THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 23, 1912. ; . 1? " HELP WANTED MISC. 4 SITUATIONS MALE ' ? 8 , FURNISHED ROOMS ; ; 0 - HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 . : noUSE8FOR RENT ; - FOR RENT FLATS IS - HORSES, VEHICLES ETC. J f -vr1' : wanted-by, furniture for salb sa ,0X0. - ATzrrr" r 5 L -i keep out of thb rain. rsXM The Bucklngham M.nw'Trn rsttB&fZ f 4 " . Learn1 to operate moving pic- reference., 0 year.' experience. Charles toth anV wa.hmgtoit sti? first ClM 7 rooriivM7oT nawttrnttunn&Mocation rueTwli ft.replao. , hardwood floor., til J ' f J.to8"- ? . T! ; Inside work: horthot irs. - MARRIED man wants work; can do any vate bath and telephone ln -eaoh room. Apply 864 North 16th. W ear , from 2666. '' . , olos ets. Among flna home ana exoei- fnaulra 1 R fith it U t?nt on eornr '.'I X'b work. Maragkn HtLW Morrlaon. , MaraWl 5. tyy EXPrCSS ft" Barm wftftffij 22a and Bra" . C2I2I. - '. nt&WS?V&i2tn'&? " ,Wjrt,S0-- . SITUATIONS-FEMALE V 4 , ytn.furo,h.dfH.K,room.. g &gJSS '.VS AW- Pf' MlSJU. J5g Wgyp ' , . 4 HOUSEKEEPER Will atay In city or V FURNISHED ROOMS B2 A-W" .WK. yRrtfttft Mil, ",X?m ."taaa compl.U for house- disappearing bed, fin. alotrlo and bath .tables are at the Foot of Main. - I ' WANTgD-AUMOBILB MEGHA JSSS. - h8 S1PB ' ' Vi "g ."JiSl"' Utt,Jggft rffiiSR&?. close' to N WUffl'" LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY 85 - 1 "grW SPRtNO AND SUMMER DB- If, Vntaftfi! Larrab,.. - - - ' HUU8KKatePl'a room.. W.onaMa.' ehrna'n. 'triC"y APP'y WIULm. or Union .v.. car.. ; K 4 K coca.ral, t-0. Pbona B.Uwooa ' MAND FOR RELIABLE MEN. - 68S Joinon at v J-nona Maan irV1nqtON naar carllna. f urni.haa walking dlatanoa. 0Oloa., ona block ytfRNiTUBKi' of 10 room hou.f 1 itboa NEW .trlctly modarn 4-room . flat. 408 yoR aLb Uunit'" mtnili,' itntr cow V,; Wa train men for thla work nd III- vw'ttW". v i r't. rn rooma, raa.onabla. two aultable for north Broadway.- location all eonvanlanoM- orloa 100 1th North. JIardwood floora, trnh tSFmontil ftbroul1n laated' ' . al.t tham to poalUona after graduating. A WIDOW lady with baby wish., post- phyalclan or dantlat. lit, 16, JO. par 1 1 '-a t N Park cr"". P 00- tlla bath, aleeplng norch. disappearing chB n "ja V jcii Expert ln.truotlon in each department. tlon aa housekeeper for re.pactabl. m0nth. 41 Hancock at. ,. nOITflRRrTTPrvn ftnOMfl 4A wv.a. j r 1 r- bada, fireplace, gaa range and linoleum 'P:."" ' " T To thoae TlntareateS. wi Taik them to la- gentleman. E-01. Journal.- "THIE "dNTQMERY'' corner Ea.t , w FURNITURE of 7 room hou.efor aale. in kitchen. Ren! ISO. KOR SALKIO Whlto Orpington pallet. vaatlB-ate V v I rnfaNa' ladv""would hka work at ho - SliLiizZ In y..V fctn ntrlly fur. ' EAST SH)B 188 Halaey. bat ateel and Broadway F. B. BOWMAN A CO., nd cockerel. ISO. Beat atock, no ! THE OREOON AUTO BCH00L. nlahed rooin. II per weelTand up' cloae ; - - bridge.. jC-flli y and Brajee.E . W. C. cull., in Thomp.on ,t.. Bt.John., , 266-gg lltht Cor. Jeff er.on. - Peatol grocery, Wger ata tlon. , m" " ' V -- FiV? JJnfuJ? ;hel Jho??P'n fopma. FOUR room;, nicely furnlahed, for rant; f6r REN. gnu gip .,1gryl f VvyniT ' liC. A. AutoBchool. . ... ,: WIDOW woman " wl.he. poaltlon a. FURNISHED front room! grouna floor. 87 RMeU .rne'a'o N " r own.r, 104 MonU ..Srj tW FOR SALE MISCELLANLOL 8 19 . - FOR W"mONET " r'&WtilS X -tTfyttS " l" FS I room for aale, flai trl W, Wffin, ! taffrlTyffl wlid W rallabl. wornau fUrC' room,. '"M CommercUa fli 126 a o, 8 room auU, rurn,.hei ne.7 428 B00n1 ' atLVL5SW. B . K"d - ' . Pfipffif " jliS Court- - ' h&oZWStfc HWHroom flat, extra well rnU.i aln . "V?'1' ,A-S80; gooaa?.;"1. fn'um'g - , iMa W ffi tea WBSft ROOMS AND BOARD 15 g, . , . poe0 "SaAyTSS SffiST Wff: 1 SftAU rV .J . roOfffcei A. buUdln... Phoa bS&7?11 X NW horn, cook- fooffl. room l4; on. $J "ff.ftf feSTf i"r.t"8ffiL.atS. -Th, Houae PJlfllonBargalna Phone Baat 1651. 1H8. . THE i CASA : R66A Large, airy, fuf bath, phone. Ughta free. Walking dla- FURNITURE of 7-room hou.ekaaplng 111 Henry bldg. A KN2.E,LaIilcle,i.0 v"''""", , Yly M4!nI RESPECTABLE ladv wl.haa ooaltlon aa nlahad rooma, with board, aplendld lo- tanoa. Sellwood 109. 566 Ea.t 6th. , "ulte for .ale or trade: walking dla- NEW" uDDer fla lust comDleted. gaa . .f. ; a r.m k,cheM " ! ' 7 Men Take NOtlCel - tMSSu f"0"-'.00 ?"- . . TWO dean, newly furnl.hBd. ground Jgy yt t. 407 4th .t gw.ter neater. bSSl' HolmS Sge. aml'-cook SVw.t.r "coU Wa want .men to learn auto drlrlng aed. T-893. Journal" - - MANlt6tf 2t llth at., attractive floor houaekaaping rooma;. gaa. bath. 1460 FURNITURE of an I room houee. dl.appeartng bed. fine electrlo and bath Sreiaer. linoliuma ru two heatara and repairing. We supply tha help of WANTED Work hv tha day Main rooma. .team heat, good board, cloae near car and eaay walking distance: 'n 0,n" to the country, mu.t aelL fixture., .hades, email sleeping porch, victor ohonomDhi SiiSr itwin mi. . ' one of tha leading taxfcab utomoblla Wt0T6Ab, b M in. reasonable flrat olaa. neighborhood. 772 K. Taylor 414 7tfi. , one panel doora, lmflvldual furnace. ,!f"r fTrV'aB. n?fH hoi and tranafer company la town. "J hiVbATloM Wantad aa cook In private ftlNOLg or double rooma. with break- t. Phone Ea.t 6260. EAW term., furniture of two hou.e., basement and entrance ; '''.i iuUnTon , r. .ipsrs& yyiS?ya ww sv room.. g n, h. s'sr&vsz rsyX - 7 ? f , .&,.TSS!&.,'oS8a Lnon? RObV "rAata bc.rdln, AnXtt APARTMENTS ? 48 m MaegVy WUam. or Un,on POR SAL.w .-.nd-h.nd Ca. 'an mDUBTRIOUaMAN will ea.i.V VWlSy' " " h0"r' 0-c,rV.!ir8r8yte- Ca" 1 WANTEfc-amliy for 1 furnl.hed FORDHAM APARTMENTs'oir' 7 "$ flUffi aSST-nST ?fi ' . ,' arTOYo Mr.. M. W.t Ea.t BOARD and room. UM week, Hot.l H STrVra. At 176-171 Ju.t .outh of ugg CP-yor58Unltn V8' WU"" Br.wlck.BalkCoaendoPr Co 4.-48 ' pany and b. lln. for advancement. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE Idaho, 627 Hood. - A.hf0 lW at- b,d fr 465 E' Wa.hlngtoti. are the moat wmplete. THREE room flat for rent with piano, conk u m- k i. n. , j fc.wffl?l2S- AND FEMAIB 88 441 m0MTr 6t. MARKS 19 B. Burngld. rent 116. App.y 6 Union ava. .pyftVffl . ' tSK&TSSJtt "tZttfZJ' fel,N2h Tea"r "h afnlcy0 SSTS ttganV:V& FURNISHED FLATS 50 fS them of tha advancement when they trtrTo. 1248 Concord. 82 16th, near wasn "g'"";, , , , rooma for men 2 and up. , waU coverlnga, tiled batha with auperb CotlKO ounl. ,:, raf Inld nX 8" Btrfer . ' PRE8SMAKINQ 40 home fffv, .V. ffioV' nicely h- t ". -vlca; h Yu .uWin? FOKr.. ?o .Wo r S.kmVHm WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 80 g"w,v furnheA bou.eke.plng ' 6S.'d rM ' t'-V1: '"res 3t&S5- WA W. IH ltoi ekfeep-,n0mPw.te KCL u.ed Sow. It eo.tyou nothing for Inform- aBWlSThr Aa v or nlaca ch lr.n''. , 'JrSVfft K firi TWO front rooma neatly furnlahed for The WU fe ga.and phoe.1 Woodla wn ifoS. . "W- & W, Whit. andVandard aew- . ""tHB PORTLAND AUTOMOBIIJD "ffl? W&.inS d-Sd 'aVtprlo.! VaddrSS! trBh-S.SPlBBfi j?.ln"-$fB"' laUnlry MARKET STREET. . h06MPfurnlHh.d flat gaa rang hoi a'KgnffrQgar'1-- C" SCHOOL. ' man. 81 Maryland are. Phone C-1766. r-0S. Journal. , .?7,T? at 7 . j i: 1 Furnlahed new apartment, of two, water, electric Ught, bath sink, pan- FOR balR-1 Nw Hnm." " lA" : 128 6th at. North. WOULD Ilka to' aew with dreaamaker; r 112 Furnl.hed 3 room hou.jk.eplnj three and four rooma; also alngle try. 2 bed., 820. Inquire 625 Mill. chiS 40 rocker? II 50' d? 16' ' MEN and women to learn tha barber Wn and pre.7 good; would aa.l.t UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 rlfin 6 ".rth ' K ,Uh nJ r?m"- St1sm h"t an!t 't0Zi..tTfZ NICELT furnl.hed modern 8 room flat; stSv2 , b Sables". howJe' coS'te?: trmda in t weeka. Special tnducewenta. with hou.ework for aama. O-I07, Jour- 7"f -Zl - - - C""o"-, Richmond car telephonea In 1 every apartment; rent for reasonable. 1041 Gantenbeln. corner 618H Waahlngton ' Etntage earned while learning. Toole nal. nftirlBfwld room on let ONE larg. completely furnished house- J",50 o 140 Including electrlo llfhta. Alberta. -gT . TKri , .. P';.i... 1 ." arahlp given to every student Moler oy the day. Fhone B-6Z86. 461. wrtlTHBnfB-irPTMn room, for rant tU vate exchange 4 or A-6101. , aiitiia 4 44 koSnev Fait 4866 f; brooders. $4 each. 423 Thompson . gg& ' N?4th Foruand. Wn by evened H0p8mtEEPlyo , gTgU' fflj , THELtA BT CLARA. , iJ,. lkg'hou.a Lrmshlng. bought. wss nurses saga fcjw h Pbwood.- fit- vw; feSlo Toi Sin,' If you i?e InduftH- THREE front room houwkeeplng .ulte, vate bath and other convenience.. E. l0C(ltk)n Pfeot. MnttU reaaonable: FURNISHED flat 1 room, clo.a in. CAPITAL JUNK CO., daaiere in Iron. I ou. learn It and rneka money while BT retired nurae. one or more children private family, private entrano., thor- r " f- titn. every modern convenience, lnclnd n rent 21. Call at .tore. 7th and Jef- nieUl. rubber, .ack.. machinery, pipe, you are learning. A man of long and under I T yeara; be.t of references, oughly modern, lit Montgomery at M. TWO neatly furnished housekeeping banquet hall and roof garden;, high fereon. i toola. Job lot.. 67 N. lat st Mar. 39. -ucee.aful experience , wlj teach you. Phone Tabor 16li o7 call 1140 E. Morrl- loft. y ..I00'""'."' bath- Phon8- 70 atK ff .hosfn air.'tSf'r'tmenta.ho'nl; THREE room furnl.hed flat. 20 par bm c'r tw0 nic. O'lflniona rln tQ .. Call after t r. m. at 792 Scalding bid g. BOn. n K .f. 16. B-2ii)4. Botn prion, in ail apartments, vnone month. Key at 128 Hall st change for aood drivlnr outfit 14 te'u. rnifrs-- !A".8.a f5g- rSgw,,r -ssts-s-t; grJirVlf 11L: f; lor"- jL i College. TWO furnl.hed housekeeping, room.. Apply of manager, reference, required, flf linnpr nft. ManCnfiSlfir R-18. Journal. ef In.troctora. 16 year, in bu.lnesa Life i,k' WU.- irKth PP ' "H'"- 7 j" .fm TWeetl OiarK ana UaKi Well FOR SALE Chiffonier, screen, tablee, rcoeef 'tUd'nt , T.:,Z!1WS- NICELY furnl.hed suUe with gaa. The 'W lighted. Adapted fOf SaleS- m' T?wlv!Ir ' rtwrr Bu.?dcorn.rfE?ghtfr EMt room or manuf acturing. ?5SL ,?A N,nr,fldeanee.,,for ti BASEMAN room.. .ulUbt. for pla In LARGE well furnl.hed hou.ekeeplnr KINO HILL APARTMENTS. ! 5 llthT WPRb1n"on.n C" "& desirable applicants and teach telegra- , working people, '". lnfJ rooma, alngle and. en.ulte, reduced . . . . , . , . , irnn ' oat g tMn.,!.! .,. i.t- phy In a practical way. Myers. 64 HOTEL CARLTON. . pereonal.8 and 810 par month. 7 rates, close In. 181 East Blxth street S. ,.ii8' ' T0? !l"ulT"t!i."1TJ PROMINENT eorner with cement tiring ?nAi2n 2h Atair. Flindera at.. Portland. Or. f 14TH AND WASHINOTOM ST8. Couch, N.-te. cor. 18th. TWO nloely furnished modern houae- fc"'-C.' Apply 0n Premlfc 171 basement, rent 1200 a month. tJ & 'if" W T't j -'j V MOtlON picture operating taught In PERMANENT OUE8T8 ON VHTRT THREE nicely furnished rooma with , , , , u-a twtrip Vt S ItfM iibj grjoTrwH .7rTTw , .tetSSS R.Jr.S! g5TiSHfeEfe Wa HOUSES FOR RENT M jnSxt. Three .tory brehou... electric cured. 55-167, Journal. COMFOBT fi tin! m?H THB gomery. Main 9021. -----"'-' PREMISES. elevator, .ulte office rooms, centrally right .1m. 182 Cleveland ave. Phone " ET7Be5j either" aax In all lateai ADDED rWviBiVTri?q OF A FIRST HOUsEIEPlNLevrga. light, clean MODERN new 7 room house with fire- A NNOUNCEMENT. located. .Ida facilities, rent t.a- woodlawn 1310. ,! iSSJm rfilM taK CLAHOTELAND ASSURANCE OF roim., 12 60 "ni m threV block. .Plce and range on W. W. carllne. The Florence Ant. beg to announce aonable. V-i. Journal. CANARY bird., fine singers, imported menu an auJ VeaUve thwarSullca FoV XOSITlLY nsmOWT BUILD- north"? Washington. l Davl corner fftb121p lf I"1!- ""SS'J Jk !ST" PART of finely furnished front offloe , "took, alao .males, cheap. Tabor htervddres. O-208, Journal. iW ENDID hou.ekeenlng rooms: he, t KaSSTg tiSrftt bj ffit D. the do. man, hoarding, expert HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 S? 2s ,10' $1 ft "TO ja" '' ffy-. aWrfjjwJU rjcepUon Jgf wiU.tu my tut.r - WasTilnrton, modern and reaaonable. gAb ttffvr A a .. ; nlshed up . to date, private batha, free BOOM with oven, suitable for bakery. . . Jr,t T - J THB METER FRANK STORE wanta well furnl.hed hou.ekeeplng room.. Ftti f foma till Ei Pnon nioderate prfcea; new nutn! Phone Eaet 4816. ' WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 l.abkyn WFEk VL h rmNSIENT "VlXZi fAfSiSS EES ffgfi 1 bK' T .10 Brn-'ld? U "ha"vE TOU ANYTHING TO SELL 7 ' ' . VRSrrff i-tf'm" u,ntendent'- I V The Rex TBoNoBuEpNT rsJSft. 'm1 l up. RETN.W modrn t room hou..i Durfee Apartments ntjSSffZ 'FSSi in- w?:ift, th ornce, to .su a. m. 848 H Washington at. FRONT room suite, completely fur- aula and full basement. 1 block from I room steam heated apartment, fur- skeny reet. (Jet our figures on anv kind of mar. for general housework. Everything completed: fine large outside rooma Reasonable, walking aiaimnoe, CHEAP, at Kenton, eottagea, aell or rTTT I a T WItii, dvim - S?,n? ,fA n w.e convenfent Bmall family. No children! with rtelepnonel service, with or without Jackaon. rent etokea d. Farmer, Derby at UT iCKStOfl Aoartment WANTED TO RENT T Syter, 14$ -Ruwll. East 1662. Phone C-1740. or call 281 Alnsworth ave. pVivat ? baths? new and aplendldly fur- TWO alngle housekeeping rooma. 111 Phone Woodlawn 26. ... nth r.r CMU J and t Tm ' , ! WE BUY 8ECOND HAND WANTEP-Olrl to care for child after- nlshed' hot and cold witeT: ateam'heaf, and 14 AIM . rtoely furnlahed room. MODERN 4 room house. V74 H at In- miu strictly flritcllgIiLnVtor BTmothet and daughter. I nnfurnl.1 CLOTHINO AND FURNITURB - noons, call morning. 186 Ford st, beet of service: very reaaonable ratea. heated. 10. 476 Main. qulren.xt house. 1 39 Orover at. J lltm't"l irnttr., 26 up. 0,c"lor "" ,lrWT"'iiW ,W fiT v? ufTmiJ T "r?thln' apartment 12. . KtCE rooms all else, and prices; hearf CENTRALLY located, .completely fur- blocka from B car. ' Aa AbTd -jfge tiorthrun at 7 Cathollo church. P-107. Journal. call Main 2080. 1!0 Flrnt. WANTED-jjomnetent girl for general "&tthM nl.h.d. convenient M.tS up. 42 r6om bungalow, furnlahed or unfur- thf 6 Urg? room.hard'wSod'oo?.: WAfe2L hi' rio'Sab''". UP"Me."ge.O;dtPanrb.O0of ?h". housework. Phone C-2446. 436 E. -for four persona. Two, each suitable Main. " nlahed, cloee In. Sellwood car, neW front veranda, large sleeping norch ,hou t'nust be reasonable, 608 "",.,e,!,n -ftp r?-fi!h ITth. r two gentlemen I.H.-PlW TWO furnlahed houaekeeping rooma. school. 746 B. 11th. 't, telephone f wtef. ht'ad hot q""'"- Mr'n , "rte?" S-IOf 5or"a" e0nm,m wAtKb A competent girt for general STlth10 M.UhalV im Modern convenience- Phone. 613 j ROOM hou.e, good condition, ill. mod- water; new.nd strictly modern. HORSES VEHICLES ETC 18 cbvgLL nav the , W nrU for v,.r MrcFnlloT1" Ut HRSlOlt KrYe unrr,ni:h.d"1,hou.elt,eplng berta cSrVo, j& ' Co. .tf v'.'r'y r?" SESw3 HELP WANTED MALE AND j5g SpSSSffSS j??" . ' ! Wi&W KZSJsXST C8', "S?" f" ZMi. FEMALE 20 ffffffwfftt CLbA houaekeeping t. roomg. central: .on. Call 617 River. Phone CM9" THE ELMIRA-Cor. 14th and Salmon; neSS TOr Sale nicest preTr'fult" .?..T'.Jr''"'' " far' frgptNO rooms suitable for plain verT reasonable. 647H Johngon, naar kor rent 4 room bungalow, ill. one furnl.hed 4 room basement apt? From thla date on we will keep aev- w . -..--.-.a, .tw.h. .(,.: ,1?. t0 lft Clt gfeH? "11. OtisEKEEPiNa room with kitchen- g jhUV """" r,.' UiTfrf tSraw SSffi' EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 55 S&t W Morrison, oor; ett. ru,, beth, phone, heat 171 N. PORTLAND Height, , 7 house C.r- THE fOUTHAMPTO BjFXftx et VseMlWd0. WANTED-S.t .1 1 He. ' i ' MUNic'irAL ' dffitt;X&" ffcViroom ault new, well farnlshea VS " P" On. unfu, 4 rom apartm.nt. -gon-.which U will onP80lc gnd Urma. a " FRFF FMlnYMFWT nFFIPr THE LaNDOReIIi 10th .t ,lngU .n?r"dnUVooaFanT n ' ' ' I ROOMS. mw j U hi THE tMIN8TE fur , . ! i . BE WISE! 'aet more for your second J rntt tMrLU T MLIN I Urr Ut well heated room with hot and cold . 700i f1"."""- , , "j, li,InQUlr 8" cllnt0l- W-B T"SB,piJrtm.ntB- also alni I rnoml HauthomA Auftnim tflK A band furniture by selling It to Ford (s All clasaes of unskilled, skilled, pro- werer. for rent NICELY furnlahed housekeeping rooma W,W:W rar i rt C P O 1 Ith mM ' naWinOrnO MVerlUe OldDieS Auction Co.. . Ill 1st. Main 8961. A-2446. ' fesslonal and clerical, mala and female CHEERFUL furn ahed' rooms, slna-te i single and In suitea, reepectable place BUNGALOW. 6 room, and bath, ex- Ju'iFZM- K? i "l"" 420 Hawthorne ave. Ve buv'a'nd .ell moat anvthin ' l,lp furnlah.d onhert'nouSS IWM1 uJekeeK modern,ali eonvS! for re.pecUble people, ffr 16th N n7 a "th !SS5KES FOR SALte-Fln. black m.r 7 year, frff 4lrt .vT ,t''rt''t," S Jef lencea. 92 week up. 649 Yamhill. CLOSE In. clean suite of 2 or 4 fur- Main, 820. Main 2908, ienre PSm 648s' 601 JeffWJ? l00: big pair mule., fine de- WANTriA-2,1 iiand Yurnhitre.' Fast kill ' TufikrUtM -"h-y FW bou-ekeeping and' single 6 fabok pottage clo.a In, i a th, bet eT V.S Ui Hi nAINotlN Ci UUi lyiiniTIPI! IMIffiinillllRf'r Btn room" Thurman st irt ht room bungalow no nin iJORDICA apartmenta, oor. Belmont and sound; also cheap ranch team. 1126. CASH paid for household goods. C. M. OENERAL EMPLOYMENT AOENCIES. W U ltlLPlllNll.B0 lip per week. furnished front hou.ekeeplhg Buetlkofer ff Salmon C1,nton' Grand ave, 1 and I room furnlahed Thla atuff all guaranteed aa represented. Pennell A Co.. Marshall 4266 . Main office. 26 N. Id at Portland. Free phone and lath. Main 7764. 2 WT '"JP1 Shone, tso fon , "?".." - salmon. apta.: free light heat, bath, phone. 284 Montgomery. Ptiil. Buetter. r 1 Ladle. rtm,t. TtJ . 3 WU .V TUC fiDAMn 887 Yamhill. J Ph""' " nt F?SF- nm bouMk 74 THE ALBEMARLE, 1 and 1 room apart- fiftOfl Vftling MnrQPQ " FURNITUKB FOR ? SALE OS 'ahktfer YHF AMfiFI IV "jjkfr- haptee-Fy .a , , n . 1 .parent, nicely urn 1 W,IM8H Ygudm, tSffSg -roomSor iOitt gA'Stttl ,i 111 T 1 -SSl' ' wfvlee!' reliable Vein v, mJ?-.0 cheap, call at the Boycreat, 17112th IlA"1-1 7ir4 r1,r at. near Waahlngton. 7 room apartmenta. Phone A-182. THREE apana black Percheron maxea. WB WILL STORE IOUR GOODS . . - wanted agents 6 a gjgb, t,o..,Pin, ,u... wJSSlSSu uifl, BjT - ? " -- JSZ, iUi WESTEUSS? FUIBBSITUIBE CO. Win " .i-..r 7 '"" IT T' far iiMi v .ni.h li w. water, sink, bath: opposite city hall. ave.. 816. Apply 686 Gantenbeln ave. lbe. 6 and 7 years old. 1160 takea 861-688 First t. Phone Main 660. erafcellen? fTr I"....-9 . ?,V iement coia lnt StrSnlh Cheap rent. 168 6th ml f6r RENT 6 rom I houae. 101 E. llth. 1 ROOM flat. 11 room cottages: fur- team, weigh. 140. with good harness. HARTZBLL sonNITURE OC : dldl&r'aVr J,e.toek! A wmi, Jfc Pho A- Ml ' P TWO? large front alngle hou.ekeeplng r W.hlnZ" UUt "'" or not; che.ap rents. 2I7 Olbb Also .pan weighing about fo0 lb each, Forsal a7.toven,e.r fuVnltnre. : . ?..hTeeh7y and a .qualrn lak NEtt furnl.hed front room, houae. room, modern, all convenience.. 40) BftXutlFOL I room flat, 627 E. Salmon cheap. 247 R. llth.. cor. Madison. etc. We p.y htgheat caah orlce for hou.e. 1 you. vyrttforVrt'oulare. WMntagton ' keemng BrivUegea? wnvewcea 421 a Bt- - FURNISHED HOUSES 88 lso 7 room house 26f Nartllla. west HAVING disposed of my ranch, will hold gooda 689-986 l.t Marahall 217a. f ' Nursery1 Co., Top7en,eh!W8h. keepinr prlvuegea. conveniences, 421 fetfitsi of i large well furnished front i Jw. .Id. Phone Main 64. dispose of ray I pairs marea. Call ,nc.,. ..7rx T? ' WAN'Tfeb Salesmen to' aid ua' upotV MttLV furnlahed room with aood heoT rooma, first ffoor. furnace heat Free BEAUTIFULLY furnlahed. thoroughly SUNNY SIDE Modern lroom flat gas fc"dwf, haT wL5l.ln' COP' MLSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 the brhemand I for our 1 goda Some 82 . Tweek : 404 CUt near Toth Phone and bath. 89l 7th at. modern and well equipped I room new range, electric, tuba, shades, heifer. Hawthorne Ave. Woodyard. fr-"r' ?TZ. T ! vacant territory vet In evwte weat t'T 1 . t 1 k J n ynTlR nice housekeeping rooma- eook bungalow. E. 18th and Stark: rent 186; 914 H rj. Morrlaon, near 80thT IF you want to buy or aell oowa. horses. BEAUTIFUL upright -Bteinway piano, if' the Ml.slssDl Cash weXlv 262 6TH at. nicely furnished rooma. all Fva 86 Montaomerr no agents: no children. K-291, Jowrnalj ALlfef PAVtK Ft aB harness and vehlclea. call at 446 ebony caee,, for 44 caah. Worth , V-lg- aagmsrg, jStiJsg 'vte.affi.f .SS tmaa s;?Buswa -as saiaj'sjMi twii.ii h,""' aasSsvaii Tv'" 8?HSF: Nurry Co.. Toppenlsh. 'Vash. ' .hall 8160. . THE CLAY. 848 H Morri.on. A PAftTLY furnl.hed hou.e at 111 It g. flat 114 Eugene at f hone EiSt TWO mare, with foal , 6 "and i yeara O-"0-. Journal. ;:,; . kOo . HCLiCV Bf-flffil1 ".1 1 oVSLrVon g 'M 'd., yard. flofumbla at, t-. irJ'TLV?itii4. CaSNr, SITUATIONS FEMALE 4 faiTS 'J 1 " .8 LIGHT clean housekplnr auite. aaa Utht eon MtU ' -feg Woodlawn 296. Baat-lt-v .-- V1CTROLA wanted; a ..condTianyTir: s . ?krl,V.T?hm O0ln, 0l mi h?nV bMh n Ith f MOITHlTQ WlB WFIvrP LOWER 4-room 00 rner flat furnace! WANT buggy, harne.. and aaddl In : tor Vlctrola; atat. cowlttion. mod. t JAPANESE wants situation, drug .tore. -,?,wT"t- 21 8th-r BmJ J? 1 u t I .-JHJTJ11 u rent 111. Phone Ea.t 6, R-1404. rood condition. Main 1061, 836 1.1, and price. - K-292, Journal. . , - fir.t claaa norter: experience 9 year., SINGLE room, alao hou.ekeeplng rooma. BUITB of furnlahed houaekeeping rooma, -FURNITURE FOR SALE ' 82 piVE roomV atrlctTy modem flat Jlf Call 1 to 4 after gund.y. FOR SaLE Leaving the city "will . ire"C", "gH Ut cUy-. : , convenience.. i07 Market, 'IW. th- ;. ; , ?V"r"v T " . Mar!on Vt- Pwood "81. . ; THREE horaeai' weigh; i400 lb. aplec ' "ifloT hlrt grade pUno. iw .VI.... .BLACKSMITH wanta poaltlon machine 424' 4th 1 it. oloae In, new. modern, SUITE of houaekeeping rooma and 1 FOR SALE A bargain, fine furniture 1-ROOM modern flat, 16, oor. Main and Call and aee hem; 48 Hawthorn. Call Main 1i67. , fc0'8"'"? or logging work; no horse. rea.onablei front room., II 60 up. ' hou.ekeeping room. 614 Everett - of 4 rooms, complete, 186. Main 9029. r Chapman. ave. . ' VOR S A L I'V A t ont-e', 'if u i-n f i r "of ' 7"' ", ai? " - P'30t- Journal. . c ROOMS II, Urge front rooms M for LARGE I houaekeeping room, ; ground FURNTURB and piano, 6-room houae, FOUR large, light unfurnished rooma. FOR BALK Horee and wagon. Alblna room aprtmnt Ait 2f., K.-elar ., fiilOWCARD writer would like position! two per.on.. 146H let .t ' floor, cheap. 847 Hall at cheap; hou.e for rent Apply 4 Union. Oa., bath, etc 808 College.. Dye work., 288 Russell at. 14th nn.l C'lny. u " .imS!Lw'fe; I: "tgrt with, or. will VANDYK, 209 Alder, newly renovated TWO front rooms, light housekeeping. FURNITURE 7 room house,- cheap. If FOUR and 6 room flete, 177 tt. Green I HEAD of cheap, from 120 up. FDltNIT l.'it'isi for .!, f . . ""e work at home. Y-299. Journal. front rooms, 2 per week up. . . 600 Jefferson. Marehall 471. taken soon. Call 807 Market et' nve., near I8d and Waah. Main 8988. 14 Union ave,, cor. Ash. frn hih.iJII " ! i ! 9Ji'?,l!V wanU to exchange light LA ROB bedroom, bath, ateam heat, ft. TWO suitea housekeeping rooma,' lit NEW furniture of I room apt, 1100. MODERN 4 room flat. 114: over .tore. FINE team vt ponies to exuhane for A Kli. .-.ALf." .... . y . , . 4 - , V ; w ? for room and board. 5 N. Id, 111 42xuthera. apartment 14. and til. 174 Id, , ; Terma. v Rent, ' lit. , 289 Hall at V 107 WUllama ave, Woodlawn 1607. big horse. 14 Unlontve.. cor. Ash. gale at a bargii.. J