'", THE OREGON DAILY , JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 'IB, 1912, Town Topics ' , TONIGHT'S ' AMUSEMENTS , HKILICJp-Anna .Held, in 'Miat , Inno- BAKEii Rose MelvlUe in "Sis Hop- Kins. i t i - i t,YR.r "The T-nhatPr Olrl" OBPHKUM Orpheum circuit vaude PAVTAOBR Vaudeville. JEMPRESS Sullivan & Considlne vaude Villa.' .. " ' ' ' .. ':!' .... PEOPLE' SMotion pictures.,,. Weather Conditions. ; a V; ' Portland and vicinity Rain tonight -.and Tuesday; southerly winds. , Orearon and 'Wn.shin.rton Rain west. . ruin ' or enow east portion tonight ' and - Tuesday; southerly winds. ;v- 1 ' Idaho Fair south, rain or snow north ponion lonignt and Tuesday. ?," "EDWARD A. BEALB. '! .::,! --District-Forecaster. '. " Rook Vsed on ; HighwaysCrashed rock to- the amount of 14,120 yard was : prepared by ; the Kelly Butte rockpile for the six months ending- December 81, This statement is found in the Bern Ian ; i; nual report of W. A. Satchel, superln ; tentient of the' plant i Practloai.y all the material was spread upon highways In Multnomah county as only a small tlftrt lfr " mrDo .stl.t n .... , n , ( ar The report shows the crushed rock was redistributed on. roads aa follows: Base r . Line roud. 947 yards; Russell Villa roal - rmoad.:.17a7r: rciarhtv-anpru... trAt m burn avenue, 1014: Milwaukie road. 20 ' Section Line road, 12 and Foster road, In, Ua 4 t. 1 A , A a . , A 1 . county now has 150 miles of macadam .: roadwavs . of which .nnMvtm,ui Kn , ; miles are within the - city limits of . Portland. There are anoroxlniatelv 7S - mues or gravel road. The superintend 1 ent sets forth In his report that the county has expended $225,357 during : arlena" will v th. na.,i iMu . :V addresses to be delivered tomorrow be- ;. in me notary ciud at luncheon in tne , Iletel Portland, t D. O. Lively will serve as chairman of the day. . Speakers have been recruited from the Portland So ciety of Social. Hygiene, which for sev- eral months has been waging a quiet but " effective camnalrn nf riimatnn in h. half of cleaner moral conditions in the - -ciiyrr.Tna speakers will be Dr. Calvin , . 6. White, state health officer; President W. T. FOUter Of P MA nllalr D.kkl Jonah B. Wise, Dr. W. T. Wlliiamson. mjt. Anartw u Hmitn. An announce ment has also been Issued by the Ro tary club for tha annuo 1 mutiny nt ' the club, which is to be held February i. a review I me work or tne year, a Plan' for tha nYt vur and an !- tlon of officers will be tha features of mis meenng. s a nominating commit tee will elect five trustees, who, added to six holdover trustees, will constitute a board Of 11 members, which In turn will elect tha president, secretary and wuicr oxiicers. uwignt Edwards is iuw serving as president ana Oliver O wainer as secretary. - .Protecting Migratory Birds Advo cating the abolition of spring hunting of migratory birds, the American Game Protective and Propagation association, with headquarters in New York, advocates-strenuous nffnrta umrtno- IK. v sportsmen in all parts of the country , m urging me passage or bins now be fore COnarajia frfHn V, r.-t-ll . ' tory birds, it iUustratea tha iicutraaiiy or sucn legislation by potnt- iis uui apecies or oiras, once plentiful, which are now nearly extinct owing to Unrestricted shontlna- Th. also advocates the formation of a closer organisation or the association. It u. me lurmnuon or local assocla ons wnicn snail unite in a strong state federation, and thua make a strong siiunai Doay. xnis national body could inu. ccompnsn a great deal of good. MHhy i arrests and -nnvi-tiu .j - . icauucu i'r J'' p88t yeaf from ths activity ' ucmwon s agents who work n conjunction with sUte officers. arden Contests- The Instituting of BH-raen. contests in the schools of Port jana win be oonMBrri . . ii meeting of the teachera comm1tt nf vio avuuui uuara at t o'clock tomorrow anernuon m tne Tiirord building. A committee of business men and educa- tors reDrasentinar tha T?Aait , i , association, the State Bankers' asaocla- iioni in uregon Development league and Portland Commercial club, th T, i - -. nBiivuuurei col lege and the Livestock association and - , ainie super- Intendent of schools presented a plan for oraranlxlns -a-aritan un..,. . tne children of each school at th anhnni . - .v,i,cpt auiwi K iwara meeting a week ago. The details ct thla plan will be considered at the ' men di lomorrowi tnarnnni, . He Shot at Cars The midnight hours , Were rent by the crack, of pistol, shots last night and Patrolman Davis rushed . xo ine scans or, the shooting, which " TirnVJMt. A km a - mm ... r w w . - me nvoiB or r, w, Horan. (65 Marlon avanna "vu.fi. u. - . , .... m ii q , . - .ui uiivuii! i inquirea me was just snooting at i lomt eata that hiv. miA. aihla' ranllail ITun. ..Tir.it . . ' - - -.iviiii, , tvvsu jruu uo 1 1 er report to ponce station tomorrow morn , lng,H answered tha patrolman, ; Ultla.fi Wnaaall luVi t ii , . nuiw auifc vnis morning in mm circuit court ror r. divorce from iCi 8. Russell. Cruelty and non-aun- Sort ... are the aTounda . nnnn whloh .-4k. , compiaint mat soon after their mar ACertificate of Title Makes real estate quickly mar ketableT Saves time. Saves ex pVn'se. Anr pro tects theiiome builder or in vestor from the danger of loss. mmm Call; for book let ; Title & Trust Co., 4th and Oalc - ' QUOTH THE PESSIMIST "At any rate, it's a durned alt bet' ter f let ,a few raindrops dampen our lids here in Portland, -than frees. V death in th' east" rlage in 180S In Portland . the husband began drinking. Mrs. Russell alleges within 'one year from- tuelr wedding day her husband was an habitual drunk ard. , It is further charge that they were forced to sell: their- mercantile business on account of tha drinking proclivities of the ' husband. In : June 1911 it is. charged the wife had to veil the household furniture in order to se cure money upon which to live. Had Whiskey1 In Pocket.. O. H. Stealy appealed to Patrolman Leavans at least Third and Morrison streets last night for a place to sleep,' saying that he had spent all his money gambling and drink ing. - Leavans accommodated the man, then, he found that 8 teal y had a half pint of whiskey, in his pocketts. ; The man was arraigned this morning on ad after hour -charge and- was fined 110, Leavans also .arrested J. W. Blaney at Union j avenue and East Washington streets for carrying concealed weapons. He was fined $10 this morning for that offense. ;.v: , lodges Install Offioera One of the most interesting affairs during the past week was the publio installation of of ficers of Aatra Circle, Women of Wood craft, and Prospect Camp, WV O. Mrs.- C. Edmunds as installing officer for the circle. Past Guardian Neighbor M. Briggs was presented with a beau tlful pin. and Elmer Cook aa Installing Officer for Prospect Camp. Past "Con eul J. E. "Walling was presented with an emblem of the order, after which fancy drill was given and dancing was enjoyed until a late hour. Publio Horary Votes Beginning Jan uary 14, the Central library at Seventh and Stark street will be open on Sun day evenings for reading only from 6 to 9:80 in addition to the usual Sunday hours, : from 1 to 6. Tha subject .of Father O'Hara's. lecture to be givon at the East Portland branch library Tuesday evening, January 16, will be The Transformation of Social Life In Rome" .Admission is free. . Mrs. Julia Cardwell Dead- Mrs. Julia E. Cardwell, sister of Mrs. A. J. Proeb- stel of Weston, Or., and Mra E. O. Gardner of this city, died early this morning at the residence of Mrs, Gard ner. 170 Vista avenue. Mra Cardwell was a former resident of this city, but ror the past six years had lived in Ban Francisco. She returned here last Sep tember, hoping to regain her health. Conductor rails rrom Car. Con ductor H. L. Meek of the Lower Alblna carllne, fell from the rear of his car yesterday afternoon when he leaned too far out in fixing tha trolley. He sus tained serious injuries to the head which necessitated his removal to the St. Vincent's hospital. He will recover. Dog wrightens Boy Harold Arnold, 10 years old, living with his parents at 647 East Twenty-sixth street, was knocked down yesterday by a huge dog owned by E. House of 126 V, Third street and was so badly fright ened that he had to be carried Into the house. The dog Is said to have caught hold of the lad's arm. Patrolman Horton instructed the owner of Vie dog to keep it -off the streets. Bona of Veterans to Organize A meeting is called for January 17 at tha old fire hall at Alblna and Killings- worth avenues at 8 o'clock. All G. A. R. members and wives and all sons and grandsons are earnestly invited to be present. Primaries Wait AprilCounty and state candidates: nominating petitions for sale by Glass et Prudhomme Com pany, printers and bookbinders. 65-67 Seventh street. - Xost Black and white Llewellyn set ter dog. round collar on, last year's 11 cense. Reward for return or informa tion. B. Trenkman. Main 632. A. 2430. Steamer Jesse Harkins for Camas. Washougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at 8 p. m, CoaL -Fouf best furnace coals. Phone or call office $63 Stark, opposite City Library. Independent Coal 4 Ice Co. W. A. Wise and associates, painless oentists, Tnira ana Washington,' Werner Petterson Co- high grade merchant talKrs, 350 Stark. Br. Balpb Teuton has returned. Resi dence, Alexander Court T:J. BE . L.....!w.rl.:. - T. J. Kreuder of 4530 Powell street. who four years ago was defeated for the office of county commissioner by Wil liam L, Llghtner, will within a few days file his declarations of Intentions to be come a candidate for that office again at the primaries in April, on the Re publican ticket. ' . '; Mr. Kreuder four years ago advo cated the closing of the draws and the oiling of streets and roads. He says his opinions along those lines have, not changed. He also believes there should be a -greater grasp of detail in the ad ministration of the county's -affairs, and if elected, he says, he will demand a trloter system of accounting and will apply business-like methods to the gov ernment of the county. He believes there Is . too much -delay in construction Of ?ublta buildings and cites the new coun y court house as a sample of the pres ent methods of construotlon. . Mr. Kreuder has been a resident of Portland for nearly thirty years and is manufacturer of horse collars.-- His place of business , is located at 4680 Powell street , . Card of Thanks. We desire to thank our friends and neighbors for their kindness during the illness- and death of our dear husband, father and brother, ; Lawrence Anda, To the P. R. L. AY P, Co. we extend our grateful ' thanks, and especially to Mr. Morris and his emnloves of storeroom No. I.MR9 E. ANDA AND CHILDREN : ' WILLIAM ANDA. ; English engineers have succeeded In building a paper -making' machine that will turn out 650 -feet of newspaper, 171 Inches wide, a minute. : - KREUDER WOULD COMMISSIONER Present l: Method of Taxing Forest Crops Too Hard j for k Owners to Bear; Fire Loss for Last Year.'MVv:1 Despite the fact that last summer had less rainfall than normal, the damage by forest fires was smaller than for many seasons past, in that the loss to umoer by r ire was but I4,2I,000 board feet, a Insignificant total whan compared to the 1,978,841,000 board feet damaged in 1910, j These figures are shown in the an nual report for the year 1911 lust sub mitted to -the governor by Stat Forester- F. A, - Elliott and Deputy Stats Forester E. O. Slecke. ' The small per centage of loss is regarded as due to tha efficient service of the fire warden service, 600 state fire wardens having been appointed by the forester during the year. : ; K'' :': v; Of this large number of, wardens, tt were county supervising wardens In the employ of tha state forester; three were selected and paid by tha counties in which they served, 13 wars appointed by and served under direction of the state forester, but were paid from- the federal appropriation secured under sec tion S of the Weeks law, 191 were pa trolmen in the employ of private timber owners, 177 were officials of tha United States forest service employed on the national forests, and 173 were publio spirited cltisens who accepted appoint ment without, remuneration. anarding the rires. The county supervising wardens wera appointed upon the recommendation .of the timber owners of the counties that contained timber in sufficient quantity to warrant such, appointment. The, cost of guarding against flra ag gregated 188,669.61, timber owners pay ing $45,675, counties 861. state $11,823. 27. federal under Weeks law $3300, and United States forest service, $27,705.84. Actual fire fighting cost In tha aggre gate tll9,988.$7, timber owners paying $80,978.77, counties - $299.04, Stat $2, 464.93 and the United States forest service $80,200.68. The report shows that 84$ fires oc curred during the year, the causes being as follows: Unknown, 211; escaped from slash burning, 76; campers, 185; lightning,' 229; incendiary, 63; hunters, 20 r old slashings not extinguished, 21; railroad locomotives, $5; smokers, 14; logging engines, 15; escaped from saw mills, 5; sheep herders, 2; miscellaneous, 16. ,- - .- .- In connection with this the report says that in many instances it is ex Clearance Sale Pianos Find Appre- dative Buyers Nearly a Carload Was Picked Up by Bayers From Everywhere JSatnr day Sale Closes Next' Monday. Tour home ought to have contained a piano yesterday. Have one now, today. It's so easy during this clearance sale. A good used olano frequently Is far better than a cheaply made new one. Here are used pianos that have come from the finest homes in Portland In part payment for fancy Player Pianos de luxe. Baby Grands, etc. See them. See the low prices. Learn how really simple and easy it is to pay for one. Owing to the enormous business be fore and Immediately after the holidays this annual clearance sale Is one week late. For this reason we know that, In order to finish the sale by Monday, the 12(1, it Is necessary to make reduced prices extraordinarily low. Hence prices nave been made lower than ever here tofore. All the pianos In this list and' many more are here. Buyers . always find that Filers Music House does exactly as it advertises. All pianos are in play able order, no matter how little the prices. $21 worth of music rolls free with all used Autoplano, Pianola pianos' and other player pianos. Organa are sold at greatly reduced prices, too. Several old style Autoplanos. con verted with new "88-nots1 actions, at almost half price. The Autoplano ' is the best of all the many player pianos. A $276 Andrew Kohler, nearly new, $215; a $360 Behr Bros., oak. now $165; a large sise Spencer upright $86; an $800 Chlckerlng, now $876; a $976 Chlckertng Grand, and also an $1150 Chickering Grand; a $276 Clarendon, now $125; $325 Clarendon, now $186; a $365 Hobart M. Cable, now $170. A $400 Decker, now $175; a $550 Decker, now $280; a $650 Decker: now !385; a $300 Doll St Sons, now $140; a 476 Doll ft Sons, very, fancy, $180; a 425 Filers Sample, now $296; a $400 Emerson, now $168; a $350 Kstey, now $117: a $400 Hallet ft Davis, now $100; an $800 Hallet ft Davis Grand, $250; a $400 Hardmannow $125; a $450 Hard man, now $140; a $150 Harrington, now $95; an $825 Haselton, now $415; a $336 Hinsie, now $110; a $226 Howard, now $100; a $276 Howard, now $130,' A $560 Kimball, now $265: a $700 Kimball, now $380; a $278 Kohler A Chase, $106; another made by Royal, $165; another "Regent" make, $186; a 1800 Kohler ft Campbell, now $115; a 1400 Krakauer Bros- now . 8220: a 8425 Krakauer Bros., now $196; a $400 Krell, now $185; a $425 Marshall ft Wendell, now $210; a $500 Mason ft Hamlin, now $156; a $650 Masoa ft Hamlin, now $270. A 6226 Newman Bros., now 8120: eft $800 Player Piano, now $486 a $300 ta.ara.. I I J I. a, 4 A ft V mm 1 aaa nc.ui, ii." aiu, a f.vv ,iuj a, nun $90; a $325 Royal, now $160; a $250 Bohroeder Bros., now $88: a $400 Smith ft Barnes, now $190; a $476 Sterling, now $96; a $700 Weber, new, now $850; a $600 Weber,- new, now $285; a $850 Weber, $195; a $375 Wheelock, now Pianola Pianos.-- second hand, also some other makes of player pianos; Apollo Player Pianos, etc, $265, $886, MIS, StD. , '',-'. - , . . . , Organs all reduced. i , , Numerous Baby Grands and several Parlor Grands, ail at half price. -. A laraa number Of brand new Pianos that will not be listed in our 191$ cata logues, are also Included In this sale. They go for less than wholesale dealers' prices. Same low terms, , - Write for lists and descriptions If von cannot call right away. ' Our free) ex change privilege goes with every one of the Instruments in this aala ' Use one of these" instruments free for two years; tnen -get a nice new one. Remember, most of thesa tilanns nan be had for $1 a week; the best kinds 99 ana is a montn, it you are not pre pared to pay all oaah. : v, ' 1 Ellers Musio House. Alder street, at 8eventh,:. h . . -, , : tremely difficult to determine the cause of forest fires. : Fires started by drop ping burning matches or tobacco often smoulder for several days and all trace as ' tO',; their , origin - is lost, kff-i. t"- In touching upon proposed work, the forester states that .while forest firs prevention 1 undoubtedly the most urg ent work at this time, other forestry questions will be investigated as oppor tunity permits. An Important matter. he regards, the perpetuation of the for eats of 'the state ; by securing repro duction of oonimerclally, valuable spe cies on cut over .anas. -., . The forester suggests, however, that the present methods of forest taxation must be modified before private tim bar land owners can afford to risk his capital in securing a second, crop. "For purposes of taxation," he states, "oropa of Immature tlmberihould be consid ered distinct from the value of the land. Annual taxation of forest crops requir ing from CO to 100 years to mature make reforestation financially Impossible" Plans are now being- made to estab lish a number of experimental . forest plantations in representative localities in eastern Oregon In cooperation with the Oregon Agricultural college and the United States forest service. The ob ject will be to determine what trees are best adapted for wind break purposes and for the produotloa of fuel, fenoe posts and other farm material. . In closing the report the ; Forester states that Oregon contains one-fifth AMUSEMENTS Olca MOW VOW TA1X TODAY HRi i m MATRB lB3,-1J Beventh ft Taylor Phones KaU X, A-U2X TOJnOJET, Tomorrow-, WHSSXgSAT Special Price Parisian Faahlon Mat inee Wednesday. H, Ziegfeld, Jr., Presents : ANNA HELD In "the Musical Comedy ' was nrarocxKozr Evenings: ' Entire lower floor, $1: balcony, 5 rows, $1.50; 6 rows, $1; rows, 75e; S rows, 60c Gallery, re served, 75c; admission, 50c. Wednes day Matinee: Lower floor, $1.60; balcony, $1. 7 So, 60o; gallery. tOo, BEATS HOW UXaUVO. SAT 8AU. OFXmi TOXOUOW . ' i xxixia TUATsa NP VT ratmssAT-sntzsAT M lATUJLDAY MIOKTS - Special Price Matinee Saturday. woods-Fraser 4k Lederer's Musical Comedy Rage, - '1WADAME SHERRY" excellent Cast Splendid Production. Evenings: 11 rows. $2.00; 7 rows, 11.60; balcony, $1,- 75c, 50c; . gallery, reserved and admission, 60c. Satur day matinee: Lower floor, 11 rows, $1.60; 7 rows, $1; balcony, 7 So, 60a. Qallery, 86c, 2 Be . BAKER THI1TM Katn and A-OSOO Qeo. Zh Baker, Mgw. Tonight - an Week Bargain ltatb.ee Wednesday, gSc KaUnee, Sat SSo, Ma J. R. Stirling presents Rose Melville in the characteristic play, -vat loranrr "There ain't no sense In doln' nuthln' for nobody what never done nuthln' fer you." Sis Hopkins. Evening prices, 26c, EOo, 75c, l Next - week "The Bq.naw Man.'' i (CATzarn irzar ai . xs-as-to nsats WaBSaK M TITW A -rnr. tr ,A ir . saw. la av taantna wm-ivim Arkalof f Bnssiaa Balalaika Orchestra, Hugh Herbert and Co., "The Soa of lol omon"; Brown and Kewman. A. O. Drut oaa, Manrioe Bnrkhardt, The Alpine jramny, wmpi ana Vivian. Kauaae Xvery Day. Oonsl Aimm rormany oraaa WBBZ JAW. 18 "All miTers vest at Baa." Malvern Tronna. s Dlsoons a. lew Hawkins, Paul Stephens, She Orig inal Bandy Orchestra. Prtoes, 100, flSo. Matlnss Dally WBBX JAW. 15 Mr. Wlllard 8aok and Miss Mands Leone tt Co, The Marco Twins, Mijarss, miss Annrey won. The Oeorgia Trio, Onadelnpa, Vantagesoope, Orchestra. Boxes in first row reserved. Main as3Q, ja-snas. L.YRIG TSBATBS POTTBTX Ajn BXABX AXJSi TWJU WZIK. wxbz jaw. la "The irtbste Siri" Two performances niglitly, TOO, :16j lso and sso. Maunees aauy. asoj any seat, 16o (Siiadaya and holidays, 'night prioes). Prlday night. Chortui Otrls Contest. ' . PB. O. T JXATWZS . We Don't Wear glasses for style people with good sense don't but when we must wear them, most of us like to look Just - as - well - as we can. - Torlo glasses will improve your appear ance ever the old kind, you will see better and they will be a better pro tection to your eyes. I . Just fit glasses, and X know how. - Dr, UnynemZBZgEr' Suite 487 Marqnam Blag 4tn rioor. ' WK WANT TO DO VOOSt M 1VI jil IMPKOVIO FACICITISa BEATTIE&HOFMANN MfOK-MATII A syra. mmw isst . OO- nrnx tr. ifA i: : ba Hinr a. a ims "Si1 aTnUiTanft v xennea Tanaavuie MM, K COAUSS LIBERTY COAL V ICS GO. of the standing tlmner of the United States or ; 645,000,000,000 feet., This timber Is estimated to be worth on the stu: p not less than, $680,000,000, and if manufactured would bring in over $6. 600,000,000. The Oregon lumber Indus try at present rati of cutting brings In STRICTLY , We receive daily from reliable people this rnuch-sought-for article. VWe guarantee these eggs to be not older than two days. For Tuesday and Wednesday we offer you these at 15c per dozen. ' ' L MAYER & CO. Portland's Oldest Grocers. 148 THIRD STREET , A-4432, MAIN 9432 SPECIALS'FOR TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Findon Haddocks, per pound Kiooered Herrine. 2 cans for Tarragon Vinegarj C. & B., pints, per bottle. ... . . .33 1;3 3-lb, cans Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate, per tin 75 5-lb. boxes Domino Sugar, per box, .602 Maggi Bouillon (Beef Extract) , per b(ottle ............ 60 All 75c grades of Tea at, at, per pound..... ........ ...60t Plymouth Gin, per bottle .$1.15 , NEW ARRIVALS Huntley & Palmer's Reading Shortbread, in 1-pound tins, at, per tin ; .75 Imported Cammembert, direct from France, in wood boxes, at, per box 50 Muscate Dates, in 1-pound boxes, at, per box 35 DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT Philadelphia Star Cream Cheese . 20 apd 35J Sliced Boiled Tongue. Truffled Liver Sausage. Romanoff Caviar, "The Real Article," VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT Tomatoes, Celery Hearts, Artichokes, Celery, French Carrots, Lettuce, Squash, Florida Grapefruit, Sweet Oranges, Cucumbers and Sprouts. - We Deliver to All Parts of the City. A Cordial Invitation to the Newcomer. Ill FOURTH STREET Annual Clearance Sale Ws have In stock a number of Pianos that wt have taken in exchange for oar high-grade Kranich and Bach players and Grands. Some of these Pianos arc only slightly used, ana many of them are as good as new. . You Can HaveThese Pianos at Almost Your Own Prices Here aire a few Ivers A Pond fine condition, sells now for $4(0 Bale price S175 Everett, one of the world'a best olanos, sells new for $576: Sale orlce 1T5 Baus. splendid Flemish finish, sollshed oak case, sells new for $826; Sale price S167 Garner A Son, beautiful mahogany case, almost new. sells new for S2t; Sale price S160 53 Hallet tone, sells Pale price Davis, excellent new ror i47o; S155 TlnnV fail res saMMgMBaMasaM s-wi ssaaa .v van i WfWl a 'ew to make room is about to arrive. hosiery. Thorough spots or darns sink into your flesh, along1 the lines of least resistance Everwear Hosiery nevtr muds darning and never causes a-moment of discomfort, - r Buy a box today and join the Anti-Darn Legion. Th Box of Six Fair with Written Guarantee FOR MSN lasTratfn CsttOBa JlJOperhei 2.00 per box FlDI aUWperbos piia. jaiaiaan-aaa i Fins Catamere, sisss t Is 73t Pare Silk, Gsajraataed 3 Mentha Men's Pure SUk. $U0 Box, 3 Pairs ' On Sale Ben Selling and Moyer : Stores about $$0,000,000 a year,: exceeding the revenue derived from apples, fish, wool and wheat. And yet, it is pointed out. cutting has barely begun. ' Coal, block wood, sawed ties, dry slab. Alblna Fuel Co. ' FRESH EGGS J!U? .45? of ttie Bargains Knight Brlnkerhoff, a piano of re nownea reputation, sells new for STS; Sale price SZSO Smith A Barnes, massive case, al most new, sells new for $460. Bale price j, S200 Sterling, oak ease, nearly new. sells new for $400; Bale price...... 1189 Craper. elegant mahogany case, a splendid bargain, sells new for $376; Sals price , 17f Smith A Barnea, mabosanv case,- a jka. beautiful design, sells new for $460 Sale price S22fi! A. B. Cameron, mskeiailawae. aMs1ar rt avak sells new for Sale prloe S157 .t - . f K.. f;n. k., I.. saw uTtauaf.w v ttivvv iutwllsueuua dollars as fiist payment and we will send a piano to your home. We want to clear oar floors of these Pianos for our immense new stock, which Graves M iisic Co. cr Uen, Wczca aid Ctildrea Well shod fect always pay a dividend of comfort. though the best shoe in the world will not be easy to wear with the wrong kind of hosiery particularly mended FOR WOMEN tl.Mper hot 1.00 pec bos FOR CHtLDRKN t $1.30 per be .. Frrptl.n Cotton, aim 8 nd krfer,)?.00per ho 12.00 per box SilkLisle, site iaad larger.. , U.OOpetboS $100 par box it; - fine Cashmere, sisae land larger, p box at the Make Wea!. Bod: -s Kidney Diseases Cause Half the ; Common Aches and Ills of , Portland People. As one weak link weakens a chain, so weak kidneys weaken the whole body and hasten the final breaking down, Overwork, strains, ' colds and other causes Inure ths ? kidneys, ' and when their activity Is lessened ths whole body suffers from the excess of uric poison circulated In the blood. - ( , 'Aches and pains and languor and uri nary Ills come, and there is an ever . increasing tendency towards fatal Brlght's disease. , ' There is no Teal help for the sufferer except kidney help. Doan's Kidney, Pills aot directly on the kidneys and strike at the root of the. troubla Portland cures are the ; proof,,, , , :::::-;c0:is A. B. Rortonl arocer. 1S16 East Stark street, Montavllla Station, Portland, Or.. says, 'uoan s maney. r's were tisea in my family with the best of results troubla I am. glad to recommend this; ram ail v VnAvln. rtf fta marlta1 v For 'sale by all dealera Price . 6$ cents. Foster-Milburn '. Co.. . Buffalo. New Tork, sole agents for ths United Remember the . name Doan s ana take no other. ..' .: -;'.-.- (; We' pay interest on de posits as follows: ' 10 days demand CertuV cates . . . .2. 30 days' demand certifi cates . . . ..... . .3 60 days' demand certiB cates 3: 90 days' demand certifi- cates . . 4 6 months' fixed time 3 12 months' fixed time 4 ; Sayings accounts .v.". 4 ' Deposits may be made by mail as well as in per son.' ';.'.;i-vL';fe;iv' SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY 'Capi$15a W. W. reav............viesldoat WiUard Case. . ...Ttoe Pxesldeat O. a Bommeyer..,...,. Cashier Walter JE. Brown. .Asst. Cashier OPZH SATTTBSAT BTinrnrOS to A Qiiesili op that Fade For the Stomach Here's an Offer You Should Not. Overlook. Resell Dyspepsia Tablets remedy stomach troubles by supplying the one element, ' the absence of which In the gastrlo Juices causes indigestion and dyspepsia. They aid the stomach to . digest food and to quickly convert It into rich red blood and material neces sary for overcoming natural body waste.' Carry a package of RazaU Dyspepsia. t Tablets in your, vest pocket, or keep them in your room. Take one after each heavy meal and Indigestion will ? not bother you. ; - . . - . . , v, ( ( We know what Rezall Dyspepsia Tab. ' lets are and what they will do. We ' guarantee them to relieve indigestion and dyspepsia If they fail we will re- ) ' fund your money. Three sites: . $1 cents,, 80 cents and . $1.00. gold only by the Owl Drug Co. Stores In Port-rt -. land, Seattle Spokane, Ban Francisco. ' Oakland, Los Angeles and Sacramento. ABB TOV BTTFTTBBO f Ws ara exD.ri truaa fitrara anil ahaw lntely no charge fo- fitting. We crr the largest line of hltrh rrnfle Trusa.s In the CltV. MT7KPHT S1DO CO. rifth and Bornslde Sta, West C!3a. aFostcr & Klclcr::' nigh Oracle. Commercial end l -'cr '; SI Gil O Interest 1 Awaw,:.':...''-..' T.ir Tta aa tt Tr' . r-i mil t--