THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. JANUARY 23, 1912. All Uail Orders Aro Carcf nlly and Promptly Filled Samplc3 Hailed on Kcqncst- Esprcss Prepaid on Pnrchases Amounting to 05.0 Q c j Over WitJiin Ono Hnndro Great Savins In Druj Sundries 25c Jergen's tlb. tins Talcum 15c 25c Colgate's Talcum v. ; . . . . 15c 25c Sylvan- Talcum i ;15c ,25c' Boric Talcum. V, . .15c 25c Squibb's Talcum ..... v. 18c 35c Powdered fioric Acid. ... 19c 25c Jergen's Cold Cream . .. . 10c 5oc Wauna; Face Cream .... . 39c 5oc Palmolive Cream : 19c 25c Peroxide Cream . . . . . . 17c Vaseline Cold Cream ...... .25c Carmen Cold Cream . ; 19c Carmen Face Powder, 39c 50c Java" Rice Powder ......29c The Most in Value The Best In Quality TinnnArnMnRRISOM: i ill, i r I. r eat Saving in Drug-Sundries )c LaBlache Face Powder. . .34c ..39c .19c i .16c ... 5c $0c. Rubber Gloves..... . .. ,39c 50C Robertine Face Powder ;35cTVauna Ruff Skin Cream. ocooicv Ammonia , , . ... ! oc Finger Nail Boards . 85c 2-(jt.. Fountain Syringe. . .50c $ 1 .00 3-qt. Fountain Syringe . C9c 85c 2-qt. Water' Bag.'. ..... .C3c $1.00 3-qt Hot Water Bag. . ,79c $1.25 2-qt.vRapid-Flow Syr'ge C9c $1.50 3-qt; Rapid-Bow Syr'ge 98c 50c Hinds' Honey-AImU Cr'm 34c 3t . m - ,.-. 1 i i V ii "". '!'i.t '.' t-."'V ?.. 4 mm-x.-j v . T"l - " i . 1 irA? "'lX nly TMree More ; Bay Before Stock Tsikin And All Lines Must Be Reduced to the Low est Possible Limit --Take Advantage ! Even the most tuccesful department manager now and then maket a mistake, because no hard-and-fast rule can be followed to awurc that a teaton purchases -will exactly balance the demand. And such , II. i. ill .. ii ii i i . .. . ...hum iihh..i.i. ii i I '" i . ... mi.-. ., , I.II..IH. n- i , i .. i i , i n .. n i W ij i , m i. . mistakes must be paid for, dearly by telling the left-over surplus at LESS THAN ACTUAL COST. This U so true, in fact, that sharp losses are freely taken to reduce stocks to the lowest possible point before taking inventory. These and hundreds of other specials have been arranged for the next three days AT PR1CESTHAT HAVE NO COUNTERPART ON ANY OTHER COUNTER IN TOWN! , OUT- OF-THE - ORDINARY VALUES WoMien'sTailoredl Snits " f "V ' 0ur 'entire stoclc of Women's Tailored Suits on sale tomorrow ' at these prices none reservedand in reading over this remark- 4U1C dlUIUUlilClllClU piC4w UCAI lit I1UUU 11141 Uit-db. oiu "Ul uiu T styles dr' Carriedvef su The materials are imported Scotch and English mixtures and serges, cheviots and diagonals, in wanted shades as well as black and navy. They are all perfectly tailored and well finished throughout. It is a rare opportunity to pur chaser new suit at little cost. Take advantage. , . ALL Go at Cost and Less ! The season's final clearance of Furs at prices that permit of splendid savings prices low enough to induce you to purchase now. for next' season's wear. The- assortment includes both Neckpieces and Muffs of Coney, Mink, Fox, Lynx,' Marmot and Water Mink. All prices from$1.15 up to $19.50 each. Gflafc Sal of Raincoats VALUES UP TO fc a Oft VALUES UP TO ifel o K $12.50, CHOICE AT -3W.UQ $19.50, CHOICE These are excellent Rainproof Coats shown in all the best styles and materials, and come in the rnost fashionable shades of gray and-tan. They are all new goods, pur-: chased thi: season, and are' special ; values at our regularly low selling prices, but be cause we' overstocked on these goods we place, them on sale at nearly HALF PRICE - lira ; PRICES TO STIMULATE QUICK PURCHASES IN Kjaii-TtJiadorwear' audi Hosiery Women who know the high quality of our Knit Under wear and Hosiery, will be quick to take advantage of the re markable savings to' be had in these lines. You , may well judge the offerings by the items listed here. CT'Vestb and Pants OS J 1 Iff ' U , 0.25 Quality onlSale at 8 Oo the G arm en t Women's Wool Vests and Pants of one of the best makes. Shown in all regular sizes in both gray and cream colors.- ahe vests .are neatly fmished with silk . trimmings, and the pants are made with band top. Fine, seasonable-weight gar . ments.that have sold all season at $1.25 each." Pre- Qf)r ' Inventory price 1 OyL Vests and Pants in the same styles as above, $150 quality, Pre-Inventory price $1.13 Union Suitsfine woolen" garments in all sizes, $2.50 quality, Pre-Inventory at $1.79 Union Suitsfine wpolen garments in all sizes, $3.00 quality, Pre-Inveritory at $2,25 CHILDREN'S WOOL STOCKINGS 35c Grade at 23c 40c Grade at 32c A special underpricing of Boys' and Girls' Fine Ribbed Cashmere Hose.v They come in fast black, with gray heel and toe, and in narrow and wide rib. All sizes, 5J4 to 10. - Two of our leading lines, on sale at a worth-while saving.;' , - ' . . WOMEN'S yOOL STOCKINGS 35c to 65c Values at 21c to 45c a Pair All lines of Women's Wool Stockings on sale at reduced prices, r Seamless and full fashioned styles. They pome in gray with ribbed top, and black in plain or ribbed stylesr with gray heel and toe. . All sizes. About 3000 Yards of NOVELTY m m m jm m pp iLiLiM. From 22 to 27 Inches Wide, Regular 65c to $1 Qualities J! yard Fancy Poplins, Moires, Nov elty 'Messalines, Fancy Peaus de Cygne, Taffetas and Print ed. Warp Novelties; .also rich Persian Silksr Jacquard 'Fan cies, Plaids ,and Shepherd Checks. Included are hun dreds of patterns in neat and attractive colorings suitable for most any purpose. It's a great closing-out sale to make room for new spring goods. Regular 65c to $1.00 2 Qr silks, a yard SPECIAL SALE OF Children's Made of Excellent Quality Outing Flannel and Neatly Finished. Regular JCi- 50c and 65c Values. . OOL It will repay you many times over to lay in a goodly sup ply of these gowns for the children's future needs. Well-; made garments of excellent quality 'outing .flannel in the neat pink and blue striped ef fect. They come in sizes for children from 2 to 14 years of age and are neatly finished. Regular 50c and' 65c values on sale at ... OOC FLANNEL GOWNS 75c to 95c Values 59c A large assortment of Wom en's Gowns, made of good grade outing flannel in plain "white or neat pink and blue strip e s. All made jrood full size, neatly trimmed "and well finished. Reg. 75c, 85c and 95c values. , CQA Sale price .,pyL MUSLIN GOWNS . $1.00 and $1.25 Values 85c A strong line' of -Women's Gowns in the high, V-shaped . and low-neck styles, with long, short i or half-length sleeves: . Materials used are .fine cam bric and "nainsook; with dainty lace and embroidery trim-, mings. , Reg.1 and OCv 1.25 values on sale, OOC A SENSATIONAL SALE OF RIBBON" REMNANTS AT RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES!' THE GREATEST VALUE-GIVING SALE EVER HELD IN THE CITY! 15,000 Ribbon Remnants Vals.Up to 30o, fe: T7?rh Your Choice for lOcEa ) Vals.Upto75ot Tour Choice at All Ccffi, AU 'ISmSS.tfSW All Widths, AU Lengths, lz to3-yd. Lengths. Just think of buying beautiful Ribbons, -suitable for most every purpose, at these ex traordinarily low prices! It is economy of the most 'pronounced sort In this assort ment are ribbons suitable for hair bows, sashes, trimmings, millinery, fancy work all kinds, all folors, in both . plain shades and fancy, in all lengths from Vz to 3 yards and in all widths from Ya to 7 inches. Not a ribbon remnant reserved. We are deter mined to dispose of the entire assortment before inventory and have accordingly made the prices low enough to cause sensational selling. We suggest an early visit Two lots to choose from: : vrm? lip1"' VALUES TO 30c, YOUR CHOICE AT, EACH 5c VALUES TO 75c, YOUR CHOICE AT, EACH 10c ECONOMIZE BY THESE PRE-INVENTORY PRICES ON DOME STIC GOOD As our space is limited, we mention but a few of the items underpriced offer ingsthat abound throughout 'ous popular Domestic Section. Prudent housekeep ers will not fail to economize by purchasing liberally at this sale of household needs. Pillow Slips, 42x36 inches, made of good, strong muslin, best 2XM grade. Pre-Inventory price lvt Pillow Slips, 42x36 inches, made of extra heavy muslin, best 15c grade. p Pre-Inventory price 11 v Bed Sheets, made full size for double beds, sold regularly at 50c each.., Pre-Inventory price Ov Bed Sheets, full double size, made of linen-finished muslin, 65c qual- ' JJ J ity. Pre-Inventory price UTtC Bedspreads, made full size and finished with hemmed ends, 1.00 grade. 'JZf Pre-Inventory price ...I OC Bedspreads, made full size and finished with hemmed ends, $1.25 Q A A grade. Pre-Inventory price., D1UU Percales and Ginghams at 9c Yard An unusually large and attractive assortment of Standard Quality Percales and Ging hams. Included are all the best styles in light and dark colorings, suitable for Qw dresses, waists, aprons, shirts and children's wear. Pre-Inventory price only. .C THESE IMPORTANT PRICE REDUCTIONS IN TheMen's S8ctioi Mr. Man, here are savings on Shirts, Hosiery and Under wear worth profiting by. Glance over the following list and check over the things you are in need of then come here and profit by this important sale. Negligee Shirts, made of the best silk mercerized cloth and with soft turn-down collar. They come in plain QCp white, cream and tan, all sizes, $1.00 grade. . ..OuL Negligee Shirts, made of the best Amoskeag chambray and with soft turn-down collar, all sizes, in blue color, regular 1.00 U rn . . . ; ... ;.,,UUW shirts. ; Pre-Inventory price Coat-Style Shirts of best quality blue i chambray, full plaited " bo som, attached cuffs, all AA sizes, $1.25 grade. Sale 7lW Lasher Hose, "the best cashmere half hose for men. , They come in all sizes, in natural,' gray and black. Special price for the Pre-Inventory Sale, the pair v . . j ................. . .Ov Jim Cotton Socks, that good, heavy kind that will wear well.and are fast black- Out best 15c Ar grade' on sale ; at, pair.. I lL ' ' Wool Shirts; also Drawers; of seasonable weight. X They- come in all sizes and are our regular $i.00 quality. They are spe cially priced for Pre-Inventory at H A only I