17 AWFUL MISTAKE. ';. USABLE. HE 0WE3 TOa THZ1Z. PESSIMIST. HIS ESTIMATE. JIT THE STUDIO, f ' Mrs. Jones"! always tell mr chll THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 17, 1912. i v i i i i I 1 ii rtm .ii. i n -m-iw,ii 1 in i Mrs. Brown "Wbat't the uesj to ! ! nrway. and the bojra can t. aawBY m f m jVeojs bLYesterday in Paragraphs Brief Resume o Happening! of Hunan Interest Chronicled In' Morning ':v.l;,ti" ' .. Papers. v'Y.r .'-' V'-;'UV. ; '!"7i"';i,:V Congressional.'.-;'" 7.';:-'' - ,v'. 6enator Lorlmer on Tuesday faoed the ordeal of a . cross-examination at the v hands of the Investigators of his elec tion. He gave details of the political t situation regarding the senatorial con test In. 1909. t, - . Representative " Levy - of New York, a. argued before the house rules commit tee against , the proposed investigation .".into the "money trust," - Shipping com bine and International Harvester com pany, saying that lawa should be draft da to aid these Industries, rather than ' agitata and probe and accomplish noth ing. ; V ,v- -: ;. . Senator ' Rayner of Maryland, In a - speech on the -arbitration treaties with , Great Britain and France, contended ' that after the proposed joint high com ' mission bad determined to submit a con ,' troversy to arbitration,.; It -would "be useless to' give the senate the right to reverse ' the commission's action. Charles 8. Hornly of Newcastle. Ind., ' argued before the postof flee committee . against the establishment of parcels post, ' -. - . ' -l--f-1 -. The house judiciary committee has v ordered a favorable report on the reso lution changing the date of the presi dential Inauguration' from March 4 to v the last Thursday in April, and the terms of representatives In congress to '- begin the second Tuesday In January 'instead of on March 4. These changes l would be effective April, 1917, and Jan uary, 1SH, respectively.. An appropriation of $1S, 600 'la masked illn a bl'H by Representative Bherloy for the widow .of . th. law Justice. Ua.rUn, - A constitutional amendment favoring national woman suffrage, is proposed in a bill by Berger. the Socialist mem- '. ber from Wisconsin. - The sugar Inveatlgatlng committee has decided to bar testimony on tariff and beet Industry conditions. Buffalo, Detroit and other interests ... advocated additional water power privi leges at 'Niagara Falls before the for- el en affairs committee. Erban A. Walters of Denver, In his ' testimony before the civil service re- The Whispering Telephone ; Mouthpiece ;''' Ataket AH Photut Pritat0 Enables you to talk at your desk or in your bom in a whisper so that what ' you say cannof be beard by those around Y Hadttf -. you,' The small KnM.- ''S V" cone on inside of mouth piece ao dis tributes and intensifies the vpict that this is made possi- Vit. ., Can ha 75o ", it" 'r used on any Worth $7$ " . telephone and is 'Indorsed by telephone companies every where. Especially adapted for long dia- ., tanca use. . : ill t - CuanmUii as nprnUd r fW mtnn rsadfrf The S. & M. Electric Co. (Inc.) :. VMmmufmeturmra ' ' 1smtBeA Cbicags For Further 'Particulars See MRjMcGUIRE . At , Hotel Netherlands --. i ' i hi , Qrovs: Hair on Bald Heads ' Resorcln Is one of ihe latest and most . .. effective germ killers discovered by scl ,. encc, and in connection with Beta Nap- thol, also a powerful antiseptic, a com : blnatlon Is formed which destroya the sviiun m.iuu luu uib iin.ir ui ilb num. i. v kuu iuub ' i:ienL(!a m cumn ana prevents the development of new gefms. : 1 ? Pilocarpine is a well known agent for . r; TAlfnMlitf hA hall i ! m.,i. nnl. '-X where' the loss of dolor has been due to V uikm; i it. is not a coloring mat- Is chiefly composed of Jtesoorln, Beta ' .;.i'"lAnthnl anil 41lftarAtnA Annikl..J with . BuHlAntU ... n T 1 1 1 a. Y . . I ' " V wnMMV VM. ILB U 1DKIJHIIIK H fill " i '-yi't.v i4u'va, , a iiihrcb Bump neaiiny . nounsnes tne nair, revitaliaes the roots, supplies hair nourishment and i stlmulatea . a .new. rrnwlh . . guarantee that the trial will n. cost f auiuie BuiiBiBxiiion. n xnars a proof or . our fattb. In this remedy and it should inaiHDUiaDiv nemormtrat that irnnnr , what we are talking about, when we say mat wexaii "3" Hair Tonlo will ;, ;v grow hair, on bald heads, except of ' cuum wuera ouiunnwr nfl, n.j.n at Mnnh long duiation that the roots of the hair .. entirely dead, the follicles closed 1 anil crown over, and thaannln la trio ;. ' . Rernember, -we are' basing our state ments upon what has already been ac complished by: tha use of Rexall "3" ,Hair Tonic, and we have the right to as j; sume that . what It has done for hun- ri dreds of others It will do for you. in 1 any event you cannot lose anything by giving Jt a trial on our liberal guaran .' tee. Two slisea, SO cents and $1.00. Sold : Portland1, Seattle, ' Spokane, 1 San Fran , clsoo, Oakland, Los Angeles and Bacra- men to. , :..' .'''':;:' . :- ;.';. kn mirH hMdMhe. mm soar itourk with mm nmplrm iom. Tblm tm mmrnr rmrmmhrmyma knaw what I 4. on.llple rrjmmlm !! hmwm t.bHMt implw". We 1 rnrcO HimtonploioO ,"r 1 R. ll I N ' I N ! V " M V "I Von look bcli,r nil feci brltrr fr , ; tiirm. dm i.iil lor loa. tn . ut nam r l anstl. rril' Daughter I ahall marry notuta leas tt ,,, nobiem.nr Father "You couldn'tl form committee, charged that $17,000, 000 . had', been ; Illegally expended . for postal service' in non-standard railway mail cars. . Representative Sherley appeared be fore, thai nterstata commeroe committee urging a report on bis bill against pat ent medicines. ' The house resumed consideration of the District of Columbia bill. i. , ,: Eastern.. : tpTC. ' VFears are expressed that the cold of the last ' week has, ruined the . greater part ot tbl" year's peach crop in the east.. In many localities where there are large orchards the thermometer, reg istered from J to 28 below aero. Advocacy of political supremacy for the white race was one of the featurea Of the message of Earl Brewer, inaugu rated governor of Mississippi Tuesday. ; Mrs.' Margaret Anderson-Wheeler-Mll-ler-Kounts-Fauser, in a suit for separa tion from her fifth husband, was award ed an additional sum by the supreme court of New York to prosecute the action against Ouatava Fauser, a wealthy artist and designer. She secured di vorces from her first four husbands, with whom she lived from two months to one year each. Guy L. Stewart, agricultural and in dustrial agent of the Cotton Belt rail road, was burned to death in his pri vate car In a wreck due to trains of three different railroads colliding Tues day morning at Kelso, Mo. , Three explosions in Wisconsin, alleged to be part of a widespread dynamite coeplracy, were investigated by. the federal grand Jury at Indianapolis Tues day. The explosions were at Green Bay, November'21, 1909; Superior, August 2, 1910, and Milwaukee, March 16, 1911. A proposal by the Equitable ' Trust company of New York for the purchase of the Trust company of America has been submitted. The offer, which la to pay 1376 each for all the shares of the latter company, will be submitted to the stockholders. The combined deposits of the two companies would aggregate 68,000.003. Anxiety of the officials of the Union and Southern Paclflo railways was re lieved when a steeplejack scaled the walls of the burned Equitable building and found the record books of the two railway companies Intact In the vaults on the third floor. ' A necklace of diamonds, one of the most costly ever brought to. this coun try, Is the present J. Plerpont Morgan has given to Mrs. Oliver Cromwell of Washington,, who will become the bride of Edward T. Stotesbury, bualness part ner of Morgan. Alfred L. Costa, tenor with an opera: company at Chicago, has received notice from the Italian government to return to his native country at onoe to join reserve forces being mobilized to fur ther prosecute the war againat Turkey in Tripoli. The price of butter has reached 41 cents In Chicago and a further advance to 60, cents a pound is looked, for. , Pacific Coast. Summary action taken by Mayor Heit seg and members of the city council of Tulare. Cal resulted in all the revolu tionary flags in Chinatown being sur mounted by the Stars and Stripes. Vernon, a suburb of Loa -Angeles, and believed to bo the only Incorporated city In the Unlttd States that has not a single church,.. voted for "wet" Sundays Tuesday. Fifty women' voted, and, ac cording to reports, most of them voted "wet" The new board of supervisors of San Francisco has adopted a resolution pre paring tor the calling of a bond elec tion March 28 to provide a sum approx imating $8,100,000 for the erection of a new city hall and tbe creation of a civic center. - The new municipal building will be erected on the site of the old city hall, destroyed In 1908, and will cost 12,376,000. i . For her presence of mind In signal ling the eastbound Overland Limited last Saturday and preventing a disaster, 7-year-old Ileen Martin, daughter of a sec tion foreman' at Alta, Placer county, probably will receive a handsome reward from the Southern Paolflo company. The state has begun suit in' the cir cuit court at Salem to recover 19344 from the ' Loewenberg-Golng company for rent and the hire of convicts in the penlfentlary stove foundry. OS 200. women registered for the spe cial, election at Fresno, Cel., on Tuesday, 117 voted, while of about 6000 men, only 600 caat ballots. Two big sawmills at Aberdeen, one with S capacity ot 100,000 feet dally and the other of 86,000, which have been Idle for -two years, were sold Tuesday, and will begin operations In 80 days. ' . Smoke asphyxiation from a fire caused by the overturning of a lamp caused tha death of Mrs.' Jennie Sonberg and Edward Connors at San Francisco Tuesday.,' .:''-,'. For passing, worthless checks, "Cap tain" H. Kunkel, representing himself as an authorised solicitor for the Nasarene Home for Needy . Women, la under ar rest at San Francisco. 'V ... ;' The proposed - Increase in rates on westbound trafflo carried by the Panama Railroad & Steamship line was vigor ously opposed by the commercial bodies of the Pacific coast shipping centers at a meeting In San' Francisco Tuesday night, and Manager W. R. Wheeler of the traffic bureau of the chamber: of commerce will go at once to Washington and taka tha subject up with the admin istration. ' , ' Foreign. The conflict between church and state over the new regulations governing pub lic worship in Portugal is Increasing In Intensity. At Lisbon a. priest fired a revolver at a crowd and then took re fuge in the Catholic club, which was stormed and wrecked by the populace. The; betrothal, of Princess a Victoria Louise, daughter of the emperor of Oer. many, to;theGrnnd Duke Adolph Fred-, erick of Mecklenburg-Strelits will soon be announced. ' -i ' 1 ':'--r ' f It is reported from Salonlca that Montenegro is making, preparations for a conflict with Turkey and Is arming the population with repeating rif lea. " Presentations of American women At the English courts are to-be restricted In the future to those married to Brilian viatfimRnf Isn't ft remarkable that pour pet daohshund should keep sniff ing that marine vlewt" German ArtUt-Ack,' eo.. " '. He vas fond of a Bab diet, mine frlent, und be k vas snlffln' der mackerel clouds." NO. 3 THE LOVE subjects or whose male relations hold high official positions In England, It a suggestion made by Queen Mary is adopted. The captain of the French steamship Sinai reports that as she was entering the harbor of Smyrna on January 7 the Turkish forts fired on two British steamshipa that were coming; out. The next morning, as the Sinai was depart ing, the forts fired three shells at her, one bursting within 300 feet of the ship and causing a panic among the pas sengerB. . ' .i Women henceforth are to take a full and equal share with men In the politi cal life ot Sweden. . The speech from the throne at the opening of the riks dag today contained the announcement that a bill was to be Introduced enfran chising women and making them eligible at elections to the riksdag on the same conditions as men. Preparations are going on for the Japanese annexation ot the Kwang Tung peninsula, following the boun daries originally set by the treaty of Shimonosekl between Japan and China in 1895. , ';-.' Josoph M. Von Radowits, the last sur viving colleague of Prince Bismarck In the building up of the German empire, la dead at Berlin. ; . The French steamer Carthage, bound from Marseilles to. Tunis, has been ar rested oh the high seas by Italian tor pedo boat destroyers, Italian authorities claiming , she carried goods that were contraband of war., Miscellaneous. As the result of finding of nuggets of gold in numerous fowls killed on trj farm four' miles from Mlnltonas, Man., Stores and shops have been closed while their keepers hastened to. the place to stake out claims. According tcv advices received by Colonel Patrick Gallagher, a former as sociate of W. Morgan Shuster, the real reason why Russia forced the expulsion of Shuster from the office of treasurer general of .Persia was because .he had already begun to lay the foundations of a national army in that , country. A uniform specification for Portland cement for the . United States has been agreed upon by a committee of , engl- PRESCRIPTION f OR BACKACHE One of . the Best Known in 1 Medical Profession for Kid ney and Bladder Troubles. "Half ounce fluid extract Buchu; half ounce Murax compound; six ounces good pure gin. Shake the bottle well each time and use in doses of one v or two teaspoohfuls after eaen meal and at bed time." These Ingredients can be mixed or supplied by any druggist. -" Backache, frequent or highly colored urination and rheumatle palna are symp toms of kidney- and bladder disorders that ' usually, terminate In dreaded Brlght's disease or diabetes. The above prescription Is known to give quick and permanent result ' ; at fix me rfr pRAMATic society m fTM. TMJ 1 f A ft kiu. mim w COt-0 4n niawi n lnWH'& .f.f Vfi 1 MWM i . . .X . , F- j " , ''' - ' ' - ' - - ' ' " - - ' s t ' I Swantown' Fire Chief "Te varmints! .This box from tbe city Is full of silk steckln's." , - The Lleutenant'-"T, don't say. How did tt bappenT " Swanvllle Fire Chief 'That smart Alee of a secretary, we got ordered 200 feet ot hosiery instead of hose." AFFAIRS OF JIMSY. BOY By , Enter the IUval. neers from various interested branches of government service. Robert Bruce MantelU the actor, was married In the county court at Pueblo, Colo., Tuesday to Miss Genevieve Ham per of Detroit, a member ot his com pany. ' - Representative Burleson of Texas, has protested to President Taft against a recent war department order removing Doctor's Best Formula Breaks Severest Cold In a Day and Cures Any Curable Oqugh. This has.boen published here for sev. eral winters and has proved the quick est and. most reliable formula obtain able for coughs and colds. "From your druggist get two ounces of Glycerine and half an ounce Concentrated Pine compound. Take these two Ingredients home and put them Into a half pint or good whiskey. Shake it well and take one to two teaspoonfuls after each meal and at bed time. Smaller doses to chil dren according to ago. Be sure to get only the genuine (Globe) Concentrated Pine. Each half ounce bottle comes in a sealed tin screw-top case. Any drug gist has It on hand, or will quickly get It from his wholesale house, Don't ex periment with preparations because of cheapness. It don't pay to fool with a bad cold. people need more coal, clothes and doctors than the strong, robust and hearty. Scott's Emulsion saves coal bills, tailors bills and doctors bills. mix OHuwtmrm 11-55 Taka aa atkar. Hair ir , v ' .lrar1t. A. nwt'HM IIKg.TER1Vi U1AMOND KUANU VILLS. lor Stti fmut knowa M Bwt, Siteit. Alwara K1UUI - u if rrm m mm. m B aDDlAHU itlU la lla and I4 .iucV taiM. Maitd with Blaa Rlblam. T flrv esHHsBMssaMaik El Halbrook BUI. Why did that will never Ru Bottom be fine to have H. T. JVebster, the Sixth cavalry and the Twenty-third infantry from the Texas border. ; Y , Rebuild AVestbn Light Plant. Weston, Or., Jan. 17. The Preston Shaffer Milling company is preparing to MASS OF PIFFLES Burned an ditched So HeCou Id Hardly Stand It. Tried Medicines. Etc., Nearly 3 Years. In Eternal Misery. Started Using Cuticura Remedies. Now Has No Sign of Skin Disease. Corbln. Kan. " My troubles began along In the summer in the hottest weather and took the form of small eruptions and Itching and a kind of smarting pain. It took ma mostly all over my back and kept getting worse until finally my back was covered with a mass of pimples which would bum and itch at night so that I could hardly stand It. This condi tion kept getting worse and worse until my back was a solid mass of big sores which would break open and run. My underclothing would ba a clot of blood. "I tried various blood medicines and other remedies and salves for nearly three years and I was not getting any benefit. It seemed I was in eternal misery and could not sleep on my back or lean back en a chair. I was Anally given a set of the Cuticura Remedies by my brother who recommended them to me very highly. I started using the Cuticura Remedies and liaide of two weeks I could see and feel a great relief. I kept on using Cuticura Soap, Ointment and also tbe Resolvent, and in about three or four months' time my back . was nearly cured and I felt like a new being. Now I am In good health and ao sign of any skin diseases and I am fully satisfied that Cuticura Remedies are tbe best ever made for skin diseases. I will always recommend them to anybody who will use according to direc tions. I would not be without them.'.' (Signed) W. A. Armstrong, May .28. 1911. 7or ecsemas, rashes, Itchlngs, irritations. Inflammations and other unwholesome condi tions of tbe ek'n and scalp as well as for every purpose of the tollot, bath and nursery, Cuti cura Soap and Ointment are Indispensable. Sold everywhere. Liberal sample of each mailed (res, with 8J-p. book. Address "Cuti cura," Dept. T. Boston. Tender-faced men should use Cuticura Soap Shaving Stick. The World Knows the best preventive and cor rectivd of disorders of the digestive organs is the gentle, harmless, vegetable, always ' T " effective Tamiiy remedy BEECMA.VJB v PBLILS . la ur " m wj r j m m i at BM COVERED IT Sold everywhere; la boxes 10c ZCa "That was a likely lookin' hoss you bad, you trade him fer a broken down enter run a footT" "I know It will never run, 81, but it will to take my wife's picture In." rebuild Ha entire electric light plant at Weston. Company officials have asked the council for permission to trim the shade trees which Interfere with the wires, and also that rules be passed forbidding the telephone company ana the electrie light company to uae each other's poles, .-.i. '' r Smith for Delegate. Pendleton, Or.v Jan. 17. Dr. C J. Smith o this city, formerly state sen. ator from Umatilla eounty, and-a prom Pure and - U. BKwLabdKebapumaoefrorARed Ripe Tomatoes feesh from the field carefully washed, skin-, seeds and cores re moved cooked but slightly and deikately spiced, thus re taining the rich natural flavor and color and producing an article that gives zest to any meal of which k forms a part. ' - JUfitm SwSsMt. ' CURTICE BROTHERS CO Rochester, N. Y j "Anxious Wife' Give 10 to H drops of the fol lowing In water an hour before eacb meal and your child will soon be cured of bed-wetting: Comp. fluid balmwort, 1 os.: tincture cubebs, 1 dram; tincture rhusaromatlc. 2 drams. .-' ,'., , . .'. La Rue" writes: "For many years I have suffered with stomach and bowel trouble which has been causea oy. a severe case of catarrh. My blood Is also In poor condition. What can be j done for me?" Tf vou follow the directions given below you will soon be well and strong again. Obtain the following from any well stocked drug store and mix by shaking well, then take a teaspoonful four times dally: Syrup sarsaparilla comp. 4 oz"., romp, fluid balmwort 1 os., fluid ext Buchu 1 os. Use in con nection with this the following, local treatment: Get a a os. package of anti septic vllane powder and make a ca tarrh balm by mixing one ounce ot lard Or vaseline with V level teaspoonful of the -owder and use In the mostrils dally. Also make a wash of one pint of warm water and one-half teaapoonful of vllane powder and use two or three times a day until the nostrils are thor oughly cleansed and your trouble will soon, be gone. a "Elsie M." writes: "I have such ahort, stringy, straggling hair and my scalp is full ot dandruff. Please advise what to do." Answer:"" The best advice I can offer Is simple. Get at a well stocked drug store a 4 os. Jar of plain yellow nilnyol, direotlons accompanying, and use it reg ularly. It promotes a healthy, vigorous growth of hair and cures dandruff, Itch ing scalp, lustre'ess hair and stops fall ing hair. If the hair Is harsh and straggling It restores a soft, fluffy ap pearance, and brings back tbe Intense natural color, ; e a "Haselle" says: "I would certainly appreciate something that would in crease my weight, and take away that languid reeling whiohI am subject to most of the time. My "blood is weak and watery and my, appetite Is poor." Answer: ' Your condition is very easily overcome If you will follow the direc tions given below. Ask your druggist for three grain bypcnuclane tablets and take according to the directions and your weight will Increase, These tablets Sromote assimilation, absorption and aid igestlon, transform, the complexion and figure.' They are prescribed by phvsl clans and are perfectly harmless. They should be taken regularly for several months and you can depend upon gain ing flesh and that languid feeling will vanish completely. , - " ; v c:y i.: " -r. R. O." writes: "My rheumatism Is getting worse all the time. I am getting so stiff that It makes it very hard for me to get round." ; ; , v ' Answer: Do not worry about your rheumatism as that rsn be very easily cured by using the following: . Get at the drug .'store '.the Ingredients named and mix . thoroughly and take a tfa smtonful at mpl time snd.aenln at bed tlmo anil you will Moon be entlrelv cured of that . , llBgrf!ble dtseasa, rhouma tlsro, rurclia.ee i drama of iudida of t ; 1 ' ' Mrs. Datus "Ton never take any In terest in my gowns." Datus "No; not while I'm paying interest on tbsm, inent Democratic politician of eastern Oregon, Is being groomed by bis inenos , for election, at the April primaries as Ana of the Wht Oregon delegates to the national , Pemocratlo convention. It Is understood that If Dr. smun con sents to make the race, there will be no candidate from Baker or Union coun ties. Dr. Smith is a 'progressive" Dem ocrat and is a supporter -of Governor Woodrow; Wilson for president. , , . . .. 1 J , ...... Journal Want Ads bring results. 1 Unadulterated Cmtains only those ingredients Recognized and Endorsed by the S. Gorernment, i StaSa mmi Dairy Ca . It not artificially- colored. . 'Is not Is not Joaded. with acetic acid. Dora contain Nature's own preservative. Does retain tbe natarat flavor of the tomato. , Does keep afar opentpg., ' The Doctors Answers on Health and Beauty Questions .'The questions answered below ere genera) In char acter; the symptoms or diseases are given-and the an swers will apply to any case of similar nature. . Those wishing ' further advice, free, may address Dr. Lewis Baker, Collegia Bldg. College-Kllwood Sta Day ton Ohio, enoloatng self-addressed, stamped envelope for' reply.' Full name and -address must be given but ' only initials or fictitious name will be used in my an swers. The prescriptions can be filled at any well stocked drug store, Any druggist can order of wholesaler. ':-'rt ; v'''s V potassium; one-half ounce of wine of colchlcum; t drams of sodium salicylate; 1 os. camp, fluid balmwort; 1 os. comp. essence cardiol; and t ess. ' of syrviD sarsaparilla. This has cured thousands and I am sure It will cure you. '' V .':,.;''V-;:t'', V'.'-e ,:. ' ( tl , . "Musician" asks: "Can you tell me bow to overcome a bronchial trouble -which manifests itself after singing, by a tickling in the throat, hoarseness and . a slight cough T" . r i, .;. -; .. Answer: Obtain a bottle of esssnce mentho-laxene and use It pure, or make Into a cough syrup by mixing with Or-., dinar y granulated sugar syrup or honey. Directions for use and now to make accompany the package. It makes a. full pint of effective pleasant cough syrup and cures all throat and bronchial trouble. . . ,- . (. . "Mrs. C..B. writes: "I suffer a great deal with stomach disorders. Heavy feeling after eating, heart palpitation, wind and gas on stomach, etc . Am rest- ' less and Irritable. Afraid to eat a hearty meal. Sometimes great pain. :I fear appendicitis." ., , , . , . Answer: The neglect of constipation and indigestion Is the- most frequent' cause of appendicitis. It Is better to prevent than to cure by an operation. I advise that you obtain tablets trlopep tine and take according to directions accompanying sealed carton. They are f ink, white and blue to be taken morn ng, noon and night- respectively. T think many caaea of appendtcitiea could be prevented by- using trlopeptlne in telligently, ' " . ,.;,. V'. f '-,'.-" "Mrs C. C.M writes: "Can ydu prescribe a tonio for one who Is sleepless, nervous, hysterical, thin and getting thinner. Have little appetite and am restless day and night" i , , f i - ( , v Answer': The following If used for several weeks will gradually restore and strengthen your nervous system: Com pound syrun of bypophosphUes, S ois.i tincture cadomene 1 os. (not cardamon). : Mix, shake well and take a teaapoonful before each meal. , t , e ' ' "Mise C. K. writes: ft am burdened with too much fat and would like a safe ' treatment prescribed.". , ' . . Answer: ' I would not recommend the ordinary tablets and pills for voertiy. but here is a quick acting formula that accomplishes big fat reductions snd never causes lit- feeling, - AromaUo elixir B osa., glycol arbolene os. finnkn" well in a bottle and take a teaer"""'1'! after each meal for three days. : . Iwubie the dose thereafter. Continue several wanks or months as the case may re-qtulre..'f,v!;v-,;-:''.'i''iL:'?;''- ' 'i? -'.'.! i e V, '-": '.'"' ,'" ';- 'Toor H." writes: "My health Is very poor on account of a long standing con stlpation, I have to uae pills or some thing alt the time. Can you pres. nh something to take that will cure chnmlo constipation?" , ' Answer: Constipation is probsblr Jii chiiho of more llhtflfs Hhi snv ot), r thine." Most remedlt-a onf rlv i i trouble and never imiip. I film-H j;, scribe threw grain sii!phr fM.-' - sulphur tMl'U'U), snl most reliiil'lw a nil p They act rlis..tii!v bewels. and 'v-r, w .' llluOd,