18 THE ' OREGON , DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 31. 1912. MUSICAL INBTRCSIENTS 84 MT elegant J. ft C. Fischer upright -tnno 90, (8 monthly; tins ween 2X,. 127 lh st , : LAPWCHKS AJTD BOATS Q4 HOUSEBOATS, rowboats, launches to AUTOMOBIM2S-MOTOHCYC1.ES 44 DON'T LOOK FURTHER: WB HAVE .. - tub? fun vnii n iMT Ovar 7S mm to iIm( from, all makes, 'all prices. We are exclusive dealer In silently used cars. Our stock is the largest and best on the Pacific coast. ' EVERT CAR GUARANTEED. , ' , OREGON AUTO "EXCHANGE!, list and Washington sts. TIRES. Tiros. Tiles. S3. 00 to 315.00 each Smith Is now located at 202 Madison at. Wa buy, aell and exchange anything pertaining to automobiles. Tubes re paired, 2 So each. Auto Tire Co., 801 jviaaison st, kNOX LINE OF RLEASURE CARS, MOTOR TRUCKS AND TRACTORS, ALSO MOTOR FIRE VEHICLES EIGHTH FLOOR. ELECTRIC BLDU MOUNT HOOP MOTOR CAR CO. 6ECGND hand automobile supplies bought, sold and exchanged; all sises of tires. $3 to $20 each. We- vulcanise tubes. - X5o each, guaranteed. Both phones.' Auto Supply Co.. 288 Main at. 1211 Cadillac, lust Ilka new. nly'driven 4000 miles, fully equipped and nickel trimmings; will accept your old car. as part payment. , THIS IS A RARE BARGAIN. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE "Mat and Washington ata. VANTEIW6000 old auto tires, 1s per ID. delivered; nu.uuo ios. inner laws, ISo per lb.j 60,000 lbs. solid rubber, Sc ner lb. J. Leve. l uoiumoia su van us up. Main oi Van rtit.R 1 tan riellverv truck, srooi . iwnitinn. 1 1 frt. or will trade: need larger car; will give terms or take good team, wagon and harness. 3808 73d st jlIITO inrP8. ble- monev In the bus!' ness. small payment down,; balance to suit: get ready for the spring. 208 Hallway Excnangc, WANTEn 4 or 8 Dass. or roadster automobile, I have lots free and clear to trade for same in roruana. jwubi, Marshall 4299. E-316. Journal. AUTO renal rin and storage work, guaranteed all experienced hel". The I'oweu uarage, iuo ana tiawinorne. Tsbor 1147. I Borings - guaranteed. 21 N. ISt i"OR SALE or trade, auto; goa tion: , sv, snap u taken at Ftark. - AUTO nearly new, 3 passenger, sell or exchange for good lot or equity in lot. mono wooaiawn i47. , "WANTED 1810 or '11 automobile for good clty.property, Q-810, Journal . PORTLAND Magneto Co., expert mag neto and coil repairing. 63 N. Park. LOST AND FOUND 21 LOST Black onyx screw earring set In platinum with: three pearls. Finder ' please return to 146 Fifth street, care J aeons-mine Co., ana receive rewara. LOST Lady's gold watch. Reo fob. In ' Itiala "A, M. 8." and gentleman's pic ture insiae, jttewara ir returned to 19 j&tn st. ox: have by identifying and paying for ea. ana care, nauit LOST Brooch iln between 68th and 76th sts.. on i, Gilsan. -Reward. CJ 817, journal. LOST Package of papers between Rob . erts Bros.' and Teon bldg. Return to tiz yeon Diag. Reward. urday, between Bellwood or in Baker , rneatre. ttu aa itauop ave.; rewaro. NOTICES SO - - BALK OF TIMBER. Portland, Or., Dec. 20. 1811. Sealed bids marked outside, "Bid, timber sale application, September 14. 1S11, Whit- ; man," and addressed to the district for ester, forest service, Portland, Oregon, will bo received up to and including the third day of February, JJlg.for all tne merchantable! dead timber, standing or down, and all the live timber marked for cutting by the forest officer, located on an area to be definitely designated bv the forest Officer before cutting be gins of about 8100 acres, including a portion of section 84, T. 11 S.. R. 85 E. W. M.; all of sections 13. 24 and 26, and portions of sections 2, 8. 10, 11. 12, 14, 23, 26-and 36, in T. 12 8., R. 85 E. W. M.. and approximately all of sections 28 and 83, and portions of approximately sec tions 9. 16, 21, 22, 27 and 34, T. 12 8., : R, 86 E. W. M., unsurveyed, and por tlona of approximately aections 2, 3, 4 and 11, T. 18 8 R. 86 H E. W. M., un surveyed, within the Whitman national . forest, Oregon, estimated to be 44,129, 000 feet B. M. live and merchantable dead western yellow pine, 8,337,000 feet B. M. live and merchantable dead west ern larch, 6,681,000 feet B. M. live and merchantable dead Douglas fir, 760,000 feet B. M. white fir, and 644,000 feet B. M.. lodgepole pine, saw timber, log scale, more or less. No bid of Jess .than $2.26 per thousand feet B M. for the live and merchantable, dead western yellow pine cut during a period of three yeara from the date of approval of the contract, and 32.60 for the same species , thereafter, and $1.00 per thousand feet Si. M. for the live and merchantable dead western larch, Douglas fir. live white fir and lodgepole pine, will be consid ered, and a deposit of $3000, payable to the order of the First National bank of Portland, Oregon, must be sent to that bank for each bid submitted to the dls- trlct forester. Timber upon valid claims . is exempted from sale. . The right to ; reject any and all bids Is reserved. For further Information in regard to the : terms of this sale and other regulations governing sales, applicant should ad- dress Forest Supervisor, Whitman Na tional Forest, Sumpter, Oregon. GEORGE H. CECIL. ' . District Forester. PORTLAND, OR. Jan, 16, 1912. To .Whom It Mav Concern: Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Is not an officer or a stockholder in the Pacific Appraisal company of Portland. Oregon; and is in no way connected therewith or responsible for Its acts or ' representations. W. A. DEAN. ANNUAL meeting Coast Range Lumber Co., will be held at secretary's office, 206 Board of Trade. February 6, 1912. T. J. Eeufert, secretary. ft St PcondI- TWica, z A SKELETONIZED HISTORY 26 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the district court of the United States for the district of Oregon 1 the matter of Barry N. Robs and C, winters Ross, as Individuals, and a partners under the firm name of Ross tic Koss, bankrupt; No. 1846, In BuiiK runtcy. Notice is hereby srlvcn that on th 29th day of January, A. D. 1912, Harry w. koss ana u. winters ttoss or ron land, ureson. the bannruol aoov named, was duly adjudicated bankrupt and- that the first meetlne of theli creditors will be held at the offices of the undersigned, rooms 401-2-3, Fenton building Portland, Oregon, on the 13th day of February, 1912, at 11 a. m., at wnicn time said creditors may attend prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come oerore saia meeting. Claims must be oresented In form re quired by the bankruptcy act and sworn to. The schedule filed discloses doubtful assets. CHESTER X3. MURPHY, Referee in Bankruptcy. Dated January 30, 1912.' NOTICE is hereby given that I will not stand responsible lor an indebtedness contracted Dy wire, iony aenraeder. u a. ssenraeaer. TO WHOM it may concern: I will not do retinonsiDie Tor anv aems con tracted by my wife. Leonora Sill, after mis ciaie. u. u. estii PERSONAL 22 WE have teen in Portland manv years, have treated over 6000 patients and never had a death while under our treat ments. We have Invested more money in modern machines and electrical ap oaratus than anv Dhvslcian on the Pa' olfic coast. We get results in thousands oi cases T ner medicines failed to neip and htve saved hundreds from opera tions after all hone had been erlven up. We will be glad to consult with you. We make no charges for that. We use no medicines and do not operate. We use everv electrical and mechanical means baths, massaae. heat and liKht. We can cure do cure and have cured cases when others have failed. W occuov the en tire north half of the third floor of tne Rothchlld bldg. Dr. w. E. Maiiory. mt uropath. GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse; long experience, best references; treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, etc.; massages and baths. 348 Williams ave., near weidier St., -u car. t-none East 2608. C-2563. Open Sundays. DB. ALTCIS A. ftRIFF D1s-.se! af women and children, has removed to LaFayette biag, Washington st W r. I. HOWARD, M. D. Modern Electro-Therape'iilcs. Chronic diseases cured without opera tion or pain. Consultation free. B04-30O KOthcmia Diag. Dr, Burroughs ffa m hA ttv Antv-flvM vmpi fexnerl- nce in successfully treating nervous diseases. Examination free. Suite 21, Pelllng-Hlrsch bid.. ST9V. Washington. TAITENA. the prescription of the late Lawson Tait. the celebrated English surceon. fov the cur- of female trou- t!V to- OA OO talned from- IM M8uim pharmacy, corner Marguerite ave. ana MILLINERY school, learn In six weeks. Be ready for spring position and lo cation. Hats trimmed and remodeled for half price. 806 Ooodnough bldg. Opposite P. O. A NEW hypodermio treatment for ca tarrh. Kesults guaranteed. Non-op- erative. B. M. Richardson, M. D., eye, ear and nose specialist. 309 Northwest bldg., 6th and Washington DR WALKER, specialist; quickly cure diseases of men. blood and stun dis eases, sorea, ulcers, swollen glands kid ney, d i aaaer anj cues. ii first su Portland. ASTHMA t r heart trouble; wish to see the case I can't cure. DR, DOUGLAS, t). C. 888 Union ave. N.. Portland. Or SANDERSON CO. Bavin and Cotton Root Plus, sure remedy for delayed periods. $2 box or 8 boxes for $6, by tall. T. J. r-ierce, Morrison. ELECTRIC thermal baths and mechano theraDV treatments for rheumatism. nervousness and poor circulation. 843 $4 Morrison. SEXOID Marvelous cure for weakness in men. by mall II per box, money re turned If it falls. Dr. Pierce Remedy Co., 246U Morrison. DR. A. A AUSPLUND. Disea-es of women and surgery. Ex aminations free. 802 Merchanta Trust bldg.. 6th and Washington. Main 4047. FREE science treatments until cured, no matter what or how serious the disease; cured cases are my best adver tisements. Write H-307. Journal. MRS. SOPHIA B. SE1P, mental and spiritual scientist, buz AiisKey bldrr. Main 6824. Meeting Wed. and FrL 8 m. SYRINGES, both spray and fountain: the 33 kind for H cents at Blue Jay arug store, pauvj wnsnington, LADIES' Lorenz Antiseptic Cones are soothing, safe and aure. SI cer box. Stlpo Taylor Drug Co.. 289 Morrison St. LORENZ Nerve Tonic Tablets restore lost vitality: zto box: s boxes 11.26. Stipe-Taylor Drug Co.. 289 Morrison st. ELECTRIC treatment for rheumatism, nervousness, suite iz. slH Morrison st. FOR SALE Vaudeville sketches, comic and dramatic; sketches, songs writ ten to order; references. B-S14. Journal. MISS LEWIS, lato of San Francisco, treats baldness and diseased scalo. 406 Stark, Main 3636. WOMEN Use remolds when others fan. Sold and guaranteed by the Ausplund Drug store. HON. flth st. Main 8106. SCALP treatment, facial massage. Alton notei. mn ana tntarK. Koora 4Z3. BALM of Figs remedy for diseases of women, bit Davis st. Msln 9Z1B. SCALP treatment, shampooing. 246 Alder, suite 3'), tnirrt floor. SCALP specialist, guarantees grow hair. Give me trial. 814 Swetland. FINANCIAL 51 WANTED $30,000, have $110,000 worth of property to Becure with; will pay per cent interest for one year or longer. E-317, Journal. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES Or seller's equity In contract of sale on real estate In Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble. Lumbermena bldg.. Loans. WE BUY notes, contracts, mortgages, equities. Nelson Bros., 804 Lewis Bldg. NOTICES 51 WANT CA8HT ' We buy mortgages, sellers' contracts. CO-OPERATIVE TRUST COMPANY, y 404 Teon bldg. LOANS WANTED 80 $600 For a $700 second installment mortgage on Hawthorne district bun galow: prompt payments of il8 month ly and interest at 6 per cent. J-813, Journal. 1 WANTED To borrow $8000 for 8 years at 8 per cent interest on highly Im proved country property worth $26,000. Address L-801. Journal. $8000 wanted on two houses and lots on ' Hawthorne car, 7 per cent, from pri vate party, k-sio. journal. WANTED To borrow $1600 on new house, will pay 8 par cent for 3 years. N-801, Journal. WANT $1000 on new bungalow, value 83000. Address K-30I, Journal. AlONEY TO LOAN 27 Money on Credit Something New This company was organized by lead ing business men of this city to LOAN MONEY to working1 neonla and others on their PLAIN NOTES, without In dorser or publicity; also on furniture, Dlanos. horses, cattle, storage receipts and autos at rates honest pwple can afford to pay. Think This Over Borrow 810 nnv hnrlr 112.60 In 6 Davts. Borrow $25 pay back $28.95 In pt y'ts. Borrow $50 pay back $66.45 in 6 pay'ts. Borrow $100 pay b'k $111 In 6 pay'ts. Uther Sums in Proportion NO OTHER CHARGES. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Rebate Given If Paid Before Due. Portland Loan Co, 206-7 MACLEAY BLDG. Both Phones. Bet 4th and 6th Sts. on Washington Pt Open Monday and Saturday till 9 p. m. DO YOU NEED MONEY W will furnish vou. strictly eonfl dentlal, without delay, a loan In any amount on your auto, piano, furniture, livestock, storage receipt and all other Kinds or securities, on terms to sun. also on weekly or monthly payments. WE BUY AND LOAN On first and second real estate snort gages. Rellertt' cnntrnrtH. U. S. REAL ESTATE & BROKERAGE CO.. 812 Hamilton bldg.. 131 3d. Main 2084. $6 TO Hrolo'c Toot Unnat Furnished salaried neonle without se curity. Indorsement, delay, deception or extortion; cheapest rates, best and most -.rlvate terms In Portland. 307 Spalding bld- Don't Borrow Money UNTIL YOU SEE VS Loans on furniture, pianos, salaries. etc.; lowest rates. HTTTTON CREDIT CO. 807 Spalding bldg, . Salaried People START THE NEW YEAR OW1NO TtTTT ONE PARTY $19 TO $100 ON YOUR PERSONAL NOTE. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS CALT TELEPHONE OR WRITE State Security Co, 308 FAILING BLDG. iKLRY--COMPANY, (LICENSED) LIBERAL ADVANCES JEWELRY. DIAMONDS, SILVER, WATCHES. PIANOS. ETC PRIVATE OFFICES 120 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDOw (THIRD FLOOR) SECOND AND STARK STS. !'A Loan You Money On your furniture, dlsmords or real es tate: lowest rates of lnttrest See me first J, E, Nichols 615 Yeon bldg. Money to Loan On livestock, pianos, autos or anything or value; cheap rate or interest. Frank Lane 609 Swetland bldg. C, Frank Nichols Co. For a loan on any kind of security. IT WtLiJL WST IUU No extra charges. Private office. courteous and confidential treatment CALL AND GET ACQUAINTED. 60S Lumbermen's Bldg., 6th and Stark. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE Women keeping house and oters fur nished without security, cheapest rates. easiest payments. Come and get money when you want it, and pay as you can. Offices In all principal cities. D. a Tolman, 317 Lumber Exchange. 1200 TO LOAN on improved city prop erty. I wish to loan direct to bor rower. Agents need not apply. Call 14 Spalding bldg. MONEY to loan, large toans a specially, building loans; lowest rates; fire in- snrance. W. Q. Beck. 812 Falling. MORTGAGE loans, in any amount; Liberal terms: mortgages purchased. Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. Wilcox bid g. PRIVATE money to loan In any amount on real estate security. C-3078, even- ngs. MONEY sold on Installment; conflden tlal to salaried people. F. A. New ton 616 Henry Bldsr. MONEY to loan first jnortgage, Droved city property. Buetlkofer, 205 Salmon. 00.000 on mortgages, city or farm property, fire Insurance. McKensla A Co.. Gerlfnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. PRIVATE party will loan $C and up at one nair rate cnargea ny DroKers. 720 Chamber of Commerce bldg. LOANS on diamonds, jewelry and other articles at usual Interest rata: con fidential. 825 Falling bldg. PRIVATE money to loan, $2600, $700, $5000. Gowen-Ide Trust company, room 2, Lumhermens bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE A. H. hakim is.. 818 Chamber of Com. WILL loan $20,000 or less real estate. Harrington. is commercial club bids. LOAN for the asking,- salary or chat- tel. The Loan Co. 414 Dekum bldg. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7 per cent Louis Salomon tt Co., 229 Stark st MONEY to loan on real estate. O. M. Smith, 60S Yeon. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent. W. It Belts & Co.. 810 gapldlng bldg, SHORT TIME LOANS. $100 AND UP. ZUY UKriHUNIAN BL,IJU. QUICK loans on all securities. 8. W. King. 46 Washington bldg. Main 8100. $6000 or part to loan In Irvlngton dis trict 7 per cent Main 1166. OF TEDDY AS AN FINANCIAL 27 MONEY to loan on Improved real .estate), x. wnite. 7i Belling pug. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANTS, EXPERT CERTIFIED Experienced all lines: books openea, olosed, written up, financial state ments; private Instruction; service any where; permanent or temporary book keepers furnished, ftoj Bwetiana oiag. Main 440. ASSATTJ&a WELLS PROEBSTEL. assayers. ana. lyiicai cnemisis, isuti wasn. m. idvb, MONTANA assay office, laboratory, ore testing. Marsnau I7a. 1B Morrison. ATTOBNETS A. E. COOPER. Attorney at Law. Gen eral practice: abstacts examined. Re. moved to 1424-1428. Yeon bldg. Main 873; A-2071. THOMA8 D. REED, lawyer, removed to uregonian Didg., 4tn rioor. CH1STOPHERSON1 & MATTHEWS, general practice. 416-417 Yeon bldg. lections. 622 Yeon bldg. Main 7378 BICYOU3 WBFAXBXJrQ BICYCLES, motorcycles, bought sold repaired. Madison Repair Shop, 181 Aiaoison. BICYCLES, motorcycles, bought, sold, repaired. Mad. Kep. Shop. 181 Madison, BLAHK BOOK kUEEBB HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY, 108 8d at Blank Book m'f'g.; agents for Joaes m proved Loose-Lear Ledgers: see the aew aiurexa leur. A-llil. Main BUSIVXSS CAKSS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and crossings. 817 pecK oiag. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVIWG CO, twuand office, 606 Eleetrlo Diag. CARF2T OXEAirzirw JOYCE RROS.. Electric Cleaning Work carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty. E. 440. B-1963. 204 E. ltn Pt. OABPET WEATIVCI NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, ruga from old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning, 163 Union ave., near E. Morrison. RAG carpet and rugs, 1618 Patton ave. fnone woooiawn 2686. OKIBOFOSZST8 F. J. KING, specialist on flat and de formed feet, will relieve tired and oching feet, callous and enlarged Joints, 416 Rothchlld bldg. Marshall 1947. THE WIGGERY Beauty Parlor, chlrop- ody, massage, manicuring, eta 402 Ellers bldg. Main 2490. CKZBOPRACTIO PHYSICIAJf ADAAfS' hath norlnra 01 li th (iT1 tlflc massagest,' 'electric blanket sweats and salt baths given for colds, rneumausm. DR. EVA MARSH cures all forms u: rheumatism. 223 FUedner bldg. Main A-DZ1S. HAVE given thousands of adjustments: .ou weeK. Bath office ana wasn. CHIP1XB DOCTORS ' DR. J. L. LONG MEDICAL CO., phy- stclan for men, women. 2'3H Alder. ooxjusoes Aira schools OREGON LAW SCHOOL. 816 Commonwealth bldg. COAX AITD WOOD DRV BLOCK WOOD Lumber market dead, cutting our heavy timbers to stove lengths. Quick service. Tel. Marshall 8965. PACIFIC HOUSE-WRECKINO CO Merchants Trust bldg. IP SPECIAL 15 PRICES ON i UKKKN BnUnT WUUU GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD INSIDE GREEN 8HORT DRY SHORT WOOD SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding The Portland Slabwood Co. Main 3119. A-7001. V, D. Smith Fuel Co. Dry fir slab and block wood. ROCK SPRINGS COAL Coal Special While It lasts at $4 per ton delivered. High grade coaL Order today and save money. Phones Main 7514. A-4368. KVoV Edlefsen Fuel Co. Dry country Blab, block and cordwood Branch coal office, Meier & Frank's. Slabwood Dry or Green Alasks Fuel Co. Alaska dock Main 1983. PAC. SLABWOOD CO. ft Dry slabwood. blr and small I 3709. 366. . Ins Ids, I wood. block wood, planer trlrng's, cord FROM $6.60 UP Yukon Coal Co. 4 N. 6th. Mar. 8793. A-8188 THE ECONOMY FUEL :0. handles all the leading coals. Diamond, Rock Springs, Hannaford. etc. Prices right 846 R Ankeny. East 214. B-2.142. NEER &, FARR ThM cawed to order. Prompt delivery. 806 Water st. Main 4696. A-4647. MKfflflS WOT! & East 3138. Country Slab. Tabor 1742. B-2633. Block and Cordwood. B-2629. PHOENIX FUEL CO. Cord, slab and dry short wood. til BAV1KK BT. MAIM g4. Yamato Wood and Coal Co. EAST. 818. B-18S7. 4 foot dry wood. Nat Fuel Co., 887 Water at Marshall 960. A-8646. wTRLEYDra n 877. F. J. EVERTS, Ft Curry st ALBINA FUEL CO. All kinds of green and dry wood. Rock Springs and Men dota coal. PORTLAND WOOD YARD. age. 9th and Gilsan. Main 8363, A-2283. CTfY MARKET Wood Yard. Cookft uon, sa and ciay. Main SZ43. A-4J13 MONET. TO LOAN GiUL INFANT HIS FIRST VISITOR RECEIVES A WARM COAX ABTD WOOD , - BEST COAL LOWEST PRICES Not in the fuel combine ", gale Creek Lump. $8.60. Gale Croek Steam. $6.60. (Helda fine all night.) .. 4 Rock Creek Lump, $7.60. Comet T.llmn lA In imnnltmA Buy your coal loose and save 60o per tort n these prices. ,,...-.,,,,-' PORTIAND CONSUMER8' COAL CO. luast isx sna Tavior. Tel. E. 118, Home B-1118. SOUTH . PORTLAND SLABW06' CO. Mam zibat A-S84Z. ury inside wood, sreen Biaowooa, sawaust. Mixed 82 loaa STANDARD WOOD CO.. bog planer and n mrawooo. 147 IS. StarK. , ttast 131 t-lB8, KOR COAL AND AtL KINDS 6 WOOD,, PHONE HOLGATE FUEL bkllwwu 486. jcxoncxs WB pay highest price for 2d hand clothes no noes. ztg front. Alain 4808. T ooxjUBonoars WELLS MERC. AGY.. EST. 1908. CTIR RENT, DELINQUENT ACCT8. COL- lr.u J JLJU. JVl. BY76. 701 BD. OF TRADE. PROF, credit bureau, phy. and dentists' ic, am jvieqicai Did. M. Sl7, A-702S. CONTXAOTOKS AND BUILDERS furniture repaired, upholstered, kalso mlnlng, painting. 236 6th. Main 7648. WILLIAM FISHBECK, carpenter and ..guilder. Jobbing and contracting. 206 4th st. Main 6241 E. GEORGEFF. carpenter, builder, store r . . . . . . : v. ' n Anxeny. Marsnau zss HIGHEST grade carpenter and cabinet wurK lor Danus. ifnrAR nnn tinmaL ... n. nammond, l H5 Madison. BRICK, stone and cement work. TaU oeii. iu. city or country. . T. CROSBY, contractor, builder, Job- an Kings. 7 weiaier. m. gM SAITCXBTCI HEATH 8 school lessons 26c. fancy stage and social dancing taught dally, waltz and two sten rusrai-tnul In four lessons: Class Mnr.rtnv evanlnir. 1.19 2il 8 .betWashlngton and Stark sts. PROF. FORD'S school of dancing. 37th day and Thursday evenlnrs st 8. Trl. vate lessons by appointment. Tabor 8707, RING ITER'S academy, thorough course in aancing; i lnstrsctors; classes art ernoons and Mon, Wed., Frl. eves. Prl vate lessons dally. 231 H Mor'son. M. 313 DETECTIVE AOEZfCT PACIFIC States Secret Eev!ce As-eney, 421-428 Board of Trada bldg. De tectives, shadow work a specialty. Mar- snsi' if i. DOG AND HORSE SOSPTTAX. BROWN BROS., 646 Wash. Main 40S6, A-4U8S. KBS. 1 K. l!th. K. 6440, B-ZZ87. DSESSMAKIRO SCHOOL VALENTINE'S system of cutting, tai loring and dressmaking taught 283 E. Morrison. ELECTRIC MOTOXS BOUGHT, sold, rented, repaired. E-117. ,.waiKer m senate ;i. wkb.. m union. EZFBESS UNITED Tran., 247H Madison. ExpressJ wora. coal dv sack or ton. trunks sue. extra 26c, stored 7 days free. Mar. 284. ETTB.HTTTJKB REFAERDfO BOWERS & PARSON3, formerly with Tull A Glbbs. furniture ren reflnlshed. packed, shipped. 100 Front M. 7443. GARMENT HOSPITAL SICK garments made well. If your sleeves are out of nlace we resist them. If your skirts are ill, we guar antee a cure. If your coats or Jackets re broken down, we build them un and give them new life. Our operating ta bles are wonders. Our chief surgeons the best Our balms cure all Ills that wearing apparel is heir to. Coats re Uned. See our styles and samnles for spring suits. Hlldreth, ladles' tailor. Patterns drafted to order. Make Over Dent Room 309. Central bldg.. 10th nd Alder. GASOLXZfH EKGIWES STATIONARY and marine, electric eaulDments: launches. acpessnrlAs. wholetale and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co.. 186 Morrison. jtxxzroizK RAZOR8. scissors, safety blades snap en ed. Expert repairing. Portland Cut- lery Co.. 92 V, 6th. near Stark. M. 7606. HAIR GOODS FTEBVET HANRBTTT Leading wig and tounea makers; finest stock of human hair goods; hair dressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatments. 147 7th, near Mor. M. 64. INSURANCE JAS. McI. WOOD A CC all kinds Insur- ttA; MS Ml "JOI nce, surety bonds. Railway Ex. Bldg. 'CARGAR. Bates & Lively. 301 Yeon ldg. Every form of Insurance, bonds. OHN KER Insurance, surety bonds, nuge .pans, laaa i eon Piqg. jvi. zao. ROLLS developed free; prints, 8o up; mall orders solicited. 214 Merchants Trust bldg. BRING your kodak work, enlarging, re- touchlng. to Rose City studio, 66 6th. LADIES' TAILORING SCHOOL HOW WOULD YOU LIKE To Invest 312.60 and secure a nnrma- nent Income nnvwhere of from 110 to IKfl per week? This can te easily accomplished ny taxing a run course in our cutting, designing and sewing school. Good cutters and sewers are constantly In de mand. Our system Is slmDle. nractlcal and absolutely accurate. Remember, the nvestment Is small. But the knowledge in last a lifetime. Either In making f our own garments or as a wage earner, nvestlrate. CHICAGO LADIES' TAILORING AND SEWING SCHOOL. Room 809 Cen tral bl dg 10th and Alder. LEATHER- AND FINDINGS CHAS. L. MA STICK A CO.. 74 Front Leather of every descrlotlon: tsn manufacturers, findings. MACHINERY B. TRENKMAN & Co., hydraulic and special pipe, smoke stacks, oil tanks, mining machinery, all repairs. 104 N. 4th. REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY V ':? ''"".' ....:....i...... Brnng-Steele Compsny Hrubsker Benedict ttmrtn A Herlow Oook Co.. B. 8. Knspp As Micksy Oreiton Real Gutate Co., The Bhl.lds. J. B , Xbempsoa, M.,B. Co..... UACHnrERT MODEL making, repairing, machine v work. Port. Magneto Co.. 68 N. Parx, UESSEITGEB SERVICE RELIABLE bonded messengers, day or night service. Marshall 188. .A-1411. iMcniPi unuinmr Co. We . fur1 nlsh messengers at any time, and anv place: service prompt Marshall 1786. A-3105. 171t4 2d st MTJglO TEACHERS wiiingn ,itnvv n In mandolin. guitar, banjo instruction. bvi yu. E. THIELHORN, violin teacher; pupil sevciK, oo Marouam. a-i. wt. Piano studio VIda Russell, ape?'8'18), punils 9 to 16. 671 7th, A-3580 MOTORCYCLE REPAIRIJIO REPAIRS of sll kinds; also bicycle anp plies ano repairing. i UATTJROPATH PHYSICIAN nn r'atherin r. nates. 11 years' expert anp. theAAtlnor nArVOHS and CbrOnlC diseases., 807 Abington oiag. tamr. .i Hrs. 10 a. m. to p. m. ; OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Dr. W. W. Christie OsteODath. chronlo nervous diseases. 114-s Macieay oiag. main on., . . . ... . . ... . . Mm on JjR. LlLLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe clallst on nerves, acute and chronlo diseases. 208 Fenton oiag. main i. PAINT, OIL AND GLASS F. E. BEACH A CO., Pioneer Paint Co. 186 First St. Main 1834. A-Uta. RASMUSSEN & CO.. "High Standard paint ne. cor. 3d & Taylor, m.. a-ii. FAINTING ANTJ PAPERING FIRST class paper banging, painting, tinting: reasonable Drices. rn'Jnei Main 7089, A-4724. Residence, Main 6174, FOR BEST work, prices right, call P. A. uoane. 104 union ave. tst iua. TINTING $2 a room, painting, paper- hane-mg. u. A. Barnes, aiain uj. FALACIOS BTTJSIO PALACIOS Instructor mandolin and guitar. Palaclos' string Quartet lur nlslies music for all occasions. 410 Salmon. Main 6828. PAWNBROKERS LOANS $1 TO $1000 Upon Personal Property. ELBY COMPANY. 320 Lumber Exchange, 3r floor. UNCLE MEYERS COLLATERAL BANK 40 years In Portland, 71 tn. Main sia. PATENT ATTORNEYS pTRNTS obtained trademarks, copy rights registered in nil countries; book lets free; consultation without charge. Peter Haberlln. 328 Worcester oiag. U. S. and foreign patents procured by O. O. MAKT1N, 409 Chamber of Commerce Building. t 4 TFMTSJ nrrnirl tit 1 K MOCK, at torney-at-law, late of U. S. patent of fice; booK free. 719 Hoard or Traae oiag. R. C. WRIGHT, U. S. and foreign, pat ents; inrringemeni cases, out uem.um. FRED JACOBSON, piano tuning. $2.00; 18 years' experience, mo a. Main FTPS PIPE PIPE PIPE. New and second hand. Our prices will convince. M. BARDB ft SONS. 240-2 Front st. cor. Main. IRON pipe and pipe fittings, engineers ana steam supplies. M. L KLINE Centrally located. 84 to 86 Front st Phones Main 617. A-2617. PORTLAND Wood Pipe Co.. Factory and orrice. 24th and yorK. Mam PLATING WORKS WILLAMETTE Plating Works 208 4th, t iaiing ana pollening, M. a-iiv. PRINTING Welch Printing Co, "Doers of clever things with type and ink on paper." 141 1st Main and A- 147. JBJA0JHCJTNO SAFETY blades. 30c dozen: mall orders Automatic Keen Edging Co.. 133 ',6 za. BOOTING, FAINTING, REPAIRING TIN roofing repairing, painting and Job- Ding, icsii Moiser. 'tii jen. M. 143. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. Cun ningham Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. SAFES THE MOrLER Safe Co.. 108 2d st 8afea at factory prices; repairs: lockouts opened; barga I nr In second hand safes. SECOND HANS GOODS WB WANT your old clothes, shoes, fiir nlture; highest prices paid. M. 8665. SEWING MACHINES SEWING machines sold for storage charge-: best bargains In the city, drop heads and box tons, all makes, it up; expert repairing cheap guaranteed. 261 Columbia, between 2d and 3d. SINGER sewing machlno store. Used machines your own price. 382 Morrls'n SHINGLES BEST In Portland. See them. 201 Washington st. 8. E. Gilbert SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES R. H, BIRDSELL. HAMILTON BLDG.. Show cases In stock. Prompt delivery. Sales agent M. Winter Lumber Co SHOWCASES of every description, bank, bar and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Mfg Co. , THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. COM new and old showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 289 Couch, M.2708. ADDKKSSw ' . : ! '1?'.. ;TELEPB0Nl8--i - iiinil t..l. niA- " ni J' McK.y Bid .,i-..,.Z.ZlZi, "".MIb B4 8S3 Clumber et Oomm.rn. . mln 1H.U '-Try. SSSEf' BW. -,.i.....MIn 863. A-8ft8 J, vnsniber of Commerce:.,, ,.MRin and A-2U10 SSBS $7' n1 Moltnomah,.K-t 6T, C-1708 ' Oerllnger Bldg ....,, V. "...uilB 84 .....Henry BUIgy, 4t-Oik. .,... 0084, A-8327 SjtQir ' AND ' SHOWCASES KXEISER-Slgns; the iar. ttS .tJiK nJakr ln the northwest K. Sir-W CV an'd. service. 889 E. Alder East 6202. STENOQRFHBS, COTJRT REPORTERS Ahft.K7 ?ePort,nS Ass'n., 404-402 Ablngton. M. 6037, A-6886, Depositions. TAXIDERMTST TA1TlICi COAST TAXIDERMY CO. 167H 1st st. Phone Main 7778. i'LvKJiil,:K ha" moved to 206 Co'- neiween yront Bnd 1st WTElTllUil KREUZER CO., HIGH LIFE TAIIXJBS. a, .-arf. i'. tallora for live people. iif y,0.wUvl.nT. remember us at 111 12th atreef htar.. . ttt--... and Stark stress. " V ARKD OGILB3E. 810 Labba bldgj 2J -"ni?nign, ESUIts to oraer. NORTHWEST TAILORS. 'FOR LADjfcS nnu toEWTKWEN. I ' N. 6TH ST. , TAILORING . SCXOOI. KIESTER'S Ladles' Tailoring college, ., .arn oreHsmaning. fBIIorlng. 143H 11th . TOWEL 9 PIT CLEAN towela dally, comb, brush, soap. uw ouppiy uo., bhi ana couch sts.' $1. per month. Portland Laundry Ca, Phones Main 410. A-4410. TRAHSFER AND STORAGE C,p. PIC"- Transfer A Storaga Co., of. rices and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, with separate Iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos arfl furni ture moved and packed for shipping.. OPeClal rates mnde nn mnnAm , In ., through cers to all domestic end foreign points. Msln 69 A-1996. - Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1870. V. Trapsfer and forwarding agents. ' RtniYl' fM. t.snl,... Offices and storaee 474 nilBsn street corner ISth and Gilsan. Phones Msln SO 1.1K PORTLAND Van Storage Co.. cor.lRS ? am erett sts., just opened, new- nrni: "IT. convenience for safe and proner h.nlin - , . . . i,,.' w muuus; lowest in surance rste In northwest: frea tra"k age, vans for moving. Msln or A-1620 Trln"RwflKSS sr;H'GE CtU mlps to Mt- Tabor dally Also , city 4288 . iMn ursna.- Mi. . , ..or,,,, oiorn e, pisno. rum. mowing. Main 610. A-1604 uru NORTHWESTERN Transfer Co.. iiH ..F.ror'K. General transfer and storars. Main 46. A-4468 v " . r"J,Mfr deliveries all nirtiTrUT 37 t-mwson. Main 7981. A-8716 '26 Tavior. TTTEWXTTEaO Am.kMren,ed- "Paired, sold. Cub .....RMn.ii to., 23i star. Main 1407. - T MWTKS .PP,l Co. Rebuilt! 2d hand. 142H 2J st Mar. 41. TTPHOLSTEXEXS CARTWRIGHT A CO.. 188 Madison, np-" bolstering, furniture repairing - and mattresses; work guaranteed Main 6386 VETERINARIAN MODERN veterinary hospital. -4 18 E. 7th. uia'il- 'joga. eats treated, board- r.i. r. tf. h. Huthinan. B-196. E. 1847. HUMANE Vet. Hospital: dogs boarded! A. C. Johnson. D. V. 8.. 181 Lowns. dale. M. 6841. A-42R7 .i n. i " " WELL DRILL ING DRILLING wells a speclnTty nrlra re- nn.kl. l . . j K " West, 1S2 Morrison st " WHOLESALB JOBBERS EVERDING A FARM!SL.i4 produce and commission merchants. 140 Froti st. - .- ..v, Vt . A IIVIIC iViniTI 119. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS PORTLAND. OR WADHAMS A CO., wholesale sro'cers" ? nl i " na cof'e foastera 4th U"AN WALL PAPEK CO.. 2So ij vviwi-m naiiinm nnn rviairi . ALLEN & TRANSPORTATION EXPRESS STKA MVRB vn-a.- J San Francisco and Los Ansrelei S. S. Boss City, 4 p. in., February L Ban V mm. TlxiaiMO Sw a 'WWiuw N jsrurijRna DB. CO. . Ticket Office 143 Third St. ' Phones Main 403 and A-1402. 1 SAN FRANCISCO. IXJS AXGELES ANII SAN DIt.X.O UIKECX V NORTH PACIFIC S. 8. CO. Da UAflu&s ana m. m. YiT.nTim sirr.,-,,' Every Wednesday, alternately, at p. m. iicaet oirice in i nird. near. AWr. Phones Main 1814. A-1314.. - MARTIN J. HIGLEY. Pass. Agent W. H. 8LUS8ER. Freight Agent New YorK-Portland American-Hawaiian S. S. Co. TEHUANTEPBO SOUTH freight Carried nn Schedule Time, LOW RATES. ' - ... - . tr Friiuent Regular Sailings. ' C D. KENNEDY. Agent 315 Railway Exchange Bldg. COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKTraTBH Sails from Ainswortn dock, Portland, I, p. m. every Tuesday. Freight received at Alnsworth dock dally-up to I p. m. Passenger fare, , first class $10; second class, $7, Including meals and berth.' Ticket office Alnsworth dock. Phones Main 268. Main 170. A-1284. GREETING. 1 '