THE HIOE Ui!E 10 : USE Till" ROAD i SAYSCONTRACTOR To Proceed From Snake Rjver : Through Malheur Canyon to i Deschutes, He Believes; ' Second Fork Follows Snake; 1 ; , sil to The Jmtrnii.V ' -L0.'0, r" Jan 18 -rThe report that the Chicago & Northwestern and H1U Interests are In cooperation with the Fltraburc & Gtlmore railroad la corrob orated by Herbert O. Wells, ot JUaney JBroa, A Wells. Maney Bros. ft VWelli are among; the large railroad contractors Of. the west, with headquarters at Bt Louis and Oklahoma City, v They also bJf uV?rJlch off lce ,n Bo,"' rlho. in which. Herbert O. Wells is the local rep resentative In looking after construction . n euumorn xaano and tuttm nr. ' j Mr.vWeJls built the extension of '-th' T o. TJiL. . . . 1 -r iimiii, Kiiuwn as tne -Mir: jajad, of which Colonel m Helgho Is president. , from Evergreen. Ilio. to the Meadows, and he has been in a quiet way the past, year that the Pittsburg & G1I. jnorals a HUt road.. He has also rnin- OHEGON DAILY JOURNAL, x .1 . 1 1 iii i n.,ueg; PORTLAND. TUESDAY . EVENING, JANUARY 16, 1912. talned from the start that it has some connection with ; the Northwestern as moat of the engineering and construc tion has been done by men who have al ways been identified with the North V?1 ana ths PclfIcations of con on r "entlcal with those of the Northwestern road '.: ... . . Mr..WlL malnUins that f the Pitts ourg & Oilmore is a combination of the North western and Hill Interesta and that It .will close down the "Pin" road to a point about 10 miles above Welser, make a short cut from the Welser riv er canyon through a low divide to Snake river near Crystal, cross .ihe riv er t Pcad Ox flat on the west side on to- Ontario and , proceed west- through Malheur canyon into central Oregon to connect with the Oregon Trunk line,- a. There is every reason to believe that tho P. & 0. will also run down the Sal mon to the Snake and follow the Snake to JUparla. Wash. -With this : very ex tensive railroad system between the Hill and .. Northwestern a large - portion of Idaho and Oregon would be opened up by two transcontinental i lines.' which will tap the : rich mining district of northern- Idaho, the -extensive agricult ural section of ' the great Snake river valley and the vast interior .Oregon with Its i wealth of agriculture and Immense timber supply. ..,.v;:'M r .,: ''...t':X'r- NOTED ENGLISH EDITOR : PASSES AWAY IN ITALY; V A HOME RULE FRIEND ; ,; (Continued from Page One.) things, wherein he gave one of the bit terest of tongues lull rein. Time and again thfa got him into personal trou ble, which, he seemed . to enjoy for he was " like a Mother Carey's .', chicken, never so happy as when riding h teas ing waves In storm. ';, . ., 'i About J87- ho decided to create -a paper of his own,, wherein, not only could he i find political expression of his : most, radical -view, but he. could also provide an organ for exposing the sins and . follies, , and for chronicling the doings of the upper 'ten. "Truth" was) the outcome the first of. those semi-scandalous, wholly haughty, papers which were, then the ' Horror ." of ; the uno'o guild. v 1 v 8o babouchere had thenceforth 'to answer for the sins of his paper as well as hlmcelf. end life became : for. him still more strenuous. . ' ' Born and bred An aristocrat, mixing with the gayest circles In his personal life, Labouchere was a convinced, an earnest, nd a fighting radical. One of his real friends, was Samuel Brad laugh, the infidel, as the name stuck to him in those daya Bradlaugh was a member for Northampton the shoe makers' ; towp ' in need Engltnd. No doctrine was to rhot" ..for him, and through ill report for he had no taste of good .report, he held hie own. How the miniiters Latcd him! For some one of his attacks Bradlaugh was lead be fore the bar of the.Houea of Commons to apologise-to the House. Through all Labouchero stood by him. Very short ly Labouchere was chosen by the radi cal . electorate of Northampton to fill the other - seat for they were for Brad laugh first, last, and all', tho time. These two members for Northampton occupied a unique place In the House, where Bradlaugh by 'degrees- gained more respect than outside it 'f'.;'.X'i',o4 of amfelint ' As years passed Eabouchere, too," be came more- quiet in his thought and life, and passed the temptations to bit ing sardonic, sarcasm -which -brought him both dislike and fear In his earlier days. ' He was a ' born gambler and a mighty card player. - For several sea sons he kept the bank at Monte Carlo. But In that, too, he held his own, and never .allowed his gambling to incon venience his finances. To those who ; knew . hlra well : he could be more than kind for a warm heart was ' hidden under , those cold smlleless feat urea In the last 40 years of the last century no one would pass him In London streets without noticing him. lie was of middle weight strongly built with non-prominent nose, the low er part of . his face covered 'by thick close Cut black bear and mustache. But, his eyes were large dark and very piercing, and were the feature of the face. ' . . ' ' Cadet Commandant' HI. ' , . - (Bpeelal to The Journal.! Seattle, Wash.. Jan, 16. Caotaln X T. Patten, commandant of the Unlver alty of Washington cadet corps, was to day ordered . to report at the Presidio hospital, San- Francisco,, for .treatment Ke probably will not return here, as a rule- soon goes into effect that no regu lar army officer of a rank higher than lieutenant shall be appointed to com mand at universities. , , irxr. - 111 ' i Democrats Oppose Railroad Bill. (UntUd Vnt Lessfut Wtre.t ' Washington, Jan. If . Wittt Congress man Mann nt TlHnftln. the minority lead er, at their bead, the house Republicans yesterday put tne Democrats; on recoro as opposing consideration of a bill for the physical - valuation : of railroads. Mann's motion to consider the Madden bill for the physical valuation of the railroads was defeated. 70 to 101. '. Coal, block wooft, sawed ties, lrj slab. Alblna Fuel Co.. - r i . , r fffiiratiG Banker Who Shot Father. of Eloper Declines to Accept . ... . - Ball, r , V- i (rjnttrd Vnm XMmi WIre.l Fort Worth, Texas, Jan. 16. Fearing that he would be made the victim of a lynching if liberated, J. B. Snead, who Saturday night ; shot and killed ; A. Q. Boyce Sr., father of A. O. Boyce it-, who eloped with Mrs, Snead, has de clined to accept bail. Snead'a prelimi nary hearing, which .was scheduled for yesterday, was postponed until Wednes day. Both Snead and. Boyce are reputed millionaires. ,?-,--.j--..,i f,-.'v ," - y? The grand Jury, -which meets here to day is expected to return an indictment of murder against Snead, who .alleged that the elder Boyce aided his son in eloping with Mrs. Snead. The woman Is confined In a local sanitarium and Boyce Jr.; is- expected to reach here Thursday, A , SPRINGFIELD FLOURING MILLS CHANGE HANDS : Springfield.' Or.. Jan. 16.-8. H. Ba ker, for a number of years head miller for the Portland Milling company, and C, A. Robson, . a 1 recent arrival from Red Wing. Minn- yesterday took charts of the local flouring mill, having pur- chsaed it from 8. K, NoeL ,r The new proprietors expect to run tha mill at its full capacity. , . . :,-v';. .' . - The Springfield grist mill was erect ed In 1654 by Isaao Brlggs, founder of Springfield, and his son, till as. The old burr method of grin In g was in use-until the early 80s, 1 when Washburne A Hon installed ' the present roller plant The Leffel turbine has been In uae 10 year and still gives good service, " Excursionists at Springfield.' frlta Press LmM Wire.) . f Springfield, Or., Jan. 1. A score of La Orande merchants spent a half ,hour here this afternoon as guents . of the Springfield Commercial club. 1 Presi dent Jack I.Htell headed the reception committee. The visitors returned, to Eu gene by trolley at 8 o'clock. ; WILL OF RICHARD CRANE -GIVES MONEY TO NEEDY . (tlolted press. Ieued Wire.) Chicago, Jan.' The will of Richard Crane, the philanthropist, who died here last week, provides a $1,000,000 pension and disability fund for employes of the Crane company. A hot her $1,000,000 is to-: be devoted to the establishment of homes near Chicago - for widows or de serted wives with helpless children, and $100,000 is given to the United Charltlea of Chicago for the establishment of a Mary Crane nursery, r : The - estate la valued at $10,000,000. ;:V; Ariators "Cut Loose. s; 'tTjm ins,li. Jan.; 1S: Av1ia, O. Partnaloe and Cliff orned Turpln are rree innces toaay.. iney nave severed connection with the Wriiit i-.m , sumably over a division ni r ui t their probable winning, aiul lmv, termlned to enter the los An;. without the backing of the lyt.'n i thora. .Their nr,,nt rAlHttnim uith I Wrights will make It necessary f.n- . aviator to deposit a bond or i3md i tne return or lUa-machine ana t-itv royalty of $200 a day for Us use In t meet '.;.:"-.';, ''-, .': It requires $4 telephones,' with t switchboards, to meet the demands of new theatre In New, York, nine of ti. telephones being on tne stage. :. TOGR0WHAIR0I! A BALDuIlEAl ' BT A SPECIALIST.. Thousands of people suffer from bala nces and falling hair who, navlnir trir l nearly every, advertised ialrtonio anfi hair grower without results. - have re signed themselves to baldnss and ih attendant discomfort, Yet their cms in not hopeless; tho following simple hom prescription has made hair grow aft.-r years of baldness,- and is also un equalled, for restoring gray hair to In original color, stopping hair from fall ing out, and destroying' the dandruf t germ. It will not make thehalr areas v, and can be put up by any druggist: Bay Rum. 6 ounces: rLavcna de.CompoBse, 2 ounces; Menthol Crystals, one hlf drachm. If you wish it perfvimed, ed l half to one teaspoonful of To-Kalon Perfume, which 1 unites perfectly with tho other ingredients. This preparation is highly iscuiiirnended by phyelclnnii and specialists, and is abselutely hurra, less, ss it contains none of the poison ous wood alcohol so frequently found in hair tonlca. Po not apply to tbe face or where hair Is not desired. . Manicuring and Hair Dressing Parloro, Second Floor-Grocery, Delicatessen and Bakery Dcpartmcntfs, Fourth Floor Laaics' Home Journal PatterngtFlrst Floor-Picture Framlng, rourm noor-anoe anining Parlora in tne Basement Is;Woflrtniai II -. .ST 'WaJBr' Mm t m Ssr SE I m.t " 1 yj'ia : .r Our wive are going thopping together to morrow let' all meet at O., W. & K.' Tea Room and ' have ' a nice lunch. . It U the very bet place ' that I ' know of. 'is. ' So well known are the Old, Wortman & King Clearance Sales, which have been held for the past thirty-four ycarg, that people from all parU of the Northwest 'come to , lay in supplies of all kinds for future needs. Qualities and unequaled values are the keynotes which have marked the success of every sale in years past and are 'making - this the greatest bargain event in the history of this big ttore. You:will. find, wonderful, reductions in many wanted articles during the Q.W. &. K. Clearance Sale. 02.25 Couch Covers S1.65 Etlipai Oriidl2ippipSciiinicji 2m ttlhi2 IBsis2inni9tl UimdleippFSce Sttoipcs and Re- Drapery. Section, Third Floor, Northwest Clearance Sale of Tapestry Couch Covers in rich. Oriental designs attractive ! colors that .will harmonize with any color, scheme. versible patterns, finished with knotted fringe, size 60x108 (PI ?fT inches. Our regular $25 grades, priced for this sale at only VXeUu Best 12 He SllKolIne at 9c 35c Window Scrim at 21c Clearance Sale of best quality Silk-' II Window Scrim, splendid quality in oline for covering comforts, desir- especially good, attractive flowered able colors, neat floral pat- OA patterns for window drapes; terns, 36-inch; 12j4c grade e7U our regular 35c grades, at dX $1.75 Laic3 Curu Clearance Sale of Bobbinet Lace Curtains, this season's best patterns in ljS-inch lace on good net, with 2-inch hem. These come in 09 Arabian colors and white; 2J4 yds; Iohgi;$175 curtains, special JJLeeiO Ottttle TfaingrS at Little Prices Motions It ' Notion Day Again on the Bargain Circle 1st Floor (IS INTHE llUSEMEOTfl y at roar of :JJ Each person who makes a purchase at this Circle tomorrow will be given a paper 1 of Crowley's Needles abso lutely free. Ask for it. '''''' CROWLEY NEEDLES All sizes in a paper, the regular f? 5c grade, onsale, 2 papers for til HAIRNETS Large silk, all shades. Our "j Hp "Special," priced special, 5 for l"t - HAIR NETS ,The popular "Sylvia" brand, reg- A ular ' 10c , grade,;, special sale at DRESS SHIELDS "Kleinerts" Featherweight nainsook. Every pair guaranteed. No. 2 Ofl 15c pair, No. 3 17c pair, No. 4 s-iUL BASTING COTTON f Ale. - King's 500-yard spools, A .whits only, 45c doz., the spool ? : COLLAR. STAYS " 'Adjustable, all "sizes, white only. fp Regular 5c, special 'sale, "2 for Jl' FEATHER BONE i-r-r-Silk covered, black or white, spe- Q jial, doien yards 90c, per. yard ! DRESS WEIGHT TAPE White . or black, . the ; best 20c grade. Very special at- only . -TAPE MEASURE - Reversible, 60 inches long; : Our regular ; 5c sellers, ' special IRONING WAX. special, doxen 10c 12c ",r,3c 5c "HOLD FAST" SNAPS Black only, all sizes, our best Cp regular 5c grades, special, 2 for Uv DRESSMAKERS' PINS ; Good grade Brass Pins, in all sizes! half pound in a box. Our 35c OQ sellers, placed on sale now for eiv COMMON PINS 400 td the paper,' the best regu- Cp lar Sc gra3e, 2 papers, on sale for til SAFETY PINS All sizes, 1 dozen, on card, white only; 5c grade, 2 cards for only tIC HAIR PINS Wire, al sizes, the regular 5c arrade. special for this sale. 2 for HAIR PINS V Assorted sizes, in cabinets. Our Op regular 15c grades, priced for Oy v COAT HANGERS Wood Hangers, the kind all tii' Op lors use. Regular 10c grade, at . DRESS WEIGHTS Put up in boxes of 100, size' 2. Special 30c box; size 3, special HOOKS AND EYES Black or white, assorted sizes. Regular 5c grades, special.' 2 for til SKIRT MARKERS Accurate; handy , and easy . to "lOp adjust; our 25c grades, special J-esil . BINDING RIBBON Best quality heavy silk taffeta. Our regular 15c value, special l , .- - li l I II ... I If 35c 12c onriKBii's Basement "Underprice Store" A sensational Clearance Sale of Wom en's Fine Tailored Suits. Over 200 in Lthe lot, which affords an unusual selec , tion of styles and patterns. The ma terials are serges, worsteds and mix tures in black, navy, brown, gray and tan, faultlessly tailored and well lined. Most of the materials are medium weight, suitable for Spring CQ fQ wear. Values up to 18.50 tDOyO $4.50 Fine Silk Petticoats $2..79 Basement "Underprice Store" Clearance Sale of Women's Silk Petticoats, made of rich, soft taffeta, in black, white and all want ed colors, styled with deep flounce, trimmed in tucks with dust ruffles; all new, fresh dJO P7Q stock; good $4.50 qualities, , at only 75c Outing Petticoats now 48c at 19c 29c Corset In the basement, a .clearance of Women's Outing Flannel Under skirts in white and neat, stripes; good, heayy weight; soft mate rial, well made and trimmed, in blue or' white stitching; AQg our 75c. values,, priced at ttOI In the basement : "Underprice Store," a sale of Women's Corset Covers, made: of fine muslin, trimmed , with lace, embroidery and ribbon. A complete range ot sizes; good 2c grades, special tor this - sale Women's $1.50 Waists at 48c " Basement "Underprice Store" r v A sale of hundreds of women's White Waists,, odd - lines of various kinds, some are slightly soiled or mussed, but other wise pcrfect. All are made of good quality lawn and neatly trimmed in lace and embroidery, .lhese are all splen did values and are worth up to $1.50, special for only 48c TGrbcepIeb Basement Qrocery,Dept. The following " specials will be on sale tomorrow bnly. No phone or ders will be filled-rthey are worth coming after. But we deliver them. Picnic Shoulders,' the pound H Bartlett Pears, on sale, can. Rice Flakes, the package,, at Krinkle Corn . Flakes. 4 for; 25f Babbit's Cleanser; 3 for only 10 English Walnuts, ,2 ? pounds Oranges a dozen, t5e and .25 O. Wv K. Special Butter, at T2 v JERSEY QUEEN MILK , Special,. 2 cans 15, or. the dozen 85 ;or the case for only f 3.25 Annual Men's $12.50 and $15.00 Suits at only Basement "Underprice Store! It's just such sales as this that have made our Basement MUnder price Store" a most valuable adjunct to this bi store a shopping center for all thrifty people a "clearing-house" for every depart ment of the store. We have gone through our stock of Men's Suits and selected all the odd suits and short lines and moved them down to the basement for a speedy clean-up. Regular C Q g $12.50 and $15.00 values at this Clearance price, nly JuyJ JVf eiis; G1.25 'Uniort In the Basement "Underprice Store -a' Clearance' of men's, tfmon. Suits, : in' heavy ribbed cotton, with fine, warm fleece, lining, high-tight neck, cuffs and ankles; well made and finished, all sizes in the lot; These are, A our regular $1.25 sellers, priced for this cjctraordinary Clearance,' suit UeC Order by iv:IVlatl Women's S3 Shoes G2 25c Dress Goods 16c .. . A rousing one-day Clearance Sale of Women s shoes. Many of our very best styles in patents, gunmetals,' kid or cloth tops; button or lace styles; all sizes and widths. Our (gO AA best $2.SO-3 grades, special tP.Ul In the Basement Clearance Sale of fancy plaid Dress Goods in small, neat patterns; splendid colors, double width- materials for; house dresses and children's ' wear; excellent 25c qualities.. Bargainlzed fr "t(o this sale tomorrow only, the yard JLDL l l MOTLflSCSlhlOllcdl ailFlKdl MSfe , M(22iCQlS in the IVIen's Sttaley" Brand Gl.OO Under wear 73c In Men's Underwear Section, main floor, a very unusual Clearance of the famous "Staley" Underwear, natural wool and camel's hair colors; 3 dif ferent lines to choose from. Extra weights and extra sires up to 7Cf 48. All good $1.00 grades, special Clearance Sale price, garment U V 25c Sox Tliree Falr for SOc Clearance Sale of men's blue mixed Wool Socks; good, season- PA able grades, and most exceptional 25c values, special, 3 pairs for. tiUl Clearance Sale Men's Sweaters Clearance Sale Men'9 Pajamas Clearance Sale of Men's Gowns 35c Mail Boxes, special at 25 50c Meat Saws, special at 25 Clothes Pins, special, dozen 1 10-pin Hat or Coat Racks 25tf set of 6 Table Mats, at lO 10c Scrub, Brushes, each, at &t: Ac Asbestos. Stove: Mats, at 3 6c Potato Mashes, now for 4t 10c Strainers, special at only 5v 15c Flour Sifters, special at 104 15c Clothes Hooks, dozen 10 25c Butcher Knives, only 10 45c Kitchen Set, Butcher )Kt Knife. Par; Knife, Cleaver JelL 10c No. 2 Lamp Burners at Gas Burners complete, QKa inverted or upright, only OOC 10c Mantles, upright, 2 for 5e 25c Liquid Veneer for only 19V Potts' Sad Irons, set of 3 f 1.13 No. 1 Univer'l Food Chop'r 98 80c Bird Cage, asst. color 63e $1.23 Bird Cage, asst. col's 08e 42-pc Decorated Din. Set fa.SK 60-pc. Decorated Din. Set f 5.05 50-pc White Dinner Set $3.50 100-pC White Dinner Set $6.00 4 Sale-Tables 5c Table Many articles on this ta ble worth double - the price. Handled, Spoon Holders, Handled Jelly Dishes, Sugar - Bowls, Pickle Dishes,: Salts and Peppers, etc.,; etc. Tp Choose any article tlv- lOc Table This lot; comprises Cel ery. Holders, Creamers, Wine , Glasses,. : Claret' Glasses, Spoon Trays, Footed Comports, Han dled Preserve ' Dishes, etc; teOc. many worth. " A - Your choice l"v Of 15c Table Choose any Syrup Pitch er, Oil Cruet, Water Pitcher, Salad ' Bowl, Covered Sugar, Covered Butter v Dishes. Celery Trays, Salt and Pepper Stands, etc., etc Your , choice "5 16c 20c Tabic . . . . . ... This table comprises 12 inch Vases, Footed Cake Stands, Footed Fruit Stands, 8-inch Berry Bowls, 3-quart Water Pitchers, etc. Many are worth d o u b 1 e. OflA Your choice only iVrJL Bath Towels Sc Outing Flannel at Sc Unbleached Bath Towels' with colored borders, size 15x30, 1 fringed, ends, good heavy qual- n ityV Specially priced for' tomorrow's salc ca. OC Outing FlannelFive thousand yards of mill'." J inds, new checked patterns. l Special, a yard C Huck Towels Tc Linen-Finished Huckaback Tow els, with red borders, size 16x32 inched, excellent quality. On rj special sale for tomorrow at . f C Bed Slice to SOc Full Double Bed Sheets, made of fine , bleached sheeting, torn, and hemmed ready . for . use. o p Special for Clearance, each Ol Z Flannelctteo at Sc per ycirc Extra good Fleece-Lined Flannelettes, in light or dark colors, a n Sale oil TUinidleiPinniiLQSlSM Ffiipstl IFU'ccdq): . i $1 .Crepe Drawers 69c Clearance' of Women's Drawers; made of crepe material,-cut- very- full and finished with hemstitched ruffles; good $1.00 Qs values, special tomorrow only, pairUvl 1 Main Floor $1.50 Crepe Gown $1.29 Women's Gowns , in the slipover "styles, made of crepe material, Styled with"round neck and short sleeves, edged J" OQ with linen lace"; $1.50 values, for Kl.tij! Main Floor $1.75 Combinations $1.39 Women's Combination Corset . Cover ..1 and Drawers, or Corset Cover and Skirt, made of crepe material, 'nicely finished in linen torchon lace, beading and ribbon; CJ1 OQ $1.75 grades, priced for this sale j)A0 75c Corset Covers 2z Corset Covers made of dainty fongdotli crossbar dimity, trimmed in .linen tr V enciennes lace and fine embroidery: ' " regular' 4Sc to 75c grade, i!h j . i '