THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 17, 1912. URGES HE : . IN ADVERTISING HIKES . IW1 .SUFFRAGE "LEADING P,1AN" BUYS SUM HOI HERE Ad Club -Plans Campaign to 1 .Put Stop to Deceiving . " , People. " , , . Misrepresentation In advertising- will . be fought In a vigorous campaign planned ror 113 by tha Ad club." 'I have answer to a cor of letters written prominent ' Portland business men. I have interviewed the heads of the large department stores. ,' All have .. promised to back the fight," said. Fresl ' dent A; O.Clarlr of the Ad club today, -."Matty of ue differ on the real defini tion of the term, -misrepresentation, and how'farone ,jnay go . without reaching wie nmu or ovor-stawment. ; . . , . "Advertising, to be valuable, muat In eplr confidence. If the future of ad vertialng is to be of any value, we must conserve Ha. power and Influence now, All, kinds of goods can be made by rule -to sen them requires. salesmanship. "In most esses the advertised " price ! Is out more than half., How many be lieve In misstatement of values? Not one, & The store that expects belief, for Bucn statements reflects on intelligence. Advertising- of this kind borders very cioaciy on the variety that ought to be corrected. - , , , Government Is Busy. ' "Supposing some of our real estate friend should offer 11000 lots at 9500. How much confidence would It InBplreT The merchant who lends his name to methods that are misleading, contributes his share to' the lack ot confidence in - the integrity of business. -"The federal government Is taking a band and is bringing about great re forms in the manufacture and sale of articles intended for human food. Why ' not extend this reform to the articles intended for human wear and use? New .York state has undertaken to protect its citisena and 'all wool' and a yard wide means just that and nothing less -: "I believe that the owners of the busi ness structures that have been and are - now using these -overdrawn statements of valus want to quit it- Away down in their hearts, they know It is not right. ' I hcaro. several of them say so, Deceiving Pabllo. ;"There is so much that Is good. Why encourage its opposite? Every success ful enterprise depends for success on its friends. .The newspapers and the stores in this city are the products of the friends of each. Both Owe a duty to their - friends and to themselves, and my earnest hope and belief is that both will come to realise it at no distant date., "There is also another example of advertising so called, that In my opin ion should b4 corrected. I refer to the unsightly cloth signs we sea plastered across the fronts of "4 hundred stores reading something like this: 'Bankrupt stock, 26c on SI. Forced to move by high rent. ' Sheriffs sale. $60,000 stock at less than cost.' And this In a store that couldn't. hold f 5000 worth of goods. Upon Investigation .it will ba found that many of these big affair are only , big fakes.' .' ..' y- ' "Besides; attempting' to deceive -the public, this class of advertising Is hurt ful to the interests ot our city. They produce a bad -effect on visitors, and the Portland Ad club can do much to remedy this condition. I hope it will." State Federation Adopts Res , olutions in Meeting at The Dalles. At a meeting of the Btate Federation of Labor, held at The Dalles Monday, resolutions favoring women's suffrage were unanimously 'passed. The resolu tions, which were presented by Attorney W. M. Davis of Portland, were as fol lows: v ' . "That, whereas, the question of equal 'suffrage will bo placed upon the ballot at the next election, in November of this year. '.ln, the following . form: 'In. all elections not otherwise provided, for by this constitution, --every citizen of . the United States, of the age of 21 years and upwards, who shall have resided In the state during the six months imme diately preceding--suqh election, and every person of foreign birth of the age of 21 years and upyards, who shall have resided in -this "state during the six months " immediately preceding such election, and shall haver" declared his or her intention to become a cltisen of the United States one year preceding Such election, conformably to the laws of the United States on the subject of natural, isatton, shall be entitled to vote at all electlohs authorised by law,' and, - Whereas, it appears from the initia tive petition' which .has already .been filed in the words above set forth, that it does , not restrict the ballot In any manner, but gives women equal rights of voting with men; and, - i - "Whereas,- women rare 'naturally less selfish and more sympathetic than men; and, - .-;' ' , . ' . V - ... - "Whereaa, there does not appear to be any reason why women should not have equal Vlghts ' with men in voting; Be it therefore,.' . ' '' - - ;. "Rqsolved;; That ' the State Federation of Labor of Oregon, hereby assembled, recommend . and Indorse the initiative petition which has been heretofore filed with- the. secretary ; ... of state, giving For once Ernest Lambert, the funny English leading man with Anna Held, believe he'll have no chance to raise both hands and exclaim "My error! My error!" ' For he has bought .a building It in Portland and. expects to make it his summer home in th future. He's already talking over plans for a bungar low that he hopes to occupy next sum tner. ''.. ' t- ; ' ' -. The property purchased by Mr. Lam bert is in Palmyra, on the north slope of Mount Tabor and --was sold him through Q. H. Peabody for the Fred A. Jacobs company for $3000. Mr. Peabody and Mr.Lambert are old friends, and knew each other well In Paris and New York. 'There is no sense In my spending my summers amid the heat and dust of Long Island when . I can come to Portland." said Mr. Lambert today.. believe Portland Is the Ideal place to live and I'm going- about to get a house on my property without any- - aeiay. Theatrical people in the east are, talking a lot about Portland as the fines'; place to live in the United States and it looks as -though there could-be a big colony of us herln fa-few years." women the ' right of suffrage In the state of Oregon; and be it further' 1 . ; "Resolved, That this body recommend to every subordinate body in the state of Oregon that equal suffrage be In dorsed in the state of Oregon, and that every voter in the state of Oregon mem bers of this body, or-any subordinate body, use their utmost efforts and vote for said initiative ballot at the next election to be held In November." ' Seneca Fonts Policies. - i ' (Salem Bnretm of The1 Journal.) Salem, Or., Jan. 17. Seneca Fouts is tho fifth candidate for the office ot district attorney for Multnomah county to file his petition with the secretary of state. Fonts', slogan will be "Pro gressive Republican for La Follette Roosevelt policies. With the people and down with monopolies." wmm, X Absolutely Pure ; : The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream ofTartar NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE 7 Moy If you buy at Moyei's before the end of our great sale you will save money. ;: All the year round we sell better clothing for less ;money than others; during our sale we sell it at a reduction that gives it to you as cheaply as ordinary dealers can obtain it from the makers. Practice economy "Buy it at Moyer's." v $10.00 Men's New Suits ; $7.85 - $15.00 Men's New SuiU $11.50 $20.00 Men's New Suits $14.50 $25.00 Men's New SuiU $18.50 $3.00 - Men's Trousers $2.25 $4.00 Men's Trousers $3.00 $5.b0 Men's Trousers $3.75 $2.50 BW Knicker SuiU $1.95 $3.45 Boyt' Knicker SuiU $2.95 $5.00 Boyt' Knicker SuiU $3.35 $6.00 Boys' Knicker SuiU $4.35 25c Men's Ties - 19c, 50c Men's Ties 35c Three 50c Ties $1.00 50c Men's Underwear ; 39c , 75c Men's Underwear 59c $1.00 Men's Underwear 79c $1.50 Men's Underwear 98c $1.00 Men's Shirts 69c $1.50 Men's Shirts 95c $2.00 Men's Shirts SL25 OREGON IRRIGATION CONGRESS FEB. 19-21 i. A great deal of Interest la taken in i the coming Oregon Irrigation congress to be held -'in the .assembly room of - the Commercial, club this cyy February ,19, 20 and 21. This will be the first congress of its kinU to be held in the, ' state and If will be under the auspices j of the Oregon- Development league. -. It is planned-th form an Oregon Irri- gallon association and thus make the congress a permanent annual affair. The call for, the meeting in February wa issued, yesterday by -aeoretary-CV C. Chapman of the Development league, and he Invites all persons interested to bring, to the attention of the meeting any. question- that might be discussed. -State officials, government engineers, executive of flyers from cities and towns! :; In the state und representatives of de velopment and commercial organisations, , v.-ill be invited to attend the congress. TAXPAYERS TO HOLD , MEETING THURSDAY Taxpayers and others Interested in the welfare of the county are Invited to meet Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock on the second floor -of the courthouse. The session will be the first of a series planned for a -conference of county of ficers and taxpayers. The meeting has four objects, name ly, to show the taxpayers the condition of county affairs; to get taxpayers' suggestions on county expenditures; to urge county officers to keep down ex. penses, and to suggest means of reduc ing the present high levy. County Judge Claeton will preside at the meet ing. - - i - firvr.Tta farrt-i-i w . t. a ntrn . l.AXATIVE BROMO Quinine, the world wide Cold and Grip remedy, removes causa See signature EL V. GROVE. .250 Effect of Great Kidney Remedyl ' I feel it my duty to let you know what Swamp-Root did for me. I was bothered with my back for ever twenty years and at times I could hardly get out Of bed. X read your advertisement and decided to try Swamp-Root. -Used five bottles, and it has been five years since I used u, ana t nave never been bothered a day since I took the last bottle of it I am . thoroughly convinced that Dr. Kilmer's , b wamp-Boot cured me and ; would re commend it to others suffering as I did. , My husband was troubled with kidney and bladder troubles and he took your Swamp-Rooi and It cured him. . This was . about five years ago. ?.,-. :. You may publish this letter if you - 'choose. , ; v"'-- 'V-! 0 ''-4 f, ,'; ,.,'.,. . Very truly yours," MRS. MATTIEt CAMFIELD, -R. F. D. No. 3 , aobleville, Mich. . Subscrlbect - and - sworn to before me 'this JtStn day of July. 1909. - - -ARYIN W. MTERS. . . 1 . ' Notary Public, , - ..tor Van. Duren Co., Mich. Xietter to -Dr. Xllmer si Co., Blughamtoa. Jf. Y Play er Pianos Cheaper When purchased at PLAYER-PIANO HEADQUARTERS. . ALL THE LATE MUSIC, TOO. YOUR DUTY . To investigate Our, selling plan, our liberal term$ and stt for yourself that our prices are away doWn. Nothing but HIGH GRADE instruments handled but we sell them at close prices. Old instruments taken in at their actual worth. . DAILY DEMONSTRATIONS BY ARTISTS 1 Ttilnk JRanos awl it. !T i.r 1 imnK rveca irencn t VI ii m imi yum THE MONEY - SAVING PIANO STORE rOXTB BLOCKS KOBTK OT .trASBIVOTOV AT 8XXTX AS9 BTTXHSXDB START the New Year iV ri!L il TL A Your Beer Opener '; - i m I tsr use tne i i 4 r k: 'MF tA d - Mr : -- - - - l.'MJaafci r Vo opea - ' " raise tongue --r-7.--. II" t&as and I i I i ga. , m .... II and use the convenient NEWCAP that requires no opener, to be had only, on . the ' quality "BEER Quarts 91.7B Oosen. , Pints Kl. DO case of dosen. Delivered everywhere, ljotties escnanged. pnone your dealer or grocer or PriDTI AMH Rl7FUIMr! miWOANV Af 708 a w tint im uiu.ii uiw wH anu a . , A-632B ' poll straigiii - IK n : It BHSSBmamaaaaBaaaaaaw OREGON '' HOTELS OREGON - HOTELS r frevc What Swimp-Boot Will Ds for Vo Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co.", Blngham ton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable information, tell- Iiik all about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention the Portland Dally Journal. Regular fifty cent and one-dollnr size bottles for sale - t all drug slorea v. v.' ,! ,- Hot and CcAA Water .: Letter nistanre Phone . Hotel COR. THIRD AND MAIN STS. a. n mm t!J".,'5.""- RATES $1.00.4 UP "ffe 50c Boy' Shirts 39c 7Se Boys' Shirts 59c $1.00 Boys' Shirts 73c $1.00 Boys' Sweaters ' 50c Boys' Knicker Pants 83c 39c $1.50 Boys' Sweaters 75c Boys' Knicker Pants $1.15 50c $2.00 Boys' Sweaters $1 Boys' Knicker Pants' 51.35 75c 50c Boys' Waists' ' 39c 75c Boys' WaUU 59c $1.00 Boys' Wsittl 75c First and Morrison First and Yamhill MOYM Second and Morrison F I V E S f O R ES 87-89 Third Street Third and Oak , OREGON HOTELS OREGON HOTELS PORTLAND HOTEL The largest and most magnificent hotel in Portland ; unsurpassed in elegance i of accommodations or excellence of cuisine. European plan, $1.60 per day and upward. O. J. XATrrBtAinr, Kanarec. THE IMPERIAL Oregon's Greatest Hotel 850 ROOMS.' 104 SUITES With Private Baths NEW FIREPROOF BUILDINO MODERATE RATES PHIL METSCHAN & SONS. Props. J si : m.. ia-aB 35 S3 IS f " I Hotel Oregon Portland, Oregon. Wright & Dickinson Hotel Co., Props. Hotel Seattle Seattle, Wash. Wright & Dickinson Hotel Co., " Props. Both hotels centrally located, modern in every respect and con ducted on the European phuv : iiilN CORNELIUS House of Welcome , PORTLAND, OREGON The Brown Bus Meets. 'All Trains. A high class modern hotel in the heart of the theatrt ... , and shopping district ONE BLOCK FROM ANY CAR LINE Rooms Without $1.00 Per Day and Up. . - Rooms with Bath $2.00 Per Day and Up. -E. P. MORRIS. Prop. A. KRAUSE, Manager. NEW PERKINS Fifth and Washington Streets. A Hotel in the Very Heart of Portland's Business . , Activity, , 1 fllUUCKn 111 CVDKI KMfCWi .... .' ikiecinc auio ova. ' . h" Cars to and from Union Depot every few minutes. L. Q. Swetland, Mgr. W C H. Shafer, Asst Mgr. 1CW tt v.ra illBSJ'!! nB? BDG - The Hotel Bowers Eleventh and Stark Ets-Cnder New Management offers all the conveniences of a high class ho tel, with all tlip comforts of a home. European plan. $1.00 per day up. American plan, too. Famous for Its grill, a la carta and labia d'hota service . at reasonable prices. fipaclal rates to permanent sniests. . . . . . r . . F. WILLIAMS, MANAGER Change of Time and Train -on the : ' a Which Took Effect I CQ 1 9 SU N S ET I (0GDEN&SHASTA1 I 1 I ROUTES I I Sunday, January 14th SHASTA LIMITED Now leavas Portland at 5:60 P. M. '.'' The schedule of this train between Portland and Baa Francisco has been shortened 40 minutes. Bhasta Limited will hereafter make direct connection with the' "OWL" at Port Costa for ha Angeles, reaching the latter city 13 hours sooner than at present 8. P. Agents at Portland will sell you through tickets and sleep lng car accommodations to Lo Angeles. ; No. 20. Ashland Passenger, . arrives Union Depot ' 1:50 Instead of 10:00 P. M. INTERURBAN MOTOR CAR Double daily motor-oar servtoa has heen established between 1 Portland (Jefferson street Station) and Newberg as follows: Leave Portland ...... .9:45 A. M., Arrive Newberg.. ... .11:18 A. M. Leave Portland........ 6:60 P. M. Arrive Newberg...... 7:30 P.. M. giving four through trains dally between Portland'' and Newberg. WEST SIDE AND YAMHILL DIVISION No. J, West Bids train leaves CorvalUs at 1:35 p. M., arrives Port, land :20 P. M. . . No. 76, Yamhill Division, now v leaves Union ' Depot ' at 4.10 ' P. M.; East Morrison street 4:20 P. M., via Cut-off. instead of from 1 Jefferson street Depot, arriving In Dallas at T:S0 P. M. No. 74, Tamhlll Division, arrives via Cut-off at East . MorW rtaon street. 10:20 A.. M.; union Depot, 10:30 A. Mv instead of via Jefferson street-" - - . . . - , , . No. 78. Tamhlll ' Division, leaves Dallas at 1.15 P, M., arriv ing Jefferson street at 5:45 P. M. . . if : . . - CHANGES OSWEGO TRAINS "Leaves Jefferson -St..4.30 P. M. Arives Oswego .4:55 p. M, leaves Oswego ........6:00 P. M. Arrives Portland 6:26 p. M. No. 101 leaves Jefferson street at 12:60 P. M. instead r 12:30 P. M. .No. 108 leaves Oswego at 4:00 P. M. Instead of 4:45 P. M. No. 114 leaves Oswego at 7:25 P. M. Instead ot 7:10 P. M. THROUGH SERVICE TO TILLAMOOK ; ' - A new train dally exeept Buriday. ' Portland to Tillamook, with out change, via the Southern Pacific and P. R. 4 N. now runs a .follows: ' -'f'S.'.'i :,,:.,rK:J'. Leave Portland, via 4th st... ........... :45 A. M. ; ; ""': Leave Htllaboro .,10:00 A. M. .S . Arrive Beach Points 3;07 P. M. . " ' Arrive Bay City (Sta. for Bayooean) ... 4:06 P. M. Arrive Tlllamooa 4:35 p. M. ' J -. Retumins. will laave Tillamook at 7:00 A. M., Bay City (Bay-, ocean), 7:83 X. H, arriving In Portland 2:45 P. M. Changes, Lebanon and Springfield , i Branches No. 19 leaves Albany at 7:46 A. M., instead of 7:80 A. M., as at .present..'.',..".;" .- ...,.:,.. : No. 46, Woodbum-Bprtngfteld train. ; arrives ' Lebanon at 1:1., P. M.. Springfield, at 10:26 P. M. KOBB DETArXlTD 1MTOBMATIOIT TKCIt TCTT i , ' JOBIT WL BOOT?, Ce erl r