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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1912)
THE OREGON. SUNDAY, JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 28, 1912. STRUCK EXHIBITION SELF-STARTER IS MASTER MECHANIC : .LEAVES FOR EAST The Tmfo.e TMatt Pro vefl Efts StlireimstDhi TEST FOR PUBLIC n rr rrN DPENSAT CHICAGO GIVEN SUCCESSFUL ii u i i i i 80 FIRMS ENTER Great ' I nterest Taken ig Show in Which Many New Models ; Will Be Seen Special Machines. Noarly all the . exhibit ' of motor truck and delivery wagon shown by 70 manufacturer In th . two bit Nsw York automobile show that closed laat week, are on their way to the Chicago automobile show in: special train. In addition to these there are about a, score of exhibit billed for the Chicago show by manufacturer who did not - take part in the eastern display. Till will make the Chicago show not only the largest but the only really com prehensive and representative exposi tion of . the commercial motor vehicle industry of the United State. Eighty different manufacturers will show their newest models. Included among these are more than a score of makers who never have made displays at any previ ous show. . Manager Miles, of the Chicago show, and his corps of assistant arrived In Chicago last Friday and at once at tacked the work of supervising the final detail of preparation for the opening of the passenger car section of the Coliseum show, January 27. The1 commercial vehicle section- will open - Monday morning, February IS. Great Interest Shown. The remarkable Interest taken in the truck at the New Tork show by bus iness men is expected to be exceeded at the Chicago show. Head of big in dustrial and commercial concern throughout the central and western state are planning trip for the spe cial purpose of Inspecting and buying business vehicle. Several hundred municipal officials will visit the show, a they did last February, to look over the several models of motor fire ap paratus, patrol wagons, ambulance and other type of power machines suit able for city work. Officials ot rail roads and electric power and street rail way companies are also evincing a great deal of Interest In the motor truck. While the pleasure car show continues to hold first "place In popular fancy. there Is no doubt that the commercial vehicle section of the show will be vastly more spectacular and lnterest- " fng." ' The exhibits are more diversified and have a much wider application to different kinds of work. Some of the special forms .are peculiarly interest ing. One of the makers will show a three wheeled tractor that can be cou pled up to any kind of horse drawn fire apparatus or truck as a substitute for a team of horses and haul it at twice the speed and any distance without fa tigue. "Prairie Schooner" Feature. Another special machine is a dump truck operated by compressed air. Al though the body has a capacity of sev eral tons of crushed stone. Band or other granular material, a child can operate the dumping mechanism and discharge the load by the opening of a valve on the dash. A motor "prairie schooner" that made the transcontinental Journey from New York to San Francisco last summer will make a peculiar appeal to westerners who know something of the difficulties of negotiating roads west of the Mis souri. Several new developments In commer cial vehicles will be noted at the com-' lng exhibition. Among these may be mentioned chain cases for protection of the side drive chains against dirt and water, self-atarters that obviate the need of cranking the engine by hand, differential locks that enable the driver to pull out of a place where only one rear wheel can get traction on the road, speed governors on the engines that are enclosed so that the driver cannot "monkey" with them, and removable power plants built on subframes. A trend that is becoming general is the placing of the steering wheel on the left, side .and the control levers In the center. " 7 ; A tuning fork that Is not affected by temperature, therefore is accurato under all conditions, is a French scien tist's invention. The New WARREN "12-30" A Development Not An Experiment The 1012 Warren "12-30" comes to you as a car that is old and yet new. Old, in the sense that every de tail of its construction has been thoroughly tried out , and proven best. New, in the sense that in every feature it is strictly up to date. Thus at one and the same time you get an up-to-the-minute car and a car of which every detail has been demonstrated a car of absolute certainty. SERVICE We are agents for only one car- THE WARREN Permanently located in our new building. Have a well equipped repair de partment. Employ only mechanics who thorough ly know about automobile construction therefore service rendered to your satisfaction; Portland-Detroit Auto Co. ' . X. HAXOir, Manager, Fourteenth and Concli Street Phone: Marshall 1665, A-2103' Floyd Hollidar. Floyd! Halllday, master mechanic and In charge of the service "department of the Stoddard-Dayton Automobile com pany, left Portland Friday for a visit throughout the east.-and will call at the different factories represented by the local firm, the Federal jTruCk fac tory and Paige-Detroit factory, located in Detroit, Mich. r the Stoddard factory at Dayton, Ohio, and the Pathflndw factory at Indianapolis. Mr. Halllday will thoroughly familiarize himself with every detail of the above cars while at the different factories and also make a close study of their service plans, and thereby place himself in much bet ter position to give the people of Port rand what they are demanding in the way of first class service on the oar represented by hi firm. The Stoddard-Dayton Auto company ha just completed arrangements in It service department which will make It one of the most thorough In the city. A first class mechanic will be in oharge to care for the Stoddard-Dayton, Path finder, Paige-Detroit machine and Fed eral trucks. The system in managing with this department will be such that any owner of any of the above, named machines will get instant service. A complete set of part for every car handled by the Stoddard-Dayton Auto company will be kept in stock. This department will be under the supervision of G. D. Rush more, sales manager for the- company. ... DROP FIGURES FROM NAME OF COLE CARS Following the policy of many of the motor car builders the Col line of automobile has dropped the figure which have been used after the trade name of their car. These figures which signified the horsepower of the car had a real value from an advertising stand point, but the officials of the company in increasing the horsepower of the car found that the figures were really con fusing. Therefore the board of directors at a conference decided that In the fu ture the name of their car should just be the Cole. New Device Is Found to Work Without . Hitch Crowd o People. Witness the Demon stration on the Street. , On last Monday. January 22, in ac cordance with, the announcement mad in the Sunday paper, the Covey Motor Car company held It test' number one with the Cadillac automobile. It wa demonstrated to flulte a large and en thpslastlo crowd that the electric self starter with which the 1912 Cadillac car are equipped would furnish suffi cient motive power to run the car, con talnlng a capacity load of passengers, for a number of blocks with the spark plug removed. ' It was also stated by the Covey people that when the car had run a far a the battery would last tbe car would pick Op enough power be tween the time It stopped and the time It would take to replace the spark plug tp again start the engine with the self' starter. At 10:17. a. m.. with the following passengers and Judges, Elliott E. Brett one of Mr. Covey'a Cadillac salesmen. at the wheel of the demonstrating car Lou Winther, proprietor of the Imperial barber shop; A. A. CresselV of Monroe & Crease! 1, and Charles B. Harris, man ager of the Covey Motor company, the car was started on it demonstrating journey from the corner of sixth and Stark street. A large crowd waa gathered around the corner to watch the test, and quite a number or automomie xoiiowea tne procession throughout the entire route, The course taken by Mr. Brett, in charge of the car, was down Sixth street to Ankeny, out Ankeny to Eighth, north on Eighth to Everett, west on Everett to Park, south to Davis and then east on that street to a stopping point between Sixth and Seventh. The entire distance traveled by the car was 12 block. Figuring, the Portland block 20 to tbe mile, the car traveled a little more than three-fifths of a mile. When the car came to a atop In the middle of the block the spark plug were again placed in poeltion and the self-starter brought In play to furnish cranking power to start the engine, and regardless of the fact that those who had watched the test demonstration from start to finish, all were more than well .repaid and . pleased .when the. . electric starter responded without a tremor and the engine was again spinning as If nothing had happened to take away Its starting power. Speaking of the test, a dealer said "Mr. Covey and his force of efficient salesmen deserve a great deal of praise by the people of Portland for allowing people the opportunity to witness jus what one of these much talked of self- starters would do when put to the test. It has only been a few years since the public at larjje was saying that the automobile itself was and always would be a. failure. At the present time there are many skeptical ones regarding the self-starter, hut could they have seen the Cadillac test it would have opened their eyes on the subject that Is now being so much talked of." if II lal 15 The skid problem is not that of stopping the skid it is prevent ing its start Tires never skid on clean dry pavement The only way to pre vent skidding on wet, muddy, greasy pavements is to clean the pavement so that the tire tread can get a firm grip. The Diamond Safety Tread Tire cleans the pavement as a squeegee cleans a window. It is the only safety tread that is really safe, the only one that solves the skid 1 problem by knowing what it is. The Diamond Safety Tread is not simply a matter of buttons, knobs, ridges, or ornamental designs -its . cross and parallel bars are based upon a scientific principle, .... . They cut through and clean away the Mm of water, mud, or grease that prevent any other tire's getting q firm grip on the pavement The Diamond Safety Tread Tire is an all-year-round tire. It gives even Qreater Mileage than the regular Diamond Tire and the regtdarDiamondTire is Greatest -in Mileage among smooth tread tires. IT At your Dealeror lhcJ)idiqoid ftnbber (ompamj cm v. SEVENTH AND BURNSIDeStREETS, PORTLAND, OR. Read tK Read Story . CKKI Story Strength Rk'ateiir IlEiijJ Strength in St- SEE DISPLAY IN OWL DRUG COMPANY'S WINDOW Call at our store and let us show you-s-Just installed, New Automatic Air Pump, 120 pounds pressure Everybody welcome! K2polbMc Tire Co. PHONE MAIN 2162, A-1035 344-346 BURNSIDE STREET The Rambler Cross . .Country is a Good Car See It and You Will Think So Too A cushion soft and pleasing even to 'an invalid. Eight-inch upholstery of finest leather and selected long hair forty-five double-acting steel spring coils. Rich in comfort, finished like club furniture. Lots of room in front and rear; 27 ins. from seat to dash, 31 ins. from seat to seat in tonneau, rear seat 4 feet wide, plenty of ebow room at wheel. Three large persons may ride in com fort in tonneau. New radiator of popular and dis tinctive type, 12,000 square inches of cooling surface; 954 inch headlights in black and nickel; radiator cap of exclusive design. Big wheels and tires help to carry you lightly over depres sions in the road. It's the bumps that cause fatigue. You don't have to brace yourself and hang on in the Rambler. Slight or heavy, tall of short, the steering pillar can be adjusted to exactly suit. Sit at tbe wheel for a moment and you'll want to drive drive and you'll want to buy. Write for Catalogue EQUIPMENT Bosch Duplex Magneto Gas Head lights, with Presto tank; Electric Side and Tail Lamps, Robe Rail, Foot Rest, Glass Front, Top and Dust Hood, Speedometer, Anti Skid Tires in rear. Girowe Anito Go, $2000F.O.B. Portland PHONES MAIN 7867, A-2642 SIXTEENTH AND ALDER STREETS Distributors for Oregon and Southern Washington for Rambler, Stutz, Marion, Krit and Mais Gear-Driven Truck C ncK Vaii VVOl IUU Less Money Than Any ffcrhor rourCylmder Car in Hip. World Because It Is Simplest in uesign and Built in CLtitic Numbers NOTE THESE PRICES FORD Model T Torpedo, 2 pas sengers, complete ly equipped 68 FORD Model T Commercial Road ster 3 passengers (removable rum ble seat), com pletely equipped.. 68 FORD Model T Touring Car, four cylinders, five pas sengers, with com plete equipment. . FORD Model T Delivery Car, ca pacity 750 pounds merchandise, com pletely equipped, $78 $81: FORD Model T Town Car (Landaulet), 6 passengers, completely equipped, . $1 07 mmm M - ft - ....... Ihese races Are All F. O.B.Portland Mn T?nrH rar eAA iineniifnnd Send for catalogue and other booklets describing Ford Model T cars. . Ford Motor Car Agency I Ul U 1VIUUUJ 8th and Hawthorn: PHONE EAST 619. iCvy , . ajf I tory, Detrc:t. :: ' . . .