THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 24, 1912. is EXCHANGE HEAL ESTATE 24 10 ACRES on Base Lln road for room mg nouse, izuuv. : . 6 room house,' clear,, $12 00, for room ing house. - - i- 40 acres, good land, 4 room house, for vacant lota. . ... ' 820 acres Idaho land, $12. SO per acre, Clear, for Portland property. - 20 good lots In good, small Oregon town, clear, -for rooming house or dla- Bawmill, price 12000, for anything of equal value. ,. ,, 1 acre of ground, within city limits Of Spokane, for rooming- house, $1300. S room bungalow, 12400, for acreage close to carllne. .. W have others, Ws can .lt . 40.- . ; JIT Board of Trade. Main 487S.' . SWAP COLUMN WILL 1 exohange A-l talking maohlna for Inside painting. Portland Phono- grapn Agency, bqv Aiofr A-l shot gun or 44 caliber revolver. All good as new for skyglasses, of- : lice 'oeBK or n.una. on ,v,y,'" TRADE anything nnVwhers. ,, 829. wm ber Exchange bldg. WANTED RKAt ESTATE 31 WB OET RESULTa" If YOU HAVE ANT FARM OR CITT PROPERTY tO BELL, OR TRAPS, LIST IT WITH US. IF THB PRICE IS RIGHT WE CAN HANDLE IT. FOR TOO. CALX. : OR WRITE ;. ':' ' . WARD A YOUNGER. , ' SUITE '42? YEON BUILDING. Have You 2 or. 3 Acres? Wa hays a buyer for a country home, with or without buildings. Must be olose to electric line. 614 Chamber of Commerce bldg, Your Property Advertised Free List your aouse, lots, acreage. We will sell It. NELSON BROS., 804 LEWIS BLDG. Phone Main 7691. WANTED To buy modern unincumb ered 7 room residence In good loca tion, from party who will take $1000 cash and balance in young orchard In Hood River district; owners only. Ad dress. B. P.. P. O. Box 496. Home Wanted A friend of mine will buy modern home in Portland up to $6000, most all cash, Alblna preferred. Geo. H. Root, 208 Railway Exchange; WANTED 10 or 20 acres. Oregon Elec trlc; have small house $1500, and $300 cash; can pay balance $60 month. jj-z'jo. journal WANTED A modern 8 ti 6 room bun galow in good residence district. Don't answer unless your price Is right. 206 Couch bldg. WANTED To buy for cash from own- ers, Irvlngton lot. Z-296. Journal. ROOMING HOUSES FOB SALE 53 10 ROOMS ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. WEST BIDE, CLEARS $50 MO. MUST SELL. MAKE OFFER. JAMES, 88 10th Near Stark ,$300 $300- $300 Down, balance $26 monthly buys a 10 room rooming house. Nob Hill district. All oak furniture, Brussels carpets, fur nace heat, clearing $90 monthly, worth $1600: my price $650. Peters. 16 N. 6th. HOTEL, $3600 CASH Will handle. One of the most magnifi cently furnished houses In Portland. And it is not on Washington street either, but In a good location. C. E. JONES, 402 Yeon Bldg. A Pickup, 12 Rooms, $600 RENT $35. FURNACE HEAT, WEST SIDE. CLEARS $60 MO. SNAP. SEE IT. JAMES, 88 10th Near Stark 100 Rooms 100 Rent $170, 4-year lease, good, clpne In, west side location, clearing $250 month. Price $3600, terms. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO.. 170 6th. 18 ROOMS 18 In A-l location, rent $50. all full, 14 years' lease, $50 up on lease, rent until Feb. 1, all goes for $860, terms. Peters, 16 N. 6th et. TO EXCHANGE. A first clasa apartment house for stock of merchandise, acreage or In come property. If you want something extra nice ana a gooa money matter, eeeinis. i-tnz, journal i'OR SALE Modern apartment house, 80 SrtartmentM. clear taKO n mnnth Private phone each apartment, $3000 or uuu aown. i am ine owner; no agents; a snap. Phone East 4KB, B-1317. 20 ROOMS 20 A-l transient house In heart of city, S years' lease, clearing $165 monthly; prire Imi. meters, is n, 6tn St. 24 ROOM newly furnished apartment house and splendidly equipped con fectionary store in upper Alblna at $1000 less than value; long lease, cheap rent; money maaer. bob yeon Diag. SO ROOMS, brick, 4-year lease, very cen . tral, well furnished; $560 cash buys It. It's worth $1800. Hurry If vou want the bargain of your life. 605 Teon ning. 12 ROOMS 12 On 19th St., 'rent $25, furnace heat, always full; price today $200. Peters, jo ntn sl. WANTED Good and profitable room Ing or apartment "house at right price for cash, from owner. O. J. Brooks, 1016 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall svz, 61 ROOMS, brick bldg., 3-year lease, rent $176month; Income $600; splen did opportunity; can lease to Japanese; nwu; terms, mio i eon Diog.f PORTLAND ROOMING HOUSE CO. ' H Henry bldf.- Marshall 6(4. Hotels, apartment houses, rooming uuugni. soin wnq encnangen. WHAT have you to trade for a 23 room rooming house -which is worth the price asked. Call my agent, Marshall io R06ms, new furniture, near 6th and Jefferson; furnace; beautiful; worth $750; yours for $400; terms. 60S Yeon " U M 18 ROOMS, brick bldg., i floor. Ion, lease, rent $60 $760 handles it. 606 icon ning. FOR SALE 10 room flat furnished for housekeeping. Brick building, with lease. Ksst 8140. owner. 13 ROOMS, 8 year lease, new furniture of best grade, located near P. O.; price $1800 ensh. Answer. '-0-290. Journal. 21 ROOMS Close in. reasonable rent lease, doing; a good business; must i"nve: win sacrifice, n-ano, Journal WANTED Rooming house that $3u0 casn win nanaie as nrst payment. is - d v El, J uurnw i. 21 ROOMS, 4 year lease, Washington st, money maaer, sacruice ior elibu; easy terms, , 506 Teon bldg ---. MOST beautlfuTly -furnished IS room place in city; $600 down,' $80 month. jts a beauty,- 60s yeonpiag. Hurry. $150 down, price $460, 11 rooms; snap! o" yeon niqg. clears WORTH $1800 for $1000; 26 rooms; 'fv terms, boo yeon niag. snap. 24 ROOMS,' rent $90; clears $100 per . month; price $1000. 605 Yeon. ' ; $200 down, balance on time, buys 13 -Voii KALE Bv owner, rooming tiniiNe! wirn ni." uwner. Main gs7. . yr"1' Payment downr lease. A-4640. 23 ROOM worklngmen'a hotel to trade .,ttt iuih. ' it-nus, journal. SNAP Small ronrnlnff hmmA. renf . Call 80 after 12 noon, phone Main Kfin. II ROOMS, brick, rent $75, clean, li a bargain, 60S Yeon bldg. . lease, ROOMING HOUSES FOIl SAlE 53 Investigate This S3 rooms, brick building, good lease, reasonable rent, bot and cold water In each room, Axmlnster carpets, furnish Inns all new 6 months ego; located In a good transient .location; price J2760. on easy terms. - - - V PEVLW A FIREBAUGH. . - 907 Yeon bldg. Corner 6th and Aider. - APARTMENT HOUSE. ! Over 100 , rooms, rent ,1100 month. Can you beat that rent 16000; $4000 cash, or will trade for clear property, city or country. ' , C. E. JONES. 402 Teon Bldg. STOCKS AND BONDS 58 MINING and Industrial ' stocks and bonds bought and sold. - , O. H. MoClellwnd. SOS Railway Ex. BUSINESS CHANCES, - 20 $700 Below Cost Pool Hall ' Sixth st location, doing a good busi ness; X Rood tables, soda fountain, stock of cigars and tobacco, nice show cases and other fixtures. This place will In voice at 21600, but the ownen needs the money and we ar authorized to sell if taken this week for $800 on terms; leas. See Mr. AstIL with Joseph Graham 1007-1009 Board Of Trade Bldg. OWING family trouble, must dispose of the best small stock and business In. Portland by Feb. 1. This stock Is the only on in a largo neighborhood In a restricted business dlstriot, and Is making money. Good' store room, big barn, living rooms, - cheap rant, good team and wagon; will Invoice. Call at 11 Burnslde at Business Chance, (S room rooming and apartment house', all outside rooms but two; centrally lo cated on west side. 10 minutes' walk from 6th and Washington ; can show a net profit of $300 to $360; price $M0i cash; modern In every respect; building practically new. See Brltt, NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY, 270 Stark st.. FOT SALTS. Cigar store in good live town In east ern Oregon. Only cigar stora In the town. Will sell for Invoice price of the goods and one third off cost of furniture ana zixtures. No dead stock on hand. Will Invoice about $2000. For past S years cash sales, have averaged $9909 per annum. M-7, journal r . Investigate This' Your best oonortunltv to make Invest merit In the fastest growlna- business In Portland, where your money will double in two years, together with dividends, will stand strictest investigation; small or large amount. F-soi, journal. Pool and Cigars Good west side location, doing $1 to $20 dally business; 8 tables and well stocked with cigars; everything goes tor uu. . RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO.. 173 5th, POOL AND BOWLING ALLEY $200 CASH. cash register, showca'ses, stock, etc.," years- lease, rent 4U per month, doing a pua ousiness. J. E. NICHOLS CO.. 015 Yeon bldg. 7 Rooms 7 P.nt OK AlMnM 4.1 . t nr.n -v. .-', -a. i tii (l ,,u JIIUIIIII. well furnished, located near Grand and Haw thorne. Price $250. niurn AUAlillI 1.A n U JU., II J Din. FINE store, confectionery, post card, stationary, cigar store, news tnnil RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO.. 170 5th. books, with living room: will invoice tiouu; long lease; price $650. 505 Yeon DIOg. BARBER SHOP SNAP. A fine little ahnn K chair 4 hatha 1H years' lease: rent $66; splendid west siae location. 3Vt, IIno. si) J. E. NICHOLS CO.. 615 Yeon Bldg. FAMILY OROfRHV STflHR Lot and building and good clean stock at invoice, living rooms, daily cash sales $35: price $3800, $1800 will nanaie. room 7Zt cnamfter of Com. POOL room and bowling alleys, at a D&rgam, in fortiana, a gooa proposi tion for somebody with a little money, can handle with part cash, might con- aiqer irane. uwner, x-aoa. journal. WANT PARTNER FOR RESTAURANT This Is one of the finest places In the city, a good man can get a half Interest ior &uu: references exchanged. (No.80) J. Hi. INHJHULiM uu bib Yeon nmg, FOR 8 ALE Good paying restaurant In county seat town at a bargain: other business requires all my time. Owner, zzb stare st. $200 handles restaurant and 10 room rooming house! rent for all $35, least, great onnortunitV: nrica 1450. 605 Yeon bldg. SALOON and 16 room rooming house, rent $90, lease, independent license; good business; $3760. This is a bar- gain. 505 Yeon bldg. FOR SALE or trade, .drug store, up-to date1n live eastern Oregon town, or will trade ror real estate. Best or rea sons for selling. M-2. Journal. 500 Business Cards, $1 Rose City Prlntery, 192 V4 Third Street A REAL BARGAIN. The War is on. CALL at 250 Killingsworth ave. for par - ticulars concerning a nice business for sale. Can be handled- with little money, FOR SALE Tin and sheet metal shop, doing good business, good location, good tools; a bargain for cash. R-290, journal. FOR SALE; Finest equipped garage and repair shop in city of 19,000 for sale as a going concern; must sell owing to in neaitn. m-, journal FOR SALE Cleaning and pressing business; will sell cheap. Call 133 K. otn st, BARBER shop, 6 chairs and 4 baths, lease $360. Owner leaving city. 206 ivmninon 27 ROOMS, steam heat, close in: will trade ror grocery store or ror lots ana some cash. C. B. Jones, 402 Yeon bldg. LEAVING city, sell entire stock of genuine Indian curios, very cneap, bo per cent oir on most. e jaornson IF you want anything from a notion store to a department store I nave It. M. 8. coo-n, i s Yeon niqg. MOVING picture theatre, clearing $60 weekly. Try It before buy; $600, bal ance as you make. 1 417 Rothchlld bldg. 500 Good Business Cards $1 611 Buchanan bldg., 286 Washington. DRUG STORE, west side, doing a good business; $2000 will , handle. H. L. Falrley, 65 j Hovtst, WANTED Merchandise business. If you have a good business of any kind I can sell It M. B. Cobb, 918 Yeon bldg. CAT V A ITkIa- I fUH DAUJUA UUIUU TP, BIWBtJi 1,1 voice about $4000, no agents. East 113 JOB of oil paintings cheap for cashp live, man can mane Dig money, iss wasmngton si. $1600 invested by live man can be doubled in 20 davs. -880 Washington. JJfeWLY stocked cigar store for sale. RESTAURANT making big money for $350. 60S Yeon bldg. . CONFECTIONERY, cigar 'store and deii" icmfunen. ppn wiiimmw ave. jneap, WANT to buy -small dairy near pity. R. Buetlkofer. 266 8almon. FOR SALE Live feed and seed busi ness in, valley town. M-l, Journal. HELP WANTED MALE ."SI YOUNO man, bandy with light tools, a inxiunnnist neiper; no cigarette user sr. a. rinify, voiumnia St. MACHINISTS wanted, two first clasa lire" A", wm ,i lyrlt. ' v1 444 bom inriiiiuviiniuin(L WEAR a Kenshaw $3 hat; all styles. 19 4th; 449 Washington, WANT lather, plasterer, laborer, pluhib r. sjrT dentlsUy. Call 207 Allsky bldg. HET.I WANTED MALE H -Stock Salesmen v Men of ability, personality and ( rood appearance, for a high grada financial proposition. A new, eleancut Portland company, that will - show dividend earnings 'that will appeal 1 to conservative Investors.- ', Frank M. Brown, Inc. 1020 Chamber of Commerce bldg. - V THB MEIER & FRANK STORE Want a practical WATCHMAKER; one thoroughly competent la assured a, per manent position every- month ot the year. Good references required. Ap ply at Superintendents' office, 8 to 1:30. a. m. . . . - . ., . -," . . - Employment 'membership guarantees that member will secure , employ ment or . refund ;"of membersnip. fee, rives two months full membership privileges. 10 months' social prtvVege and undertakes to kee party employed during full term of membership, with out further charge. - See secretary em. piovment nenartment.' WANTED For the United States army, able bodied , unmarried men between ages of 19 and 86, cltlsens of United ftates of good character and temperate habits, who can apeak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to recruiting officer, Worcester bldg., Idand Oak ta Portland, Or. WANTED For each countv in Wash' ington and Oregon, capable man to or- franlse selling force to sell most needed abor saver for the. home.' Sells less than $10, your profit $4. , Full particu lars, Crandall Sales Co., 604 Seward V. n , I Yl 1 A ' IDEAL' Wet Wash laundry wants man to solicit laundry at 50c per sack per wash; will rive fair pay.. Phone Tabor a3z or h-3141. CHEF headquarters and helpers. Call fomia Wine Depot, 285 Yamhill, next to journal WANTED At once. 2 men lo learn to drive and repair automobiles. Call at Hawthorne Garage., 446 Hawthorne. HIGH class men as salesmen, good proposition, live men only. Oregon Fruit & Development Co.. 208 Rv. 3x. FIRST class salesman to call on the trade; must be good. Call Mr. Ross, 518 Board of Trade. - WANTED Teamster, sober and respec table, of good character, board with my family. H-908. Journal. THREE young men to' canvas photo coupons, good wages. 801 Dekum bldg. YOUNG men wanted to learn latest art, good opportunity. 235 5th. . room 10, HELP WANTED MISC. 49 WANTED AUTOMOBILE MECHAN ICS AND DRIVERS. Young- men, why not better your con dition and learn the automobile busi ness? GREAT SPRING AND SUMMER DE MAND FOR RELIABLE MEN. We train men for this work and as sist them to positions after graduating. Expert instructions In each department. To those Interested, we ask them to In vestigate. THE OREGON AUTO SCHOOL, 260-68 11th. Cor. Jefferson. Y. M. C. A. Auto "School , E. 10th and E. Mill. FOR MEN NOT FOR MONET Thoroughly equipped garage. Expert Instructors. Actual experience In re pairing the driving on first clasa care. Lectures and recitations Investigate this scheel before on rolling elsewhere. Offices Y. M. C. A. building. Phone Main 7065. A-6561. Auto "Thool B. 10th and Mill ata. Phone Eaut 2662. Men Take Notice! We want men to learn auto driving and repairing. We supply the help of one of the leading taxlcab automobile and transfer company In town, and are In need of men who are of good habits, we guarantee a position. No other auto school can do this. You work on good machines that are in use daily. Office 208 Railway Exchange STEADY employment at good wages will be given to aeveral Industrious men providing they buy a tract of rich bottom land of five acres or more. If you have 60 or more dollars to make us a first payment call and learn full par ticulars. Employment will be given only to men buying land. 838 Chamber of commerce. , nf v-tt i cTTfireia Jinn i u u . ' . v..v...j.. . Do you wish to Increase your salary and at the same time be engaged in a pleasant occupation, let us show you how. It costs you nothing for Informa tion. THE PORTLAND AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 123 Rth st. North. MEN and women to learn the barber trade In 8 weeks. Special inducements, Fercentage earned while learning. Tools ree, expert Instructors, 17 years In the business. 37 schools. A life time schol arship given to every student Moler HarDer college, sa is. m si., roruanu. or MEN and women to learn barber trade school First class set of tools free; percentage eamea wnuo leirmngi ucm of Instructors. 16 years In business. Life time scholarships given every student ifH roucn street. TELEGRAPHY Sneaking of guaran tees, I will give a limited number of bona fide guarantees for positions to desirable applicants and teach telegra- f' ny in a practical way. Myers, bos lanoers at., fortianq. ur, J2.60 per day paid one lady In each town to distribute free circular and take orders for concentrated flavoring In tubes. Permanent position. J. S. Ztegler Co.. unicago RAILWAY mail and scores of other cl'v 11 service examinations will be held In the spring. Send for the new dates. Columbian Correspondence college, Washington. T. C. WANTED Ry mail clerks, custom clerks, spring examinations In Port land. Sample questions free. Franklin Institute, uept. aiiwi.. jrcocneater, in. x, MOTION picture operating taught In theatre, full Dractlcal course. Learn It right Price reasonable. Position se cured. Z-267, Journal. STUDENTS, either sex, in all latest scientific methods of dru glees treat ments and suggestive therapeutics. For Interview aaaress u-zm. journal. GOVERNMENT positions are easy to get My free booklet Y-868, tells how. Write today now. Earl Hopklna, Washington, P. C, - SHORTHAND, bookkeeping, eto, by nersonnl Instructions. Positions se cured. Enroll at once. 630 Worcester block. Marsnan Z75I. RAILWAY mall clerks wanted, write for Portland spring Examination schedule. Franklin Institute, Dept 141 Ij. Rochester, is. y. LESSONS given In oil and water colors; price 30c per hour. --East 8418. 192 Vs Belmont i WANTED Immediately: men to learn , l.,, I I - . AI 1 -,!, auiuuiuuim unvuig aim icaiiiug. vail m tnv Ullivil I'rn 1 jib wumi MOVING picture operating taught In theatre; full practical course; price reasonable. 417 Rothchlld bldg. OTrLH Learn our business r Sanitary Beauty jranors. 4QQ-4H vegum Ding. CLOSING out few remaining uncalled for suits and overcoats 86.60 up. Tay. ior, tne raiior. Hurnsici st PRIVATE Shorthand, typewriting. bookkeeping. , 648 Hamilton bldg. Marshall 4268. HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 LADY wishing course of bookkeeping " can nave office work under account ant a part pay for tuition. Assistance position wnen quanneq. A-noa, journal, WANTED Lady or couple to take housekeeping room In exchange for work; no objection to children. 206 Market st, WANTED Girl to care for child after- noons. ,, call morning. 186 Ford at. apartment 22, STENOGRAPHER wanted at once. Call ell Board 01 xraaa Diag. . - - . EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OS " " ' MUNICIPAL FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE - All classes of unskilled, skilled, pro fessional and clerical, mala and female help 'furnished on short notloe, . , No fees. ! Men's department 216 Id. cor. Salmon. : Women's department 246 Salmon st sans; a-5Z4 C. R, HANSEN & CO. ' GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Main office, 26 N. Id at. Portland. . Ladles department, 7th and Wash, ata, upstairs, Portland. 424 Front ave., Spokane. 4 ; IT- 4th st, San Franclscov- " Established 1870. Bennett's Employment Agency $4 N. 2d. MU 864; A-1983. Quick service, reliable help to employer free. - Butts & Eldredge Emp. Co, " 24H N. Si st Main 8206. A-l 291. Red Cross Employment ION. 2d. cor. Burnslde. M. 6296. A-6781. WANTED AGENTS e WE! need a salesman In each of sev eral excellent fields to sell our splen did nursery stock. A permanent place: cash weekly and a square firm back of you. . Write for particulars. Washington Nursery co., Toppenisn. wasn, WANTED -Salesmen to aid us supply the brisk demand 1'or our goods. Some vacant territory yet In every state west of the Mississippi, Cash weekly. CAPITAL CITY NURSERY CO, rwuem, or. VOU CAN'T HELP but mate money selling our guaranteed-to-glve-satls-factlon stock; free outfit; cash weekly; exclusive territory. Yakima Valley wursery - co.. Toppenisn, 'Vasn. WANTED Agent to sell our white lined enamelware. Only salesmen with es tablished territory need apply.- Mall references The Bellalre Enamel Co., Bellaire. Ohio. SITUATIONS MALE 8 WANTEI By man and wife, small family, work on ranch by month or year, or will rent furnished farm; best references, 20 years' experience, Charles Horning. Oregon City, Or., route g. BLACKSMITH wants position machine forging or logging work: no horse- snoemg. I-30, journal. YOUNG chauffeur wants position with private family; experience in repair snop; no pad nanus. 0-301, journal, hESPONSIBLE married man, knows city, wants steady position. B-300, Journal. SITUATIONS FEMALE 4 HOUSEKEEPER Will stay In city or go to country town to keep house for widower; only first class need answer. Good cook, refined, educated woman. B- Oa Innrniil I YOUNG lady wants office work, ex- perlenced In bookkeeping and cashier ing; knowledge of stenography. Call Main 9484 A YOUNG lady would like work at ho tel or rooming house, good references. Destol grocery, Metzger station. WIDOW woman wishes position as housekeeper, city or country. Call room 22. 264H 1st st LACE curtains laundered 25c and up. Call for, delivered by experts. Tfcb.QE 817 WANTED Experienced cook wants po sttlon in private boarding house. L- 609, Journal. MIDDLE aged lady would like position as housekeeper or In small rooming nouse: not arraia to wont. j-zz. A CAPABLE woman having child 3 years wants position as housekeeper. N-504. journal, WII-Jj take care of rooms for exchange of housekeeping rooms. Mrs. G. W. Kyan. fnone Main win. YOUNG woman with baby wants honest employment, c-nza. WANTED Work by the day. Main 6771. Room 104. DAY work washing. Ironing or house cleaning. Phone C-1214, room 11. WOMAN wants day work, 26c an hour, Mrs. M. W., East 3407. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 23 MARRIED couple would like rooming or apartment nouse to taice cnarge 01, H-307, journal. MAN and wife want position on ranch. best of reference. 1348 Concora. DRESSMAKING 40 LADIES . tailoring, cutting, fitting. ponging cloth, making buttons. But ton notes, joinings lumisnea. rteaaou able prices. Gordon. 251 Yamnni. WOULD like to sew with dressmaker can Iron and press good; would assist with housework for same. G-307, Jour nal. SEWING by day or piece, children's domes specialty. Mrs. veva vyick man, 819 Maryland ave. Phone C-1766. A GOOD dressmaker would like engage ments 22.60 per day; references. Sell- WOM 181. SUIT skirts and one piece dresses made reasonable tor next su nays, specialty to working girls. Marsnan IN EXPERIENCED dressmaker, at your home. Marshall 440 COMPETENT dressmaker wishes work by the day. Phone B-323B ALL kinds plain sewing by experienced woman. Sellwood 249. NURSES 60 BY retired nurse, one or more children under 8 years: best of references. Phone Tabor 1612 or call 1940 E. Morrl- COMPBTENT nurse would like cases; good with children. G-308. Journal. KIND, practical nurse wishes maternity cases. Sellwood 1636, Mrs. Wick. NURSE wants case, home or out, ref erence., 886 Lerrabee. C-172S. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE 9 NEWLY and nicely furnished rooms, walking distance, all modern conven iences, reasonable rent 147 N. 17th. Marshall 2fi2& PALMER HOUSE 860 Alder st Rooms $2.60 ana up per weeic jrree batns, steam neat. THE DAVENPORT Newly furnished rooms, strictly modern, . walking ais- tance. o jetrerwon bi. inn in 000 SLEEPING rooms, suitable tor plain worklngmen, $6 to $10 per month. 6T6 coucn. LEWISTON Hotel.' 271tt Morrison, cor. 4th; first class, single and ensulte; 60c to 11.60 a oay. none a-syzu. FURNISHED outside room, 2 windows, closet, stove heat suitable for 2 gen tlemen, $13 month. 47ft Clay. Main 6621. THE LANDORE 288 10th st, 2 single well heated rooms with hot and cold water, for rent NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for 2 gentlemen, with board. 196 ICtb at; references, CHEERFUL furnished rooms, single - oiv housekeeping, modern, all conven iences, $3 week up. 648 Yamhill, THE ELM" PLACE 414 Yamhill; rooms, 1.a4 anl mr-lA llaam )m- - II V RIIU v v ivwm a fa vate baths and suites, close In. Free phone end atn. Main 7754. IF YOU wish good first clasa rooms cheap, call at the Roycrest, 176 12th -a v Bl. CI liri , allium. THE Morrison hotel, 633 Morrison; good rnnma tl and 11 d ter week. Also flna basement suitable for laundry. ' CHEAP rooms for worklngmen. 612 H wavier st NICELY furnished, rooms, furnace heat n, hath. Main B0. '178 ltS f Wt tmt'l. IMHIII vviry, IQ iwtu, . - ROOMS. 60c. $1 per day; II no week: ; THE CLAY. 343 W Morrison st. ROOMS $2. large front rooms $4 ; for two persons. 146 1st st. LARGE bedroom, bath, steam heat. $8. 213 Carutbera, apartment 14. r o FURNISHED ROOMS' ' WEST SIDE ..JL HOTEL CARLTON". - " ,.:' 14TH AND WASHINGTON 8T8. 1 -A LIMITED NUMBER OF BEAtm FULLJ FURNISHED AND APPOINT ED ROOMS AND BUITES. WITH AND WITHOUT PRIVATE BATH, FOR PERMANENT QUESTS ON VERY REASONABLE- MONTHLY RENTAL RATffiF. EVERY CONVENIENCE AND COMFORT OF HOME WITH THB ADDED CONVENIENCES OF A FIRST CLASS HOTEL AND ASSURANCE QF A POSITIVELY FIREPROOF BUILD ING. ROBS FINNIC AN. MANAGER. Week TKo Rov transient $2.00 up. I ne nex boo up. 648H Washington st. Are you getting rooms like ours for the money? If pot, change; Steam heat, hot and cold water In each room. All outside rooms. Also housekeeping rooms. HOTEL FORD. 733 Washington, corner Lucretla st. New brick building. Just completed; fine large outside rooms with telephone service, with or without private baths; new end splendidly fur nished; hot and cold water; steam heat; best of service; very -reasonable rates. The icRtneham -20th and Washington sts., first class In every detail, all outside rooms'; pri vate bath and telephone In each .room. Rates reasonable. 662 H Washington st. Main si, The heart of the business a rater. 7th end Taylor, opposite Haillg theatre, a quiet home for quiet people, strictly modern, permanent: transient Main 91s TWO fine large rooms, one with prl vate bath and one hot and cold wa ter, hbme cooking, fine location. The jviagnoltB w, 817 Kearney. HYLAND, 490 Morrison. Marshall 260, A-azi". rine rurnisnen, it. n. rooms. BASEMENT room, $1.60 per week and up. 166 lfltlK FURNISHED ROOMS 52 EAST SIDE BEAUTIFULLY furnished 8 room apart ments, modern in every respect, walk ing distance, cheapest rent in city. Phone East 4189. QUIET- warm homelike rooms, clean, comfortable beds; no rough element; prices reasonable. The Larrabee, 227 H Ibarra bee. 'THE MONTGOMERY," corner East Morrison and East 8th, nicely fur nished rooms, $2 per week and up; close In. FURNISHED rooms. 649V4 Commercial Court. A NICE large room for two gentlemen. East 8404. 80 E. 10th N. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 ONE large unfurnished room on 1st floor' with Btove, $10 per month. Main 9451. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 DOUBLE and single rooms, pleasant home, close In, where there are con genial young people. 274 College. Main 8280. A FINE, room, private bath, home cook ing, swell location. The Magnolia, 6 1 7 Kea rney. THE CASA ROSA Large, airy, fur nished rooms, with board, splendid lo. cation. 800 Jefferson. MANITOU 261 13th st. attractive rooms, steam neat, gooa ooara, ciose in. reasonnnie CHEERFUL large room with board, In modern nome, suitanie ror z to a; home privileges. Main 6270. 208 N. Z81, SINGLE or double rooms, with break fast; three gentlemen; references. Main 950. 40lHlztn st FIRST class room, with or without board for 2 voung men. wltnin walK- Ing distance, reasonable. Phone A-7801 FRONT room, suitable for 2 gentlemen. with board, 125 raontn. 266 I3tn. BOARD and room, $4.60 week, Hotel Idaho, 6Z7 Hooa SINGLE room with board, $22. Call 32 lflth. near Washington THREE furnished rooms, olean and comfortable, private family. 807 11th, WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 89 WANTED Room and board In private family, for man, wire ana little girl 8 years old, and take care of little girl during day. state price ana aaaress. journal, WANTED a home for a bright healthy boy, age SH years. For particulars call 672 lberty et., wooaiawn, r. . HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE 8 FRONT room suite, completely fur nished for housekeeping. $3.26 week. 245 N. 17th, cor. Marshall CHEAPEST, cleanest housekeeping rooms In the city, $2, $2.60 week. 184 Sherman. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, reasonable. walking distance. 402 Ross, one block north Hroaaway. THREE unfurnished (housekeeping rooms. 17 zotn, 1 diock soutn ot Washington. CT.RAN housekeeping rooms. central very reasonable. 647 Vs Johnson, near istn HOUSEKEEPING "room with kltchen ette. gas, bath, phone, heat. 171 N. I7tn st NICE 3 room suite, new, well furnished and clean; all conveniences, separate entrance. 700 Flanders. ROOMS for batching, also sleeping rooms. $1.60 per week. 824 Main, cor ner wtn. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, single and In suites, respectable place for respectable people. zu ntn w. CLOSE In, clean suite of I or 4 fur nlshed rooms; gas range, laundry, to desirable employed persons. 431 Taylor. FURNISHED housekeeping and single rooms, $2.00 to $3.60 per week. 784 Thurman st. mArrn .. I I. t.A ... .In I, V'U uniui uiniicu ivuinn, ninn, Bnnt tin: also front sleeDlng room. 249 Marnwnn, nrar aq 2 NEWLY furnished front housekeeping rooms, bath, gas. phone. 260 Mont- gomery st T.A-RftTI moms with alcove, furnished for housekeeping, cheap rent, gas. patn. pnone. ko tun. til, yiivnq. LIGH1 housekeeping rooms. $10 to $30 THE Idaho, cheapest close in house keeplng and sleeping rooms In city. S8 tn st. Main wazn. a-z4i. FRONT rooms, furnished for house- - keeping; free ugnt, water ana heat 60S jonnson st. FOUR nice housekeeping rooms; cook - stove; rent $12.60. 685 Montgomery, tfAMBRlDlSBldg. FurnlshedTous" Keeping rooms, nm. an, q Morrison. MITCHELL' nousekeeptng rooms; light gas: moderate. tn- lanoers. Housekeeping rooms, $3.60 week up. THB CLAI, 4t Morrison. LlGHT, clean housekeeping suite, gas range, pnone, oatn. 44? otn. feUITE of furnished housekeeping rocoia 48 N, vtn. feUITE of housekeeping rooms' and .1 housekeeping room, ti4.Kverett LARGE housekeeping room, ground floor, cheap. si jau at. WO front rooms, light housekeeping. 600 Jefferson. Marshall 471. TWO suites housekeeping rooms, $16 ana lis. 874 za. NEWLY furnished housekeeping ' front rooms, cheap rent ciose in. nu uavis. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, reasonable. i uiay. Main s8. 8 Hunt's ExDrtss & Baggage Co 1 trunk, lOo. Additional trunks. 26o each Grip with trunks fre A-8411. Marshall .416. Baggage & Omnibus , Transf ef Baggage moved 1 and stored. Phone MSIn S9H0, A-8311 2 ROOM connecting suite, furnished, gas range, electricity, gas and phone free, private family, $4.60. ( 80 N. 2 2d Bwnmin ooi, FTJRNISHttn s roam sultfl for house- keeping; sink, electric lights, gas, bath, also 1 housekeeping room. 666 6th St. A-BBZ4 EILEEN COURT, the heart of the bual ness center, 16th and Morrison, single furnished housekeeping rooms, modern, reasonable. ' ENTIRE 2d floor Running water, cheerful, wetl furnished, gas range, fine view, $6.60, fuel furnished. .463 mm. ROOMS In private family for light . housekeeping; bargain to right party; references. Phone M. 7847. SPLENDID housekeeping rooms; heat, light; $8, $10, $16. $20 per month. 676 rmirii, HOU8EKKE ING and furnished rooms, heated. uem notei, e5 it; steam new building, room $1.25 up. FOUR furnished housekeeping Main 2302. 497 Columbia st HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $10 per menth and up. 156 16th St. - HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST SIDE 48 TWO clean, newly furnished, ground floor housekeeping rooms; gas, bath, near car and easy, walking distance; first class neighborhood. 772 E. Taylor st. Phone' East 62R0. $18 or $26, 2 or 3 room suite furnished housekeeping rooms, private family, lovely home, close In; light, water, both phones free. 876 Multnomah, corner Un ion. Bast 3680. LARGE, clean corner bay window rooms; also small rooms, furntsbed and un furnished, complete housekeeping accom modations, live and ' let -live; square from car. ZShj E. 12th. FOUR unfurnished housekeeping rooms, $16 month; free lights, water, phone, 87 Russell st, near O.-W. R. & N. shops; also furnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms. TWO connecting rooms, $14; also one nice little room, $7; fully furnished for housekeeping' lovely location, yard, bath, phone, lights free. Walking dis tance. Sellwood 1109. 664 E. 6th. THE MONTGOMERY, cor. Morrison and 8th. ' furnished housekeeping suite; also single housekeeping e)oms, reason- aDie. 8T. MARKS 392 H E. Btrnside, house- Keeping rooms rrom fz.ou up, tree light and phone, also ffcely furnished rooms for men 12 and np. TWO front rooms neatly furnished for housekeeping, close In. gas, laundry trays, bath. 562 E. Main, $15. FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms, water, gas, bath, in residence, 660 E. Morrison st $12 Furnished 3 room housekeeping flat. 642. 1 block south of E. 27th and Clinton. Richmond car. TWO neatly furnished housekeeping rooms, gaa, bath, phone, 70 E. 8th N. $16. B-2i34. LOVELY housekeeping suite, walklngj aiBianuv; wvery ming; lurmaucu. aai 8404. 30 East 10th. TWO furnished housekeepings rooms, $8 per month: fuel, light, laundry. 96 Knott st L car. TWO housekeeping rooms on lower floor, S on upper, all furnished. 207 . 3&tn NICELY furnUhed suite with gaa The - phone, bath, fuel free. 464 h. East Burnslde, corner Eighth. HOUSES FOR RENT 12 Greater Meier . Frank Store Rental & Information Bureau Home hunters visit our modern, com pletely equipped Information depart ment fourth floor, main building, and note the vacant houses and flats on our list You'll save time in getting properly and comfortably located. We keep la touch with all the vacant flats and houses In all parts of the city. We have the combined lists of all the real estate agents In the city. We also have a list of all new buildings In course of con struction. If You Want to Rent a House See Us. NEAT 4 room cottage, large lot full basement, bath, electric lights, gas. 875 Rodney ave.. $16. Beattie & Hof- m n nm 4li Ofa iiicaiiii, . u 1 oigi iv FOR RENT A 6 room cottage, up to date, $16, formerly $18, to a good tenant On E. 9th st S. Phone Tabor 1604. FOR RENT New modern 6 room house, attlo and full basement, 1 block from car. fine neighbor! id, $16 per month. 404 Commercial bldg. or Marshall 402. TWO plastered 4 room houses to rent at $8 each, one at Kenton, the other at Tremont C. E. Jones, 402 Yeon bldg. Marshall 849. CHEAP, at Kenton, cottages, sell or rent Stokes ft Farmer; Derby st Phone Woodlawn 2699.. 8 room bungalow, corner E. 27th and Clinton, key at Dick's grocery, $20. R. rJueiiKorer, zoo nairnon. MODERN 6 room house. 774 2d st In quire "ext house, 229 Grover st, 2 blocks from 8 car. WELL furnished 6 room, modern house, 870 Alblna ave.. bet Shaver and Ma. son. Call 617 River. Phone C-1998. FOR RENT 4 room cottage, 2 blocks from Union ave., $12 per month. 418 Corbett bldg. Marshall 657. A-2644. PORTLAND Heights 7 room house. Car ter st between 19th and 20th. 1.1K n muntn. vt wig niag, BUNGALOW. 6 rooms and bath, ex oellent neighborhood. E. Sfith and wain, zo. Main zim. $22.60 7 room house, 675 E. 9th st J. J. vkukk, orana ave and An ken y . FOR RENT 6 room house. 720 E. jLiavis -st. NEW, mc.ern 6 room house, key at 169 mesa, ik.ou, FOR RENT, $lfl, modern cottage at 611 EJGHT room house suitable for 2 fami nes or roomers. i 4Z7. FIVE room modern cottage, 235 Graham ave., iiB. Apply 68 oantenbeln ave. FOR RENT 6 room house, 102 E. llth. near wasninton UNFURNISHED rooming house, beautU rui location, 4u. Main 646S, 5 ROOM house, modern convenlenoes, rent, aio rawnin. v;aii xviain 4UD0. kODERN 6 room cottage. 456 E. 16th in. rnone Kast . MODERN 8 room large house at 15th ana Mill sts.. west side. Main 6212. FURNISHED HOUSES 36 BEAUTIFULLY furnished, thoroughly umuri 11 kiivj wcu viiuijiyeu 9 ruom new bungalow, E. 28th and Stark; rent $36; FIVE room cottage, nicely furniahed. 689 E. Ash st Phone B-3205. . 691 Asn st. NEW modern 7 room house, new furnl ture. silver and linens; furnace; on nawmuniB hvc. irtimv in. isoor Z&IV, ".' . Jl . 1 1 I. . I U XI - A PARTLY furnished house at 1316 E. 18th. N.j rent $6 per month. Phone East 864. ' NEAT furnished cottage; gas, . water, ciowe in. jcdj ragq st. u car. - HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 83 FURNITURE of a completely furnished j lower moaern tiat ot a rooms ror aale. close In, rent $30; a bargain; Sunny- siae car. 3 . join. $600 CASH 8 rooms,' block and half of? Washington, v Rent $45. N-293. Jour nal. - ' -..., Fl'RNTURB and piano, 0-rooni house. cneap; uouse ior rent. Apply union. nOUSEKEEPINfl ROOMS , WEST SIDE norsFs von hi:xt FURNITURE FOR SALE HERE, . Is something unusually good . oome and make us an offer rooms, new furniture best location. .Mutt s.-ll 2666 F Mm ru ruuiua. ..swrmiut FURNITURE oi aiJtrootri flat on Nortn 18th, for sale or rents good location; walkln- distance; three cr lines. In quire 126 W. 17th, second floor; phons L XlVlu roon cottage, complete for house keeping; gas, bet tli. sas plate, steel range, hot and cold waten close to N. 5a1k.."ut,on vm sell furniture. 14 loin st. klNE cheerful rooms, rent $3.1, well arranged, well rented, electricity and gas, $375, (your terms) Someone will nuy tnis quick. 4ZS Hsll. FURNITURE of 7-room housekeeping suite for sale or trade; walking dls- mnt-e; nouse ror rent. U7 4tn st. FURNITURE of 10 room hous, so.4 location, all conveniences; price $600. S3 N Park. - - - ,' FURNITURE of 7 room house for sale. 1 88 Halsey. bet, steel and Broadway DTioges. Z304, FOUR rooms, nicely furnished, for rent; furniture for sale by owner, 304 Mont- FURNITURE of 8 room flat In good lo. cation, close In, rent $20; price $276. "4 1 ist st. s.i -1 FURNITURE ,7 room house, cheap If taken soon. Call 307 Market st. NEW furniture of 3 room ant., $100. Terms. Rent. $15, 239 Hall st AP ART5I3fl TS .; 43 FORDHAM APARTMENTS . COM- ... - PLETED. - ,:'',,:-!':' At 170-113 Ford st. Just south of Washington, are the mpst 'complete. Portland. Finished In hardwood through out. glvlhg tenants choice of oak. Cir cassian walnut or mahogany: elegant wall coverings, tiled baths with superb fixtures; highest class service; each with private balconv and bath; 4 rooms with mot convenient arrangement. $42.50 to $60: 6 rooms, $50 to $60. This building Is different Lef Mrs, Burleigh The Wulfe 21 0 MARKET STREET. ' Furnished new apartments of 'two, three and four rooms; also, single rooms. Steam heat and elevator; freo telephones In every apartment; rent for $22.50 to $40 Including electric lights. Call personally or phone The Meier Frank Store's Rental Department; pn vate exchange 4 or A-6101. . 1 THE VILLA ST. CLARA 12th and Taylor. Just completed, most magnificently fnr-iiabed apartments In the northwest: I . . . 1 H-.AM.kl. everv modern convenience, Inoludlny banquet hall and roof garden; blgjl class service; references required. Both phones in all apartment" Phons Main 276 snd A-7067. - txyt a t nmrom 670 Conch. 1 block from Washington St.. on 18th St.; telephone Main 1192; S and 4 room modern apartments, steam heat, electric elevator, hot and cola water, telephone and Janitor . service-. Apnlv of manager, references reQUlre. The Oneonta 1,f 17h e $20 to $20. 2 and 3 room suites, all modern conveniences, steam beat, easy walking distance. JPhone Main 4697, KING HILL APARTMENTS. 4, S, 4 room apartmnts; select tenancv. Apply on premises. 171 King st THE DEZENDORF, 208 1TH. NEAR TAYLOR. THESE ELEGANT 6 ROOM UNFUR NISHED APARTMENTS. s APPLY ON rKEMIBKH. THE McKINLET 42 B. MORR'SON. COR. TTH. ' t. 2 and 4-room apartments, fur nished up to date, private baths, free phone, moderate prices, new manage ment, Dest service. BANNER APARTMENTS. - 49 Clav st, nr to date furnished S room apartments. Price $20 to $24. In cluding heat light and janitor service. Phone Marshall 2074. - - ' Drickston ADartment - j 448 11th near College. 3 and t room suites, strictly first class, bachelor apartments a specialty.' $28 up. GRACE APTS. 797 Northrup st. eor. 24th, 6 large rooms, hardwood floors,, front veranda, large sleeping porch, private telephone. water, heat and hot water: new anq strictly moqera. CEDAR HILL Sunny 8 rooms fur- nlshed, with balcony, steam heat and phone; walking distance: reasonable rent. A-7623. Marshall 816t. THE ELMIRA Cor. 14th and Salmon. one furnished 4 room basement apt; also 8 and 4 rooms, furnished and un- fumlshed. Main 4404. THE SOUTHAMPTON. 410 Hall St One unfurnished 4 room apartment. strictly first class. A-ZP48. THE WESTMINSTER Nicely fur nished apartments: aiso single room. 2 minutes I.-om P. O. 202 6th. Main 6582. THE DAVENPORT Newly , furnished 2 and S room apts., modern, walking distance. Phone 5435. 605 Jefferson st HALSEY COURT. 300 WILLIAMS AVE. 2 and 8 room apartments, modern, lo cation quiet, rent renaonapia NORDICA apartments, cor. Belmont and Grand ave., 1 and 2 room furnishod 7 V. , Is nth V.n - BVia., IITO l.frll, livn4 Cfc.lji , THE ALBEMARLE, 2 and 2 room apart ments, steam heat private phone and bath, sss Williams ave. East 4195. GRAY Gables apartments. 289 10th. I room apartments. Phone A-J629. NEW 3 and 3 room apartments. 285 Montgomery! - - FOR , RENT FLATS 13 IRVINGTON. H lth AND HANCOCK. ' r New modern 6-room flat steam heat-, ed, fireplaces, hardwood floors, tile baths, sleeping porch, gas range, large closets. Among fine homes and excel lent car service. , . F. BJ. BOWMAN ft CO, -' Owners 23d1 and Bragec. K. 93S. C-2822. FOR RENT. Nicely furnished room lower flat. 709 Kearneyi st; furnace heat and all , modern conveniences, within 1 block of 2 carllnes, price $46 per month, " THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANT. Main 85. 103 4th st A-3500. NEW 6 room flats, the swellest most modern and up to date flats on I he , east side; Just co: ipleted; upper and ; lower vacant Everything first olaes. 263 R. 17th st, between Main and. Madison. Owner, Tabor 2621, or see A. K. Hill, NEW striotly modern 4-room flat 405 E. 18th St., North, Hardwood floors, . tile bath, sleeping norch, disappearing beds, fireplace, gas range and linoleum In kitchen. Rent $30. . m Tinwir i W r "V, ... 2Jd and Brssfe. E. 935. C-2822. NEW HOLLADAY FLATS MODERN. E. 9th and Hancock. , Hardwood floor, tile baths, gaa range and heater, large basement and attlo, 2 blocks Broadway car, walking distance: . Owner cares for lawn, $30. . Phone East KK70...Vr'.. ..-t--...t'tv-.....-..-,..-,;5 j; .- v : '.. SUNNYSHJE Modern 5 room flat gss range, electric, tubs,- shades,, heater. H4 K.-MorriBon,' near 30th. !' ' WALNUT PARI,' FLATS. " Modern 4 and 6 rooms, 106$ Cleveland. U cars Woodinwn TWO 6 room modern flats, walking dis tance, 301 and $01 H 8. 13th, near i-iawtnorne. wm MODERN lower flat. Irvlngton; upir flat $14 ., Eugene st , i'hone Last 4 ROOM "flat modern, use piano; I blocks from Union ave., bet itoecti and Falling. 800 E. 6th N. FOUR room flats, norili.ii,l amT'V. i- Hhitis ave., i2. f,a"i k3. LOWER 4-room lorner flat," I n rent $18. I'lione l-:'"t J; ft 1 ' FOUR and room flic, l ,- , , ave., near ?rt snd vh M T1TTN 4 l oom t il. i H , i i 807 Williams ave. . . , .