at lengtb on popular government. . ; ' tn parts of Mexico the natlvi hang ths nests of large spiders In their tinm.-e to trap flies and other small in- Waist Cost Only 3a Cents. Another girl, also an employs In a department store, by using buttons she had on hand, made her a pretty waist at a cost of 30 cents. And It would surprise even the most economically inclined what can be done in the hat making class. Think of the way the cost of bats has soaredl An inverted basket - and :tr rlbbon,310-i-or feather, 315 or a plume, 20 two plumes, 330! r- '. .-j.,,.. .-. ... -.j, - -L..-:it.r- Well. such frightful nightmares of expenditure are past for the women and girls In the hat making class. They are instructed how to take velvets that have been used, steam them and make them look as good as new. They are taught how to make flowers out pt scraps of ribbons. From these odds snd ends they make roses, violets, - forget-me-nots and other flowers. Then they take two or three old frames, tear them to pieces and construct new frames, thus making the entire hat. Of course, ' while - members of the classes are taught to economise by using odds and ends of ma-ferlals on hand, their -instruction applies as well to the working up of new materials. A Course la the class is Intended to prepare those -Vi- who take It to make all of their own hats, and that, too, in the latest and nobbiest styles. . . ' Tonrg Oirls ea to Patch. At the close of the last term In this eourse a display of the prettiest hats made by th members of the class wss made.'' One of these hats so pleased the woman who made it that she felt It was worth buying a dresa to match. The hat was made entirely of material she had in her home. There is another class that is doing; flna work. This is the class of girls,' ranging in agea from t to 15 years. They learn the various stitches snd the art' Of construction, and how to darn and patch. . Some of the. younger ones make clothes for their dolls while the older ones learn - to make - clothes for themselves.' .. w.y S.AwW-;?. H'V1: One of the most important classes teaches dressmaking. ' The latest meth ods In this art are taught, and the wo men learn how to combine, cut to the greatest saving, and fit - Many pro spective brides have taken- this course. One prospective bride took great pleas ure, Just before finishing - the course, in making- her wedding dress. She con sidered she- had accomplished a feat of which to foe proud. s " There la -also another side, other' than the practical, to . the, domestic arts classea - Girls who have been shut up in offices : or behind counters all .day appreciate the social side and the op portunity '. to make friends: . There - Is a free and easy comradeship In the classroom.- '' -. '-..w. ; ;,. V, One of the Friday afternoon sewing elassss was composed almost entirely of middle-aged women and they mads the time of their meeting : - a social event. - . ' A tailoring class will be started soon. It is now being organized. - Bites Off Opponent's JEar. (Spcl.l to The Joorn.I.) -Centralla, Wash., Feb. 8. Angered at being ordered eut of a Centralla res taurant Wednesday, night. W. A Rdney fought F. X Pag,: the proprietor, and sank his teeth Into "Page's ear. biting the member completely off and spitting it out on the floor. Roney was roughly handled by men In the restaurant.-but the arrival of the police aaved him from bodily harm. H was arraigned before Judge Hoss yesterday and held to the superior court under 1500 bonds en a charge of mayhem. Unless blood poison ing sets In, Page , will recover from Roney's unusual mode of fighting, al though h will be disfigured for Ufa Unknown . Ijeaps to Death. , (United Press Lcaud WIre.V Vancouver, B. C. Feb. 8. Late yes terday an . unknown man leaped into Burrard Inlet from Oore avenue Blip. Tug hands threw him a life buoy,' but he refused assistance and drowned. The body has not been recovered.- California Excursion A ' Personally Conducted . Special Train Excur sion Will Leave Willamette Valley Points W -Mi... For, a tour of i Yv 1.1. tl" lit the most inter esting 1 poind In California.. Train will consist of Pullman Standard Sleeping; Cars, Ob servation Car, Diner and Exclusive Baggage Car, Fare from Salem, Albany, Corv.tJlas, Lebanon; Eugene and intermediate points for- the round trip, $79.00, including', sleepingjcar berth, all meals oh going trip, numerous side trips, auto rides and entertainment ; also rail ticket returning tcj starting point. . Here is a chance to see California under the most favorable circumstances,, at small expense, in MIGHTY, GOOD COMPANY,- and under intelligent guidance. ; : ' . Ni&vWvl .'..-Some points of interest en route are:? San; Francisco, San Jose, Del Monte, Santa Barbara, Lbs Angeles and : the great orange belt of California.,. K:':-'M,'''- Tickets are good for return any time within three months, and allow., stopover. I I ROUTES I , I 1 I Ask the S. P. agent for advanedtinerary, sleepine car res- JOHN ! Wf. SCOTT, Gen. Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon REMOVAL SALE REMOVAL SALE REMOVAL SALE UipMleled Remove " '11"" - - -' :L- -. . ... sale History Repeats Itself Pireseiit store to be abziiidon account oFTrisufficieht GrdwtK""of "Uiii"Itbr6" during been simply marvelous necessitating our removal to larger and better quarters, where we will be located in the heart of f ortland 3 new retail district, affording us unexcelled facilities in serving- our patrons. The reputation of this store for quality merchandise will be made stronger during this event our Removal Sale. Every department filled with new and up-to-date stocks will contribute to its success. - Our buyers are now in eastern and foreign market centers, where they will gather complete stocks for our new store1, with the result-posi-tively no room for present stock. Thus the edict dispose of merchandise as rapidly as price reductions will permit, for naught but our prescrip tion files will be taken with us. Uut-of-town folks should take advantage of these savings. Removal Sale Cut Glass ' Beautiful Empire Cut Glass, in rriany styles; Star, Sunburst and Daisy pat terns, rich deep cuttings. (3.75 Nappies, removal price..... $2. 85 $2.00 Nappies, removal price. . . . .$1.29 $1.75 Pin Tray, removal price 95 $3 Sugar and Creamer, removal $1.95 $5 Bowls, 8-inch, removal price.. $2.95 $4 Bowls, 8-inch, removal price.. $2. 19 Boyls, Comports, Fern Dishes, 7 to 9 inches, values to $8, removal price $4.95 $2.50 Spoon Trays, removal price $1.89 $6, Y dozen, Water Glasses, removal $3 $1.25 Salt and Peppers, porcelain tops, removal price .79 $8 Vases, 10-inch, removal price $4.59 $5 vases, 8-inch, removal price $3.59 Removal Sale Beautiful Pictures Ours is without doubt the largest pic ture department in the northwest. You will agree it's so when you have visited our art room.' We are going to dispose of this tre mendous stock and will therefore make such low prices that you cannot afford to neglect this opportunity to buy pictures. You will find every subject imaginable in. our stock oils, pastels, water colors, gravures, carbonettes, hand-colored pho tographs, etchings and prints. All framed appropriately. ' ' . "1000 Pictures in pastel, gravures, col ored .prints,;, carbonettes , and etchings. Pictures for any , and every purpose handsome ovals in gold and browns; pan els in oaks in the various . shades of brown; aviation, firelight,: fruits, game and Christ pictures. Values to $7. Re moval Sale ". . . , , $1.87 Olive Oil A French oil of highest quality, pure and palatable. Removal price, bottle, $1.10 Removal Sale of Leathers, Trunks and Suit Cases You will be surprised by the excellent values to be had in Suit Cases. Stocks were never more complete, so the price reductions wiU be all the greater. Buy now whether you are in immediate need or not You can't afford to overlook the saving. Waterproof Pegimond Suit Case, 24-inch, sole leather corners and straps, brass lock and bolts, all linen lined. Regular $5. Removal price. . .$2.29 Wicker Suit Case, with leather corners; very strong sewed handles, good lock and bolts; linen lined, with inside pockets. Regular $6.50. Removal price, only .$4.34 All Murphy and Likly Trunks priced $8 to $75 at removal prices. Removal Sale of Ladies' Leather Hand Bags You will find here just the bag you have long wished for. Our removal sale makes it possible for you to own it at a fraction of its former price. Hand Bags come in genuine seal, pigskin, walrus and calfskin, in gunmetal, brass and leather covered frame ; bags are all leather lined, inside pocket and extra coin purse; strong strap handles. Regular $8. ( Removal price. :.'ySf.. .$3.19 Odd lot of Hand Bags in plain and fancy styles, no two alike in the lot; values to $10, Removal price, while they last. .$2.59 All our $2.50 Hand Bags in brown, black, tan and green, goat 6eal leather, double strap handles, moire Jining, outside pockets. Removal price, while they last 4 ... . .... . .79? Parisian Ivory Set Consisting of comb, brush and 6-inch JjMnirror. Your initial engraved free. Re- rfftpval price, complete $5.49 Removal Sale Exclusive Novelty Jewelry Those who have visited our Jewelry Department have been amazed and delighted with the many exclusive novelties shewn. We are pleased with the generous support of our patrons and their hearty approval of our selec tions of jewelry. Nothing is reserved during this sale every 'piece of jew elry must and will be disposed of at removal prices. Beautiful Necklaces. To appreciate their beauty you must see them. $1.25 to $2.50 Necklaces, removal price J ........ .98 Hat Pins in many handsome styles. Removal prices. . .25?, 39S 69 Drop Earrings in jet, rhinestones, corals and other semi-precious stones. All to go at removal prices. Removal Sale of Amphora Vases $4.50 Amphora Vases, removal 98 $3.00 Amphora Vases, removal G9 $2,00 Ahphora Vases, removal 29S Removal Sale Liquid Soap Our own make a superior product Pure, antiseptic, convement and cleansing. ' Used with our "Wood lark" holder it is superior to any other form of soap, Removal price, 1 pint ; 25 Belt Pins, made by the well known manufacturer, E, A. Bliss. The kind you pay otherstores $2.00. Removal price .;;... . . . ........... . . $1.59 50c Barrettes, numberless styles to se lect from. Removal price...... .39 Men's Scarf Pins .and' Link Cuff But tons, others ask $1, $1.50 and $2 for jewelry less attractive. "Removal prices are .. ?.75, $1.15, $1.50 r Bath Cabinets Every home should have a Bath Cab inet. Our. booklet, "Health and Beauty,' tells you how to keep well; most valuable in the curing of colds, rheumatism, stomach,, liver and kidney .troubles vapor baths clarify . the skin and beautify the complexion. $12.50 Robinson Cabinet, rem'l $9.98 $7.50 Robinson Cabinet, rem'l $5.59 $4.00 Robinson Cabinet, rem'l $2.98 SEND FOR FREE BOOKLET. Removal Sale Combs and Hair and Cloth Brushes All styles and makes at. removal prices. $3.50 and $4 Adams Howard and Kent celebrated Hair Brushes, assorted backs, long fine bristles, removal price. .$2.89 $1.25 ladies' purse or pocket Manicure Set,, in handsome Parisian ivory case, re moval price 79 Removal Sale Of Art Brass $2.25 Fern Dishes, removal price $1.79 $1.50 Cuspidors, removal price ..... 89 $4 Brushed Brass Smoking Set. removal price .......... . .$2.69 $2 Book Racks, removal price. . .. $1.29 $8 Umbrella, Stands, 26-inch, removal price $5.98 $5 Umbrella ; Stands, 24-inch, removal price $1.98 Removal Sale Toilet Prepara tions and Perfumes A complete line of all makes and odors in Perfumes and Toilet Waters: 'Toilet preparations known the world over, , Get them during this, our removal sale. Roger , & : Gallet's Perfumes Bouquet : d Amour, Jasmin, Feau d bspagne, , Vio let and Yamito (Oriental odor). Sold everywhere , at $1 , per ounce. . Removal : price, ounce . ... . 59 Beautiful Atomizers, all guaranteed, r. re-' " moval...75, $1.25, $2.60, $4.50 50c Hygienic Soap (unscented); Removal price .. 1....29 $1.50 Oriental Cream, removal price 9S! Woodsircfl, . Clarke k