. THE OREGON DAILY TOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 1, 1912. ii,i;,!Kil LAYS BARNARD COLLEGE, GIRLS WEAR TROUSERS ONE, DAY; EACH, YEAR ; , One Dollar's Worth for One Cent NEW RULE COLONEL ED GREEN MAY DPEFtATEMINE ID), . : . . 'r' '.:.iii i. i V I Arguments. for ' Discharged , Employes' Restricted to Three Channels. ' In future the arguments of appel lant to ' the civil service comtnleslon must b confined to - three channels. They must tend to show that the ap pellant wae not dlsmlsaed for political or religious reason or for the good of the service. " ... The , commission at its meeting; yesterday decided - on - this course. Chairman Willis will insist that attorneys for dismissed employes confine their remarks to the reasons mentioned. Under the law the only grounds on which appeals may be made are those before mentioned. : In recent trials, it Is pointed otiV H lias been the habit of certain attorneys to make a lot of .sensational counter charges j with ' the , hope of smirching nm city official.. The trials of cafces have dragged slowly because the com: mission has not enforced the rules. , . The commission yesterday granted C. O. Murphy a hearing. Murphy, who was ! dismissed from the, water service, declares his dismissal was not for the good of the service. Murphy's hearing will commenoe three weeks from yesterday. A - number of applications for rein statement were rejected yesterday be cause the applications did not have the approval of department heads. The com mission decided to reinstate only such employe a a, may be recommended by their former chiefs, except In rare cases. One of these cases came up yesterday li the application of J. F, Anderson. The applicant was . formerly a . patrolman. JOJiief of Police 6 lover objects to his be ing put back on the eligible list for the reason that Anderson has at times been ' guilty of conduct unbecoming an offi cer. .However, the former patrolman's 'application Is signed by Circuit Judge ,W. N. Gatens, Jay Upton and a doses other-prominent cltisens. For this rea son the commission will consider Andei eon's case at a later date. Chief of Police Slover and. City Engi neer Hurl bur t were each granted an ez tention of six months on their present leaves, which expire March I. Bryaft SaysTTfovemor ;Rrght"fn ! ;; Believing Man Sometimes' Hurj.by Followers, i. i 111 f - " - s V kx 1 ' " '' 111 Vri-A IU' 1 I ;i 'M 'i'!l 1 ill ' - ,i't The girls attending Barnard college have introduced a new fad. that of donning trousers on a particular day each year. The photograph shows four Barnard college students parading on Barnard field in their brother's or their father's clothes. The second trouser day. Just celebrated, was voted a grand success by the students, who cavorted around and tried to act Just like "real boys." times hurt by the sort of men who are clamorous in his support." " Although Bryan would Dot make an announcement of his choice for the Democratic nomination, be said: ' Governor Wilson is the best modern example of Saul of Tarsus. - He has been soundly converted. Wilson's' pro gresslveness is best demonstrated in the Smith Incident In New Jersey." The Nebraska leader also character ised the contest in Missouri between Speaker Clark Kind former Governor Folk as "distinctly, unfortunate.", . i. , Dallas, Texas, Feb. 1. That the can didacy of Governor Wood row Wilson for the JDemoc ratio presidential nomination lias been ; helped rather than hurt by his controversy with . Colonel Henry Watterson of Kentucky was the asser tion here of, William "J, Bryaar.' "Governor Wilson,' Bryan j "aid," "Is right In believing that a man is. some- f i in . , ii v Dogs Make Best Evidence. ; San""" Francisco. Feb. "rrvi"1 Private Crawford's tale of Miss Georgia Aviso's holding him up with his own revolver after her two "bulldogs" ' held him at bay, was good until the court ordered the dogs brought In. They were Spits pups.'- : ; .' ; i Power Plant Ready. ' ; ' i. (Sperlxt to The Joa-oiL) Centralia,. Wash., Feb. l.lt Is ex pected that the "new' power plant of the Centralia Light ae Traction com pany, will be ready for operation In two weeks.. The . machinery J is being con nected ap; ready to. supply the 'Juice." MINERS F, REEING OF BURNS Convention of Workers At tacks Judge Anderson in -.a., Dseinlne! ah ;n6dViUUUIW ' Cnlte4 mm Ussed Wiret Indianapolis, Ind., Feb. 1. A resolu tion criticising United States Judge An derson for quashing the charges of kid naping against Detective William J. Burns In connection with the arrest, of John 3. McNamara here, was adopted by the convention of the United Mine workers. Requests for congressional Investigation of the action of the court were also incorporated In the resolution. The subcommittee appointed by the wage conference Qf coal miners and op erators of Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Indiana, rejected both the proposals submitted by the miners and the operators. The oommlttee will make its official report to the full committee tomorrow. As a result of the rejec tions of these' propositions, it is believed trie present conference will adjourn to morrow and a new conference will be arranged for about March 15. The mineworkers adopted a resolution providing that the United Miners' Jour nal hereafter serve the political as well as the Industrial Interests of the organisation. , TCTTtJRN OFFfWATEft MAIN WILL BE CUT ; All the districts south of the Powell Valley will be put of water for half an hour tomorrow afternoon beginning at S o'clock. The water department advises residents to provide enough water to tide them over that period. The water department is to cut a 12 inch main at East . Sixty-second and Powell Valley road. . .'It' minutes . from First St. to Oaks rink. ' Hetty's Son Considers Reopen- , Ing .Famous ;0ldv Eureka -' Shaft on Settler Creek. ; , V , ' 7- i f " i f ;, ' , (Valted Press Leases' wlrS.t . -San Francisco, Feb; : 1. The famed Old Eureka mine at Sutter Creek, Ama dor county, which netted Alvlnsa Hay ward 30,000,000, it was learned today is to be put into operation again ' by Colonel Edward H. R. Green, son of Het ty Green,- Its present owner.. Since disastrous fire 20 years ago swept off the buildings sod left the ;ao foot shaft to cave in And become' impassable, the mine has been Idle and because four lives were lost in, the fire, Mrs.' Green has persistently refused ' to reopen the mine for further development 'Many Paolfie promoters from time to time sought Mrs. Green In New York to pur chase the mine, but she Invariably turned down offers of $2,000,000, the amount her husband, paid Hay ward for the property, She demanded 1,2,0 00,000 for the mine Just as it stood ' Colonel Green, who is In San Fran clsco, Is going to visit the mine and probably will order work to start at once to clear the ruins, preparatory to reviv ing tne property. - STATE SUNDAY SCHOO L ONTO E IS BEGUN The second annual meeting of th Oregon state Sunday school conference of liberal Christian churches opened its session this afternoon at the Church of the Good Tidings, First Universalist, East Twenty-fourth snd Broadway streets. Addresses by Dr. Corby, pastor of the First Universalist church; Rev, A. H. Sargent, president of the confer ence and pastor of the Universalist church of. Eugene; Mrs. W. M. Stewart, secretary of the conference and super intendent of the Universalist Sunday school of Hood River; Rev. W. G. Eliot, pastor of the First Unitarian church, and a devotional service by Dr. Thomas Lamb Eliot, pastor emeritus of the First Unitarian church, made up the program. Following a supper at the church for the visiting delegates at 6 o'clock this evening, there will be a song service at 7:45-o'clock. Addresses will be given by Mrs. J. W. Wilkins, superintendent of the elementary primary department q the O.regan State Sunday. School asso ciation, and Rev. Charles A. Phlpps, general secretary of the same associa tion. , A session tomorrow morning will close, the meeting. At that session the topics will deal mainly with boys. Miss Henrietta Eliot will read the scripture, Rev. J. C MacDonald of Hood River will speak on "One Boy's Class"; Dr. Corby will speak on "Boy Scouts": Rev, A. H. Sargent of Eugene will speak; on "Boys in the Sunday School"; Dr. J. A. Crusan of Salem will speak on "Little Men and The sessions are being attended byl large numbers of delegates from all parts of the state. , . VT',.r jit i . Pay as the price of one of these article! plos one cent gets yon TWO r articles 6 $1.00 Shoop'a Restorative, 2 bottles for only. .i.Sl.Ol 1 ! $1 m Vnrnmn Antirat3c SuDOOsitorieS. 2 for.'..S1.01 J 31.00 Cook' Tansy Female Pills, 2 boxes for only SI. 01 A $1.00 McKenzie's Catarrh Treatment, 2 for only $1.01'. . v 6 6 6 6 0. .6k 50c Cook's Xiver Salts, 2 for price pf one plus lc. .51 60c Florida Water. 2 for. only.. . ... .U; .... . . . ;5l 25c Laxative Bromo Quinine, 2 for only.. ...... ..267 ; 25c Syrup of Figs, 2 for only. . . . . ..,. . , . . .. , ;.26J 25c Boro-Thyttie, 2. for only, v, j i...v26t " 25c White Pine Cough Syrup, 2 for only. .... .... .26 . 25c Carter's Liver Pills,' 2 for, only,-. : , 26$ 25c Carver's Cold Cure, 2 for only . . . . . . ..... ; ". . . ; 2G A25c Half Hour Headache Tablets, 2 for 26 25c Cook's Tasteless Castor Oil, 2 for .20 25c White's Tooth Paste, 2 for only ......... , . . . 26 25c Graves Tooth Powder, 2 for only. .......... , . . 26 25c Tooth Brushes, 2 for one price plus lc. ...... . 28 25cFace Chamois, Powder Puff or Sponge, 2 for-26? . 35c notinrl Best Peroxide- (not the so-called klndV2 IiR ' 25c BOTTLE OF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING 6 . HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES, including Tincture Ar nica, Bay Rum, Glycerine Rose Water, Wood Alco- A hoi, Witch Hazel. Spirits Camphor, Castor Oil, Spir-" its Nitre, Glycerine and Rose Water, Carbolic Acid,' A Camphorated Oil, Sweet Oil, Jamaica Ginger, Lysol, '', Essence of Peppermint, 2 bottles during sale O for only 0C , O 10c PACKAGE OF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: Boric Acid, Borax, Senna Leaves, Epsom Salts, Pow dered Alum, Bicarbonate Soda, Camphorated Chalk, Cream Tartar, Rochelle Salts, Compound Licorice, Powder Chamomile Tea, Powdered Orris Root, t - ' Powdered Sulphur, 2 of these 10c packages for. ... X 1 C 50c full lb. Taylor Bros. Famous Chocolates, 2 boxes 51 33 Vac Off on AU Rubber Goods , A 6 6 6 Sale Days Friday and Saturday Only W'LVUUZiXUQ CO. , 6 6 Kimonos Now Only W$M Women he v y Domet flannelette Kimonos, Various pretty styles, in all ; the wanted colon, . cat full long and wide, every size in all styles, sold reg ularly at $1.50 and up to - $2; some shown in floral patterns trimmed with contrasting materials, QQ on sale at 30G, S1.95IIdnse Dresses on Sale Now Women's, and Mines' stylish gingham, percale House Dresses in every wanted col or, in stripes and ' various a a sort- ment of patterns, low necks and short sleeves, high neck and long sleeves, ; all sizes, in every style, all on sale at the low ypfUtol 98c Ml IT!. II 1L 11 EQ'lES EE HIVE LABOWITCH BROS., 169-171 Xlilrcl St. SaiSSSSSC1 A Great Collec tion of $i Waists Selling for 98c This collection of Waists is as fine and fresh a lot of Waists as you will find anywhere at double the price; 25 different styles in batistes, lawns, lin gerie, linene; some are plain tailored, others lavishly trimmed with finest all-over embroideries and laces, made with latest sleeves and collars; an sizes in every wanted style; QO regular qi.uu values, tms sale " s7 r V .yU ....... 04 (If llrAMt AtlfA QL.AO V U III C 11 9 White and Color ed Waists for 48c YouH have to hurry for these Waists, they won't last long? odd lots, broken and discontinued styles, every one a sensational bargain; they are made of lawn, madras, chambray, flannelette, etc.; a dozen pretty styles, white, also corors and dainty stripes; all sizes to begin with. - Price is quoted only while they last; values from AQn Mi SBlBMBMMMBSaSS)BNSIS 52 Latest Corsets Notv for A startling bargain in women's latest Corsets. A brand new lot, both short and long . lengths, with supporters at tached, with draw string ; made cf heavy c o u t i 1 and light batiste cloth, all sizes in the lot; regular $2 values on sale at low QQn price of, pair wOv; C a pa t ej) U 9 U Petticoat On Sale 98c Hydegrade H eatherbloom P etticoats, made with wide, heavy, e m b r oidered flounce, some in plain sat t e e n tailored and others ac cordion plaited all sizes; val ues up to $2.50 all on , QO .sale at ?OC 2 Sensational Sweater Bargains Sweaters Regular $4 Sweaters On Sale at 1.48' A lot of slightly , soiled $4.50 and $5.00 Women's and ; M i s s e s W o o 1 Sweaters in every con ceivable . color, made in Various style weaves, all sizes;, in all the city no sweater bargain like this; while .lot lasts at $1.48 On Sale at This lot of high grade All-Wool Sweaters com prising plain and fancy weaves, all wanted col ors in every size; various attractive styles, and' sold regularly up to $5; these are offered while the lot lasts: jrour choice $2.48, Most Remarkable Gingham Apron Bargains 17c 35c Aprons for 17c Skirt style Kitchen Aprons, made of standard - bhie and white gingham, cut full and long with pocket and long strings, 35c vals. 50c Aprons for 37c Cover-All Aprons, made of Amoskeag gingham, blue and white checks, cut full long and wide, with pocket, 7 .regular 50c kind only lC, ' - s 50c GINGHAM APRONS, 25 Children's Gingham ' Aprons, with or without sleeves, or. all sizes, regular 50c now dC w.F. K.-aarrtsS' ' TlSSl I l S sw. tVa VTV ' - ffV M m I 75c Aprons ' for 50c Amoskeag Gingham 'Aprons, as sorted bhie and white checks, cut full and long, with pocket Cfl, and long strings; reg. 75c eJUC $1.00 Aprons for 75c "Gibson" Aprons, finest made, best Amoskeag gingham, white taped, extra deep , hem,- extra long strings, four styles, 7C- resular $1 values at only l JV ' . 60c CHILD'S f ROMPERS,' 25 Children's Flannelette Rompers in navy blue; all sizes, regular . OP. 60c values on sale at , only; WC Save on Flannelette Underwear $2 Flannel etteGowns H e a v y Flannelette WomenV Gowns, made, full wide and long, various pretty styles in ! attractive stripes, plain Colors, also white; all sizes in the lot; values to $2. on sale at AO. low : prite wi " , a' v wm-iiii'tiii - : f Petticoats at A , big bargain , in Heavy Flannelette. Petticoats, generous ly 1 mads, In plain white, pink and blue, also striped materi als, ' vanous Btyles ; sold' reg. at 65c and 75c; take them away at the low QQ price of only "y. 52 Child's Drcs'cs 0Sc m ' r JA ' js A brand new lot of Children's Dresses, made of fine substantial materials in such wanted clotha as Galatea, Hyde- grade, etc.; every o ne- attractively trimmed and fin est sewed; - all sizes in the lot, in every pretty light, medium and dark color; val ues up to 92,00; on sale at v. low price 98c r?lor l Notion Sale a Tl Every Item in this list is un-1 matcnable value for the reg- r ular price ana to make tms sale doubly interesting) we offer any two items for ' the price of one while lots last 25c Pyralin Dressing Combs 7 inches, strong and durable, . assorted fancy colors; regular 25c, while lot lasts, 2 for 25 .rpauey a. vaseline," aold reg ular at 5c a bottle, during thl: I sale, while tne lot lasts, we offer 2 botdes i or- the price of one; 2 for 5 , - f ' "Crystolio". ' Scouring Sand I Soap, full size cake, regular 5c values only to be had here I at wonderful low price, 2, 15c "Air Float" Talcum Pow. der, large size can, regular j . isc values on sale, 2 tor iof j High-GradeMusBio Underwear Reg. S2 Muslin Gowns Now 98c Hundreds of beautiful Gowns, by far the: best values ever offered anywhere; every one elaborately trimmed with laces' and embroidery.1 They come in round, square or V necks and long or ; short sleeves; r these $2.00 QQ handsome gowns " for O C . yhar $2.00 Petticoats Now at Only 98c Beatifi4VWbtt.PeiUcoat cut full, long and wide; hand some pattern! -irt iaces i and embroidery, trimmed on wide flounces, some tucked, some hemstitched and sanitary made ; 'Values to $2 and even $2 JO each; choice. Of QQ these j fine petticoats iTheBEE, IHIH VE 1 LABO WITCH BROS., lGO-lTlTtilrdlSU??. t :.- :::,: .-';v Vf-,.-. -i w,'. ? : . : ;,,: - .. .' : - . ' . V ..' v v.. i c .s ',4 : ..;..- , 4 . . i ;k .. ? . : ::i , ' -. ,- j ,r ,. , c '.U-v--r f :;" J-,; : ' V ' ' -r--' i u 1 u Ul f 4S Switches $US , $5.00 . German - Hair Switches, 24 in., all ',, a h a d e s ' sanitary t made, natural, wavy. ; $5.00 kind at f 1.05 $4BairPoI!s$I.95 $4 Pink Lady" Hair Puffs, large size, fine hair, all shades, san itary made. 54 kind, on sale only f 1.05 $7.50 Switches $S.95 $7.50 Finest German Hair Switches, all shades, extra heavy and long,; ;t sanitary made,' natural wavy, $7.50 kind at $ 3.05, PA ni.J,IsTTl-JsV? $1.50 Greatest collection of $2.00 and $2.50 Waists ever assem bled; elegant models, secured from a high class ; maker, . These are as fine a lot of waists as you will find anywhere at double the price; 20 , different styles made of lawns; batiste and lingerie; many have' side ruffles,' others are lavishly trimmed ' with fine laces and richly : embroidered ; an si sea on sale' at $1.50 1 - y