The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 18, 1912, Page 21, Image 21

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'H"'r V'''-" 'i-' Wer? wenant'fleld tonour plei ? i," "t vi U ., Z ,t C 12 V ft P f :-v:?.' -3 "vv J'h" COWSi HQrSeSj Mlll6S SHCi
.'-k a;u Loolc,-au J nes&. j&T-v v stvirir zzmpn T-c:'v-t.'-i nuTwry auku. -a iMrmt po , - - Hunt s express & Baggage uo . , ,. new-fAr- qiIa
I I 6002 good cigar stores at $1800 j ; 1 trunk, 60a Additional trupk 35c FIFTY-TWO room apartment house. .,,.5i IUI
, TZXi oLaar tor at 12600. " JV - ' Orlp with trunk free. newly furhlhd. 10 year 1im; will ih,.,t -k"P
. Kfttl;H NurBery Co.. Toppnsh. Wash. . , ' A-3413. Marvhall 14U. clear J260 per month; will sell ou fl ,d mtlch t:owa for aale wlfh oi.r
50i-;onfctlonery More ana ion ! grade financial proposition. A v' WANTED--8alemeii to aid us suonlv 1 . ' " j ' TV' 11 a - . "' ' r r terma. Apply the Sample Furniture regular sales f horses, mu es, wagon
"tvMl buslnes location In best -?,, Frank M BrAWn !nr.r-' lOr - -'Vr'"" A LIMITED NUMBER OF 'bHATTTI- LARGE light furnished room for light ft AfeGim Purnltuie'of a&'room modi' whtr- . "Mf v...vw.,,
.. " ' &.dr; unkeSaffl ifaTVrx vef'qSet STrS i5 ?c" - Hawthorne Avenue tables
' mrkr& XX jSS XWFTS-Vgf ,r..' SMMyrh,? JLH, arXmoun,
A1..",'; end PAY DIFFERENCE IN , - - J, M. C A. Nui't Topn&itan wSl!- Sf SSNAJ'lTONTHKrmAlj Witt rent the lower part of my mod. h ' Jt tra- 4tScrea or lot- with 20 head I horw" mar? and o !
, " ,v-! A8H.. , .u, c.-. :--' i,,vr: :: , - Bmptoymmf , iembrhl.i cvanntMS, Tf " ,,' . zt,U ilnJ SfrJPVSST.S2S2.IWJSSSSB ASS f r ". furniahed and well heated; h? M"f or. ; .,4" 4th- , pair tnulea 8700, tioraea S0 to 10.).
2i2s 1S?5 S&MSIW r""""'"owor' SlilfS? ttrwMaa
P.;nf.s fsgssss qsfe fev term8- ln- as-wiA.J
i , -V i . :?fVV Balta to kea' party mpjred Bellaire., Ohio. - ' , INQ. ..... ; . ... v . . , - . .. wa)kni d,Ptance reasonabl 6 n! 21st FURNITURE for sale, house to let. 6 guaranteed. Phil Suetter. 294 Monu
, -7: jU.Mir? Plovtnent .rtment. ,;- - , g' : : V ' V"' 1 1 m.f aVonle rWnag ArNITURB of 16 room houne, fod r A JllSHn , "
, - W1 f'a-,ru.M,,;,-,.,. . . -..,f ,v-4'At'0nCe''r-:v:!;'' '" ?nly ca" 804 Lutner E'Cftng8- , ' ; ; : - bath. Fhona A-6324 885 5th. cor? Lin- location, all conveniences; price 600. .Carload of heavy mares and jeMlngs.
BRITISH Columbia is Canada's ' racirlo ' Several young men tinder S for Tall- "'- ''''' SITUATIONS MALE 'V,vl , : i ' ; , , . fri?;. . ". , . , h . ' iil rp,,r nf in rnnm ho ' lqoo 170o"lba. "prtcssreMOTi'blo, ."bvJv '
. province and la larger and richer than way mall 'clerks, examinations Febru- -1,"-,. r - - . ' TWO beautiful furnished housekeeping Nh'uI.""X ' Jf J?m, a?uSre' i8,0h0 horse sold undr our guarantee to be as
" tha states of Oregon. Washington and ary 7; permanent; promotion, salary 76. ALL round country printer and new?- : , 2?mt fyf7iial VPU& rea- cssh. balance on .terms. 187 N 18th. repre(,enteJi Take RoVe City VV a"
Idaho combined; 9 Canadian Jranscon- No ,dr. See caiy,,,. no Eth at. AYapor man want? pile" that will pay ..' A ,, . , " , 448 11th, between Jackson and FIVE room cottage, modern, some f urni- Rose city Park Rales Hub? 82 and
, tlnenul . railways ndnumf'o"',1fh0t? Main 7141. ' . - living for selF and family or ' job eom- Recent Hote ,tg, ture for sale, terms. Marshall 4122. Bandy road. Adams A Campbell.?
railway line are bulfrough. tha ImmpHlfltft position . In cltyt fair press feeder. O- 4 X t t n '-ro'i NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, NEW furnishings of a S room flat. S100 FOR 8ALK-10 head of ood woi it
' Efflfffi mineral Gotland . immeaiairJ : 590, Journal. y -y . 151 1-2 7th Sti" 1i10On??fle""- g?" Bt' 13 takes It: rent ilS. Inquire 239 Hall. .horses. weUht 1000 ,to . llOftlbVaMb;
tYCmVl'&i WSy-l?T At22 .SPSPv"1 Y6l)NG married man. aged 26. eprl- Nawly funiished rooms water In etch r ) Qan st. ..hmtmpotq 1 7" lB'- 1 W ' bngW ,
' Bwrtunlty on' tbaNorth -Amirn -eon- -JSEP TJA!2' SWSXmJSSS . enced. wants a position aa collector, room, steam heat, very central, quiet. BEAUTIFUL, large housekeeping suites APAHTMENTS 43 6 sets of harness and 4 cows. The..
ft inM 5ut,1yBtMMh WTT.L WORK FOR ADVANCEMIWT cashier or anything In this line. Q-292, special weekly ani monthly rates, Iran- , n1"?'. wh all conveniences, close . thinKS must be sold, owner going east. ;
r?lumWa'gUi!ata la . the bVt'lnCn. WHICH IS OPEN TO THEM. IF YOU Journal- - - "lent rates 'Wo up? weekly S0 andup. In. 887 12th, nesr Montgomery. FORDHAM APARTMENTS COM- Inquire 21 F. 9th at.. In tent on corner.
; adaUXt uaseTd yo". free of cost, our 4S5MA41IOTRANP FIRST class carpenter want, worn By Run on home prfrcioles. Main 800l. MITCHELL hou.eKeepilng rooms; light. If you want to buy or wll cow, horses,
publication. "Tlritish Columbia. Bulletin EFimT. nSflVS? nYi itn a day Or contract; new building or re- YTnTTt. TrnmS tV w..hinfn. rnrner gas; moderate. 7th-yianors. A-4075. At 170-11 a rJt J0"1 J1 . haSnM8 B5 vehicles, call jit 444
, it Information." giving latest news of &W,syT9&M ?J CALL 10 A. firing, reasonable price., 887 2d aC. Lucretla st.New brick building. Just HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 83.60 week up. W",i?s?"' Vnrtmn.m0Jrhni in 51t!ldeM ft' Auctl0I,..,aleB Wadnaa-
- development. Investment opportunities, M.. 708 SPALDING BLDG. ; kansen. ' JtJ--- completed; fine large outside rooms THE CLAY, 848 H Morrison. Mi'AVi KrSw thmnh faya- M- Walker, auctioneer. '
' , openings for businesa of all kinds, ete. WANTED One electrical expert fcld at M0TI6n picture operator want posU with telephone service, with or wlthoMt Ton lna Fl nlshed In XTVt cir'. HAVING disposed of my ranch." will
. ' Write today.. Cend u a postal card 84 per diem. A competitive examina- "V.oiP1; tv ir c oSntry all roMhina private baths" new and splendidly fur- HOUSEKEKT!tG ROOMS ".".w an S Uv. iM dispose of my 8 ps Irs mares. Ca
' " ho?S5r. SZMFV . MiuVash.'Verua 'BrT U dtore HOSEKEGIS jg g SSS Hve."'-
Bower bidg., Vancouver. B. C. , , forth, NSere The Buckingham ,i,VV SlS Sf SeS 'X
' WNi OPENrNG FOR HOTEL IN CEN. omnjandant. Nary Yard, Pugei Sound, hay rrtereneea. , 288 1st st. city. anVwashmgton Is.7 first class 87t"S5 '!K n ft M " 50: 8COroom.?n$80 ""leT'Th.s tarnea.lllTj,: &
.v - ; TRAL OREGON. . Wash." -7---.- - : ! SOBER youn man wishes ' Position , every detail, all outside rooms; pri- ;i?n.?uf5e,i118'-(.rarh 3.JJi building is different. Let Mrs. Burleigh wood 1545. . , . 7 V
Towfi Is land filing and construction YOUNG man for ranch work; muet be driving private car, . Do own jrepalr yttt) batn and telephone in each room. !PPBi u.rnlBhod nou"ekePng and ,now yOU through. 1 ' 1 . ia
headquarter for largest Carey Act pro- good with horses and understand; work. Q-299, Journal. Rate, reasonable. (2 H Washington, st. ?''eP'n", room- , . j ' ' THE VILLA st CLARA. UfESTOCK AVIl PnCT.TTir
Joct in Oregon, . Town has big monthly wage 825; also young man. to milk 18 KELiXblb young man wanting a job Main 81. ' NICELY furnished 2 room apartment. 12th and Tavlor Miwiuva w
payroll now. Liberal concessions to cows. $30; no Swiss or old men wanted. of driving in city; acquainted with the - h6tel" HSNWICK plenty of steam heat and hpt water, , t coni,,.',.' most magnificently win Za'r v 1 j A.u rjz
Sponsible party, investigate before Rose CitEa.rAnkeny cr to 17th .t, city; answer at once. G-294. Journal. The rtofth. taiKint tth JtnSS!l!!l PaPartmenTs"n tMrthTest; ALeV 190 itach"" 'Pl
, fprlng rush of iandseekers from east I miles . ?Pr.WS, BAKTSR First- class, bread, cake, pies and Taylor, opposite Hetllg theatre, a lights, reasonable rates. 247 Clackamas location perfect; rentals reasonahle; 5 Indian Runner ducks 8l 28 each"
' begin.- ... ..I ntinson farm. ;..v t ; , , and pastry. 166 Stout st. quiet home -for oulet people, trlotly , rr every modern convenience, lniludln Mann's green bonecutter 85 'Must "be
See or write General Manager. 414-416 : , ' . ..' ;.,",lgssT ftirpulv Wbar wants p'osfffon T3 modern, permanent; transient Main 918 TWO very pleasant front rooms for banquet hall and roof garden; bih sold thi eek 1204 FrancI aVe u?
Railway Exchange bidg, . HELP WANTKPMISC. 40 exertenceT FreS f Krsmer, THE COLONIAL-Bom, very delr.bie tJil-K.SS JfiSg1 Both r,hon7.!cf sirtlTrnlnt.'Thon. Pone Sellwcd 16lT Fra"C" ave-- f
" X TTi V T T''t" 'V"" ' room IP. Main 6398. outside double rooms, steam heat. 1?51ow,-irn a?? ir a! ' MnH and A Toi!?1 LARGE dark Single Comb Rhode island
... Grocery Sacrifice . -ifaA3! SSi tTS? iB1 wf ca8r ?rront rVSoSStf VSL nfVJSSv
Union av. .grocery, now doing busl- FOR MENNOT FOR MONET Phone A-4402. depot brick building, -very neat and clean, I lie Dlllana Russell 589 Wheeler -t bft ' Tii'mn
nes with well established trade, that Thoroughly equipped garage. Expert JAPANESE wants position in green- v-TvziTt i9K nth t mm nd completely furniehed for housekeeping, 16thTH AND LOVEJOY. nd BroBflwiv !
you can buy at liberal discount from Instructors. Actual experience in re- house or housework. F-294. Journal, ir? arvthlni new- atekm heat only 88.50 per week. 230M Russell st, Unfurnished apartments, strlctlv mod- " "VT n ZT ' . . . ,
, , - current wholesale prices. Fixtures at pairing the driving on first class car. " ' 1 rjS5f,J witJJta niLtBmtr tran- THREE unfurnished housekeeping ". brand new brick building. 2. 3 or THOROUGHBRED .Buff Orpington
' a acrlftce. See Bryant Lectare and recitation. SITUATIONS FTOIALE " 4 Hir?- iSriii.iT?i Prmnnt. tran- A " modwn InqufrVthesS room.. Rates $25, 130. 885. Including eggs for setting. Single Comb Whit
Joseph Graham d&BS&S? M be,ore ,B- ILT new Juaw room,, rfffihffi E U s""tayl"a- tte SSS?. K A?r8d47water- wrd.601'- "?0 Eaat "th at-
' ICOMOO Board of Trade Bldg. cjY M C A. building. Phone JJi . Sf"i TWO ?urn.shed housekeeping rooms, " The OfieOnta " W?$?
i Buy bakery tad delicatessen. If you old daughter who has been well raised. 1 .t1'-CJi v"' ThJfnt aitso""11 ; ST MARKS 392 tt' E" Burnslde ' house- "."T8"1 -""Vrfn1, TSfi WANTED to buy a team of good young
are looking for a money maker, It will . . Will accept reasonable wage if other 80c to 21.60 a day. .Phone A-3720. kefnlnT room. from 12 BO d free Yai2 distance. Phone Main 4697, horses, weigh 2500 to 2700 lbs.-, give
' pay you to look thl up. My sales have KEEP OUT OF THE RAIN surroundings are good. Can give best NICE clean rooms, furnace heat. 8H.60 illtkh9tepf Xne alsS nicely furnished A'4789' fulr particulars in first letter. Add'es
' increased over 100 per cent in 6 month. Learn to operate moving plo- of references and will expect good ref. up. single and double beds, close In, IVoVrnm 11 and no nnu'nM 4047 66th St.. S. E. Portland.
I ' SBrS graVSS-Si5 UreVSas-nurse. LARGBright" room with Urge ciosei. tfbffl . T T"eLt TSS&SSS!?
assured market for sale of logs. I do- n c"asses Y STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper THE LANDORE 388 10th st. 2 single Vrost rooms brick bldg 2 room COCKERELS R. I. Reds, B. Leghorns'
iSrJ jmygi gaggisaB! "BgBafegS iTissa: fiaryi&affi:
w; hav. -everal' of the choicest In THE NEW STATE AUTOMOBILE Journal. per Everett st. Phone A-3068. from ca; 1B East tn L c,aB, apt8 at mojerate rat. exoellent Oreon.
the cltv everyone a bargain not much LAWS . make It Impossible for V- YOUNG lady like to take care of child- CHEERFUL furnished rooms. single ;.THE"' MONTGOMERY " corner East location. 888 11th. cor Montgomery. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Barred Rock
' money ' to haSdle See uf Z all kinds competent or untralne person to ren m0rnlng, afternoon and everting. or housekeeping, modern, all conven- rt0 and East kh. nlcefy fur- THE MrKNltEY pullets and cockerels. Tabor 66.
S buslne.. chances8 W. have the best ha""keeu" O'"nlb?11,,nor Main B4 85; references. ii up. 649 Yamh 1 LSS peweekVd ppT clos'e . 429 ft MORR'SON. COR. 7TH.
J. E. N1CHOL8 CO., 618 Yeon bldg. IITAJa .n3 il& eh2uf?OTM to d A MIDDLE aged lady want day work, ATTRACTIVE alcove room, well fur- ijh v ,J nd 4-room apartment, fur- DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 4fl
A SNAP-Good clean stock of groceries and higher iWBGUARANTEE ft .ewing or light housework. nished. every convenience, 816. 268 LARQE ouU1Je room completely fur- ' Vr.S S-w'iw VTn r
and fixture, will invoice $1600 to a MAN HOLDING OUR DIPLOMA to D-296. Journal. ltn at. ni8hed tor housekeeping, gas range, ment bestrservlcef new manage- bo YD, the dog man. boarding, expert
$1700 if taken before Saturday $1100 pass state examinations. OREGON THOROUGHLY experienced young lady ONE large front room, also side room, 12 92M, E. Morrison. East 6901. mem, pest service. . . care: anything for the dog. A-3604.
will buy It. might consider -a small part AUTO SCHOOL. 268 11th st. cor. Jeffer- stenographer wants position. Main all conveniences, close ln. 474 Yam- FURNISHED housekeeping "roomerpri" UUrfee ADartmetltS WA NTED A good rat " dog! '"' Manager
- In trade. Jordan, 610 Lumhermcns bldg. eon. THE ONLY SCHOOL CARRYING 110. . hill, corner 14th. vate bath and other conveniences. E. , hlJt-2 .n.rt.nt. nir. FelloWs grocery. 149 7th. - - - -
POOL 4iall, -cigars, confectionery. In THE INDORSEMENT OP THE TRADE. ELDERLY woman wants' place with M M WBKauanj t room, well fur- B2?atSrbgthEanilth. B,h3 rawttaffi 'PPr hST.hS. WHITE buTi terrier, male, house brok-
. good location and established trade; ARE YOU A SUCCESS 7 a family, more for a home than wages. nlshed. hot bath. 405 1st. K. TWO neatly furnished housekeeping 2nd bath 808 Stanton st East T1065. en. year old, cheap. 28014 1st st.
low rent with 5 year lease, all for $1000 Do you with to increase your salary Main 7028. jj-m?VTrrm Tnr)MS rooms, gas, bath, phone. 70 E. 8th N. rannttr apartmrnta I:'' - '
See this and you'll buy. 426 Lumber and at the same time be engaged In a EXPERIENCED dressmaker at your FUKN 13 IML l KOUaia 15 B:2j,4; ... 5,FR,.rJ;. , FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19
: nyf"ia" I"5" rcT2 nowBTt A&nFtottoSuZSZ home. $2.60 per day. Marshall 440. EAST SITE S3 TW0 large front housekeeping rooms, r4S artSntl'' WcOmtV fCLti!
SALOON This Is a real snap, 10 rooms how. It costs you nothing for informa- WANTED work by the day, 2oo hour. "VT'T C. furnished, light and laundry T$U per cludingeat light and Janitor service. ANNOUNCEMENT
all furnished overhead, rent $100. lI0li,n -,nwTr vn AtttomoriLE Phone Woodlawn 8298. TIJE . I0.SAMi t'v, l month. 96 Knott t. L car. Phone Marshall 2074. We have opened a plumbing supply
lm handle P' ThlV i0!tn Iny-oS SCHOOlY Q WIDOW lady with child want work In rooTr0 LOVELY ' housekeeping suite, walking CUMBERLAND Apts, ' West Park anct Kj," mtSZ
wl haaved'to hurry. 'VlBtlana'bgig 128 5thst North. family 288 N20th st. JWjraVlSS 8 404Bta3Oaat'riVth 'urnlshw1, " eSSS-t, -ii'SrnwSlSS- ;" d anything fnplumblng
" PLACER.' MINE. ' '- ' " MEN and women to learn the barber WlDOWV 35, wanU position housekeep- Grand ave. and E. Stark. 8404. , 30 East 10th. nlshed apts. all mo der n con ven ences Supply line -Sea us anc and ret ou
o.. rTf firb nliPM trad ln t weeks. Special Inducements, er. J-294, Journal. an lrge beautifully furnished TWO and three room furnished apart- choloe location, only 6 minutes walk prc'eB
go?dnCwin -acrlf Ttw'JSSd wlTll. learning Tool SCANDINAVIAN girl wanted, work In hnnnVZi n , "U62V4 Un,0n aY" N' d' "1, 2 not l vnv IT M- BARDE SON.
V feres need fund badly: the mine la rj Pr Instructor. 17 year Jn the family place. Call phone Main 2584. modern conveniences for 2 gentlemen; lwr. 2379. .fH1? AJ?D ilFt HUB f Million Bargain."
; . financed and machinery being Installed bu'Iness. 87 chool. A VyANT work by day. Main 102. A-4202. rent $7.60. Sellwood 1804. 2 OR 4 furnished housekeeping rooms In fln"utJufu',.h.J0 nSR moderrcon: 240-2 Front st. M. 663.
, .r. SOS Board of jgglP tWWJSST LADY wishes day work, call Tabor 15. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 paper 6To'dAnCMornrfBWo1ni: &SX?ii& A 82o&i2S? AXtYt
W,lVytore7lngvofc"e ooo"'"!? U& p and women to learn barber trade SITUATIONS NTErwIALE TWO "room. large' place, cellar and 1 E.CT"1"6'- 23"- DHckstOn ADailment wVif 't-
$2000 take small hoise and lot up to n JF'ks at In"0"' J58 AND FEMALE 23 porch: all private; paved etreet; $10. MODERN housekeeping room close ln " ... Hli ri.iw-. i "IS, , dresser, linoleum, rug, two heater.
FXVwTTTl ROm P.rce0nagV7.trnCJ3Bwh".!e firW: W MIDDLW wlf.xpe;' Ah" gg', "SrfiSlV rlTelU-liU3S SfneT gttWs8' gWvtl, 'K't'
fF8 tg'ahP i!200 Sji SLV&'jr BOOMS AND BOARD 18 RFIB 40, apartments a speclslty. $25 up. cSt SnVy
uaCteShonThe .S'.? o'iaa't'.fdl: v a Wllrr'& rml ROOM' and board $5.60 and up. hiat 12th and Col Xffll room apart- Desk and Cha r
hW nt not sVloon orrestaurTnt. ad: TELEGRAraSpklng of g"Jo; )ng or apartment house. Phone Main bath, table board. $4.50 weefc. meal HOUSES FOR RENT 12 ments nicely s tuated elegantly fur- The flneat manogaBy rol, top
dress H-296. Journal." Ke.LW!JL?,?,j,y 9395. room 1. ticket. $4.50; m chicken dinner twice nlshed, reasonable ln price desk and chair and library table for
, fW" PAYING BU - weekly. 284 Main at. . THREE large bay window, room with lTHB SOUTHAMPTON,- - sale at a bargain if taken at once.
' w.iiim .nartnir to Invwt eaual J'T . u.r. DRESSMAKING 40 ROOM and board for 2 young ladle bath, wood and gas ranges. $12, In- 410 Hall St J. E. NICHOLS, 615 Yeon bldg.
.nXunt&wBrtw FldstrpCoVt?,VdWoyr. Myr'' JZ ?ejsatom..r.a.onabyie. flo.e In!. water Walking distance 768 .On. i.nftjnl.hM 4 room .partment. FOR SALE New and .econd-hand Car-
ties. Have fine location for construe- rrj r j LADIES' tailoring, cutting, fitting. 846 Montgomery. SrV w d strictly first class. A-2048. om and pocket Millard tables, end
tlon of building. H-2 98, Journal. : Wanted sponging cloth, making button, but- RdftM1 suitable for 1 or 2 with board. , ,:n ;t3r . 3 s c THE DAVENPORT Newly furnished bowling alleys and adeessorle.-bar fix-
REAL salesman wanted as sole agent aober Intelllaent men to-learn to ton holes. Lining furnished. Reason- furnace heat and bath. 497 Mont- FOR REN r New modern 6 room house. a and 8 room apt;., modern, walking tiire of all kinds: easy payment. The
K with resporslblllty. mony. energy. &lffiKuli Wtli able price. Gordon. 261 Yamhill. gomery. A-2964. nnnmtihb''ht MmmA mtnnc FhonB 648.6- ,g0S jPmon kl Brunswlck-BalkCoUender Co. (-4
for proved staple, to every mllf factory. lHhst SEWING by day or piece, children's a FINE room, private .bath, home cook- JSJ' Comroerc?al I bldg or MarshlHo26 NORDICA apartments, cor. Belmont and j"., , r ,. t
by eastern manufacturers. D-295. Jour- WANTED Ry mall clerks custom clothe specialty. Mrs. Veva Wick- ing. swell location. The Magnolia. Jl0" m.6 1 'd 0'. Grand ave 1 and 18 room furniahed SPECIAL sale of slightly used Singers.
nnl. .. clerks spring examination In Port- man. 819 Maryland ave, Phone C-1768. 617 Kearney. CHEAP, at Kenton cottages, sell or apts.; free lfght. heat, bath, phone. . -v. & W.,' White and Standard ew-
$1000 and responsibility secures for real Iand. Sample Questions free. Franklin FIRST class dressmaker wishes a few NICELY furnished room suitable for I rCwSn MM "' T THE ALBEMARLE. 3 and 8 room apart- Ing machine; easy payments. Call 883
salesman best, biggest paying com- institute. Dept. 339L. Rochester. N, Y. more engagements by the day. Price or 3 young men, reasonable; room and f. " . J."' ,6a k men.tBi "fe,? heat- orly? .p5ne and Rr Morriron near Grand. .. ,
merclal business, stock and sole Ore- V,OTION DcturV operating taught In $2.60. Phone Marshall 2072. board $6 per week. 166 E. 16th st. MODERN 7 room house, 1220 E. Main; bath. 883 Williams ave. Eitat 4193. BIG bargain; new high grade gentle-
- f4,sagi!!-lAillre"" "Manufacturer theatre. Pfull practical ofurse. 8Learn LADIES' tailoring, alterations, coats frHE CASA ROSA-Large, airy, fur- ofa AtBc," or Hawthorn car. get J ROOM apartments nicely furnished, ."n'" watch with haln; coet me $28;
1 H-299. Journal. L ,t r, nt Prlc, fcasonable. 'Position se- rellned. Mr. Muckler. 403 Morrlon. nlshed rooms, with board, splendid lo- 41at- Rnt 18 . . . . close In; very reasonable. E. 6379 or will sell for $10: need money. : 204 Co-
SNAP Liberal discount on well as- cured. Z-267, Journal. Main 4919. cation 300 Jefferson. BUNGALOW, 6 rooms and bath, attrac- 89 E. 12th st. lumbla. room 239.
sorted stock dry goods, Invoice about RAILWAY mall clerks wanted write " ' ' a lvpvtchi,-ii rf, tnr ;n, 0- w(h tlve; E. 86th and Main t., $20. GRAY Gables apartments, 289 10th. I ALL kind bouse furnishings bought.
$1000: purchased from wholesale house for Portland Spring Examination NURSES CO hirJ iVvl? Main 2240 or Main 2908 room apartments. Phone A-2429. old and exchanged. Star Furniture
few week ago. 511 E. 54th t N. Rose BcneduleT Frankllr ?n.St "lS Ml MUR8ES "? fennlt and hord verv reasonable. w.t M6DERN 7 room new bungalow. Mt Co.. 880 Hawthorne ave. Eart 1067.
, City car. ; L Rochester. N. Y. " KO Mr xrtth Vxnertenee wtshM k? iki v ith X reasonab1' weBt Scott car. Myrtle Park, north on 60th FOR RENTFLATS 13 FOR SALE Sideboard. French plat
SECOND hand store, will Invoice about ffi need men t0 )earn' auto driving and oosltlon as nurse ?lri or 'companion! s..?, a l ... ' K ; st. to 37th ave.. Tabor 2071. m.....m.... glass, bargain, almost new; also some
!800 -VAPK?- 1260 i,noli fat- repairing We are the only Si on phPonB Woodlawn comPanlon- TWO fine TtVil..' Kh 1 HOUSE for rent, 87th and E. Grant , . , . linoleum Call Main 8957. '
urday. $700 buys everything. Jordan, coa?. can guarantee positions to next hWr-nti. onfinament at home er" e00"- T Magnolias, 617 Kearney. g room, an(J 12 m0nth. 20 ROOM flat, 11 room eottagesr fur- CAPITAL JUNK Co.. dealer in IroiC
. 610 Lumbermens bldg few men. 208 Railway Exchange. i,iSMork i Ti?SheI BOARD and room $6 per week; fur- Marshall 1231. nlshed or not: cheap rents. 227 Glbbs. metal, rubber, sack, machinery, pipe,
WANTED One young man to learn t C-1728 nou"ewor- 8 Larraoee nace heat. 492 taylor street. MODERN 6 room cottage, nicely fur- BEAUTIFUL 6 room flat, 627 E. Salmon, tools. Job lots. 67 N. 1st st' Mar. 8839.
' Y. DUO 11 1 C d & V a IU & f vj I . moving picture operating ln theatre; KnHHTK.a' ' ,-, hv ' nerlence wo- NICELY furnished rooms. sulUblTor nlshed, near Steel bridge. $30. 276 also 7 room house 267 Nartllla. west A LARGE and medium alsed safe cheap, .
, Rose City 'frintery, H2M, Third Street easy terms" P. O. Box tA NX.Narjvmv M two gentlemen, with board. 195 16th, Benton st side. Phone Main 84. food condiUon. term i If desired
' A REAL BARGAIN. he War is on, tfcsSONS glven ln oU and water colors; : iXlYlJ"J; " nnrsiTTrinrPlvn M10M8 ElGHT or 11 room house; furnace; SUNN YSlDE Modern 8 room flat gas Bjll. Journal. - " . '
SACRIFICE sale-Motion picture thef price 80c per Wr, East 8418. 892 .HNS-praa0iiiwLS wk y HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 Market and 11th: furnltuM for al range, electric, tubs, shades, heater. FQIt SAtE 20 good bed and spring
I atre: just completed, long lease, well Belmont st. ... c""ca-. S-wood 1688. Mr. Wlcl WEST SIDE Phone Main 8424. A-4006. 91 4 H E. Morrison, near 80th. at a bargain. Phone East 05
'ltV. Ar-Sna?t .imheF0? hi5 WANTED lmme.liately. men to learn PITli VTaHim VtnnntH O TT": ?"?':mr""'m"t FOR RENT- furnished. 7 room house, TWO room flat, partly furnished, water cedar fence post for sale, cheap,
vetlgate. Call at 228 Lumber Ex. bldg. automobile driving and repairing. Call FUK IS H EI) IWKJMS 9 NICELY furnished house keeping room chicken yard, lovely neighborhood. and garbage, $10. 706 Vancouver ave. Phone C-23S1.
' CALL at 250 Killlngworth ave. for par- at 269 Union ave.. near Hawthorne. WEST SIL-J . phone, lights and bath. 488 Burnslde j61 B 89tn ,,t. Richmond car. Woodlawn 19B3. tf;rtiLiJer Weil ' rotted manure'
, , ticular concernlnar a nieo buslnensj GIRLS. - ' between 13th and 14th. MODERN 6 room house, 774 2d t. tn- FOUR and 6 room" flats. 177 u Green Phone East '2276. '
for le. Can be handled with little L,arn 6ur business: Sanitary Beauty NEWLY furnished rooms, hot, cold wa- SINGLE housekeeping room; also one quire next house. 229 Grover t. 2 ve.. near 28d and Wash. Main 888. , .. , , ...--3
ny- : Parlors. 400-418 Pekum bldg. ter. bath, phone, $12, $15. Main 6436. suite; every convenience; yery rea- bl,7okB from S car. . ,T ' '2 WANTKJj MISCELLANEOUS 5
WANTED Young man to go on road; tlXiSlli out few remaining uncalled 805 Jefferson. ; sonable. 168 18th. vn'RisriSHKB i room new hnua td WANTED TO RENT 7 - - .. ,
can make $10 daily;, $30 required: CJfi? VSltsand oyCTCril. iS? NICELY furnl.ned room, with beat. FURNISHED front room, alcove, house- flfBnthgvlTo. Inquire"! ' ' HAyE YOU ANYTHING TO SELLT
, money fujly secured. 417 Rothchlld jor. the Tailor. 285 Burnslde t phone, bath: rent reasonable. 448 keeping; heat, hot, cold water, laundry; i."hst BANK clerk wants desirable room with- we buy entire plantawreck. them If
bldg. pRTvATE business echool 816 Chamber Taylor, bet 12th and 18th. bachelors preferred or couple. 176 Clay. .7.; " if' i m ,n... riht t. m walking distance; will pay $10 per wanted. , . -
RESTAURANT, must be sold this week. TVtcSmufSiAiV' THE ELM PLACE 414 Yamhill; rooms. LARGE warm slngU sleeping rooms, "y?, oortk eornw 8 th fld mo,nt PhonB Ma,n "9' btween Get our figure, on any kind of r-
beat location, 8 years' lease, rent $75. ton Bldg. hot and cold water, steam heat, pri- $10 and $8 per month; bath and light. Orant Phone East 298 nd 6. chandlse whatever. .
- iarn"bPrmin.b7dgl JorttaB'M0 LADIES, to do inte'restlng work at vat, bath, and ,u.te.f clo.e In. 40 10 th, apartment L, Phone, A-llla gMJ. I room house with FURNISHED FLATS 50 rrhe' H.eVllKarralna.-
L SSSX ioLy a email cl.r. con- 6?! MfELiiE I? & S ousXep7ngh filTISK Ar v7Tb ".at I beds and TJl
. t6? WY cting on the -e; mu.t WJ&TW MaK 7?.i. nth, room cottage pleasant and mod- Zooil W. ar. K2g? oland dear.
' cAV'r' J'"n I r ' J. i Inquire Immediately. 65 N. 9th. SEVERAL"' nice, bright well heated rSim. 179 Stout 1 block aoU o? era, close In. East 1518. distance. 444 Rodncv East 4866. Ing. Call n u before letting contraot
- ttrTtSW zptfi;r;f the- grand jyv SuiulHSi &: .sanrroS-woerdg two AKn nvviCKR at wtiira
SSHHH "a LShonf SO WW gRHalf tor, room. 244 .n- cggY SECO , ,
' bSRHte!t"S. linr a good "nlL. ....her. cMnese JSJK CoEoAmP,ElSnT'th cCT 0 FTONT-8 room house. 104 E. lith SKom for uniTTSS: f hstrlfor: .verythlng,
. 'nsVllovt st'" bandla- K Wmisllon.lr80dtyo pf m." a8frTaylo"reSe M.nVft 'UrnaCa " N" " " fhprma"' , , Washington HA FOR RENT-C Auditorium $800 worth 2d hand household good, ht
r Ho.v.l!,t; , ,r: , f: ' ' '.. r ' ' '-,. - FURNISHED housekeeping and elngle FOR RENT Six room house, rent $20. "haT Tuesday and Wednesday nlriit. 'arg or small lots,. Immediately.
I MAKE a specialty of cigar stands and HELP WANTED T,L3 AND 5Wir5HISI rooms, $2 00 to $8.60 per week, 79?H Apply 54 E. 16th N. inSuTre 208H Third taCBa niRla- CASKY F1TRNITI RE CO., East 809.
CoPmVMdJ, H,ght,haraber' ' ' V ' FEMALE SO 2n5, Stance? . .W M rt- r""'11 'K t b i ' $22.60-7 room house, 676 E, 9th st hKSK room phone assistance, for real BARGER'S AUCTION HOUSlC
-' ' pmmerce olog- " " -J -,. :". V". ,.. . , , - - wanting oisiance. mii iq si. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. J. J. OEOER, Grand ave. and Ankeny. v , p Address H-23 JoiirnaL 870 EL Morrison, phone E. 1022, pay
. ' HALF interest in a patented device; WANTED 4 solicitors to work a city. IF YOU wish good first class rooms electric light wood and water. $16. estate. 810. Address H 293. journal. M yBh nrlpfor ttMm' pay
- w"U.t0aPAtaiVebrltrS1lef QaU 1U K CaJl Ellers' bldg8 7 rtfter'yamni-"1, 176 laih S Kearney st. ; , FURNISHED HOUSES 86 HOTELS 54 CAN use' desk to value of 825 ..'part
r t water st. O. Herrmann. : t . "rr" , A ix 3 ; r ONE and 2 room ultes, hot, cold water, . ----....---, ,., - payment on visible typewriter, balance
CIGAR, fruit and candy atore for sale. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 55 BRIGHT large doubla and single room, bath, phone lights, free, $2 up. 166 COTTAGE 6 room; furnished R. 8th. hotb:t, PORTLAND European plan rayahla at $6 a morth. F-297. Journe).
Fine location. 100 N. 6th. s.l ....,,-..-. - lights, bath, phone. 233 N. 16th. 16th. cor. Morrison, Mrs. Wilson. paved streets. $27.80 per month; will .t 85 day ."iw)i v WANT , . , . r br k .1;rTln''
BARGAIN QUICK shoe repair shop for ' MUNICIfL - .L. MarB V1 128, r '. '. u , SINGLE housekeeping room; electrlo ieaBei,.ft11 420 Lumber Excbang. 2d Td-t Fi.yRri-'iror.'ean." 4th and aW crimping and burring- machine. Phone'
sale. C. Moran, Kelso. Wawh.. box 604. CRCC FMPI HYMFNT fiPF P.F TWO large front rooms, on suitable Ma:ht hot water. Mrs. Johnson, 168 and Stark. bki. m kk, nronan, xn sno air . w J w J6J
. ' . '' -' .' " J rntt tlVlrLUT IVIC.IN I UrriUC for four persor.. other fine rooms $1 joth t ' - " . " TEN room , furnished house, also 3 HOKHFR VEHICLES ETC1 CVB " fauv mercantile ' stock, "or "whaU"
. HELP WANTED MALE I .All classes of unskilled .killed, pro- week up. Conveniences. 85 Madison. L " oonnectlng ulte; electricity: apartments ready, good locaUon. cheap HORSES, VElHCLKa, ETC 18 buy '-"to'rfan M t
.... fesslonal a"d clerlcat male and femal AMSDON Hotel nicely furniahed rooms, phSne t&i i&nUtSmi rent. 745H Northrop st. Va t.w wiara to foal first lass woX wl th Vu P-288 Journal.' ' "
. CHEF headquarter and helper. Call- Hr"1",, B i . aottofc. , ... . steam heat all th tim.. hot water, 640. 309 N. 22d. Main 8376. " NICE 4 room cottage, furnished com- JJ rflold "with good hetraelsTov- BE WlSE- et more f..rMyoU; second
- tett7to4 DPOt-amhll, MenW? department 118 Jd. cor. Salmon. !" "p: "8 ,.. . LiOHl housekeeping rooms, iio to $30 P .lectriclty, $22.60 Ugo! all'for fllt Sl Z, W'lural'SV.TVl
to Journal. - :. - Women's YeDartment 346almon st ?HK K1XQ, 809 ,f8on. nicely fur- , montil. Steam heat, light and water, month. 849 B. 37th. . . 781 Insley ave. Auction Co, 211 1st. Main 8951. A-244II.
VWANTED-At once. men to learn to - tohSsfness wntar- & Wo wku? . L.bath' 68 W i"thl ""f , NEW modern 7 room house, new furnU UfaRSEfl and buggle. for rent by day, VK buy and sell most anythln,:" Uln
drlve and repair a"mobn. Call at n- p nXMQr.t A' 1 . to business center, rates p.BO week up. fp5KT rooms, furnished for house: .r. ""ver and linens; furnace; on week and month: pec!al rate to 87-4. 626 1st st .. ; ".'-
Hawthorne Garage, 446 Hawthorne. Hi HANotN Ot tU. WARM, quiet room,; nicely furnished; "Wping; free light water and heat Hawthorne ave., dlose In. Tabor 2270, business bouses. tb and Hawthorna Wa S'Tki M 'and""f urril turel'E's'st' I tit "
ftlGH clas. men as salesmen, good GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. H&FiSSft TManf -?nM' m Jph"Q" rt v FlVUrooia bouse nicely furnished. 6S9 East 72. ' WmTwthorne ave! " 8? M"" '
Proposition, live men. only. Oregon Main office. 26 N. 2d t. Portland, . men preferred. ; 700 Flanders. ONra large housekeeping room with flrei lil. Ash at Call next door. WANTED Gentle - general purpose wantkiC-" hand"rr.iit;;re'" PoriTsT.J
, Frut development Co.. 208 , Ry. Udj9a department, 7th and iWo. Ut. GOOD rooms, two block from potof- place and sleeping room; good loca- flVri" room cottage. furnlsU.l, piano horse, hames and spring wagon. ? BalvVTco 628 wish MsV 8
. ' 8HOW";car4 writer - for fieattleTetead upstalriC Portland. ' ti flee, cheap. 308 Salmon. tlon. 181 14th. " 2o per month, 760 Clvelanf aval D-297, Journal. Baivage to.., 2 - wash. ; Wittt r ;
' -work to right, man. Answer, today. Dr ., " Jtt0"! ISKSSf-;nA'v- NICElV fumwked rooma, furnac-heat, TWO-Tficely furnl.bed boueelteepln Phone Woodlawn 8161 SOR SALE A big work team, will taks fS-K' d ' X" h 11 435 '
293. Journal. - 37-89 imAyT. rs. bath. Main 9096. 173 16tn. - room; fnk. water and bath. , Call CL&XVi furniahed cottage, close In, roUer team to xcbange. 14 Union te 1116
- WyVNTED Flrt das. mechanic, ; all , Established 1876. - , ROOMS. 60c. $1 per day; $2 up week, 686 Pettygrove st. water. gas. 868 Page at ak U car, ave.. cor. Ash. . nu,11- h rh"CX 2Q1 j, .rn.i"
a nWSP.!''9'' Bennett'S EmD OVment AgenCy -THE CXAtV Ufa Mormon st FOUR unfurnished rooms, sink, gas, SEVEN room., completely furnished; FERTILIZER. , 'tre. "atghjl"':
WED5r3" for baker wagon. .34 It 3dT M 11 tfi : A-1 333V Qulcfc NICE, bright.' warn; room, clo in, $2 Mtt 346 month. Main 827. fahor 170 -WII -rotted manure Ea.t FURNITURE TOR SAM: :
' A oaaer ( wagon, gjrvip reliable help to employer free. week. 626 Otri; son, near i mm. ' ". 1 " ' ' "' - -.m-. - -i- -l n. - -. - - -. .
Dave Wood. 207 4 th St. . '- - --r-j t r1. . SINGLE rooin, also houaekeeplng rooms. 496 Clay Several nicely : furnished IIOI'SES FOR tlENT ' THREE horses, weigh 1409 lbs apiece. HARTZEIL UKNITfRH r-y
WEAR aKenshaw $2 hat; ail , tylea pUttS Ot" LlClreClCe ' tlTiPs: .00 close In. all conveniences. 807 Market housekeeping suites; will rent alngl . , FUR MTU RE FOR SALE 82 Cll and see them; 489 Hawthorns yor ,aU f
'? 4th- 44B Wsshlngton. ,. ... , 24H N.3d t ,!- ''. fpiiKT"""-" r"'", K lights' very reasonable. Main 8987. j ' ve- - ' ' "":..:.: ;," 'V , ,.,, , " t. W Py Mrht rs..i,,..- -
YOUNG man wanted to canvass; good ,- " Main 8205. A-1191. ; -l;' " '' bath and phone, $2.60 and $3. 171 18th. HOUSEKEEPING room, all conven- MODERN 3-room flat r furnttur for 8 HEAD of cheap home, from $20 up. hold goods. x:n -: '- 1-'
opening. Call at 23B 6th.- Room 10. - ' PaH p'rne "e Cmnlnumanl . Main 9451. : , lences ftirnlshed. 453 Hall st. - M. 694. sale. Apply 665 Overton. , , 14 Union ave., cor. Ash. J j,H SAI tl, n , .." ,,,
. WANT lather, plasterer, laborer, plumb tCQ .; uTOSS tmPIOyMlcni 424'4 6th st, close In, new, modern, CAMBRiDGE BTg.FurnlsTier"house- FOR SALE A bargain, fine furniture FINE team of pontes to exchange for hous. I.i r I .!.-.; i
r, clve dentistry. Call 207 Alisky bldg. 33, N. 2d. cor, Burnslde. M. 6298. A-673K. reasonabl front room, $1.60 up, , keeping room. Km, 86. 3d & Morrison. . of 4 rooma, complete, $185. Main 8029, big horse. 14 union ave., cor. Auh. port ill , In,