The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 21, 1912, Page 32, Image 32

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Professionals Touring North-
v west Will Be Guests of
Portland Gun Club.
V-wl am smIm rtApm sat RiitAm "VfiH.
terday afternoon, fairly rood score
were made by the touring trapshooters
who are competing in tne nonnweswm
' tournament for the trophy offered by
tha American Game Protective and
Propagation association, and the three
, teams In the race will shoot here this
; mornlna- under the auspices of the
Portland Gun club.
- - The San Francisco team, comprising
Fred Willet and Ike Fisher, made It
rive straight wins Dy capturing me o
' lem. competition yesterday. Both these
.. marksmen have been making consistent
core all through the tourney, which
started at Ashland last Monday, but
yesterday Wlllet made his poorest score
of the tour when he broke but 89 of his
string xf J60.J PrevlfliisijLhe had scored-L
over SO each day.
Pete Holohan of the Portland team
waa high man at Salem, for he smashed
I of his string. Holohan's partner,
Robertson, had an off day, and this
probably cost the Portland team a win,
for the duo had Wlllet and Fisher tied
at the end of the first 78 birds. Robert
son undershot most of his losses, and
the same waa true of Poston and Reld,
comprising the Spokane team, r
v Considerable intereat was shown In
the shoot by the Balem sportsmen, for
over tOO gathered at the trap shooting
grounds to watch the experts. The
object of the tour was explained to the
spectators and a number signified their
intention of Joining the association and
helping the cause of game protection to
the best of their ability.
The traveling teams will shoot here
tbls morning, and some fine scores are
expected, not only from the tourists but
from the Portland marksmen as well.
' It Is expected, that a record breaking
turnout of the Portland Gun club will
be present at today's blue rock affair,
which will commence at 10 o'clock this
morning. From here the tourists go to
Seattle, where they are scheduled to
shoot on Monday instead of Tuesday,
as hitherto announced.
The scores made at Salem yesterday
were as follows: Holohan 94. Wlllet
S9. Poston 89. Robertson 78, and Reld
70. The standing of the teams in the
' matter of scores out of the 1000 birds
hot at to dite is as follows: San
Francisco 914 Wlllet 468. Fisher 446.
Portland 879 Holohan 450, Robertson
'421. Spokane 808 Poston 423. Reld 880.
Each man of the three teama has now
shot at too birds, and Holohan has taken
second place away from Fisher of San
Francisco In the Individual scores made.
Noted : Polevaulter Will Rep
resent Multnomah in the
v Olympic Tryouts.
Sam Bellah, the former crack po'.e
vaulter of Stanford university, will wear
the colors of, the Multnomah club dur
ing the 1912 track season and will help
develop the Lincoln high school track
.team.. This was uis announcement yes
: It was stated In San Francisco pa
pers that Bellah would join the Olym
pla club of San Francisco, but he has
changed his mind and win stay nere,
going to the Stockholm Olympic games
tryout as a member of the Multnomah
club. - '
a Manager Beach of "the Lincoln high
school team last week questioned tha
former ' Stanford athlete about accept
ing a position as coach of the team,
Bellah was not then in position to an
swer him, but states now that if the
proposition is still open he will accept
the offer, giving his service gratis to
preserve his amateur standing.
- Bellah is taking a great deal of in
terest In the Pacific coast track meet
which will be held in Berkeley, and if
he coaches Lincoln high expects to have
team that will make a creditable
showing in the big southern meet.
The track prospects at Lincoln nie
very good and a first class team will
be turned out.
The track season in the northwest
will begin the first week ..of May and
from then on there will be busy days
on the various tracks.
The O. A. C meet is scheduled to
tax piace nay u ana me uregon meet
will be held the baturday following-
May 25 the local lnterscholastic meet
will be held. June 1 is the date of the
conference intercollegiate meet and May
6 the date of the P. N. A. meet
' In practice last Friday niglit, the
Portland Revolver club made the score
of 1168. This is the highest score that
has been made in the history of the
club and the members are very enthusi
astic over their showing.,
Sanders was high' man of the evening
with tha score of 240. He made one
SO possible. Armstrong was second with
the score of 280. Hacbeney and Hansen
were bext in lifffe with 229 and Wilson
was low man with 225. Abrahams shot
324 and Berkey 219.
St. Louts and Youngstown will be
the opposing clubs of the local team
in the weekly shoot of the U. S. R. A.
Monday night.
The Hoover Lumber company of As
toria is planning on having one of the
finest ' baseball teams in the state of
Oregon in the field next season. New
grounds have been laid out In the city
by the sea and many fast players have
been signed. The team will be a semi
professional one, and any good player
who desires a tryout will do well by
writing to Manager Holmes.
- Astoria has lacked a baseball team
for several years, and this season base
ball should be one of the best sports
Is Astoria, i 1 ""' .. .
The local management Is trying to get
ft. gains with the Portland Colte.
1 'n ' , 1 ' 1 ... . .......... ...
vs. Taoosas
April 1,17,18,1M0.
July 8. 9, 10. 11, 12, 13.
Aug. 19.-.Z0. II, 22,- 28. 24.
vs. Portland.
April 29, $0-May 1, 2, 3, 4.
June S. 4, 8. , 7,
Aug. 86, 27, 28. 29,80, 31-Sept. !
' vs. Spokane.
May 6. 7.8, 9, 10. 11 July 1.
July 28. 28. 24,' 26, 28, 27.
Sept. 28, 24. 36. 26, 27,' 28.
, vs. Seattle.
MayfSO. 21. 22. 23. 24'. 26.
JulV 15, 16. 17, 18. 19. 20.
i vs. Victoria. . .
Jufie 17, 18. 19, SO. 21, 22.
Aug. 6. 6. 7 8, 9. 10.
Sept. 16. 17 18, 19, 20, 21.
At Tacoma vs. Tacoma,
April 21 July 14-Aug. 26.
May 30. 31-June 1. 2.
Sept. 12. 13, 14, 15.
At Taooma vs. Portland.
May 6.
At Tacoma vs. Victoria.
June 23 Aug. 11 Sept. 22.
At Spokane vs. Spokane.
ADril 22. 23. 24. 25. 26, 27. 28.
July 28, 29, 30, Sl-Aug. 1, 2. 8, 4.
At Seattle vs. Seattle.
May 12 May 26 July 21.
June 10. 11. 12. 13. 14, 16, 18.
August 12, 13, 14, 15, is. 17. 18.
At Beams vs. vunon.
May 1& 17. 18. 19.
June 27. 28, 29, 30.
At Seattle vs. Tacoma.
May 87, 28, 29 Sept. 9. 10, 11. .
At Seattle vs. Portland.
September 1.
At Vlotoria--TS. Victoria.
May 13. 14, 15 June 24, 26. 26.
At PortUnd vs. Portland.
JuneHJHrrs. 9-
July 2, 3, 4. 5, 6. 7.
Kept, a. 4, e, o, i. .
Indicates two games in day.
A.-W. team Thinks It Can
Trim Leading Honeyman
Bunch Today.
The Portland Indoor baseball season
will close a Week. from today. The
nlavlng season has been very success
ful, but the attendance has fallen off
a hit.
The first game this afternoon will be
played between the Archer-Wiggins
team, which has its strongest lineup of
the season, and Jack Tauscner s Honey
man nine.
The Archer-Wiggins players are con
fident that they will win this afternoon's-battle
with the league leaders
and hope to finish In third place.
The second game will be played be
tween Rupert's nine rfnd the Marshall
Wells team. The Marshall-Wells team
defeated the Honeyman team last week
and believes that another victory Is due
today. ,
The schedule maker of the league. It
appears, had the right dope on the pen
nant race this year. The two first
division teams and the two tail-end clubs
will fia-ht it out for the two titles,
uniesa one should win and the other
lose today.
Local Clubs Anxious to Have
School Athletes in
If the teachers' committee of the
board of education affixes Its. endorse'
ment to the request made by Dwlght
Edwards, representing the Commercial
and Rotary clubs, the Washington high
school track team will take part In the
big interscholastlo track meet to be
held under the auspices of the Univer
sity of California at Palo Alto this
Edwards spoke before 1he school
board last Friday and his request was
turned over to the teacher's committee.
which will act on the matter within a
few days. -
The Commercial and Rotary clubs, It
Is Bald, will furnish the expense money
for the teams trip ana it is more man
likely that the request will be granted.
The W. H. S. track team for next
season will be the strongest which has
represented the east side high school
since its completion. Coach. Veatch of
Washington, is confident that the Wash
ington team will break some of the
records in the meet in California and
members of the team have already
started to train for the event.
It is likely that If any other of the
local schools wishes to take the trip,
permission will be granted.
The Jewish Boys of Portland will per
fect their organisation of an athletic
club Tuesday night. January ( 23. Of
ficers for the coming year -will be
It is the plan of the club to promote
both indoor and outdoor athletics.
Baxketball. baseball. Indoor baseball,
and other branches of- sports will be
fostered by the club.
The new Nelghorhood house, at Sec
ond and Wood streets, has been fitted
out with a gymnasium and many improvements-will
be made when the or
ganization Is effected.
Anyone wishing to help the organizat
ion of the club can' do so by being
present at tha meeting Tuesday night,
which will be called to. order at about
8 o'clock.
Ashland, Or, Jan. 20. The Ashland
high school basketball team defeated
the high school team from Roseburg
last night In a fast and exciting game.
The teams were evenly matched and the
game was clean and free from fouls.
The score at the end of the first half
was 10 to 7 in favor of the visitors, but
the locals came back strong in the sec
ond half and took the game with a score
of 22 to 14. Fordney for the locals and
Blakeley for Roseburg did the spectacu
lar work.
Schedule of Norths
vs. Viotoria, ;,' .
. Ye. Portlaad. ,l j .'
April 1. 17) 48, 19, 80. "tl.
July 8. i, 10. 11, 12, 13, 14. ' '.;
Sept. 16, 17. 18. 19, 20, Jl, 12V ;
September ?9. ?V . '',:. ';.!',':
v viotoria. '.'-
16. 17, 18. 19. 20. tl. '" ,
a, . xv, ix, xj. i, i,
1 2. 3. 4, 6, 6, 7. N ,
vs. Vancouver, v''
22. 23. 24. 26. 26. 37. 28.
28, 29, 30, 31-Aug. .1, 2, 8 4.
April 26, 26.
Mav 1. 2,
Sept. 12, 13,
vs. Tacoma.".. .:
29 30-May 1, 2, 8; 4, 6.
o a. e e i . ' '
U.'n,' ik.. .9." 10, 11, 22."
vs. Seattle.
27, 28, 29. 30. 31 -June 1. 2.
19, 20. 21, 22, 23. 24. 26.- -
May . 7. 8.
June 8, 4. . . - J '-'
July 29. 80r.81-Augr-lJV4,'-4,4-Aug.
28. 27. 28. , ;
Sept. 1 (p. m.). S, 4, 8, (. 7, .
Sept. 33. 24, 25.
vs. Portland.
10. 11. 12. 18. 14. 15. 16.
15. 16, IT. 18, 19, 20, 21.
12. 13, 14, 15. 16, 17. 18.
Vancouver vs. Vanooaver.
May 12. 26.
June 10, ii,
July 21.
6, 7. 8, 9. 10, 11.
IV ;
22, 23, 24, 25. S6. 27. . ,
23, 24, 25.' 26. 27, 28.
Aug. 12, 13,
June IT; 18,
Aug.. 5, 6, 7,
At Taooma - vs. Taooma.
12. ,
m i -la la
27r,i28'. 29, 0.
Anrll 22. 23.
At Seattle vs. Seattle.
July 22. 23.
17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23.
6, 6, 7. 8. 9. 10, 11.
,ept. 9. 10,
At Portland vs. Portland.
Ifd . 11 A 1 C 1st 11 vO A
At Seattle vs. Taooma.
iiy ao. w,
June 24. 25,
July l.
18, 14, 16.
24, 25. 26.
At Seattle vs. Victoria.
At Vaaoonver vs. vaacoavsr.
X, .. OA VI
j. v.
July 16. 16,
29. 20, Jls
Portland vs. Portland. ..
At Spokane vs. Spokane,
May 27, 28, 29,. 80. 81-June 1, 2.
Aug. 19, 20. 21. 22, 23, 24, 25.
At Tacoma vs. Taooma.
20. 21. 22. 23. 34. 26. 26.
9. 10. U, 12, 13. 14, 16.
At Victoria vs. viotoria.
June 6, 7, 8,
Aug. 29, 30.
Sept. 26, 27,
8. 4. 6.
26. 27, 28.
George Huff of Cleveland
Probably Gets Highest
Salary of Gumshoers.
Major league clubs pay scouts big
money these days. George Huff, chief
scout for the Cleveland club, la prob
ably the highest salaried sleuth in base
ball. Huff formerly scouted for the
Chicago Nationals. Charles W. Somers
coaxed him away from the Murphy
Chance combination. Sam Kennedy also
scouts for Cleveland.
Arthur Irwin and Charley Farrell
scout for the New York Americans.
"Kid" Oleason, Frank Isbell. Tip O'Neill
and Dannie Long, of San Francisco, dig
up young talent for Comiskey. Billy
Murray, Howard Earl and - George Van
Halt re n are the secret service- men of
the Pittsburg club. Bobby Lowe Is the
Detroit scout. Dan Brouthers and Joe
Gardner, of Dallas, are on John J. Mc
Graw's payroll. Mike Kahoe does the
scouting for the Washington Americans,
and Pat Donovan is to act in that
capacity for the Boston Red Sox.
Charley Barrett, and Fred Lake ran a
fine comb through the minor leagueb
last season for Bob Hedges. Barrett is
a fixture on Hedges' payroll as long as
Bob owns the Browns. Billy Hamilton
works for the Boston Nationals.
Bresnahan had two scouts out last
season Jack Hueston and Charley
France. He expects to send two moo
out next yean.
In addition to Huff and Kennedy the
Cleveland club has several other sleuths
on the trail of youngsters. The Nap
management owns the Toledo club of
the American association, and Lancas
ter club, of the Ohio State league, Co
lumbus, Portland and New Orleans can
also be depended upon to ship any sen
sational material here that might de
Biddy Bishop writes from McMinn
ville, where he Is engaged in business,
that he will have the best independent
baseball team that has ever represented
that town In the field next season. Bish
op rays he wants to win the state cham
pionship. He has several star players
already lined up for the team and is
figuring on developing two or three
more in the near future from the high
school ranks.
Bishop was responsible for the se
curing of sweaters for the McMlnnvllle
high school football team. He Is at
present running a bowling alley and
cigar store in the valley town.
The Lincoln and the Washington high
school soccer elevens will play Friday
afternoon on Columbus club field. The
game was postponed once, .but It was
decided to play the game this coming
The Lincoln team, will be out In full
force against the Washington team, and
expects to defeat its biggest rival In
all sport games.
h) i J;- - f t-J V. J l
When the midnight swim .was heJd in the Pacific ocean at Gearhar Park last, month by members of the
Multnomah, club, at which time a flashlight photograph reproduced above -was made,' it gave a stimulus
to aquatic sports at the Multnomah club such as no other event could possibly have done- This 'year
. the club expects to "have the greatest season In tt tank history, the opening of the new clubhouse being
eagerly awaited by the swimming department v , , . 1 - , ,
vs. Seattle.
ApHI 81,
23, 34
Sept. 9. 10. 11
,''-". '.'. vs. anoosver, " '.'":.
May 13, 14, 16 June 24. 15, 26.
'".'..' ' vs. Portlasd, y----'-
27. 28, 29, 80- f ,
8, 4. 6. i---:
14. 15; ' t '
Sept.i'23, '24. 26.-.;' :.;,; ,..),'.
'" vs. Spokaae.' " ''' ,' ''
June 3,4, 5 Aug. 26. 37, 28.; i
May 22, 28. 84,
Julv 1 Julv IS.
Taooma. :: 1
8. 10. 11.
Aug. ii, is., 14. :i
- as. -asrvtAVexesiA
April 16. 17. 18, 19. t0.1l.
July 8, 4, 10, 11, 1. 13. 14.v
Sept. 1, 2. 8, 4. 5, , 7, 8.
At Seattle vs. Seattle.
vs. Vanooaver.
April 25. 26, 87, 28, 29, 30. ,
July 2S, 26, 27, 28.'-'C-','.'l-,''r'',';V:
Sept. 12. 13 14, 15. '.-'v,'
At Seattle rs. Vancouver.'
12, 13, 14, 10, 16.'
. '
14, 16, 1. 17.18 ;
vai flnokana.
19. 2Q, 21, 22, 23.
8, . 10. 11. .
May 16, 17.18, 19-Jun
At Viotoria vs. Victoria.
a sjeawie vs. xaooma.
May 20, 21, 26 July 18, 19. 20. .
At Seattle vs. Portland.
Mav 30. 81-June 1. 2.
Aug. 22, 23, 24. 25
11. .
ai aeatTie vs.
June 6, 7, 8, 9 Aug.
At Portland vs.
t ft O . 1 A 11.
m a u, i ao, iv.
26. 27, li. 29, 30-
. '
July 29. SO,' 31-Aug.
jli xaooma
Mav Julv 21
91 49 4J .4ft
, 0x v.
17. 18. 19, 20.
June 10, 11, 12, 13. 14, 16, 16. -Aug.
16. 16, 17. 18.
A Tacoma v. van convex.
June 23 rAug. 11 Sept. 22.
At Vaaoonver vs. Vancouver.
June 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22.
Aug. 6. 6. 7, 8. 8. 10.
Sept. 18, if. 18.-19, 20, 81.
81 -Sept 1, j (a. m.)
28. ' ,'
George Haefllng, who got together
the first grammar school soccer
team In Portland.
Reward for the long and untiring
work of George Haefllng to get a good
grammar school association football
team on Portland Heights may comn
this season, Haefling's team from Alns
worth school being in line for tha
championship of the first grammar
school soccer league Portland has had.
Ainsworth is leader of Its section and
Is practically sure of the championship
of that section, in which event It will
play off with Portsmouth for the chara-
pionsnip oi me city, wmcn carries a
silver cup, to be given by District At
torney George J. Cameron and friends.
Haefllng organized Portlands first
grammar school soccer eleven. This
was two years ago. At first there was
no team with which to compete, but
Portsmouth then took up the game, to
Be followed by Hoiiaday. This season
there are 16 public school teams.
Haefllng is not a teacher in Ains
worth, but is employed directly across
the street, which has given him oppor
tunity to drill the youngsters noons
and late afternoons. He has been un
sparing of time and trouble In their
behalf and although the grounds are
small, rough and wholly Inadequate for
soccer practice, his persistence and en
thusiasm have made a winning eleven
possible. Haefllng in Ms younger days
played goal for the fine Mildmay, Ont.,
This year's players at Ainsworth are
Pauley, Steele, Standley, Patten, Trow
bridge, West, Ito, William Thome,
Franlc Thorne, Wagner, Johnson and Al
len. Some Head Line.
A head line In an eastern exchange
appeared as follows In the paper after
the national commission met In Cin
cinnati: "Commission decides against
Cardinals In case of Salmon."
Philadelphia may send five 6-men
teams to the American bowling ' con
gress to occur in Chicago In March.
- 'rs. 'Vaaoonver.'
Jdly 82, 23, 4.
April 81 July 14 Aug. 26.
May 80 81tJne 1, 8.
Sept,:, 12, 18, 14, 16. 1
vs. Portland. ,
Anrll 25. 26. 27. 28. '
July 35, 28, 27, 28,
w vs.' spoxane.
Mav lt 16. 17. 18.. ID.
June 27, 88, 29. 30.
.: . - V'r A : .'
11. f.
vs. vtotona. x
May 26 July SI Sept. 29.
June 10, 11, 13. 12, 14, It.
Aug. 16, 16. 17, 18. .
- v : - -'. -" vs.' , Seattle.
June 6, 7, 8,- 9. -
Aug..29. JO, 81-8ept 1, 8 &
Sept. 8rf, 27. 28... .
,: :J
ABROAD.. - .
asa BnAbaaa
At anaomvev vs. Vancouver. ;
rtyill 1,. 41. AO, 40, u, .
July 8. 8, 10. 11, 13, 13.
A i a , ,u ,n HA
Aug. JV, xv, , n, ii, I. ,
At Seattle vs. Seattle.
May .;7, 8, 8, 10, 11 June 8, 4, 5.
July 29, 80. 81-Aug, 1, 2, 8, 4.
Aug. 28, 27, 28.
Sept. 2 (p. m.J. 3, 4,' 8, 8. 7, 8.
Sept 83. 24. 25. :
At Seattle vs. Portland. '
27, 28, 29,' 80
April 23. 23. 24 July 22, Si, 24.
At Seattle vs. vtofona.
May 20. 21, 26 July 18, 19, 20,' ,
At Seattle vs. Spokene.
May 13, 14, 15 June 24, 26, 26.
At Seattle vs. Vanooaver.
May 27, 28, 29 Sept. 9. 10, 11.
At Spokane vs.. Spokane.
April 29. 30-May 1. 2, S7TT5.
Julv 2.. 4 6. 6. 7. v
Sept. 96. 27. 83
29, 30, 31,
1. 8. 3. 4.
vs. I'aooma,
gent. 29.
Sept. 16. 17. 18. 19, 20, 81,
4.1 Victoria vs. viotoria.
May 23. 23. 24. July !
July' 15. 16, 17 Aug. 12. 13. 14.
At Portland vs. Portland,
June 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. 22. 23.
AUg. t, B, V, B, V, IV, 11.
Vancouver Crack May Meet
Lew Powell in Marshfield
Bud Anderson, the clever Vancouver,
Wash., lightweight, may fight Lew Pow
ell of San Francisco at an early dato
If the plans of the Marshfield promoters
are carried out Anderson is confident
that he can beat the former pride of
the bay city and thinks by bo doing he
will stand a chance of getting some
good mills In San Francisco.
Anderson la one of the best light
weight mixers in the northwest and al
though he has been in the game less
than four years he Is looked upon aa
a comer. His career was started by
Tommy Tracey, now instructor of the
Multnomah club. Bud has taken part In
21 battles and IS of them were won by
knocking out his opponent. He has
never been beaten. In each of the eight
other fights he came out with a decision
or a draw to his credit.
Anderson missed a chance to have his
stock boosted last year, when his bout
scheduled with Battling Nelson was
called off." Nelson was confident of
beating Anderson at that time, but the
Vancouver lightweight was also sure he
would be able to stay the limit with the
former champion.
Of tbe crack local boys, Anderson has
defeated Danny O'Brien, Bobby Evans
and Guy Lee. Frankle Edwards, the
Oakland boy, who made such a hit on
his appearance in Portland, was knocked
out by Anderson In the seventeenth
round of a scheduled 20 round bout at
Klamath Falls. His latest victory was
over Earl Henderson, whom he knocked
out In the seventh round of a scheduled
20 round bout at Marshfield.
A complete list of Anderson's fights
Is as follows: -
Knocked out Soldier Gilbert In two
Knocked out Jlmmte Scott, two rounds.
Knocked out Bobby Evans, nine
Knocked out Walter Arndt, three
Knocked out Kid Adams, three rounds,
Knocked out Gene West, two rounds.
Decision over Danny O'Brien,- four
Knocked out Kid Morrisey, 2 rounds.
Draw, Danny O'Brien, 4 rounds.
Knocked out Klwre, two rounds.
Decision, Guy Lee, 10 rounds.
Decision, Danny O'Brien, 10 rounds.
Decision, Guy Lee, 10 rounds.
Bout stopped, Frank Ely, three
Knocked out Phil Jose Smith, two
Draw, Danny O'Brien, 15 rounds.
Draw, Guy Lee, 10 rounds.
Knocked out, Kid Bear, two rounds.
Knocked out, Frankle Edwards, 17
Knocked out Karl Henderson, seven
Anderson is but 23 years old and Is
Improving right along. If his proposed
match with Lew Powell falls through
It Is likely that he will travel to San
Francisco, where he will Jump into the
four-round game.
Nassau Boat club. New York city.
will build a club house.
r vs. Vicioria.- .';. ..;:
May 8. 7. 8. 9.10, 11, 18. - f J.l.
July 29, 80, jl-Aua-.'l, a; 8. 4.
: vs. Seattle. . ' .,
May 18 14, 16. 16. 17, 18.' 19, v
June 84V 86, 2, 1, 2. i,
July'.' 1.' if- v , ' ",v.''V:, ('.!!'".,
t'.'.fly-vs, Spokane. 'iiySf-KX
May 80. 2,1, 88, 23, 24, 25, 26.
Sept 8, 10. Il7 12. 13. 14.18. a
.vs. Tacoma.
June 17, 18. 19, 20, 81, 28. 28.
Aug. , 8, TV 8. 9, 10, 11. , i. )
- vaw Vaaoonver. - vo'fifl. .-
July 2. 8. 4, 6, 6. 7. , V 1 ;
8ept 8, 4. 5, 8, T, 8t-"r"-'-'TT-
Portland Abroad.
At Seattle vs. Seatts '4-' v
April 16. 17. 18, 18. 20, 81. : 'i K
July 8, 8, lO.'ll, 13. 13. 14. i .
Sept f6.17, 18, 19, 20, 8U
Sept. 89. :,.;; .,,".. r.i,...;ie jtf
At . Seattle vs. 'Taooma. ,'
, .
April 22, 23, 24 July 23, 23. 34.
At sjeattie vs. Victoria,
mav av-i ai-june l. z.
Aug. 22. 23. 84 25,
SeDt. 26. 27. 8rf. v v
At Settle vs. Vancouver ,
September 1.
At Taooma vs.' Tsoomsv, '
April 25, 26, 87, 28. .
July 25. 26. 27, 28. a .
At Taooma vs. vanoonver.
May 5. . ''' ' . - -
At Vaaconvr--vs. Vaoouver.
April 29. 80-May 1, 2. 8. 4.
Jima-Sr 4t 6, 6, 7. 8. :, . ' .
Aug. ., 37, 2, 4U, 81. ;: : .
September 2. '
At Victoria vs. lotorls, -
May 27. 28, 29 Aug. 19, 80, ZL
Sept. 83, 24.' 25. . .
At Spokane vs. Spokane. - :
June 10. 11, 12, 13. 14. 16, 16.
Juiy is. is, i(, is, i, m, zi.
Aug, 12, 18. 14, 16. 16, 17, 18. ;
Famous College Star Receives
Annual Contract but Will
Never Report.
Dudley Clarke will never wear .the
uniform of the Tacoma Tigers. .Clarke
received a contract from the Tacoma
club, on whose reserve list 'his name
appears, but will not sign It. The rules
of baseball call for the Issuance of a
contract to all players on the team's
reserve list, suspended or not
Clarke prefers to remain an amateur
athlete and has no intention of joining
the Tacoma ball club. When queried
about It the former University of Ore
gon star stated: "I will never Join the
Tacoma team. If I had any intention
of joining them I would have done so
two years ago."
Clarke's name appears on the Tacoma
reserve list and has for the past two
seasons. Clarke was a star with the
University of Oregon baseball team, and
the Tigers watched his work very care
fully. Schreeder tried to sign him up
at the end of the intercollegiate season,
but was unsuccessful, although Clarke
accepted the Tacoman's terms. His
name was put on the reserve list and
has never been erased.
Clarke will play this season with tha
Multnomah club team. , w ,
President MacMaster Enter
ing Upon Seventh Year
as Leader.
wun the election of William Mac-
Master as president for the seventh
time and for the fifth consecutive pe
riod, the Waverly Country club faces
tne best season in Its history.
Thomas Kerr was elected vice presl-
uem ana i. m. weDster secretary-treasurer.
The other members of the bourd
of trustees are Wr L. Brewster, M. I
noiDrooK, uoraon voorhles, C. H. Lewis,
ucuibb warren, ana .narry Holland.
me clubs indebtedness, which
amounts to nearly 1100.000. will be re
tired and a new club building will be
erected, wnicti will cost In the neigh
borhood of $100,000.
Other improvements will also be made
by therclub, Including a polo field, and
It is the plan to provide the funds by
the sale of 38 acres of land adjoining
the links at approximately $3000 per
acre. i'
Thomas Kerr was elected captain of
tne gon team. The president's cUp
tournament will start next month and
the regular spring tournament will be
held in March or April,
Local Sporting Notes
The first game of the City Basketball
league will be played Friday night, Jan
uary 26, in 'the Portland Academy gym
nasium between the North Pacific Den
tal College quintet and the second sauad
of the Multnomah players.
The P. T. A, will meet Thursday night
and the teams of English, Scotch and
American nationalities- will be put 'be
fore the board of directors for approval.
Two soccer games will be played this
morning on the Columbus club field. In
the Oregon Association league. The first
game will start at V o'clock and the
second contest will be called at 11
The Big Pour Bowling league season
is well advanced. ; On Tuesday night tbe
Excelsiors wilt meet' the Dilworth Der
bies and the White Crows and Jarretts
will bowl. The league season will close
March 19. - .;, :. :
The Irvlngton Tennis club will hold
the annual election, of officers on Feb
ruary IS, when the . various committee
men and chairmen will be named for the
coming year. No one has been mentioned
for the chairmanship of the tennis com
mittee to date,
The Portland Y. M.' C. A. Is eorrn-
spondlngr with Pacific University for an
indoor track meet. No date has been
settled on yet, but It is practically cer
tain tnac tne two. institutions , will get
togeher in he near fuure.
Arthur Duf fey, Y ex-amateur chamnion
sprinter, thinks George Bonhag win low.,
er Alfred Shrubb's record of. minutes
8-5 . seconds for two miles probably
at the oiymplo games tryouts.
Prof, Genserowski Has Pupils
Well Trained for Their An-;
nual Program,-
- j
Portland lovers of., gymnastics will
have a chance to see the Portland So
cial Turn Verein's prize winning team
of the western. Turnf est, which waa held
In Los Angeles last v summer, ' in ; the
Helllg theatre Monday night. January
22, The local Turn, Verein class won
first prise and had toe highest percent
age at the' close of the tournament, pro
fessor Genserowski is Dlannlnar a vary
interesting program, repeating many of
tbe Turnf est exercise.
, rne business men's class will exe
cute Its apparatus work! thla' heln ana
of the latest fdeas in the list of public
exhibitions. This feature was mlaaluir
from thA rlAVInm taM ,,
Burnt Bell Xxwclsesv
The ladies' clas will do tha d'uitab
,,a ,o una ut pret
tiest exercises on the program.' Profes
sor. Genserowski Is training ths- ladies
In some new steps nd arm swings,
which will be exhibited for the first
time, --' ' ,
The girls' second class will execute
their hoop drill. . ,,,,
A new feature act. the first time, ever
shown on the coast, will be staged tor
the girls of the first cub's. Genserowski
recently received the balance boards
from the east and the little girls have
been training on them and preparing for
their performance. The girls In this
class range from to 10 years.
w pasture Introduced.
Another new feature will be intro
duced by the boys' second class, mak
ing one believe that be is at a baseball
game. He can by a stretch of the im
agination see his favorite pitcher, catch
er or batter at his position ready to do
giory xor his home team. The boys
are working hard to get the exercises
down to a fine point- ' -
The first class of boys will repeat
the pole exercise.
No pains have been spared In mak
ing the program the best ever staged
In the northwest and Professor Genser
owski (believes the largest crowd that
ever witnessed the gymnastic and calls
thenio exercises will be present that
night. "
The program has not ' yet been ar
ranged, but It will be much better than
the 1911 program. The music for tbe oc
casion will be the best that can be se
cured. .
Clubs Along Coast Are Invited
to Portland Event During
Professor Charles , Lamport of the
Portland Fencing club, has Issued Invi
tations to the fencers of Btanfprd, Ore
gon and California Universities, Oregon
Agricultural college, and the Seattle
and the - Vancouver, B. C, Fenelng
clubs to take part In the fencing: tour
nament which will be staged In Port
land March 2.
Arrangements for the tournament
have been started and It is expected -that
it will be the best ever staged n
the northwest. The entries will closo
on February 28.
Miss Lillian Rosland, the local cham-'
pion swordswoman, would like t moot
Baroness da Meyer, the famous French
fencer now ' in New York during the
tournament Baroness de Meyer has ex
pressed a desire to meet the best Amer
ican women fencers.
I, - i i ',
An exhibition swimming meet Is
scheduled to take place Wednesday night
i . . . i , . , , . . .
and Yamhill streets. The program will '
start at S:0 o'clock. .
There will be swimming races, fancy
diving contests and other asuatlo events.
An Alntv1fal hA,niila. JIIAtt.' win '.I..
be made. . ..: , ; ...
Ten swimmers have already entered
to be on the program. The Y. M. C. A. .
swimmers are planning to enter.
Thou .wnn hava mntmraiA .iw rtAlllatai.
Wh..ia Vhulai. Wkul..
Bpawner, Ted Preble, Harold Riley,
Ernst Magtus, N. D. Rose, C. Parcel!. "
J. W. McMurray and V. F. Everett
cevim oi . in . swimmer, innir narr
in the Christmas awlm and ara vntWnri
trt win fhfi r,n W.nauHnv nlnfk,
Juarea, Results, - -
(United Press f-eased WIm.)
Juares, Jan, 20.- Weather clear: track
fast. Results: ' ' ' .
First race Phil Cohnor, t to 1. 2 to
l, even, won; parneil Girl, 2 to 1, even.
second; Hazel C S to 1, third. . Time,
1:00. Scratch. Crowe Foot
Second race Booger Battle, 7 to. 2, '.
even, and 8 to 6, won; Belle of the Bay,
1 to S. I to 4, second; Serenade, even,
third.',. Time,:l:13 , .''
4... am Avvatan a VV V, ' Ji fct
wuv, f,autiutii.ic, iv i, even, eec-
ond; Manasseh, ' 2 to 5, third. Time,
1:08 1-5. Scratch. Masalo, Morallght and
Robert-, i'1-1" ". . ' '' '-. -.. 'v :..:.f : ' '
. Fourth race Malile Girl, 4 to . 1, S
to .6, 4 to 5, won: Little Marchmont. 2
to 1, even, second; Zulu.' 1 to 2, third.
Tim. . 1 tt K . am.,,,!! Ohantlnlov
Fifth : race -Newcapltal, v 20 to -1, (
to 1, 8 to 8, won; Heretic, 1 to 2, 1 to ll,
second; Onatassa, 4 to fi. third. Time,: '
1:40 l-B.-'v!' ' if .' '-1-' .;-" i ...'
j Hivtn raaWaMsirunn m. rn t w .r
1 to , won; Toy Boy, t to 1, even, sec- ''i
ond; Hidden Hand, 1 to I, third. Time.
l:12-6.;;':';''i;i.:.f'.;.' : ;V""
:: ,t. ,''. : ,'' i' "'"'fr-iU
, . ' They Are CalleO Pilgrims. ' .
The latest name given to the Boston -
Nationals Is Pilrrlma. Jnhnr. iri- .
will manage the Pilgrims In 1912 and
will receive $9000 Cor his services. The '
Pilgrims certainly will be a fine name
K tney imisij in the first division, ' - -