TIIS OREtiON DAILY. JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENINd, JANUARY 30, 1912. 13 LASTWORDTO SAY; ASSAILS Kentucky Colonel Says Ques tion Now Is Which of "Us . Has LiecP Denied He , Ever Approached Ryan. - (SpoeUI to Tha loaraaD Washington. D. C, Jan. ao.Colonal Henry Watteraon, editor of tha Loui vllla Courlar-Journal, laaued ' a State ment, laat ntsrht sivinf hla side rthe Watteraon-Woodrow Wilson-Colonel Har- . vey controversy. Ha promlaed It aa tha Jaat'word on tha matter from him. - Colonel Wattereon a atatement to the press raises, as ha inenuoualy admits, whether ha r Governor Wllaon "has . lied." Ha roea further to say that Governor Wileon . "dares not face tha facta." ': ; - ' -. While he falls to ive any proor 01 his statement, tha Kentucky editor de nies ha ever asked Thomas F. Ryan to contribute to the Wilson fund, saying that ha (Watteraon) and Governor Wil son had threshed out tha . matter ana that Wilson "expressed ,tha fear" that tf It became known that Hyaa had would be materially hurt , . Watteraon swears that tha Ryan story, as far as It related to Colonel Harvey, Is a lie made out of whole cloth. So far as Ryan la concerned, .there Is nothing between him and Wil son or Harvey or Watteraon or anyone also in this matter. - , Of tha Ryan Incident ha says! ; "- I wa met on my arrival in New .York by a most urgent appeal for money from a gentleman of distinction, closely associated with, If not actually direct ing, tha Wilson organisation, and 'in Answer to this I was able at once to "fteour considerable money. The meet ing at the Manhattan club was designed still further to push forward and per fect tha work of organisation. Else why and for what .was tha governor ;.' there T .v;.-" ... f . To confuse and mislead the public be has latterly adopted a policy of al ternate atldnca and sneering. , Giving the He direct to my statement that I - waa asked to help tha financial end of hla campaign and -declining my offer to submit the proof of its truth to a body of gentlemen and Democrats equally concerned with ourselves for the Well -beln a- tbe- par4 jr-be- thin - cloud the Issue and, escape its menace ; by turning upon the Irresponsible chat- ter of a. literary bureau which clalma to live off the Immaculate contribution of aubscribers having wlnga, harps and . halos. and which has been for weeks flooding the country with every manner of falsification. ( Concluding, the colonel saya: "Within a single year Governor Wil ton's radical change of base, his re alignments, his readjustments, personal . and political, his offenses to some and . apologies to others, have been exactly concurrent with his selfish aims. There seems no abasement into which he la not able to descend with equal facility, and grace. Hay God protect Democracy from such a leader and such leadership. "The niche vacated by Governor Wil son X shall not undertake to fill. I hold nothing IB reserve, am backing no other aspirant, advancing no other In terest. I shall go to my winter home " In Florida, beyond the reach even of the telegraph, aure that in this matter I have done my duty alike to publio obli- gatlons and private friendships and hav ing not a care beside." . Wall Street Usually at Bottom. (Waablnctoa Bnreaa of The Journal.) V 1XTa.hjn.fnn Jan. 10.- RenrMpntatlva la. 8. : Burleson, of Texas,' today took a crack at Colonel Henry Watteraon for the part he haa played In the Wilson-Harvey controversy. He said: "It looks as 'if there la a whole lot ' ef truth in the saying that "every time ne of these anti-Wilson explosions Is iuUA ff vrtit mrm bum tn tin A th nim. . feints of a Wall street alarm clock In i the wreck, and it doesn't take a Deteo ittve Burns to trail the conspirators to , their lair. ' ."I don't think that Colonel Henry KWatterson will be able to raise a very Barge army of indignant mourners, Just because Colonel Harvey got kicked over (board in an attempt to Ryanlae Wood Irow Wilson." . Patterson's Vocabulary Beautiful." (Special ta The Jesrnil.V . New York. Jan. 10. William F. Mo Coomb, - Governor Wilson's campaign manager, made this statement when he jwas shown Colonel Watteraon' "ex planation:" - .': .. "Colonel Watteraon has a beautiful vocabulary and has composed a splendid . speech. - "Analysis of the colonel's statement Showa clearly , that ha refute himself and confirm all that I have said about " the matter." .-; THEFTS ADMITTED BY 3 BOY SHOPLIFTERS Three boys were arrested yesterday afternoon and sent to the Frasier home, two more are to be arrested today and several are to be called into the juvenile ; court to answer charges of shoplifting. The three lads arrested yesterday were ' before the court, and admitted thefts - from . down town stores. The boys ara from Falling school and were away on account of examinations, Which ihey did not want to take. C. A. Beckman, a clerk In the Meier A Frank store, saw one of the boys take a bracelet from the counter. He ar rested the lad and the one who waa with him. At the Juvenile court, the two boys admitted pilfering. As Mr. Beckraan re- : turned to the store, two other boys of fered to sell him a flashlight. An in vestigation showed the light had been ; atolen iora the Meier A Frank store. The , boy was placed In the Frasier home. The - boys - are from II to it years of age. PACIFIC DELEGATION URGES POSTPONEMENT Washington, Jan. SO. A atrong dele gation of western congressmen, includ ing practically the entire California del egation, with former Senator Flint and as many a could attend from Washing ton and Oregon, appeared today before the secretary of war to ask a postpone ment of from 10 to (0 days In the time when the proposed new westbound Pan ama rates are to go into effect Flint was sent here to represent the Xios Angeles chamber of commerce. Ho also will appeal to tho houao committee on Interstate and foreign commerce for free Panama can?,; tolls for American shipping. ' i ' New pianos for rent at $4 per month, rent to apply on purchase, .Cartage free. Koliler & Chaae, 171 Washington street, f.-.'s v:, "M-A'';. ; v -' .. . ' '', ' -'A, 'A: -"A .. .-:sx ; Ask forJTolder Containing List Boohs on Social Hygiene, in, Basement Dook StoroValcntincs in Great Variety All Credit Parchases T THE MEIER & FRANK CO.; 5TH, 6TH, MORRISON, ALDER - MEIER & FRANK'S . ' THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY, . ESTABLISHED 1 1857 T n m ' it tmy to Ctose Oi mall L6s ratiBaysoffSialte at Exactly Half Price sooirs nooi-mais Btrrxonra on BY scan NINE big racks of Women's Winter Suits at half price and tomorrow is the last day that you may purchase them at this phenomenal , reduction. You II see many an offering of buns at naif price but we re onfident that the reduction here remains supreme. Only smart. modish garments are included, in the great groups., : , ; Evry style from the plainest of smart, severely tal lored models to the dressier types for afternoon wear. Colors and fabrics of every kind -rich worsteds, tweeds, twilled cheviots, broadcloths, etc Garments suitable for present and early Spring wear. They're a wonderful Pre-Inventory offering at Jhalf their regular prices. 025 Suits,? 12.50 U$35Saits,$ 17.50 g405mt8,530.00 $45Suits,$22.5C $50 Suits, $25.00 $55.00 Tailored Suits on Sale at $27.50 Moire faveiitdry! HROUGHOUT the store you'll find the smalb lots worthy, desirable merchandise withal- -at prices bound to effect a quick clean-up for this last day of our fiscal year! - Our Second Special Buyers' Cor Leaves for the East Saturday! The second special Meier & Frank Pullman of department managers from Portland since the first of the year leaves Saturday night for eastern markets I Owing to the large number which 'went on' our first special car this Pullman will be shared by other parties farther on in the journey. . . - . ' : ." ' " Already the first contingent are busy in the manufacturing and style centers of the east, assembling our new, spring and summer stocks. ,On February 10 the Oceanic sails from New York with our buyers for European markets. Boys ,-47 a re a Model Aeroplane Entrlea are coining In by the Korea . for our Third Annual Amateur Avia tion Contest! . 4 ' Every boy haa an equal chance o! winning tho first prise of $30. or one of tho 10 other orUes. Every boy will receive something for his efforts. , . Contest is In charge of an expert aeroblane builder, who will be found on the Fifth Floor with plans, specifi cations and model aeroplanes, ready to help any boy. v Ask for .folder with, full particulars. A AA " Final date of entry, February 12, at 0 p. m. 'uA-v"-;1:.. 50c 1mfi6rted Voiles 1 9c ; OSDXS bt acaxb LESS than half for these beautiful Imported Voilessurely . at this price there won't be a yard left to Inventory. I ; Splendid 60c quality thin and sheei' for new Spring and Summer, Dresses, which youll soon be planning. Dozens of fancy 1 designs, figures, florals and two-tone effects. For the I M last day of the Pre-Inventory Sale we priced them at, yard Rich, shimmering Silk-and-Linen Poplins; in a wide variety of colors and figures, plain and fancy, for midwinter party frocks and new Spring Dresses. Our 75c grades priced at, yard, only )UC 'GraustariySOc Read the books "Graustark" and "Bev erly of Graustark". before seeing the play : at the Baker this week. They're by the favored author, George Barr McCutch-' eon. On sale in Book Store, 50. OTHER $1.18 BOOKS AT 50c WHICH HAVE BEEN DRAMATIZED "When a Man Marries By Rhine.' hart.' ' v i, ;AJAAJxi -Half a Chance"--Frederick S. Isham. "A Million a Minute" Douglass. "The King Ipm of Slender Swords Rives. . , i "The Climax E. F. Benson. The Music Master Chas. Klein. JC And Rib&ons;iCwchieft ,weckwear $3JI0 Long Kid Gloves Glace kid, mousquetaire "style, 16-button length, in black only. Sizes 6 to 5?4. For the , woman who can- wear (J these sizes it's thegreatest s& TmKZ f t 1 T ",SSr B' T ' - TOST nOOS-MAX BVXXJ9XH9 25c to 40c Ribbons Odd lines of plain and fancies. 4 to 5 inches wide and in a varied assortment of colors and patterns. Short ends 1 from the Clearance Sales. I Cleanup tomorrow at, yard 12c to 20c Handkerchiefs Odd lines, slightly soiled and mussed from han dling. Plain and fancy styles. Em broidered corners and edges. 09 While they last we priced them f at 4 for 25c, or, each, at only 0JJ 25c to 50c Neckwear A cleanup of broken lines. Some show handling. All styles Vassar Ties, Jabots, Rab ats, Cascades, Dutch Col- lars, etc. Tomorrow, 3 for I lC 25c, or priced, each, only BT 35c to 65c Underwear For, women. Fine ribbed Vests and Pants. Heavy fleeced cotton and medium weight lisle. Broken line of sizes'. In the Pre-Inventory Cleanup to-, TrC morrow at very low price Pioneers in Pure Foods LONG before the agitation of the Pure Food ques tion became a National subject, The Meier & Frank btore established for their Grocery the "Pure Food Policy." It formed the nucleus from which this greats section has grown and expanded until today it is ac knowledged supreme as the most successful Pure Food Grocery in the northwest. Shrimp Specials Many a dainty dish made from a can of wholesome Shrimps. The 25c cans, 2 for 354; OC the 12c cans, 3 for LuZ Royal Banquet Butter Deliciously fresh, made daily and sent direct to us; order a supply. None better at any price. 2 lbs. 75c Mexican Beans, 5 lbs, at 261 Olives, large bottles, at 40fr Cream Rolled Oats, sack 45 Cornmeal in sacks, only 26 Jap Style Rice, 5 lbs, for 25 Imp. Sardines, 3 cans at 25fr Red Rib. Early June Peas 15 All 10c Spices, 3 boxes 23 Fancy Oranges, dozen at 25J Apricots, Peaches, Pears, 15 IP Men--Tombrrovvr is Last Day to Buy $15 to $20 Suits and (j Overc'ts P The man who wants a popular priced Suit or Overcoat and doesn't take advantage of this Pre-Inventory special tomorrow will miss one of the best offerings we've ever had in "The Men's Store," third floor. Splendidly hand-tailored garments from the best makers in the land. Handsome fabrics rich, unobtrusive shades. Weights for present and early Spring wear. Smart, nobby models every one. All sizes for men of all builds. Broken lines of our regular $15, $18 and $20 Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats for rf n . n the last time tomorrow at. . . . . 0 lUoOD rfSSSSri-Fifth Floor Annex tor Solendid Mtrcerized Mufflers for men, wonen and children, made, fitted at tho neck; also throat and cheek protectors; black, white lAf and colors; clean-up, only Odd Piecesol Furniture r r Embroidery Strips i A dean-up of manufacturers' sam ple strips of Embroideries, Edges and Insertions, 1 to 12 inches wide, in eyelet and 'floral designs; average length of strips 4J4 and 5 yards long. 75c to $1'JZ5 Grades, Per Strip BO $1.25 to $2.00 Grade, Per Strip 08f To $8 Lace Curtains A special purchase of samples of sin gle pairs of Curtains; Cluny lace, Bat tenberg, Scrim and Brussels styles; full size, white and ecru; CO XQ tomorrow, special at, a pair TXTTX TX.OOB Btrrxsnra t E'VE sorted out all the V V single pieces of Furniture of which we have no duplicates and placed them on the Fifth Floor, Main Building, for Pre ilnventory Sale, at a third, a half and even more off the original prices. Many new pieces ar included tomorrow. White Skirt Specials i Prettily made Skirts in the new close-fitting styles, trimmed in laces, embroideries and tucks. $1.50 and $1.75 Skirts for only 89 $2.50 and $3.00 Skirts for only f 1.59 $3.50 to $5.00 Skirts, clean-up f 2.73 ODD MAHOQ'NY ROCKERS $ 8.50 Mahog. Rockers 9 S-25 $14.00 Mahog. Rockers f 8.25 $15.00 Mahog. Rockers f 0-25 $15.50 Mahog. Rockers f 10.00 15.75 Mahog. Rockers 910.15 16.00 Mahog. Rockers 910.75 16.50 Mahog. Rockera 911.50 117.00 Mahog. Rockers fll.75 18.75 Mahoe. Rockers 912.00 20.00 Mahog. Rockers 912.50 $22.00 Mahog. Rockers 913-50 $30.00 Mahog. Rockers 950 THE WHITE STEEL SANI TARY FURNITURE f $13.00 Towel Stands only 95.00 $12.00 Costumers at only 97.00 $12.75 Kitchen Tables at 9800 $15.00 Kitchen Tables at 9950 $21 Manicure Tables at 9H-00 $25 Bath Chiffoniers i 913.00 $32.50 Toilet Tables at 916-00 $40.00 Toilet 'Tables at 918-75 $40.00 Bathroom Dressers 923 $84 Instrument Cases. 937.50 75c Photo Albums- ' Neat black silk-covered Albums In large 10x12 size. Made with 50 leaves. Nothing auite so ' convenient for a large number of snapshots or photos. Pre-Inventory tomorrow. First , Floor Kodak Section, at only AO J C 5cFlotillaSoap , The famous; Armour make.. A good, pure, cleansing, ..; soothing' ; soap that sells every where at 5c a cake, v For the Pre-Inven-' tory tomorrow at . , 25c to 3 5c 11 Socks at W1 Txmsr noo aunt buzlbzmo E'VE combined two bir tables of Men's 20c. 25c and 35c Socks for- this final day before Inventory at 12)4c. Fine Egyptian cotton, silk lisle and maco cotton in every plain color and an almost endless assortment of fancy ' striped and figured f oatterns. Buy them fl V2C by the dozen pairs , w $10 Silk Socks at 49c The balance of a" special purchase of men's $1.60 finest silk Half Hose 1 1 Extra heavy lisle tops; double soles and heels ; colors only $ 3 9 Acorn Gqs Range Water Heater $3 1M9 rOTTBTB: TXOOB--MITW BTTTXPnTO v It's the sort of an offer that many a house wife has been .waiting for this special com bination price on the famous Acorn Gas Range and Acorn Gas Water Heater, complete. , High grad! in every particular the Ranges just as pictured below, with 4 top burners and lower burners so arranged as to bake and broil at the same time. "AjkI they Bake even ! ',' " , The1 Hot Water Heaters, . as ' illustrated, a r e finished com-; plete with brass fittings. Rusty water with this Acorn model, an impossibility, 7s To $L50 Undemcar 74c' A double table filled with men's celebrated Bradford, v Park Mills and other makes of men's $1, $1.25 and $1.50 -Underwear ; wool shirts y M and drawers; all sizes f r-Boys'To $1.50 Shirts--! . Of good, firm madrases, ' percales md shirtings; plain and plaited styles, solid and colors, neat stripes, sizes 12 o 144; splendid for school CQ. rear( special for tomorrow at wis Boys' to $2.50 Shoes i " ; Msde for long wear and neat-appear ing, in box calf, vici kid, kangaroo and casca j calf leathers; Jace - style, with heavy long-wearing soles; broken lines, all boys' aiies, 4, 4, 5 QQ snd Syi; special st, the pair .07 1 ' U 4Jsa3AMfl s ' S r-To 50c Tea Aprons Ready made of sheer white lawns, prettily trimmed with lace and inser tions, stamped for embroidering in a large assortment of dainty de- Q signs. Clean-up tomorrow at 121ars39c $22; ; Acorn GasJ Ran $17 Gm Water ; Heater. ''A' $39 outfit at only 'A-'i '(.' '-, ' ', ' . i1 'A, v . ; -r 'i $3B9 rotmrx rz.00B rrCleanupofUmbrellas . Men's . snd Women's Guaranteed Fast Black Rainproof Umbrellas; 26 to 28-inch frames; 7 and 8-inch ribbed Paragon, steel .frames, covered with silk and linen union taffeta. , . ' $1.50 and $1.69 Umbrellas only 9110 $1.99 Umbrellas, Pre-Inventory 91.69 $2.69 and $2.98 Umbrellas only 92.47 $4.98 Umbrellas, Pre-Inventory 93.47 r-3Sc Photo Frames- Fof various size pictures. Of neat black' leather, with standard. Grouped for quick Pre-Inventory clean- A up, Kodak, Section, First Floor IV C 7 . A A'