The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 30, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    MN DIM
TO BE migneb
I Chief Attorney for Defense in
, McNamara Case Must An
swer to Charges of Bribery
and Corruption of Jurors.
V 'f (tJnltsd Press Leased W!r.)
Lm Angeles, Jan. 30. Clarence Dar
', row, charted in county grand jury in
' allotments for bribery, will be arraigned
before Superior Judge Conrey Thursday
tnorolng. In preparation lor that for
mality It was stated today that ha and
his chief counsel. Earl Rogers, would
, spend today in conference at Darrow's
Ocean Park home.
The trial data Is problematical. The
.. calendar is crowded, and with the ex
. , pected clashes of counsel, motions, de
v murrers and arguments, the beginning
- of the trial brobably will be delayed un
. -til lata this fail.
The district attorney's office refused
; i to -comment upon a report that Bert H.
Franklin has confessed to bribing a Mc
k ' Namara Juror. Neither would Franklin
"i. neny uni ne naa maae a complete state
ment to Assistant District Attorney
rurthai XaTeetlgstloa.
' Franklin, who was In the employ of
i- the McNamara defense, was named In an
; Indictment some time ago charring bri
.e bery of a juror. Since then he has di
- , Tided with Darrow the principal Inter
est in the grand Jury Investigation. According-
to common report, Franklin's
conduct before the grand Jury would
, nave mucn io ao wnn uu way a action
regarding Darrow.
Officials of the district attorney's of
', flee intimated that there would be fur
ther Investigation bv the grand 1urv.
said to be finished. Just what line the
new Investigation will follow was not
Z divulged.
Two indictments returned late yeiter
l day afternoon charge Darrow with the
bribery rd attempted corruption of Rob-
ert Batnj a Juror In the James B. Mc
Namara case, and the bribery and cor-
motion of Oeoree N. Lockwood. a
b venireman, .called in tbe same case.
. Penalty Tecy Xsavj.
t , Tbe maximum penalty defined for
bribery la ten years in prison. For cor-
, ruptly Influencing one drawn, as a Juror
' Tided. Should : the defendant be found
guilty on all pf the four counts, 3 years
lmprlsorlment and $10,000 fine might be
imposed. Darrow has retained Judge
Cyrus .McNutt and Earl Rogers to de
fend hlra. McNutt was identified with
J) iO&!y IP ,
c' t$'A ': ,i
Ay MX&v-d'
. ,
1 r-'
(Continued from Page One.)
t the McNamara defense; Rogers was
counsel for Patrick Calhoun during the
He also directed the first work of in
vestigation of the Times, dynamiting
persons in the lobby of the Southern
hotel here.
Keynote Speech Beard.
Continuing, the president said:
"Looking over the record of what has
been done, it seems to me that we are
armed with the facts and with things
accomplished sufficient to met our
come him in the Judgment of an Im
partial umpire. It seems to me there
is no occasion for the Republicans to
fear the issue with their knowledge of
the progress that has been made In the
last four years, with the adoption of
progressive principles Indicated in their
i case.
v Darrow denies his guilt His bail
waa fixed It lit tDil anil m 1mm
Jately forthcoming.
' ' Thirty Arrests Expected.
' . (Dnltsd Ptm. liuri win i
Indianapolis. Jan. 10. Thirty arrests
- or members 01 an alleged "Inner circle"
of labor leaders declared to have been
t concerned in a dynamiting campaign
y which culminated in the arrest of the
; Aicnamaras are expected before the end
t of the, week under Indictments by the
t federal grand Jury here. Unless some-
' uung unroreseen develops federal offi
dais . declare, the dynamiting Invest!
gatlon will conclude tomorrow night and
me grana jury win report either Friday
; or Saturday immediately after which the
t atresia win oe made,
i Thirty labor leaders, report ssys, will
; 1 accused. The number of indictments
will be less than SO, but the individuals
will be grouped in some indictments un-
h oer a cnarge or conspiracy to illegally
transport dynamite and other explos
. Ives.
f $0"M "r S"T? w1no,un th Ptatform of 1908 and in the proposals of
V famous, graft trial, in' San Francisco, the administration .inc. .ha ti. Tk.
must, if they would serve the country
well, discriminate between what la real
ly progressive and useful and what la
utterly at variance with sound, constitu
tional government and economic policy.
"On this the natal day of William
McKlnley let us take new vows in be
half of the grand old party, standing by
the constitution, standing by the tights
or u Deny ana property of the individ
ual and willing to face defeat many
times in behalf or the cause of sound
constitutional government. t
"Oat Democratic friends are mlatak
en," said the president "The election
of 1910 was not a declaration in favor
of a tariff for revenue or free trade.
This is shown by the fact that the
Democratic vote was less rather than
greater than it bad been In the presi
dential election. The defeat of the Re
publican party came not from an in
crease in Democratic votes, but from
a defection of Republican votes. 1. e.,
or its own members who stayed at
home and refused to stand by the party
in what they regarded as a failure to
redeem its pledges."
Ooes Ovsr Benefits Derived.
Going over the benefits under the Re
publican regime, the president listed the
following: y
Creation of a tariff board by the
Payne law.
Creation of a court of customs ap
peals, i
Life and effect" given to the work
of the interstate commerce commission
through the strengthening of the inter
state commerce law.
Creation of the commerce court
Through congress In 1910-11 the oas
sage of a safety appliance law, employ
era' liability law, postal savings banks.
and a forward step toward conservation,
formulation of plans by the national
monetary commission for a rearrange
ment or tne monetary-system.
An Investigation of the proposal for
a parcels post law and an investigation
- Vcbida's Successor Cornea.
' (Unltas Press Lmm4 Wire.)
I Toklo, Jan. SO. Ambassador Chinda,
. wno will represent the mikado at Wash
; lngton as successor to Baron Uchida,
ailed for America today on the Chinyo
' Maru, , ,
The ntlpUe powder te be bikeu into the
shea. It yoa want ret and comfort for tired
tender, echlngr, swollen, sweating feet, use
Allan's foot-Ease. Relieves corns and bunions
of all pstn and prevents blisters, sore and cal
lona apors. Jut the thins for Danclnr Parties.
Patent Leather Shoes, i-nd for Breaking In New
Shoes. It la the greatest comftirt dlaoorvrr of
the ace. Trjr It today. Sold ererywhere, 25
eta. Pcn't accept any anbstltnte. For FHEM
trial nsckace, addreaa Allen 8. Olmsted, Le
Boy. N. Jf.
The fire which occurred in our
building last night only slight
ly damaged our main banking
Our doors will open every
morning at the usual hour.
We are well prepared to han
dle all business in our regular
Clarence S. Darrow, twice indicted
by grand jury Investigating alle
gations of corruption in the McNa
mara trial, and Robert Bain, Mc
Namara Juror, who Is said to have
accepted bribe.
Into the proposal to reduce the second
class postage rate.
More satisfactory treaties with Japan,
Nicaragua and Honduras that would put
the latter two republics "on their feet.
And the sending of the French and
British arbitration treaties to tbe senate.
(Continued from Page One.)
court for Malheur county, against O. W.
Porter, for 2930.22, and costs. Through
assignments, counter claims and various
legal entanglements the case has never
been settled and finally came here for
the supreme court to pass on.
Judge King finally had an opportunity
to explain matters to the supreme court
and the sacred precincts of that great
tribunal were shaken and Jarred by the
almost unheard-of spectacle of the august
jurists displaying audible merriment
over the facts disclosed in the argument.
To go into the history of this rather
involved case would take considerable
time, but it may suffice to explain that
Judge King, in the course of his argu
ment, told how a Judgment bad been
rendered and had been turned over to
the First National bank for collection,
whereupon the Moss Mercantile com
pany, which desired to prevent the pay
ment oi tne Judgment, bought a con
trolling interest in the bank to defeat
the payment, only to -find that three
days before the transfer of stock was j
made, Judge King had. secured posses
sion or tne judgment, it having been
assigned to him.
Bird Had Tlown.
"Then the Moss Mercantile comnanv
did not get the Judgment," queried the
supreme justice.
No," replied Judge Kina. "the sweet
voioea Diro naa flown."
Whereat the whole court smiled hrnari.
y. enjoying tne situation,, ancL the
cniei justice laughed right out loud.
Which it may be said, is .something
very few attorneys can aav that th
. - . ...WJ
irv"iiea mm to ao.
(Wasblogtss Bureau of The Journal.)
Washington. Jan. 10. From a miiti.
cat DOint Of View.' manv ,,ain.
whether the administration Is acting
wisely in recommending the abolish
ment of many army posts Just on' the
eve of ths CSDaia-n.-Everi riloi
such post ; is located is naturally jn.
aiBBiuB mm administration at the
prospect oi me post oeing abandoned.
inm saving, n win De observed, will
MA k ..V.II- . .
yuuuu yuras, as 11 If I
intended to be used In enlarging the
au-my. in an prooaDiuty, tne changes,
even If carried out, will not affect Ore
Act Has Rousing Climax-
New Bill of Special
Walter Hampden and company in
Richard Harding Davis' one act play.
"Blackmail," Is headlining the new bill
of especial excellence at the Orpheum.
The sketch is short, to the point and
ends in an abrupt and unexpected man
ner with a rousing climax. Hampden is
I given splendid support by Ned Flnlay.
as the crook, and Mable Moore. Ber
nard B. Mullen plays the detective.
Millet's Models ' are here again in
some old and some new poses of fa
mous paintings. There are nine in all,'
each wonderfully reproduced in posture
and coloring with striking light effects.
The acts are different from any of the
other posing acts and If anything more
beautiful in that It possesses more feel
ing and warmth of color.
Leona Thurber and Harry Madison
are continuing their "On a- Sporting
Tour", which is thaAvehlola for eluvar
characterization and burlesque comedy,
near singing and eccentric dancing.
Miss Thurber was stunning in a, hand
some blaok gown and Mr. Madison was
Just plain funny. The act made a win
ning score. :;, '' .-.v. 'r-'-,- :i -W
An unusual voice in vaudeville. Is that
ot Alma i.Toulln, .a dramatic soprano
of delightful - - messo Quality. Miss
Toulla is most attractive, wears a beau-
tlrul gown, baa chosen her song well
and presents an act that la enthusiastic
ally received. -i--. ,
Miss Norton' and Paul Nicholson al
most stopped the show with "A Dra
matic Cartoon," Miss Norton's farce
bomedy of the broadest sort . The act
is startling at tiroes, and from start to
finish kept the audience in an uproar.
Mort Sharp and Vivian Wilkes, black
face and brown, In southern songs and
danoes, proved to be 'better danoers
than singers,' They wear snappy clothes
and do some fraceful and clever danc
ing. ; s . : - ':,..,;.,,
The Marto-Aldo Trio has soma new
features in a casting act. They, were
wen receivea. ..,
We have a large list of slightly used
pianos we are offering at greatly re
duced prices prior to our remodeling
our store. This list consists of some
of the standard . pianos of the world.
Terms can be arranged to. suit the cus
tomer. Our prices range from t0 up.
The shrewd buyer will investigate.
Kohler & Chase, 7I Washington street
Seleot patronage with efficient serv
loe makes Oaks Rink popular place.
Mixed hardwood, best, cheapest.
blna Fuel Co.
' Portland, Jan. H. To the Editor of
The Journal Mayor Rushlight today at
the ast Side Business Men's luncheon,
In promotion of his Ross island scheme,
asserted that with possession of the
island, the city might build a public
dock and obviate the necessity of order-'
Ing shipments by rail of supplies for
the city at a loss. He says that in a
single shipment of supplies for the
water department now on the Way the
city will lose $7000,1 excess -of cost by
rail over water shipments, because the
city has no 'receiving docks. .
Now I wish to ask the mayor If the !
water department had not asked .' the
city for a dock on the end ef a street
months ago for this purpose, and was
met by the city with the old fake objec
tion that the ends of the streets were
not available for such purposesT X ask
If the water board did not finally ask
for the formal legal opinion of the city
attorney on the subjeot recently trans
mitted to the mayor, as published in the
papers, but not yet transmitted to the
water board T And if under the clroum.
stsncea the mayor has a right to still
insist that the old poller of depriving
the city of the public use of the street
ends shall prevail; and use such policy
as an argument for asking the public
to contribute 1300,000 of bonds to pro
vide other sites Instead of those that
the city already rightfully, and legally
owns, and to which it Is now trying te
establish Its possession. - '
i: t , c.v.r y.,A:,,:,4 J. B.. ziegler. :
v. ',' , ' , " " vtv. t-
:Ths annual per capita consumption of
sugar ' in Oreat Britain Is about 160
pounds as compared . with , about ' SO
pounds in the United states.
Scientific Wrinkle
Remover Elasily Made
i . (From Ladies' Favorite Magasine.) ,
A few dermatologists have long held,
the secret that a certain product, known
to the drug trade as saxollte, had the
property when used in. solution, of in- -
stantly, reducing wrinkles. Any one can
readily make this same solution by dis
solving an ounce of powdered saxollte;
in a half pint of witch hatel. Bathe the
face In this and note the immediate
transformation! The, skin tightens, be
comes firmer deepest wrinkles at once
begin to smooth out, : This aotton will
of course also reduce hanging cheeks
or double chin. '
When the hands show signs of aging,
the skin becoming, coarse, creased or
flabby, bathe them in the solution. Since
the recent publication of this formula,
men and women all over the country
have taken advantage of the informa
tion, according to reports, with most sat
isfactory results. ;.....'..
HOT LAKE SANATORIUM furnishes Winter comfort to those desiring pleasure and health profit The lo
cation of Hot Lake Sanatorium is ideal, as to altitude and environment. Nowhere in the West is there so
much sunshine during the Winter months. The acres of water-heated floor space, the splendid glass-inclosed
promenades and well-lighted and warmed lobbies and recreation rooms all combine to make the institution one of
marvelous beauty and comfort. These conditions, together with the opportunity offered by the naturally hot
mineral baths, warrant the claim that nowhere on the continent can so much health restoration be secured amid
such delightful surroundings as at Hot Lake Sanatorium.
Nature's Cure for. Rheumatism
I r
ii '
A Boiling Mioeiral Spriin
HOT LAKE SANATORIUM successfully treats Rheumatism, Stomach, Skin, Blood and Kidney disorders and,
complications. The equipment is complete and such that patients are assured perfect attention. The great boil- '
ing mineral spring is known to contain medical properties which have been proven to effect absolute cures in
a great majority of cases. We pay careful attention to the diet of our patients and guests. This we consider of
special importance. Especially do we call attention to the dairy herd. Our Jersey milk, butter and cream are'
the very best possible, q LOCATION Hot Lake Sanatorium is located directly on the main line of the O-AV.
R. & N., three hundred and fourteen miles east of Portland.
The Packard Interpreting
Piano is an incentive for
the children to lfcarn to play
It gives them a love for, and a knowledge of music
which they can get in no other way. It inspires
and stimulates makes the drudgery of the music
lesson more interesting. No other player piano
gives such perfect interpretation for the children
and all the family
Exchange your old' piano
for a Packard Inter
preters Terms to suit
Our aoealal nrlcaa In nlinm ...
traoua me anriwa nionn miiri a .
crowaea witn oargam seeicers. - Many
mad hanov. Othoi biMiIni mi
rrw- .
Avau j'uuraaii os mil wonaerrui oppor- i
luiiii-j BDiLiiiir m una jsmrni ciieap.'M. i
Kohler V Chase, ill Wsshlngton street,
JJl Crowds attend Oaks Rink these dare. i
, . Victor Talking Machines and Record
tn order to Illustrate the rapid growth of savings wit 4 pet
sent compound interest added, we bare prepared tbe foUowug
Weekly . .... Will la Will la Will ra WW Us
Deposll MU tmXnmW Trs. 10 Trs. ao Trs. 40 Trs.
of I ami to Asnt to Ami to Xmt te
"S25T . $ 73. $ 162. $403. $1,294.
50 SSTm! 146. 324. 806. 2,588.
1.00 pounded twice a 293. 650.1,614. 5,177.
2-00 US'jffT7 1 585. 1,301. 3,228. 10,355.
5.00 ' 1,462. 3,252. 8,070. 25,888.
(Establlsbed 18 Tears)
conserraUTe Second and Washington Sts.
Custodian 7 Open Saturday Erenlngs, Six to Bight
Bottled in Bond
' NS. .wV fZi.V ... vPST 1
Since 1780
Distributor ' Portlwid, Or.