12 ' 1 "l ' , ! . ' . THE OREGON : DAILY ' JOURNAL; PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. JANUARY 27. 19 13. r"-V. : MUSICAL lXSTJVCMENTS 84 :!'VPERsbNAl'K:.i ' 32 S MONEY TO LOAN ' 7 V- 'BWBXBBSB VAMBUMM- CObt-AOTOBB Aire B1TJPMPBBB i '" 'J, ";,'t , 1 ; ""r ',' 1 ' . " " -, " !' ,;, MWffiSM - ' Moneyon Credit .. 'gB'SCT SKSHSfi REtlESTATE'DIRECTODY at 3Jifl; .'-term $10 cash and $6 per Dlsase- f women and children, to flTlPth nr MpW uiT, . .M wrt ,A iffi"Unfw4J5. . . - .... . . , , .. , ..""y-- W . .,, . i-SJorrno SLES ! : g$LJg OABPBT OXl-Ott-a , KI gORQEFFI carpenter, builder, store SSXiSSTjf ,SSZ ..iU sacrifice my mahogany case llellet l,on or VPr.y0SB"tmJPP ITfr afford to pay. 1 . ' 1 1 1 1 wrlc or !;orS" n nonB IhMds, J. H.., ...... 306 Carllnrer BM...'... ...Mill 840 Da"a pianOuat yir old; coat 1600. 304-806 Rothchlld bid. ThlriL' Thl Pier OAW1T VTIATXSa H. Hammond. 188 Madlaon. - , - J,(nM,p, . M. Ce.,...,....,.., Henry BlJg., 4tiort.r",kriJ 0-18". JourneC . . I r II 1 1 IS. I (lib UVCI - - - r- BRICK, atona and oemant work. TeL - ' ' ' v " iriiRii i ninrt auehtlv und for n. n U- Borrow 110 par back 813.60 n pay t. NORTHWE8T RUO WORKS, rugs from Bell. 1.60. City or country. . . . ' -- . , . .. , k. alSa Bt a b.rPX N-f yjcSS5t Dr, BlHTOUgnS Borrow 325 P.? back n pay; ta. oli "rpej-. m ruga. crPat cjeanlng. a. T. CROSBY, contraotor. builder. (obZ n , OiTMOA-aq WnmCTAlW ; . ., AttOnrg C-OOI, V .,r - . Hare had twsny-flve yeara xperl- g?Z linn w h-k itit iS S nlon g- M?r-0."- blng. all klndw, 7 Wafaler. B. t8. , rkui - llr 'flLYi! " imc'ai """"'K?r2f CTOMo.,:S.MaroRcvxE8 SSSSsH Portland Loan ''AJWyw ss ss&ix&sriai A Sa B8 JgVB? Aff KTW-SS , " ' pharmacy 'cornet Mwuarita ive7 nd inn t virr pit ntm Bnlh PhmM aching- feet, ealloua and enlarged Jotnta. at., bet Waahlna-ton ind Btark ata. - .-. ihJ ?KVi',,i?0,?d.lUB4 ''Jt'1?L't'r1 ?'j0 9nSiJi0 mnr h'wthorne. 'M. s'f .f 'prlcV'.o'" fSt'lth .ndF6thT8n.L on" wSSnrSt Rotjichtld bldg. Mamh.ll Mil. FrW. f6RD'8 achool of danctn,. tth -, ABnf. Ott AW.atfM ft." """ t- -A.41... ' brcZS automob,,, auDDl,., ?J th "d Wniton09 NrthW;gt Jjftlft -JSV.JeTAfltSS - """ - R4: SSftW-Si? paint. na oo. Id A Tay.or. M.? A-lHl wflfflj? $S5" 2ftStcf. pornj ( " gcOND ""and "auTo' Z"j T ygg-Js- VUi. moK- fffc Va MARferi cure, alt forma of XcmC Bm garylca Agangy" AT f MaTn'0,,'," 1',' - 8ai.Ii,Wa- Ford. brokerage tTr ' F'"do'r M tJtti.". argg Oregon Transfer Co. - SiFwTB ASTHMA i5!a .... o-E8B POctqM BRoai "-::AV SHS" ft i?2 Jit, M FrTRlf BI DO DR. DOUOl'AB. D. C. . curlty Indoraement. delay, deception or Sr'fXrr.-pr A-4J86. Rea. i E. 11th, K. B440, B-HIT. rTyn-rTHI MBTTT" f'nTT-TtBW ATf PhtlitJj a'i'A'V , . ryT-HgobTREgisoBLDq SA apr::a s,f 1. 'va jaATjg: ... P"ssiA-ia .oo igyAi. n m .i. 7.0,. ins vsra?AV.Hiu,ssiK 7&"as.'&d?fiJ, ' Don,t Borrow Money cax ab bcthoom VAoLr?Yl8dr:.ym tti - -.ff-t?!?..-. rC"25 - ronAg"nHaHey-l,vldHon mo- pVU'Af.jSSfilg HaJ?rca 7Zwl - gHg?.0.0." nTjgft. f. oinA orcyclVfTwo V2fi and thoroughly nervouanesa and poor circulation. 3434 r7 Hpnldtng Mdr COAXi AJTO WOOD BOUGHT, .old. rented; repaired. B-UT. Tt V ,tLml!' 1 MT. TAB6R ByME flT'R'01 COl. equipped; chVap If Void at once; tefma, Morrison. q , ; J ponnp : DTOTTvaIT" Walker M'kenale ElTwka, 10 Union. U. & and foreign J" Pourly to Mt X SrtTO N. 7th at. SKXOIlMarveloua cur. for we.kne.. RTm Titr Jf'WTFAR " BES1C0AL EXP.ESS 4 W Chamb "Sa Btilldltir 7$$ nd axpraaa. 1144 Ortnd. ' . riTu'Sr.A'ss's-na. aw'-K TSTf ot lowest prices mtTO-i.wB; pte.ufa'o,f . frisaa: VoWFtffc ; -nd per update; many Mg fi .STfir MrtSi ISlVSTM gl HlSa S 1 u w . y" 11 nR 1 A T ai'spt itisrn OiaiC OClUMiy Wi Comet Lumn f BO (aacked BOWERS A PARSONS, formarly with " 'BXAVO-TVBTWS - W tAirWVeAW? w .. . ., Snrtnga guaranteed. 28 N. ISth at niM- of wlm .nl ,nir n 308 FAILING RT.PO. Buy y0u5 coalTooaa and fya 80o ear Tull Olbba, furnlturo rap. raflnlahed. 22?-m"Zy' "-"lT w.iiiHff?0il Kiprew A Coal Co I VANTEI- or 4 paaaenger auto; will amlnaUons "trTot Merch.nUTwat ELBY COMPANY ton Tnhew jrtcea" 'Dd 5 " packed, .hipped. 100H Front M. T448. FKBD JACOBSON. M-AlMi l' f' B''"'- exchange lot and pay cash difference, bid. 6th and WaahlnVton. Main 4047 (LICENSED) PORTLAND CONSUMERS COA O0 OABCBT XOSTTTAJ. It yoara' axperieno. 10 8. Main 8411. OMPT MIwm all p.rt. city. J. 411 Macleav bldr. Main 6343. F.BMFB t- rt ,,. tn nr LTBERAL ADVANCES East 1st and Taylor. "z?"--ZZ" . - m ' Uawaon. Main 781. A-37H. i Taylor. i REO 6 paW car. 1911 model, fully FAreR8S' wlh' la'dV 45 To"1?. SlthSIi JEWEArKFSIApiANOS ETC T'L R Ht""' SICK garment, mad. we.l. If your : TTMW-ITBaO . equipped; In fine condition; caah or any children object matrimony. D- priv a tpT offtCFS eleevea are out of place wa reaet PIPE PIPE PIPE. - - " . . . J ' vacant property. 1184 Taggert. 305. Journal. S20 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDO. R5)WI fCDn TVA7 ffT IHI ' thra- If your aklrta ara ill. wo gur- New nd aeoond hand. ALX make, rented, repaired, .old. Can i 8900 AUTOMOBILE for sale; a anap; FREE aclenca treatmenta until cured. "Z (THIRD FLOOR PmU PlUOJK VAVlOjiOJy Irul.1 ZnT them S? "Sa SHL 'OTA-S" Bingham Co.. 88T Sta. Mal UtfT muet leave town. Inquire 28 N. 3d. no matter what or how serioua the SECOND AND STARK BTfl. lUU U I!4lbiyIN VVWyW are broken down we bull. ? ftth "M.ARpK A SONS. TVPjJWkltER A feupphea Co. ftebull- ; bnBTi akti nrii.to fo exitert m- diaeaae: cured case are my beat adver- , 7 ri Lumber market dead, cutting our give them new life. Our operating ta- 140-8 Front at. cor. Main. 3d hand! 148 U 7i i neouui. netoLdDcon'rTpe.IHng: wl? Park. UW-W1ll!nr Wl Loan YOU Money heavy timber, to atove length- Sur'talmcuw'i'l 1U? iROtj plp and pip. fitting ,ng,nra . n band. 143 H 8J .t Mar. 418. "TT'.vn mn ot MIS9 LEWtS- lftta of San Franclaco. On your furniture, dlamorda or real ea- l&USEWRECK wiri appar. 1. Tnelr to Coat. Md ,team AU,?1r Ta OT BO-STOB1IB8J . LOST AND FOUND 21 treats baldnea. and diseased acalp. tate; loweat ratea of lnt4-rest Sea ma L m "hanf. , t,,V.T hii co lined. See our style, and .ample, for .H-.H H1? . o TnZl, 7T2 " ' ' 1 , - 405 StHrk. Main 3536. first Merchants Trust bldg. spring sulti i Hlfdreth. ladles' UUo" S??!.,r. IS?ia4' ft. CAKTWRIOHT CO.. 183 Madlaon. op- ' LOST Auto head lamp, north of Madi- SYRINGES, both .pray and fountain; F NlfholS Rp-a, n,,,,,, Pattern. TdrSfte I VoTrdVr! M. Over fj,0":: H? jjTJ A p, y"- mt,.mXtU.l(Tln,, .n.,, son bridge on Union ave.. Alberta at. the 13 kind for 4 centa at Blue Jay JJ,LV 1 k "t MlTflfiF Pl?EaAnW Sfl y&MifflM Derl- Room 09. Central bldg.. 10th pORJLAND Wrfod Pip. Co VmntorY attre..es. work guaranteed Main 8838. MiBBiasippf ave. bet-Alberta and Skid- drug store. 530 Washington. 6H Yeon bldg. IWltf U UfeE PlCKS ON tLSWIUilUlltf and Alder. , and of flea. 84th and T?rk. Main 3488. ,.. tot&i'E52t WMENU' wner, otn.r. GREEN ??OOT WOOD OASO-BB nTOXUXB P-ATIB WOBBB T??; Finder please phon. M. io ana gei re 8o)d d u;r,nteed b the Ausplund MOnGV tO LOail INSIDE GREEN SHORT ' . -, -tfZZZZ. MODERN veterinary hospital. 418 E. Tth. ' ter g- ..o F wth at N Fnallsh Pr'V ' ' h - " On livestock pianos autos or anything . DRT SHORT WOOD STATIONARY and marine, aleotrlo. WILLAMETTE Plating Work.. 303 4th, 0:njr DogaT cat. treated, board- 1 LOSr rom 429 E. Hth .t N.. Engllsn SAVE money by having your house re- JIT,,'. ?ta of Interest SAWDUST, for fuel and bedJIn equlpmenta; launches, acceaaories, riatlnar and nollahln". M. 84i. A-Tlsfl! Dr. O. H. Huthman. B-196:;. E. 1847. r.tter. ru2' 3 ,n,onthf0,di.a-kS2 Pa'J "O: prompt attention. Main of va,u' chf-Hp r"te ,of ,ntereBt- Th ClofT.r4 r wholesale and retail; engine repairing. u p .nm,, . , htfMANE Vet Hospital- AoaC noarjl1 . gSSS? sjmSssJS C. Frank Nichols Co. TOM MIKE Good, first class iiaW-, . .... WiSlfflSKSPU -i ' 1 - 1XST On east side, a large round all- tZTTZWZIZT No extra chariea Private offlea. DLA 71 O ' i ! . . . i . .enable. Call Main 1348 or writ R T.rrP8?32ndeTa"rd265 e buy moTtJes.r.- contract.. fFte$R PhOne Maifl 718, KXOOOVB BABOB BOBlBtt West. 182 Morrison ,t. I ' BotJa small diamond Greek letter CO-OPERATIVE TRUST COMPANY. IS,. V. D. Smith Fuel CO. I-"."485- LalnTC IndS SAFETY blades I0o d"e: mall order. WKOMlSA-B JOBBBBB 1 t0 414 I"W" CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES MONgYFOft SALARIED PEOPLE Dry fir slab and .block flnSckhun hrffiSr 1 l'tt'., SSSlNcT FARR-LI. projuo. 4 I niog .no receive reward. Or seller", equity In contract of .ale Women keeping house and otera fur- RnnKSPR NR PDA dre.lng. manicuring, face and scalp JaOOrZBOr. BAZBTZBCK BBPAr8) .eommUelon merchants. 140 Froai at, f . ., NOTICES 26 on real estate in Washington or Oregon. "Isherf without security, cheapest rates, I1UII OrnilllJO VyUAL treatment.. 147 7th. near Mor. M. Hi Portland. Or. Phone Main 178. 1 ' 1 - i ------ - - H. E. Noble. Lumbermen, bldg.. Loana easiest payments. Come and get money Ealt CMnfonn r..l Ph C- . , -r- TIN roofing repairing, painting and Job- wg . ftTTSlfl-r a. rW NOTICE TO CREDITORS. WE BUY notes, contracts, m'ortga'es, Z&IX "Tfi pr&tTiV. l?n erlSeP.hFUhf ' teC' 5!!?S5 blng. Lcsll A Holser. 312 Jeff. M. 1424. DI8TRIBTOgM?FNE filOARS In the matter of the liquidation of equities. Nelson Bros.7804 Lewis B?dg. Tolman. 317 UbS -Mi? wo7 B?an?h coal o! -i M.tZ!T a JAa Mcl. WOOD CO. all kind. Insur- BVBBBB BTAIPB ABB DILI PORTLAND. OR. 1'?. LOANS WANTED 80 ?k Co" uSg'J?l ttTw S ;f flcV a-tim. "ucfurtn-a ceTr.ast'a pv nToVfri -u-w'TlecriV ?A"" BORING. WOOD & L CO. 3 ItT0 "n'u" T ZZT nl" USSS'all m m on the .uperintendent of banka for llqul- 3100. 8200. $300 and $400 to loan on East 3138. Country Slab. Tabor 1742. JOHN KER Insurance, surety bond;, BATBB ,t Jtwr2alr$ Szr 1,0 ,d datlon. All person, having claim. WANT two loan, of $2600 each flr8t mortgage on real eatate. Give B-2633. Block and Cordwood. B-l2629. mtge loan.. 1323 Yeon bldg. M. 3288. 1-12 " 'X " TirTPTTT'" 1 i a i i iJx iT.f ' " M 1. . Kgalnat said bVnk must file the same TVesldencerVood' securltTs Phone. G-300. Journal. QlflhwnnH Vlr, nr firoan XOBAZ BXTSIVOTO roWrfcMrwilrlf 'leVjKut" ALLEW LEWIS-OROCKRHCfV duly -verified as by law required with per cent. three years. See Mr. MORTGAGE loans, in any amount; OlaDW00(l LTy 0T -Teei! ZZZtZZ!Z , ci)SnejDriamV in aeo?d had .afl -: esaesssaasmmm the superintendent of banks at No 80 Reese, with Liberal terms; mortgages purchased. Alaska Fuel Co. ROLLS developed free; print., So up: ra'" 'n aeoona nana .area. TBAB8IPOBTATIOW Sixth street Portland. Or., on or before COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. Wilcox hldg. Alaska dock Main 1888. imall ordara aoUeltad! 214 Merchant. BBOOB9 XAJTD OOODB - the 0tn day of WArpfc "TOHT 2 h t. PRIVATE money to loan In any amount PAP Q ARWOfin PO Ma,n 87 Trut bldg. ; TTjTZZ' PnWtVTTH tTfl bT M fiunerlntendant ol ank. tot Stiteof on real estate security. C-S078. even- TMUi OLMDVVUUU OU. A-7358. BRiNO y5ur kodak work, enlarging, re. .ty?,g"r'lthrt',atsr JflalAlf trWiil''i 1 BuMrintendent or Bank, or Btate or Dry slabwood. big and small inside. touching, to Roae City studio? aTlth. Hure: highest price, paid, M. 8888. -tW Vi 1 ''i.'d First p.Vblicatlon December 80. 1911. ''i2?."'.?.' 'johns' 'nn MONEY .old on Inatallnient: conflden- JL' P""rJT'mf ' TO 7- ADIBB. TAIXCBIBO gOMOO, BSWXSfO laVAOXZinBB "' MJatpREBf BTEARBn Last publication March 30. 19lt. JJ' n!J m K! ' il Q to alarled people. P1. A. New- fTO (TTi I fl EKOM $6.60 UP !7CZUJt -- -"-- -" e U".B8 BTBAMBRB FOR ! SEALED bid, will be received at the KlogOwner'sTnly0'1 PhOM&lw5 1?" !" HfnrT B'dr- n P YukOn COa CO. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE lnSrAtlt '7 SaMl FrMlCl.CO and Lo Allgele office of the undersigned. 402 Tilford 1600. ' 8100.000 on mortgage., city or farm lUlJinUi 4 N th Mai 8793 a Tsi8 To ,nve -60 and .ecure a perma- l5,m itV w'fSlJl .n " WITHOUT CHANGE, building. Portland, Oregon, until 6 p. m. LOTrriTn rrn. nnn r P"Prty, flre Insurance. McKenale " ' 7 , , ! ' A-318: nent Income anywhere of from 810 to $60 P.L" SP"; O. P- m-. Pebruarr J- Februafy 22. 1812 for block 80. Couch's WJE?nT30JLJ? fl Co.. (Serllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. CHOICE lump coal, in lots of one ton per week? This can te easily accomplished ?th25XXJPfthJfiPnt' rranoiaoo A Portland BsToi. ' addition. Certified check for B per cent n,v,arte ParX Z U .nnln PRIVATE party will loan 15 and up , or mre-S J.er, ton',dcelly,ered Ad by taking a full course tn our cutting. V 0'? mb1,v brtw,en,?d m . Tloke8 Offloa 14a ThSa Bt. f the amount of the bid. payable to R. A' ."-J?0" h0UB and p,ttn0- at one half rite charged by brokeri. d'eB c; .ttfokeB!.A2S Everett st. designing and sewing school. Qooi SINGeR sewing machine, store. Used Phone Main 4Q9 and A-140a. , H. Thomas, school clerk, must accom- Phone Main 7748. 720 Cnnmbir of Commerce bldg """"" Phone Main 7514, A-4368. cutters and sewers are constantly In de- machines your own price. 382 Morrls'n r pany each proposal. Board of director. IF YOU have $6600 you want to put ,,.. .v THE ECONOMY FUEL OO. handles all mand. Our system Is simple, practical . tm rna , ' COLUMBIA RIVER ROIJ I K i reserves the right to retain possession out at 10 per cent on $21,400 security, Lo.AtN,S nJ laT Vili JlnlerXt rat.n! the leading coals. Diamond. Rock ?n.d absolutely accurate. Remember, the -, ,. -L -,. -u -,. L -. i; -L , " " . UU I of the premises and the building there- see. itiiiriiai mL Springs. Hannaford. etc. Price, right Investment is small. But the knowledge i- t s. 1 eai O.-W. R. A N. ateamar "Barvaat on .until January 1. 1913; also reserve. CARLOCK A MUUELHAUPT, 1082 C. C. anMa1. 828 Falling bldg. g Ankeny. East 314. B-8.141 will last a lifetime. Either In making B wi.hii Jfa a nfn-U"' ,M leavea Portland. Ash Street dock. the right to reject any and all bids. LIST your money with me for best LOANS on real estate. Multnomah Ab- t r.nr Wooa ,nfl -0.i TTT your own garments or a. ware earner. wasnngwn mx. a. jb. wioerv dally except Saturday at 8 p. nx, arrlv- n..ediV-aiH?MA?,-S8ch001 Clert loin.yOak Nolan. rawyer'lChamJ . "tract Co.. 201 Henry bldg. NEER & FARR dry0 Y'footVr Annr TAT70RtNfl AND a-QWOABBB ABB lTBTirBBB Af'orNVJotta ft, ftirtZM V . THted January 23. 1912. ber of Commerce. $1200, close in east side. $500. auburban. rawed to order. Prompt delivery. Ml CHICAGO LAmES TAILORING AND rrrT T 51, B?tt.'K.,!l!S WaKM W.Ter4c2ht? gV seceuy 31- ' PHOEN 1 X1 FUELC 'cr5M,S,SM Alder. ASSStfJS fftX . Mafy ?orr fiSSi, 5nop; Tli wf, ;,Tf t BUSINESS DIRECTORY SSUl JXSStSJSSF... WSSSSSS IStiS;. Sg-i f Die to R. H. Thomas, school clerk, must $2000. H-301. Journal. . I ailiaiu VVUUU aiiu vuai uvi manufacturera flndlnga atitf Jitifrai i VnhaUlti umi V ' Imarfran.Naiaraflan C t r ! accompany each proposal. The board of WANT $1000 on new bungalow, value ACCOUNTANTS, EXPERT CERTIFIED EAST 818. B-18r7. ". '" nfw andofd show-Sl-fhln.T'.SS: AmCnCanMWaiian 5. 5. U. ! directors reserve the right to reject any $3000. Address R-301, Journal. Experienced all lines; books opened. nA7ffTli7Tl fTTl 4 toot drv wood- XCaOBXUBBT "5fflee fixture -ttt'SSiSwilS i TBXTTABTBPBO BOVTB and all bids. R. H. THOMAS, wantfd 1500 chattel loan m.,m. closed, written up. financial atate- VV Nat Fuel-Co.. 387 Water at r-tri t "A 1 ' m'w,m ", c,uc'- H.3788. fcrelgn, carried en Schedule Ttoa. 1 School clerk. 'vT?rn.f ' payable menta: private instruction: service any- XIVWWUJ Marshall 960. A-354B. B. TRENKMAN ft Co hydraullo and BXOB AB9 BBOWOABSB , LOW 8UTU. I pated January 23. 1912. monthly, v-300. Journal. where: permanent or temporary book- nj ffl rmgtffi ffl I DELIVERED WlrUfffim Pec, pipe, smoke stacks, oil tanks, , . . Present Regular Ballings. 1 PORTLAND, OR., Jan. 15, 1912. To MONEY TO LOAN keepers furnished. 802 Swetland bldg. M$ MOIL PROMPTLY WTOIQI Klninf machinery, all repair.. 104 N. FOSTER ft JCLEISER Signs : the tar- CC. KENNEDY. Agent. . Whom It May Concern: Notice Is , . Main 440. , Main 8767. F. J. EVERTS, Ft Curry at ii- .ft .Igg makers i In the northweeVB. B10 BhUlway Baohaage Bldg. i .'EaJEHSEwiwS gJs.L. uagroaMt " ilw W06P ! UOrSCV D. omilh reOTeMntations W A DEAN AH HARDING 813 ChambeFof Com MONTANA assay office, laboratory, ore Wood and coal: 4 ft. or sawed; wredt. RELIABLE bonded I messenger., day or rrBBOmP-4s, OOTTBT BBPOBTBBB - ' ' . ... . hj, A,4T ?; 4 : Jti p' 1, ni i. .1 . m" te.tlng. Marahall 272i. 188 Morrison, age. 9th and Gllean. Main 3363. A-2288, night .ervlce. Marshall 183. A-141L .JZZZJ!f CKsneral Bteauahlp Agent. ACowni'bl b"!k at"ec?eaafy's office' Farrington? Commlrcla rciubb"dg ATTOBHETS SOUTH PORTLAND SLABWOOb Co! AMERICAN Messenger Co. We fur- OREGON Law Reporting 1. 404-401 AX XJOTB-AXt 00VBTBXB8 -06 Rord of Tr.d5 RKr? i-rt.v 1 ,ll . u -zZZ25ZzZZ Main 2153, A-3842. Dry inside wood, nlsh messengers at any time, and Abln.ton. M. 80f7."A-5336, Depo.ltlona Experienced Information about Travel. . T06JB8eruVrtf Itar"""7 Tb'a 'lo'.? f DkJm bldg green slabwood. sawdyst. Mixed $2 load, any place: aervlce prompt Mar-hall ... . MBBBlM v - ,.. 'hflA ??9?a0 faTmni, l i , " D q eral practice; abstacts examined. Re- STANDARD WOOD CO.. box planeil and H8B. A-3105. 1714 ?d et. x--V 'jr"Z.Z..L-. Phones Marshall 1978. A-1298, PERSONA L2 M i2Jis salmon & ''ch. 229 Stark st r'"'-"" Ye0D bld' MaJn t, wood- E, Stark, fea.t 2J16; MT78IO TBAOKBBB PACIFIC COAST TAXlTJERMT CO. SAN FRANCISCO. TXS ANGELES LADIES' Lorenx Antlseptlo Cones are ufl Vn-i'"11 real ""at"- - THOMAS D. REED, lawyer, removed to FOR C6aL AND ALL KINDS OF WEBER academy Violin, mandolin, p. J. BRttigE- has moved to 208 Co- inn PAOTM 43fli ?, soothing, safe and .ure. $1 per box. ,""". so: P"- 400 Oregonian bldg., 4tb floor. WOOD, PHONE HOLGATE FUEL guitar, banjo instruction. 489H Val. lumbia? between FrontTnd Istf M. wia7n .i. i !nrm ilir.' Stipe Taylor Drug Co.. 289 Morrison St. MONEY to loan 6 to 8 per e mt. W. H. HlSTOPHERSON & MATTHEWS, roiWOOD 486 k THIELHORN. violin te.ohjf; puoll ' Tanl,,,; -vfry'wtdVeSdVttSyfft i T-npttMT: M.ry. Tnr,.o Tf-'"t rffrtorff Splt & Co-' 810 8aP''"g ' general practice. 4 1 8-41 7 Yeon bid. CITY MARKET Wood Yard. Cook ft Bevclk. 800 Marquam. A-4160. Mar. 1831 TAJ . 1 . ' , : .' Tlckat office 133 Third, near AlJr. lost vitality; 25c box: 6 boxes 31.25. SHORT TIMK LOANS, $100 AND UP. H 0 KORNFGAY general practice col- Bon. 3d an J Clay. Main 3248. A-4333 FETLBERO, concert planlat and teacher. ?k'11s 1,11 . " . Phonea Main, 1314, A-1314. Btlpe-Tavlor brug Co.. 289 Morrison at. 207 OREGONIAN BLDG. lectloni W Tana f bldg. P Main '7878. 0X.OTKX3 Tilford bdV lCthP and Morrlso. TTCMTu ' JAJIi. ?,,a- Atht- ELECTRIC treatment for rheumatism. QUICK loans on all eecurttlea. 8. W. PTr., m.nrlta. MOTOw.rrrnT.il nwwaTmrw7 H T U M U UUJJUvl W. H. SLUBBER. Freight Agent nervousness. Suite 12. 341 Morrison King. 45 Washington hldg. Main 6100. P-0""!??0. - WE pay highest price for 2d hand clothe. - - y?"0--" ""P-0. KR TJZE R OX HIGH MPE TAILORS, r n Ck 5 R A V I I ISI F l'T ; ; ; $B?. part fo ,'a tn I,r,vi2ton "" BICYCLES rented and for sale. Madl- and ahoea. 273 Front Main 4802. REPAIRS of all kind.; also bicycle atlp. . We ar, live Uilors for Mv people. JJfz. .1 ARNOLD Vibrator for sale! Inquire trlct 7 per cent. Main 1146. ,on Repair gno0f ni Madison. OOLXiSOTXOirB piles and repairing. 130 Burnsldo. Are you living? rlt not. remember us at ffTMAMXM BBXAKWATBB Miss George, 346 V4 Alder, suite 30, MONEY to loan on Improved real estate. -J , ' .--,M ' ' - , 111 11th street, batweea Waahlngtoa Bafla from Ainswortn dock. Portland, 8 third floor. I. L. White. 701 Selling bldg. BjbABlf. BOOK ICA-JEBS WELLS MERC AOY EST 1908 CUR- -,. , 5"-?? - VV- and Stark atreeta. p. m. every. TuesdaVi Freight receiyedj VILL Mr. Ashard please call at 8 Union $4000 to loan on good realty, city or SowsnDAVIS COMPANY m"lVa RENT, DELINQUENT ACCTs! COL- dr. Catherln a Oatea, 11 yearf aper- ALFRED OGILBEE, 310 Labbe bldgid Tasinasr'faralr.t'c . . ave. at once. M. E. W. country. R-287. Journal. Blank Bo m?g" ageVt. for JonS? LECTED. M. 8775. 701 BP. OF TRADE hfiatlng !eTvoua 7Sd ehSronlo " Waahlngton.- Butta toerder. TUSIU f'l lnolu'dln? 'taaSS mii TOJ! BALM of Figs, remedy for diseases of LOANS made to firms and business mproved Loose-Leaf Ledgers; aee the PROF, credit bureau, phy. and dentists' dlseasea. S07 Ablngton bldg. Mar. 8143. NORTHWEST TAILORS. FOR LADIES Ticket offloa Aln.worth dock. Phonea womsn. 632 Davla st Main 9218. men. Biggs. 711 Selling bldg. ew Eureka leaf. A-3138. Main 1H ac 201 Medical bid. M. 6167, A-7026. Hra. 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. AND GENTLEMEN. 1 N. 8TH ST. Main-838.. Main 170. A-1314. A Punch on the Jaw Is a Sure Knockout, But You've Got to Land It .. By "Bud" Fisher wiFe. TD.v(Mr0fAicogtr I Gcrr ta scGfe, t3, Gvsm xxa rr" ? ? a&s iL Vi ' BUTQVT 66TH6UV6.5H5 ) N DOOR. -0 V4rrH VAlT 3fORPtUSC ( -T ; . Sf S" 3 1 ncwsfwe ovr Berone x P out aYiN6, a. word, Fo. ow rZ ( HIU MtJ 1 MlUS v J j knock HeROVr-Hw Vl" i 44-rei.u mcr. t Hew, . TV- W ViMEN iHEb COfA'N&TO ' WHOte " I COM6V6M r S' ' ;"i ' ' . - ' -