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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1912)
12 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 20, 1912. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 lJMBOOT show case. valt glass. foot JJiflw cabe, all glass -both -French TUte glass tops; cheap, 88 Wash. st WANTED MISCELLAXEOUS M1VK vnv A J YTH INO TO BELL? We buy entire plants!, wreck them if Get our figures on any kind of mer cnandise whntever. 1 M. BARDE A SONS. "The House of a Million Bargains. Front and Main Sts.. M. 663. I.AMri fl.KAHlK3 i We are headquarters for land cleer fng. Call n us before letting contract Butts ft Eldredee, 24 4 N. Id at Phone Main 8J06. A-1291. WA NTED People of Portland to know that I pay the hlsrhest cash price for ootid jinnd nousenoia kww. 8eeter, 143 Russell. Kant 1S62. WE BUY SECOND HAND nnTHiNf AND FURNITURE Pay the highest price for everything rail Main 2000. 2o First $600 worth 2d liHiid nousehold goods In large or small ion. immeniainiy. CASEY F1.:RN ITl'RE CO.. East 1809 flinnirR'K Ai TTIOS HOUSE 370 E. Morrison, tihone B. 1022. pays Wrhest rash price Tor furniture. VAfiT R ft cornice brake, turning, crlmplntr and burring machines. Phone TVoodlawn 26H2. XVR hnv mrrantilp stocks or what ever you have to offer: let ua figure with you. P-288 Journal. JjE WISH: .ret more for your seoond hand furniture by se'-.lng It to Ford Auction Co. 211 1st. Main xsftl. a-z8 VII.L buv ifOod rollton desk with type- writer droo on aide. If cheap. Phone lMal-i 8776. - WE buy and sell most anything. Main 8714. eze 1st St. iWANTED 2- "tend furniture. East 8184 B4S Howtnorne ave. cranr o: ''"" IW ANTED 2d hand furniture. Portland Salvage Co.. 5284 Wash. Mar. 322.1. CASH paid for household goons. M h"ennell ft uo., Marsnaii VANTELV-Seeond hand bakers oven Coover, Main 8577. tX. a Cash Register stock. Call 25 H Morrison, room 12, FURKITUllE FOR SALE OS f FOR SECOND HAND GOODS Of all kinds and descriptions or 1 WE WILL STORE YOUR GOODS HIEI IF-- IBMCE Bind call thrm for a small commission, frith payment to you on receipt of goods KAIAUti into Complete line of house furnishings I Bold on' Easy Payments ' TOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. I61-S5S First st Phone Main 3S0. HAftTZEIL UkNITURE CO. For aala. stoves, ranges, furniture. to. We pay highest cash price for house bold goods. 833-886 1st Marshall 2671. FOR sale bv owner: Furniture of rooms. Slid cash, balance terms. .Call 6 college. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 ON account of Illness am compelled to sacrifice my manogany case Mai let at Jjavis piano, just year oia; cost aouv, O-J80. journal. aM leaving for east and must sell an almost new vose & Hons piano; win fell st a bargain. N-289, Journal. WILL sacrifice nearly new piano, or ' Iglna) cost 8325 for 1125: must sell. Call 62 K. 23rd St.. near Washington st. VlCTROLA wanted; a second hand Vic tor Vlctrola; state condition, model nd price. R-292, Journal. A KIMBALL pin no. sitghtly used, for ale at a bargain. N-288, Journal. LAUNCHES AKP BOATS Q4 HOUSEBOATS, rowboats, launches to order. Danlelson. foot of California. AUTOMOBILES-MOTORCYCLES 44 . y "WE ARE the largest dealers in used automobiles in the northwest. Over 75 cars to select from. Don't buy until you see our stock and get our prices. Every 'ear guaranteed. : Oregon Auto Exchange list and Washington Sts. WE . WANT AUTO TIRES Tubes or anything you don't want TTe call for and pay cash immediately after you phone us. We need 20.000 old castings, 15.000 old tubes. 10.000 old truck tires, 100,000 lbs of any kind of rubber. M. BARDE A SONS, "The House of a Million Bargains." Front and Main Sts. M. 663. FOR SALE 1910 5 passenger Ford, fully equipped. Just thoroughly over hauled and in A-l condition, for quick sale will take $500. Ford Motor Car agency ok oALh i 4 cylinder. 6 passenger Ford; fully equipped, will sell at a bareain. am buying new Ford car for quick cash sale will take 3300. J-291, Journal. SECOND hand automobile supplies bought sold and exchanged; all sizes ef tires. 83 to $20 each. We vulcanize tubes. 25o each, guanteed. Both phones Auto Supnlv Co. 238 Main st. WANTED 5000 old auto tires, "'ic per lb. delivered; 80,000 lbs. Inner tuber, I3o per lb.; 60.000 lbs. solid rubber, Sc per lb. J. Lev. 186 Columbia sc. Call us up. Main 6198. AUTO repairing and storage work. guaranteed all experienced hel". The Powell Garage. 37th and Hawthorne. Tabor 1147. Springs guaranteed. 22 N. 15th st A SNAP If taken at once, good auto, just overhauled, am leaving cltv. 181 East Water, care Silas Chfstnfforson. BRUSH runabout good running orde good solid tires. Snap for $150. Phor 1er. nan Tor 150 Phnna residence A-5787. office Main 8774. And Now Mutt Is Very Doubtful About the Art of Hypnotism ' ' p I - . ' , , " ," "'-i 7' '!'"'. .to--., 1 . !. . 1 iJU,, u AUTOMOBILES-MOTORCYCLES 44 PORTLAND Magneto Co., expert mag- neto and coll repairing. 68 N. Park. LOST AND FOUND LOST Lady's pin, with 3 heart-shaped moonstones surrounded by pearls, jtte ward. A. & C. Feldenhelmer, 283-286 Washington st. LOST Collie and Shepherd pup ? months old: vnllow. white and black female. Return or notify F. Steinel, 406 rremont. Kewaro. LOST A. Rosary, prised as a gift las Sunday mornlnr. 7 o'clock, between Weldler st. and Dominican church; lib' erai reward, Prion e-1977. LOST White Spits dog, answers to - name of Teddy, small scar on nose. Phone Main 481, c-2416. Reward. FOUND A horse at Fulton Park. In quire Wm. Loser. NOTICES 20 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the liquidation o the American Bank & Trust company o Portland, Or. Notice Is hereby given that the American Rank A Trust com pany of Fortland. Or., is in the hands on the sUDerlntendent of banks for llqul datlon. All persons having claims against said bank must file the same duly verified as by law required, witn the superintendent of banks at No. SO Sixth street. Portland. Or., on or before the 80th day of March. 1912. WILL WKMJHT, Superintendent of Banks of State of Oregon. First publication December 30. 1911 La s t publication Marcn ao. isiz TO whom It may concern: I. Fred Price father of Hattle Price, do hereby glvt notice to the public that I will not be responsible for any bills that said nat tie Price may contract for in my name, for the necessaries of life or any other debts. Fred Price. Portland. Or., Jan. 18. 1912. MY WIFE. Genevieve Carolina Farny, having left mv bed and board. I here by give notice that I will not be respon sible for any debts, whatever contracted by her. signed. jacoh kakiny. PERSONAL 22 WE have been in Portland many years, have treated over 6000 patients and never had a death while under our treat r-nts. We have Invested more money n modern macnlnes and electrical ap paratus than any physician on the Pacific coast We get results In thou sands of cases where medicines failed to help and have saved hundreds rrom operations after all hope had been given up. We will be glad to consult wun yon. We make no charges for that We use no medicines -nd do not Oper ate. We use every electrical and me chanical means, hatha, massage, heat and light We can cure, do cure sno nava ftirofl rnn wfipn rimers linvc failed. We occudv the entire north half or the third floor or tne Kotnrmiu bld. Dr. W. E. Mallory. Naturopatn. Dr. Burroughs Hay had twenty-five years experi ence in successfully treating nervous diseases. Examination free. Suite 21. Belllng-IIIrsch bids.. ilffiU Washington. TAITKNA. the prescription of the late Lawson Talt the celebrated English siirsreon. for the nifa of female trou bles, to be obtained from the Hawthorne pharmacy, corner Marguerite ava. ana Hawthorne. Phone B-32Z6. frice owe. T)R. AT. ICR A. ORTFF Disuse" of women and children, baa removed to LaFayette bldg, tlltt Washington st W. I. HOWARD. M. D. Modern Electro-Therapeutics. Chronlo diseases cured without opera tion or pain. Consultation free. 304-308 Kotlichlld bldg. DR WALKER, specialist; quickly cure diseases of men. blood and skin dis eases, sorej. ulcers, swoller glands, kid ney, bladder anj piles. 181 First st, Portland. m AQTUMA heart trouble; wish to nO I niVIn see the case I can't cure. DR. DOUGLAS. D. C. 888 Union ave. N.. Portland. Or. GENTLEMAN of 32. of good habits and character desires to meet lady of corresponding age, widow preferred, plj- iect matrimony. k-z7. journal. SANDERSON CO. Savin and C on Root Pills, sure remedy for dPluyed periods. (2 box or S boxes for 35. by mail. T. J. Pierce. 245 Morrison. WILL person who saw man fall on Fiil ton car at 2d and Main, July 24, kindly communicate, giving name ana address? N-299, Journal. SEXOID Marvelous cure for weakness in men, by mall $1 per box, money re turned If It falls. Dr. Fierce Remedy Co.. 245 V, MorrlBon; MATRIMONIAL paper up to date; many wealthy. Paper sealed 10c. Mrs. Bell, 1815 Magnolia ave., Los Angeles, Calif. PR. A. A. AU8PLUND. Diseases of women and surgery. Ex aminations free. 802 Merchants Trust bldg.. 6th and Washington. Main 4047. LADIES' Loreni Antiseptic Cones are soothing, safe and sure. $1 per box. Stloe Tavlor Drug Co.. 289 Morrison St. LORENZ Nerve Tonic Tablets restore lost vitality; 25c box; 6 boxes $1.26. Stloe-Taylor Drug Co.. 289 Morrison st. ELECTRIC treatment for rheumatism. nervousness. Suite 12. 341 H Morrison st. SYRINGES, both spray and fountain; the $3 kind for 9ft cents at Blue Jay drug store, 530 M Washington. WOMEN Use remolds wnen others fail Sold and guaranteed by the Ausplund Drug store, 110 N. 6th st. Msln 8106. BALM of Figs, remedy for diseases of women. f32 Davis at.- Msln 9Z15. WOULD like to know the address of Augustine De Penne. N-295. Journal. FINANCIAL SI WANT CASH? We buy mortgages, sellers' contracts. CO-OPERATIVE TRUST COMPANY. 404 yeon bldg. CASH paid for mortgages or seller's equity In real estate contracts, and real estate loans, no delay. F. J. Steln metz, 40 5 Qerllnger bldg. Cash paid for mortgages Or seller's equity In contract of sale on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble. Lumbermen s bldg.. Loans. WE BUY notes, contracts, mortgages, equities. Nelson Bros., 804 Lewis Bldg. 80 CLIENT wants $500 1 year 8 per cent; sere Portland Heights, value $2600. Fred W. German, 829 Burnslde. Main or A-2776. -- t WANT to borrow $3000; can give abundance of security. F-299, Journal MONEY TO LOAN 27 Money on Credit n.....ii t' i oornein ne New This comnanv wa nmnliA bv lead Ing business men of this city to LOAN mumki to worKlnar neonle ana otners on their PLAIN NOTES, without in- dnrser or nublicltv: also on furniture, pianos, horses, cattle, storage receipts and autos at rates honest people can afford to pay. hink This Over Rot-row 110 nay horlr t1Bfl In 6 nay'ts. Borrow $25 Day back 328.95 in pay'ts. worrow Jflsay back ish in pay is. Borrow $ioo pay b'k flll.T tn parts. Other Sums in Proportion NO OTHER CHARGES. TOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Rebate Given If Paid Before Due. Portland Loan Co. 206-7 MACLEAT BLDG. Both Phones Bet 4th and 6th Sts. on Washington St Open Monday and Saturday till 9 p. m. 5 TO rirslo'c Focv Mnnou" uiuivu o luu I mviiur Furnished salaried nconle without se curity. Indorsement, delay, deception or extortion; cheapest rates, best and most private terms in Portland. 307 Spalding b,d'- Don't Borrow Money UNTIL YOU SEE UB Loans on furniture, pianos, salaries. etc. ; lowest rates. HUTTON CREDIT CO, , 807 Spalding bldg. rn vnn money We will ' furnish vmi. strictly confi dential, without delay, a loan in any amount on vour auto, niano. furniture, livestock, storage receipt and all other kinds of securities, on terms to sun; also on weekly or monthly paymonta. WE BUT AND LOAN On first and second real estate mort gages, sellers' contracts. U. S. REAL ESTATE & BROKERAGE CO.. 12 Hamilton bldg., 1S1 3d. Main 2084 ' Salaried People START THE NEW YEAR nwiVfl HUT ONE PARTY 10 TO $100 ON YOUR PERSONAL kNOTE. FURTHER PARTICULARS L. TELEPHONE OR WRITE State Security Co. 308 FAILING BLDG. ELBY COMPANY. s (LICENSED) T.TRTTR AT. A DVANCTCS JEWELRY. DIAMONDS. SILVER, ETC. PRIVATE OFFICES LADIES' DEPARTMENT. 820 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG. (THIRD FLOOR) SECOND AND STARK 8TS. Will Loan You Money On your furniture, diamonds or real es tate'; lowest rates of Interest See me first J, E. Nichols 615 Yeon bldg. WE buy, we sell, we discount we loan on anything with value. Our low rata msv navmnnta t Tl ,1 frit dftnltnft? re 'rapidly gaining for us the reputk- tion which we achieve Once our cus tomer, always so. U. A. NlUHUbB 1INV. JU.. 907 WKcox bldg C. Frank Nichols Co. For a loan on any kind of security. IT WILL cost you LJCSS. No extra charges. Private office. courteous and confidential treatment CALL AND GET ACQUAINTED. 60S Lumbermen's Bldg.. 6th and Stark. MONEY F6R SALARIED PEOPLE Women keedng house and oters fur nished without security, cheapest rates, easiest payments. Come and get money wnen you want it, ana pay as you can. Offices In all principal cities. D. H. Tolman, 817 LumDer Exchange. PRIVATE party has various amounts for mortgages. Write me details; no fxpensa but small attorney fee. H-29S, Journal. MONEY to loan, large loans a specially. building loans; lowest rates; lire in surance. W. G. Beck. 812 Falling. MONEY sold on Installment; confiden tial to salaried people, f. a. New ton 615 Henry Bldg. 100.000 on mortgages, city or farm property, fire Insurance. McKenxle tt Co.. Gerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. PRIVATE" party will loan $5 and up at one naif rate cnargea ny brokers. 720 Chamber of Commerce bldg. LOANS on diamonds, jewelry and Other articles at usual interest rate; eon fldential. 825 Falling bldg. MONEY to loan on Improved residence or business property. M. L. Neunau sen. 703 Lewis bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDIN-"!. 313 Chamber of Com. MONEY to loan. 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Seitz A Co.. 310 Sapldlng bldg. SHORT TIME LOANS, $100 AND UP. 207 OREGONIAN BLDG. WILL loan $20,000 or less real estate. Farrlngton. 418 Commercial Club bldg. LOAN for the asklnsr. salary or chat tel. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7 per cent Louis Salomon A Co., 229 Stark st MONEY to loan on real estate. O. M. Smith. 603 Yeon. - QUICK loans on all securities. 6. W. King. 45 Washington bldg. Main 6100. $6000 or part to loan In Irvlngton dis trict 7 per cent. Main 1166. MONEY to loan on Improved real estate! I. L. White. 701 Selling bldg: PRIVATE funds to loan on realty. Hy. C. Prudhonw!i Co.. 807 Wilcox bldg. $4000 to loan on" good realty, city or country. R-287, journal. LOANS made to firms and business men. Biggs. 711 Selling bldg. , MONEY to loan. Improved city property. R. Buetlkofer. 25 Salmon. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ASSA7XX8 WELLS A PROEBSTEL, assayers, ana lytical cnemists, zotH wasn. m. ions. MONTANA assay office, laboratory, ore testing. Marshall 2726. 186 Morrison. LOANS 1 WANTED AOCOVirrAsTT 30X7S ACCOUNTANTS, EXPKRT CERTIFIED .experienced ail lines: boons opened. cioseu, written up, financial state tnents; private instruction; service an; where; permanent or temporary boo! keepers furnished. 502 Swetland bldg. main . raOUTBTI A. E. COOPER. Attornev at Tw flan . era! I practice; abstacta examined. Re- movea to itu-nzt xeon' bids. Main ; A-ZUYl. THOMAS D. REED, lawyer, removed to u uregonian bldg., 4th floor. CHISTOPHERSON & MATTHEWS, general practice 418-417 Yeon bid. H. C. KORNEGAY, general practice, cot- mcnuna. nil 1 eon DIOg. Main 77, biotoxoi XEPAxamro BICYCLES rented and tor aale. Madl son Repair Shop. 181 Madison. BUIX BOOK MAXXBS HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY, 10t td St, tnproved Looe-Luif I.x4rs- ua the gaureaa leur. A-I1SI. Main lis. BTjsnrisa oabss WARTIEN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and crossings. 117 Beck bldg. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVIWG CO, r urunu ornce. sua isiectno Diag. oabpet cxauumra JOYCE BROS.. Electric Cleanln Works. CarnetS rleanaH anH la I Mf I tin ' 'An )miuy, g.. nu. 1-1963. 204 K. ltn N. OAJUTET WEAYIMO NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, ruga from . . 'd.carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. 163 Union ave.. near E. Morrison. RAG carpet and russ" lBIifT'atton ava. -none woooiawn 2686. CTHZBOPODZSTB F. J. KING, specialist on flat and de formed feet. will rollavo H-H nH iii n'.u l'i cauoue and enlarged joints. wiincniin DIOg. Marsnau 147. THE WIGGERY Beauty Parlor, chlrop- ,yu' manicuring, etc, 4U1 g-"ra oiag. Main 2490. OHZBOPBAOTIO PRTSIOZAH DR. EVA MARSH cures all forms of rheumatism. 29s iriin km. -i n HAVE given thousands of adjustments; T.u-.,wcrn. pain oirice i and wasn. CHUTE SB DOCTOBS I LONG MEDICAL CO.. phy- slclan for men, women jjSH Alder. HING WO Medicine Co.. i-hysiclan for wvmen, it Morrison. A-5409. OXEABIBTO) AJTO PSESSnTO WE Dress Vm nrhlln vnn lon Boston Suitorlum. Mar. 1066. A-S.105.' OOLUOES AID SCHOOLS OREGON LAW SCHOOL, S16 Commonwealth bldg. COAXAKDWOOD BEST COAL LOWEST PRICES Not In the fuel combine. Gale Creek Lump. $8.60. Gale Creek Steam, $6.60. (Holds fine all night.) Rock Creek Lump. $7.60. Comet Lump $6.60 (sacked) Buy your coal lnnia and nn KOn nr ton on theflA nrlpp PORTLAND CONSUMERS' COAL CO.. rast 1st and Taylor. Tel. E. 118. Home B-1118. Mnnrniftie . special nltuj II ILn c Pnii-s nw in rt liKEEN SHORT WOOD GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD INSIDE GREEN SHORT DRY SHORT WOOD SAWDUST, for fuel and bedlln The Portland Slabwood Co. Alain 3119. A-7001. V. D. Smith Fuel Co. East 4 436. B-1676. Dtv fir slab and. block wood. ROCK SPRINGS COAL Slabwood Dry or Green Alaska Fuel Co. Alaska dock Main 198$. AC. SLABWOOD CO. fVsV709 Dry slabwood. hie .mi ami.ii ni. i""" wuuu, pianer trims; s, cord wood. (Slit YuWaPco. VVlniLb 4 N. 6th. Mar. 379S, A-8182 THE ECONOMY FUEL, ' O. handles all the leading coals, Diamond. Rock Springs, Hannaford. etc. Prices right i c. Anxeny. icast 71. H-ZM3. NEER&FARR7rvodwoaondd V wAi -1 or sawed to order. Prompt dellverr. 806 Water st Slain 4596. A-4547. A-454 UEL EDLEFSEN FUEL CO.. Mine Agts. Samples. Stcre T)ept Meier & Frank. East 80S: C- IL5 2808. Coal $5.75. Wood. $2 and up. Yamato Wood and Coal Co, EAST 818. B-I867. 4 foot dry wood. Nat. Fuel Co.. 887 Water st Marshall 960. A-3646. ITJUIafD)(MmMI DELIVERED B lUmtfttUHUlll. PROMPTLY V Main 8767. F. J. EVERTS. Ft Curry st ALBINA FUEL CO. All kinds of greeo and dry wood. Rock Snrinaa and Mn- dota coat PORTLAND WOOL) YARD. Woo J and coal; 4 ft or sawed; wreck. age. VtO and GUsan. Main 3363, A-2288. STANDARD WOOD CO., box planer and cord wood. 847 h. starK. East ZS16: B-1696. FOR 8AL13 2 carloads of oak wood, on car at Amity. J. w. Brledwell. Amity, Or. FOR COAL AND ALL KINDS Of WOOD, PHONE HOLQATE CO. 6TELLWOOD 485. FUEL PHOENIX FUEL CO. Cord, slab and dry short wood. 621 8AVIE7R ST. MAIN 8544. CITY MARKET Wood Yard. Cook ft Bon. id and Clay. Main 8248. A-4321 WAS Agra 'Jgopp. SPEES A CO.. 408 E. Morrison, r Phone East 616' for first class cordwood. ci.otb:xb WE pay hlgheet price ror 2d hand clothes ana snoes. via front. Mam nw. Guarantee Tailor Co.. coats. 11 pants, $1; cults, shoes cheap. 808 Main OOZaXaECmOHS WELLS MERC. AGY.. EST. 1908. CUR RENT, DELINQUENT ACCTS. COL- LiJWJ'l EJL. M. B776. 7U1 UU. Ur TKAIJ1S. PROF, credit bureau, phy. and dentists' ao, 201 Medical bid. M. 6167. A-7026. COaTTBAOTOBS AHB BTIIUDEBS a WTTVrt - .U. J.V Mak 9. r in Mai yvmvtj ti aiiiua juu wvii furniture repaired, upholsteted, kalso ml nlng. palnti n g. 28 6 6th. Main 7648. WILLIAM FISHBECK, carpenter and builder, lohhlnir and contracting. 801 4th st. Main 6241. E. GEORGEFF, carpenter, builder, store front and store fixtures especially. glazing. zviH AnKeny. Marsnaii zsti HIGHEST grade carpenter and cabinet worg tor nanus, stores ana nomea, u. ii. uammond, 185 Madison BRICK, stone and cement work. Tel. Ben. 1660. City or country. A. T. CROSBY, contraotor builder, loo ping, an Kinos. 78 weinier. ta. io. Ba4urcxa-a HEATH'S school lessons 25c, fancy stage and social dancing taught dally. waits and two step guaranteed In four lessons; class Monday evening. 109 2d st., net. Washington and star sts. PROF. FORD'S school of dancinir. S7th st. and Hawthorna ave.. classes Tues day and Thursday evenings at 8. . Frl- vate lessons oy appointment Taper 8707, RINULER'S school, finest lb town: classes Wed.. Fri., evenings; Instruc tion dally; elegant hall. 2S1H Morrison. DETUCT1VJJ AOENCT PACIFIC States Secret Eerrlce Asenoy. 431-423 Board of Trade blda. De tectives, shadow work a specialty. Mar- snai' 72. BOO ABB KOBSE HOSPITAI. BROWN BROS., 646 Wash. Main 4088. A-4086. Res. fl E. 12th. E. 6440. B-2 217. BBJBSSKAKXHa SCHOOI. VALENTINE'S system of cutting, tal loring and aressnvaung taugnu Morrison. " JBMOTBJCJOjrOS BOUGHT, sold, rented, repaired. E-117. waixer ju xensie wits., ivs union. BXPBXSS UNITED Tran., 247 H Madison. Express work, coal by sack or ton, trunks 60o, extra 25e. stored 1 days free. Mar. 8894. rTBXTXTTTBB KEFATRXCTO BOWERS & PARSONS, formerly with Tull & Glbbs. furniture reD. reflnlshed. packed, shipped. 100H Front M. 7443. OASOXBBEBOnnBS STATIONARY and marine, electric, equipments: launches. accessories. wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co.. 184 Morrison. GBarBrtra RAZORS, scissors, safety blades shap- ened. Expert repairing. Portland Cut- lery Co., 92 H 6th. near Stark. M. 7605. HAJaOODB FEB VET & HANEBUT. Leading wig and toubee makers: finest stock of human hair goods; hair resslng. manicuring, face and scalp treatments. 147 7th. near Mor. M. 646. JAB. Mcl. WOOD CO.. all kinds Insur- ance, surety bonds. Railway Ex. Bldg. McCARGAR, Bates & Lively, 301 Yeon ping. Kvery form or insurance, nonos. JOHN KER Insurance, surety bonds, mtge mans. 1322 Yeon bldg. M. 9285. HOUSE OXEABIVa CARPETS cleaned on floor, wall paper cleaning, now prooess. km? ';rana ava KODAK DEVX.W)PIira ROLLS developed free; mall orders solicited. ?rlnts, 8o up; 14 Merchants Trust bldg. BRING your kodak work, enlarging, re- toucning. to Rose city studio. s stn. LADIES' TAXZiOXIXrO SCHOOL HOW WOULD YOU LIKE To Invest 812.50 and secure a Dcrma- ent Income anywhere of from $10 to $50 per week? This can te easily accomplished ny taxing a run course in our cutting, designing and sewing school. Good cutters and sewers are constantly in de mand. Our system is simple, practical and absolutely accurate. Remember, the Investment Is small. But the knowledge will last a lifetime. Either In making your own garments or as a wage earner. Investigate. CHICAGO LADIES' TAILORING AND SKWINO SCHOOL. Room 309 Central bldg., 10th and Alder. LEATHER ABB PINBIHOS CHAS. L. MA STICK ft CO., 74 Front Leather of every descrlctlon: tan manufacturers, findings MACjnarEBT TRENKMAN & CO. HyJraullo and special Dines, screens. hainrln.T mlnlna machinery. All kinds repairs. 104 N. 4th. MODEL making, repairing, machine work. Port. Magneto Co.. S3 N. Park. MESSENGER SERVICE AMERICAN MESSENGER CO.. 171 H u au messengers lurnisnsa aay ana eht. "Oiltr.. HArvla." la Anf mnttn Marsnal' 1786. A-3106. Re" CLIABLE bonded messensers. day or night service. Marshall 188. A-1411. MESSENGER SERVICE EXPERIMENTAL work, brass patterns and gates; repair anything, fit keys, lock and gunsmith. 213 Allsky bldg. XTTSIO TEACHERS WEBER academy Violin, mandolin. guitar, banjo Instruction. 489. Wash. THIBLHORN. violin teacher: ountl wave Ik. vuu Marquam. a-iso. Mar. njl FEILBERG, concert pianist and teacher. Tilford bldg.. ICth and Morrison. RiEAL ESTATE DIRECTORY Brong-StMle Company Hmhalrae Jk Hanau,lnt . ...... & A,U,irntow. Ooofc A Oo B. 8...... Knspp Mackey 2;f,SiB Ktats Oa. Tb Shields, J. H. , TbomiMoa. M. B. Co....... ...( MOTOBCYOZJB BBBAZBOrO REPAIRS of all kinds; also bicycle sup piles and repairing. 189 Burnslde. BATTTBOPATX YH t BIOZAXT DR. Catherln C. Gates, 11 years' experi ence threatlng nervoua and chronlo diseases. (07 Ablngton bids. Mar. 114$. Hrs. 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. OBTBOPATJKZO PKTBZCTABB Dr. W. W. Christie Osteopath, chronlo nervous diseases. 814-6 Macleay bldg. Main 6172; A-4880. DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, spv cialist on nerves, acute and chronlo diseases. 208 Fen ton bldg. Main 8961. WAMTT, OTt; ABB OKASS F. E. BEACH CO., Pioneer Paint; Co, isa first st. Main isai. a-yuib. RAfeMUSgEM St ''high Standard" paint, ne. cor. Sd ft Taylor. M., A-1771, PAHTTTlfO ABB BAPEKrJfO FIRST class paper hanging, painting, Tinting; reasonable prices, rnonei Main 7089. A-4724. Residence, Main 6174, FOR BEST work, prices right call P, A, uoana, iu union ave. tast iuv. TINTING! $2 a room, painting, paper hamrlng. C. A. Barnes. Ma. n 1334. PAWZTBKOKXJIS UNCLE MEYERS COLLATERAL BANK 40 years In Portland, 71 6th. Main 910. FATEJTT ATTOBJTETI PATENTS obtained trademarks,, copy rights registered in all countries: book' lets free; consultation without charge. Peter Haberlln, 826 Worcester bldg. U. 8. and foreign patents procured by U. fl. MARTIN. 409 Chamber of Commerce Building. PATENTS procured of J. K. Mock, at- torney-at-law. late of U. 8. patent of- flee: book free. 719 Board of Trade bldg. Ji. C. WRIGHT. U. 8. and foreign Dat- ents; infringement cases. 604 Dekum. FXPB PIPE PIPE PIPE. New and second hand. Our prices will convince. M. BARDE ft SONS. 240-2 Front st. cor. Main. IRON pipe and pipe fittings, engineers ana steam supplies. M. L. KLINE Centrally located. 84 to 86 Front st Phones Main 617. A-2617, PORTLAND Wood Pipe Co., Factory ano ornce, Z4tn and Y?rK. Mam 84s, piano Tuwrcro FRED JACOBSON. piano tuning, $2.00; 18 years' experience. 190 3. Main 8431. PITII WX1BKS WILLAMETTE Plating Works. 208 4th, Elating and ponsning, M. 34g. A-7itf. PBZITTIirO Welch Printing Co. "Doers of clever things with type and Ink on paper." 141 1st. Main and A- 14 (. SAFETY blades, 80c dozen; mall orders Automatic Keen Edging Co.. 183 H 2d. KOOlTJrO), PAIKT1UTO, BXPAIBJMQ TIN roofing repairing, painting and Job- blng. Lrall & Holzer. 212 Jeff. M. 1424. BUBBBB STAMPS AH9 8BAXA STENCILS and office stationery. Cun ningham Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. SAPE8 THE MOSLER Safe Co.. 108 2d St. Safes at factory prices; repairs; lockouts opened: bargalnr In second hand safes. SECOND HAND OjpODS WE WANT your old clothes, shoes, fur nlture: highest prices paid. M. 8665. SEWNG machines sold for. storage charge-i best bargains In the city, drop heads and box tons, all makes, $2 up; expert repairing cheap guaranteed. 2R1 Columbia, between 2d and 3d. SINGER sewing machine store. Used machines your own price. 382 Morris'n SRTNQLE8 BEST in Portland, See them.. 201 Washington st. S. E. Gilbert, SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES R. H. BIRDSELL, HAMILTON BLDG., Show cases in stock. Prompt delivery. Sales agent M. Winter Lumber Cot SHOWCASES of every description, bank, bar and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Mfg Co. THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO., new and old showcases', cabinets, store and office fixtures. 289 Couch. M.2703. SIOW ABB SHOWOARDS FOSTER ft KLEISER Signs: the lar gest sign makers In the northwest E. 7th and E. Everett sts. Phones East 1111. Home B-2224. RANN SIGN CO.. quality and service. 889 E. Alder sf East 6302. STBVOORPHSS, COURT REPORTERS OREGON Law Reporting Ass'n, 404-40$ Ablngton. M, 6037. A-6386. Depositions. TAXLORINu KREUZER CO., HIGH LIFE TAILORS. We are live tailors for live people. Are you living? If not remember us at 111 12th street, between Washington and Stark streets. By a round floor Lewis Bids. rt. Uala aod A-1748 VS22 ."i'..; ...M lwa 53 Corliett Bid,.,.,,, Main 968. A-80S2 ,.7 Ch.mber' of Commerce...... Main and A-2010 grand Ave. and Multnomah.,. .East 87, O-1708 .305 Oerllnrer Bldg.. Mala 84 SO Henry Bldg., 4tb-Oak.)...,M. 6084, A-8837 ?.' Hciay Bldg............... L.Msla 64 TAZioBzira ALFRS OGILBEE, 810 Labbe bld. td and Washington. Suits to .order. a1HSIXalORS. FOR tADltitf AND GENTLEMEN.: N. 6TH ST. TAixoxxtra frexooz. KIESTER'S Tjidlaa Tailoring college. learn dressmaking, tailoring. 148 1 ltn TAXIDEKMIST F. J. BREZEE has moved to 204 Co lumbla. between Front and 1st PACIFIC COAST TAXIDERMY CO. 167 1st st. Phone Main 7778.' TOWEL BTJPPLT CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap. Towel Supply Co.. 9th and Couch sta, 1 per month. Portland Laundry Co, Phones Main 410. A-4416. TRAJTBPZB ABB BTOmAOB C O. PICT Transfer ft Storage Co, of fices and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, with separate Iron room and fireproof yault for valuables. N. W. cor. Id and Pine sts. Pianos and furni ture moved and packed for shipping. Special rates made on goods in our through cars to all domestio and foreign points. Main 696. A-1996. ; Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents. ; . Storace. free trackage. Offices and storage. 474 Gliean streM, comer 18th and Glisan. Phones. Main 69. A-l 149. PORTLAND Van Storage Co.. cor. 1 1 15 and Everett sts.. Just opened, new est most modern .storage warehouse tn city; every convenience for safe and proper handling of goods; lowest in surance rate in northwest: free track age. vans for moving. Main or A-l 620. MT. TABOR EXPRESS ft ST'R GH . j rips to ml Tabor dally. Also city moving and express. 4238. 7 114H Grand. PORTIA ND TRANSFER ft bELtVF.ftf CO.. 206 Wash. Storage, piano, funs, moving. Main 610. A-164. NORTHWESTERN Transfer Co., 64-6 r rui.i. uenerai transrer ana storage. Main 446. A-4468. XV. JOHNSON H.xnress ft Coal CoT PROMPT dellvertes all narts city. J. uawson. Main 791. A-S716 26 Taylor. TYPEWRITERS ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cun- ""inra wo., zsi Staric. Main 1407. TYPEWRITER ft tfupplles Co.RsbullC 2d hand. 142H 2,1 st Msr. 41. TTPHOLaTERERa CARTWRIOHT A CO.. 188 Madison, up holstering, furniture repairing and mattresses;, work guaranteed. Phono Main 633S. VETERINARIAN MODERN veterinary hospital. 415 B. 7th, cur. uraiiT, mors, cats treat'jd, ooara ed. Dr. G. H. Huthinan. B-196:,'. E. 1847. WELL DRILLTNOr DRILLING wells a specialty; prices rea- Bonanie. ;ail Main 1346 Or writ K. v est. ixz Morrison st. WHOLESALB JOBBERS EVERDING ft FARRlsLI produce and "commission merchants. 140 Front st. Portland. Or. Phone Main 179. m. a. dvmt & cur. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS PORTLAND. OR. WAflHAMS & CO., wholesale grocers. manufacturers and coffea roasters. 4th ana UHK BIB. MOkflAN WALL PAPfcR CO.. "M U mi.. Dmwwn uaimon and Main. ALLEN & LEWiS GROCERiETST" TRANSPORTATION srv EXPRESS STEAMERS FOR San Francisco and Loa Angeles S. S. Beaver 4 p. m. January 33 an Pranoisoo 81 Portland SS. Oo. Tloket Office 143 Third St Phones -Main 40a and A-1403. COLUMBIA RIVER ROUTE O.-W. R. ft N. steamer "Wai-wato Queen" leaves Portland, Ash Street dock, daily except Saturday at 8 p. m., arriv ing Astoria 6:30 a. m., connecting with str. Nahcotta for Megler and all North Beach points. Returning leave Astoria at 6:80 a. m., arriving Portland 6 n m. Call at cltv tt)rt efi nA and Washington sts.. or Ash street dock. c 00 sb ay line STEAMER BREAKWATER Satis from Airmwortti dock, Portland, p. m. every Tuesday. Freight received at Alnsworth dock daily up to 6 p. m, Passenger fare, first class $10: second L-inno, .11 iiiviuuiiid iiicaia biiu Darin. Ticket office Alnsworth dock. Pbonea Main 368, Main 170. A-1X84. Dorscy B. Smith Oenaral Steamship Agent. ALL LINES ALL OOTJBTTBZZS Experienced Information about Travel. 69 PIPTH ST., PORTLAND, ORBCrOM' fnones Marsnaii ihyd; a-1298. SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELS9 A NIT BAN DIEGO DIRECT NORTH PAOTPTO S. S. OO. S. 8. ROANOKE and S. S. ELDER SalZBj t,very weanemar, alternately, at p. m AicKet ornce 112 xnird, near Aider. Phones Main 1314, A-1314. MARTIN J. HIGLEY, Pasa. Agent W. H SLUSSER, Freight Agent "Bud" Tisher