THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 18, 1S12. ,nnch Tomorrow in Dcautiful 7th-Floor Restaurant Orchestra IJasic Daily; 1 1:30 to 2Eaprcss EiovatorCpccid Afternoon Tea Continued TomorrowDis Clearance Stationery Whito Goods, Lluclin UnCcrwccr eneir (f Every . wV Article . JJ j'UT Reduced Jjl lnilis9s B vB ,6Ia:' Siirpijis' Sales Oeairaiiaoe "MM : WMfe Sales ' remembered for .' time to , come ! Here are many' lots reduced to the lowest level for a quick one-day Clear- New:! Cost! , - - For days we ve been searching the store for a series of offerings which will make the 1146th Friday Surprise f( : Every Y M Article Hff educed jij . ance on iFridayl Others are special purchases of which the lot of 1150 new ManhattantShirts is an instance. The name .Manhattan means everything to you that ' with the prices is all that is necessary to bring men by the thousands tomorrow! ... 1 . " .Right before Christmas a wire came: from the Man hattan Shirt Company, offering us this canceled order of 1150 fresh, crisp, new, just-made Shirts at a price which closed the deal about as fast as we could flash back an ' answer. , , , ' . Entire purchase goes out at 8 o'clock tomorrow morn- $1.50 MANHATTAN SHIRTS 1 Every one bean the ' famous Manhattan black .label, which stands for -aualitv the country, over! Ever ' fresh, crisp and new. On sale tomorrow ln shirts WAr; v ! rs . $i.o5 jd-rr- omorrow .r- mm f gm ?i See Morrison St. Vihdoiv v ing, ' divided into two lots, at less than we ourselves ; , r would ordinarily have to pay at wholesale. Sale con-' tinues until Saturday night, .if any remain. Above all, EVERY SHIRT IS FRESH, CRISP AND - NEW f Every one bears the celebrated Manhattan label, ' reproduced here. Scores ' of handsome patterns, made with the new, short, semi-stiff fronts Iff" every style "of" : plait; coat) style, cuffs attached, all sizes and sleeve lengths. ' ' , . v. . -i . , w,,: '-,, , , , $2.50 AND $3.00 MANHATTAN SHIRTS This lot .includes . Manhattan Shirts of - fine . French Percales. Madrases. Russian fl "1 FT T? , cords, Crystal "Cloths, etc No old stock tJJ I liJiJ every, Shirt fresh and new. For tomorrow ancyilk Surprise! ?5c Grades Friday 3 9c A collection of pretty 'Silks at the most astonishingly low price!" .Rich Persian and Dresden Crepe de Chines in light blue, pink and white with colored figures. 1 Silks for waists, frocks and children's dresses. Rcgu. tar 75c quality," ont on a big table in the Silk Aisle for the 1146th Surprise oale, at the low pnee 33:9c r rt . f m nsx - I i the Pickout ariy of $1 Fancy Silks) in the Surprise at 57c Dainty Silks for waists - and dresses, in fancy plaids, checks, stripes and t . . . . tf t a.. - - J . , i T, 1 ty n . ; t v-i- I I ngures, in iigm ana . aanc jcoiors. K.cguiar graaes, : fZ'jm I ylaced on sale for Friday at the very low price of, the yard.Jiy nish Waists, Surprise ?9c sxoohd ' noon-utnt TOpnro ; - - Remarkably neat and practical ' these plain tailored Shirt ' Waists for women. Carefully' made, just as il lustrated here, of ' fine, firm quality percales and . madrases in attractive colored stripes. - Laundered collar and cuffs to match,. Actual a 10. $1.50 Waistr for Surprise yj)Q "Sale tomorrow at .only, ea. , -. $1.35 to $1.75 House ' Dresses and ; Wrappers, Friday Surprise Sale," 85c" j " handsom racks for Friday! Surnrise nr exactly half the marker! rir? the seasonrmWt called velvets. cordurovs.r serte. hrA& I 1 uiuuis, novelty proadcloth Lsuitsinpastel i J E sult? inPastel) ; , shafts f ' I misses and AT : I : I lM;.. ! I I ' MV'" .... I 5' B w 11 .'.-. Friday only at l2;Price lite' 11 'ii f sf $5jT6urist SliplOii Raincoat Surprise $35 ; They're splendid Tourist Rubber Slip-ons in gray-; tan and black, Made with military collar and cut 52 - inches long. Regular $5.00 CoaU in the 1146th Ct g Friday Surprise Sale at the very low price of Q J O J 600 Pairs Doys S 1 .00 arid $1.50 All-Wool Knickers at ' A big manufacturer made up all the ends of fabrics from men's suits, into these splendid all-wool Knickerbockers 1 Neat uravs hrnwm nn4 tn V. full cutA and well finished. They're $1.00 and $1.25 Knickers in all , , Xsizes. Friday only 69e. t v - Big Surprise on $5.00 to v $7;50Cbrsets Friday 52198 59 c We've but to tell you that these are the famous La Grecque make and you'll- ap preciate the unusualness of ? this Corset offerings just for Friday. iW:: (v '," ; ; All late .models of fine silk striped cou til for slender and stout figures.'- Boned with patent aluminum steel. ' Supporters attached. "No exchanges and no fittings on the Corsets- of this 'i grortp. : Regular $5 - to $7.50 La - Grecque Corsets ' v for 1146th Friday Sur- "n. prise at ' low price. Vfc':,l t 25c FANCY RIBBONS Handsome, all silk grades, in the prettiest of warp prints, Dresdens, dainty, floral and conventional designs, 4 and 5-inch M widths. For the Great Friday Surprise v Hr Sale we offer them at low price of, yard' ..-T, 50c TO $1 NECKWEAR One of the .most impor tant of the Friday surprises: this creat special croup ii. t "r- 4 .r'.ii , I . . . j 'i m mm oi cenna ana r tcnu sonars, in laces, cm- i broideries and nets. -While the lot lasts to-' '. morrow they are priced at attractive figure of 25 ; 25c TO S5c HANDKERCHIEFS Of sheer linen, with hemstitched ' hems, embroidered ; initials, i corners and borders; some' slightly soiled I and mussed from handling. -For the Great .Friday Sur-; I lC prise Sale. we -offer them, to you at low.'price.1;.4.,.- 50c TO 75e UNDERWEAR Odd ; lines of wool and cotton mixed Vests Aind Pants, in white and cream; cpme with high nedk, long sleeves, h f knee and ankle length.- For the Great Fri- Lf C day Surprise . Sale f tomorrow, at,, garment, - TOST riKJOR JTEW BXmjJIKO OSBSB 8T SCAXXm Dainty Swiss and Nainsook Allover Embroideries in the pret tiest of designs, so attractive for yokes and waists. '" jFOR THE GREAT n46TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE For th imih Surpr?C T6 7Sc -Allover EmbroidVy 25c 75c English Jet Tea Pots at 37c A purchase made" right from the ' English factory; iet black Teapots, heavily: glazed, with gold lace bor der, around top; rear;' 75c' trades. as,. illustrated,, assorted fc 0 - sizes ard shapesJ See f window, 6lh and ' Alder. , m .jr. , , - -- are all splendid 50c to 75c Allover Embroideries, of- C fered for the 1146th Surprise Sale tomorrow at only Gt m& w L . - m - .... , , , Only 500 yards remaining, so the- lot won't - last long. These r VfOR THE GREAT 1146TH FRIDAY I SURPRISE SALE $2,00 Lace CortMrisT Could hardly be told from the expensive grades. Imitation Brussels and Cluny Lace Curtains, 45 to 50c inches long, fin ished with strong edges.' Over 25 different pat- 1 " O terns.' Regular $2.00 value, for Friday's Surprise V 1 Cleanup Carpet and Linoleum Remnants REMNANTS AXMINSTER, VELVET AND BODY BRUSSELS , ; CARPETS, EACH 50c , REMNANTS OF LINOLEUMS, 24 TO 36 INCHES SQUARE, v EACH 15c, 25c, 40c AND 50c , ' For the 1 mth Surprise 75c Guaranteed ArmClocKs55c ' Just 250 Alarm. ' Clocks for; the xFri- day Surprise tomor - row.. Good time keepers and 1 m a d e with' the patent shuN off alarm. , . - i ; Every Clock euar- . anteed ; regularly 75c ; , tomorrow, they're an ex- 7b jT tra special. at low, price , ?T , , FOR THE GREAT 1146TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE f An extraordinary price in spite of the fact that market reports say Butter is due for a big raise 1 Grizzly Bluff Butter, fresh, sweet 'igfi and wholesome, t For the 1146th Friday Surprise Sale, 2-lbs. for OOC Citron Peel, special the pound, at 144 Blue Label Catsup, the bottle, at 185 Yeloban Condensed Milk, four cans 30 victor Japan Tea, the pound, at 32 Pop Corn, special, four pounds for 25e . ' ' - Special Coffee, the pound, at only 26f Meier & Frank Coffee, the pound 35 Tea Room. Blend Coffee,' pound at 39 Butter-Nut Butter, two pounds for 76 mmmmmm TELEPHONES; PACIFIC, PRIVATE EX. 4; HOME, A-6101 ,nt-lctter-ng " 8ale -ach VFOR THE GREAT 1146TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALeV 50c College & Club Pennants 39c ; New assortment of artistic ' Pennants, for colleges, Portland Auto Club, Portland Good Roads, Seattle Auto Club and Pan Pacific Exposition. All 25 inches long, with picture de- fh sign and full name. - Regularly 50c, special for Friday at df r C - 50c PENNANTS Washington High ? - In sY m " !m rr , Tl j4 fta " iut.ii.? v anvw va m mm at " $L1 PENNANTS Portland. Rose .and. Universities of Oregon and California, 34 inches long, with design ffO" luetic? aviiK- invcu sale special for Friday I V 'A