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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1912)
v7 :U':-;:-;V7: ,-. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, .JANUARY 10,-1912. ' ' ' , 1) r ," I . I I ' i, 1 1 ' . ,' A ' ' 11 1 ...ii.ii.himi II . g hi ,l, m , P LI III I J I - - f EXCHANGE KEAL ESTATE St BUSINESS CHANCES iSO HELP WANTED MISC. ' 48 " 1 DHESSSIAKEJO ' - 40 WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 80 , HOUSES FOR RENT . W ' . FOR RENTriTS 1 "n '-jn. rti r m. rmi- t i ""lj-i.. i i n"i "i u i f j "i r ri i ri i rri inr. jvoj tli n iu r n i ir - ""in -it tmim''miHw iwwhsiii ss'i.sai.) tJJH'iiiinr'i ""i.htv y n,i.n-L. i run.i'HiiU. i 'urnni r "ias'.'s-iee'sPt "kMMaAMMrwwMMMiivMMM ni.iirwwwii "WILL TAKE VACANT LOT OR YOUR nffittM - J WANTED AUTOMOBILE MEGHAN- LADIES" tailoring, cutting, ' fitting, YOUNG man want room and board .In FOR RENT-r-New.modern 5 room house. FOR BENT. ' EQUITY W VACANT LOT AS FIRST -.. Y SlS fl fni V' ' - ICS AND DRIVERS. - sponging cloth, making button but- congenial private family: fond Of mil- attlo and full basement, 1 block from Nicely furnished S room lower flat, ' PAYMENT r ON THIS HOME ROSS- ' ,' WifwWVif'ii''X' df"y-Young men. why not better your con- ton holes. Lining furnished. Reason- Bio. Q-294, Journal. oar, fin .nelghborhaod, $15 per month. 709 Kt-arney st: furnace heat and all MERE IX)T PREFERRED. t--- - - Buys bakery end delicatessen " If you uttlon and learn the automobile busl- able prices. Gordon, 861 Yamhill. : . . . a 404 Commercial bldg. or Marshall 402. modern conveniences, within t block of : ,i"'T WODERN BUNGALOW, ; are looking for a money maker, it will neA8i Jn opmn i vrn cTTVTvnrw nrt SEWING by day or piece, children's -OPSEKKEPINQ s BOOMS 2 Vf ft NEAT 4 room cottage, large lot, full -pii,- : K--'-fVr MJTED. payyou to look this up. My saiea have 1w?AX,flPSS??AV2 ImSSt-- - ' clothes specially. Mrs. Veva Wick- V imT gmiTiV;' J basement bath, electric lights gas. 8HA W-FLAR COMPANY.. , NEAR SANDY ROAD AND BROAD- increased over 100 per cent In 6 months. MDFOR RELIABLE MLN. man, 819 Maryland ave. Phone C-1T66. U "j3. aum 1 1 . 875 Rodney eve.,' $1. - Beattie &, Hof- Main 85. -101 4th at. A-8500. mMS gSgffiES ggSSSS Hua Exoress&Bae Co SJ Tii i .nil hnffaf lintpfi Cigar store In good liva town In eastr vatlataL " . , T:. '- ,i ; l LAnTRR' t,inrinr , .ii.riHnna r-nuta each Grin with trunks (H4 . ., . Phene Woodlawn 2699. ..' BEAUTIFUL 6 room flat, 627 FJ. Salmon, :&ml&ri.ih$$ fn0'..,?", ,Cl2f JK TUB Orroon AtTTO SCHOOL, . ln.:-.lSiS MilcUert Vo Morrtson! A-441.Gr"' Wt" tr" aYsh.U 141a. MODERN 7 room house, i226 El Main; also 7 hpusa 267" N.rtilla. wet 1 SH'Sp&T0& -'SMtiS Vc-VAutoS LAROEitront suite heart, of, city, of enA'" ? FOUR d,, fU. SeSCirHy lvo;htflorto?npar, ' r&tfS C " NURSES.- . CO rhoill''Klng'ror BUNOAtOW 6 rm, and bath attrac- - -wly cUsa block, from EHHH?S a'To .SmSW YOJNO lady with'eKperlenc; Viah;. Itdrner. k f ' r,A'onl ,t house la qj tno very neai oonstrueiiJij f ..v'l..;. x T- : . , Instructors. Actual experlenca in re- position as nurae girl or eomnimlon " 1 MODERN 7 room new bunga ovr. Mt. blocks f rom union' ave., bet. Beech c and iwell laid out and of pretty de- I HAVE 6J4 billion feet. 'of tropical Urn pairing the drivm on first clasa cart. pSS Woodlawn lfT ; oPMwn p , f . a-ik,,,. rrtn.fa.. " Bcott car MvrU Park north on 10th and Falling. 800 E.1 6th N. I sign.- Lot la 60x100. close to car. ( An her. mahogany, cedar, etc.. and an Lecturea and recitations.: ?.u , Wn "t7, i ... D&gg&gQ 0L Omn DUS ranStef to mh avi -rtbor 2071 - SUNNY811rl-Mu.lern 6 room "flat"' aea inspection of this property will convince assured market for sale of logs.-. I de. investigate thto aoheel ( befora n- NURSE wants confinement at home or Baggage moved and atored. Phona ? vvAtfJL ' ' ri r nnm -ta mm hiaLUr iryow. that the 'price w have on tnls sirs to cooperate with parties who can rolling elsewhere. v , . outj omi housework. S8S , Larrabea Main ffgo" A-1IH. " 1 HOUSE for rent, 7th and EVGrant, -.JSj ; ttSLjftj, aoth " property is low.V Ws will accept a amall supply funds to log same; mm expert- Offices Y.M.Ci A. bulldlnj. Phona at. C-1723. - - CV, ,4" , 1 r ... . .... v,8 Ifa?,!,B,n1 b,th' U r month- Morrison, near 30th . Smount'down and montMy DP?yT'"ents enced lumberman.. ,05 Board of Trade M,in 705. A-660 -',, KIND, practical nurse wlshea maternity Wh?u-t. f urnllhad and w.irKeTt.d" Marhl"1 , 1- - , , ,,7. H?,1 ".w1 ltt0s" THE DENLER & DENLKR REALTY CO., bldg. - - - -. Auto (rhool E. 10th and Mill ats. cases: Sellwood 1688. Mrs. Wick, tatrm ".ilPJ ?R J"rnJ Jl 5"" iAwi' MODERN 5 room cottage, nicely fur- ave.. near d and Washi Main mt. B.iildera and Ownera, PLACER MINE . Phone Eat 8662. ' ? ' ' WtVKflfvi .i ceatef Mde MV 190 nished. near Steel bridge. $30. 278 " . " "' 1 :" .'; V;' 10 Chamber of; Commerce, v,' One of original locatora of Hch placer ' , ; i . n , ,. .. . , man: TOtOTiypwtaM MtoTIML wa Mdg. Main 1940 . Benton at. FURNISHED FLATS 00 Main 6594. gold mine will aacrlflca part of his In- At OflCe ' ' ' spemany. Mam von... front "?Pto t"iVE room modern bunKalow, good lo. , , AO Art I?7nA - - - -. forest; needs funds badly; that mine , la r-Several young men. under SS for tall- '- SITTJATIOVS WAVTITIV MALT5 bath? t'hona T 69i skb KtiJ "St?' fin ' cation, light, jraa, telephone, $18. 995 MODERN 4 room flats, furnished, $31. 10 ACreS UU-.--Tf--..T.)j financed ud machinery being Installed, way mall cierks., examinations Febru- ,;NltA"2 WAXKI MAW$ Wtn., Phona A-6324.. 655 6th. cor. Lin- K 20tn ,t Woodlawn 785. wllh water. 639 Commercial Court. QiAf fnrK M;1 Par Mrtntn ' Thin Is money maker.. 60S Board of ary 7: permanent. Dromotion. salary $75. AND FEJIALK ; S3 " , ViriMT r " room hnuw-' rurnac- Knott, Russell, , Kerby and Com- , ,$14U taSllr 514 rer lOnin Trade bldg. -' - Tmg nrf cTlvlm l"o 6th at - : TWO beautiful fnrnlahed housekeeping Matket and 1 lth f uraUM for iSa merclal ats. . ; ' ' ' , WILL trade dry goods, notions and mu- fiV mi." v' H: "C'-'J MIDDLE aged man - and Wlfo. " !- OTlW-SSiclSan p"n Main 6424 X-4006tUr NICELY furnished flat. 2 beda and san- fi v ArrPS-iKfiOO r't-.-t-?-'f V - Unary store: Invotc $2000; will take ,; , - , JmrnpH hip 'V nd responsible, with axcerfent M "th, between Jackson and .ar RK?JTai room houae renta 820 itary couch, good carpets, walking 0 MUtJp TVWV ss. " , ' $2000; take small house and lot up Xo . ' ' IfTllTieUiaie " reputation and good refereneaa, would 'leg; ' i?, ti i m ' distance. 444 Rodngv, Eaet 4866. $190 Ha:h R19 KPr Mfinth $1400, balance cash or mortgage. .Room . -' ' . "' ARB"Ydtl A BUddEBSt Jtka to take charge of flratelaas room- FURNISHED housekeeping ' rooms, PP'?.,04' "tn w',,, ...... -r ' I.. i . u' -m t ,qUU baSH j lf I Pl IVIUmH g18 B'oar) 0 Tn,d) bidjr. A-1051. . Do yowlah to ftcreasaur salary ?, apartment houae. Phona Main . single and , auitea, very reasonable. $22.60 7 room -house. 576 E 9th st. STORES AND OFFICES 11 nfl M 1 p . - IF you ilre a 1 KustWc and have 1200 and a the TsSm flme bi nVaged In"! 98. room 1. 'ontU'T,rfK,v'H',ment rom'' l3-t0- 868 J' 3 CKVKn- Qrand ve' Anknyt 1 - 26 MieS rFOm rOrt and ' cash, want a good cash businesa sit- pleasant occupation, let us ahoy you mniaTmxnm unnvn a ff?tKOnlery'''t; ' ' - - . . .1' 'Zli J hatt. tor RROTThi ' Auditorium 4 4 tpI ili'l P !k'il: ll L nated on the main street on east side, how, . It coata you nothing for.lnforma- FL RNISHED ROOMS NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, FURNISITED HOCSE8 3fl has Tuesday and Wednesday nights. 1 1 2 Ml eS T Tom NeWDerS low rent, not aaloon or restaurant, ad- tion. . WEST SIDE" all conveniences, gaa and heat. $3 -- s-f;. Inquire 208H Third st. ; A beautiful city of 5000 people. .." . dress H-296. Journal. THE PORTLAND AUTOMOBILE .n.. . m.-m.m weekly. 646 Qllsan at COTTAGE rooms, furnished E. 8th. xE3K room in nice office, waiting room,' Small creek on both tracts.'' . v FINE PAYING. BUSINESS. SH5fei.- ' , . RoffOnt HMp! BEAUTtFUL, large housekeeping suites , paved streets $27.60 per month; will phone, stenographer, $13.60 month. " Old aettled dlatrict, many neighbors. Wanted, partner to - Invest equal IfS Bth st. North. . ncgclll nOlCl modern, with all convenience, close leaae. Call 420 Lumber Exchange, 2d 811-312 Lewis bldg. .. Famous for lta beautiful orcharda. amount In the, wet wash laundry husl- MEN and women , to learn the barber : 1K1 1 O 7tri Q , -. ' In. 387 12th, near Montgomery. and Stark. , . : ' , iron RKNT--Half atora room. 244 An- , On a good county road. ns. Havy , fino location for construe- trade In S weeks. Bpedal inducement 101 'Z. fin bl. . . NICELY furnished house keeping rooms BEAUTIFULLY furnished. thorouKhiy yrtT '. Red shot fruit soil. . s . A tion of building H-29S. Journal. Percentage earned while learning. Toola Newly furnlahed rooms, watef lw each phone. llghU and bath. 488 Burnslde modern and well equipped 5 room new " t . tenoaraphe'r iur. TRFn P HIIMTRFQQ . FOR fcALB Medford. Rogu River val- free, expert Instructora. 17 years In.tha room, steam heat, very central, quiet, between 13?h anJ 14th.' bungalow. E. 28th and Stark: rent $36; t;?fiS.OOI?B5?f Za room rP Iur i rntU T. nUINl ntOO Uy, Cigar, confectionery lea cream, business. IT schools. A life tlrna achol- special weekly and monthly .ratea. tran- LARGE warm alnale sleeping "rooms' no agents; no children. K-393. Journal. . nished. 250H Aldetr. room 7- , , g McKay bldg. -: 8d and Stark, etc opposi'te depot, "lease, low .rent; rah given to every "tuf" 7ekly nnl $1 Tand $8 Ser mon th ; bttK and Hghts' COMPLETELY furnished room cot- HOTFTji B4 Ull wnrnJ r-rm, qq rnoney maker;, $900 caah. 6. W.Stone. B college. M,N... 4th .U Portland, Run on home prfnclnles. Main 800l 4 oil 0th apartment l! Phone A-8 if 3 ' tag modern, gas and electrlcltv, HOTEIB , ' KsS z Mray ;J?LS!ffl si"hyM- Ern!oZow:e -HOUSe faLr 1MWhS Tr vltrbSSSUrrn" gS,NO and furnished rooms. TKff. BKl-VEHKRE ''nrnnnn. 4h andAif" vS'utt&&'S E'lPE lount on well al rlMvU- fiffl, yt",t JwllSjft. Vo'U. TEN rom furnlBn" house, aiao 2 ., HOW HICETa JM buUdinV'ho't rcofiVZi mH&ilfoouFbS& ?":h:, , w , HOTEL FORD. 3 Washington, corner STRICTLY first claa. housekeeping Vol 'ocl0B' chettp pnWc UnrePo Mll!p5 and HAT- -good location, write or phone me at noSo- nurchaaed from wholesale house LADIES todo Interesting work at Lucretia st.-I.New brick building. Just , rooms, 1 or more rooms, heat fur- Ie,nV 746. ,f "tnrllP L0WS nOrSeSi IVIUieS dllU UX grm E 8"a sarT'cafr ,on!sserv wwK fmk PSFi flCSS fOf SfllS . - ' J. B, AtkinSOn Bl anao Jn rooming, il rooms, HELP WANTBIW-FEMALE 2 S Mddt.Wt; S' rBoSrUZ' Jlr5 eilch .lh Phone $1$. 401 Washington st. Van- ah. 'SSJIKL, "Kr-iKfiL 1P ( ' best of service; very reasonable Tatea. tirrELVVurniahed hnuHApning Mm,' I 16th and Alberta at., for rent cheap, regular sales of horses, mules wagons couver. Wash. central 'Treated , fur nlturo ;?w-,P't WANTED Public etenographer with Htvfirt RfcwtrK inJfITVn Phone Woodlawn 614. and harneas; we have about 20 head of Uo6t 7 room house and big' lot. fine easy term., rent $20. Wt. Jour- mach,e and desk In nice Sfflca. 203 Th. 7th f o'ggspectab e" p'ple": 29? 'm'h f lVE room house nicely furnished. 689 a0Sr!twP.a.Wa?niehl Uwi"! for chickens and garden. m inn tea 221 K ;r r Henry Mdg. Rent free. ,nd Taylor, oppoaite Helllg theatre, a rr (SaV ir, ri.. t. r V ;; E. Ash at. Call next door. i.muJ L" K?- h. v?rii .T.i! -from Oregon Clty ear, located at Park Comer GrOCerV WANTED Middle aged lady to do quiet home fir quiet people, etrlotly C shed oma aS? inia.8iJ?.X7"K t ; buying else- RA.aXeiftwe't' ofOg - ExcellenV location cas business, housework for I grown people. Tabor modern, peaBt:tran.l,,t Main ill jkJrZlX iTrfgMB HawthnmP Avpmip tflhlpi at.Kth"-d WMhlngton iL?t lease, no delivery. 623 Wash, st. W ANTED Fx Deri enced chocolate dip- Tuts?ddoubu"rms team'h'ea'l! CHEAPEST, u housekeeping FUH-MTURB 1QB BALK 82 MaWtnOme AVenUJtaDieS , Improved, total value both properties GOOD paying grocery and feed store on WESpelM"carn rl isth fin hath om. .H?i,T Vnr 5? 4 room" ln h $2, $2.50 week. 184 T'TrTT 7 TZ 2 420 Hawthorne ave. $2li00i win eaorlfiea for caah or trade Oregon Elictrlc; sales $100 per day; ,ri,-.-pp,3r AIdon Candy Ca' 12th S-odI I.' to 15 lfiB 18th. W ear from st"'r'"a"- FURNITURE of 7 ekPnof ro.onl1f PAIR mules. 2700 pair gray horses, for good business or rooming house will sell H Interest or all. Particulars """""i 4 , . .. .:. , S?SSt BURNISHED hbusekeeolng and alnala uJor ?al.or, tr?2?' 1,5" ' 1100 ch. $125; 7 vea? old sorrci here or In some other town that will Miller's office, US Board of Trade. P. M. WANTED Lady teachers f or Chlneae .. n ww Vooma $2 00 to $3 50 oi? weft 794 !ot"' for rent 0! 4th' ' rx OT ni. 17 -handa high, single or bear closest Investigation. Address K- hrnr r jZ fll mission, 7:80 to p. m. 2S6 Taylor. THE EDGAR, 125 14th at Come and Thurman st H LEAVING city; will sell furniture of double worker, $136; dapple gray mare, 292. Journat 500 DUSineSS UardSi SI mn ..... .1ts , ,ooki verything new; steam heat x"" "" " rnnm .,,.. . . r room flat: rent $20; 4 rooma rented, 8 years old. 1300 lbs: black mare. 1600. A HOUSE and 2 lots to exchange" for Ros Cltv Prlnterv 1924 Thld Street HELP W ANTED M lZ AND free phony Rates to permanenta; tran- ONK and 2 room aultes, hot cold water cltakn ,16 prlc 200 eaBT terma In- 7 yeara oldi aound: i year old bay and A automobile or nlan.Vi'urnal. AMALAROAraf. '"Vwar V$. 1 FEMALE 88 fi" Jt.i Si TTTT 1 6 th corPhMorr son ' Mrs?' WilsoS" 166 st st. flat E. a irown ,t year, old $35 for th. team; t.1. , , 1 1 , , , , r " "v," ,,,, : 3 n.,-LxxT-n..i.M-g--.xi- -l.-i-j-l.-u-,-.i- NEW and beautifully furnished rooms, lnln cor- morriaon. Mrs, wuson. FURNITURE for sale, house to let, 6 Hambletonlan registered mare, with (,,.,. m. ra ., CALL at 260 KHllngswortn ave. lor par- WANTirn4 -ollcltora to work ln cltv one single, one double; fine location: SUITE outside housekeeping rooms, rooma atrlctlv modern. Apply 288 plenty of speed, drives single or double; SWAP COLUMN 28 ticulars concerning a nice bus new Jrm hia? "th. 'urriaoe, phone; reasonable. 2ti first floor, gas, bath. sinV hot water shermati. 7 Appiy,. Small dellverv team for $100. sound. irrSrr.'VrP XT. r" 'or Cftn bd an,"d. lltu V-aU 41T E.Uer? Dldg- 12th st - , connections, cfose In. 401 let st.. flat D. 1, tPTct-rf f prf-nf in rrm' knl,.? 294 Montgomery, cor. 5th. Marshall 'rM UUStMXd WANTED Younx man to go on road EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 65 lEWIsfpN Hotel 27iU Morrison, cor. SINGLE ' housekeeping room; e.ectrlo FVoRcffiKaU corivenSs; prfce fSSo. " i : Wg; U" 8' Pent"V M nd WS$t $0 r ' - KHJirL 8 hot water. Mrs. Johnaon. 168 N Park. , JUSt hi 7 Z&l!rlim- " Lum- ol fU"' "7 RthCh,,d FRFF FMPmYMFNT OFFIPF NICE furnace "eat $2.60 TWO room connecting aulte; electricity, HaYS? steel K&'WSUw. jiSile : ber Exchange -oldg, . WANTED Good mania, partner la es- FffitJMF JSKfet U?W& X ? Tot tfffi 'mMtT fam"yi jB , n . i 'V8 '-snabVe. '-??&. WANTEDREAL ESTATE SI tabllshed real estate business, over e..lonal and clerical male and female j ; ' , i . -r - T T Va " -? . M " ,,n . rr- COMPLETELY furnished modern flat horse sold under our guarantee to be aa Tn--, 260 per month; can be increased; best furnlahed on hort notlc LARGE bright room with large closet laOHl housekeeping rooma $10 to $30 rooms, furniture good, rent $30; price represented. Take Rose City Park car. - mibuft. L-291. journal. j?0 feei conveniences. 428 Mill. Main monta. Steam heat, light and water, $250. Bunnyslde car" 92 B. J 6th st Rose City Park Sales Stabfe. 62d and WB GET RESULT IF YOU HAVE RESTAURANT, well established, west Men's department 111 Id. cor. Salmon. It!!; v ,ct int. , , . lnv'i .i.' ' J.,,"; '1 i. NEW furniture of 10 room house. $300 Sndv road. Adams A Campbell. wis uar " . n.vjk do(n from J76 t0 jgs'dany. Women's department 145 Salmon at THE LANDORE 381 10th st, 2 .Ingle FRONT rooms, furnished for house- cash, balance on terms. 187 N. 16th. for SALE 10 head of good work ANT FARM OR CITY PROPERTY lease, price $1200. Call 101 Lumber Ex- Mtln 3556; A-6624. tlll ilf.1-00111" wltn hot Jld 601(1 itaa 2?J8 t nd FIVE room cottage, modern, some f urnl- . horaea. weight 1900 to 1400 Ibs.'each; i. change. D U A MO CM t water, for rent bow jonnson ytrect- ture for Bale terms. Marshall 4122. 4 farm wagons, 1 top wagon. I buggies. Tfl BELL OR TRADE LIST IT WITH nnnrFRV fir tlvlnz rooms rood bufe- Li fit nAlNotiN Q Uvi CHEERFUL furnished rooms, single FOUR unfurnished rooms, sink, gas, V-Txr ,.,i.i,iL- r . fi.t' tinn et" harness and 4 cows. - These UK XKua.i.iaj? u wiiu iPVm HBO loTLiK Ex- GENERAL EMPLOYMENTA GEMOTES. housekeeping, modern, alf eonven- first floor. $15 a month. 249 Hari- ?JLul?B2??I i'? i4iii thlnga muat be sold, owner going east US. IF THE PRICE IS RIGHT WE cha"" P M.iJ fTfl hS Tli nT 2d St. IruiidT8, lencs, $2 week up. 649 Yamhill. eon, near Tnlrd,. takes It "lJuJ"i Inoulre.218 F. 9th st. In tent on corner. WfiTTtn Hk to huv a small clrar con- Ladle, department 7th and Waab, ata, ATTRACTIVE alcove room, well fur- THE Idaho, cheapest close In house- Mril. a k2k rtl;nn A BARGAIN $165 buys team, mare CAN HANDLE IT FOR YOU. CALL Wietlonerv or wrorerv store- must have , upstairs. Portland. nished, every convenience, $16. 268 keeping and sleeping rooms ln city. "!e: ppl? 665 Overt0"- and horse, weight 2600; harness and ilini room. iSsJourmil 424 Front ave.. Spokane, 14th st 889 6th st. Main 9629? A-2648. FOR SALE A bargain, fine furniture farm wagon; $30 buys l-months-old OR WRITE, WAITED XeiL halt Interest In a ' tn ONE large front room, also aide room. COMFORTABLY furnished housekeen. -2.4 ""r "plete. $185. Main 9029. colt; $25 Sny, IV4 Inch wagon. Phone --..--.-- wnTrt hiialnia to reliable cartv O- Established 1870. all conveniences, close In. 474 Yam- lng rooms, reasonable. 886 1st near ' jpiKTMPVTa - 4 Be"w0" 17gg-, ,, , , WARD & YOUNGER, wood usines. to rellawe party. u Ppnnptt' Fmn OVmPnt AfTPnPV corafeir 14th" Montgomery. APARTMENTS IF you want to buy-or seU cowa. hors. - SUITE 421 TEON BUILDING. A FIRST class grocery with an A-i $ ' tX. mtAx MnlSA NEW Vat'hShon mTisM-frlraV N?eTao;Yahf,UnlB9h,ei Sr1" rtm?' " FORDHAM APARTMENTS COM- Flande'r." .tN. AuctlSn "ileseveVy Vntir Prftnarw t AuariicaA Craa tTai at ?lff J"nt o dissolve service reliable help to employer free. 60b Jefferson y.TfA ' " r 8tark Bt PLETED. s Wednesday. M. J7 Walker, auctioneer YOUr rrOpertV AuVertlSeCI Tree partnership. J-297. Journal. "D..; riJ 1 ' tJ , 7V i-- -. hm. CAMBRIDGE Bldg. Furnished house- At 170-172 Ford St. Just south of HAVING disposed ' 'of mv ranch will Ust your house, lot., acreage. caa P.J DmI. fri t?1 BUttS & dredge tmD. UOi THE ELM PLACE 414 Yamhill: rooma. keeping rooma. Rm. 16. 3d & Morrison. Washington, are the most complete, ,;"Jae of mt I BalS'maiSa r 1 We' will .ell It aCra8- 500 GOOd BUSlneSS CardS $1 UUU W ,Vh N. "a ,t " T.yithgnd&SiSS l-f PH' MITCHELL rooms; light yV1"". "rathUh" andPeTthem.mVr..Ho'dl "ST. .-.-.fS?1 BROS.. 511 Buchanan bldg., 286 Washington. Main 3208. A-1291. vate baths and aultes. close In. gaa; moderate. 7th-Vlandera. X-407.: 5Wvr?L"Ainht Hawthorne Ave. Wodyardy" ' 104 LEWIS BLDG. Phone Main 7591. BARBER shop. 6 chair.. 4 baths. $360; p J prn-e . Cmnlrtwmori KIHsTIFI RIlllllllFlfJV th Bt- "l HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $3.60 week up. ?aepUn walnut or mahogany ; elegant MUST sell at onee. 1 2800 lb team. LOT or fracUon at Weat Seaside; give owner leaving city. 108 Madison. KeCI LrOSS tmPIOymeril W U II up .per week. THE CLAY, 343 Mofrtaoh. V w.nreT tnLl"atr.rwTtV sulerh leaving cltv. 2815 58th st B. E. End cash price and location. D-288, Jour- Main 45. - Id N. td. cor. Burnslde. M. 6291. A-67II. Free phone and I ath. Main 7714. HOUSEKEEPING rooma, gaa, bath, fixtures? hfghiat class service; eich of Hawthorne car. 1 block weat and 2 S':. . - , , DRUG STORE, west side, doing a good .... n--.. lnCTa . SEVERA,nice'..nbr1 ,,w11- n8.8,1'1 phone, heat 171 N. 17th st with private balcony and bath; 4 rooma south. WANTED Portland Income or busl- business; 12000 will handle. H. L. WANTED AGENTS 6 rooms, $10 to $20. 881 11th. st Mar- - . . with most convenient arrangement TWO mares-with foal, and 7 years ness property. M. S. Cobb, Realty Falrly, 653 Hoyt at. . i- i. ...-. shall 3785. -- , nonsinr-1 re R nnnM $42.60 to $60: 6 rooma, $50 to $60. Thla old. weighing 1550 and 1600 lbs.: bred Agency. 918 Yeon bldg. HALF Interest in a patented device; WEneed a aalesman In each of sev- jijp ftRAMn $87 Yamhill. VXK-T BrA- a b"11,,n different Let Mrs, Burleigh to Imported horse. 4 B. 80th at, Monta- 11 1 5 amall eaDttal big seller Call 174 E. Ir1 excellent field, to sell our splen- InC. unnllU $2.00 week up. AST 11K . 48 show you through. villa. BOOMING HOUSES FOB SALE 53 Water at O Herrmann did nursery stock. A permanent place: Fine furnished rooma. close In. . -.-.-. -.-.. THE VILLA ST. CLARA GOOD nair 'of ma'r'ea."weight iobo lls' ' -,-s--.--.--. wVFrv--hlT.-' r c"h kly and a square firm back of i-. - ,,p 272-6ih at FOUR unfurnished housekeeping rooms, 12th and Taylorr g and7 vears f rV Slr of muloV OJ nOOm MpdlunBril nOUbtS in-alllt 5l B CoVt lll Veonbldg fJu")' Co- Toppensh. Wash. Nicely furnished rooms, $2.50 to $5. 8JH Russell at near O.-W. R. & N. fnrnlahed apartments la the northwest; Woodstock car to Gladstone. Now If yon -want a paying house and i""'B,.u- r J . i "i! I .Cfi WANTED Saleamen to aid us supply r inav ,Mm. auitaUa for i-' Ki ' Vnia 0P -' furnished housekeeping and location perfect; rentala reasonable: hnRSFft and buagVa. for rent b have $3500 In good clear property any- FOR SALEU-Two' chair barber shop; the brlsk aemnd tor our -ocj.. Bonl LARGE rooms '.-no' '.d sleeping ' rooms. -very modern convenience.. Including """SE S -fnV.te. Ve where near Portland, w will trade, as must be sold at once. K-298. Journal. v;0at territory vet ln every .tate west Malr,', 738 b - ffiCELY furnished 2 room apartment, banquet hall and roof garden: high , houses? 6th and Hawthoi the owner is on a ranch and ha. too ' ' ' 11 of the Mississippi. Cash weeltly. Marshall 3733. plenty of steam heat and hot water clasa service; references required. l BO""w'... ,:.r?9n9' muoh business; can .how you that nELI WANTED MAI31 1 CAPITAL CITY NURSERY CO. IF YOU wish good flrat clasa rooms both outside room., phone and electric Both phonwa In all apartmenta Phoaa aasi t. ,-. thla house clear, more than $300 a rL. -,. -, Bnlem. Or, cheap, call at the Roycrest 175 12th lights, reaaonable rates. 247 Clackamas Main 227 and A-70S7. Number good Jiorses. marca. left from month, now, and Will quickly pay for J YOU CAN'T HELP but make money St.. corner Yamhill st , ti DiaWnnA c., 0 C.n,e-P- . Madison Sale itself. See' u ' eelllng our Huarant"d4crglv-.atls- BRIGHT iarge double and single rooms, TWO very pleaaant front room, for I fie 0 6113110 Stables. 185 Madison st. at west eld BROADSTREET-S EXCHANGE, Cl Colaemon faction atock; free outfit; caah weekly; lights, bath, phona 111 N. 15th light housekMptng: g2 bath large I6thTH AND LOVEJOY. - FOR 6ALE A big work team, will take 293 Stark, Room. 800-301. OlOCK OaieSmefl exojuslve Urrltory. Yakima Valley Marshall 1264. front windows newly furnl.he' clean Unfurnlahed apartments, strictly mod- smaller team ln exchange. 14 Union - ... Tf.Ati " Qnprifll " Mfn of lllty. Personality and Nursery Co.. Toppenlah. Wash. TWO large front rooma. one .uitable 772 E. Taylor. -E. 6260 or 8962. 5ran,,n1?w, aVCki "ms 'inJiuoIr? ave- COT- At,h-T,T,;, , , I OUay S opeClal . good appearance, for a high WANTED Agent to .ell our white lined for-four peraon., other fine rooms $1 ST MARKS 392Vt E Burnslda' house- i ro"p"i.-Rate .lS'J30-3J" FERTILIZER. , " 19 Rnnm Rpnt M !? i,rnotefe".-v enamelwaref Only salesmen with es- week up. Convenience.. 85 Madison. keeping nSSmtlma $2 60 up. frte fe'i. ff.8- A1M7 .Well rotted manure East h?0JlnIr,.H-- that' -5 ni1am". b""hed tw1tw'n- apply. Mall AMSDON Hotel, nicely furnished rooms! light an! iSone! al.onlceiy fifnl.hld Phone owner Mai- 1M7. A-1887. 76- ,. ,.......... ... . Furnace i heat fine weat side location. tht will apptal to referents. The Bellalre Enamel Co.. ,team heat all the time, hot water rooms for men $2 and up. The OneOflta THREE horaea. weigh 140J ibe anlece. Prfce $600, Half CaSh intTrli PP-- BHialre. Ohio. MTq $60 up. 268 3d st. ' Twn wo ,.- .., n h. 'rnmhSt .Call and see nem; 489 Hawthorne James, 88 10th, Near Stark , Frank M. Brown.Jnc. JSh fSQ tffl&8Zr&rS& JSWJ&SJSE KIM head of Che.P borr.yrom 20 UP. r-J ' ' 1020 Chamber of Commerce bid. om e thing new , aU at B'x"- w,re to business center; rates "$20 week up. sell st. - walking distance. Phone Main 497. ' 14 Union ave., cor. Ash. Here It IS i.oct xenange. WARM, quiet room, nicely furnished; TWO completely furnished light house- A-4739. ' FINE'team of ponlea to exchange for 11 room rooming house, all mission ' ' a: i SITUATIONS MALK S bath, phone, electric i lights. QenUe- keeping rooms, pantry, running water, : 1 - big horse. 14 Union ave.. cor. Ash. and oak furniture. Rruaaela earnVrV ; Y. M. C. A. .. preferred. 700 Flanders. gas; private entrance; southern expos- KTVfJ HILL APARTMENTS. 1 - hJlviS. ALL round country" VrM In "new7 LARGE bright front rooms; furnace ZSr"""- U M?9 f'j A APARTMENTS. . LINSTOCK AND FOULTBY S3 lor; full, clearing $90 above expenses; th"t member will, eoure etnoloy- unvnll AufPn heat, bath, phone and lights, close ln, TWO light and clean room., furnished, 4, 5, I room apartmnts; select -t----.i-w m.-.--.,. worth $1600. Pflce today. $700? $300 "ln r . J'u"1v. -'JSKEmS living fo.elF uS fwffly JA eS reasonable, fsi 11th. ' ' for lfght housekeeping; references. tenancy. Apply on premises. 171 FOR S ALE-Flne White, ' Plymouth f 5WN 6bth 'at' ' 5rOUr0Wn "me' Peter"' prtVlC;.7o0mr?nth FSSwR fatntTlltM.Q' THE Morrison hotel, 633 Morrison; good f" East 6073. King -t. Rock ng.-.&torinn ?? '-t First rffiaJ city. j JtSSSU, burnished 1 BS C home, and at the same ttrne pay a little . r; . . . ,- . ' ranch or emmtrv Ct-ofa innrn z , , ., r0nms' gas hot cold water bath lng to those dealring modern and high- LARGE dark Single Comb Rhode Island cash and term.. C. E Jones, 402 Yeon WANTED Men to learn auto driving guptr 0-395,,, Journal. jjl6th st N Handsomely furnished lainnrv traVs etc 66E Main Pta. at moderate, rate, excellent Red cockerels, fine breeders, $1.60 ta bldg. ' and repairing; can guarantee posl- JAPANESE wants situation, drug store. room. 8 meala If desired. i"!?mi IJSvrvi L.1 ' location. ,888 11th. cor. Montgomery. $5. Look up my show, winnings, K. J. ' '' 11 ot . x 1 -r, . r.-. . : 1 " tion. to next few men. Open Sundays. first clas. porter: experience year., Vy.,, ,,,. .,,1,.. . HOUSEKEEPING rooms for clean work- "rtia'" ttr.vtvt ttv Russell 889 Wheeler at. betT Dixon For MlfKAdBllroA3I?ou.e. go your chanca 208 Wway Ex- have referent 285 1st st city rooms, two bgck. f rem po.tof- lnf men. $2.60 up free 1 ght phone 4 jg. mITrS'cOR. 7TH. anTro'a'dw'ly. WheClCf .PUn !eren?40W'pr1.c.g1?B03oCS CHEF.adou,rter, and elpera Call- ri Q TciaW-wlt'h S. Wgtt room "fhe.t, 5.? S-! fU floor; r S KSSfflS -iSff fcW..?: feS toar ' DePOt- YhU1- KiSZZS Z:r1 'pU. MTyA? WarX W - tcoc-er-,,tht;t., . ; ft 22 -KUUMS 22 WANTED At once. I men to learn to and pastry 166 Stout st. iHli.LL.Ar, ss Morrison at FURNISHED housekeeping. rooms. . n.-f . Arv-Jrv WANTED to buy a" team of good voung tn heafrof CtyT Vl on 1 ffor. room. hVn VatthorSe11 FIRST claT, carpenter want. work. HreeOTV TC r00m' 0l" M F JTthV"00'- 4 ,r 2' 22 . DUrfee ApailmentS - fffiwSlghoW IOT.Jglve. alwaya fuU and a money maker, ha. Hawthorne, Oarage. n 441 Hawthorne. Phone A-4408. tZB,""- , . yth.Bt. ; I room .team heated apartments, fur- full particulars In first letter. Address never sold for less than i960. Prfce to- HIGH class men- as salesmen, good JAPANESE wanta noaltlon la "areen- SINGLE room, also housekeeping rooms, FRONT rooms, brick bldg.. 2 room nished pr unfurnished. Private phone 4047 65th mt., B. E. Portland. day with rent paid luMllFabV 1.1175 for proposition, live men only. Oregon J hou or housework F?294 Jorfal . .close ln, all corivenlence.. 07 Market. suites, $2.60 week; free bath, phone, and bath. 808 Stanton st East 1065. WHITE Wvinddttea. Rhode Island ft-n alC PeterV, 156 st ' Fruit ft Development Co,. 26$ Ry. Etc. , housework. F-294, Journal, j FURNISHED rooms, close ln. lights; ' Williams ave. BANNER APARTMENTS! 7 BiSU S6 R66MS,' brick bidg.',"' we'tl if'urn'l'ated; FIRST CLASS tool maker .wanted. SITL'ATIOXS FEMALE 4 bath and phone, $1.50 and $$. 171 Jjth. HOUSEKEEPING room for rent, fur- 489 Clav st. uo Jo date furnished 1 lete. reasonable.- 3 .E...,29th4 at, near whole price $760: worth double. 50(1 steady work, r Cair 122 Commercial -w-.-. -.,.-. --. . Main 9451. ' nished; hot and cold water; one block room apartments. Price $20 to $24, In- stark st. . ,,vrrr-7:;t Yeon bldg. Great opportunity. Hurry. pt"b. " ; ".. - WANTED A position as housekeeper 424 6th st. cloae in, new. modern, from car. 116 East th st. eluding heijt light and janitor service. 1NE: fre8D 4 rallon cow, ' Jersey-Dur- PORTLAND ROOMING HOUSE CO. FIRST CI-VSS layer-out wanted on for a widower or bachelor who has a . reasonable front rooma, $1.50 up. LARGE outside room completely fur- P""" war-naii 407. ; ham. 91 E. 33d t 411 Henry bldg. Marshall (64 ahlpwork. Call 222 Commercial Club good home by a young woman, -Well edu- ki.60 WEEK Pleaaant room, well fur- nished for housekeeping, gas range, FIFTH AND COLLEGE. . : 1 ; 1 1 Hotels, apartment houses, rooming bldg. cated, fairly good looking extra neat nlahed, hot hath. 405 1st, "K." $12. 692 H E. Morrison. East C901. Beautiful 3 room corner apartment DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 40 bouses bought, sold and exchanged. WEAR a Kenshaw $2 hat; all .tylea ,'!d f??L, , uukeeJr' Kn'i"-,": , i1 I'ZZIa' KiCELY furnished room, suitable for"! FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, prl- ''"-'io - -, Vl , HOMESTEAD Wei 1 stocked, ready to 169 4th: 449 Washington. old ' dauchDf rIah.00n gentlemen with board. 195 16th st vate band other convenience.. E. venencea, only $40. worth $50. The Alta- Bom the dog man. boarding, expert . move onto. I miles to railroad town. WANT lather, plasterer, laborer, plumb. MrVoudTnga a" good Can Vive tmet ' -t-,t,---- ' "7 or 89 K 12th' p. i , , JT r T care: anything for the dog A-3604. Trade for rooming hou.e. 611 Corbett er. give dentistry. Call 207 Allsky bldg. Sf references and will expect good Wj! " FUBNISHED ROOMS TWO .neatly furnished housekeeping DriCkStOII ADartment WHITE bull terrier, male, house brokt i.' ' M.r: '1 " - ' '. . . erences In return J-296. Journal. . EAST StCB 58 ..r00"1'-,??"' batn Phone' 70 448 11th near College? ! I and 8 room en. year old, cheap. 280H let st elr.PXTf'i-W'r roPln houae 'HELP WANTED MISO. 40 WIDOW capable of earning good wage. ! f'2. . ; - suites, strictly first class, bachelor vn :.TP MIar-t . . VI,,n,.a in first class district; must be reason- - --.-.. ... -,--- -,. Wuh .mall girl wants housekeeping THE GAYOSA Modern rooma .team LOVELY housekeeping suite, walking apartments a specialty. $25 up. FOB SALE -MISCELLANEOUS 19 anie. J-8H3, journal. TELEGRAPHY Bpeaklnar of guaran- for bachelor or widower, country no ob- heated, hot and odd J"r,te,r. Pbpne In distance; everything furnished. Eaat RICHLY furnished suite, 3 large light "r.rrr " FOR sale , bv owner: Furniture of 9 tees. I will give a limited number of Jectlon. Address 190 W. Park, room I. rooms, elevator, brick building, $ par $404 30 East 10th. rms. furnace heat gas range, piano, - ' ANNOUNCEMENT - .room". $150 caah-.balance terms. Call bona fide guarantees for position, to a, MIDDLE aaed ladv wlahea a position week,an(5 P. with private bath $4 vp. TWO and three room furnished apart- $35. also 2 fine rooma" $20: neighbor- v We have opened a plumbing supply; 168 College. . : . ; - desirable applicant, and teach telegrj- A tkefpSr for a widower one mv"- and E' ta!k- ments, U2 Union ave.. N. Wood- hood of beautiful homes. 483 10th. S'"nf1ht1an1 .e,an, aiw',0,",a? t0hy.0,,: 22 ROOMS worth flAAo. for $1008; easy !tZjtnJVe,--n,:-" wh 1 a ' $SSF 6-t. "THE MONTGOMERY." corner East !! THE ELMlRA Cor. 14th and sUloH, llo'to "and' anything ?nZlmt,"2 terms, . 60S Yeon bldg. Snap. . Portland. Or. . . .,, . jonrnal. , - Morrison and East 8th. nicely fur- S OR 4 furnished housekeeping rooms In one furnished 4 room basement apt Supply llnfc See U. at once anf ret out iil.500 farm t0 'trade for apartment WANTED Ry , mall clerks, custom voUNQ lady deairea position aa nurse r,shed r' 2 P' wek -nd P! Iose private residence: newly painted and also S and 4 rooms.- furnished and un- lifce, T ' , a 1 w house or hotel 4Cf El Jon.e.,6?02 Yeon aJS lteW"thTO . ; ' ' ' " ' 1 ' ' g-'.0 Morrison, corner 13th. furnished. Main 4404 pi ices, , B ARDE A BON, ' . 'ta!''!:V.;'iT'' " :f' iTit,, am?i q?i! Rochester NY Mississippi arj. ' ' ' , RnnMa Aicn KriAiiTi MODERN housekeeping room close In. , : . CAMBRIAN,' ! " , "The House of a Million Bargains,"?" Si ft65ya, b'rick Jeaaa, -c ears 1250 iV ' Rchg"'er' f-i Yr &TfcN6GRAPHER "' , and " hookWar - - - - P00?1? -4?? BOAK1) 18 steam heat. 93 K Union ave. 12th and Columbia. 2 and S room apart- 240-2 Front st M. 663. - "above expenses? 605 bldg'' - MOTION r -" fl&S ' sSm." e-PerlS YOWirdyrnographe; 'catholic a? WtRNISHeD housekeeping rodms. 403 mt. nicely n situated . elegantly Pfur- blIG . room and kitchen finur 13 Rb6M6. year lease, new furniture It 'ffi Vlc'i ?eSolBFUoifV2 PhonS Woodlawn 1141. , P S' SSSSM. . B- Salmon, near Grand ave. nished, reasonable In price , oafetJa."! "oof 2? "rn."dlbw,.a;;,, .,5LbeBt Fade' ,ocaUdnPia! r.iw cured. Z-267. Journal. POalTtOt by thoroughly experienced walking distance, west lde; boarded ' MJ ' THE SOUTHAMPTON. S? Ind ilnk ino $1000 cash. Answer. O-290, journal. railway mall clerks ' wanted -writs bookkeeper ' and aocountanCr C-28, here I years, excellent home, aU prlvl- HOUSES FOB r BENT 12 -A L "Tt$J? W !rasMgf S-HsaSi, iassuV---'-'-' nsr..r ffig5tS asss for $6500: terms. 506 Yeon bidg. OFFER Of -the INTERNATIONAL TH6R0UGHLY experienced young ady weekly. 284 Main st. SlODERN 6 room house 774. 2d st In- ifJ' nAr a.uZ . A RlfT bargain new hla-h ' r.,l- ,a.i - , nMTna LESS6N8 given In oil and water colors; fcXPERliENCED dr.ssniaker at your Komery. A-2964. , . FIVE room modern cottage, large porch. ST. "fJt Z fJ5k? U lu&'r&VA """ "4 C - ' STOCKS AND BONDS S3 price lOo per houj. Eaat 8418. 192 H home. $2.60 per day. Marshall 440. A FINE room, private bath, home cook- .?1.ec11trri0' J"u?;.naT,?..(, TS t fi ThV JSSJI-kII--?-- ALL kinds " house" "f urniahinas " bounht' : Belmont at -i - VaNTED Work by the day. 2.0 houn .lng swell location., The Mag-nolia, cars. 862 Vaughn, $18. Marshall 1408. wniTamSaveP E?e 4m old T exXnged BUr Fur" "ae 1000 SHARES Government Standard WANTED; men to learn Phone Woodlawn 1298 nour' $17 Kearney, FURNISHED 4 room new house for tonnM .rUr'm!-?! .,-1 xX Co.. 8 0 Hawthorne a va Eaat 1047 rowder Co. stock, $1.60 a .hare. Take automobile driving and repairing. Call friDoW lady with child wanU wor ln MCELY furnished room .uluble for 2 , bou montha, $20J Inquire II E. a.aVv?eaSonih?iy P "saTa1!?; CAPITAL- JUNk CO., iaT ,fe.Jf .iol rtjM i Mni M 169 Union aya. near Hawthorne. , j amily. 2 ?8 n! 20th .tT Wfe J-ff .io h1 st . j.V.r rnetaC rnbaVki macM - " 1 "1 " 1-1" i' 'ill" r-' i7- 9RLS,: . .CANDIDA VIANalrl wanted'' work in' f0?. ..16g B' ?th MODERN 4 room cottage, Juat right tot mil V ftahT a.,art..nta' Uii. '"' tools, job lota. 87 N, 1st at. Mr. Ki .. MINING, and Industrial ., .took, and Leam ; our btial ness; Sanitary Beauty rfmf,iw A; Nc,? 1 S..Tn orb MANITOU 261 i3th .C attract - young couple, corner Ith .and G?0l a.Lt" ""J TU,pnin a J2 K ONKor'tivo' nil's Vii. .i.ond Vinx T?S "t-1 : bonds bought and sold v v M Parlors. 400-41 2 Pekum bldg. ; . ..a";l '7 , P'" C.S ., . V" '-I."n,.lvtln B?; room., .team heat, good board- close Grant. Phone East 398. room apartmenta. Phone A-2629. V chanc- for' mod drivi na- .Vuini 1 1 O. H. McClelland, 208 Railway Ex. j CLOSING out few remaining 'uncaii ADV wlahes day work, call TabpTTg: jnrreasinable : r g,....,arCl. SiobERN 6 room cottage, ila "montK ' FOB ' 'KENT FLACT ,13 Unveg m"1" S"1111' 1 ' '" M, : , , for suits and overcoat $6.60 up. Tay- , .. nnPWMKWfJ ''V,, n THE CASA ROSA Larue, alrv. urt 95 Morris. WooJlawn 362. -x n. X1 ' ' .,L--t t 'J ... I' LARGE and' m-d'i,ursi'7;rr"'' " " . L' i PtBLNLSS CHANCES HO lor thoT.lor 286 B.mslde L, .lfJVj ..X .. J? nl-bedrooms .with board.' .plendid lo- $26- room house near Steel bridge. , unfurnished housekeeping rooms, modi maIiWm?'" , 7" " 2" -'-." -u-Lii-Lr-B-xn PK I VAITi. business school, 816 Chamber iTTrsM rT iaa imiv, cation. 800 Jefferson. . 847 Benton. " ern 18 Inoutre theatre 7th and IL. -R-918 Journal CT?meSoca?l ?m ..' " th? eastnlaTgowlfrfTr FUkNISHED room fo'r one or' 2 with i" ROOM, house on E. Pine, near lit hi Stark', SlontMa.8 TrT Md V hm-: . , hp" ',v ' i r r- r?r-rf- 1 " - :- ",on": artistic designs, perfect fit, $4 ' hoard: 491 Davis. ; - ;-C-8260.- East 6i6. . ' TWO room flat, partly furnlaliml,' water tmrln 1 - s V a r Mri wP.h hPantir WhibKLY acting o the) -ts-ej inuat per day; local referencwi: Mala ill9. NICELV furnlahed rooms, suitable for FOR RENT 8 room house, 104 E. 11th and garba. $U. 708 Vancouver uve. fj :1rrif.i . ; , , sale. C.Moraa. Kelsofc Wash,, box 604. Inquire immediately, 63 N. 8th. . - Ajpt 8. . j i-:-;. . ;:, -. : vv., .-r two gentlemen, with board. 196 16th. ; hear Washington,- : - Woodlawn.1953. I ho.'e l . t 2