2 01 , 6 Rooms TAKE A LOT. I have had this bungalow built to "ell with the object of investing my money tor the Interest, and in, let ting the con tract I chose a man, not because he was i the cheapest bidder, but ior in gooa workmanship put in the bouse. TUB PORCH. , ' , , T' full width and haa bullt-ln Keats, and an oak door opening Into ft large re--. reptlon' hall. ' . Has a coat closet with pier glass mir rors. s LIVING ROOM. ' ' , ... Has fireplace and built-in bookcases; 1 triple windows opening on front porch; a columned arch open into dining room. DINING ROOM. -...' w - la paneled, plate rail, built-in buffet. - triple window opening on aide lawn; a. ' double-acting door opens Into the kitch en: another , door opens into the pass hall. - ' DUTCH KITCHEN. ' ' .KI,. Haa flour, sugar bins, dish cabinets, pot. kettle closets, woodlift boiler closet. ' broom closets, drawei sink with double tfraln boards, molding . board, PASS HALL. .. ,' K Between the bath room and 2 bed ' rooms and dining room. BED ROOMS. . . . Are . quite laree, with windows and closets. . .... ,i The bed rooms and kitchen are all white enameled and tinted in pretty pale green, blue, pink colors, while the front rooms are stained a beaiiurui jrohlen oak with a flat wax oil finish. The walls are of tan and cream ceilings. There has been exceptional care taken in the finish of the woodwork, and in fact throughout the Whole house, by the different mechanics. If you really de sire to get a home and wish, to see the - house. I Will be at house Sunday and will be glad to talk to you. and if you are all right, you need not fear as to our getting together on the terms. Phone Tabor 3169. At home Sunday. Or address P-286. Journal. P 7 room modern brick bunga low, overlooking the golf links, convenient to three rap id transit trolleys, fireplace, electric -. fights, gas range. 'Splendid corner lot 50x100, 6 bearing, fruit trees, nice gar den,; etc.; price $3500; terms ' SI 000 cash; balance to suit. Elrod,' 519 Corbett bldg.. N Trand aewS room bungalow on fine large lot., just one block from Haw thorne ave., beautiful fireplace and built In bookcases, paneled dining room a ik. elegant buffet large Dutch kitchen, 2 well lighted bedrooms, white enamel bath, large floored attic full cement basement with laundry trays, etc. This is actually the best buy on the market : and is located in the best located district on the east side; price $3250: $50 casit and $2S per month. - Take Hawthorne ve. or Aft. Scott car to 60th st Call .1405 Hawthorne ave. . ', $100 Cash Price $2700 For a fine 5 room bungalow, everything right up to date, base ment, furnace, laundry trays, Dutch , kitchen, paneled dining room, china closet woodlift ce ment walks in, no assesments against the property, lot 60x100, 2 blocks from the car. This is a fine place. Barnes & Andrus 406 Lewis bldg. 4th and Oak sts. . Mala 2081. A Beautiful Home " Nice 4 roc buna-alow on corner with 4 lots, all Planted to KngllHh walnut and ..peacnes. an bearing lots of small fruit, pood chicken house and yard, 1 block to car. Price $2700; terms $800 cash, bal ance easy. . - 6 room cottage, good basement, plumbed and wired, only $1500, $300 cash. Take Mount Scott car to Grays Crossing. Grays Crossing Land Co. Tahor 969. Open Sundays. . . . Mr. Workingman ..-'" KliAU THIS Smart houses and 60x100 lot. $400 and up; $20 down and $10 a month; call us up or come out and see them; It will cost you nothing; also lots $150 and up, . $5 down. $5. a month: all these lots are Inside the cl.v limits. Tabor 376. Widell & Wilson ' 800$ 7J. frlllsan St. M. V car to KOth. SIX ROOM HOUSE F1TRNIRHED. Alberta district, near Piedmont; this bouse ls up to date, bungalow style, 1 block to $ car lines: has walks, elec tric fixtures, shades, furniture, carpets, kitchen stove and manv other house : bold necessities; buy this .and save worry about payments for furniture: cash $560, balance of $2560 in monthly payments of $25 per month, including interest. Address owner, L-290. Journal. EAST 47TH ST. NORTH. ROSE CITY PARK. ' $100 CASH. - T rooms, sleeping porch, built-in buf fet and bookcase, solid oak floors, , kitchen range, furnace, fireplace, mirror doors, etc NATIONAL REALTY & TRUST CO.. 723 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. - Phone Main 6129. FOR 8ALE 8lx room dwelling: sun f parlor and sleeping porch Inclosed In glass; hot air furnace: full concrete basement; stationary tubs; living rooms, lSx:2; one bed room same size, 2 other , bed rooms; located at 753 Broadway; lot 60x100. For sale: very easy terras. McCAROAR, BATES & LIVELY. 801 Yeon bldg. One: More Chance ''V Everything to be desired in a modern 8 room, home, 60x100 lot, west of E, 43d t . Rose CHy or B.-aumont car. I .Must 'Have 'Money From $800 to $1000 cash, balance $20 per month, absolutely the best buy and terms in Kortianq.i A -a in. journal. j 5 Room House, $2700 s Good bouse and -woodshed on lOOx 166 lot, ilty Water, graded street. 2 blocks from 12 room school. A fine buy on terms of $300 cash and $15 or more per month. . . Atchison & Allen . gl3 flerllwifer bldg.. 2d and Alder sts. Ft A'H rwom bungalow wllh cement Ws meiit. plmttered throughout, modern plumbing-, double construction: fireplace; pvlce $200: terms . on application , to , 3tr Leonard. "v...; "( LP SIM A TRUST COMPANY t t;rond floor Hoard of Trade bldg. J K VVinall home " Oregon Electric, 3i miles s'outh. I'hone East 1210v . in i BEA ' HIE 850 an THE ' FOR SALEHOUSES .SM I The following -..houses are among ourr exclusive iisimgi have beenxamined and checked up by our office as goodvalue: $22QO-Roselawn avenue, near Kllllngs s worth, rooms, good condition; - $U0 down, balance $20 monthly. $2776 6 room bungalow, 46th between Lincoln and Harrison, 1475 cash, balance $18 monthly. $3100 8 rooms and .reception hall. Woodlawn district, very finest of ' finish and fixtures, equal to $4000 house, $800 cash, balance to sun. "I7B0O 1 H story 8 room bungalow, fin est buy In Rose City Park, on E. 49th St.. $500 down, will tske It, balance to suit, , H000 6 rooms and den. 103$ R. Stark, overlooking the park. Improve ments all in and paid, $1500 down, will take lot in part payment. H00O 8 room bungalow, cor. E. 43d and Thompson, Rossmere. beam ceilings, furnace, etc., terms to u't $6000 10 room bungalow, on Mt Tabor, 60th .St.. near Salmon, a magnifi cent buy. $1000 down, $50 monthly. $5500 8 room modern house, Eust everett st., near 24th. a splendid bargain on any reasonable terms ' to suit. $6000 8 room house, on E. 3Tth st.j near Brasee. beautifully finished Inside and out, oil burners, steam heat, hot water in eaoh bedroom, $500 down or will take lot or auto up to $750 as part payment. $700010 room new house. E. 6Sd. head of Madison St.. lot 105x100, modern and up to date In every respect; price below cost. $2000 down, bal- n nr a ta suit $f750 HollaC-" addition, bargain. E. tn st., near trroaaway, i siorj 8 room house, lot alone worth $4000. $600 cash will take It. bal ance to suit EXCLUSIVE AGENTS. Dorr E. Keasey &. Company, Second Floor Chamber of Commerce. A Beautiful Home We have another fine 8 room house for sale. This place is worth $2800, but we have been in structed to sell It at $2300. This Is a very pretty home with fine large lot. 60x100 feet. Ine fine neighborhood, convenient to school and churches and on one of the best car llnea in the city. And we will sell you this beautiful home for only a small payment down, the balance by the month, or" we will cut the price for all cash. This .will not be on the market long at tbts price because it is close to the river and a very desirable home. Phone Main 2891. Base Line Land Co., J. S. TRUMBLE. 404 Railway Exchange. Portland, Oregon. COUNCIL 'GR! vokrty Beautiful 7 room bungalow, well built throughout, modern in every respect. built in buffet and bookcases, rt re place, furnace, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, elegant bath, also running water in one bedroom; shades are In, 2 sleeping porches, full basement, hard surface streets and sidewalks all in. Price $8500. Here's the interesting part: No strings to this offer. TEWS KEENE. KENSHAW, $2 Hat Store, 449 Washington st. Marshall 377. HAVE YOU A HOME? WHY NOT, WHEN YOU CAN BUY 60x100 lot. 5 room house. $1100. 8150 cash, $15 month. 86 2-3x100 lot, 4 room house, $1850, $200 cash, balance good terms. 61x150 lot, 3 room house, $1800, $300 cash, balance terms, and others. MILLS ft BON, 811 McKay Bldg. BEAUTIFUL six room house in Sun nyslde. just completed and modern in every detail. Large living room, dining room, kitchen, 3 sleeping rooms and sleeping porch, handsome fixtures, hardwood floors; full cement basement and furnace; street improvements all paid. Midway between Hawthorne ave. and Sunnyside car lines. Price $4700; terms $760 cash, balance $25 per month and Interest. Lueddemann & Burge, vti r.iecinc ping. SIX room modern bungalow, U block from Rose City Park car; east front, nice lawn and garden: full basement, beamed celling, paneled dining room, Dutch kitchen, $66 range, bath room In white enamel; combination fixtures. cash $150; fireplace, non-rust screens to ail windows: lust ready to move into: a dandy home and a snap at $3760. Ap ply xo owner, sa to. oist st. n. come out Bunday; will make terms. BETWEEN E. 22D AND 22D KTRKKT. At 781 E. Taylor St.. solendld hirh lot, improved street, cement walks, two oiocKs 10 car, lot duxiuo; room real dence. well built, well finished, bath and toilet, full basement hot and cold water, gas, electricity, fireplace, garage; only $4800, easy terms. Call for Reagan. 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK. Owner must have money and will sell modem 9 room house and u. aom nf ground In good location on east side at nig discount; nne ror chickens or gar den; $506 cash down if taken this week. iw:, journal. A SNAP 6 room house. 2 larre lots. corner. 72d and Sandv road: onlv cor ner In this locality not restricted for nusineFs; can De naa rew days onlv for $3500; terms arranged. This is practically cost of house alone. Must sen, owner going east. SLOOP & VELIE, 1013 Chamber of Commerce. HERE IT IS. Two-thirds of an acre, 6 room house, running water piped In the house, 10 minutes' walk from station, within IS minutes of center of city on the west side, $2260; easy terms. Provident Trust Co., zoi, zoz. 203 Board of Trade. Marwnau 473, a-iuzz. HOUSE AND LOT AT A SNAP. Will take good Portland property for name, come in ana let us ten you what it Is Monday. NORTH COAST COLONIZATION CO., 42 cnamDer or commerce mag. Main 258. FOR SALE; Here la a snap. If you are looking for a new, modern 8 room cottage with full basement and lot 60x 100 with bearing fruit trees. 2 blocks to car, call 1693 Peninsular ave., St. Johns car. today. TWO story bungalow on Waverly Woodstock car, 925 Gladstone, near 30th, walking distance Southern Pacific shops; cement basement, laundry trays, lireplace, el ec trio lights, gas, $27. Tabor BZOU SJUST raise money! 3 room bouse, lot 4uxivu, water, gas, cement wane, near two carllnes. 20 minutes out: Drice $700, $400 cash, $300, $10 a month. See owner iuzo ru. 2a si., n, rnoni wooa lawn 3. SIX room, I story house, nearly new, tun oasement. gas ana electrlcltv. corner lot 60x60, Minnesota and Failing sxreeis. t-nce sou; lerma. Fnono owner, Woodlawn 686, " NOTHING DOWN. " room house ana lot. also a 4 room bouse and lot in Alberta district, for saie on montmy payments, ia Barre, u commercial piock. FIVE rooms strictly modern bungalow, i hard wood floors, in Rose City Park, close : to car; $300 chum, balance like rent. ' owner, Z05 McKay Bldg. HAVE a $70 equity in fine lot at Jones more; will sell at big reduction or will trade for horse or car. Phone . Main OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY FOR BALKHOUSES 61 Homes on Easv Terms Modern- bungalow, .4 rooms and bath, fire place, bookcases. Plat rail, Dutch kitchen, lot 65x80, $2500. Small cash payment, balance to suit Five room bungalow, strictly modern, furnace, fire place, buffet, bookcases, hardwood floors, eas. . electricity, good view. Rose City Park, close to car; all street Improvements paid, . $3360 and up. v, v -. . 1 . : Olmstead Park 6 room bungalow, slse 80x68 on lot 50 xll2; double constructed and built for home; living room 18x30 with fine fire place; two large airy bedrooms on first floor, and two can be finished on second floor; large dining room and Dutch kitchen; elegant electric fixtures and entire bouse tastefully tinted; full ce ment basement and very large furnace. $5800; easy payments. .-. ( ' i 7-'- ' We have several six room homes with sll modern conveniences, furnace, fire place, hardwood floors, bookcaaee, buf fet, Dutch kitchen. These are first class in every detail. $3760 and up. Olmstead Park . 7 rooms and sleeping porch full J story; billiard room can be rinisnea in attic; very large living room dining room beamed and panelled; duih in bookcases, nurrei. urepiuce, imtn kitchen. The finish is extra ,good and above the ordinary. Full cement Jbaso ment and fine large furnace. Three blocks to Broadway car, $7000; ama.l payment and easy terms. Large 8 room home at Mount Tabor, excellent view of the whole city, moa ern conveniences, lot 86x185; large ma ture Royal Ann cnerry irees, ucauiuu. lawn, roses etc. $6000, $500 casn, Dai ance terms. PROVIDENT TKUBT c".. 201.. 202. 20$ Board of Trade Bldg. Marshall 478: A-1022. . GttWTMfflE AVENU I hare a beautiful home on the. west slope of Mt Tabor: this property is worth $10,000; the view is unsurpassed and can nevur be spoiled; the lot is 105x 100, and the street Improvements are all paid. Here Is a brief description of the house: FIRST FLOOR Reception hall, living room, dining room, den-breakfaat room and kitchen. SECOND FLOOR 4 large bedrooms, with big closots, white enamel, bath and fine sleeping porch. The attic is partitionea on in a rsn rooms. There is a run cemeni oaae n.nt rtnm hnt water heatlna nlant. nice fireplace, built In bookcases, handsome buffet, very fine lighting fixtures, etc. This is undoubtedly one of the greatest sacrifices ever offered. 8ee owner, 1406 Hawthorne ave, cor. 60th. Phone Tabor 626. ' Cash ttva von hoem looking for an oppor tunity to buy an up to date home at rock bottom price in the active Haw thorn district, and onlv one block from car and west of 36th street; every de tail of a modern . nome complete; o rooms, east front, wide veranda, expen sive front door, reception hall with coat closet, hardwood floors, fireplace,' book case, wide buffet, paneled dining room, model Dutch kitchen, 3 large bedrooms ith extremely large closets, weu equipped bath room, . swell electric shower light fixtures, full basement with cement floor, laundry trays. The price is only $3600. $500 down, balance $20 per month and interest Call at 1046 Hawthorne avenue, corner 35th. Phone Tabor 808 5 rooma, Sunnyside, $2100, easy terms. 5 room modern bungalow, east Flan ders. $2760, easy terms. 6 rooms, modern, E. Couch, $3500, easy terms. ft rooms, i. zstn, isauv; casn. 6 rooms. E. 28th. near Gllsan. $3850. Including hard surface street; terms. 6 room modern bungalow, 1 block south of Hawthorne, $3600; easy terms; 8 room modern bungalow, ta. Flanders, $3600; terms. r. uuwMS, oince ij icon puis. Hawthorne District We have an exceptionally large list of good bungalows and cot tages in this popular district for sale on easy terms. $100 down and up. Exclusive Agents, Dorr E, Keasey & Co. 2d floor Chamber of Commerce. FOR sale, 3 room modern cottage, bath, pantry, hot and cold water, wood hoist, electric lights, tinted walls, 60x100 lot In lawn and flowers, graded street, cement sidewalks, fine neighborhood, only hi block to car and school. Price $1800; only $500 down, balance montmy. 1022 E. 23d st. N. Take Alberta.car. 5 BRAND "NEA. 6 room bungalow, only 15 minutes from center of Portland, every modern convenience, y, block of car and hard surface street. Price only $4000, very easy terms. Call for C. Q. Reagan, CrlA rlN & HKK1AJW, 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. BRAN new 7 room house In Laurel hurst for $4800; $300 down, balance to arrange; has every moaern conven lence. 1 block from car. $300 street Im provements to assume; take It now and we win tint ana paint to suit, vvooa lawn 1493. BEFORE you decide, see corner bunga- iow, wltn rurnace," concrete garage, large porches, beamed ceilings, Dutch kitchen, on car line, corner -E. 82d and Clinton: this is a sacrifice. $3500. and very reasonable terms. Phone office. Marshall 637; residence, sellwood 837. NEW BUNGALOW 6 ROOMS $2860. A regular beauty, nothing lacking. fireplace, built in conveniences, oiled floors. 1 blocks bevond Laurelhurst. 1 block from car. ' Photo at office. Fred W. German, 829 Burnslde. Main or A' 2776. FOR SALE BY OWNER Attractive, well built 6 room bungalow In Hawthorne district; must be sold at once. Owner leaving town. Call 1029 E. HarriBon. Phone B-2829. SEVEN room modern cottage on E. 9th St.. south, corner lot Mixiuu. goon garage. This can be bought on good terms. Beals St. Robinson, 361 E. 11th st. East 6023. LOT and 2 room shack near Grays Crossing, $450; $26 down and $10 monthly for 8 months, $5 thereafter, R. F. WALTERS, 138 V4 1st St.. room 4 IRVINOTON BARGAIN Attractive, modern buntralow. 7 rooma. near Thompson St., only $5260; terms. Phone Bast 4; no agents. CONVENIENT 4 room cottage, lot 60x 100, large norch, roses, lawn, poultry ...... , , n .1 . . irn, v , nuuae uivu run, tnvv, irrjus. ioi 48th st. Woodstock car to Holgate. $180 EQUITY FOR $100. "Im K rrnr hnllatt si Yt lnt utlia Vn w balance due $870, at $10 per'month. 6116 7th st., h. m. IT'S a bargain, bungalow only $2600 terms like rent: Hawthorne district, Office phone Marshall 687; residence Hen wooa 88 j. GOOD east side borne, 10 minutes' walk to Morrison bridge, ibxoq. Modern with bath, furnace. Phones Main 112, A-u f. bad J eon Did 11000 ONLY. -" New 4 room house, plastered and painted, hot and cold water, easy terms. 3Z8 Worcester piog. REDUCED to $2500, and it Is a new bungalow, at your own terms. Haw thorne district - Office phone Marshall 637. - -?- - 7 HAWTHORNE avenue district bunga vlow, $2500,. terms.. Office phone Marshall 637; residence phone Sellwood 691. ;" - NEW $2500 bungalow, any terms;, Haw thorne district Office phons Marshall 637: residence Sellwood 691,: FOR sale, 100x100, 8 rooms, some fur niture, 6 grown cheery trees, 1, block e Johns car. Columbia ita, . , i , 87260 $111 ron SALE HOUSES 61 $30 'DOWN' ' - $1500 tor $800 WILL TAKE IT. I am leaving the city and will sell my $1200 equity In my $3600 home for $600. ' This is a beautiful little borne and far superior to the description In this advertisement. . There is a cement block retaining wall across the front of the lot, cement steps rise to the cement walks in the yard, and front porch, from which an art glass bungalow door opens into the living room. ' ; ,,' Living room ' ' ' Is 14x12 feet, and has a double window opening on the side, lawn, the upper sashes are of art glass; a door opens from this room Into the front bedroom; a large columned arch opens Into the dining room. Dining-room ' .' This room is 1Sx14 feet, and has the walls below the platerall finished with buckram and strip paneling on top of that, making a canvas background for decorative purposes. There are beam ceilings in this room, each corner hav ing an art glass lantern. There Is a beautiful built-in buffet with art glass doors and bevel-edge French mirror. This piece of furniture I had made by a practical cabinetmaker. Above tne dui fet Is a long art glass window, while either side are built-in seats ana sasn windows with art glass. These two rooms are dona In a flat golden oak finish, v The Dutch kitchen is a model of con venience, with Ita many drawers, sugar and flour bins, pot and kettle closets, molding board, woodlift, boiler closet. A door opens into the basement, which is full length and cement floored and wash trays. Bedrooms Are 12x13, and hare two windows each, with art glass upper sashes, and large closets with windows. Bathroom Has a full line of dumbing, consisting of low-down flush toilet, castiron white enameled bath tub. washstand; aoors opening from each bedroom Into the bam. Each bedroom, living room, dining room haa art glass dome of electrlo fixtures, with four chain pull sockets helow and two nilot electrics above. with two gas candlea, window shades and linoleum go with the house. This house is a beauty, and all I ask la the purchaser be all right and they may have no fear of making terms to suit Will take acreage as payment' Phnna Tabor 3159. I will be at home Sunday and glad to show you the place, or address P-285, Journal. Beautiful Mt, Tabor Several most desirable houses for sale near the new Mt. Tabor city park. Elegant view of the mountains and valley, paved streets, sewer, gas. Bull Run water, electricity, efe. More than 600 feet above other residence districts and only 24 minutes from the river. Take Mt Tabor car and nae to tasi 69th st. One elegant new house, i targe rooms, absolutely modern and first class In every respect, several up-to-the-minute conveniences. A bargain at $5000; part cash. One fine. new. 7 room house and sleeping porch and all modern through out; $4250. on terms. Good 6 room modern house, 1 block from car. $2300; on very easy terms. One fine modern, 8 room house that has been occupied three years. All in first class condition. A snap for $2800, part cash. We have 'several other good bargains rich now- find houses that will make you money if ever you want to sell. Come out today. TABOR HEIUHTH RiiAbTI W.. 146 E. 69th st. Phone Tabor 629. Hawthorne District $500 Down Law B room bungalow with full ce ment basement and cement floor, recep tion hall, large living room and dining room with elegant buffet nice Dutch kitchen, 2 large airy bedrooms with extra large clothes closets and bath be tween; combination lighting fixtures and window shades, linoleum on kitchen and bath room, also - $50 steel range goes. The lot Is 50x118 and only one block from car and surrounded by beau. tlful homes. Cement siaewaiKS ana sewer. Why live in cramped quarters when you can buy a home like this with only $500 down and balance like rentt We nntst sell. - . T. A. Sutherland - Office 86th and Hawthorne ave. Open S u n a ay. Phone Tabor Cash Buvs this new modern 6 room bunga low on lot 60x100, only one block from Hawthorne avenue, where values are Increasing very rapidly: nice reception hall, combination Dutch kitchen, two large, light airy bedrooms, well equipped bath room, large floored attic, full cement basement. Price $3000, $250 cash, balance easy mommy pay ments. No mortgage to assume. Call at 1046 Hawthorne, corner 85th street, oV phone Tabor 806. ; . Irvington We specialise on good proper ties In this most fashionable dis trict and would be pleased. to sub mit offerings of both vacant and Improved properties on very easy terms.. ErclURlve Agents, Dorr E, Keasey & Co. 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. Sunnyside Bargain $2850 for a five room bunga law on a paved stret with the paving all paid for, between the Sunnyside and Hawthorne car lines, only short ride out We can sell this for only $200 cash, and remember there are no assess ments to follow. , Barnes & Andrus 406 Lewis bldg, 4th and Oak sts. Main 2081. Worth $3000 goes for $2250 two story moaern 7 room nouse, win rent for $26 per month. ' Worth $800 goes for $600 small house and well improved lot Worth 1200 goes for $800 two choico east front lots. , ..' . i All the above Is for sale by the own n h .1 . Im nr & 11 Inn.t. . ..Iama n I. k n , stores, car line, etc., am going to sell something, so see me If you really want a bargain. Call 506 Gerllngor bldg.,, 2d ana Aiaer wis, STEAM HEAT these chilly mornings: ; how does that strike you 1 That's just one of the thlnas worth considering about thl room modern house that I must sacri fice. Every convenience you can think or; boxiuo lot. next to tne corner, east front; paved street, short walk to thu car. - Call Tabor 8631 ror price . and terms, evenings. . :. MODERN -now & room bungalow 36x 100. west side soutn, ii minutes out one . block of cAr, $'2250; $260 down, balance easy, Main 6703. 30 N, 16th. FOR SALE 12 room house, close In, good furnace, gas. light Bee owner. 9t E. 8th st MORNING. JANUARY 28, - - - - FOIt SALB UOU8E8T ' t X - 'Hampton's Calendar.. -For January- 28, ,1912 ; , Two 8 room houses, located on ' -41st St., Beaumont. These houses :, are fully modern, consisting of large verandas, sleeping porches, full cement - basements, furnaces, ... hardwood floors, billiard rooms, '. nhades and electrical fixtures. . I ' ' ... will sell these houses at the right prices and will give good terms, I defy competition ot . the houses and solicit, Inspection, yy-- r , .'.'7' . K ;, t .. 7,,,-; V ' One ( room houae on 69th St., ; between Siskiyou and Stanton, v 1 V4 blocks from Rose City Park carllne. This house Is . . full modern and equipped with fur- 7 naoe, sleeping porch and all the', modern Improvements. 7. v - Several rood lota for sale In . Beaumont,. Olmsted Park, Rose City Park, Laurelhurst, Villa in ede. Ten acre of good timber land near Hosier, free from all lncum brance, will sell or trade for .. good city property. .. 1 If anv of these places interest f ou, call and see Hampton, con- 7 raotor and builder.,, w 723 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. " Phone Main S129, Re. Tabor 1664. Closing an Estate . T We can sell one of the lest corners In- Irvlngrton, 76x100, with a room house and garage; for $7600, both street paved and the paving all paid for, : The r round alone Is easily worth 4000, and the property must be old at once. . Barnes & Andrus 408 Lewis bldg. 4th and Oak sts. Main 2081. SACRtFTCB FOR CASH. Large. 8 room home and H acre of ground; house la new and modern and positively the best built bouse In the district and best plumbing obtainable; it was built for a home, but owner must have money: the ground la a fine acre on corner, with lawn, roses, some fruit and chicken yards. This IS the biggest snap you ever aaw. Only 3 short blocks to car on 80 fare, east aide, and about 25 minutes' ride; near good school. Call 73 6th st, near Oak. ! BRAND NEW ' TWO STORY HOUSE. All modern conveniences: double con struction throughout: 6 fine rooms: full slse lot: facing 80 foot boulevard: choice of two carllnes; restricted district; prop erty rapidly advancing In value. Owner does not care for big first payment; he wants party able to pay regularly, Prloe only $2950; $26 per month (this Includes Interest.) See It today (Sun day). A. N. Searla, E. 76th and E. Gllsan st (M-V car.) Down New modern 7 room house, with fire place, only one block from, car, on hard surface street. Price $3000. Phone owner. Tabor 1147. $4500 TILLAMOOK ST. $4500. 60x160 lot, with 6 room house, close In. and close to new Broad way bridge. This la a bargain. $600 will handle. CHAS. RINGLER St CO.. 211 Lewis Bldg. $300 down, balance as -rent, 6 room bungalow, strictly modern and up to date. Kecepuon nan, jwu uancmoui, large lot 50x100. An Ideal little home. For further Information call Marshall 834 or Tabor 8089 I AM the owner and must sell quick one 6 room bungalow, $3000: 8 two story 6 room houses, all are modern Just built and located west of 47th street and two blocks north of Sandy road. Rose City Park; also will sell 7 room new house, beautifully built, on a cor ner view lot Mt. Tabor, for $4000: all these on reasonable terms. Tabor 2068. Half Acre Chicken Ranch Good 4 room house, lots of fruit trees and berr- bushes. 8 large hen houses, brooder, 60 thoroughbred chickens; this is a snap Including sll furniture, only $2300: 25 minutes' ride, 2 blocks from car. Call 425 Lumber Exchange. 4 Room House, 2 Lots 3 hen houses and yards, brooder house, 60 thoroughbred chickens, fruit trees, all furniture. Price only $1600, 2 blocks from car. 25 minutes' ride. Call 426 I Lumber Exchange. Here Is a Snao Willamette Helahts home for $4000. Good room house on well improved street; fine view, owner - must seii. It's a bargain. - Be sure and see It Neal Brown, 610 Swetland bldg. 17 Per Cent on $1600 9 hnnaes on EOxlOO corner, near car and close in, only $1600; Income $23 per month. Can you beat It? 426 Lumber Exchange. Marshall 429B A Special Rara-atn 4 room house In Alberta dis trict: nnce uzou. ' caeo. mum. n. Thornton. 203 Henry bldg BEST buy In Portland, 6 room bungalow, lust finishing,' lot 46x90; everything In and paid for; east side oi 4sui st. nnrih nf Madison, last house:, best o everything: price csauu. ai nouse. NOTHING DOWN. mam house and lot also a 4 room house and lot In Alberta district, for sale on monthly payments. La Barxe, 209 commercial diqck. 4 Room 4 room cottage and 60x100 lot for til lift- Easv terms: owner at Gregory Heights, s" Of wose city r-arn car line. Forced To sell my new home all furnished, for 11800. Terms. . 569 Roselawn. - WILL BUILD TO SUIT YOUR PUR'SE AND HKLt" J UNAWUIU : riUUBKi IK TOU OWN LOT. A. C. FURLONG, 617 CHAMBKK yjr W. MA1H FOR SALE 5 room cottage. 40x100 lot on S5tn iw near AiDena st. trice 12000. 8600 cash, balance $20 a month and interest, uwncr, rnone t-iini s room house, nartlv furnished, lot 60 X100. siooo: isuv oown, oaiance easy trmi. Bv owner, 5101 42d aye. S. E. Anabel station, Mt. Hcott car, $20 cash, $10 month buys new 6 room modern bungalow and t lots at 221 10th ave., Grays Crossing. I blocks south car- TJtr.RT huv In 'Portland. 6 rooms, mod. em. lot 60x100; come and see it; must sell. Price 32700; terms, b u. 6tn h, i.n,.T-l a - . . U ...... . U, r. 1 16th st.5 1 block from Alberta car llnd, $3500. $1000 caBh. P808, Journal. 100x100, 7 room nw house, fine view for a few days, $4000; ft cash. W-149, Oalnew st . A NEWLT furnished modern 10 room . house, 2 years' lease, reasonable; part cash - 1Z8 mn. hamskY. & RAMSEY, contractors and builders, specialty of bungalow and oraftsman houses. Phone Beliwood 1365 WKHT SIDE home for sale, 'With or without furniture, $4000 will handle. Main 8008. - - ' 7 " - ... ' - NEW E room bundHlnw. , laid attlii. sleeping porch, 2 blocks Mt, Tabor car, easy terms. Owner, Tabor- 1902. 150 1812. FOU SALE HOUSES ; CI I Hawthorne Ave - Will Take Lot West of 3 6th St., east front; I am going back to Pittsburg, and wish to sell my home to some responsible per son; I am not so particular, as to the first down as I am to get some one Wbo would take care of the ' place as I would, so If you are all right, don't be. afraid to answer this advertise ment. I had this house built for my home and It is done right; double floors and walls; reception hall, oak bungalow door, has oak floors, clothes closet stairs rise to hall above. Three ply veneered door , opens Into kitchen and another sliding door opens Into the living room. - , 1 ; ' Living room baa , oak floors, . fire place, bookcases either ; side, : triple window opening on the fronts porch; columned arch opens Jnto dining room. Dining room Oak floors, three-ply veneered, paneling, - platerall.. corner molding, beautiful bullt-ln buffet,, with art glass doors; these rooms have cream ceiling, tan walla. ' ' '! , '. Dutch kitchen Natural 'wood flnlh. drawers, bins, pot,, kettle closet, dish cabinets, double drain boards, boiler closet, woodlift linoleum on floor, base ment full cement and' washtrays. 7 Bedrooms Three large bedrooms with extra large closets, haying windows each tinted In very pretty colors. . Bathroom Has a full line of plumb ing, medicine closet ' , ... ' I will let the window shades go with the house, also beautiful electrlo and gas fixtures; street Improvements are all paid. I will take desirable lot as part pay. And the most desirable person can practically make their own terms. Home all dayiBunday. PHONE OWNER, TABOR 461. WRITE P-287. JOURNAL. :.' - - Hawthorne District Open for Inspection Tomorrow New, modern, t room bun galow, fireplace, bookcase, large hall with stucco ceil Ing; cloakroom, hall . seat, beam celling, panel wall in dining room; Dutch kitchen ' in white enamel; bedrooms and bath finished In white; linen closet tinted walls; .cement basement cement walks around house; gas and electricity. . I have 2 other bouses on 45th between Stephens and Harrison at $$260; one on 46th at $3000 and one at $8050; all must be sold on Sunday. Will be at these bouses from 10:30 a. m. to 5 o'clock. Price $3000 Geo. A. Ross, Owner 801 Gerltnger Bldg. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 2870. THE owner of the only hotel In a small town within 40 niiles of Portland Is fnvwH tn hava mnnv There are 20 rooms, fair furniture, building In good repair, the lot la 100x100 and there is a ood barn and some fruit trees. The utldlng Is insured for $2000. The price of the whole thing. Including ground, is only $2000, and a little cash will, han dle it If you are looking for a hotel snap this Is It A-813, Journal, - Five . Room Houses I am lust comnleting two " room houses, corner 82d and Sumner sts., two blocks from- car, with all modern con veniences, . Including- fireplace, Dutch kitchen, cement basementlaundry trays, complete plumbing, etc. Will sell either or btfth on any small payment and bal ance like rent. Call owner. East 6810. irvington balance to suit; complete, modern, at tractive well built; a bargain. Sun day and evenings call East 2182 for keys. Neilan & Parkhill, 600. Spald ing bid. t - A HOME PRICED LOW A BARGAIN Seven room bouse, grouna lzaxiev feet, located on Mt. Tabor Heights, A beautiful view and . grounds. Living room 16x32 feet, dining room 13x17 feet. Enclosed sleeping porch: full cement basement; garage. Price $9000. Call for Hicxman or mmoorg, wun nnmn Thompson. Chamber of Commerce bldg. ; V Hawthorne Home ; 15 rooma. basement: fireplace. . Dutch kitchen, bookcases, beam celling, eto., one block car. $2200, $100 down, $15 per month, 6 per cent; references re- auirea. uwner. it-sio. journal. $3200 BUNGALOW $3200. Mew. 5 room modern bungalow: fire place, gas and electric fixtures, eto.; Street improvements paid:- 1 block to car; a snap: little down, bal. like rent; will take vacant lot 856 Wasco at, near 28th at ' ' 7 - . ' . ' 4 Room" House $800 Close to St. Johns car, EOxlOO lot, now rented $120 year. Sacrifice quick sale. .- LAMAR, 41T Corbett st. Main 8931. DON'T pay rent when you can buy on such easy terms. New modern 5 room bungalow near car, west side, full- ce ment basement, wasn trays ana siae walk, sewers In and paid, lot Is 40x100. Price $2600; $50 cash, $10 .a-., month. Owner. 1127 Corbett st. ; BEST. BUILT HOUSE :' T-m Tsirlns-Tnn 4? InlsllS safl . In DA IT . . Ill mams tfaf.st olaKAratal , Will s1 Ttflf V t h 1 t'VlllD V I J . I m-m w- w most exacting. - Two baths. Corner lot 80x100. Several otners. j-ibvd, anai 273. Owner. W. H. weroman. rptiDTt rtTTt TO AM nuPAHTMUNT We come in contact with people that Will sell rignt. uo you m mun or lot? Phone Marshall 8278. ' 7 603 Lumbermens Bldg., 6th and Stark. .. Forced Sale e room nouee, ror onvi J ' .v lyy st. N., near E. Burnslde; price $3260. J. J. OKU hiK. cor, itrunn m. nu rj. Anmny, NEW modern 3 room house; level lot; 8 blocks from car lino; near factories. $1600; $100 cash, balance monthly, pay ments to suit . Furniture for sale. Own er, L. gard, Kenton gia. Belmv Cost, bv Owner f rooms, modern, extra large lot. sewer, gas, streets Improved. Sellwood 1542. MODERN 8 room home in restricted v district-for sale cheap, or would take automobile as first payment Call $11 Corbett bldg. DON'T need money; want some one to . take my beautiful Irvington house same as rent; price $6500. .Phone Mar shall 16 BUNGALOW, strictly modern, Wood stock; $700 down, $25 month, ; Palace Realty t;o., ,zo n laminn 00 Cash. Price $1 575 5 room modern cottage, Sellwood 154a. NEW coxy two room houso, fine loca tion, improved streets. Owner,. 191 Blandena st, -.' .. c , $300 ."'WIl; ' FOR SALE IjOTS 10 1 "Good Lot Buy" . -" In Southern Portland l. f r' We have 26 lots for sale In this ' district which will In a short .7 f: time show a substantial increase : In value over the prices for whlcti ; i (.,; they can be bought for now.. : . ; The Shaw-Fear Company - Main 38, 12 4th st , A-3500, BUILDEBi 1TTI Fine -corner, 80x100, . located on H. lth and Belmont; this is a dandy lo cation for apartments or stores, , will, sell on terms. Phone East $82 for full particulars. . - . $11,000 FRONT st oorner, BOxlOOt . easy terms; , Income $80 , , per $66,000 Northwest corner 8th and Madison. 75x100; Income $85 per month; terms. . ... . -- t. J srcnjmraT. tOt Board of Trade, ! Stanley Lots ' ; .. . . Just put on the market; right at the station; lots 60x100, streets graded, sidewalks, and water under pressure! all cleared and good neighborhood;, son 001 and store near by: 5 Ho carfare and 25 minutes rids on either Grasham or Casadero cars. , . Come put and see for yourself. Price $400t tares. Ot iice on Tne grouna. IRVINfJTON lJdTft. , Choice lot on B. 18th st,' between Braiee and Knott sts, $1150, terms. E. 19th st. between . Klickitat and Fremont, $1325; terms. . -. - E. 18th st. between KllcklUt and Fre mont $1126; terms. Choice corner, 100x100, El (Id and Knott sts. $3860. , $2000 oash, balance 1 years, 7 per cent 1 Phone Woodlawn 1165 after $ p. m. v 1 11 1 r 1 , FOR SALB $2700, a bargain br owtmu Improved bouse and lot located on 863 Marguerite ave, 2ft blocks from -Haw thorne ave, south, free from incum brance, mostly new, 6 room cottage, new paint and paper, cement basement, gas lights, lot 46x118, J1000 cash, $300 per year, 1 per cent P, O. box It, Wilson--vlile. Or. y Homestake ' Gardens Read our column ad In today's Ore fonlan or ask us. C, F. Smith & Son 218 Railway Exchange. Overlook Lot; $1000 60x100 foot lot All Improvements In and paid for. First class location, $1000 cash. MERIDIAN TRUST COMPANY, 808 Railway Exchange bldg. Phones: Marshall 2584; A-7430. S3 Down. $3 a Month Buys fine lots In Haseldell. Inside city limits, near M-V carllne and on new Mount Hood electric; water mains in, $185 up. G. L. Webb, 414 E. Stark st, cor, 6th. Some Good Buys If you want a lot In the Willamette addition get In on the ground floor while you can. No trouble to answer questions or give information, so phonj A-4bH. BEAUTIFUL view lots on Southern slope near Council Crest, $650 ana up, Including cement sidewalk, curb, graded streets and water. Building restrictions. Sold on easy terms. Provident Trust Co., 201, 302. $03 Board of Trade. Mar shall 478, A-1022. A BARGAIN. Lot 60x100, restricted district, nice location, value $R0O. Owner's equity $300, balance due $190; 6 per cent inter na a u.V.l. tlA mr A 4 nl.rcnt mitnlhl This must be sold at once. Address box 689. R. D. No. 1, city. - RiiIMInrr I nte ... .. . " UUIIUIIIfj UVLV Sewer, gas. cement walks, 1 carllnes, building restrictions, lots 50x100. $850 and up; special concessions to builders. W. H. Ross. 616 Snaldlng bldg. BUILDERS, ATTENTION! Will sell 40x100 lot on E. 89th near Tlbblts for $750 and take second mort gage back for same. Poulsen, 41$ Railway Exchange. Marshall 2753. Piedmont . The best Inside lot in Piedmont $1000 cash; has a fine natural grove and near all car lines. Neilan & Parkhill, 609 Bpairtlna? Mdar. Reid College Grounds Need cash; will sell choice lot right near them that's sure to double In year, for half holding prices of others near. Address Mrs. Jal. L-297, Journal. 11(1 DOWN. $10 PER MONTH. Fine view lot, matured .fruit trees, restricted distrlc tnear car, cement walk and curb. Bull Run .water. Provident Trust Co., 201, 202, 203 Board of Trade. Marshall 473, A-1022. 7 ' Irvington - Fine sightly lot next to bomer, 100 feet from Knott $1200; part cash; If you want a snap crab this one quick. 645 E. 10th N. ; - , - , ' .. FOR SALE 3 very choice lots on Skld - more near Williams, $2400. One lot, full slse, near Williams, $850. $500 will handle these lots or sny part. 815 Wil liams, woodlawn ibb. I HAVE a corner lot EOxlpo. Including improvements, - in koss.-" vity far, which I will sell for $750 on terms: lots Jn this vicinity sell for $1000, W-307, journal. 60x100 lot 1 block from Syndicate addi tlon, $ blocks from new Rose City school, 100 feet from Broadwaypnly $350 , and easy terms; a snap. , W. J. Day. o E, lath st. A FINE view lot in restricted district, overlooking the city; can be handled bn -easy terms. -; Price ' $1000. W-308, journal. IRVINGTON PARK. 2 LOTS $67 $25 down $10 monthly, 1 block to car. " These are a snap. Fred W German,- 829 Burnslde, M. or A-2776. $1260 east side, 2 nice modern 6 room houses, full cement basement and walks; would sell on easy installment plan, very cheap. Phone Eas t 8902. MTTST SELL IN 5 DAYS. Full lot worth $1850 for $1160: H cash; Improvements paid; 23d near Sandy road, -1037 Chamber of Com. 2 FINE lots on 47th st. betwenn Stanton and Siskiyou ; sts.,- Rose City Park; improvements In and paid for;. $650 eaoh. N-304. Journal.'" - 7 160 .LOTS, close in. on - Division at.; ' streets graded and ready for market; terms. J. H. McMahori, 1264 Division. rnuno i auiir i na. EQUITY 'in Rossmere. lot; this Is bar- gain if taken at once. Phone Tabor 60x100 JUST south of Hawthorne. $900, a snap, small payment., balance to . 1411 UawVhnim. .irn . f , RAMSEY & RAMSEY, contraotors and builders, specialty of bungalow and craftsman bouses. Phone Sellwood 1368, 100x100 NEAR IC -39tn and Harrison" $1800 $180 cash will handla , Tabor 8477. ' . " $300 BELOW VALUE ' Lot on Improved street, cement walk, curb, paid; must sell, 343 E 37th N SEE Le Nolr Co, for . west side property.- exclusive dealers in west Bide realty. . 837 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 100x126 oi Tillamook st Hard surfaced. Will divide. Fine lo. cation r.. v. bdi w, ci-y.- FOR SAIK 0odm reiflence W,-' near .f -i.ar mumAn m 11. -.1, . Uir. fr I aut'U viiiati vv evi l U1U1JS A A. A.Iv-n.-. 111 XT' f I i . ill, tTVIIT-1 , A 1 7 ' , i j CHOICE 4 block in cltv of Tillamook, no reasonable offer will be refuaed; no agents. Tnnulre 225 1st wt. ' $216 KylMTY in $300 lot for $160. 662 Commercial st. ' SNAP, r.O foot lot, went of . E. 401 h St., $700, all Improvement. B-246J.