2 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND; SUNDAY. MORNING. JANUARY 21. 1912. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 FOK SALE HOUSES : 01 FOIl SALE HOUSES , 01 FOK ' BLE HOUSES 01 FOM BALE HOUSES 01 FOR SALE LOTS 10 ACREAGE 0T Dill-' SSI S10; Month. Interest. 6 Per . Cent, Fin S room bungalow, strictly mod ern ana ap-to-oate; nice lawn, iiowhi, etc. ; For further Information, call Tafcor 3089 -: Mr, Workingman i READ ' THIS ' Small houses and 60x100 lot. $400 and up;, $26 down and $10 a month: rail us up or come out and see them: It will cost you nothing: also lots 1160 and up, It down. $6 month; all these lota are Inside the ci.v limits. Tabor 376. Widell & Wilson f OOJ 71 Oltsan st. M. V. car to 80th, , Something Good 6 room bungalow, plastered, walls tinted, plumbing: in, corner lot, 1 block from car, price $1675; 1100 cash takes this. - 8 room modern house. 2 lots. H block to car. price. $2500; $250 cash takes this. Take ML Scott car to Grays Cross ing;. Grays Crossing Land Co. Tabor 969. '' Open Sundays. $200 Cash $35 Per Month New modern room bungalow, hard Wood floors, large living room, fireplace, den, double construction. The best buy tn Portland today. Restricted district, hard surface streets, 1 block from car. Trice $3400. . Netlan & ParkhlU, 609 Spalding blrtg. SIX ROOM HOUSE FURNISHED. . Alberta district near Piedmont; this house Is 'tip to date, bungalow style, 1 block to $ carltnes, has walks, electric fixtures, shades, . furniture, -carpets, kitchen stove and many other household necessities; buy this and save worry about payments for furniture; cash 1650. balance of $2660 In monthly pay ments ef "5- per month. Including In terest. ' Address owner. L-290. Journal. , Buy From Owner ' New modern t room bungalow, just completed, on 60x100 lot, hard surface street, 1 block to car; house complete with new gas range, gas water heater, window shades, swell fireplace, bonk cases, etc.; extra large attic and full basement with cement floor; a bargain for someone; , easy terms, gee owner, I0S7 K. Main. Phone Tabor 661. ' BEAUTIFUL 8 room house in Lvjrel- hurst; 2 fireplaces, large sleeping porch, bulltin refrigerator, dust end clothes chutes, tireless cooker, built' In wardrobes, etc.; corner lot 76x90. east front, beautiful" View: $7500; $500 cash, balance easy monthly payments. , rroviueni investment & Trustee co. 201. 102. $0$ Poard of Trade bldg. Mar shall 473. A-1022. ..." ,r EAST 47TH ST. NORTH.' ROSE CITY PARK. $100 CASH. fet and bookcase.- solid oak. floors . kitchen range, furnace, fireplace, mirror doors, etc. . NATTONALSKALXT-V,-TRUST - CO, , wizs oimwr or commerce mag. Phone Main 8129. i - j, $3000 i Handsome new 5 room modern bunga low, large attic, in-, Rose City Park. 3 blocks from carline. $800 cash handles deal, lot 48x100. r All modern conven iences and built-in furniture, fireplace. You deal with owner JJo commission to pay. K-296, Journal. 1 $12,50 Per Month, 6 Per Cent 4 rooms, nlastered. 50x100 corner lot. near j? inano. Kv8. HALLOCK. Owner, . 51$ McKay Bldg. Half Acre Chicken Ranch Good 4 room bouse, lots of fruit trees ana oerry ousnes, s large non nouses, brooder house, 60 thoroughbred chick ens. This place is a snap. Price only jsiou. -z minutes' ride, i niocKs rrora carliiie- Call 4Z5 Lumber Exchange. a 111 ' HVt nd t room names, fire Diaces hardwood 'floors, furnaces, wltn all built In modern conveniences, near car line, all street Improvements paid, muniniy. ptiymrni ptan. . rrovmfii in vestment ft Trustee Co., $01. 202. 203 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Marshall is. A-IOIZ. Bunealow ' Excellent materials and workmanship used in construction of this 5 room home;, is built to last; very attractively nnisnea. can at iviv ta. Harrison st. price aooo; terms. BEST snaD in Sunnvslde. 7 room bun ; galow. well improved, 2 Sunnyslde lots, nice garage, all kinds flowers, full basement, cement walks. Price $4500; will discount for cash, or give terms, (See property and owner at 1111 E. Sal-r-on, between 87th and 88th. 4 : Room House, 2 Lots $ heiT-houses'and'yardsrtjrooder houso, 50 thoroughbred . chickens, fruit trees, all furniture. Price only $1500, 2 blocks from car. 25 minutes' ride. Call 425 number Exchange. HVE room bungalow, furnace, fireplace. Park, 5 blocks from carline; $3360,. easy terms. Provident Investment & Trustee Co 201-a-j Board of Trade bldg. Mar shall 473. A-102 ; Here Is a Snap Willamette Heights home for $4000. Good 4 room house on well improved street; rine view. owner must sell, It's a bargain. Be sure and see it, Netfl Brown. 610 Bwetland bldg. , . NEAR HAWTHORNE 2150 DOWN. New modern room bungalow, comer lot, run pasement. a snap. Price $2600. G. E. Weller, 403 E. 50th st., near Lin coln. Tabor 2642. $25 Down, $25 Month Buys new cottage and 60x100 lot, price $1100. Also $220 down, $10 A month, buys peat cottage and 100x100. Price vveoo. 414 jiast starK st. - NORTH 1RVINGTON. Modern 6 room bungalow on 60x100 lot, with all Improvements in, near Hkldmore on E. 11th, for sale by owner on easy terms. P-291. Journal. Sacrifice for Cash $ room house 60x100 lot. East 45th, near Hawthorne ave, $2250 cash. Webb. 414 R, Stark st. - iOR SAXK Good 7 room house with large attic, full basement, fireplace, full lot. Price $7600. 567 E. Taylor. ii. a. .ipk c o . Qua i.oroett Dldg 8 BOOM house for sale, rooms full, $45 rent, 1 blocks from Washington St., 1600 cash, fine furniture, no agents. N fcl'3. Journal. BEAUTIFUL attractive 8 room com- plete modern home. Don't fall to see this: cars pass door; a bargain. Owner, . Bellwood 69. MODERN 6 room cottage, In Vernon, 2 blocks to car and school, $800 cash, balance mortgage, $1000; few days only. K-291. Journal. " WILL BUILD TO SUIT YOUR PURSE AND HELP FINANCE HOUSE- IF YOU OWN LOT. A. C. FURLONG, 617 CHAMBER OF COM. MAIN 1429. 1 ACRE! Almond Acre tractn. 6 room bungalow, bath, full basement, all new, $2400. Rosetta Hamlin, Lents R. 1. Phons Lents Exchange 2823. FOR BALE By owner, University Park, room house and 100x106 ground. Graded street, cement walk, $30 per mnnth.' I360Q, L. Campbell, 1744 Fobs st, 4 ROOM house, lot 100x100 ' with fruit and berries, s,t Woodstock, $800 cash, Ifrms on balance. Phone Sellwood 1106. i "uLKNWOon PARK bargain. $2300. 8 rooms.. New, modern. Owner. . 469 Baldwin st W. 'Bt. Johns car. 1 HAV"k a good t room house with two lots in Indianapolis to trade for prop ry "f f1; C. K. Jones. 402 Yeon bldg. $skV 6 room bungalow," large attic, sleeping poroh, 2 blocks - Mt. Tabor car, -aiy terms. Owner. Tsbor 1902. St iTiTfTtmil equity $478 b roonj modern biingulow; uo agents, MVS 9 9, Journal. r rz n n nn nt Mil 6 Rooms TAKE A LOT. I have had this bungalow built to sell ith ih nH4f f inv,.tir. r tnnnAv for the interest and In lettina- the con- tract I chose a man not because he was i.. i.i.iHi K,,t ... n,. nnA workmanship put in the house. THE PORCH t. ..n ...u'.k i u. i.. ... anrt-n ..iT , ;".,.".nu,u"1" " certlon halt. KKCJfiPTION HALL. Has a coat closet with pier glass mir rors. LIVING ROOM. Has fireplace and built-in bookcases; triple windows opening on front porch; a columned arch opens Into dining room. DINING ROOM. Is paneled, plate rail, built-in buffet, triple window opening on side lawn; a double-acting door opens into the kitch en; another door opens into the pass hall. DUTCH KITCHEN. Has flour, sugar bins, dish cabinets, Eot, kettle closets, woodlift, boiler closet, room closets, drawer-, sink with double drain boards, molding board. PASS HALL. Between the bath room and 2 bed rooms and dining room. BED ROOMS. Are quite large, with windows and closets. The bed rooms and kitchen are all white enameled and tinted In pretty pale green, blue, pink crflors, while the front rooms' are .stained a beautiful golden oak with a flat wax oil finish. The Walls are of tan and cream ceilings. There has been exceptional care taken in the finish of the woodwork, and in fact throughout the whole house, by the different mechanics. If you really de sire to get a home and wish to see the bouse. I will be at house Sunday and will be glad to talk to you, and if you are all right, you need not fear as to our getting together on the terms. Phone Tabor 3159. At home Sunday. Or address P-286, Journal. New 9 Room House, Sacrifice Hardwood floors, fireplaces, Dutch kitchen, cement laun dry tubs, built-in sideboards, fine, sleeping porch, close to car, hard surface pavement in, See this now if you are in the market for a snap, AMERICAN TRUST GO. 213 Chamber of Commerce WE consider this one of our very best offerings: 6 room bunga low, on splendid lot in Rose City Park; brick fireplace and porch; only $3800; $600 down, balance to suit. (Photo at our office.) Dorr E.- Keasey & Co,, id Floor Chamber of Commerce. STOP HOUSE HUNTING. We offer for the first time a double constructed strictly modern and up to date bungalow,-close to Hawthorne ave. car. There are 6 rooms well finished all on one floor, basement, porches, etc. Street Improvements in. This is sightly property and In a fine neighborhood. Price $4000, on very easy terms. This is especially good and worth your con sideration. Whltmer-Kelly Co.. 70 4th st. A-1008; Main 1008. - , MR. HOME HUNTER We have several experienced men who are constantly . scouring the city for genuine bargains in desirable resi dence property. If you are In the mar ket now or contemplate buying a home later on, we can save you time and money if you give us an opportunity. You will like our method of doing bus iness. JOHNSTON, BOTHFUR & TUFFORO 908 Chamber of Commerce. Main 67 ONLY $760 down, balnnce $20 mo. and interest; 8 room modera house on Milwaukee ave., near lnsley. Price $2360, including lin oleum, shades, fixtures, etc. Dorr E, Keasey & Co,, Id Floor Chamber of Commerce. Two Good Buys 8-room modern bungalow. Rose City Park, $3000, $300 cash, balance monthly, 6-room modern bungalow, Alberta dis trict, close to car, $2460, $200 down and $25 per manth, including Interest. ANDERSON & CHAMBERS, 426 Lumber Exchange Bldg., Marshall 4296. $360 Equity 2 room house, east front, lot 60x100. streTermpro-vTrnnrr and cement side walks in and paid for, 1035 Denver ave, 50 ft. south of Alhertn at Vrinm tain Inquire 801 Mississippi ave., phone Wood- lawjMJBO, A CLOSE IN SNAP $2800. 4 room cottage and bath, 60x100 lot, pretty lawn, fruit trees In beMrlnr nn Going street between Williams and Vancouver ave. Improvements are all In and paid for. Owner must have money, $2800, $1000 down, balance on easy payments. V-298. Journal. BUNGA LOW 6 room new bunsalow 687 F! K7ih at N. Reduced from $3000 to 126K0 tnr quick sale. See this at once. It. C. car 1 block. JOHNSTON, BOTHFUR & TUFFORD, gua timmcer or commerce. Main 6967 NOB HILL HOME. 10 room modern house on 2 2d St., near Kearney: faces east: orlce 213.000. For full particulars see us. M. f. Jf ALUiSK-JUNES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. 10 ROOM neatly furnished house, close in. kuuq canine, oirereo At n. annri. flee. Owner must leave city. Phone Marshall- 1960. - Apartment 24. or Mnr. shall 1258. " Z BEST BUILT HOME ' In rrvington- finished In oak. Come and see it. Ready for Inspection. Lot 90x 100. And several others. C-1866, East 273. No agents. W. H. Herdman. FOR SALE. Six room house, modern, with evrv mnv.nl.nPA ahuilaD n .1 fl.,,...., ...... . . ....... . , v.iuuvn w,u iiAvu.ca, iiu agents need apply. Price Is right Own. m, n-tja, journal. FOR SAL13 By owner, modern 6 room . cottage, furnished complete, good lo cation: will rent to responsible nartv for a year or more. 611 E. 9th at., B. L. i:h r. 7 ROOM house, with or without furnf ture. bath room, lot 60x100: 8 fruit trees, street In good condition. Apply 852 E. 11th St., N. Henry Trebelhorn. 6 ROOM modern bungalow in Rose City Park, $3000; $260 cash, $16 per month. Watson & Therkelsen, 806 Spalding bldg. rnune ivimn tova. . FIVE room modern cottage, new furnl ture 60x100 lot improved. All for $1700; $700 cash, balance terms. Owner, 4516 70th st, 8. E. Mt. Scott car. 3 ROOMS, with sewer, gas, toilet, on $7th, near Lincoln. Price. $1000; $75 down, $10 per month. G. E. Weller. 403 E. 60th, near Lincoln. Tabor 2642. $4500 New' duplex house, built for two families, each Dart contains B room a and bath: below coat, terms.; Backus, 814 Chamber of Commerce. 100 ACRES NEAR SALEM Between 2 car lines, all has been cul tivated, fine platting proposition; trade for Portland property, Call 88 10th st (near Stark.) -, .... ' innn ... . .. fXnnA Wn.a I en1AA T? lain. V.amt 440. A,' W. Lambert & Co., 404 K.' Alder IRVINGTON Attractive modern mm- gaipw, bargain at $5260, Phone E. 894. : S5li ' CASH. IDEAL HAWTHORNE AVE. HOME. New and rlorht. tin to date. 0 room house and sleenlnr DOrch. The house Htnnrlfl nn hteh a-mimA with in eri.all.-nt view of the city, where all Improve- I menu are in, including sewer,, gaa ana hard surface streets, The house is double constructed, throughout, with best material and workmanship. It has 8- nice fireplace with triple door book - I cases on each side, the dining room is I nicely paneled and has a beautiful wide buffet, white enameled. Dutch kitchen with everv modern convenience. Three large bedrooms with extremely largo closets, rine protected sleeping porcn. The house has the verv finest Dlumblna - throughout, full sized basement, with cement floor and laundry trays. The price Is only $3850, and Is $500 below the market value. Don't fall to see this good buy. We can arrange terms to suit you. For particulars phone Tabor 806, or call at 1046 Hawthorne, corner 35th st. $750, That's Ail 3 rooin house and 2 room lean to In rear on Leonard street, St. Johns. Lot 60x106, adjoining lots $700 ench. Buy this, pay down $400 and own a home. This place now rents for $10 monthly, so It's a good Investment tot some one. First buver gets It Monday, 2d Floor Chamber "of Commerce. Dorr E, Keasey & Co,, MONTA VILLA LINE. A 6 room cottage for $1600 on very easy terms. We can sell this for a cash payment of $50, and monthly payments of $20. This Is on a good carline, and at these terms it Is much better than renting. BARNES & ANDRUS. 406 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak sts. Main 2081. THIS S room house on Halght St., near Savler, value $4800, is of fered on small payment down, or owner will take equity $3100 for farm. This price includes carpets, linoleum, range, etc. See us for good houses. Dorr E. Keasey & Co,, 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. Business Location Cor. Alblna ave. and Pippin St., for $2200. The best location in entire district for a grocery store. It will pay some one to buy this. This district is growing. CHAS. R1NGLER & CO., 211 Lewis Bldg. FOR SALE House and lot, 60V&X300 on Caradero line, 6c fare, easy terms, $960. For Sale 8 room, 2 story house near Williams avenue and Monroe st. All modern, street improvements paid, $4600. For Sale House and lot, 40 feet by 38 feet, Waverly addition, close in; fur nace, city water, electric lights; easy terms, $2800. NELSON BROS., Phone Main 7591. 804 Lewis bldg. IRVINGTON HOME. A new, modern 9 room house facing on the Tennis club grounds, in the cen ter of Portland's most exclusive resi dence district; furnace, 3 fireplaces, beautiful woodwork, oak floors; many special features; sunroom, sleeping porch and billiard room; lot 75x100 ft.; price $10,500. . H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. 6-ROOM bungalow on 45th near Lincoln, owner really anxious to sell as urgent business calls him away. Price $2775, $475 cash, balance $18 monthly. Dorr E, Keasey & Co., 2d Floor Chambor of Commerce. 5nly $500 CASH. Good 9 room modern house, nearly new and over one-half acre of ground; Improved streets, cement sidewalk, good location near car line, about 35 minutes' ride from 5th and Washing ton; fine place for chickens or garden; only $500 cash required. Address A. C P. O. box 495. Three Good Buys 60x100 lot, 6-room house, $1100, $200 cash, balance terms. 61x100 lot. 6-room house, $2550, $300 casn, balance terms. Mill ho',?.1; 3n"S?,?1n-h?!,nn yiuufnnhIior both any s",aI1 Payment and bal lcken house ana runs, $1800, $300 cash, i Bn(.e ii,.. rpnt pn Zarner rai som lance terms. We have others. , ance line rent, call owner, l,ast 5910 chicken bal MILLS & SON. 811 McKay bldg. $150 Cash," $20 Per Month $2600, 6 room bungalow on W W car llne: has bath, electric llehts. linen and .li . j , , , ift,Pa? ,f?hAj?LZ0,?'lt beamed celling, Dutch kitchen, full ce- nient basement, no mortgage to assume. 612 Oerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder sts. MUST BE SOLD. Owner will sell modern 6 room house In fine location, close In on east side, HI lwu-iniruJ BllUBI value, ll laura ai once; if you have llOOO cash to invest. , . .,-1 i -.. i . . see this place, immediately and you will look no further. Address A. D , P. O. box 495. Big Snap Must sell at onco mv 8 room bunara- low,. also 6 room new bungalow; have every modern convenience; got to leave for California next week on account of , health. Call Tabor 2664. $1000 6 Room House $100 down, balance monthly payments; on 6 cent car line, close to large grade scnooi. oi w Acmgion oicig. HKAIM new 7 room nouse Tn" Laural- hiint tnr lignfl- tl 00 Hnmn 1, I ., I to arrange; has every modern conven arrnnire: has everv mnrtem' rnnun.. i ience, l blocK from car, 300 street im provements to assume; take it now and we will tint and paint to suit. Wood. lawn 1493, NOTHING DOWN. S room house and lot, also a 4 room house and lot in Alberta district, for sale on monthly payments. La Barro, 209 Commercial block. DON'T BUY UNTIL YOU SEE THIS Five room cottage with large lot for $1950: on E. 12th st., near Clinton. De ment & Krider, 248 Madison st Main 6202: BEAUTIFUL 6 room house, full 60x100 foot lot in fine location on E. Couch st A snap at $6500. Terms. WATSON A THERKELSEN, 306 Spalding bldg. Phorte Main 7592. 5 Rooms Modern. $1650 $200 cash, balance $12.60 monthly, f per cent. Snap, Owner. Phone Sell wood 1542. ; LOT and 2 room shack near Grays Crossing, $450; $26 down and $10 monthly for 8 months, $5 thereafter. n. t wAiiiKKa, lasvfc 1st st., room 4. $17F DOWN $10 monthly, buys- 6 room coiy house on nice lot. Price $775. Portland Homes Co., 41 Lumber Ex- change, 2d -and Stark sts." $25 monthly buys coxy 5 room bungu- low that was built for home, but business calls owner , away. . Tabor niij; loiumnia D42, ENTIRELY new, strictly modern i room residence In Overlook addition; can be bought at a bargain and easy terms. 8 j 6 Henry bldg. , '. $1800 cash: room house, lot 60x100, furnished if desired. Owner, Woodlawn 787. $1000 equity in 6 room bungalow for . rooming house; , corner lot '85x100. can Marshall 1314. ' $3900 ' . $500 Cash New. modern 7 room house. only one block from Hawthorne avenue: close In: west of 37th .street. Thin Ik a honntU i ful home; large porch extending across ; iron i; nice reception nan; coat closet; sliding doors to parlor, arch columns to dlnin" room; beautiful buffet In dining j room; . Dutch kitchen with lots of cup I board room and large pantry i 4 large i bed rooms tip stairs with extra lame j closets and bath. This home is tne i choicest or my list for the price I am I asking for it. Do. not hesitate to look mis uo 11 you are looking tor a home wnere tne price and terms are rigtil, 1 T A 0,,iU.J.. J ' rVi OUUICIiailU 1084 Hawthorne avtnue or phone Tabor 8017. $300 Cash Will handle one of ihe best buys . In Hawthorne district, only 1H blocks fsoin Hawthorne ave. on 35th st.; 6 rooms on first floor, with ample room upstairs for 4 large rooms, if finished. Shades ana fixtures go with place; ce ment walks around house; nice lawn, roses, etc. Faces east, on hard surface street, cement, side walks. The lot alone Is worth $1700 and the price for house and " lot Is only $2960; cannot be du plicated for the money. Hawthorne Investment Co, 1021 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 3861. $200 Cash SUNNYSIDE BARGAIN New 6 room bungalow, fixtures and shades, walls all tinted, faces east, hard surface streets and all improvements paid; 1 blocks of Hawthorne and 4 blocks of Mount Scott car; only $2850. Hawthorne Investment Co, 34th and Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 3661. $300 DOWN, $25 mo. and Inter est: 6-room new modern house, H block from Kenton carline on Stafford street. Owner will ac cept lot up to $700 or small acre age near carline as part payment. Price $2500. A snug norae on easy terms. Dorr E. Keasey & Co., 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. Beautiful Home on Waverly - Heights . for $3500 6 large rooms wttlr-bedrooms, ISxif; pretty fireplace, large -reception hall, built in water cooler and all other mod ern conveniences; well made through out ana on nign sightly lot. $300 down and very easy terms. See Bryant, with Joseph Graham. 1007-09 Board of Trade Building. 10 MODERN Brand new 6 room house in Highland 2 blocks from Union ave. Choice resi dence district. Best car service. Can not be beat for the monev. For terms and full particulars phone Woodlawn 1561. Office 27th and Alberta. $27 MONTHLY CAN YOU PAY IT? THEN BUY THIS HOME. Will sell to reliable party who has steady position, a modern 6 room, and bath bungalow on 81st st., just a block from car line, on monthly payments of $27, which will be the total payment. Price $2200. 418 Railway Exchangt. Marshall 2763, or East 3962. DO YOU THINK You would like to own a 4 room bunga low with cement basement, plastered, modern plumbing, fireplace, double con struction throughout, on 60x100 lot? If you would, and havo $300. and will "pay the balance of $1700 within the next six years, see Mr. Leonard. - COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Ground floor Board of Trade bldg. Five Room Houses i am just commetinsr two 5 room houses, corner 3 2d and Sumner sts., two blocks from car, with all modern con veniences, including fireplace, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, laundrv travs. complete plumbing, etc. Will sell either $700 Below Cost Owner is leaving the citv and will sell his modern 5 room bungalow, close to KUlingswortli and Union aves., for iiuo la n uL.-auiii.ui nine on n- i1 and ' wor" every cent of $3200 DeVOllMri A .inHVViu aoau. this is a bcautllul ttle bun DeYOUNO & JOHNSON. 614 Chamber of Commerce. Telephone C-1806 Sunday. Just Completed Modern, five rooms; full basement, i,riiiiiv iiuur: uaruwuuu iiiwrB. iiremacp. n.lrmr rinnra I, ..lit In kiu.l,n.... .7. C'k.'k u"'2okfe"- i.ci H. block south Sandy road, 42d st. See mis and mane oner; will consider acre age or vacant lot In exchange. Phone Woodlawn 2292. Owner.. A DANDY 6 room house, Hawthorne district, cheap at $3750. and uwn.r will accept a lot as first payment. If you are looking for a house, don't miss elnB lnls' Mr. Becktell. COL1TMRIA TRUST COMPANY Ground floor Board of Trade h 1 d g. BEAUTIFUL 6 room cottage on 10. 9th st.; beamed ceilings, paneled dining room, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, furnace, fireplace. This is strictly mod ern and a bargain at the price asiced BEALS & ROBINSON, 361 11th St. E. 6023. ... YOU want the nicest 6 room buiiKa- low in Portland, see the owner at 1105 Ellsworth st. Extra nice finish, beam celling, paneled dining room, fireplace, hardwood floors, cement basement. Take Richmond car to 87th. Price $3500; net iuuu can, oaiance terms. $150 Down 6 room new bungalow, modern in ev ery way, sleeping porph, fine yard. Worth $3000; owner will sell for $2500. Call 4928 E. 74th st, 2 blocks east and 14 block north Firland. $1700 CASH takes fine 6 room furnished bungalow in best part of Alberta dis trict, balance can be paid in small monthly payments. This is a snap, as I am going east and must sell. Call at once. o Ki. loin in. ONE of the best 5 room bungalows on E. Taylor st.j large attlo, cement base ment some fine fruit trees; modern In every particular and a good buy. . BEALS & ROBINSON. ' 361 11th St. B. $023. WTLTT take small amount of cash unrl trade or $1600 eoultv in a fine new bungalow close In; balance $2600 long time. V-291, Journal. 6 OR 7 rootiv house, at $26 per month, or your lot as payment Parker, 602 Corhett blrtg. 42400 MODERN 6 room bungalow, $1800; W, $1800. v,8?2 E. Have broken terms. Owner, 21st N. " ' -"'. $876 4 room modern home, Vernon; Improved streets, gas, palanoe $500 mortgage. 1150 K. 19th st. Owner. FOR SALE House and lot easy terms. 664 Linn ave. 8 ROOM modern house and two lots by owner. Phon e Co In mhl a 3 6 3 ' HWODERN 6' room .'.cottar. 456 E. 15th jv rnon Kant huh. MODKRN 8 room largo house at ' 15th and Mill sts., west side, -Main 6212. $1200:' for h $600 WILL TAKE IT. . i I am-leaving the city and will sell my $1200 equity In my $3600 home for $600. r , , This Is a beautiful little homo and far superior to the descrlntlon in this advertisement. There is a cement block retaining wall across the front of the lot. cement steos rise to the cement walks in the yard, and front porch, from which an art glass bungalow door opens into the living room, n ,. Living room . . 'V Is 44x12 feet, and has a double window opeVng on the side lawn, the upper sasnes are of art glass; a door opens from this room into the front bedroom; a large columned arch opens into the dining room. , t Dining-room ' This room is 13x14 feetj'and has the walls below the platerall finished with buckram and strip paneling on top of that, making a canvas backaround for decorative purposes. There' are beam ceilings in this room, each. corner hav ing an art glass lantern. ' There is a beautiful built-in buffet with art glass doors and bevel-edge French mirror. This Dlec f furniture I had made hv a ? radical cabinetmaker. Above the bur et 1s a long art glass window, while either side are built-in seats and sash windows with art glass. These two rooms are done In a flat 'golden' oak iinisn. The Dutch kitchen is a model of con' venience. with lt many drawers: suarar ana iiour cms, pot ana Kettle closets, molding board, woodlift, boiler closet. A door opens into the basement, which Is full length and cement floored and wash trays. Bedrooms Are 12x13, and have two windows' each, with art glass upper sashes, and large closets with windows.. Bathroom- Has a full line of plumbing, consisting of low-down flush toilet, ca stir on white enameled bath tub, washstand; doors opening from each bedroom Into the Data. Each bedroom, living room, dining room has art glass dome of tleotrlc fixtures, with four chain pull sockets below and two pilot electrics above, with two gas candles, window shades and linoleum go with the house. This house is a beauty, and all I ask Is the purchaser be all right and they may have no fear of making terms to suit. Phone Tabor 3159. I will be at home Sunday and Rind to show you the place, or address P-285. Journal. $500 Cash E. COUCH ST., NEAR 23D; 6 ROOMS AND SPACE IN ATTIC FOR 3 MORE ROOMS: CEMENT BASEMENT, FUR NACE, FIREPLACE. GAS AND ELEC- TJUC FIXTURES... LOT 60x100. .A VERY GOOD BUY AT $5600. Ward & Younger Suite 426 Yeon Bldg. Irvington Home Taken by a wholesale house on a debt will be sold for the amount of the claim. This is an 8 room house, with furnace, and garage, large lot, street paved and paid for. on carline. Price 1b only $5200 and it is a good speculation. Barnes & And rus 406 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts. Main 2081. WHY PAY RENT? When you can get a new 5 room modern bungalow, with every modern convenience, full cement basement and laundry, handy travs, graded streets, cement side walks, in a splendid locality. 4 blocks from car. Price $2500; terms like rent. Call for C. G. Reagan. CHAPIN & HERLOW, Members of Portland Realty Board. 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. AT a sacrifice sale, if sold at once, two modern 6 and 7 room houses, largo grounds, well improved, high and sight ly, good neighborhood, rent $20 each, on Hawthorne car line; $5500. C-307, Journal. 7 ROOM house at 8th and Going sts., must be sold to prevent foreclosure; a bargain If you buy now; terras. Attor- ney, 614 Chamber of Commerce. $200 DOWN, $25 MONTH. Buys new 5 room modern bungalow, close' to car and school: price $2260.- Call 88 10th St., near Stark. FOR SALE LOTS, 10 'Suburban Homesite l aoT rich .Alluvial-soil, .fine- natural park of small fir on back end; view of snow peaks, three blocks to street car; center of fast growing district. $1260; easy terms. -jua, journal. IN A very pleasant neighborhood on Portland Heights, within 100 feet of the carline. I -have a very desirable building sits with a southern exposure that I will sell to anyone who will build a home for $1650. To facilitate build ing I will loan to party making an in itial payment of $1000 cash the addi tional money necessary to build a mod- ern home. E-305, Journal. "V ANYONE desiring a piece of ground with splendid view and on a 90 foot boulevard, that ""ill have a 20 foot park way through the center, ought to see the two lots on the H, W. cor.- 29th and the boulevard In Waverleigh Heights. Close to school and car. This will be an A-l place for a first class house and can ba bought for. much less than the true value. B-306. Journal. $1400 BUYS a choice acre In a dis- trlct where lots are selling for $500 each; this is a bargain; located west side; only 16 minutes' car ride. M. E. Lee, 311 Corbett bldg. , $600 for Vi acre, west side, 5c fare, only 16 minutes' car ride: raise your own vegetables, berries, chickens, etc; it pays. Terms to suit you on the above. JMJ.ee, gll Corbett bldg. APARTMENT HOUSE SITE. Nob Hill corner, 100 feet frontage on Flanders. Income while vou watt, $1000 a year. For particulars and price, call on D. L. Brace Co., 808 Board of Trade. LOT in Montavilla that cost $600 to be given away, for $350., Terms. GODDARD & GODDARD, duo iron Ding. I HAVE a 60x100 lot on the west side, close in, in a-high class district for $750. Street graded, sidewalks In. : B. 804, Journal. . ; FOUR lots in Irvington Park addition on '24th st, near Alnsworth ave. Easy terms. Owner 709 Yeon bldg. 100x150 adjoining Westmoreland with - running water for $1200: terms, Call 421 Hamilton bldg A 60xiOO lot. mil. and Sandy Road, Rose City Park; assessments paid; for ,n. csii i namittpn tt'Qg. $2600 BUYS a good corner on east side, close in, A-l for apartments or flats. m. is. Lee, mi; corpett ti a g BUSINESS lot in south Portland at a bargain. M. K. Lee, 811 Corbett bldg. buxtw on l'rescott st., tuo, an improve ts paid.- Owner, A-2258. . WHO wants a fine, Ross City lot?' G 195, Journal, T' - . 7 FULL lots for $276 cash. A. great sacrifice, whip, 414 .re. stark st. FOR SALE by owner, 3 lots 60xio6, . $875. Terms to suit V-29C, Journal. Don't, Read This Unless - You , Wan to Make Money," ''.-25 lots 60x100, well located lit Fulton, southern Portland, prloea , $300 to $1000 each, 1-8 cash, bal anoo easy. Substantial Improve ments golng . to be jmade in this district will Insure an increase in . .the value of these lots and we may not be able to deliver them at these prices 60 days from now. "' .' The Shaw-Fear Company - .10$ Fourth St. ; tola 85. - , A-860O. Splendid Lots 177 feet frontage In Hawthorn .' . &n J 1 U Jk IT. section, near E. 47th and Haw thorns ave.; price reduced, terms easy. Hartman & Thompson iteai instate uepi. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ' Cheap Lots 40x100, on E. 24th st. near W. "W. car; has 6 large cherry trees: price !800; have $46 equity; will sacrifice for 25; balance payable $5 per month; this s a bargain. Fine corner lot near. Iranhoe station. W. W. car, $$00; $10 cash and $10 per month. .... ,' : . 4 ' F. A. BEARD A CO.. ' v 1 a Oerllnger Bldg., 2d and Alder. $280 Equity . In $500 Lot For $100 Cash Balance monthly payments; no Inter est Must be taken at once If wanted at thia price. Forced sale. Phone Tabor 806. ;Sunnyside Lot 4fiy1f)0 Facing east on 28th st. between Haw- vnua v ajus J IIUO ,BLL IA Oil vQl ..4 1 -J 1 i v-v dk.aA'n. uaviiiK in anu paia. .race szgdu. xenne. RIO A ktaM tu MionuiiiRiuii uiUKi A Fine Lot for $700 In ROSE CITY PARK. Portland's best residence section, close to the carline ana street ' improvements paid for. Terms easy. DeYOUNO & JOHNSON, 514 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Here Is That Lot $700 on 63d st, 100 feet south of Han cock at, $300 cash, balance monthly in stallments. See Mr. Hart at branch of' flee 39th and Sandy road. . JOHN W. COOK. 432 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $1300 Irvington $1300 Right on 15th st. on Irvington carline. Entire district hard surfaced. Easy ST AVER & AUSSIEKEH, i4 c:oucn piqg, In Piedmont The best and cheanest lot in this ad. dition $1025 cash. This week only. Sac- mice to raise money. NEILAN & PARKHILL, 609 Spalding bldg. $1400 24th and Stanton East front lot riKht on Broadway ear. Above grade, Just right for home. Easy luruis, STAVER & AUSSIEKER. 614 Couch bldg. $3 Down, $3 a Month Buys fine lots in Haxeldell, Inside city limits, near M-V carline and on new Mount Hood electric: water mains In, $186 up. G. L. Webb, 414 E. Stark st. cor. Bin. Flat Location Fine corner lot one block from HAWTHORNE AVE., . $2000. , X. O. BARKER, 327 Mohawk Bldg. $10 Down, $10 Per Month nils view iul miiumi iruii irorn: restricted district near - car, ceipent walKs, Bun Run water: ZOZ Board Of Trade Dldg. Marshall 473. A-I022. I HAVE a $70 equity in a fine lot at Jonesmore. I will sell at hlir re duction If sold at once, or will trade for horse or cow. Phone Main 3639 or call at 429 Salmon. $4300100x100 corner on Williams ave., east front, suitable for flats or apart ments, both streets hard surfaced and paia ror. none Mam 43 7a. room 201 Gerlinger bldg. PORTLAND Heights lot 66x160. with , view of Mt. Hood: must be sold to meet payments on other property: price only $1600. Attorney. 614 Chamber of commerce Diag. $460 FOR 60x100, TERMS, TOO. Have 3 lots, half Drlce. loin Waver- lelgh Heights, sewer cement walks. streets graded, bonded. Smith-Wagoner Co., aii-3iz Liewia nidg. 60x100 foot lot. corner 7th and Clav. Fine apartment house site. A snap. HAisun as J. ttriKicniijisEiiN, 306 Spalding hldg. Phone Main 7592 LOT 46x100 on 42d St., 2 blocks south nf Hiiwthnrnii nvA t o iarva(p. J A A Cash,, balance $10 a month. Phona ffabor i34 or x-zn,. journal. NICE lot, Rose City Park, 2 blocks from store and car. Streets and sidewalks paid,'-$700. J. E. Parsons, owner, 801 Wells Fargo bldg. , 80x130 foot lot on Willamette boulevard, $2100, on easy terms. WATSON & THERKELSEN, 306 Spalding bldg. Ph,one Main 7592. FOR SALE at discount, 2 choice lots in Laurelhurst, or will exchange' . for building 7 room residence, p. 0. Box 283, Palouse, Wash. , NEAR PIEDMONT CAR "BARNS $600." Full lot, on Gay street, close to Kill lngsworth, all cash. Fred W. German. AAn n f .1 . ( 1 AHA ' ozv Diirnniti". in. or a-iiio. WE have a number of snaps in Irv- mgion. WATSON &. THERKELSEN, 306 Spalding bldg. Phone Main 7B92. FOUR lots .--In - Grovel and park,- $700 each: very easy terms. Good place for a builder. G. E. Weller, 403 E. 60th, near Lincoln. GOING .east must sell my lot in West Moreland, 3" blocks from new' Reed college, $725, half cash. Phone Wood lawn 198. - i $286 BUYS a fine lot, 60x100, on the 'west side; grand view, water piped to the lot. Terms $20 cash, $6 pep month on balance. M. E. Lee, 811 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE $600 buys a fine lot one block from E. Gllsan st car at 66th st. . Dement & Krider, 248 Madison St.. M 6202. ' V ' BEf! Eie Nolr .'ft Co. for west side nrooertv exclusive dealers In . t jide realty. 837 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 100x126 on Tillamook st Hard surface Will divide. Fine lo cation. P. O. Box 460. city. TWO lots, 100x120. with small 2 story ' house on same, In Oaksdale, Wash., for sale or trade. L-293. Journal. -$660, nice lot 60x100, cement walk and i water in, paid; terms. Riverside dis- trict Plttenger. 1095 Maryland ava.r 60x110 foot lot in Rose City Park, $850. WATSON & THERKELSEN, 806 Spalding -blrtg. Phone Main 7592. RESIDENCE lot, 76xl0n on " Weldlen near 19th. Owner. 706 Yeon bldg. Irvington lot, choice surroundings. lmprovemenispaia. rnone aast 394, ACltEAGK 51 5 ACRES 10 miles from Portland court house for $1600. at station on Droirnn Electric; $600 down, balance mortgage or payments. I04 nntn st. r. 6 ACRES, small bldgs., 1 mile of electrio station, 15 miles of Portland. $600, twrms, jv. M, ,. Appie. 4a nvnry mug. UALAT1N valley, 6 acre tracts, cleared and uncleared, for sale on easv Imhih. Phone' THnr 464. , LAST CALL 5, lO, 20 Acre TractsL . $30 per acre. 1 easv terms. i CHAS. to. SHORT, 225 Lumber Exchange 1 , " 1 60 Acres - . - Between 66 and 75 acres under eulti- y?iSXA'''ia xcr.ea "lashod and seeded, 100,000 feet of green timber, all rioli Ian.V 'room a -story house, large barn and outbuildings, family orchard, good well, place fenced and cross fenced, school adjoins place, 1 14 miles from country town and 4 - miles from good ft'An0!'! 4 neighborhood. Price $10,000. $4000 cash, balance within 6 year,. . New eleotria ( line sure to go ,f farm;, 70 tons of hay In-. Chicken and Fruit Ranch V .. acres, all. under good state of cul tivation, good level land, a plaoe ail fenced, about aores in-full , bearing orchard, 8 room house, R. F. D. and tel ephone service, U mile from school, ,m'la ,f,ron "ma town on the R. H. and 9 miles from Vancouver on a. good graded road. This place is located in good neighborhood and Is a good buy at $2800. $1300 cash. s 7 27-Acres' ' ' 27 acres of excellent land, about I acres under cultivation, more very easy to clear, about 200 cords of wood on place, f enoed and crossi fenced,- good well, t room house; large barn, chicken house, etc. Includes 1 milch cow, new wagon and harness, 8 year old mare, some chickens, all small tools, etc. Sit uated 7 miles out, H mile from R. R. station, church, store, school., eta. Price only $3600. Terms can be ar ranged,'.: . ; : 80 Acres ' ' 40 acres under eultiva.Hvn tnnM aaav to clear, good level soil, family orchard, fenced and cross fenced,' i room house, new barn 60x70, and outbuildings, good well on place. 1 mile from good R. R, town, with church, school, store, etc Proposed electrlo . line - surveyed past piace. price $8600, $3600 cash, balAnos 6 years at per cent. ' , . I hompson w. owarv - 8th and Main sts., Vancouver, Wash. - WB ARB MAKING JL 43PECLJL- In small tracts from 1 to t , or 10 acres. These tracts are very coovenienu)T i oca tea, oeing Close to electrio station, with soil of the very best quality no rock or gravel. With onlv a small amount of cash. The balance by the month. J. 8. Trumble, Base Line Land Co. 404 Railway Exchange. -Phone Mala 2S9L Beaverdam 2$ acres fin land, 6 acres of whloh Is genuine beaverdam in cultivation, balance timber enough to pay for clear ing; running stream to irrigate If you want to; place lies fine, right on main county road, mile from electrio sta tion. 20 miles from Portland, mile from Willamette river, right on main county road; R. F. D., telephone and milk route. Price $3000; $800 cash, bal ance long time at 6 per -cent Cheapest piece of land in the country, . CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY. 620 Railway Exchange Bldg., 4th and. . Stark Sts. Making nearly 4 acres, all under culti vation, 4 room new house, new barn 16x 20, shed 7x14, two good wells, 3 acres In crop, 1 acre plowed ready for crop. This is good soli and has no rocks. In the city limits of Oregon City, on Moun tain View. Price $2500, one hair cash, balance 7 per ceijt- V H. S. CLYDE, 1003 Main st. Oregon City, Or. 2 acres, mile from station, sidewalk 2-3 the way; very rich soil, easy to clear, and only $625 for the tract; $65 cash and only $10 per month until paid for. This is 40 minutes' car ride, and has 18 new houses In view. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 35 102 4th st. A-3500. 60 ACRES about 24 miles from Portland on Oregon Electric, 83 acres clear, bal ance second growth fir and oak; less than 1-4 mile from a good town with power t house, brick yard, tile factory. churches,- stores, bank and $4000 school school house. Good soli, lays level, on main road,, with telephone and electric wires. Price $176 acre, Will take Port land property in part payment to $4000. iiarini j n.HHas. cvft n. q St. SMALL farm near the capital of Ore gon Is the best kind of an invest ment No city in Oregon outside of Portland can show the growth and de velopment now under way in Salem. Our land is the best, prices are very reasonable, and the purchaser is bound i to make good on his investment here. For further information see Ralom Board of Trade, 226 Henry bl d g. Rich black loam. 800 oorda of wood.' 5000 cedar Posts. SDiinsr and " snrinv brook. 19 acres level. S acres broken land,- ' pf- win sen an or nair at iioo per acre. This Is a bargain and will nay vou to look it up. Terms one half cash, balance to suit buyer. - . n. 8. CLYDE. 1003 Main st. Oregon City, Or. Beaverdam Land NearTy all in cultivation: $125 per acre, near Portland. Good transporta tion on 2 electrio lines; easy monthly payments. 6 acres of timber land. $40 cash, $8 per month. Sohool on grounds. PAC. IV. W. DEVELOPMENT CO., t 408 Couch Bldg. SMALL, farm on lower Columbia river, 80 acres, 20 acres bottom land. 6 aores In cultivation, bearing - orchard, good house and barn; plenty of water; $750 worth of timber on place. Can be sold and applied on payment. Price $2250, easy terms. ' Lueddemann & Burke. 921 Electric bldg. THE greatest developement In suburban . property win occur along the line of tho Oregon Electrio between Portland and Salem. Get hold of some of this property now. Close to station, in laro-e or small tracts, for sale or exchango. Call 226 Honry bldg. for further hW Tormanon. 5 and 10 Acre Tracts v Just what vota have been tonkins- f nr. We have- some splendid bargain? Just now. Geo. H. Root, with Oregon Fruit & Development Co., 208 Railway Ex change bldg. Main 4269. ' " ' - $80.00 PER - ACRE. . : 88 acres at Broadacrett on the O. E. R. R.. 80 miles from. Portland, well drained," running water, buildings, some u inner, ivu ruus'ironi "anon, nice to . subdivide. Write Al Mistier, owner. ' Wnodburn, Or. ... 7& ACRES inside city limits of Fair- view. tine nronos tlon for olaltlnir: - reasonable; $200 down, 6 per, oent on Balance. - .-,.' ;..-..v."4". WATSON & THERKRUTO'. ' 306 Spalding bldg.; Phone Main 7692, 3 ACKKS,- adjoining Gresham; fine pro- position . for platting; 1 block - from Mt. Wood car line.' $1900, $300 cash, balance terms, ' WVTSON & THERKELREN, 806 Snnldlng bliisr. Phone Main 7S92T 16 ACttfcis adjoining.. Woodstock, near Krrol station. A snap at iizuu an scro. jo per cnt down, balance 6 per cent 306 8 pnldlng bldg. , Phone Main 7B92. BbPokK selecting your ranchlook in- " ' to the opportunities about the state capital. It is .now the most promising 1 -locality in Oregon, Get further in. formation of tho Salem Board of Trade. 226 Henry bldg. - - WILL . build automobile garage end ' .'1... MBA,' Fn, tt ltiiWWI r1 V.M u ' h,a... ..I.J- ' M K. Le. 811 Corlwtt Mdg. 10 ACHES best of soli, 'car and .watep hrtinning through It. cIoha In iiimn triris. 1 203 Yeon fildg. 1 1 ACRK- Iinprove'd, close' to elec, $500", easy terms. Apple, 429 Hcny bldg. 3i mm