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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1912)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, IfEBRUARY 3, 1912. 11 ... a ' EMPLOYMENT " AGENCIES Bff Butts' & Eldredge Emp.' Co. - " Main 8208. A-1391. ' v WANTED AGENTS WE have ' an attractive aid Una for salesmen traveling : tn Oregon. No ample Takes but a few minutes' time to secure orders. Liberal commissions. B. . N. Garrett, Investment Banker, 223 , jumper Kxcnaqge puuaing. iwdij wormy kiju m ' w you. Writ for particular. Washington turnery i;p., luyppnign, vrawii, WANTED -Salesmen to aid us supply the brisk demand l'or our goods. Some vacant territory yet in ever state west Of tn Mississippi. Cash weekly. , . capital, cirr nursery co, . v. i Palem. Or. j VOU CAN'T HELP but ma money - selling ur guaranteed-to-give-satl-faction stock; free outfit: cash weekly; exclusive territory. Yakima Valley Nursery 1 Co.. Toppenlan. Wash. i" SITUATIONS MALE v 3 WANTED Situation as saleslady In bakeshop or grocery store. Speaks German, English and Hungarian. X 8H. Journal. ENERGETIC competent young man who Is attending school desires em ployment after school hours from 4 till ria. H-811. journal. EXPERIENCED colored man wants position In hotel or apartment house as Janitor, porfcer, etc., references. Phone Win 8908. . . WANTED Pruning pn fruit trees or shrubbery, by experienced man. Ad dress w H- Thompson, 770 Osage av., city. . ' CHAUFFEUR, of good habits, wants position, either truck or private. X- 818. Journal. WANTED A Job as watchman or Jani tor; handy with tools or fireman, Ap- rty 4th St., P. Devenny, TWO experienced prospectors wish grubstake for new diggings, references furnished. Z-310, Journal. SITUATION by man with family, whole eale or commission house preferred. Box 707. Bt. Johns. Or. id AN wants to clear land, 3 years' ex perience in using powder. Wages over 31 with board. W-313. Journal. RELIABLE young married man wishes .! employment evenings from 6 to 12 p. ' Tn.. references given. Z-311, Journal. RELIABLE lanltor wants position. Phone Woodlawn 91. YOUNG Jap wants cook or housework lng job. Address Okamura. 29 N. 3d. HlHAUFFEUR. city references and II- cense, desires position. 13-311, Journal. SITUATIONS FEMALE 4 TOTING widow with toy year and half old desires position In private family er with widower. Write or call 1164 Uianstone ave. WOMAN of education and refinement wishes position as housekeeper, In cluding care of motherless children. K- sin, journnl. Norwegian gui want, famtlywTleTe" StTVeah get one or two hours off each day for studying. Wood lawn 3292. TOR private tutoring lr grammar studies and high sc.nool ungual! 'ati- lre("B K-303, Journal. EXPERIENCED Swedish woman, city references, desires situation care of Infant child. Main 2039. A-4775. EXPERIENCED stenographer undbook , keeper wants posftlon. Phone Wood ' lawn 1343. WANT washing and cleaning. Take horn" WHsUiup. rough dry. 40c dozen 14 Ellsworth M. GOOD woman wants any kind of day work. 2Sc hour. Phone Main 5962. CURTAINS wanted, hand laundry woodlawn 2684. WANTED Work by the day. Main 771 A-45BO. Room 104 VORK wanted Friday. Saturday, Mon day. Main 102, A-4202. GERMAN womon wants wBFhing at home. Mrs. Knlassa. 454 Larrahee st. DRESSMAKING 40 SICK garments made well. If your sleeves are out of place we ret them. If your skirts are 111, we guar antee a cure. If your coats or Jackets are broken down, we build them up and give them new life. Our operating ta bles are wonders. - Our chief surgeons the best Our balms cure all Ills that wearing apparel Is heir to. Coats re llned. See our stylos and samples for sprintr suits. Hildreth, ladles' tailor. Patterns drafted to order. Make Over Dept. Room 309, Central bldg.. 10th ana Aioer. LADTES' tailoring. cutting, fitting! sponging rioth, making button, nut ton holes. Llnlnps fvmlshed. Reason able prices. Gordon, 261 Yamhill. SEWING by dav or piece, children's clotheh specialty. Mrs. Veva Wick- man. 819 Maryland ave. Phone C-1766. DRESSMAKER, f years' experience, wont done very reasonable snd first CInss. 647V. .lohnson. near 16th. LADIES' tailoring, alterations, coats r? llned. Mrs. Muckler. 689 Davis, "W car A GOOD dressmaker would like engage, ments $2.60 per day; references. Scll- wooa li'si tfUIT skirts and one piece dresses made reasonable for next SO days, speclalty TO worsing Kin', nisrpnnii z-mp. fcRESSMAKINO and alterations by com petrnt dressmaker. Main "082, A-3258. EXPERIENCED dressmaker at your heme. Marshall 440. NURSES 00 GOOD practical nurse wants confine ment case for February or other nurs jng, wages reasonable. Mai.. 701fi. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE 0 KEATLY furnished room 33.60 a week, 2 if desired; bath, phone and heat. m 12th st. JjODERN furnished room for rent. 408 Pine st. WE meed a salesman tn each of sev eral excellent fields to sell our splsn , did nursery stock.. A permanent place: fi.uv, m u, an vuiivviiiruurn, mso irmn-1 place iur , ruum iiu uuaiu, ku i jpvik rent 2 uniurmsneu nuumi,,! close in; vcijr nuuimuio. ejv r rvn aaim - , slent 8 N. 14th. Marshall 2686. 1 conveniences. Phone B-2472. I per month. 4 E. 8th N. lit E. 12th. I fine river f It Is a Cinch That Mutt Is "In" Very Prussian with His Spouse . f rnXf wev, ( tioeo "A ' (WSlR-v4rN I VT w f r. f- opNAieYT.THKTevrefcoeri . I ;His6ovooMMu rrurM (suns 1 ' Si V " 81.50, to 36, all conveniences, also tran- v itc rrvf xsiifp av Purw ima Mu. : . -.-..-v,. DsrT Cfceoee D rr. t.L Tftt irr Asia. I ykisan r'W-SiSrArN TO OSUN V ' FURNISHED ROOMS ; ; ' WEST SIDE - HOTEL ALMA ., . -' 1ITH AND 8TARK 9lMi&-V Beautifully furnished rooms, single or- en suite, with private bath, hot and cold water, steam - heat, - private phone in every roam, - elevator and ground floor office; no eourt rooms; rates 35 per week and up; under new manage WEEK TL Rov TRANSIENT $2.00 up, i ne nex &oo up. 648 H Washington st. At you getting rooms Ilk ours for the moneyf . jf ; not, change.. - Steam beat,, hot and cold water-tn each room. All outside rooms, Also housekeeping rooms. HOTEL FORD, 783 Washington, corner Lucretla st. New brick building, Just completed; fins large outside rooms with telephone service, with or without private baths; new and splendidly fur nished; hot and cold water; steam heat; beet of service; very'reasonabl rate. . , HOTEL KSNWICK- j The heart of ' the business i enter, 7th and Taylor, opposite Helllg theatre,' a quiet horn for quiet veople, strictly moaem. permanent: transient. Main sis PLEASANT warm room in modern house,' select neighborhood, walking distance, ' block from car, furnace, bath. eaa. Dhone. llO: 747 Everett. A- 8068. JUST what you have been looking for. Beautifully furnished front room. Nob Hilt, walking distance. 871 Kearney. - THE DAVENPORT, newly furnished rooms; hot and cold water, bath and phone. $12 to. $15. Main 6436, 605 Jef- person. NEWLY furnished clean room, all mod em conveniences, laundry privileges, use of parlor and ' piano; cheap. 770 irving at. NEWLY and nicely furnished rooms, walking distance, all modern conven iences, reasonable rent. 17 N. 17th. Marshall 2625. ROOM for rent cheap to 1 or 8 work ing men; 9 blocks from P. O. Mar shall 3417. SEVERAL pleasant front furnished rooms, 12.50 per week up; phone, light nd bath. 171 13th st FOR RENT 2 furnished rooms, heat and running water, 829 Corbet t, very reasonable. BASEMENT rooms, with free bath, $5 month. 158 16tlv PLEASANT room in private family, suitable for 2 men or ladleti; can have the privilege of kitchen. Call 800 12th LEWXSTON Hotel. 27 H Morrison, cor. 4th; first class, single and ensulte; 50c to 31.50 a day. Phone A-3720. THE F.LM PLACE 414 Yamhill; room, hot and cold water, steam heat, pri vate baths snd suites, close In. MTELiMlt up" per TeSk" Free phone and ' ith. Main 7754. IF YOU wish good first class rooms cheap, call at the Roycrest, 176 12th ft., corner Yamhill. THE EDGAR, newly well furnished rooms, modern with all conveniences. 125 14th Bt. Very reasonable. THREE large fr6nt rooms with all con veniences, good location, hot and cold water. 33 N. Park. LARGE front room, suitable for one - or- tww-gentleme-n,- nrodftrtn.'OS "X" 3d t-. between Columbia and Clay. DESIRABLE furnished rooms, steam heat, also one housekeeping. 471 Mor rison. GOOD WHrm furnished rooms at very reasonable prices; 403 7th st; private family; all conveniences. NICE comfortable room, close In, $1.25 per week each, for two. 422 Jeffer son street NICE basement rooms with bath, very close in $1.25 per week. Phone Main 353fi. 164 WEST PARK between Morrison and Yamhill, neat, newly furnttihed out- side rooms In heart of city. $2.50 up. NICELY furnished room with all con venienceM. 673 3d. NICELY furnished rooms, with or with out board. Phone H nd bath. 262 12th. LARGE desirable room, all conveniences, close In, 223 W. Park. ONE nicely furnished front room, suit able for2. or2:327 W. Park. NICELY furnished room, modern, with" all conveniences. Mar. 1269, 451 10th. ROOM suitable for ? In room, $1.60 per week. 388 Salmon. CHEAP 100ms, close in. for working men. with heat and bath. 406 Stark st. CHEAP rooms for worklngmen. 612 H . Savler st. ROOMS. 50c, $ 1 per day; 3! un week. THE CLAY. 343 Vi Morrison St. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SfDE 52 CLEAN light sleeping rooms. $1.50, $2 per week. Owen apartment. 230 Huwsell sty. FIVE rooms, on carllne. 962 Williams ave., cor Prescott. Phone Woodlawn 429. TWO to 5 rooms, partly furnished, mod ern upper rial, on car una. jtuuiio Sellwood 1010. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 THREE unfurnished rooms, water and pnone rree; aus rar. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 ROOM and board for lady or gentle man. In small family. Good home, good cooking, $20 per month. Call Woodlawn 2697 or address X-312, Jour nal. SMALL front room with two large win dows, with board. Free phone, bath and heat; walking distance, 28 East 9th st. Nortn. prions ft. ms LARGE bright front rooms, with board; modern, with all convenience's. 497 Montgomery. FURNACE heated front room with best German board, $5 week. ' 643, corner zoth st. w. THE CASA ItOSA Iarge, airy, fur- rtluharl rnnmn urttH hfinrri anlendM lo. canon. vu jenerwn. . I AAA T . . ' BOARD and room suitable for 2 gentle men, $26 per month; east side, 222 Vj E. 1st st. N. BOARD and .room, 4.60 week. Hotel Idaho. 27 Hood. NICE place for 2, room and board, all MfTn r- i-oorL WANTEDROOM AND BOARDy 89 BOARD 1 person for rent of 8 rooms zurnisnea; . rrerenoe exonanpeu. rnone wast 4tl, ij-jsuou. 1 uais room it, . HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE Hunt's ExDress & Baraga Co .1 trunk, tax Addition,! trunks. J So each Grip with trunk ire. ... A-3416. " Marshall Lia. Ratrtraoa A nmnlhiis Transffi Baggage moved and stored. Phone Main 8980. A-8823. . THREE or tw- beautiful furnished - housekeeping rooms; everything; sup plied, rent reasonable. 444 11th, be tween jacKRon and college. , NICELY furnished 8 room suite, ele gant piano, laundry trays, wood hoist, basement. .2 beds; newly decorated. 168 lum st, 1ARGE outside - suite, running water, sink 83.60, single room as above. $3; free phone (Collins) new management. 16th and Alder. BASEMENT rooms, suitable for plain working people, small family; single persons $6, $8 and 10 rr month. 676 tjoucn. XN-gi cor, lain tHREE large connecting room with patn, electricity ana gas, waiKina; ais Unce. newly furnished. 480 Park st A-X74S. tiOUSEKEEPI NO and single rooms, with all conveniences, close In. free pnone. patn ann nsnts. zo mm THREE housekeeping rooms, 816; T5 minutes- warn to f. l, 812. 245 N. 16th. Main 1976. NICE front room, very close in, fur nished for housekeeping at a bargain. Phone Main 353 6. THREE room suite, newly furnished; bath, sink, laundry, phone; reasonable. 826 E. Stark. LOW rent for 2 working girls; all the privileges of home; right down town. Main 7864. FRONT room suite, completely fur nlshed for housekeeping, very reason- able. 245 N. 17th, cor. Marshall. HOTEL SHERMAN Cleanest house, keeping rooms in city, for $1.75 and up. 184 Snerman st. HOUSEKEEPING and furnished rooms. Gem hotel, 865 1st; steam heated, new building, room $1,25 up. ' NICELY furnished front housekeeping room; hest, ga included; $3.60 week ly. 646 Ollsan st EILEEN COURT, the heart of the busl ness center. 16th and Morrison, single housekeeping rooms, modern, reasonable. HduSEKEEPING rooms, nicely fur nlshed, gas, light, heat and phone. $12. $14, $16. 453 Hall. Main 694. CLOSE in, clean suite of 2 or 4 fur nished rooms:- gas range, laundry, to desirable employed persons. 431 Taylor. FRONT, sunny, elegantly furnished suite also sleeping room, an moaen conveniences. 886 Mill, near W. Park T.VO ncstly furnished front housekeep ing rooms, all conveniences, very rea sonable. 290V, N. 16th. THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms 179 20th. 1 block south of Washington. CAMBRIDGE Bldg. Furnished house- keepmg rooms, ttm, 39, gq sjprnsoj. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms very 1.1. a .... . 1 P , K 1 T17 h I n rrnnuiinuir, lciiii ni. ptm naBiinigiuii MITCHELL houeXeeplng rooms; Hunt, gas: moderate 7tn-Flanders. A-4076. THREE room housekeeping suite, com- pletfly furnished. $14 month, 43Z 7tn HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $3.60 week up! THE CLAY. 843 H Morrison. $12 2 housekeeping: rooms, no children allowed. 4S9 W. Park st. FURNISHED rooms and housekeeping suite with sleeping porch. 195 N. 15. 1, 2 AND 3 very nice large modern housekeeping rooms, 680 2nd, ('heap. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST SUE 48 FOUR furnished H. K. rooms 15 month; free lights, water, phone. 87 Vj Russell, near O.-W. R. & N. shops; also furnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms. A NEW apartment, 230 Vi Russell st Dandy light, 2 and 8 room h. k.. lights, bath, phone and gas. Reasonable. Come and see. TWO clean housekeeping rooms; pantry, large closet, gas, bath, range and base ment, 2 carlines, easy walking distance. 77Z is. rayior. inone k. ozhu. TWO or 3 nicely furnlshedTbusekeep lng rooms, walking distance, and. all modern conveniences. 804 Bentorr st. East 3740. TWO suites of 2 connecting housekeep ing rooms, hot and cold water, elec tric lights, gas, bHth and phone, ground floor. 428 E. Ankeny. East 3764. $2-$2.60 Weekly, furnished housekeep ing rooms; free phone, heat, bath, laundry, yard. gas. 669 Commercial St., between Knott and Oraham. "V car. FIRST floor, well furnished, gas range, piano, bath and nice yard, good neigh borhood. East 1786. TWO nicely furnished rooms, ground floor, private entrance, close, cheap rent, sib MiiwauKie ave. TWO adjoining and 4 single hnusekeep Ing rooms for rent $12 and $10. 648 E. Ankenv, bet. 12th and 13th sts HOUSEKEEPING rooms, newly fur nished, 16 minutes' walk from post office. 445 East Ash. LOVELY housekeeping suite, walking distance, everything furnished. Kaat 3404 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. reasonable. walking distance. 402 Ross, one block north Broadway. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single, en suite. 69 N. Grand ave. Phone East 4649. TWO new strictly modern housekeeping rooms, private home, first floor, near I and U cars. 165 Monroe St. DESIRARLE suite for light housekeep ing; modern; close in; reasonable rent, zik LarraDee si NICELY furnished suite, hot and cold water, gas bath, electricity and pnone, is. fj. Morrison, TWO furnished housekeeping rooms with kitchenette, in walking distance, pnone. gast puta. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, $15 per month. 168 E, 16th. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; ras range for cooking. 772 Alblna av. FOR rent 2 unfurnished hooms, $6.60, f IOUSEKEEFINQ ROOMS . 48 I : - ' EAST SIDE" 918 or 125. 2 or 8 room suite furnished housekeeping rooms, . private family; lovely home, close In; light, water, both Phones fre. $76 Mrltnomah, cor. Union. rast a a bo. ST. MARKS 392 V. E. Burnslde, house keeping; room from $3.60 up, free light and phone, also nicely furnished Trtrvn fnr men 1 1 n4 n ONE large completely furnished house keeping room, gas range; walking dig tance, $8. 692 B. Morrison. HOUSES FOR RENT 13 FOR BENT 6 room new plastered bun galow, hot and cold water, porcelain bath and toilet. Located at Kenton. $12.50 per month. HARGROVE! A SONS, 123 N. 6th st, corner 6th and Gltsan. ain 4381, A-7Z6S. THREE room house with lots cleared, leveled and house furnished: near Tre mont sta., Mt Scott car; $8. 793 Vj Thur man. Stone. FIVE, room modern bungalow, E. 36th and Main sts., $20; near car and attractive. Phone Main 3908, or Main ZZ4U FOR RENT A 6 room cottage, up to date, $16, formerly $18, to a good tenant On H, 9th at S. Phone Tabor 1604. FOR RENT Large 7 room house, lot 76x150 feet: fruit, roses and other shrubs in yard; rent $20 a month. Call ainouso, s is. &utn st, near marie 6 ROOM modern bungalow, bath, light, gas, phone, lawn, clean, cozy, cheap. vvt tn, zotn st. in., wooaiawn s. 6 BOOM house for rent, 811 Commercial ot, cor. Falling, $20. Owner on prem- lees an gay sunqay. YOU can rent a good 4 room house, on carllne, for $18. Phone A-7273. 913 1 eon 01a g. - MODERN 6 room house, reasonable to right party, good location. 780 Kel- ley street. EIGHT room new house, all modern nnm.anl tORAA If.ln O ..v.. . .... ... m.l .-, 'WW. .'I nil, .,0, Carlock & MUlhaupt, 1032 Cham. Com. HOUSE for rent on 40th St., 1 block from car line, $16; enquire 291 E. 39th St.. romana, ur. NEW 6 room house, 806 Monroe st; take u. car. 6 ROOM house, East 11th near Wash ington, for rent. Phone Sellwood 1754 SIX room house for rent, all modern, at 438 K. Mill st Inquire at 340 E. 6th. SIX rooms $20. 646 Upshur. Inquire 6 48 Upshur. Phone A-7 69 EIGHT room boarding house. Inquire 908 E. Couch st. 6-ROOM house, E. Pine, near 13th. C 2260. Hast 5095. 3-ROOM modern house for rent. Call 1098 E. 21st st, N. FURNISHED HOUSES 30 NKW modern house, new mlssloifurnl ture, piano, etc.; parties can rent cheap. Call 771 Belmont St. 10 min utes P. O. S. 8. car. $30 6 room modern furnished house, furnace, fireplace. lawn. Apply Crocket, room 3. Washington bldg. fUIiQOMIiO . . f urnUhed ixousa; . . p.Um a.;. close In. 689 Kearney, near 19th. Majn 6932. BUNGALOW, 8 rooms, furnished, near schools, cars, stores, close In, reason able rent. Sellwood 1629. SIX room house, furnished, $27.60 mo., or will lease at $25. Call 420 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. FURNJ8HKD house of 7 rooms, gas, electrlo lights, fine location. 872 E. Davis st., ;3i) per montn. 6 ROOM clean modern, completely fur- nlwhert house. 674, Ml'. Main 6477. HOUSK8 FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 32 NEW furniture of 8 room house, very central; party leaving city, positively must sell at once; will sacrifice; can rent rooms. Marsnaii ztti. WILL sacrifice my beautiful furnished B room flat if taken this week; $100 down and your own terms. O-300, Jour nal. Marshall 1977. SNAP $450. furniture including $450 piano. 6 room house for rent cheap, 3 rooms upstairs pays your rent 412 Hall st. FURNITURE of 6 room flat for rent or sale. Inquire 125 N. 17th. Phone Main 2325. SNAP Modern 8 room hobse: rent only $32.50; has basement and furnace; 10 minutes walk to P. O. 422 Jefferson st. 6 ROOMS, new furniture. Invoice $400. Price 1200: Z rooms upstairs pays rent. $19. 543 E. 7th st. S. MISSION furniture of 5 room flat for sale; first class condition; cash $225. 791 H. Burnslde. FURNITURE of 6 rooms for sale cheap, cottace for rent. See owner at 187 Hal sey, 2 blocks from steel bridge. FLAT, four blocks from P. O, s,nd furniture In A-l condition; party' is leaving clty "60 7th FU RN1TIRK ot 5 room flat for sale cneap; must De soia, at on Lovejoy. FURNITURE FOR SALE, 8 rooms, rent $45. 80 W. Park, fall after 1Z. PIANO, furniture for sale cheap, house for rent. 6 I nlon ave. FURNITURE of 3-rooms for sale, flat for rent. $13. 269 Montgomery st. APARTMENTS 43 THE DAVENPORT Newly furnished 2 and 3 room apts., modern, walklnir distance. Phone 6435. 605 Jefferson st. THE ALBEMARLE. 2 and 3 room apart ments, steHm heat, private phone and hath. 383 Williams ave. East 4193. THK WEKTFAL. dose In. 4 room modern unfurnished spa rt men t. 410 6th s t SAN MARCO Apia., one 3 room, private hath and pnone, steam neat. Phono East 2761. E. 8th and Couch. HALSEY COURT, 800 WILLIAMS AVE. 2 and 3 room apartments, modern, lo catlon quiet, rent reasonable. NORDICA apartment, cor. Belmont and Grand ave., 1 and 3 room furnished apts.: free ngnt, neat, patn, pnone, FURNISHED apartments, 2 and 5 rooms, 1162 Union ave. N. Wood lawn 2379. iS-ituuM apartments, newiy rurnisnea; close in; very reasonable. E. 6279 or 88 E. 12th. 43 -vFORDHAM 1 APARTMENTS COM- pr.TTTirn At 170-13 Ford at. Just aouth of wHsnington, are tn most complete, highest class apartments ever built in Portland. Finished in hardwood through out, giving tenant choice of oak. Cir cassian walnut or mahogany; elegant wall covering, tiled baths with superb fixtures; highest class service: each with private balcony and bath: 4 rooms with most convenient arrangement; $42.80 to $60: 6 room, $50 to $60. This building is different. Let Mr. Burleigh show you through. The Meredith New apartment house will b opened the 1st of February under new manage ment and will be furnished with the best of furnishings, entirely different from the most of them and will be class A In every respect All two and three rooms, completely furnished. Two 4 room and one 6 room suite unfurnished. 712 WASHINGTON ST. THE VILLA ST. CLARA. ' 12th and Taylor. Jut completed, most magnificently furnished apartments n the northwest; location perfect: rental reasonable: every modern convenience, including banquet hall and roof garden; high class service; reference required. Both phones In all apartment. , Phone Main 27fl and A-7067. . THE DEZEND0RF 108 16TH. NEAR TAYLOR. ONE EXCEPTIONALLY NICE 5 ROOM UNFURNISHED APARTMENT TOP FLOOR. FRONT; ONE 4 ROOM UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, SEC OND FLOOR. FRONT. APPLY ON PREMISES FOR RESERVATION. THE CAMAR. 704 Lovejoy at. TTnder, new management,, new modem brick. 2t 3 and 4 room apartments, fur nished or unfurnished. We will rent you apartments 25 per cent cheaper than any place In the city. Good Janitor service. Give us a call and be convinced. Marshall 2922. 935 E. Ankeny st., newly furnished 2 and 8 room aparts., modern through out. Phone B-2624. IONIAN COURT. 670 Couch. 1 block from Washington st., on 18th st; telephone Main 1192; 8 nnd 4 room modern apartments, steam heat, electric elevator, hot and cold water, telephone and lanltor service. Aprdv of manager, references remilred. KING HILL APARTMENTS. 4, B, 6 room apartmnts: select tenancv. Apply on premise. 171 King st. The Oneonta 187 17th st $20 to $30, 2 and 3 room suites, all modern conveniences, steam heat, easy walking distance. Phone Main 4697. THE M'KINLK 429 E. MORR'SON, COR. 7TH. 8, 3 and 4-roora Apartments, fur nished up to date, private baths, free phone, moderate prices, new manage ment, best service. fG"RA4?ffi""PTB; 79 NerthriTpp-st.j eorv 24th, 5 large rooms, hardwood rioors, front veranda, large sleeping porch, private telephone, water, heat and hot water; new and strictly monern. THE CHETOPA. 18th and Flanders sts.. 2. 3 and 4 room modern apartments, furnished and unfurnished, new build ing and new furniture. Apply to the Janitor. . BANNER APARTMENTS. 489 Clav st., un to date furnished 2 room apartments. Price $20 to $24, In cluding heat, light and Janitor service. Phone Marshall 2074. Drickston Apartment 448 11th near College. 2 and 3 room suites, strictly first class, bachelor apartments a specialty. $26 up. THE LEMBERSON. 654 Couch, corner 17th, very desirable rooms, steam heat, running water, good board, con venient location. Both phones. THE DE LAIR Elegntly furnished 3 roora apartments; modern In everv re spect. Very reasonable rent 619 Williams ave. East 4189. CAMBRIAN 12th and Columbia. Beautiful two nd three room apartments, nicely situated. beautlfullv furnished. Prices reasonable. JUST finished. Florence apts.. 3 and 4 room furnished absolutely first class and modern, location excellent, from $35 to 355. 388 11th. Phone Marshall 4174. FIFTH AND COLLEGE. Splendidly furnished 4 room apart ment, well lighted, every modern con venience, low rates. 1 ne A Itamont. CEDAR HILL Sunny 3 rooms fur nlshed, with balcony, steam heat and phone, walking distance, reasonable rent. A-75Z3. marsnaii a 1 1 1 GRAY Gables apartments, 289 10th. $ room apartments Phone A-2829 FOR RENT FLATS 13 FOR RENT 4 room flat, $20 per month; walking distance, west side. M. E. Lee, 811 Corbett bldg. FOUR room flats, unfurnished, $13.60; furnished $18 60. 20th and Belmont. Call 703 Belmont. MODERN 5 room upper flat, sleeping porch, walking distance. 424 Tilla mook. C-20B8. WALNUT PARK FLATS. Modern 4 and 5 rooms. 1058 Cleveland. TT cars. Woodlawn 2295. SUNNYSIDE Modern 6 room flat, gas range, electric, tubs, shades. 914 E. Morrison, near 30th. Tabor 1798. MODERN 5 room flat, 1st floor, large yard, good location, rent $15. Phone A-3935. 143 Ahernethy FOUR room lower flat; bath, gas, clean and sunny. 672 Mississippi ave.; $13. East 2911. 8-ROOM flat, newly painted, modern, 2 blocks car line, for good tenants, $15 per montn. Main yft4. MODERN 6-rooin upper flat! Furnace, fireplace. Marshall 2927. MODERN 4 room flat $14; over store. 807. Williams ave.- Woodlawn 1507. TWO 6 room flats, new and modern, west side. 1'hone A-479S. VOUR'and 6 room flats. 177M, Green ave., near 23d and Wash. Main 8388. FOR ilENT Modern four room flat. fine river front view. 288 Margin st " APARTOEXaTS , AMKEMY OMIT 13 NEW HOLLADAY FLATS- MODERN. E. 9th and Hancock Hardwood floor, tile baths, ga range and heater large basement and attlo, 3 blocks Broadway car, walking distance. Owner care for lawn; $30, Phone East 6570. TWO 6-room furnished flats; want fam ily With children for lowxr flat 8 beds, gas range, hot water, electrlo lights, pantry, 2 bathrooms, basement; upper flat has 8 beds. Call 621 Mill st. NKW K rfwmi ,T.1. ! 7T, 1 ....... .. Vl ,. ' ?7i nace, fireplace, linoleum on kitchen and bath, gas range, water heater. E. ivin, near Everett. EA car. East 664. 10 ROOM modern flat, near school, city water, electric lights. Inquire 4709 61st. S. E. TWO modern 4 room flats; nice sur roundings: 1 upper, 1 lower; upper has large attic and alcove. 422-444 12th. 5 ROOM lower fiat, modern conven iences, E. 18th and Ash. Phona B- 2006. FOR RENT 3 room flats, walking dis tance, west side: rent $16. M. E. Lee, 311 Corbett bldg. LARGE four-room lower flat at 390 Eliza St., near Cook and Union ave. FURNISHED FLATS 50 TWO desirable unfurnished flats, upper and lower, at 286 14th st. near Jeffer son, rent $25 and $30. 516 Commercial bldg. Main 6777. FIVE room lower flat, 406 7th, furnished complete, close in, reasonable. Call after 11. Phone East 2496, or B-6121. $30 NICELY furnished 5 room flat, walking distance, nice location. 448 Rodney ave. East 4866. FOR RENT 6 room modern flat, fur nished complete. Nob Hill district. Main 9029. $12. THREE room furnished flat, 542 East 27th st, 1 block south Richmond car line. FURNISHED three-room flat, with piano, rent $25. 6 Union ave. COZY furnished 3 room flat, reasonable, 1043 Gantenbeln, cor. Alberta. STORES AND OFFICES 11 OFFICE In the Columbia bldg. for phy- or aentist; can snare reception 'om. Phone Main 1305. STORES in the heart of the city for rent; long lease. M. E. Lee, 311 Cor bett bldg. STORE, next to saloon, suitable for pool room and bowling alley in base ment, at 698 Union ave. STORAGE room for rent In large dry basement, 1 block from Washington st. Phones Main 6058 or A-i 253. WILL give desk room to public stenog rapher. 607 Spalding bldg. HOTELS 64 HOTEL PORTLAND European plan only 33. $6 dy. 1 BELVEDERE Knropean. 4th and Al HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 Just Arrived . .. Twenty ,. head marea ...jjd jreldlag-s, ranging In weight from 1000 TO 1400 POUNDS AGE 5 TO 9 YEARS Several well matched teams: also horses suitable for delivery work. Five sets of double harness and two light farm wag ons. Everything guaranteed as repre sented; no reasonable offer rejected; come and try them for your own satis faction. East 12th st, one block north of Hawthorne ave. Little barn In park. ONE span of very fine geldings, 4 and 6 years old. kind and as sound as a dollar: weight 3600 lbs., low and blonky, with heavy bone; the most perfect span of draft norres in the state. A!so & splendid young spsn of bay . mares, city broke, kind to work to anything by any one, sound every wav, extra good pullers weight 2900 lb. P. L. Kenady, Wood burn. Or. SPAN of heavy draft horses, over 1800 lbs each., 4 to 6 years; right of ranch. Guaranteed Good Workers Also span mules. 2400. and one good cheap 1000 lb. horse. Columbia Stables, 302 Front. Good Young Horses and mares, all welgnts, at reaonnhli prices and guaranteed as represented, st Rose City Park Sales Stables. Take Rose City Park car to 62d st Adams & Campbell, proprietors. CARLOAD horses and mares, weight 1200 to 1500, all well broke. Madison Stables, 185 Madison st., at Hawthorne bridge, west side. All horses guaran teed. MUST sell good 2600-lh. farm or ranch team: leaving city. 2815 5Sth st. S. E. One block west and two south, end of Hawthorne ave. carllne. I WILL sell my equity In a 5-room bungalow In waverly Heights at a bargain or exchange for pair of large draft horses. X-31U, journal. FOR SALE Little black pony, weight about 600, gentle for children, will ride or drive. Columbia stables. 202 Front. ONE of the best teams of ponies In Portland; will exchange for 1100 or 1200 pound horse. 14 Union ave., cor. Ash. - A FINE, nearly new laundry or dye wagon for sale cheap for cash or will exchange for good horse. 14 Union ave.. cor. Ash. HAVING disposed of my ranch, will dispose of my -2 pair mares. Call and see them. Mrs. Holding, cor. 8th, Hawthorne ave.. woooyara. HORSES and buggies for rent by day, weeK ana manui; special rates to business house. 6th and Hawthorne. East 72. FOR SALE or trade, the most complete camp wagon in me state. K.-313, jour nal. 10 HEAD of horses, weights from 1000 to 1600 pounds: call and see them. nitter. 361 Zd St.. net. Aiarxet ana Mill SOUND, big young team mules; will take team of horses In exchange. 14 Union ave.. cor. Ash. ONE horse, weight 1600; alBO team harness and light wagon; price l.'bO. Abel Oreblo, Beaumont wireless camp FOR SALE Eight-year-old 1100-pound horse, good condition, ist. i'none Sellwood 455. WILL take a team of horses as part payment on a lot. F-814, Journal. By FOR RENT FLATS ' HORSES, VEIIICL13, ETC, 18 Horses, Mules and Cows - FOR MALE. 1 13 head horses, weight 1350 each. 10 head horses, weight 1200 ettoh. 16 head horses, weight 1100 arh 8 head horses, weight 1000 each, $ head 4-year-old mule. 1 v., 3 good milch cow. . '- . , -These are all young, none being, aver 9 year old. Come and try the to your own satis faction. HAWTHORNE AVE. STABLES, a iiawtnorne Ave. ONE bay horse, 8 years old, 1200 ibs.i $125; matched blacks, horse and mare, with foal, weighing 3400 lbs. On saddle ' pony $25. These horse sold under a guarantee. 4 East 80th st N., Montavlll LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY 85 COCKERELS- High' class blrdst t R. I. Reds, 3 Brown Leghorns. 3 White Leghorns, 2 White Wyandotte, 8 B. P. Rocks, 2 White Orpingtons, 1 Buff Orp. ington. White Orpington pullet; egg for setting from choice pen; - baby chicks; tonics. The Poultry Supply House, 206 Salmon st. WILL sacrifice 18 hens and pullets, on t fine Barred Rock rooster, if before ' Sunday; better hurry, 196 Jarrct t. ' near Ktrby, Bt. Johns car. FOR SALE Holsteln Jersey cow" and calf, 1 cow fresh 6 weeks. $45 if taken soon; tested. 430 E. KllUngs- wortn ave. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Whit and Krown Legnorn pullets, all laying. Otto Katchy, Main st, 3 blocks north of Lents school house. Call Sunday. FOR SALE 2 fresh Jersey-Durhams; heavy milkers; wanted, Shetland pony 1382 E. Irving and 49th st. Monia-' villa car. - . FOR SALE 1 dozen thoroughbred Ply mouth Rock laying pullets. 692 East Irving st. Rose City car. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Barred Rock cockerels, $1.60 each. 1651 E. Burn- side st. cor. 64tn. Montavina car. MANDY LEE incubator, 140-egg; used one season; good as new: $15. Tabor 1178. FOR SALE White Orpington cockerel, Owen strain, $3. Gay, 761 E. 83d at. W. W. car THREE fresh cows. 666 Insley. Bell-. wood car. FOUR good fresh cows, part Jersey, 683 Insley. Sellwood car. FOR SALE Fresh cows. 1437 Commer- : clal st Phone Woodlawn 273. v WANTED Sitting hens. W. P. Rocks preferred. Phone Main "064. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 LUMBER FROM WRECKED BUILD INGS. 1,000,000 ft. of all kinds; 20,000 ft of 1x6 In. flooring: 25,000 ft. of 3x16 In. Joist; 16 In. x 16 In. girder and post; 25.000 ft. 1x4 in. flooring; 100,000 brick; 2 fine platform scales, perfect condition; . 1 grain cleaning machine and grinder: hot air furnaces; bath tubs, sinks and , toilets; pipe of all kinds, windows and ', doors. Yard 4th and Clay sts. east Bids ; yard, 2d and Irving sts. Phone Mar- shall 1834. E. 610. - INTERNATIONAL BUILDING ft -.- WR-EPK-tN ftM-PANYr- " ANNOUNCEMENT. We have opened a plumbing supply v branch and can sell at wholesale to you. borhtubs, sinks, toilets,- pipe, brass goods, etc.; and anything in plumbing supply line. See us and get our prices. M. BARDE & SON, "The House of a Million Bargains."1 1 Front and Main Sts. Main 663, A-1663 FOR SALE New and second-hand Car- om and pocket billiard table. - and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds: easy payments. The Bninswick-Balke-Cc-Uender Co 46-4$ Fth st. I, ! ' WE sell cash registers, scales, credit registers, cheese cutter, coffee mil lb. etc., at greatly reduced prices, either for cash or payments. The Portland Store Supply Co.. 250 2d St. Marshall 4548. SPECIAL sale of slightly used Singers. W. ft W ." White and Standard sew ing machines; easy payments. Call 883 E. Morrison near Grand. ' " SAFES New and 2d hand; low prices; easy terms; safes opened, repaired and painted. Purcell Safe Co. and Portland Safe Co., 85 6th st. Main 6809, A-4118. SLIGHTLY used cash registers, credit registers, computing scales, , etc.. bought and sold. The Pacific Store Service Co., 227 Stark st. Main 7711. FOR SALE Cheap, a Philo system Cy--- cle brooder hatcher.- Never- has been -, used. 71 W. Church st Woodlawn 3752..' PHONOGRAPH and records, good as new. latest style, halt cost. a. IO wry, 1024 Borthwlck st. ' . FOR SALE Eastman kodak, 8A, devol oplng outfit: everything new, price. Main 4469. Brown. 1 FOR SALE 1 trap drum outfit, with orchestra bells, cheap. Address Box 107. La Center. Wash. - ' WHO wants choice cutting Dreachkar roses, imported, 25c per . dozen,. . 709 r;ast salmon. ALL kinds house furnishings bought, sold and exchanged. Star Furniture Co.. 880 Hawthorne ave. East lun. CAPITAL JUNK CO., dealer in. iron. metal, rubber, sacKs. machinery, pipe, tools, job lots. 67 N. 1st st Mar. 3889 FOR SALE 20 good beds and springs at a bargain. Phone East 4306. RUUD automatic hot water heater. 6l N. 2d. Columbia Coffee House. GENT'S bicycle In good repair, oheap for cash. 181 Madison. ' SELLING out. switches. Just a few left, very reasonable, 314 Swetland bldg. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 40 WANTED A black cocker spaniel pup py. Call Tabor 3495. after 6 p. m. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 WANTED One prescription scale, on counter drug scales. Z-.112. Journal. WE buy and sell most anything. . Main B M. IZ9 ISt St. WANTED 2ij hand furniture. East 8134 . 348 Howthorne- a vs. Seater A Martin. WANTED 2d hand furniture. Portland Salvage Co., 628H Wash. Mar. 1228 WANTED Complete moving . picture outfit. What have you? V-8QS, Journal. CASH paid for household good. C M. ; Pennell Co.. Marshall 4265. WANTED Complete moving picture - outiu. wnat navyoui v-uo. journal. "Bud" Fisher