The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 24, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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. DEATHS AND FUNERALa that fnniilv residence.' Jan
uary 22, Henry L. Drlng. MeJ, 48
jtaijrir' month 29 day, superintendent
erbUvrvlr. cemetery, irienas in-
vIMTbi attend funeral services. Which
"vtn be held at Holman's funeral par
lors,-. Third . ana jsaimon. Bireeis, sv . i
V. m.. Friday, January J J. Interment
In Rlvervlew cemetery.
;:hi.men1ii iMm oltv. January 23
11S. at tha residence of her mother,
' 408 12th t. Anna M. Cremen. Funeral
will be hula Friday, January J6. from
the home at :u - m. jKequiem mien
mass at cathedral at 9 a. ni.
CKUICKSHANK In Ihls city January
24. at the family residence, 1042 East
Grant street, Duncan Cruickshank. aged
9 5 years.
M.VX M. WM1TH. florist 159 6th st.
pp. Meier Frank's. Main 7218.
The CEMETERY Beautiful
' of all burial plots without extra
- chars:' Provided 'with a permanent
irreducible Maintenance Fund. I-o-
cacion Ideal: Juat outside the city
limits on north and west slopes of
Mount Scott, containing 836 acres.
Equipped with every-modern con-
BUILTINQ. MAIN 225, A-7086;
J, P. Finley & Son
- Third and Madison.
.adv attendant. Main . A-1599.
Dunning & McEntee BlSSn:
every detail. . 7th and Pine, Main 480.
A.450. Lady assistant
A. R. ZELLER CO . Both Phones.
6uc. Zeller-Byrno-. Co., lady attendant
tDIOflM Undertaking Co. Main
tnllOUIll 8133. A-22S5. Lady ass't
.OlrVArO Undertaker. Sd and
Main 4152. A-28I1. Lady set
EAST SWZ funeral directors, success
or to V. 8. Punning. Inc. E. 62. B12626.
EDWARD HOI.MAN. -undertaker, 220
sa st. Loy ass'eront. sisin evi.
Undertaker. Lady assistant
B-1RS1. E.-TSl. K. Sin-Aiaer.
Dnnnn Pa Funcrtl directors, S6-
rearson uOt 7i Rusen st e. ioso.
FOUR room plastered house, lot 40x100,
(800, (300 required.
IS acres, miles out, $140 per acre,
11000 cash required. ,.
10 acres at Toledo, $500 cash.
' 4 room plastered house, and lot, $800,
, $300 required.
H acre, minutes' walk from car.
close in. $800, $4)0 required.
$ houses and 2 lots, rented, $2500,
$1000 required. '
The above are absolute bargains, but
money talks. -
42 Yeon bldg. - - Marshall 84.
- On corner ahd two cacllnes; good in
come, and can be made to bring a larger
Income with small additional Improve
ments. - James D. Ogden, 848 Mississippi
eve. Phone Wood I awn 202.
A regular beauty, ,' nothing lacking,
fireplace, built in conveniences, oiled
floors, juBt 8 blocks beyond Laurelhurst.
1 block from car. Photo at office. Fved
w. German, 829 Burnelde. Main or A
New S room bungalow, large attle,
$3500. Easy terms. Call Main 937 or A
26S3 for further Information. J. V.
Guthrie. 272 Stark st.
FIVE room bungalow, furnace, fireplace,
buffet, bookcases, hardwood floors,
fis. electricity, good view. Rose City
ark. 2 blocks from carline; $3350, easy
, terms. Provident Investment & Trustee
Co., 201-2-$ Board of Trade bldg. Mar
shall 478. A-102.
BEAUTIFUL 6 room cottage on E. 9th
. st; beamed ceilings, paneled dining
Toom, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen,
furnace, fireplace. This is strictly mod
ern and a bargain at the price asked.
1 lltti St. E. 6028.
50x100 Corner, Close In
On Shaver st, all hard surface: 7 rooms,
bath, gas; worth $4000 (2100, half
rtsh, ' buys the place this week. 614
' Couch bldg,
ONE' of the best ( room bungalows on
E. Taylor st; large attic, cement base-
tnent, some fine fruit trees; modern In
every particular and a good buy.
1 01 Hth St. E. 6023.
- Modern ( room bungalow on 80x100
lot, with all Improvements In, near
Ekldmore on E. 11th, for sale by owner
on easy terms. P-291, Journal.
BEST buy in Portland, 6 room bungalow
Just finishing, lot 45x90; everything
In- and paid for; east side of 48th st.,
north of Madison, last house;" beat of
everything; call at house.
i win ijacrmce tor ash
r in r- A .
t room house 50x100 lot. East 45th
near Hawthorne ave, $2250 cash. Webb'
' 414 E. Stark st.
Irvlngton- finiwhed in oak. Come and
see It Ready for inspection. Lot 90x
100. And several others. C-1866. East
273. No agents. W. H. Herdman.
BEAUTIFUL attractive 8 room com"
plete modern home. Don't fail to see
' 1 cars pass door; a bargain. Owner.
. Bellwood 69.
8)20 MONTHLY. Including Interest for
new 7 room house, near carline, close
BrrBal." aLJ2?,0,0: Cttsl Payment,
$250. Inquire 630 Worcester block.
A-V.E a 6 rom modern bungalow
that J can sell on easy payments, $100
down, (35 per month. See Whipple. 924
Chamber of Commerce. Main 1622
I'ACRE Almond Acre tracts, 6 room
l,u1fBhw'batn' ful' basement, all
pew. $2400. Rosetta Harsllp, Lenta R. 1
J'hone Lents Exchange 2823.
FOR SALE 6 room cottage, 40x100 lot
' on 16th at, near Alberta st Price
82000, $609 cash, balance $20 a month
and Interest, Owner, Phone C-2841.
BEST buy in Portland. 6 rooms, mod
ern lot 60x100; come and see It; must
iell. Prlc (2700; terms. 343 E, 46th H
4 ltuOM house, lot 100x100, with fruit
' . and berries, at Woodstock. $800 cash
terms on i bwlance: Phone Bellwood 11061
A NEWLY furnished modern 10 room
. house, 2 years' lease, reasonable; part
rn-ii. its iiui - - , .
whsT 6IUB home for sale, with or
without furniture, $4000 will handle.
Vwin HQ08. .::-":'.. , . , .
JSKVV 5 room f bungalow, large attic,
hleeplng porch, 2 , blocks Mt. Tabor
car, easy terms. QwVier. Tabor 1903.
t RtKM bouse,', lot 60100. Owner, SS6
' Garfield aye. 1 , '
fsKA little home on Oregon.- electrio,
' St miles. south. ast 1210, owner.:
$1100 -We nave a room cottag, with
. attto and small cellar, lot 60x100,
city water In house, on Monta-
villa line. This Is bargain.
11400 A 6 room bungalow, on the
Montavllla line; house Is about
.-. ! years old, has bath. andis a
. gooa ouy. - we cu man ray
easy terms on this.
82850 In Bunnyaide we , have three 5
$3000 and t room houses at these
13200 prices. ' These are all good bar
gains, ana U you areiooKing zor
a small nous cere, we van sure
ly suit you.
We have a la rare list of houses In all
farts of the city, and probably have
ust the one you are looking for.
Barnes & Andrus,
404 Lewis Bids-.. 4th and Oak Sts,
Main 8081.
New 2 story. 7 room house. $4000.
Easy terms. Large living room with
fireplace and built in bookcases, dining
V... I I . I ,....., . n..!... walla.
UU.ll, LfU II I ill III! 1 LCI. imiKJIDU DMi.1
beamed celling, large den, all hardwood
floors. Dutch kitchen and nass pantry.
Three bedrooms with large closets and
rtne oamroom upstairs. iniii cemeni
basement. Faces east. For further In
formation call Main S3? or A-269S.
272 Stark st.
Mr. Workingman
Small houses and 60x100 lot, $400 and
up; (20 down and (10 a month; call us
un or come out and see them: It will
cost you nothing: also lots (150 and up,
t a own. id a montn: aucnese iois are
Inside the cl.y limits. Tabor 276.
Widell & Wilson
8002 71. Glissn st. M. V car to 80th.
Alberta district near Piedmont: this
house Is up to date, bungalow style,
1 block to 3 car lines: has walks, elec
tric fixtures, shades, furniture, carpets,
kitchen stove and many other house
hold necessities: buy this and save
worry about nsyments for furniture:
cash $560. balance of (2560 In monthly
fiayments of (25 per month Including
nterest. Address owner, L-290, Journal.
SIX room modern bungalow, M, block
from Rose City Park car; east rront,
nice lawn and garden, full basement.
beamed celling, paneled dining room,
Dutch kitchen, $S range, bath room in
white enamel; combination fixtures,
cost (160; fireplace, non-rust screens to
all windows; just ready to move Into;
a dandy home end a snap at $3750. Ap
ply to owner. 496 E. 61st st. N. Come
any time this week: will make terms.
BEAUTIFUL 8 room house In Lvjrel
hurst; 2 fireplaces, large sleeping
porch, bulltln refrigerator, dust and
clothes chutes, fireless cooker, built
in wardrobes, etc; corner - lot 75x90,
east front, beautiful view; $7600: $500
cash, balance easy monthly payments.
Provident Investment & Trustee Co..
201. 202. 80S Board of Trade bldg. Mar
shall 473. A-1022.
$100 CASH.
T rooms, sleeping porch, built-in buf
fet and bookcase, solid osk floors
kitchen range, furnace, fireplace, mirror
doors, etc. "
723 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
Phone Main 5129.
FOR SALE Six room dwelling: sun
parlor and sleeping porch Inclosed In
glass; hot air furnace; full concrete
basement: stationary- tubs: living rooms.
13x?2; one bed room sams-vsJzA.3 other
bed rooms; located at 763 Broadway; lot
(0x100. For sale: very easy terms.
801 Yeon bldg.
FIVE and 6 room nomcs, fire places:
hardwood floors, furnaces, witn all
built In modern conveniences, near car
line, all street Improvements paid,
monthly payment plan'. Provrdnt In.
vestment ft Trustee Co.. 201, 802, 802
Board of Trade bldg. Phone Marshall
47$. A-1022.
5 Room Bungalow
Hot water heating plant oak floors.
everything complete In every way; attic,
8 blocks from car. Price $350 J. Want
all the cash I can get In 'Rose City
Park. G-800, Journal.
FOR SALE Good 7 room house with
larre attic, full basement f ireolace.
full lot. Price $7600. 667 E. Taylor.
B. 8. Cook A Co.. 503 Corhett bldg.
Why should you continue your dona
tions to the landlord when you can huy
an acre of rich allu,viRl soil, with fine
view of snow peaks, 4 blocks from street
car, graded street, sidewalks and
water In and paid for, at (1150 on easy
terms? Get busy on that garden and
chicken yard. G-304, Journal.
S. W. corner. 100x100, on Missouri and
Humbolt sts., streets graded and ce
ment sidewalks in and paid; price $1850,
Albert Harala
801 Mississippi ave. Woodlawn 68B.
$10 Down, $10 Per Month
Fine view lot. matured fruit trees;
restricted district, near car, cecent
walks. Bull Run water; 202 Board of
Trade bldg. Marshall 473. A-1022.
$600 for acre tract west side, 6c fare.
Ideal for home, where you can raise
all your vegetables, chickens, berries,
etc. Terms to suit you. M. E. Lee, 311
i;orDett mag.
LOT near 32d on Brooklyn street. Will
sacrifice for $750; 2 blocks from cars;
lots near are selling for $1100. This e
a rare opportunity to get one nf the
best lots In the cltv at a bargain. Agents
do not apply. H. H., box 28.
$285 buys a fine lot, west side, only 20
minute car ride; grand view, water
piped to each lot. Terms $20 cash and
(5 per month. M. E. Lee, 311 Corbett
$25 down $10 monthly,. 1 block to
cer. Thetie are a snap. Fred W. Ger
man. 329 Rurnslde. M. or A-2776.
SEE Le Nolr A Co. for west side
property, exclusive dealers In west
side realty. 837 Chamber of Commerce.
FOR SALE 100x125 on Tillamook St.
Hard surfaced. Will divide. Fine lo
cation. P. O. Box 460. city.
A SNAP 2 improved lots, Montavllla,
2 blocks from car. $650. Call 28 Vi N.
Ifith st., A-3639,
FREE tent with each 50x100 lot, 20 mln
utes out: $10 monthly, no Interest:
water laid. D-300, Journal.
7 FULL lots for $275 cash. A great
sacrifice. Webb, 414 E. Stark st.
Abe Martin
Ther's only 'bout a two thirds crop o'
furnace Jokes this year, but no com
plaints heard, Never take a ham
mer t" a banquet ; ' '': '''.'; ;
1ST I 111
SWx-. WWW UV x.
IN a very pleasant 1 neighborhood on
Portland Heights, within 100- feet of
the carline, I have a very desirable
building site with a southern exposure
that I will sell to anyone who will ouua
a nouse. ior ioou. to xaoiutaie duuu
ing I will loan to party making an in'
ltial navment of IlOrtrt rnh the addl.
tional money necessary to build a mod-
era nomg. rj-ouo, journal.
Two Fine Lots at $700
Two 60x100 foot lots, on E. 45th St.,
clone to the carline, street ' Improve
ments In, Miese lots command an ex
ceptionally good ' view of the city and
are covered witn fruit trees in run
bearing: terms very easy.
814 Chamber of Commerce Wdg.
$3 Down, $3 a Month
Buys fine lots In HaseldelL Inside city
limits, near M-V carline and on new
Mount Hood electric; water mains In,
2186 up. Q. L. Webb. 414 E. Stark St..
cor. 8th. . "
0 You Chicken
Now listen to this. We have
had so many oalls for small tracts
of late that would be suitable for
an ideal poultry ranch. Well, now
we have a limited number of
just such places that we have an
option on for a very short time
only. So if you want something
of that kind and want first choice
you will have to come early be
cause we are selling them right
Phone Main 281, J. S. Trumble.
40 Ry. Exch. Bldg., Portland, Or.
Two Acres
Choicest place for a home,
strictly high class, on carline, 30
minutes' out. low price.
Four Acres
Nice nlace for home and chick
ens, 4 blocks to car, 30 minutes
out. terms.
5 Acre Chicken Ranch
Near Portland, 2 electric lines. Part
of this land is well adapted to raise
strawberries and fruit, part especially
adapted for vegetables and one acre In
light timber, 4 acres in high state of
cultivation. $70 down. $14 a month.
405 Couch bldg.
10 Acres, $1500
Near Gaston. Or., 7 acres In fruit
trees, 600 prune trees, 80 cherry trees;
all fenced; the best of soil; no hills;
xiuuo casn, Daiance easy.
McGowan & McGowan
Room 8 Healy bldg.. Grand ave. and E.
Morrison. Phone East 282.
(150 puts you in possession of a
beautiful tract close to Portland, on
the Oregon Electric railway; 5 acres.
(1500; such easy terms anybody can
handle lt
The Western Trust Co,
1221 Yeon Bldg.
ONE FULL acre deep loam soil, all
garden, with -new 6 room plastered
house, full basement; 3 blocks to one
car, 6 blocks to' another, 6c fare. Price
$3600; $800 cash balance 820 month:
a gardener can clear $500 per. year on
this place; some berries. This place is
30 minutes from Portland P. O. See
Broadstreet 293 H Stark st, room 300.
Phone Marshall 3088. or your broker.
Near Portland, a new subdivision. Low
est prices, best soli, fine view, wood,
water and roads. 6 acres $400 per
tract; 10 acres $600; $20 acres $800; 40
acres $1200; 80 acres $2000; 160 acres
$3000. Liberal terms. Better see us.
809 Yeon bldg., Portland, Or.
Four room house and chicken houses,
fine grove of trees, close to car and
school. Price $1600: 10 per cent down,
balance monthly. Lents Real Estate Co.,
Lents, Or.
5 acres. 30 minutes out on Fourth st
line: 00, terms. For full lnforma
tlon address D-304. Journal. Give name
and address. i
All cultivated, fine buildings; personal j
property including stock, implements
and some seed. Short mile from station.
10c fare. This is a bargain. Soil black
loam. Might consider city residence.
Price and terms by application.
417 Corbett bldg. Main 3931.
2 acre tract on car line near Beaver
ton. $300, If taken at once, $60 cash,
balance terms. I will tell you all about
It if you write me. Mr. Peterson.
D-302. Journal.
Pay bigger returns than all others.
Get the facts.
633 Chamber of Commerce. '
$80.00 PER ACRE.
68 acres at Brondacres on the O. V..
R. It, 30 miles from Portland, well
drained, running water, buildings, some
timber, 100 rods from station, nice to
subdivide. Write Al Mlshler. owner.
Woodburn, Or.
$375 buys 5 acres deep red shot soil,
- adapted to fruit and vegetables, all
smooth and tillable; no' rock; wood and
water; near good railroad town; 1 .hour
from Portland; $160' down,' balance on
terms. Palmer, 612 Couch bldg., 109
4th st. i
Improved jAcreage
Near station on Salem electric, deen
rich soil, no rock or gravel. $150 to
$225 per acre, easy terms, soma trade.
u Barre. 2 commercial blk.
A Good 5 Acre Home -
Close to school and station; 116 young
fruit trees; house, barn, chicken houso;
$450 cash, $1000 8 years at 7 per cent,
C. DeGraff, 226 Stark st.
FOR AN Investment, 20 acres untm-
nroved. M, mile from station. Prlca
$1800. This Is close in and will sell.
404 Commercial bldg.
ONE. 2, 3 and 6. acre tracts, close In
suDurDan property, good electrio car
service. $100 to $400 per acre, easy
terms. J. W. Hefferlin Realty Co., 408
uoroeit niay.
LOOK "HERE. ........ :
6 acres. 7 miles from courthouse.
fine orchard, excellent spring, $1750:
terms.' 826 Worcester bldg.
MUST sell one acre,. Garden Home, Oro
gon electric station 2 blocks; high, all
cleared; bargain, $1000; terms. Phones
Main 6804; A-1875. Owner.
To trade for good rooming or apart
ment house; eqt. of $6000, "No. 82)
J. B. NICHOLB CO., 6VB Yeon Bldg.
SIX RAILROADS now building Into
Eugene. Or, For full particulars and
Eugene real estate, write Geo. Melvine
Miller, Eugene, Or., ' Established 1888.
- on E. 81st St., between Thompson and
Knott sts. Big value, P. O. Box 460,
city. .
8 acres, 2 cleared,, living water, small
house, near electric car, $1600; , $100
down. 826 Worcester bldg. .
10 acres best of soil, water and car
through it. Close In, $1600, Terms. F.
Dubois, 1203 Yeon bldg. .
40 acres, $500, , near TL R.. $20 down
$10 month, Lamar, 810 Spalding bldg.
$200, $20 cash. $10 per month, for 10
acres fine land, 418 Railway Ex
eiuuige. - .
In small tracts from 1 to 6 or
-10 acres. These- traots are -very,
conveniently located, being close
to electrio station, with soil of
the very best quality; no rock:
or gravel. With only a small
amount of cash. . The balance by
the month. J. 8. Trumble.
Base Line Land Co,
404 Railway Exchange. V:
. Phone Main 2881.
We will sell vou 10 aorea of rich hot
torn land all in cultivation, lays level
ii ne Br Karuen. located nv a nana town
we win mane vou oiri cneao terms
$100 Is all you need as a first pay.
ment If you want a good position
at good wages In a large manufacturing
plant close by, we will secure work for
you. TtiinK it over, own a small farm
and have a steady Income at the same
time, unis is in tne Willamette valley
and la worth your careful Investigation.
tHAflH ft MHJllilJW, v
38S-338 Chamber of Commeroe.
FIVE acres on Qermantown road
mile west of new St Helens
hall site; very rich A soil and
enough cordwood - to pay for
land, only 3ft miles from 5 cent
car fare, and new V carline In '
Frospect This traot'may be bad
or $200 per, acre, and upon
monthly payment plan. '
Main 85 102 4th st, A-3500.
i acres, all cleared, very rich
soli, on main county road, side
walk to station, only -40 minutes' .
car ride; 20 new houses in. view,
built within past 8 months. This
for $1876, payable $200 rash, bal
ance monthly installments.
Main 36 102 4th st, A-3500.
2tt acres, mile from station,
sidewalk 2-3 the way; very rich
coll, easy to clear, and only $625
for the tract; $65 cash and only
$10 per month until paid for. This
Is 40 nflnutes' car: ride, and has
18 new houses In view.
Main 35 102 4th St. A-3500.
Best but Cheapest
8 and 10 acre tracts; $20 to $45 an
acre, easy terms; deep red shot sell
well watered: Ideal for fruit, vegetables
dairying: fine view; some buyers already
living on- property; income producing all
winter; school on ground; on county
road close o live town on R. R. and
river, near Portland. Neuhausen A Co,
owners. 703 Lewis hide.. 4th and Oak
sts. For appointments evenings, phone
Uaflt 34
Only 200 feet from station, 30 minutes'
ride from Jefferson st. . station, four
miles rrom tne city limits, uentle slope,
good Boil, $125 cash buys' It balance
easy montniy payments.
Atcnison & Allen
218 Gerllnger bldg. 2d and Alder sts.
On car line, 10 acre tract in Tualatin
valley. Must get at $900. Write for
full details, tour own terms. D-30,
FIVE acre tracts on Salem Electric,
close to station, all level and In culti
vation, the best soil, no gravel or rock.
ou. iuo casn, iu per montn. uwner,
205 McKay bldg.
FIVE acre, all cleared and In crop, on
rock road, 8 blocks from station and
stores on Salem electric, $175 per acre;
terms. Capitol Trust Co., 226 Henry
FOR SALE at leRs than cost of Improve
ments. 60 acre farm, 20 acres creek
bottom In cultivation. 12 room house. 4
room cottage, large hay barn, etc., fam
ily orcnara, team or mares, stock, poul
try. farm Implements, all new: mod
spring and running water, half mile to
store, mne to graoea scnool, mile and a
half to railroad and Columbia river boat
landing, all for .$4600; $2000 cash. Also
f0 acres with $1600 residence, barn, 100
bearln orchard, about 16 acres in
(cultivation, balance easily put In culti
vation, ior ziuu casn. r. ri. Thorne,
owner varroiiTon, wasn
22 Acres, Close
10 minutes' walk from electric, 10c
fare, 16 acres cultivated, balance stump
I"" iivuoc, uoni, guoa condition,
lere family orchard, well pruned,
sprayed. Water piped to house. All
kinds small fruit,' for which It's Ideal
Am offering for $500 acre. This Is less
than any adjoining land. Money no ob
ject. Want small house; will take back
mortgage for balance.
417 Corbett bldg. Main 3931.
40 acres, all cleared, very rich
soil; only 10 miles from Port
land; good young orchard and an
$8000 set 6f buildings. You can
buy this for $12,000, thereby get
ting this fine land at $100 per
acre. .
The Shaw-Fear Company
Main 35. 102 4th St A-3500.
14 acres, 8 miles to I'drtland. 1 mile
to Oswego; 9 1 room plastered house, 2
fireplaces, 2 wells; on county road; all
In cultivation, free from . rock and
gravel. This place lies fine and has a
beautiful view; H mile to school; fam
ily orchard, grapes, all kinds of ber
ries, all stock and farm Implements go
with the place, $5500;- $3000 cash, bal
ance $800 per year, 6 per cent. A. W.
Smith A Co.. 136 Chamber of Commeroe.
Phone Main 682.
An Old Estate
An Ideal 43 acre farm, 8 miles of
Woodburn, with 7 acres of bearing or
chard, running water, half cleared; the
building1 alone cost almost as much as
am asking for the whole; $5000.- This
Is dirt cheap; soil can't be beat. From
owner direct. Call on son for informa
tion. 413 Eilers bldg. M. 8064.
FOR BALE 119 acres
lj miles from
Creswell. . Or., about
60 acres rich
fine bottom land, balance good bench
land, between 36 and 40 under cultiva
tion: 300 chickens. 11 cows and heifers,
4 pigs, $160 worth of feed and farm
tools go with the place. Price $7000;
$3000 cash, balance S years 6 per cent.
Call or write E. J, Moore, Creswell,
- " : 716 ACRES "" ""-"
At Tlgardvtlle, 2 miles from electrio
station: house and outbulldinrs: lu
acres under cultivation; running stream
all year around nu place: land lies fine;
11 miles of Portland; $2500 for quick
A. W. SMITH & CO.,'
436 Chamber of; Commerce. M. ' 8826
1 miles from Mullovs, station on Ore
gon Electrio. railway; ; 68 acres at
$110 per acre, 40 acres cleared, with
food house and harn; for further jar
iculars call at 6C8 .Jefferson St., Port
land. Or. -
160 Acres at $7
Per acre, 130 acres good plow, land, 1
mile' from station; , must . have cosh.
Smith. 876 Hamilton bldg,'
HIGHEST quality fruit lands In famous
Chehalem valley, 20 miles from Port
land. Newberg . Development Co., 638
Chamber of Commerce. Portland, v
40 ACRE farm, Linn county, $500 cash,
.1100 per year. 41$ Ry. Exchange,
.'5 ACRES 81125 -
Till iU't' .
68M acre ranch all In cultiva
tion, fence and cross fence,' 6
room house, good barn and gran- -ary
and chicken house, 18 acre -orchard
just beginning to bear.
16 acres In growing wheat and
oats, 12 acres In clover, 6H acres
' In pasture, , balance to be seeded
in spring, smallfruits and per
sonal property, grapes, straw--
; berries, . blackberries, raspberries, ;
currants, gooseberries, 1 team of '
- mares, cow and heifer. 8 pigs, 14
.chickens, 1 wagon, 1 hack, 1 set
of harness,'! 14 inch plow, 8 cul
tivators, 1 mower ' and rake, t
roller, 1 corn marker, 1 S-sectton '
harrow, 1 disc harrow, - 1 . olod
masher, rope and hay forks, I ,
sleds, enough grain and hay to
feed stock. Everything is in first
class order, lU miles from Dilley
on the Southern Pacific and 26',
miles from Portland on good road. '
Never again will you have such
a good opportunity as this. Good
reason's for selling. Price $10,000:
'$4000 cash, balance to suit Call
sm 1H .
649 Union ave., North,
Good Farm, Less Than 30
Miles From 2d and Washing-
A QiraM DnrinA Pari nf
iu wticvii i vi iiui lUf i uti ji
Which Is Fine Made Land, De
cayed Vegetation; on South
hork of Lewis Hiver; Does
-Not Overflow. ' '"
160 acres. 80 acres In eood state of
cultivation, all in meadow except 3
acres in garden and family orchard;
3 30 acres seeded; to timothy and clover.
This Is fine farm land' when cleared.
With this place goes the stock and Im
plements, if sold at once, forironly $60
fer acre; half cash, balance on or before
years at 7 per cent; all new buildings,
fenced and cross-fenced: mile from
school, S' miles from church and store;
S R. R. stations within 2 miles, on
good public road; train Info Portland
every morning and out In the evening.
20 acres, 17 acres In cultivation,
acres seeded and good pasture; good
tillable land when cleared: most of this
is fine black land, extra good onion
iana; lies nearly level, on gooa roa,a.
hi mile from school. 3 miles from elec
tric line: good buildings, and fenced
and cross fenced. If this Is sold In
the next 10 days $3000 will buy it, with
only $1000 cash, balance purchaser's
own terms. Will take house and lot
not to exceed $2000, Portland property.
, B. Atkinson, Vancouver, Wn
i wasnington nt.. upp. r. u.
Farm Land for Sale
63 H acres -one half mile city limits
of Newberg, $7 acres high state of cul
tivation 7 acres 2-year-old apple or
chard, 6 room house and good barn.
running stream through one end of
place: soil first class: $165 per acre:
$3500 cash, balance good terms.
20 acres Sprlngbrook. 75 yards from
tatlon, 8 room house, good barn, 4
acres bearing prunes, 2 acres straw
berries, fine fruit land; a bargain at
3 15 per acre; $2500 casn. balance easy
166 acres. IV, miles south of Cor
nelius, good road to place, 25 acres In
cultivation. 60 acres more easy cleared.
buildings fair, 2 good springs; make
good dairy or general farm; $60 per
acre; terms.
10 acres. 1 miles Sewell station, for
est Grove electric, acres cleared, 3
no annl. ,,.n. tnii.l
.. ' I ! " J .' ' t .1 I I I t ' C V . . , ........
black loam soil; $186.10 per acre; good
$.97- acres. 2 miles from Gladstone.
Oregon City electric; nice level land,
tree from rocK or graver, stump land
easy cleared; $110 per acre; $150 cash,
balance easy monthly payments. Ask
for Brltt, 270 Stark st
A Choice Buy
70 acres, of which 30 acres are
in orchard, all in bearing; 16
acres peaches, 8 acres apples,
balance principally cherries. It
is all bottom land except a few
acres; the improvements consist
of a barn, good packing house,
with 4 living rooms; It Is 8 miles
from Dayton, Or., in Yamhill
county, and near boat landing on
Willamette river; there la a
mortgage of $3200. Price of
property. $15,000; would consider
good Portland property as part
ay. ' .i-
to & Harkson Realty Co.
myi J! irsi bi.
TOWN. .'..
' 400,000 feet of fine saw timber
on this. 40, with good sawmill'
only y mile from the land. With
good flume from mill to boat
landing on river. About 2000 cords
of wood besides the saw timber.
The wood alone will more than
pay for the land. The price of ;
this 40 Is $900. The first who
man here wtth the price Is the
man that will make, the money, ,
as thlp 'rrttist be sold for cash.
Phone AL 2891. Trumble & Silver.
Baseline Land Co,
404 Rr Exc. Bldg., Portland, Or.
- Farms ...
Some of the nicest little fruit ranches
In Rogue River valley from 6 acres to
40 acres ench, bearing. , ,
Fine Farms. in Old Yamhill
We have a great collection of snori
improved farms near Carlton, Or., rang
ing from 20 to 200 acres, one of the best
farming sections in Oregon. Please call
ana let us snow you.
Jos. Buchtel & Co,,
406 E. Alder St.
15 Acres, $1200 Cash' .
In ' Clackamas ctninty. "i fcood soil: at!
evel. now Iioura 24x28. 14 foot hvh
barn, chicken house, good water,-1 mile
from electrio car. youns- orchard i nnd
other improvements, Peper & Baker, 444
- 16 Acres .
25 minutes out. station on the land
iniv iui-,. mi levoi, uiwareu, C11O1C0 gar
den land; low price. 203 Lumber Ex.
change bldg. '
.. ,n... , i 1 i i .. a i - '
FOR SALE 120 acres mile from
Creswell. Or., all level, ready for the
plow;-bargain at $75 per acre, H down,
immni-u. iu mui TtirriiuHer, d per cent.
Call or write E. J. Moor. Crenwell. Or.V
158 acres, $85 per acre,' Willamette val
ley, 14 mile Oregon Electric. 208
Ablngton bldg.
i -
m B a a a
S line of N. P.. on Cpwlits river, 16
S acres in cultivation, small orchard,
nui bb. , a t xiiiihb . rum
d jj story room house, good earn,
S on main oountv road, near school.
S very best of soil, 8 horses, 8 cows,4
o uia'jlu sow, cniusens, : cream ep- o
8 ratOF, all farm machinery, house- S j
S hold furniture: nrica 84000: rood S
a terms.- v v a-.. B
B 40 acres, t miles from R. R.. on 8
S Cowlitsl. river. -., V-level, balance' B !
S slightly rolling, f 3' acres In culti.
8 vatlon, all fenced, 160 fruit trees 8
Hand small fruits, the land is very g
B rich .-.. black loam: S good room 8
8 house, barn 80x70, - team, harness, 8
8 wagon. 2 cows, 8 stands, bees,-all 8
U farm implements.' enouicn reed to 8
8 winter BtOck,, 40 rods from school;
a price 04uu; give gooa leniia; a
8 snap. . , - ' 8
ts 253 acres in Willamette vaney. a
8 65 acres in cultivation and In crop, S
8 lots of fruit, small creek and spring, 8
8 3,000,000 feet of good saw timber, 8
S 4K miles f rom R, R., - good ; 1 H 8
S story room house; water piped to 8
8 house, barn , school house on Dluce. S
8 3 bead of horses. 4 cows, S3 sheep, 8
8 6t hogs, 100 chickens, all farm ma- ti
8 chlnery that is needed on a farm. 8
8 household furniture, plenty of feed 8
S for stock, very best of soil;, price H
S only $40 per acre. Including per- 8
8 sonal; give good terms; would con- S
8 alder some exchange; this is a snap. 8
S ' 268 acres on Cowlits TriveV. T. 8
8 acres .in cultivation, some timber, 8
8 balance ash and vine maple swale. K
8 very easily cleared, -very best of 8
S black soli, several acres beaverdam,, 8
8 good orchard, creek and springs, on . 8
8 main county road, thickly settled 8
S country, new 1 H story 7 room S
8 house,, one 8 room house, new barn S
U 68x60 and one 36x50, good team, 5 8
8 cows, cream separator, all farm S
8 machinery; would make an Ideal &
H dnlrv . rnnob; , would diVlda Place. S
ii This is one of the best buys on tne a
8 market; price $14,500; give good S
S terms. Investigate this before 8
8 buying. , . : j
8 t(tKnn?n ' .r.r. rnwilti river S
S bottom, very , best of black sandy 8
8 loam, 2 miles from R. R. station, 3
8 boat landing on plaoe. AH level, 26 8
8 acres In cultivation, $0 acres more 8
R rm n Ka glarA fnr' IlB nfif acre: D
8 all kinds of fruit, 1 story 7 room 8
8 house, pearly new, old barn, farm S
8 machinery, come crops go wto 8
8 place; if you want a river bottom 8
8 farm investigate this before buy- 8
S lng; guaranteed as advertised; 8
8 terms only $2500 cash or less, S
S balance long time. '. , . ..
S "1 Jacro tracts I " have) thera 8
8 within '9 miles of Portland. 3tt 8
8 miles of Beaverton, 1H miles of 8
8 a P. R. R.; very best soil, no 8
S rock or gravel; $100 to $128 per 8
8 acre, your own terms. If you are in 8
8 the market for a country home, 8
8 for farm large or small, for un- 8
S improved land, se me before buy- 8
S ing. I have some of the best barT 3.
8 gains in the country. All prop- 8
S erty guaranteed as -advertised. . 8
8 $08 Gerllnger Bldg., Cor. 2d and S
8 Alder. Main 8430. 8
8 8
H ft 8 S S 8888888888888
All Jn cultivation, fenced and
cross fenced, 4 room house, barn,
granary, - chicken house, hog
bouse, 6a bearing fruit trees, 3
good milk eowa, 60 chickens, all '
Implements and tools and furni
ture. 19 minutes' walk from sta
tion and 28 miles from Portland.
This is ready to be occupied, and
have Income at once. Located In
the corner of two county roads.
Price. $3300; $ls0 cash, balance
to suit Call
mm mi
(48 Union Ave,, North.
157 Acres "
Vualatln river forms the west
and part of the south boundary.
Salem Electric crosses this ranch
about the center. The public
road, known as the Newberg road,
crosses this tract at another
point, giving a frontage of 80
Jods on either side thereof.. Only
2 miles from Portland. About
cleared; 2 housed, a barn, hop
house, a spring fed creek, some
good timber; an Ideal place for a,'
dairy ranch or would sell rapidly '.
In 5 acre tracts. This is forced to
sell to close a bankrupt estate. ,
An opportunity. Come quickly,
W. A. SHAW, Trustee.
Main 35. .102 4th St A-500. .
60 acres level black bottom land, all
Cleared and in cultivation. '7 foot' to
sheet water year around, gravel subsoil;
no Irrigation needed here; 14 acres . In
gram, 24 acres staked for prunes, trees
on hand, good old bearing orchard,, 7
room house, larire barn, water system
windmill and tank, water piped in house
and to harn, several outnuuaings, nu
laying hens, turkeys, ducks and fine
team horses, one Is registered driving
mare, cost mo $360 last fall, good Jer
sey cow; 8 hogs, 800' bushels oats, 10
tons hav. buss v.; wagon, hack, plows.
cultivators, etc.: roads good all Winter;
1V4 miles north of West Staton, on
R. R., 60 miles to Portland, 12 miles to
Salem. 1 This land raised ssu Dusneis
spuds to the acre. .1 have 100 bushels
fine seen on nana; uuu taxes mis
nlace. $5000 cash. .I000 On terms. . H.
Graham, owner, AumsviUe, ; Or, R. 1,
box 88. '' '
We Waht Farms
We have- many- buyers for improved
farms In the Willamette valley or near
the Columbia river. Bend us a de
scription of your place.
614 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
WANTED to rent farm on shares, not
less 100 acres; ; must be well stocked
and on river or railroad; would, work
for right party. ' Swiss and understand
cows. .'pi307, journal. , - ".n-
160 ACRES, -120- acres plow land, rest
bunch grass, 160 miles east of Port
land, 6 mlles to R. R., 2 miles to
P, O." and store; water dugout," place
all fenced. Price $125 for locating. In
nuire 180. Gibbs St. "" ..
H (MESTEADs of value near
BADS of value near Portli
mill, i
.. ..
large ' green , timDer; water,
prairie, good soil; grow wheat, fruit, po.
tatoes. Near R. R, Fees righLis 6ee
Covey, 267 Oak, room 21. - ! . 1
WA NT ED iHomeetead or homestead re.
Unquishment. Give full particulars,
price, location, everything In full. X
298, Journal. .....
FOR CASH or on shares will rent! dun.
" ng ine season or 1912, an orchard oe
4000 trees, apples, . pears, cherries,
prunes, peaches and loganberries jas I
am not disposed to satisfy curlioslty
seekers will furnish particulars onjly to
those who will remit II or come and
see the place. - Steamer Oregon land,
here. R. Chllcott. Davton OresronJ
8 fVJtTJ0 fent f1""1.1 plSc, ne,'5p
81 wSl1 r ,da,ry- luauire K. Buetl-
i . - " m ..i, ,
p - .
Si"1 i .-,,, ,
40 Acres ".
1 "miles from Malloy. 8 miles from
Sherwood, 32 acres in cultivation; bpring
and creek: srood hoimn. hnrn. mn.
ary and outbuildings; on county roadj
prioe $4200; will take oroe trade lo Hi
(Bay City property. '
- 48 acres, 1 miles to Buttevllle, I
miles to eleetrlo line, mile to school;
36 acres in cultivation;, good -. houuo,
barn and outbuildings,' 2800 lb. team,
8 cows, 6 hogs, 60 chickens, all imple
ments, 200 sacks of spuds, 200 bushels
of grain, 17 acres In crop; prlce$6550;
terms or part trade.
St acres, 14 miles from Buttevllle;
20 acres In cultivation; good house, fair
barn, fenced and cross-fenced; well and
spring; 8 acres orchard; 2 horsca, har
ness, hew wagon; 2 Jersey cows; all
farm tools;' price $3000; terms or part
.. " ' W. H. SEITZ A CO . 1
' 810 Spalding.' Mitr. 6584. '
Fine, .Subdivision Proposition,
to Trade for; Portland Income
rM Property.-
70 , acres!'. I miles from Vancouver ;
city limits, lOo fare, electrio-line along?
south line of this land; this Is fine to
put in S and 10 acre tracts; land acros
the road selling for $400 per acre; will -take
$2000 worth of good Portland prop
erty for this, or will take $2000 down
on thia and give you. 10 -years on the
balance at per cent. ' -, ' . -.
8 room house. 6 sroort " lots EOxlOO. In .
Vancouver, Wash., and $1000 cash, to
iraae xor gooa larm; - will Lssuma some
iiiuuniursnco. ., . j
: Fine home $4600, In Vancouver, Wash.,
to trade for Los Angeles home.
; ' J, B. Atkinson,
401 Wash st. Opnosita P. O '
Phone 618. Vancouver, Wash.
House Trade
Will , exchange new modern f
room house, close In, worth $4000, "
all Improvements In, cement
walks, curb, sewer, for equity of
$2 1 00 r-will take lota or acreage
not too far out and near carline.
;. 211 Lewis bid. .- , -
No Option Required
If the other fellow has failed to sell
or trade your property,, we can. Our
system does the business. Let us show
yOU. Geo. H. Root With Ornn ITrnl.
and Development Co., 08 Railway Ex
change bldg. . ' " .
160 acres, close to railroad station, on
automobile road, 14 miles south of Ash
land. 20 acres cultivated, 20 acres more
easily-, cleared: about 6000 cords of
stumpage with good market,- set. of
buildings, plenty of spring water for
irrigating ana nouse use, fine stock
range, beautiful scenery and a delight
ful and most healthful place to 'live. D.
L. Brace Co., 808 Board of Trade.
- Exchange or. Sale
We can match anything. Headquar
ters for exchanges. -
All kinds of properties for sale or
exchange. Call and see us.
v M. C. REED . CO
617 Board of Trade. Main 4675,
DO YOU want 10 or 20 acre orchard,
commercial apples, best young orch
ard in Yakima valley, bearing next
season; Will exchange for Portland im-
B roved property, farm or sale contract.
eal with owner and save commission.
This has never been on the market be
fore. Q-509, Journal. - - -r
TEN acre tracts and up; 'fine land, all
in crop, close to Salem Electrio sta
tion;, will sell on easy- terms, or will
trade for city property. See
Capitol Trust Co.,i 225 Henry bldg.
I have an equity of $300 on $750 lot
50x100, Improvements in; I'll trade for
second hard runabout , or anything.
Call 218 E, 64th st. N. M. V. car 8 blocks
640 acres wheat land, 400 acres "In
wheat looking fine, 200 acres ready to
seed; good buildings and water. Want
valley land or city property. D. L,
Brace Co.. 808 Board of Trade.
FOR S.VL10 By owner, 4 room old
house; 60x100 lot. 15 foot, alley, half
block from car, walking distance to
Union depot. Price $1800; terms. In- .
. . 1 1 1 K C A nff.runn mt nm Vi n,. irAl
627i: y
I HAVE an enulty in a good lot on Mh-"
cadam st. (South Portland) that I will
exchange for most anything of value;
ioi is suuaoie ior small raciory or OUSI
ness location. E-375. Journal.
10 acre tracts near station on Salem
electric, deep rloh cultivated soil, no
rock or gravel l will accept some trade. ""
LaBnrre. 209 Commercial blk.
WILL trade my 40 acres Yamhill' Co.,
unimproved land for Portland prop
erty or nidse. Value $1400, My equity
$800, balance payable monthly. P-298,
WHAT have you to trade for my $700
equity in 40 acres of good land in
Yamhill Co., balance of $809 can be paid
$15 per month, 6 per cent Y-276, Jour
nsl. .
io ncrc unimproved fruit land, Yam
hill eounty. $700. Will trade my equi
ty, $400, for Portland lots or mdqe.
Balance payable monthly. P-89S, Jour
nal. , ' '
FORTY acres, io acres good timber. 7
room bouse, barn, orchard, running
water, about 10 acres cultivated, balance
easy cleared; price $3200, or willisell on
easy terms. 404 Commercial bldg.
X HAVE $160,000 income property to
exchange for timber; must have'
cruise.. Schmauch & Kllnge, 206 McKay:
bldg - -
WILL, accept $1300 Portland residence
. property as payment on quarter sec
tion worth $3200. Your own time on
balance. M-l 00,', Journal. - -
A GOOD corner on Alberta st. Income
. 840 tier month, to exchans-e fnrrhun.
or. vacant lots in same district. M. S,
tiobb, wis Yeon MOg. .
WHAT have you to trade for $2000
equity In 7 room new house, corner
Jot, on Prescott st? Price of house. -$4500.
Owner. 620 Lumber Exchange.
MAIN 4466.
WANT to trade 17 acres of good land
worth - I2UUU ior rooming house or
bouse a'nd lot. r - r
OWNER. 620 Lumber Exchange. ' ,
ONE of the best retail clothing and
furnishing business in Portland to .
exchange 'for good real estate. , M. 8. .'
Cobb. 91 8 Yeon bMg. ! ,
WILL-SELL, exchange or rent a fine .
home In Irvlngton: -something doing .
on thtsv' donf' mis It. J-500. Journal.
GOOD securities to exchange for real
. , estate. What nave you, o-sssi, jour-
GOLDEN oak piano and Ceciliun plaj r
to trade for vacant city lot, tree and
clear. 80S Couch bldg. s '
WILL trade controlling Interest In val. '
tmbl-swing door lock patent for an.
btirhan lots. R. Buetlkofer, 265 Salmon.
OWNER wants to exchange 160 acres
good timber for house and lot In Port
land. Call 218 Worcester bid g: : . ;v
WISH to trade lot in Waverley Heights
for auto in good repair. G-306, Jour.
nal. :!" "-:':'; '"' -.'"-'-, r:''":.;.",:'''"'--':-.;:" ':
80-ACRE ranch to trade for modern
home, northeast part of city preferred.
208 Railway Exchange. Geo. HTRoot.
SEE us for real estate trades anywhere.
808 Board of bldg.
I WILL b"uy. sell or trade anything. .
IL F. Lee. 907 Board of Trade bldg. '