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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1912)
THE OREGON DAILY TOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 19. 1912. FOUR YEAR SECRET DASHED III MINUTE v 3" I, I, itjii,i.jiji,-.L..i.i.iji..i,iiiiniii)iw " " Jones Tells; How Cy Young's .Pitching Signal Was Given 'v Away. ' "Go!" ' 'That one word, according to Fielder Jones, gave away the secret Qf stealing bases on Cy Young; and Lou Crlgef that the Brooklyn team had been carrying for four years, when the star battery was playing with St, Louis In 1899, It - only goes to prove now something, wlt . lessly exposed, will spoil the success of a. secret play that has been undlscov- red for years. , i i-.. For four years the Brooklyn club 'had been on to Young's signal f or a pitch to the batter when a man was on first base, and that old fox- of the' mound , was never the wiser. (! u- Cys signal.!-'' Here was Young's signal: When Cy ; turned his head twice toward first base, . It was a sure thing that he was going to pitch Immediately to the plate. If , he turned once and thought there was 'si chance - of getting the runner. he ' would Immediately follow with a thr&V. ' The Brooklyn players knew this and when Cy made bis second turn they would dash for second, getting a 10 or . IE foot lead on Crlger" s throw. ', One day Harry Howell, the Brooklyn pitcher, was coaching at first and Jones : was on the paths. ' Cy glanced over - toward first, turned bis head, glanced again and wound - up. "Qo." yelled .,- Howell, and Fielder was off for second, which he negotiated ' standing; up. Fielder notloed the first baseman go i over to Cy and whisper something In : his ear. The initial Backer knew that Brooklyn was hep to Cy's signal when Howell unwittingly yelled, ."go." and - the- Superbaa were never again able to work Young for ' several yards' start . This Js one of . the things called "In side baseball . Gets "Pitcher Taylor.' ' -; v Taylor" is the name of the- latest pitch . r secured by Danny Long of San Fran cisco. Long got .busy and outbid Mur 1 phy of the- Chicago Cuba for -the'- big . Texas southpaw. The management .of ' the Brownsville team announced that e Chicago Cubs had bought him when the, minor leaguers were in session In Ban - Antonio; but Garry Hermann an nounced the sale unofficial, and Danny Immediately wli d for the big Texas twlrler and secured him. Vernon's Lineup. ' Catchers Hogan, Sullivan, Brown and ' Kelly. -. ' " - -V Pitchers Raleigh,' Carcatt, Hltt.Ca.s ' tleton, Ovlu, Benham, Braekenridge, Stewart. Whalen, Cummings and Rose , back. First base Patterson. : , ; Second base rRoy Breshear, Thirds base Burrell, McDonnell and ; Reams. ' n ys Shortstop Litchle, Hosp. Left field Carlisle. Center field Kane. Bight field Stinson, Ross, Albright Lon Angeles Lineup. v Catchers Hughey Smith, Clarence Brooks and Walter Boles. ' - n tchers Nag! e. Toxer, Halla and .Walter Siagla and Chech. T First base Frank Dillon. rSecond base BUI PageT, V Tnlrd baae Oeorge Netser. Shortstop Ivan Howard, and Bert Del mas. Left field Elmer Lober. . Center field Pete Daley. Right field Heine Heitmuller. Utility man Wolf Gore. ; Gets Letter From Grants Pass. ' 'Manager Nick Williams yesterday re ceived a letter from C. C. Presley-of . Orants 'Fass In answer to a request : for a game there when the Colts come Presley and Nick Williams broke Into " the game together down In Grants Pass vJ In 1902 In the old Oregon State league. j -versify of California. Mensor and Tonneson Sign. - i '. , Eddie Mensor and Tommy Tonneson ' signed their contracts and filed them witn ine jfortiana norinwesiern league dub yesterday. Tonneson is now In San Diego, while Mensor wintered, in Port - land. v I Ha! Hal Joke on Danny Long. .. ( Walter McCredie brings back from the south a good Joke that was played on Danny Long during tha meeting in Los Angeles. While tha magnates were fan ning, Hogan happened to let fall the following retnark: - "Say, Berry, what was the name of that c)ubfooted Infielder we saw hob irwir r FOR WliWEE -WEAR i 4 l, r - Tine Bcsft $3;'':. , H&fts Madia ' Hew, .Stylish" Mrjf5soim "at Fourth" Staresit ' mm sees HELP TO BASKETBALL ' V 8peril o The Jneniat.) ',,"'" . University, of Oregon, Eugene, Jan. 19. The inter-fraternity basketball' series, which has been causing' an unusual amount of Interest at the University of Oregon,' has now narrowed down to three teams, the 81 cm a Chi, Kappa Sig ma and Beta Theta PL These teams will play a -round robin for the posses sion of the Hayward trophy, the final game being staged as a preliminary to the varsity gams with Harrlsburg Sat urday, " . t ; - , ' : The fraternity series, which Includes the local clubs,, the dormitory and the Oregon, club of non-fraternity men, has brought, out , .nearly every abls bodied man In the university. Some of the "frat" teams are up to the standard of varsities of a few seasons ago, , The varsity has been holding regular practice preliminary to the opening tour of the northwest. The lineup will prob ably be! Captain Jamison ' (L. F.), Moore (R." F.), Fenton (&). Walker. (I G., Simms (R. G.. with Rader a sub. forward and Bradahaw as sub. guard. The' first game Of the season will be staged In the Oregon gymnasium Satur day evening, when Haywerd'a men will Una Up against the five from Harrls burg. The Harrlsburg team Is cap tained and coached by Claud Swan, the former O. A. C star, and It Is reported to be an exceptionally strong aggrega tion.. FIVE CRACK PLAYERS IN POOL-TOURNAMENT J Five of the Best pool players In Port land will take part , In a tournament to be held in Solly's billiard parlors begin ning next Wednesday night. The win ner will have the right to challenge Henry Solomon for the championship of the state. Tha play will continue firs nights and 125 balls will be played each night Charles Jordan, Grant Wilcox.-R. W. Plckard. Thomas Ingram and Walter Johnson are the players. JORDAN GETS NO PAY- . : AFTER INJURING KNEE , i. , , , i - , " ' (United Frees lMd Wire. ' ' New iYork. Jan. 1. Ruling that a player, is'' not entitled to pay even though ho suffer injury while in play la the verdict of the National Baseball commission, which to day has refused to allow First Baseman Tim, Jordan's claim for one year's salary against tha Brooklyn National league club.. Jordan Injured his knee while sliding. , . k... n int. . TT was unable to play ball for the rest of tha year but asked for his salary.- a . GREEK CHAMPIONS ARE WINNERS AT WRESTLING -f..". si'- ' - swsssssa sssss , ; " San Francisco, Cal. Jan. 19. William Pemetral, the Greek wrestler, won his handicap match In this city last even ing In easy style. Demetral agreed to throw four men ln 76 minutes but ao compllshed the feat. In 40 minutes. Peter Buaukos defeated Olaf Larsea by winning : two straight falls In 22 minutes. . bling down the street In Kansas City 7", "Darned if I know," returned the Los Angeleno.? "It sounded something like Cody or Yode. He played last year with Oklahoma City and his club foot was the Joke of the league." Long waa noticed perking up his ears and waiting for the rest of the conver sation. "Oh, X remember,' said Hogan. "His name was Yohe." ; ., Now It so happens that Yohe is the man that Long has been banking on to strengthen, his infield and he nearly tossed a fit. i Finally he could hold him self no longer and ' -inquired whether Yohe bad a club foot, whereupon he was given the big laugh and was forced to provide ". esophagus Irrigation for the crowd. , , Tan to Paget Sound. "Deacon" Van Buren, the Sacramento outfielder, who has been visiting in Portland for several ' days, expects to leave In a day or so for Everett. Was., where he will look after property In terests. reters May Go Outlaw. San .Francisco newspapers say that Devereaux . J. Peters, whom McCredie drafted from :. the Trl-Stata league, is figuring on playing with the California outlaws provided Cy Moreing's Inde pendent circuit goes through. San Jose has made an offer for him. Peters Is now coaching Stanford university, ' ' Mason A Hamlin piano for sale cheap; oak cae, used, but in good condition; terms to suit customer. Kohler & Chase, 875 Washington St. f 1 v i jfff?' 'h FOOTBALL GAMES FOR FAfJS SUNDAY American Gridironers tp Clash on Columbus CIub Ath- V v Jetic Field. ' The All-Star lnterscholastlo football team will battle with the Columbus gridiron warriors on the Columbus club field Sunday; afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The game Is attracting a great .deal of attention and a closet contest Is expect ed between the two teams. :- "i The Ccjumbus club eleven Is working out each night to get In shape for tha game. ; They , have Cola and Campion, former Jefferson players, in their' line up. Sherry, Gianelll and other club' stars will also be In the game.' In the All-Star's line-up, crack play ers of the three high schools will be ready for the hardest kind of a game. Captain Patterson of the team Is mak ing an effort to turn out the strongest picked team that ever played in the city. Os and Jack Day of Jefferson will be In ' the backfleld . and Patterson and Groce of Lincoln will be the other backfleld players.-. Two ex-Llncoht men will play fhe end positions, Tegart And Beckett will play tackles and Rldehalgh and Reld will be g-uarda, Rlsely will play center In place of Ty sorn who will be unable to play, , ' : Several . other star players i will ' be added to the line-up and a close game Is expected, ( Another Game In Morning. - The second game between the Mohawk football team and the F. E. Watklns team for the championship of Section 1 of the Archer-Wiggins league will be played ' Sunday - afternoon at 1 : o'clock on. the Columbus club field.' Both teams have practised hard .since their no score meeting last week. The Mohawk ; players are confident that they will be able to win Sunday's game from the west side eleven. The Watklns team will practice tonight and tomorrow night. SKI-CLUB LEAVES TO SCALE MT. HOOD The Portland Ski club' left this morn ing on the ninth annual trip to Mount Hood. : The party left by motor to Montavllla, where It boarded the train for Bull Run. The stage will be taken there to Rhododendron and from that point the party will make the trip up the south side of the mountain on skta . :" ,i, Thirteen members left in the party. H. H. Haskell, Edgar .Frank, E. -D.vJor- gensen, o. K. Jeffery, E. J, Jeffery, G. R. Knight, R. Fawcett, F. W. ftasch, Sam Holbrook, Tom Monks, A. J. Clark, T. M. Dunne and R. R. Warrlner. , Jnarez Race Results, Juares, Jan. 19. Results at Juares yesterday: . ' Urst race Eyewhlte, t to i, I to B, 1 to 4, won; J. B. Robinson, 4'to 1, S to 1, second: Flying d'Or, 4 to 5, third. Time, 1:13 i-5. ,. Soratch, Franle,, Sabtdo. Portarllng- ton and Don Diego. t Second race Sir Irenlua, 15 to 1, to 1, J to 1, won; Mandadero, 5 to 2, 6 to 6, second; Uirt, 4 to l, third. Time, 1:07 3-6. ' Scratch, Sklllute, First Fashion, Defy, Narfl and Oscuro. . Third race Pipe Vision, 5 to I, . to 5, 7 to 10, won; lVrglnla Llndsey, B to 1, I to l, second; Ken uncas, 1 to 4, third. Time, 1:40 8-6. , Scratch. Dottle B. and Novgorod. Fourth race Flying Footsteps, 4 to 1, 8 to 6, 7 to 10, won; Ymlr, 6 to 6, 1 to ,2, second; Oakland, even, third. Time. 1:12. Fifth' race L. M. Bckert, 7 to 5. 1 to t, 1 to B, won; Yanker, I to S, 1 to 4, second; Heretic, i to 1, third. Time, 1:26 2-5. Scratch, Great Friar and Black Mate. Sixth race Miami, to 1, 6 to 5. S to 5, won; Flying Feet, S to 6, 7 to 10, sec ond; Miss Kara, S to 1, third, Time, 1:88 4-6. t Scratch, Sugar Lamp. O'Connell to Meet Kennedy. Hermiston, Or Jan. IB. The sport fans f thls-ity will have a ohance to see Eddie. O'Connell, lightweight cham pion, in action on February S against Kennedy, the local find, who baa not yet been defeated. Draper Defeats Solomon. In 'a practice game . last evening, Charles Draper . defeated Henry Solo mon by the score of 30 to 17 In a handi cap ' match. Solomon gave Draper a handicap of 10 ; points, but the coast champion's, luck was absent ' ROSEBURG ENTERTAINS LA GRANDE EXCURSION (Special to Toe Journal.) ' -Roaeburg, Or., Jan, 19. The La Grande business men's excursion ar rived In this city at .1:25 o'clock this entertained .by the Roseburg Commercial- club until they leave at 11 o'olock tonight The visitors were met at the depot by Mayor Micelli and a committee from the com mercial club and after a lunch at the Hotel; McClallen they were taken on a tour of the city and surrounding coun try ta automobiles. ...This evening they will be tendered a publlo reception at the commercial club, . LITTLE STORIES OF THE MAT BY LLOYD KENYON JONES Charley Glsen'a Gnn Match.- . ; Down In the mountains of North-Carolina'' Charley Olson was once booked up to meet an easterner who, had been cleaning up the natives like tenpins. . Charley had grappled -in the - moon shine country before, and the funeral feud-racked -mountaineers took a fancy to him. Indeed, they backed -him against the .stranger who had been re cently In their midst i Olson had ' not - taken any too much trouble to train to" a fine edge rather underrating his man. When the night of the bout came around he wasn't pre cisely In the blushing pink of Condition, and within 15 minujtis he ; Charley had no side money up and his breath was burniilg - holes' in ' his lungs. At the end of 40 minutes he- did not see why he should gamer any glory In that haven-forsaken land, anyway: ' The other boy was apparently speed ed up for the long route, and Olson be gan to ease off a bit, deciding that he had extended himself about enough. , ; One 1 shoulder was already pressing JEFFRIES SAYS HE , . HAS PORTER JOB OPEN ' ; (TJnltwt PrU Lewd Wire.) 4 , Los Angeles, Jan. 1. "I have a porter's Job open down at, the cafe; It pays fair money, and , . Johnson can have It if he needs . . w . it," remarked Jim Jeffries today :, when Johnson's offer to put the " big Calif ornlan away in 10 rounds was brought to bis at-, e tentlon. "e e , "I read the headlines of that 4 stuff yesterday," Jeffries oon- e e tlnued, "but that's a fax as I ' e) 4 went." ... " . - e e "Say.", the big fellow growled. e suddenly,' "these newspapers printed Johnson's opinion of me. I am Just going to ask them to leave a big blank,- half a page W , wide, without a bit of ink on It, - for my side of the argument. ' . That wouU about represent my opinion of Johnson."! ., J' . ' - : , NUMBERS MAY HAVE mm (tTnltd Pros Leased wire.) ' Los Angeles, Jan. 19. The 1 home crowd at the Vernon ball park this year will imagine Itself rooting for a gang of convicts 1 If Happy Hogan actually puts Into ef feot a plan he delivered him self of today. . '"Vernon's horns suits," quoth Hogan, "are going to be blue and white. - I like those colors. The white part will be the biggest. The blue part will run In stripes about half an Inch wide. Oh,, those will be some uniforms,-believe me." -. - Questioned whether . the aforesaid stripes would be horlsontal or perpen dicular, Hogan said: "We will start them with them Up and down. But, , say, unless those Tig ers stay right in front the stripes will be ehanged. You get muhf" KAUFMAN HOME AND TELLING ALL ABOUT IT San Francisco, Jan. 19. Many excuses for his defeat by Al Palser were of fered here today by Al Kaufman who has Just returned home from the east. In the first place Kaufman says he was hampered by a malarial attack when he entered the ring; the punch which sent. him' to sleep was a lucky blow, and he should not have been ' declared out, as the-bell rang before the ,10 sec onds were over. Kaufman declared be would take a long rest and then try his luck again. If he Is unable to secure matches here, he says he will go to Australia. Hunt Club Chase Tomorrow.!' ; The Portland -Hunt club will hold a paper chase tomorrow afternoon. The course will b"5 the same as the New Year's race. William Walters and Chester Murphy will be the hares. The jumps will not be as high as In the New Year's race,, as many women members of the club: will be In the event --The race will start at 8:30 o'clock. Shattncks Win Game. . . ? The strong soccer team of . the Shat- tucki school defeated the Clinton Kelly team by the score of four goals to none yesterday afternoon. Derbyshire and Rosensteln did the best playing for tne winners. Ritchie to Meet Trends!!. . ' St Louts, Jan. 19. Willie Ritchie, the Ban Francisco lightweight today has been matched to meet. Harry Trendall of St Louis in a six round bout In Pitts burg, February 3. Barry and Mclnnls Sign. (United Press Leased Wire.) Philadelphia, Jan. IS. The signed contracts of Shortstop Barry and First Baseman "Stuffy" Mclnnls have been received today by Manager Connie Mack of tha Philadelphia-Americans. RENO RATE HELD TO BE NOT DISCRIMINATORY (Br tha loternatloaal Mews aerrli.) Washington, Jan. 19. The Interstate Commerce commission finds In the oase of the railroad com mission of Nevada division of . tha Joint rate from Sacra mento via Reno to Nevada, California against the Neyada, California & Ore gon rauroaa ana tne sierra valley Railway company, that the defendants' and Oregon points Is considerably lower than the . Nevada-Calif ornla-Oregon local rates from Ren to the same points,- but 'does not amount to undue discrimination by the Nevada, Califor nia 4 Oregon railway against.. Reno. Also, it ruled '- that the present local rates of the latter road from Reno are not unreasonable. Were You Stuna? When you bought that suit or "over coat at some ."fake" sale? , For .your future benefit take the . elevator to room S15 Oregonlan bldg., and oompare by high grade suits and sale - prices with the suit you bought at the "fake" sale. Jimmy Dunn, room 81S Oregonlan building. . ; t f . For sale, cheap phonola piano, seed as new; terms easy If taken at onoe. Koh ler i Chase, S76 Wash. , Into the mat and the other was on Its way Charley was Just beginning to breatho a deep sigh of relief, t Then came a cadence of sounds like the winding of a huge clock or the run ning of a dozen lawn mowers. -" .Olson glanced up and took a shy at the Immediate environs. - "Six guns" in pairs and singly were levelled In his direction. And back of this multitude of ordance were sinister eyes and bewhlskered' faces that were screwed up In sour grimaces From out of the abyss of one long chest came a guttural admonition: .:Wln, -cflhsaJrn ye, win; or we'll have one o' the longest cheap fun'rals In these here hills we've ever seen. Our money's up on you, Olson, and the gov meiit's -too - testy about our stills to make plokln' easy, nohow, and If you-all don't fetch home the eo'n cake and ba con, it's farewell shore for yourn." -' . 'And with j that enlivening encourage ment Olson took on a new lease of life. ' The tide of battle turned. He won the fall. " ; " ' He took the second and the. match In Jig time. He had reached the fins sen 1th of condition in a second. : They wanted him to sign up for a return engagement but every time he took tho pen In his hand ha could fiear angel voltes and dismal chimes. And Olson never showed there again! DANCE MD AUG. 26 TO SEPT. 2 Pacific Coast , Association Al lots Dates for All 'Tracks .for 1912. v San Franolsoo. Jan. 1 The Pacific Coast Fair and Racing association, em bracing all the principal cities on the PaoU.c slope, was formed at a meeting held In the Palace hotel last night - Over 76 delegates from all cities' In terested In racing meets, were present and officers for the ensuing year were eleoted, as follows; ; I, L, Borden, San Francisco, president; Frank . J.' Alley, Roseburg, Or., viee president: 8. Chris ty, secretary, and F, J. Crowley,; Sad Francisco, . treasurer. The . board of directors comprises J. A. MoKerron, San Franolsoo; W. F. Whltter, Hemet Stock farm: H. S. Rolston, Vancouver; W. A. Clark Jr., Los Angeles; J. H Booth, Roseburg, Or.j S. Chrlstenson, San Fran clsoo, and O. A. Weatgate, Portland. The movement of organising a Pacific coast association was started by 8. Christy of Phoenix, Aria., some time ago, and , It met with the hearty ap proval of all the delegates. - ' The Pacific ooast circuit will start at Vancouver, B. C, at the close of the Canadian harness - racing season, and It will be one continuous chain of race tracks. The meet in Vancouver will start August 11, and the last day of the circuit is set for November 1 in Phoenix. The Portland meet will be held August 10 to September i. The dates awarded are as follows: Vancouver, B. C August 12 to August 19; Seattle, August 19 to August 25; Portland, August 1 to September 1; Salem, September 2 to September ; San Jose, September 9 to September 14; Sao ramento, September 14 to September 21; Breeders' Association of California (place not fixed), September 13 to .Sep tember 10; Fresno, September 10 to Oc tober ; Salt Lake City, September 10 to October ; Hanford, Ootojer 7 to October 14; Los Angeles, October 14 to October 11; San Diego, October 21 to October 18; Phoenix, .November 4 to November 12, HARRY LEWIS STOWS AWAY THE DIXIE KID Liverpool, Jan. 19. "Dixie Md. the American negro welterweight Is In the discard today as the result of his knock out here last night by Harry Lewis of Philadelphia, After dealing out ter rlflo punishment to the negro for eight rounds Lewis put him to sleep with a crushing right to the Jaw. Collins Signs Contract. ' trmud ptm imw4 wire.v Chicago, Jan. 19. First Baseman Col line today has signed a contract for 1912 with the Chicago Americans. Col lins has Dlaved with th Whtt. a tnr the past three years. CLEARANCE of Hart Sckafiner fe? Marx suits and overcoats at ONE-THIRD OFF tie regular price. YouIjJ see below some prices tkat mean more value forvyour money tnan you can get anywnere else Men s Suits, Raincoats and . Overcoats $20.00 garments now 913.35 $22.50 garments now... ....... ...$15.00 $25.00 garments now,... S16.65 $30.00 garments now. . . . ... . . . . .. $20.00 $35.00 garments now...... $23.35 $40.00 garments now $26.65 1-3 off on Black Overcoats, 20 per cent off on Blue and Black Suits. Big Reduction on Men's Furnisning Goods Una erwear Winsted Hosiery Co.'s and Cooper's. Mun ing and Superior Two-Piece and Union Suits. $1.00 garments now. 75 $1.50 garments now. . . .$100 and $1,15 $2.00 garments now. . , . . . . . .$1.35 $2.50 garments now, $1.85 $3.00 garments now. . ; . . . . . . . . .... $2.25 . $4.00 garments now .$3.00 ' $6.00 garments now. . v. $4.50 ' " " 1 . '" ' .i . K ' w M v Cluett Skirts $1.50 Cluett Shirts, plaited or plain bosom, cuffs attached or. detached, in r stripes and' figures. . This sale. A ..... . . . . ; .$1.15; $2.00 Cluett Shirts, plaited or plain bosom, ., cuffs attached or detached, in stripes or fig ured patterns, at. ........ $1.35 ) i ' V ' " ' n , M fc , i Sa-mU- Rbse-nilaitt Go. JEFFERSON DEFEATS .: COLUMBIA TOSSERS The' Jefferson high school basketball quintet defeated , the . Columbia univer sity team yesterday afternoon on the T. M. C. A. floor by the score of 14 to IB.-The Columbia university team did not show good form and lacked prac tice. ... , ' The Columbia ; team did not score a field goal In the first half and the only two they made were scored in the mid dle of the second half. Fouls on the part of the ' Jefferson players were very frequent throughout Fifteen points were scored by the Col umbia team on fouls. Kirkland, Schults and Fltsgerald did the best playing for the Columbia uni versity team. , Fltsgerald "did not show up so well at center as he did at guard. Murphy scored five baskets for the Jeffersonv team, Anderson at center played a . tine . game throughout and Ashworth also played well. . Vosper re turned to the game and made a great many points for the Jefferson team.. . Columbia . Jefferson. Kirkland R F. .' Vosper Sohults ....... ,,L F. ...... Ashworth Fltsgerald ...... . -C. . . . . . . , Anderson Lasswell ,. R CI.... Hendrtckson Larson - . . . . . . ,.L O Murphy Goals KlrkKil, Schults 1, Vosper 1, Ashworth 2, Anderson 1. and Murphy 6. Free throws Kirkland 4, Schults 1, Fltsgerald 9, Vosper (, Referee Orll ley. Time 10. MANHATTAN CLUB IS ONE BEHIND PORTLAND The Manhattan Revolver clnb of New York, shooting In the U. S. R. A., made the score of 114 the week of January 8, following the big score of 1145 by the Springfield team. Last week the Portland team broke the record set by the Manhattans by scoring 1147, .- The reports of New York's high record did not reach , tho ' eoaat until yesterday afternoon. Many of the local members believe that the mark of 1150 will be reached this year. . .. ' ' FRANKIE BURNS GOES ON TRAIL OF HOGAN (United Pros TiMstd Wtre.V San Francisco, Jan. 19. Declaring that he made "One Round" Hogan quit once, and can repeat the trick at any time, Frankle Burns, the Oakland light weight today is hot after Hogan with all sorts of side bet propositions. Burns fights Jack Britton of Chicago In Oak land next Wednesday, and after this bout he, would like to meet Hogan On a winner take all basis, and a side wager of any-amount op to $10,000. Taylor -Defeats Kelley. (Cnlt4 Prase Leased WtrO ' Indianapolis, Jan. . 19 Toung Baylor of Indianapolis today has a 10 round decision to his credit over Freddie Kel ley of Philadelphia. It was Baylor- battle by a wide margin, the bell sav ing Kelley from a knockout in the ninth round. .' Coat Sweaters , $3.00 all wool Coat Sweaters, in. oxford, car dinal, brown, . - .A: - ' . Xkird and Morrison ABE MTELL JnliS li BE'ij QP.OGiii New Yorker Has No Chan With Wily Hebrew Fea v therweight. New York, Jan. 19. That Abe Attell Is still the kingpin of the featherweights is . the opinion here today Of several thousand sports who last night saw the Caltfornlan beat ''Knockout Brown In every - round of their 10 session en counter here. After a fierce mlxup In the closing rounds, Brown went to his corner grog gy and bleeding, the blood pouring in -a stream from the nose and mouth. , Attell let Brown foroe the fighting . until the beginning of the fifth round, when the little Hebrew got busy. Attell Jabbed Brown at- will, while the New Torker was unable to land to any advantage. " The hardest blow landed during the fight by Brown Was a hard left swing In the fourth round, which sent Attell to the ropes. ' Brown followed up this advantage with a fusillade of rights and lefts, "but when the gong sounded Attell went Jauntily to his corner. This ended the fight so- far at the New Yorker .was conoerned. for In this round Attell started extending himself and continually kept Brown's head rock lng with straight right and. left Jabs, WELSH AND WAUGH WILL GO 20 ROUNDS TOMORROW (United PrM Leased Wfre.l Los Angeles, Jan. 19. Freddie Welsh and Bobby Waugh are ready for the gong that will send them away on a scheduled 20 round Journey at Vernon tomorrow, the result of which Is all Important In the ring career of eaoh man. Welsh, to refute a charge that he Is coins- back, and WauKh. to maintain a sectional reputation as a ' demon child and to Insure himself another crack at a real boxer, have declared their inten tion of battling as for their lives. There Is little betting. ' Rosooe Taylor of San "Francisco and Kid Dalton, Kid Rees and Eddie Patter, each for ten round bouts, are the scheduled prelimi naries. , OREGON TENNIS CO-EDS TO MEET WASHINGTON (SpeeUl to The JonniaLI trnlverslty of Oregon, Eugene, Jan. 19. The women of the University of Ore gon and ' the University of Washington will probably meet on the tennis courts jome lime nexi spring, rtnam m .mak a & tntirait.mnt. which will fiMkiM ha hold in Kurane. on account of the fact that the men's tennis will be played in Seattle. SALE S Youths' Suits, O'Coats Sizes 80 to 8& $12.50 garments now. ...... .8 835 $15.00 garments now.... $10.00 $18.00 garments now. . . $12.00 1-3 off on Boys Suits and Overcoats. Mandleoerg Raincoats , Sizes up to 50, 20 per cent off. - gray, with navy borders: brown with tan borders; cardinal witn navy borders; now ....... ....$2.10 1 :: MensnJerseys.'V'! ; $2.50 high neck Jerseys, in wool, , in oxford, brown,, maroon, navy, black; during this. sale at ,...31.75 Boy?' $1.50 Sweaters. .$1.15 Flannel Skirts Oregon City Woolen Mills and McDonald's '. s . Union Made. , ' $3.50 Shirts now. , .' S?2.C," $3.00 Shirts now 52.25 $2.50 Shirts now., S1.S0 $2.00 Shirts now..., S1.50 $1.50 Shirts now........ $1.15 T w m "' ' ' "" -a ' S