THE. OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENINGS -JANUARY 24, . 1912.!, ':-', km n i.ii' i Far Eastern Port Gives Mon- . archs Cordial Greeting; :r - Harbor Bef lagged. (Pnltfd Prm ted Wlm.) . Malta, - Jan. 24 King George and Queeo Mary, horacward bound from In dia, arrived here today on the royal (hip Medina. I Ae compensation for not hav ing visited Malta on the way to the purbsr, they stopped off to permit their i subjects here to see their sovereigns. The picturesque . harbor of La Val letta, the most easterly bulwark of cht-Htendoni In ttio Mediterranean, was gaily beflagged when the royal liner and her -cruiser escort dropped anchor. Warships under command of Admiral Sir Edmund 8. Foe fired a salute as the royal party landed. Admiral Sir Leslie Rundle, governor of Malta; General Sir Ian S. Hamilton, comman-derln-chlef of the Mediterranean; Chief Justice Sir J. Carbone. members of the legislative council, and a crowd of Mal tese nobles, received the " royal party with a state welcome. , Troops lined the streets. The king and queen, held a reception for officials and noblemen at government bouse. For the first time since they left British oil, the king and queen were permitted to drive along the streets with the crowds as close as 10 feet. They seemed to enjoy the experience. The reception was genuinely cordial. RANGE DISAPPEARS WOMAN GOES NAN E (Special to Tbe Journal.) Independence, Or., Jan. 4. Grieving over the loss of her prospective spouse, who departed with a oum of money ob tained on a lottery ticket some time ago, Mrs. Janko, a dressmaker from Port land, became violently insane Sunday morning at the home of Thomas Fen nel!, where she had been employed for couple of weeks. The unfortunate HIE TO AID IN REGISTRATION woman seemed to have the hallucina tion that she was being pursued by ene mies. She assaulted Mr. FerTnell with an umbrella and fought like a demon when anyone undertook to comfort her. She was taken to Portland. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS always give satisfaction because they always do the work. J. T. Shelnut, Bremen. Oa., says: "I have ueed Foley Kidney Pills with great satisfaction and found more relief from their use than from any other kidney medicine, and I've tried almost all kinds. I can cheerfully recommend them to' all suf ferers for kidney and bladder trouble." Foley Kidney Pills will cure any case f kidney or bledder trouble not be vond the reach of medicine. No medl-elne-oan- -do-more. Skldmore Drug o Tw stores Main store. 151 Third st. Branch store. Morrison and West Parkl streets. 1 M'MANIGAL CONTINUES STORY OF DYNAMIT1NGS (United Prw Lrnord Wire. I Indianapolis, Jun. 24. Ortle E. Mc- Manlgal, continuing his story of dyna mitings In which ho is alleged to have acted with or for the MCNamaras, was today again on the stand In the federal Investigation. It is oeiievea tnat ms story today dealt with the dynamiting of the Boston Opera nouee. liebanon Adopts Publicity Offer. (Snvflil to The Journal.) Lebanon, Or., Jan. 24. An enthusias tic meeting of the Commercial club was held Monday night, at which W, W. Jen kins, representing the Southern Pacific and Fred Lockley, northwestern mana ger of Sunset-The Pacific Monthly, were present. Mr. Lockley expiamea me sys tem of community " advertising carried on by the Harrlman roads. The plan consists of advertising In 8unset-The Pacific Monthly, the publication of an Illustrated descriptive booklet and rep resentation tri the other forms of pub licity, such as at the various land shows and in the various Information bureaus. The plan was unanimously adopted and with great enthusiasm the larger part of the money was1 subscribed. A writer will come from Portland within a few days to secure Information for the book let and for the descriptive article. Leb anon has a rich and fertile farming country at her doors, and the need is felt of having more actual -farmers and producers of butter, eggs, alfalfa ana hogs. Senator Bourne Suggests Way to Get Voters Qualified Early. (Wublngton Boreas of Tbe Journal.) . 'Washington, Jan, 14. Senator Bourne has a new plan for making Oregon po litical institutions popular and helpful. In a letter to county clerks he writes: "It Is now conoeded even by the bit terest enemies of popular government that the Oregon system has come to stay. Heretofore the friends of popular government have been compelled to de vote their energies to defending that system against the attacks of lta ene mies and have had little opportunity to devote attention to the task of im proving the system or perfecting its operation. Now that the opposition has been overcome, I am writing to ask your opinion of a plan which I believe will niaKo the system work more satisfactorily. "As you know, our" statutes require mac me secretary or state snail mail to every registered voter certain pam phlets, giving information regarding candidates and measures to be voted upon by the people. Distribution-' of these pamphlets and their careful read ing by the people is a very Important feature the system, and therefore ear ly registration of voters is desirable. "I suggest that county officers, espe cially county clerks and school superin tendents, arrange with citizens of all parties In rural communities to hold good government rallies In schoolhousea. at which (meetings a notary public or Justice of the peace can be present' to fill out registration blanks for voters and send the same to the county clerk.' At such meetings measures proposed for adoption by tbe people could be dis cussed. Quite likely good feeling would be promoted by not discussing candi dates on such occasions, but leaving the discussion entirely to measures. In my opinion, the Initiative and referen dum is of great value as an additional agency, since it encourages voters to tttdy--and-draetis public- questions. These good government rallies at county schoolhouses would not only be a benefit socially,: but secure early rer Iteration and be a benefit educationally. Tuey would tend to make the operation of our popular government laws more satisfactory, and thus further refute tbe assertion made In the east by the enemies of the Oregon system that our laws are impracucaoie. . i "I am also writing; the county super intendent, because he has general super vision of the us of our schoolhouses. I wish you would talk with him, and If you approve the plan, take such steps as you deem best to start the movement in your county. I believe this will help you to get eany ana complete registra tion. In rural communities, and faclll Late your own work. "I will appreciate an expression of your views." x , HOLDUPS SAY "JOKE," RETURN COIN, GO FREE , v (Special to The Journal.) Huntington, Or., Jan. 14. The men found guilty of holding up the Oregon Cafe In this city have been located by the officials. They were found to be two local young men Just out of their teens. One of them had Just established small business. Part of the money was found in tnelr possession. . They claim It was a Joke, and In considera tion of the' return of the loot there Is to be no prosecution. LABOR UNIONISTS SEEK BETTER HOLD Representatives of 2,500,000 4 English Workers Plan to Strengthen Body. V Simple Home Remedy For Kidneys and Bladder ' A simple and easy way to cure weak, deranged kidneys or bladder Is to use the following formula: Oct six ounces good pure gin and add., to It one half ounce Murax Compound and one half ounce fluid extract Buchu. Take one to two teaspoonfula of this mixture after each meal and at bed time. Nearly all good druggists have these Ingredients. Anyone can mix. One should be sure to get good pure gin, also the genuine Mu rax Compound, which comes only in a sealed wooden package, as any substi tute will not give the desired results. Weak Jcldneys or bladder should be given attention as soon as any of the well known' symptoms are noticed. Neg lect in the matter is danirerous. as the serious forms. Bright's disease, chronic rheumatism or dread diabetes, jnay-de velop, unese can De avoiaea ir me above simple mixture is used before complications set in. Birmingham, England, Jan. 14. Or ganisation of - the working-men of the United Kingdom for better Industrial and social conditions la the watchword of the annual convention of the British parliamentary Labor party, which met here today, under the chairmanship of J-Raroaey MacDonald, M. P. ine party, which represents 2.500.000 trade unionists and already has 43 mem bers In the house of commons. Is pre paring to wage a vigorous campaign to secure a mor representative propor tion. Among other things it is proposed to start a dally newspaper. . Hitherto handicapped by the necessity of paying salaries to its members elected to par liament, now that under the government bill passed at the last session, every memoer or tne commons receives a sal ary or izooo a year, the Labor party will be able to devote Its funds to other purposes. . During Its three days 'meeting, the convention will discuss 85 printed pages of. resolutions... Some of these, favor general adult suffrage for both men and women; the nationalisation of railways, canals and mines; reduction of the old age pension qualifying the limit from 70. to 60 years, and the reduction of contributions paid by workmen and em ployers to the national industrial insur ance fund. The Insurance bill Is booked for a lively discussion, and it Is likely that a number of amendments will be urged. Attempts of employers to secure the repeal of the trades disputes act which gives unions the right to picket premises under strike, will be censured, and the convention will direct the executive com mittee to take steps to prevent such repeal. One resolution, which will likely be passed, calls for a general Btrlke In the event of interference with the act ESTER TRUST BOYCOTTED STEEL TRUST ' Washington, Jan, 14. Absolute dental that the steel .' trust ; was ' affiliated In any manner "Ith tbe harvester trust was made here yesterday afternoon to the Stanley house " committee Investigating the steel Industry, by, President Farrell of the United States Steel corporation, t "We have had no business with the International' Harvester company . for six years," said Farrell. . "The harvester people boycotted us as the result -of a controversy which arose from a quibble between salesmen." . : . ' .' -: ":? K. i Previous witnesses Toad .charged -that the steel trust dominated the harvester combine.. 71. ' .-:;': ?r-; COLDS CAUSE HE1SACHE, LAXATIVE BKOMO Quinine, the world wide Cold and Grip remedy, removes cause. Bee signature E. W. GROVE. 2Bc COTTAGE GROVE UND TITLE DISPUTE IN COURT Cottage Grove, Or.. J an. 21. -The case of Hubbell & Smith vs. the Oregon 4 Southeastern railway, and C.; H. J3urk holder Is proving interesting. The suit is over a piece of property being used by the' Cottage Grove Manufacturing company for sidetrack purposes, and to which title is claimed by the company and also by the railway and Mr. Burk- holder. If declared in favor Of Hubbell 4c Smith. Burlcholder will lose the road way to a piece of his property and If decided In favor of Burlcholder, the manufacturing company will be without land for a sidetrack, Judge Harris of the circuit court came down from Eu gene to hear the case. New Banker Comes to Star. ' Independence, Or.. Jan. 24. J. J. Fen ton, the new banker, arrived here from Wyoming this week and Is busy making preliminary plans for the opening of the bank. The building Is being erected by A. L. Sperling and will soon be ready. Mr. Fenton has purchased a home in this city and Intends to reside here per manently. ' - New Orleans Coming Home. Vail e Jo, CaL, Jan; 24. The cruiser New Orleans is expected to arrive at Mare Island next week from Honolulu to discharge her ammunition and then proceed to the Bremerton navy yard. Her crew has been doing almost threo years' continuous service In China. MS BOOS T CI Early Showing in Reballoting Indicates , Renewal of - "Red Flood."; i ( Berlin, Jan. 24. Confident of success, the Socialists are out in full force at the polls today, in a determined effort to capture a majority of the 83 districts where reballoting is necessary as a re- suit or none . 01 , ine contestants mr membership In tbe relcbstag receiving a plurality at the. general election Janu-; ary X2. " - -'' r.W ''S- r The early vote indicated that tne so cialists would make, good their boast to sweeo Germany with a . "red f lood". ef votes, and it seems certain that their membership in the relchstag will exceed iiiiuuuB uiam .m. w -r Cat holla Centrists,- yf''" -?.' The Centrists, who had 105 repre-' aentatlves Ir the last relcbstag, held their own in the balloting January 12, but they failed to gain-any new mem- bers. The great victory of the Social ists In the general election was won at the expense of the progressives and the other parties. - . V:vA i.iv: Vienna Is testing a motor driven ma chine which can be used as fire -engine, street sweeper or sprinkler, or simply a-S a freight truck of six tons capacity. Inldl8 Sarsaparilla Achieves its great victories not simply because it contains sarsaparilla, but because of its' peculiar combination of more man twenty great specirics. Get It today. In usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs. Onlv Two Weeks More of This Great Winter Removal Sale Eveiy:-Article Trenchantly Reduced iMnm X aJ$ jfi S3 (tS UEverv Article Trenchantly Reduced v - ; , All Goods Purchased During January Will Be Charged to You on March First Bill ; What Can Be Better Than This? Unframed Pictures 25c V That Sell Regularly From 50c to $2.50 This is an opportunity that happens but once in a long time. Here's the reason for this extraordinary opportunity: This sale is made pos sible through the fact that we are determined to clear out all our win ter stocks, and to that end we have reduced beautiful pictures that could easily bring us in many times the price that we are asking. In special sale shoppers are always looking for high qualities, combined with low prices. It is a rigid policy with our store to combine such qualities with the lowest prices, and in this sale you will find just such an opportunity. "I Carbons,Twater color heads platinums and ". genuine photographs and reproductions of , 4 ;' many beautif ul famous paintings. You will find here any size of picture you desire from an 8 by 10 to a 30 by 10. Many handsome colored posters English hunting scenes and beautifully hand colored reproductions from world famous paint ings. The photographs are original mission scenes of California. Hundreds of pictures too numerous to mention. All we can say is, come. See fox yourself. You will be delighted with the offerine. V I PICTURE FRAMING BY EXPERTS LOWEST PRICES IN THE CITY I za rrr Wm Again We Cite Reduc tions That Are Truly Remarkable Tailored Walking Skirts Final $3.75 Former Prices to $8.50 Walking skirts that are perfectly tailored and represent all that is new this season in outdoor 1 skirts for women. Made of fine quality Panama and chiffon Panama, also English serge. Skirts in navy, brown and black. Some are made with panel back and inverted pleats. Others are trimmed with tailored buttons to match the material. In styles and sizes that are suitable for any figure. Kiddies' Drawers Final 12c Regular 15c to 25c Each. This is a special lot of children's drawers in sizes from 1 to 12 year old. They are made of longcloth with hemstitched hem and tucks. In this sale of children's muslin drawers mothers will find an oppor tunity where they can purchase an unlimited supply, for little children need many changes. At the wee price asked there ts no need to be without many changes. All Infants Wear Final Removal Prices Long Skirts Half Price Fine long skirts with ruffles, of dainty val. lace and insertion or em broidery insertion and tucks. . - $4.00 Long Skirts $2.00 ' $4.50 Long Skirts $2.25 $5.00 Long Skirts $2.50 $6.00 Long Skirts $3.00 Long Dresses Half Price Made of dainty materials and trimmed with laces and insertions $S.i $7.00 Long Dresses $9.00 Long Dresses $4.50 1.50 Long Dresses $2.75 I, '$4.50 COMBINATION SUITS, FINAL $3.49 Corset cover and drawer combination suits made in the princess style trimmed with imitation baby Irish lace, insertion and medallions. The drawers are cut in the new skirt style, trimmed on the side and edged with lace. Also corset covers are embroidery and lace trimmed. , ' $3.50 COMBINATION SUITS, FINAL $2.29 -Combination suits of voile and fine longcloth consisting of corset cover and drawers. Trimmed with lace insertion, beading and ribbon, also embroidery and medallions.' Tho drawers are edged with fine lace and embroidery. ; ' ; ; 35c iMUSLIN DRAWERS, FINAL 29 Muslin drawers for women with a wide ruffle hemstitched hem and tucks, or tucks above the ruffle. : Open or closed styles. Exrr if ' 75c MUSLIN DRAWERS. FINAL 59 '. Ladies' drawers of good quality, cambric in the new skirt style, with embroidery edging or regulation style, trimmed with lace and Insertion or embroidery and tucks. , Also umbrella style, embroidery trimmed, Open or closed styles. Housefurnishings Feature Week of the Final Removal Sale Economies Are Far-Reaching-rDecisive Price Reductions in All Furnishings , Room-Size Rugs and Small Rugs $33.00 Bigelow Electro Axminstef $22.45 100 new Bigelow electro Axminster nigs of superior quality of beauti ful patterns in Oriental and floral designs in pretty brown and tan color logs. A large assortment at this price, and the patterns are all new. Manufacturers Rug Samples for Removal Manufacturers' carpet rug samples in Oriental and floral designs. They are all firmly bound across the ends. Size 27 by 54 inches. - $2.00 Tapestry Brussels Rug Samples 89? $3.50 Axminster Rug Samples $1.33 Room-iSize Rugs for Final Removal In this line of rugs are 500 handsome models of superior quality In beautiful patterns in Oriental and conventional designs, in an immense variety of small, neat, allover effects, especially suitable for Kving-rooms and dining-rooms. $18.00' Tapestry Brussels Rugs, final. .... $12.45 $30.00 Axminster Rugs, final ..$18.95 $33.00 Axminster Rugs, final ....$22.45 $35.00 Body Brussels Rugs, final ...$24.95 $55.00 Wilton Rugs, final $41.00 $60.00 Wilton Rugs, Final $45.00 $65.00 Wilton Rugs, final $55.00 Rugs of Wool and Fiber. 100 new wool and fiber art rugs in a large assortment of different pat terns in small allover effects and medallion designs. Colors are tan, brown, green, blue or gray. These rugs are all reversible and especially, suitable for bedroom use. $12.50 Wool and Fiber Rugs, size 9 by 12, finai $8.95 $11.50 Wool arid Fiber Rugs, size 9 by 12, final $8.19 Radical Price-Lowerings On All Lace and Scrim Curtains Nottingham, cable net and Swiss curtains In a variety of patterns, with plain or figured centers. In white, cream or Arabian colon 2t by 3 yards long and 45 by 52 inches wide. ; $1.00 Lace Curtains, final removal price 73 $1.50 Lace Curtains, final removal price... ... 93 $2.00 Lace Curtains, final removal price $1.35 $2.50 Lace Curtains, final removal price..., ..$1.85 z ' $3.00 Lace Curtains, final removal price. .... . $2.25 '7 T;' $100 Lace Curtains, final removal price. . . . . .$2.85 $5.00 Lace Curtains, final removal price. ..... $3.48 Couch Covers at Final Prices Heavy reversible tapestry couch covers in beautiful oriental and con ventional designs, 3 ysrds iong and 60 inches wide. $ 1.50 Couch Covers, final removal price ; . . i." 98 $ 2.23 Couch Covers; final removal price. .., .$1.49 1 '' ' $ 4.50 Couch Covers, final removal price.... ,.$2.98 , , $ 5.00 Couch Covers, final removal price , ; $3.95 ' , " $ 6.50 Couch Ccjyers, final removal price ..... $4.79 i $ 7.50 Couch Covers, final removal price.... .$5.85 - $10.00 Couch Covers final removal price. vi i . $7.45 $17.50 Couch Covers, final removal price. ,$13,85 f ; Japanese and Chinese Imported Mattings Mattings imported direct from China and Japan in combinations of green, blue, tan and red; these colors are worked on light or dark back grounds. l ' . ';";;Vv.r; 35c Tapanese Mattings final, a yard. . .r .22 ); : l:r- .25c Chinese Mattings, final, a yard.'. . . ..... ; . ; .-.15t? ; 73 $1.19 $1.59 Blankets and Comforters For Zero Weather In the Removal Sale of Bed Coverings You will find a wonderful assortment of about 3000 pairs of superior quality white wool blankets in full size and weight. They have pretty Btnpea Doraers oi Diue or puue. : $ 7.50 White Wool Blankets, final... $4.93 $ 8.50 White Wool Blankets, final. ...... . .$5.95 $10.00 White Wool Blankets, final ..$7.45 $12.50 White Wool Blankets, final '..$9.35 Heavy Cotton Fleeced Blankets - i These heavy cotton fleeced blankets come with pretty Striped borders in Diue or pink, and are full weignt nd size.: : ; - $1.00 10-4 'Cotton Fleeced Blankets, final , . . i . . $1.50 11-4 Cotton Fleeced Blankets, final, i.; .. r $2.251M CottottlFleeced Blankts, finals.: Wool Filled Comforters for Removal 00 wool filled comforters of extra fine quality. Covered with best 'quality of figured silkoline or figured silk. , Made with silk border and .come full weight and sise. , , -v y.r : -,:; ' Silkoline Com forters at Final Prices i ' Cotton filled comforteri cdvered with the best quality of figured silko line and filled with the best white laminated cotton. In full size and weight. . . ' . : it:.-f i i ' r , $1.50 , Silkoline Comforters, final ;..V.......$ 1.19 - ; $2.00 Silkoline Comforters, final ........ 4 . . ; $159 i v $3.5 Silkoline Comforters, final.... ...... ..$2.39 $4.00 Silkoline Comforters, final... i........ $2.89 V ' Brass and Enamel;Beds at Final Prices All brass arid enameled beds at final removal sale prices. These beds are in perfect quiet taste, and not the loud, flashy styles that one so often meets with in sale, j; Every bed we, carry is now reduced. ; f? 0.; ,v ; $ 5.00 Enameled i Beds, final price . i ; . . . ;t $ 6.50 Enameled " Beds, v final price , i $-7.50 Enameled , Beds, . final price. . , . . .' .r. a ,v ! $ 8.50 Enameled Beds; final price, VVv.'iV'il I $10.00 Enameled Beds, final price sii'X . ;, ; ; " ;!V $12.50 ' Enameled Bedsj final price .. ; . ... $15.00 Enameled ; Beds, final price. , , ; ; $20.00 Enameled Beds, final price.,, .v.. .$14.85 $20.00. Brass Beds, ' final price .Vi : i :i. .., $11.40 ; I ' 'vv $25.00 Brass Beds final ' price... ;'.'., .$12.85 $30.00 Brass Beds,1 final price. . ,;$10.45