THE ' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. JANUARY '23. 1912. 13 ,fr t the leading Bpeolallrt - I an i; registered and Jiceneed physician. confining my V?1' practice to the ailments of WEN. I nav 'more money invested u my establishment - than all other Port land, specialists combined. . ; " " ' I use tny photograph so that when you come to see me personally you will recognise me. Investigate my ?ereonet standing before accepting reatmant from a doctor Of unkonwn Identity or reputation. . ' ; ; v ' ..." belnc treated la a satisfactory matt' ner b.r your present doctort Is he carrying out his. promleest Has he cured you In a reasonable time, and lived op to hla guarantee? Are yon paying 'him exorbitant, price for medicine T Does he employ thorough ly up-to-date and scientific methods, which would be approved by the reg ular family doctor? If you cannot answer these questions . favorably to yourself, come and have a confiden tial talk with us about your case. It will eoet yon nothing. - .--y. TAmioogn Yvatu, &oob vox sow, pims. nnuu, uro y . Cured in 5; Days 2fa , DetentUm SFroaa eenpatioa, :., . Family or Some. - NO ""4 BV B R B OPERATIONS. MA NT CASES PERMANENTLY CURED IK ONE TREATMENT. MOST TtMF-SA VINO. MOST NAT URAL. MOST SAFES. A RADICAL AND PERMANENT CTTRE. I GIVE MT WORD AND WILL CITE YOU TOMTHER MEDICAL AUTHORI TIES THAT THIS IS A FACT. I AM CERTAINLY PREPARED TO CURB- BY EXPERIENCE AND EQUIPMENT. WHICH ARB THE KEYSTONES TO SUCCESS. JHAVE THE BEST EQUIPPED MEDICAL OFFJ.CK ON THE COA ST, - ... 1T OOsTSUTiTATXOlf t invite you to come -to my -office. I will explain to you ,my treatment for Varicose Veins, Html. Nervous Debility. Blood. Disorders, Piles, Fis tula. Bladder. Kidney, Prostatic and 11 Men's Ailments, Mid give you FREE a physical examination: if nec essary a mtcrosooplcal and chemical analysis of secretions to determine pathological and bacteriological con ditions. Every - person; shoBld take advantage of thla opportunity to learn their true condition. A per manent cure Is what you want. - My off leer are open all day from t a. m . to p. m. and Sundays from la to !.,' '-.''"t -v" -'". '- A. G. Smith; MID. Mammon MU doner td Modern Methods I am' positively "the only specialist in Portland that publishes bis own photograph, personally conducts and manages hla own office and con sults with and treats all his own patients. I have more qualifications and experience than any other spe cialist advertising In this city. - Every man calling at my office la assured of my personal and individ ual treatment until a cure Is ef fected. My fees are one fourth that exacted by the various "medical companies: "Institutes" and "mu seums.' Be sure to consult me be fore treating elsewhere. - XTBW QSBHASr PXSOOTXXT om BLOOD POISON $25 x mrat mct nooasBs - X'ACCXPT HO IHOTJBABI.- CASUS ! If ever XOU OUT XAX.SB1 XOPXfl ' Whytreat with Incompetents when you can secure the expert services of a competent speclallstT - " Come to me if you have any of the following disorders: 'Varicose Veins, Pimples, Mervoas Debility, Verve, Blood and Skin Disorders, Bladder Troubles, Blood Poisons, Eruptions, Ulcers, Special Ailments, Piles or 71stule. - .. v. ... .;..., ,.r; .. r ; to B 7 to SaUyi Sunday 10 to I BatamlnatioavAdviee ' Tree. . J. J.Keefe, Ph.G.,M. D. Boonu 11-14 tarayette Bldgf S13V4 VrABKXHOTOIf Tn Gov. Sth . POBTUlITD, OB, v : Hundreds of Successful ' Cures Since HeOpened -in Portland i - He cures with non-poisonous, non lnjurjous herbs all diseases of the Throat, Heart, Liver, Lungs, Stom ach, - Kidneys, Piles. Constipation, Nervousness, , Neuralgia, ' Rheuma tlsm, Catarrh, Eoiema, Blood Poison, Diabetes end ell organic diseases, ; .. O0BSV&TATIOB M11B, v Patients out of town ' can secure these health-building remedies. Send i cents in stamps for symptom blank. wo OHZBBsa fenBDiOAfi oo. . , 880 H Alder. Cor,- Third. .--v ' " ,T . tjf t a 1 v S J wo WX ; wo fc.1 vo:.M o::ly Dr. hanuvisuae compeuad KeviA and Cotton Root Pills. The beat and only reliable remedy for DELAYED PERI ODS. Cure the moat obstinate cases In to 10 days. . Price It or three boxes 16.00. Bold by drurrlsts everywhere. Address T, t. PliLitCB. Room L 141 H , Morriaos) St. TBJB'" DR. GREEN rnm or ftl AN BUILDING Z onre tnlckly ' knd perma nently all onrebl eases of VABV tOOSB : VBSNS Md HYBBOOXX.B without severe snrgioal operational OBBTBBA& OBSTBUCTIOITS with oat cnttinr or burning SPBOinO BLOOD POZSOsT without Injurious drugs (flO skilfully adminUtered If prf erred); KEBVO-VZTAZt PEltb ITT without stlmulatlva remedies PROSTATIC, 8LAPDOB and KXD sTBY troubles; OOWTBAOTiiS Aisor dersi PZXES ut aU XBCTAXi ail- metti Oaf sseweV - V- , .,; t PAY HEN SATISFIED is your absolute . Brotection. ionsm itlon, examination and diagnosis free and private. . No cases accepted through corre spondence. ' One personal visit to. office required be fore treatment commences.. must .first see and know your exact condition. ' This is the only Intent gent, satisfactory way. ' Come today Hours daily , t b t; evenings. 7 u I; Sundays. 18 to L. DR.-, GREEN CO. f Sea WMMnrtoa St, Portland, Ox. j I Cure Men Quickly - I am making men welt and whole. I am doing what no other specialist caa do for men. When aU oth ers fall I cure, be cause my practise has. been wider,' my experience mora Tar. led, beoause my knowledge Is more k perfect . What Itnf doing for others I will do for you, ). KT SPBOIAXTZXS ABB -STervons Debility, Blood Ailments, Flies, Varicose Veins, Btapture, BUd aey, Bladder and all allmeats peotU lar to men. Do not let money mat ters keep you away, as my charges are so low as to be within the reach of all. OOOD BOWBST WOBX and a SQUABS DXAX. is what you want. Consultation and examination free. Call now r wrlta DR. LINDSAY "The Old Bailable Specialist - Corner -Alder, and Second streets. Entrance 1S8H gecond street, Port land. Or. Office hours a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. Every Vcmanl . .la tntereated and sbeald 1 iknow about the weaderful MASVELWWrltei Spray F The new VMteal HrrLoern. : I m-H em fist for Kit he eannot supply we nAmtu it for lUqatratad book eal It hit mrtlenisra and Boas invaluable to ladlaa, BUBTXIi 00.44 Baal BM I Ite sale by BkldsMre Dims Oa .Weedsrd, Vauae ua. aaa Mse-usnr urag e-s WLfl . .. " "V- l seuiuy. av j r s My One Treatment Cures Bonest Treatment. For For 10 Boat waste tlxaa "trying ; . other doctors. - Oo to t : OBBOOB MZDZOAXi ' , ZBSTZTUTB. " Specialists. ' EsUblished SO Teara. . ii TTTt. UyTTCftJ WHO GLOOMY 1 Jf 1 V JllC-il N DISEASED, NERVOUS THIS IS THE WAY YOU FEEL Thera is usually a pain" across the small of your back; blua rings under your eyea, specks before your ayes, your sleep does not rest you. you get up In the morning feeling tired, your mind at times wanders, your memory la poor, you are hollow-eyed, whites pf your eyes are yellow, you are fearful, always expecting the worst to happen.w very jnervous, you start in your sleep and awake from a dream very much frightened; sting ing pain-In -the breast, no appetite. , k.:'... It you have been unfortunate In selecting a doctor to treat yon, or if .nt .im mnrMilf th attention which your disease demands, you know that svery day you put the ana worse, ywu are mui mi kiiu v jv. . fellow men Ufa does not possess the pleasures for voa It did. would you lot give much to poasiss that ROBUST HEALTHS SOUND NERVES J-.. firn 7 w DDiiki ih,t w.r. vnun before the ravae of disease at tacked your systsmt If you have this desire ta be strong and manly In a true sense of the word, call at my office at once, and IjviU take pleas ure In explaining a treatment that has restored hundreds of men in a much worse condition than you, are,, j ..-, :., .'f.. :. ...,f ' , rmA.tnA VaIus 'V " "tnla affliction without pain or knife. Soreness; VOngCSiea Veins swelling and congestion of the dilated veins vanish Julckiy; A healthy circulation of blood la: reestablished and that old time eellng speedily returna Avoid , dangerous operation. I can give you the quickest and safest and surest cure known to medloat science. .. . rT J D .l-.If you have sore throat, mucous Batches,- pimples, -,oop. DlOOd rOlSOIlper colored eruptions, sores and ulcers, bone peine, fall ing hair or any symptoms of this disease in either primary, secondary or tertiary stages, consult me and be foreVer eured of It, v My treatment cleansee and eradicates every taint of poison , and .very impurity ; from the blood and system. All danger of ' transmission or recurrence Is re moved. The taking of Injurious minerals for years never cures. My treat ment is a specific a certain antidote; you Improve from the very wm. mancement and are soon permanently cured, as proven by positive blood testa ..'. -.ii,.--..'t'.!j - W:t:i ':"' ,-.:. s :"- '' '- v ' T WANT to emchaslse the ' Importance of selecting the BEST DOCTOR, COME to ME--I will oura you in ONE TREATMENT by administering "The wonderful German Remedy'V-Ths greatest medical discovery of the age the results are like magic - a i ALSO CURE to stay cured Rupture. Hydrocele, Stricture, Kidney. Blad der and -Prostatic Ailments, Piles. Fistula and Rectal Affectlona, Rheuma tism Catarrh, Kcsema and aU Chronic, Nervous Blood. Skin and aU Dis eases Of, Men. '.i:oHV-i,v ,,;v.,.,t.jj.J .;..iv. .v '..V tX-! ? ts a full description of your symptoms and trouble. If unable to Write call. All dealings are confidential. Expert Consultation Free. De lays are dangerous. Hours: I a. m. to ( p. m. Sundays 10 to 11. nly OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 8914 MORBISOW ST. BETWIXIT rOUBTX ABB PfTTB, POBTIABD, OB. PERSONALS ; : . t i Astoria,- Is registered at the Imperial. . Dr. J. A. Fulton of Astori and wife are guests At the Imperial,. W.: i. Conrad, president of . the Coos County Tax aasoolatlon of, Marahfleld, Is guest at -the Imperials, fjyjpj.. V. H. Ekblad, A. W. Myers and 3. T. Harrigan. of Marahfleld, are attending the hardware men's convention In this city. 'They ara guests at the Imperial,' , Webster Kincaid, a real esute operat or of Eugene, la a guest at th. Im. perlal. f:t x.p tf-fi-- Dr. A. L. 8. of Seattle, la reglatered at the Imperial. .'..n...t;, Dr. J. B. Webster, of TaUnt, Or la guest at the Imperial. -; ! 7 , 0,.W. Griffin, president of the hard ware men's association or juugone, a guest at the lm9n:,yS-fy.v.f . r. mill ha . wall -known Klajnath FaUg booster, is ,. ant at the imperial. :. :v .-:' ' -r-.' , a n ; thmrfnrA an ttornev of Al bany, Is a guest at the Imperial. i1, . Dr. P. A. Laor, of Sllvefton, Or la registered at tlia' Imparlal-.o-;.?;--'' ous weWDerry, a meronani i bu ford, and wife ara gueate at the. Im perial. ,! ,'..,' - ' ' 'C. L. SmltH,' industrial agent for the O..W. R. N. In Oregon, Is a gut at the Imperial.' V!' 'if.'. :..'-."'?"' ' nritM.n. Sniimi. ' la . connected . ...""t ( - with" the light and power . company at Baker, or., is a guesi at me unpinm J. M. Keenex, a hotel man of. Vale. Or., is a guest at the Imperial. .? J. K. Weatherford, ? an attorney of Albany, la a guest at the Imperial. ; : CapUin Charles m Bridgett. a steam shin man of San Francisco, is. a guost at the Imperial. .v O. W. Orirrin, a naroware man t Eugene, is a guest at the Imperial. H. U. AltnOW, or Aruenwaivfc im Quick Relief Trial Package Maued Free to au-in - Plain Wrapper. . SM . - Si tl tiim la a faarfnl disease, but can be cured if you go at u ngm. tM t M a. .Minn with the knife Is dan- . aw WV. 1 w " - - gerotis. humUlaUng an4 rarely a per- There Is Just one other way to be oured rainless, safe and in tha prt vacy of . your own tiom it is Pyramid PU Remedy. We mall a "trial " oackaga free to all who write. . It will alva vau aulck re mii tha hirmliL nalnless m vmww - . a tkl. vr-a . ramulv ua start 11 i IUI V . ' . -w rf you well on tne way towaru jiwmvv cure. Then you can get a full-sised box from anv draarcist for SO cents, and often one cox cures. T-.t., it. havn U VOO Call lOT Just send your name and address to Pyramid Drug Co, 484 Pyramid Build ing, Marshall, Mich., and receive free, by return -mall, the trial package In a plain wrapper. Dp.T. aJ. Pierce . Booms a and S B45H Mor- f rlson Street. f 1 Electric Chiropractic, VI- I I J 1 bratory and Massage Treat- 1 h-- M . r,, vm V J Sciatica, Nervous Debility, V- Special Weakness. Female TroiTbTes. Skin and Scalp. Disorders Of the Kldneysj Biomacn anu dwwom. 40 years' experienca Expert advice. We Boat Bxperiment We Cure. " MiraA Af VritA. El. amlnation free. Hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Bunaays 10 to ii m. - Weak, Diseased Men Cure,toSta y Cured days I will heal and cure all Weak. SlcK, Dlseasea ana uiscouragea men i reduced fee. This is lust one-half my usual oharge. I give you the same caw ana at tention as If you paid my regular fee. Tou could receive no better service for 11000. If you oouid out taiic to tne many curea pa tients I "am dismissing daily, you would re fuse to suffer longer on the promise of other doctors. Don't be a Weakling, a Failure, and your life a 'miserable existence. Why pay ex orbltant fees when I offer you better cura tive treatment for this lovr charge? I am a man of Independent means; the curing of my psltents Is my first and only thought. In this I differ widely from grasping doctors who think only of their fee and care little for the welfare of their fellow men. Take ad vantage of this offer at once; don't wait till the last few days, when the crowded condi tions of my office mayprevent you seeing m matter off you are getting worse guest at the Imperial. " Mr, Altnow Is secretary of the hardware men's con vention. - . - . ' .'' ' -A1 s'. 1." FV Hutchinson, a merchant, and 1. H. Cochoran, A, C. Hubbard and J. W, Mitchell, of Medford, are registered at the imperial,'.;;, ''Wi"'"'-''""'-?''" C. A. .Wlnetrout and J. M. Tltherow, business men of Grants Pass, are guests at themperlalv.., i?-?.-:- :.-'r -- M. i B. Waldelam. i nresldant'e repra. sentatlva of the 1 : United ,? Norwegian Lutheran church of America, la a guest, at tha Imperial. , . t, ' r'fV x '' ' H. El. Albert, the well known bank er of Salem, Is registered at tha Im- portal. .' . ."(.7 T. J. Mocann. a business man of San Francisco, is a guest at the Imperial, J. K. - Booth, a well . known banker ox Roseburg, is registered at the Imperial. :. Jesse Womaclc, a prominent rancher of the Twin Falls, Idaho, section, is a truest at the Perkins. , W, ' E. Dabney, a prominent fruit grower of Hood River, . is registered at the Perkins. A, L Ftseer and D. A. Hodge of Sa lem ara registered at thev Perkins. Thomas Elliott, a merchant of Cald well Idaho, is registered at the, Perkins. J. R. Smith, a business man or cor- vallls, and wife and H. W. B. Smith, are guests at the Perkins. A. U MoBrtde. a business man or Dllley. Or.. Is a aruest at the Perklna ' J. M. Mattey, a real estate dealer of McMlnnville, is registered at tne'Fer klna E. F. Hardin, a business man of Yaki ma, is a a-uest at the Perkins. - C. .R. Smith and F. W. Smith., busi ness1 men of Corvallls, are guests at the Perkins. . . ,:-; ry-,y- Joaeph Wilson, a business man or Chehalis, is a guest at tne reruns. Andrew Nlebergall and J. B. Lane business men of Walla Walla are guests at the Perkins. . W. C Wilson., an oil man of Ban Francisco, is a a-uest at the Oregon; J. D. Rice, a business man os cne- halla, la a guest at the Oregon. - Alex Valeon, a merchant of Hoqulam, is a guest at tha Oregon. J. K. Smith, a business man of Bpo kane, Is a guest at the Oregon. Sherwood Williams, a merchant of La Grande, Or., la registered at the Ore gon. Thomas Hudson, a merchant of Grants Pass, Or., is registered at the Oregon. C. A. McLoughiin, a nop grower or Independence, and wife, are guests at the Oregon. J. H. Miser, a merchant of Albany, is registered at the Oregon. William Williams, a lumberman of Taoolt. Wash., is registered at tne Or egon. W. Moore, a merchant of Arlington, Or., and wife, are guests at the Oregon. W. H. Rothermal, a business man of Medford. is registered at the Bowers. Colonel G. 'W. Stevens, of Fort Stev ens. Is registered at the Bowers. George F. Carr, chairman of the board of railroad terminals general grievance committee of tha O.-W. R A N.. Is a attest at the Bowers; - M. M. B rower, business man Of Se attle, is a guest at the Bowers. J. J. Porter, a government employe of Washington, is registered at the Bowers. i H. J. Greene, of Rancho Verde, Cal an orange grower, Is a guest at the Bowers. O. L Peterson, a merchant of Astoria, is registered at the Seward. vEd Clemens and wife and the Misses Clemens and Mrs. W. G. Drowley of St Joseph, Mo, are guests at the Seward. Frank G. Will, a jeweler or Aioany. Is registered at the Seward. W. G. Davis, a lumberman of Golden dale, Is a guest at the Seward. H. H. Fletcher, a newspaper man of The Dalles, is a guest at the Seward. James Mason, who is oonnected with the hot springs sanitarium at Colorado Springs, is a guest at the Seward. Wendell Hamlet, a business man or Denver, la a guest at the Seward. Lelf T. Holte. and 8. Beeman of Beat' tie are guests at the Seward. Mr. Holte Is to open an addition east of this city. W. O. Johnson, a mining man of Wal lace, Idaho, and wife ara guests at the Seward. W. W. Shannon Jf of Bah Francisco, Paclflo coast representative for the 20 Mule Team Borax company, la a guest at the Seward. H. M. Crooks, president of the Albany college, of Albany, Or, Is a guest at the Cornelius. Mra James Wlthycomba, wife of Pro fessor Wlthyoombe of the Oregon Agri cultural college at CorvalUa, is a guest at the Cornelius. B. M. Lara, a merchant of Bend, Is a guest at the Cornelius. F. A. Gentry, a civil engineer of Eu gene, is registered at the Cornelius. , C H. Isackson, clsrk at the Cornelius, and bride, have returned from a visit to Seattle and Belllngham. . T, A. Harper and wife, and H. L, Alnsworth, of Juneau, Alaska, ars regis tered at the Portland. C. D. Newton and daughter, of Prince Rupert, are guests at the Portland. G. L. Blair, with the Paciflo Coast Steamship company, .of San Francisco, is a guest at the Portland. . . G. H. Roblson, general passenger agent for the Union Pacific at Salt Lake, is a guest at the Portland. J. Q. Megler, a canneryman of Brook field, Wash., is a guest at the Portland. A. A Hilton, a capitalist of Tacoma, is a guest at the Portland. Paul C. Murphy of Seattle, is a guest at the Portland. Mr. Murphy la In terested In the Laurelhuret addition of this city. Phil Metschan Sr., and daughter. Miss Lillian, have gone to Grants Pass and San Francisco on an extended visit James B. Patterson, of 1474 Haw thorne avenue, who has been very low with pneumonia for six weeks, has had a change for the better and is on the road to recovery. - Mr. Patterson . is a son of - Mrs.- William- Patterson, and a brother of Miss Louise Patterson -and Captain Patterson, the well known pilot fSpectal to The Journal. ' Ashland, Or., Jan. 23. Papers have Just been signed that convey to the Boston-Montana Mining company a flvd year bond and leasa of three of the largest mining properties In south ern Oregon; - The mine involved are the Shorty Hope. Mattern and Ashland. This sale was reported about a montn ago, but at that time a few minor mat ters were being adjusted. The parties cam to a definite understanding : Sat urday and the deal Is closed. . . , - Engineers will start tha preliminary work within a week and the company win push developments with all possi ble haste. It is not known what pro cess of treating tha ore will be used. I, j , y i ; Dean' Freed and BeaaTeated. (Uptted Press teased Wtre.) Los Angeles,' Jan. 28 Charles Dean, alias Hoffman, held for tha robbery of the branch, Bank of Montreal at New Westminster, B. C, was released today on a writ of habeas corpus by Superlot Judge Willis. He was immediately re arrested by United States officers on an extradition warrant, sworn out by tha British Columbia authorities. ' MINING PROPERTIES BONDED TO COMPANY NEW TODAY .' A Guaranteed 38 acres all in cultivation, one half of this is genuine onion land, balance fine black looie loam. , Old houae and barn,". This place s only seren- milea from Morrison atreet bridge on the west aide, and the price is only $400 per acre. Terma. ; MR. BECKTELL. Columbia Trust Co. Ground Floor Board of Trade Bldg. REAL ESTATE LOANS MORTGAGE LOANS On Business and Residence Property. O, V, BTHSUl'Ti O. D. BZMOBTDS. 7 4ia Board of Trade . . BUXXulXSTw MORTGAGE LOANS R07Q JOHN E. CR0NA!t7t ana BMidinjr Bids'. 'm . ' Money to Loan at 6, 7 and 8 GODDARD &VWIEDR1CK - B43 STABX STBSBT - ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS CERTIFICATES of title made by the Title Trust company. Lewis Bldg., 4th and oak. Nina M. Haberly and husband to .Ulysses 8. Simmons et al. lot ' 4, block 1, Seldon Place $1,400 E. R. Holmes and wife to Agnes Fox.p lot 18, 19. block and lot 7. block 7, Murlark addition.... 1.660 Portland Trust company to W. P. Llttlejohn, lot 1 to 6, block 88- , West Portland Park 440 D. M. Roberts et al to Frances Ella Aton. 278x819 feet, begin ning in center line of Powell Valley Road. 1043 feet east of east line of James Powell D. L. C 1.100 Thomas C. Petereon, Adm. to Thomas P. Thompson, lot 22, 23, block 120, University Park .... 400 Rose City Park association to Florence B. and Bertha Stof fregen, lot 7. block 1,39, Rose City Park 460 R., H. Anderson and wife to George W. Offleld. lot T, 8, block 8, Berkeley 800 O. E. Carr to Ada Harding, east y, of lot 11. 12. block 2. Ross- mere J.G00 R. L. Stevens, Bherlff. to Charles F. Vilas, lot 18 to 21, block 2, ' Santa Rosa Park addition .... 186 Northwestern Trust company to RamarA W RnJia. lot 21. 22. block 8. Wllburton lt109 Alameda Trust company to Martin m TTnnr. lot 1. hlock 42. Ala meda Park Ma Martin Meier and wife to Alfred 7:trflt 4 acres In tewnshln 1. south, range 1 east , . a . . . . . . 1,400 J. R. Bingham to W. v. lomis et al, lot 11, block 17, Katharine Aiminn (aKmnA to C. E. Kiaeri . v . . v . A Myrtle Bachum to' Aloert E. wiht lnt "3." block 2. aub- divlsiori Rob Roy addition...... 1,000 R. L. Stevens sherlf t to J. C. BiimnhrH lots 10. 11 and 12. block 24, Walnut Park 4,026 Alameda Trust company to Carrie v t.aa lot 2 block Si. Alameda Park 1.M0 H. E Noble to Fred J. Miller, lot 9. hlock 2. Strubes addition 8.000 Casmur Realty company to France Hi.h.1 Int. 11 to IS. 41 to 44. block 80, casmur ,vv J. R, Joaep .and wife to T. H. Smith, lot 14, block 70, Irving ton Park 00 Victor Land company to W. H. Betts, lots 16 and 17, block 28. Tremont Place .a00 Title Guarantee A Trust company to Mary B. Chlstner, lots 16, 1, 17. 19 and 20, block 18. Dover.. 708 George H. Primrose and wife to F. J. Rlealand, lot 1, Primrose, Acr 1,296 David 8. Painter to Nannie Zim merman, lot 4. block 82, Ste phen's addition 4.000 Elizabeth Knott to same, lot 4. block 82, Stephen's addition ... 400 Klemmens Zajacaek to E. DeWltt Connell, t acres in section 18. township 1 south, range 1 east 160 Frnnciska Zajacsek to E. DeWltt VUIIIICTH. " ........ .. - -y PACIFIC Title te Truet Co., the leading Connell. same as anove IDBiraOWrB. T vum.t giywiiw a"' W. B. HAtZLIP CO.. Inc. Abstractors. 606 Gerllnger bldg. UNCALLED FOR ANSWERS AN8WERS to classified advertisements which appeared In The Journal await iam nnnnpBBlna certificates for the fol lowing numbers: A 202, 207, 217. 118. 244, ZtS, zoi, 267, 268, 484. - Ei 208, 221. 222. 28S. 88. UKU1. O 208. 217. 22S, 280. 284. 248, 266, 261. 262 D 210. 280, 282, 298. 248. 287, 894. E 215 222, 224. 228, 229, 281, 222, 182, 288. 239. 240. 242. 262. " - ... F 208. 219. ail. 288. 228, 829 186, 238, 244. 246, 250, 257 . 268 . 605, 996. d 218. tit, 220. ill. 288, 249, 241, "HiJI-S.2.2.!4!..98..., 840. .42. "l-JfVlh'ln. Ms.' IM. . 288. 241, 244, 246, 265. - k 220. 222, 22l 280. 181. 288. . ... L-218! 220. 225. 229. 285. 227, 40, UUU. 206. 212. 228, 282, 184, 288, 186, 338 Stft 789 O 228. 239, 218. Ill, 222. 125, 198, U&JhU. 282. 287. 218. 614. 186. lt-222. 225. 226, 9)18.-101, 188. 126, ""(J. 224898.Ji2-6. 247. U4. 22T. 120, 'JhV. 148. 181. 129, 111, 144. 217, 248, 210. 111. 5 V 249. 227. 287. 148, 188, 147, 114. W 289, 129, 291, K88. 242. X 287. 208. 218. 88rf, 220, 288. 114. 287. 248. 282. 218. 286. - -8 227, Zit, 288. 286. 221. 218, 142, 182. 240. 246, 224. 686. z-229. 217. 214. 288. CLASSIFIED AX KATES In effect April 16. 1911. ; ALL PREVIOUS RATES CANCTIXED. CASH ADVERTISEMENTS. . Daily or Sunday. 1 time, 80 per llna . I conaeoutlva Umes. To per line per In sertion. : . ' , -8 or mora conseoutlva timew, 4o per line per insertion, or t lnserUons for price No accounted for less than two lines. The above ratea apply to "New T, day" and all other classifications . ex cepting the following: 'Situations Wanted. To Rent and Wanted ta Rent" ado. -.-.r- --. . ' -..-'- to per line per insertion, . - Three Insertions for tha prtoe of two. Seven insertions for the price of five. NO ad taKen lor leas xnan.ip ..t r CHARGE ADVERTISEMENTS. , 1 time. 9o per llna ; t consecutive times 80 per Una per in sertion, ' .-, , -f or more consecutive - times, - To " per UnS per Insertion. - Tha above rates apply, to Wew To day" and all other claslfieatlona ea ceptjthe fallowing: Situations Wanted, To Rent and Wanted to Rent" ads. The rate in those classifications Is To per line per insertion. No ad charged for less than two lines, ar leo 41 M. W. A ROSH CrrTCAMPMonday BeUlng-Hirech bldg., Waamngton near 10th. Phone clerk. Main !, A-4881 R. N. A. Ore. Rose Camp, : meets Fri, eve., AUnky hall. SI and Morrison. MARRIAGE LICENSES W, FV Evans, 1 86 H Grand avenue, tf, and Emma Pacger, is, Thomas Theeman, 14T Third Street Zl. and Nina Clark. 27. - William Bamgrover, Tualatin, Or.; tl, and Veta Arata, IS. Harry Fletcher,1 The Dalles, Or,' 14, and Minerva Sullivan, 23. ' - Frank Mount Lents, Or, IS, and Lena Polndextor, 20. , - - , Joseph Baltes, 2 East Eighteenth street SS, and Lena Carpenter, 67. James Gilchrist 1426 East Madison street, 62. and Margaret Barker, 42. . Guy Johnson, Baker City, Or., IS, and Bertha Emery, 26. . James Thelander, elty, II, and Loa Clemens, IS. Joe Caron, city, 61, and Esther Bunell, 64. '' George Craln. 468 Tenth street Si. and Ruby Everts, 11. William Lantenacheger. 100 East Fif teenth street 2. and Nelly Leary. 21. N. H. Lorensen, city, 23, and Johanna Maeslnger, 18. Walter Brakebuah, 48S Burnslde street. 27, and Nanny Carlson. 28. Myron Craig. - city. 29, and Clara Mann, zo. ' ' , W, G. Smith & Co', vTS ca'iS. Washington Bldg-cor. 4th on Wash'ton. LEADING Florist Lubllner, 421 Wash st. bet Ilth A ltth. Mar. 788. A-1884. DRESS aults for rent, all alias. Unique Tailoring Co.. 809 Stark st CLARICE BR6d., fJoribts. Ine flowers and noral designs. z Monwon m. BIRTHS LEE To Mr.' and Mra George Lee, 666 Bavier street, uecemoer re: a dot. MOREL To Mr. and Mra George Morel 237 H Mill street January 6; a noy. i FARRAR T Mr.' and Mrs. William Farrar, 187 East First street January M'fcOWI?LLr To Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Mc Dowell. 1066 East Alder. January il a bov. Carsner, 2ZH ocoiaent street, janu- carsner. zovfa Acoiaent street, janu arv 6. a bov. WEBSTER To Mr. and Mra Melvin Webster. 1061 Corbett street Janu ary 16, a toy. DAVIDSON To Mr. and Mrs. William Davidson. 6812 Forty-fifth street Januarv 20. a e-trL SCHNEIDER To Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Schneider. 1101 East Twentieth street north, January 7, a boy. LOVE To Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Love, 1608 East Sixth, street north. Decern' MARSHALL To Mr. and Mra Frank Marshall, elty, January 17, a girl. -LOHKAMP To Mr. and Mra Edward Lohkamp, 491 Beach street January i. a gin. DEATHS AND FUNERALS ENGBERG At his lattf residence. 288 Ivy street January W, Olof Engberg, age 46 years 11 months and 16 daya, beloved husband of Mary Engberg. Re ceased was a member of the Plaster ers' Local .No. 82 and the Modern Wood men of America. Funeral services will be held tomorrow (Wednesday), January 24. at 2 d. m. from the Autrustana Lutheran church, corner Rodney avenue ana stanton screet. rienas ana ac quaintances are respectfully Invited to attena. interment will take place at rtose uiy cemexery. ABBEY In this city, January 22, at the residence of her daughter. Mra Lee E. Beach. 814 Sundav boulevard. Miranda Abbey, aged 76 years, 1 month and 2 days. Funeral services will be field at tne aoove resiaenceat l p. m weonesaay, January it. rnenos in vitea. interment uorvains. or, RICHTER At the family residence. uaa urove, Oregon, January li, car Richter. aon of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rich, ter. aged 16 years 4 months and 18 days. The funeral services will be held ai tne aoove residence at a p. m. Wednesday. Januarv 24. Friends in. vited. Interment Mllwaukie cemetery HARTMAN Anna Hartman, 440 Tilla- mooK street January 20, aged 61 heart disease. : WHITSELL Claude Whltsell, comer Second and Madison streets, January is, area i; suiciae. SIMPSON Robert filmnson. Llnnton. Or., January 20, aged 20; fracture of skull. WAGNER John Wagner, Multnomah - hospital, January 18, aged 48. - - CARROL Ida Carrol, Paclflo hospital, January 19, aged 17r menlnritie. DARLING Edwin Darling, Good Sa maritan DoapiLai, January id, agea st nneumonla. RUX Ray Rux. Good Samaritan hos pltal, January 2L aged 12; septlo men Inertia. VA8TBINDER Lee Vastbinder, Mult nomah hospital, January-17. aged 52 pneumonia. MAX M. SMlfH. florist 1(9 6th. sU pp. Meier at tnrann a. Main tiis. CEMETERIES The CEMETERY Beautiful LAROO. PERMANENT PORTLAND'S r ONLY ntnnicRV ci WITH PERPETUAL CARE. of all burial plots without extra charge. Provided with a permanent Irreducible Maintenance Fund. Lo cation Ideal; lust outside the city limits on north and weat slopes of Mount Scott containing 885 acre a. Equipped with every modern con- venlenoe. PRICES TO SUIT ALT SERVICE- THE BEST. 2NB MILE SOUTH OF BNT8. REGULAR iTTTrvfcrrmTT.m HKRV. ICE FREE LENTS ANn THE CEMETERY. . . CITY OFFICE, 920-921 TEON BUILDING. MAIN 926, A-7086; CEMETERY OFFICE, TABOR 1468! HOME PHONE. RING B-611V THEN CALL LOCAL 4201. FUNERAL DIRECTORS J. P, FInley & Son Third and Madison. Idv attendant Main 9, A-1899. Dunning & Mctntee" Undertakers Modern in Main 480. evei very detail. 7th and Pine A .-4568. Laay assisiani. A. R. ZELLft CO 1 ' Both Phonee. Bnc Zeller-Byrnes co.. laay attenaant. ER1CS0N Ifigrisgk Co. Main 8. " Lady aas't 01CA CO Undertaker. tA and Clay UrVL. Tf L.VJ Main 4152. A-2821. Lady aat Or w P. P. uunninn, inc. u. vm aji . a. . wn s t . Tfl stl T 1 i D ar )WARD ' -HOLM AN. undertaker. ; 220 st Laay ssststant. Main em, I rDnU UnderUker. Lady asststan LCnOn B-1888. E.-T81. E. th-Alder, D-. AA Funeral dlrectorr, 889- rearson O0i iti Russeu st. b. io. W GENERAL ' REAL ESTATE 63 tii0lim'e eeaea-fcMSiiiia, .sanwi FOUR room plastaretS house, lot 40100 SIAA tlOn raniitrid. 15 acrea 9 miles out, fl0 per acre. 61000 casn requirea. : ,! ;. IA .Kru mt TnimAa.- tRRA cash. 4 room plastered house, and lot t00, 1100 mMiulreil. .-.' , . acre, S minutes' walk from ear, I . fftAA Clin Art1l1f.,1 . 8 houses and 8 lota, rented, 22500, tlnnA rnulred. The above are absolute bargalaa. but money talk a i' 402 Yeon bids. Marsh atl 949 MEETING NOTICES Ml. SCOTT K GENERAL REAL EST AT i; J FIVE acres; easily clee red, fine sprint, miles , yregon city carj worm 1800 per acre: 125a ner acre If aold at once. IBSO ceeh. A-80I,' Journal. FOR SALE .HOUSES SIX ROOM HOUSR FURNISHED. A IKaw. 41.1.1 . i . . . .Li. iubi v ui.viivi, iicr riflninunii inn house. Is up, to date, bunitalow sty!, 1 block to 8 carllnes. has walks, eteotria fixtures, shades, . furniture, carpeta, kitchen stove and many other household necessities; buy this and save worry about payments for furniture; caah 1650. balance of 12660 in monthly pey- inniiLB m n per monin, inoiiiamg in tereat. Addrees owner. L-290. Journal. ' Buy From Owner . . New modern 6 room , buncalow. lust . , completed, on 60x100 lot hard surfaces street 1 block to car) house complete with new gas range, gas water heater, window shades, swell fireplace, book : canoe, etc; extra large" attlo and full ' basement with cement floor; a bargain . ror someone; easy terms, ure owner, 1087 , E. Main. Phone Tabor 61. BEAUTIFUL 8 room house In Ltarel- hurst; 2 fireplaces, - large sleeping porch, builtin refrigerator, dust and clothes chutes, tireless cooker, built- -in wardrobes, eto.; . corner lot ISxtO. east front beautiful view: $7600; 8500,;,.; cash, balance easy monthly paymenta. Provident investmsnt ft Truetee co 201. 202. 208 Board of Trade bldg. Mar. ,l ahall 478. A-1022. . , MOT Ct- VADTIt i' .. ROSE CITY PARK. ... $100 CA8IL - ; , 7 rooms, sleenlna norch. built-in buf- fet and bookcaee, solid oak floors, kitchen ranee, furnace, flrenlaca. mirror '. doors, eto. ., NATIONAL REALTY 4k TRUST CO, . Phone Main 6129, 1 , M W r as a a et f t ' w W as $12,50 Per Month, 6 Per Cent; at MnMaa el a KA1AA AnsMaa 1a4 " 4 ltuillS ar.BSBVV& WBf fVAlVV vwa StW S) r Firlanl yt o Watt aw rv 1 y near F. S. HALLOCK, Owner, 612 McKay mag. A DANDY 6 -room house, Hawthorne district, cheap at 98760, and owner will accept a lot aa first payment If you are looking lor a nouse, aon t miss seeing this. , - - ? BUT. uecKtou. : ' 'l-Fj-COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Ground floor Board of Trade bldg. 85 Feet of River Frontage acre and a a room, modern house on good earllne, only $8600. - Don't wait until spring to buy a summer home Buy now. . - ? MIX ft MARSH. Marshall 8828. 1208 Yeon bldg. Why Pay Rent When v You can buv a ft. room new house ea a full lot. 1 blocks from car, for $1900. . Only 2500 cash. (16 a mo. .See it. 293 Stark, room SOO-J01. . Marshall 8088. ' . ' FIVE and 6 room nomcs, tire places', hardwood floors, furnaces, wlta all built in modern conveniences, near ear- line, all street improvements paia, monthly paynent plan. ; Privdit In- : vestment ft Trustee Co.. 20L. 102, 201 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Marshall 478. A-1022. - . " 5 Room Bungalow Hot water heating plant oak floors, . everything complete In every way; attic, -8 blocks from car. Price $350). Want all the cash I can get In Rose City Park. G-800, Journal. Big Snap sll at onoe my 8 Must sell at once mr 8 room bunga low, also 6 room new bungalow; have every modern convenience; got to leave ror California next weea on account or health. Call Tabor 2664, - ' BUNGALOW v. m m Ku.nin- sr in etm. at N. Reduced from $3000 to $2650 for quick sale. Sea thla at once. R. C car 1 block. . I - JOHNSTON, BOTHFUR ft TUFFORD. 908 Chamber of Commerce, Main 68(87. FIVE room bungalow, furnace, fireplace. buffet bookcases, . hardwood floors. : gas. electricity, good view. Rose City Park, 2 blocks from earllne; $3360, easy terma Provident Investment A Trustee Co., 201-2-8 Board of Trade bldg. Mar shall 478, A-10Z-V pnkTtltoD HEIGHTSISO DOWN Two lots corner. well built 2 room house, all kinds fruit and berries, eloee to car; price $2200; $50 down. $20 monthlr Including Interests worth look ing into. Fred W. German, M. , or A- 2776. 820 Burnaiae. BEAUTIFUL room cottage on E. 9th st; beamed ceilings, paneled, dining room, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, furnace, fireplace. This is strictly mod- 261 11th St ' . 101$, IF YOU want the nicest a room bunga low In Portland, sea the owner at 1101 Ellsworth st. Extra nice finish, beam ceiling, paneled dining room, fireplace, hardwood floors, cement basement Take Richmond oar to 97th. Prioo $3500; net $1000 cash, baianoe terms. I IttlA flash Down ' . Baianoe easy payments, like paying rent new modem a room bungalow, hardwood floorsvln Ross City Park, close to carj i . hi.nn 2 .If UAU-.- t,t ONE of the best K room bungalows en B. Taylor st; large at tie, eement base ment some ftna fruit trees: modern in every particular and a good buy. BEALS ft ROBINSON, -861 11th St E. 8018. 5 Rooms Modern, $1650 $200 cash, balance $12.50 monthly. T per oent Snap. Owner. - Phone Sell wooa 1 VA, 1X1 1A,,1,U1V1,. . Modern I room bungalow on 80x109 lot, with all Improvements in, near Skidmore on E. 11th, for sale by owner on easy terms, r jonrim. Will Sar.rilrA. fnr Cash 8 room house 60x100 lot East 48th, , near Hawthorne eve. $2250 cash, Webb, 414 B. Stark st . - AeST BWiL BOME" In Irvington: finished In oak. Coma and see It Ready for Inspection. Lot 90 ; 100. And several others, C-1866, East 279. No agents. W. H. Herdman. NOTHING DOWN. tfraSmhoua- and not also a 4 room" house and lot In Alberta district for sale on monthly payments. . La Barre, 209 Commercial block. : ' ' , FOR BALE Good 7 room house with large attic, ruii casement, -urepiace, ill lot. frice liouu. obi a, xayior. . S. Cook ft CO.. 608 Corbett bldg. 160 DOWN $10 monthly buys 4 room cosy nouse on nice .-. rnoi 1 1 ou. Portland Homes Co., 410 Lumber Ex- I r,n.VWrtl ' '11. ' .nnn. m. plete modern home. Don't fall to see this 'cars pass door; a bargain. Owner, Sellwood 69. ' WILk BUILb TO Ult tOUR JPURSlj XLdlJ ISUlLal AW OUI A v 1 j . a AND HELP FINANCE i.HOUSS JJ- 517 CHAMBER OF COM. "MAIU . 1429. $20 MONTHLY, including Interest fif new 7 room house, near earllne; close in. - Bargain - at $2000; cash payment 1 ACRE Almond Acre, tracts. 6 roonj . bungalow, bath, full basement all new. $2400. Rosetta Harelip. Lents R 1. Phone Lents Exchange t2S. -FOR SALE By owner, ITnfversity Park, 7 room house- and 100x106 around. Graded street cement walk. $30 pr month. $3600. L. Campbell, 1744 1-on t, 4 ROOM bouse, lot 100x100, with fruit and berries, at Woodstock, 9X00 ci. terms on balance Phone Sellwood 1H"1. ', .. - , : $1800 casH . ' $ room house, lot 50x100, urnlahe! if dewlred,'- O'yer. Wiwdlnl7. A. "NEWLt 'furnlahed .moIJarn ' Iff tn" house, 2Tya'' lease, reasonable; pait. cash. 128 14th. : . . MuDKRN 6 room cUre. 4u 1.. Jvia ilOtKUN 6 twin lm- 1. ,,.1,IV",-."L!-JE""t -2400 mii"'ro,6rii.i I. . home broken, t .'' . s