THE . OREGON DAILY, JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING. JANUARY 15, 1912. FIRST CLASS ONIONS iFROZEN ORANGES ARE QUOTED AT $2.00 PER CENTAL IN FRONT ST Further Advance In Buying Price Adds to Value In Wholesale Mar. let No. a Stock Available Around Previous Figures. . " - Portland Wholssale Market.. Eggs weaker. ' Chlckena stagnant. " y Butter and cheese firm. ' f Canned milk lower. ' v ; ' , - California cabbage poor. ; Frosen oranges selling. ' ', : . ' Dressed hogs weak., 4 Dressed veal firm, v ;. .: :.:. Fresh salmon very scarce. 4 - - ' - There Is a firmer tone throughout the local onion market. The inability of the trade to secure supplies rrom the val- ' ley at former prloea has caused whole salers to boost their Quotations accord ingly. V , f.. y . - . . - - : First class onions are unobtainable In tha country under $1.76 per cental, f. o, b. stations. This means praotically fl.SS to deliver here. Jobbers, therefore are quoting these onions at f J and say that this price will show a further advance as ti.e profits in handling; are too small. There is, still quite a fair supply of No. S onions in the market.' These on ions consist principally of those sup plies that failed to show good keeping quality: therefore- cannot be held for any extended period. These onions are being quoted by wholesalers from $1.7( to $1.86 per cental and are showing; an Improved movement at that range. Bo : far . as nearby consumption' is concerned, these onions are equally as good aa the No. 1 stock; It is -quite possible that - they will hold up for a month or so but ' their life beyond that period Is uncer- tallU.;;., V'1 ..r-V. K -""'. -'.. l ''a .i.''H'rt i'V.,.' ' 1 1 i ! I li .. ' ;. v;-''--W, '.".', EGO MARKET SHOWS WEAKNESS! ,',. Trade In the local ' egg market Is weaker along Front street today. Quite ' heavy supplies were carried, over from Saturday owing, to the lack of demand at that time. There is a wide range of opinion regarding the price that should rule, various interests , quoting from . tl to So a dosen. , -.. - -v:;- CHICKENS ARE WEAK- TODAY. v Chicken market prices remain weak. At the opening of the week thera was practically no business offering. The trade Is well filled with supplleaiand therefore quotations are nominally placed at tha same range- as Saturday. STEAMER BRINGS CABBAGE. - The California steamer unloaded to day brought, forward an assorted sup. ply of fresh greens. Cabbage was in cluded In the shipment. This la the usual stuff that oomea from the aouth, bttinir untrlmmed, - therefore showing much waste. - The southern stuff is quoted here at 11.80 per cental, the same as the usual local growth, al though it is worth but half as much. DRESSED HOGS REMAIN QUIET. There remains a very quiet tone in the dressed hog trade along Front street with some stock carried over from Sat urday, The extreme, top of -tha; mar ket ia So a-pound and it la hard to se cure above 8 He for average arrivals. :Drasaad veal remslas firm, and ao tivs it 'l(o for best. Arrivals only FRESH SALMON VERY SCARCE. BEING OFFERED LOCA L FRUIT BUYERS ODAY Market Is - Getting; Fronted Stock - from Southern California Very Low Prices t in - Effect for v This ' J Class of Offerings. ' The local trade Is being flooded with frosen oranges.. For these very low f rices are ruling but even at the ex re me value they are expected to ahow but little demand aa aooa a tha trade discovers the, reason for their cheap ness. . -.'-.! ..'" ' Ct ', Owlnj to the severs freeze through out the orange country In California re cently, quite . a large per cent of the fruit was frosted on the trees. Ar rivals of frosted oranges have been re ported in the Los Angeles market, for soma days and the prices obtained are in most Instances barely sufficient to cover the , cost of packing and ship ment to the southern -California, city. - The estimated cost of packing a box Of oranges, providing1 the box and pay ing the freight charge to Los. Angeles ia lOo a box. Therefore a recent cir cular of the Pacific Coast Fruit Auction galea, held at Los Angeles January 11 will -be -of very much . interest to the trade here as It shows the extent of the damage by reason of ;. ths low prices quoted: - ' v. 71 . r i Fourteen ears offered. y Six oars sold as .follows: - - -. . , Conqueror brand, ra eholoe Covtea, free from frost, large eiies 11.47, ; Freedom, standards $1.22. . ; Heap GoodV orchard run Riverside 70c v Date Palm, choice Rlverslds 65c, -- Mojave, 'orchard run Highlands ' T8c ' Southern Cross, standard, 50c. r Assyrian, orchard run Ontarla, 87a BouthernCross, standards, 42o. , , ' , . Date Palm, choice Riverside, 60c. ' " Eight v ears withdrawn account "no bids. Majority fruit today's sale showsd from 10 to 86 per cent frost damage. Santa Fe and Rock Island railways re fuse to accept shipments for eaatern points, temporarily. , springs; 11 12Ue; ' fryers 15c; ; geese, llOllc: dressed, lOl6c; live young ducks, 17c; -old ducks. 18o; turkeys, alive, , nominal, lc;. dressed,. 22o; pigeons, old, 81; young, 22(92.40. ' -QAMEi Jack rabbits. 11.0001.21 ner 4oJ, : . . . fJMKKBK--FTesn rjrnmnn rsnev. run cream, triplets and daisies, 17 He per lb.: Young Americas, ISHe; storage flats, 17o; Toung JUnericas, 18o; east ern daisies; 18c, Eops, west ana aides. HOPS Producer o rice 111 1 erep, choice, . 44c; . prime,.- 4ci . . medium. 42o; lt0 growth. 20c; 111 , eon tracts, 25cr 1918 and 1914, 19a WOOL Producers' Dries - Nominal. Willamette valley. .14 MO 17 He: eastern Oregon, 9916a. MUHAlK . isii. seieciea, koiis. OH ITT IV BARK Fodue!--nrlee 1911. less eaiiots, 6KOoi carlota. He, f. o. b. Portland. - TALLOW Prima oer re.' o: No. s. ana rree. ztuzvkc -. hides unr maes. . io: areon. id IOo; sslted hides. lOHOllo bulls, green salt. 8o: kioa. lie: calves, ary. tee: cslf skins, salted or sreew, no; green hides lOlHo less than sslted: sheep Prflts, salted, Novtmber. lOe; December, 11 j tiry, lane id. . V mut us Ttnumnr APPLES New croo. 81.0002.60. POTATOES HelllnK nrlnes: Ordinary Oregon 81.86; poor, $1.1601.25; buying price, v& sweees UNtu xeuow, game, (free VEOrrABT.'BR New turnioa. 91091.2S sack beets. 11.80; carrotn 81.26Ol.t0; cabbage, 81.00; California tomatoes. tl-it .. per' crate; Deans, izo; green onions, 16o dosen: peppers. belL loo lb.; nnao lettuce, I2.60tpz.76 crate; notnonsa tl box; radishes, 16a dosen bunches; celery. 86.00 crate: era plant. 10c lb: cucumbers, hothouse. 81.40 dnsen; peas. c: oauiiziower, local, si.Z6Vi.s6 aoa; California, 82.60 per crate. - FRESH FRUITS Oranges, 82.602 76 tangerines. 82.60O2.76; bananas, to lb.; BRINGS LOWER PRICE Arrivals of Cattle Total 60 Cars Ov- f er Sunday California Ships for First Time Xnls Seaaon Hogs Are ' Quoted With m Loss. . ' 1 Za ths Stockyards. Korth Portland Hogs to' low er, cattle 16 to 26o lower, sheep weak : to strong, , , , .: ; Chicago Hogs I to "lOo high er, cattle 10. to ISO higher, sheep lQo higher. ,. . : Kansas City Hogs 10a high er, cattle 16o higher, sheep 6 to lOo higher. ; . :J;' 'X;' ,'r South Omaba Hoga B to lOo higher, cattle and sheep steady.' BaCAU X.OBS ZS FOBCED. 'With tha greatest ran of cattle at Worth Portland tha market turned weak and closed about IBs to OSo lows than Saturday. - This Small prioe oonceeslon la aa ladloatloa that holdings of klllsrs are cot ao heavy as anticipated, : At ths .same time hogs dropped Bo. ; f -i Portland' Livestock run. ...... Hoga. Cattle, calves, tjneep. 864 175 78 209 ..1262 1488 144 18 .. 89 .. ' 62r'v;u- -None 262 a e 19 620 1768 28 - SMS-SSBSBSKB-.- - I spw- i- - Vaas srwsasssV ..n.ttw lemons, .60 tfiUv.ou : timet, v a cb; fr.T.n.tln1'onrtrh,. m.'rt-t aT this SSSSSllilS time. The high water and huge amount SSS".1? T.n Vr.nm tFsK 9U ' of drift in the Columbia river st this , liiJJL?r,?5rtJH5i time baa practically stopped operations, Conditions along the coast streams are somewhat similar although a small amount, of fish is coming from there. mce is nrroer at ioc a pouna. Rasor clams are still very scarce. BIO BUNCH OF JACK RABBITS. There was a big bunch of Jackrsbblts in me local martlet iway. nuipmania were nrinclDallv from central Oreson. Quality was fair with tha demand only rair around si. so ana l.7S per aosen ' lor nest oneringa. - FORECAST;' FOB .SHIPPERS. - Weather bureau sends out ths follow ing notloe- to shippers: . . Protect shiDments aa far north as Ke- - St tie against minimum temperatures of about 46 degrees: nortbeaat to spoaane, 82 degrees; southeast to Boise, 22 da rrees; soutn to Bisaiyou, tt aegreea Minimum temperature at Portland to night, about 46 4egreea. rORTLANP ! JOBBIKO PRICKS ,' Oram. ra -ana waa.'-'i''r These prices are those at which whole salera sell to retailers, except as other- . wIm stated . . f Wheat Producers' nrlca nominal: track delivery, club, 80?) 81c; bluestem, 88088c; forty-fold. 81082c; Willamette valley, 81c; red. Russian. 80c; Turkey HbARLKT Prodncenr' -rices 1911 Feed, 836.00; rolled, 288.00; brewing, 289.0040.00. ; . . ; i OsTB ProdirB prloa Trsck Ko. 1, spot delivery, white, $30.60; grey 280. -MTLLHTfTWFB Melllns; price Bran, 222.00: middlings. 229.60; shorts, 226.00; chop,' 819.0026.00. . Car lota 60s par ton less. - F7.0TTR . Bemng prloa Patents. 14 60; Willamette. l R0 per barrel: Iocs' straight. 84.06O4.28: ' bskers", 14.10ft 4.60; export grades, 28.60. . HAT Producers' prtre 1911 crop .Vallejr timothy, fancy. 816018: ordinary, 813014: eastern. Oregon, 217.60018; Idaho, 817.60018: mixed. 812016; clo ver, 811.60012: wheat. 812012.60; cheat, IU012; alfalfa, $12.80 0 18; pats, $110 12.-' v A - -1 ' - ' r .-, -j Batter. SSggs aa 2Poaltry. . . BUTTER Extra creamery, cubes and tubs, 88c: prints, 39c; ordinary printa, -88087c; dairy, 18018Hc - , . BUTTER - FAT procurers' price F. 0. b. Portlsnd. per pound. 88o. ... : " EGGS Local, extras. S2ffl34e; spot, buying price, 30 21c, fo, b. Portland; Aprils, tie. '.ti..-:.'' ,i-v, . POtTLTRT Fafier --bena 18e Overbeck & Cooke Co. ...r' BROKERS f Stocks Bondi ' Cotton, Grain Etc ,': :y: 216217'' ' BbartJ of Trarje Building Me'mbera Chicago Board of Trad--; . Correspondents of Logan Bryan, Chicago, New York. Members Nsw.. York . Stock . Exchsnge, Boston . Stock Exchange, Chicago Beard of. Trade. New York Coffee Ex change, New - York - Cotton Ex change. New Orleans Cotton Em change, Winnipeg Grain Exchange arms. 11.31 Usata. Tlik eno Frovtsloma. DRESSED MEATS Front street: Hogs, fancy, 8H09c per lb.; - ordinary, 8Hc; heavj-, 7 He; veals, extra, 14c; ordi nary, 13 4c; poor, 12c; spring lambs, 80 9c; mutton, 708c: goats, 8c; beef, 609c. HA MB, BACON, Etc. Hams, 14U0 6c; breakfast bacon, 12 24o; boiled nlcnlcs. lie: . short clears, smoked, 14o; cottage. amoked, pickled 16c ham. 23024c: 13 He; regular 13 Vie; backs, tonrues. 76c lb. LARD Kettle leaf, tierces, 18Ho lb.; steam rendered, tlercevllo per lb.; compound, tierces, 8 Ho per lb. FIBTH Nomlnsl Ron cod. lOe lb.: flounders, (o; halibut, lOOHHo; atrlped bans, 20e; catrisb. ISOllHo; salmon. lOo lb.; soles,. 7e per lb.; shrimps, 12He lb.: percb. 708c; torn cod. So; lob sters, 25o; herrinra, 606c; black bass. 20c; sturgeon.. 12 He per lb.: silver smelt, 8o lb.: blsok cod 7Ho: dressed shad. To: roe shad. 10c; shad roe, 20o lb; Colum bia emelt, -). ' --' OYSTERS Shoaiwater bay. par gal lon. ); per 1P0 lb. sack. ( ): Olym pla. per gallon 33: per 100 lb sack. $9; canned - eastern. (Be can. $8.60 dosenv eaaterri In shell. 91.7502.00 per 100: rasor clams.: $2 fli 2.16 box,,., " ., .- O-rooertes. - SUGAR Cubes, 36.66; powdered, $8.46; fruit or berry, $8.26; dry granulated, 26.26: D yellow. $5.86; beet, $8.80; Honolulu plantation' cane arsnulated, 6o less. (Above quotations are 30 days nst cash.)'1'1-.- ..,. RICE Japan, ito. 1. i6He: No. 1 4He: Nsw Orleans nead.6H0eo: Cre ole. So. -1 - ' SALT coarse, half ground inea. rer ton; 60s. 39.00: table dairy, lea. $18; 00a. 617: bales. 62.2o: extra fin bar rels. Is. is and 10s, $406: lump rook, izo. eo vr ton. ' .,.... ( HONEY New. $$.7S net case. V BRANS Smalt wnlte - $4,901 large white. $4.86: nlnk. 84.26: bayou, $4.76; Llmaa. $7: reds. 96.60. XTaiats. Ooml Oil. Bta. --:'- LINSEED OIL Raw, bbla, 82o al., kettle boiled, bbl., 64c; ' raw, in cases. 87c; ooiiea,-in cases, S7c gallon, iota oi IDU gallons, iv lesa, vii csasmeat, stt per inn. - , ' WHITU "LEAD Ton lots, la fwr lh.t 600 lb. lots. 8c per lb.: less lota. IH per lb. , BK-tsAiNBi as oegrew. eaaes, stwe gallon; Iron bbls, IlHo per eallon. - nuro-ntnui, sc; isa COAL OIL Cases: Pearl. 16c: star. 19c par gallon; v-ter white, bulk, SO 12Ho per gallon; special water white, 12016a - v- - OA80LINE Red crown and motor, 180220 sailor.: 86 gasoline. 28Q86H0 gallon: V. M. P. naphtha, 1801OHO gsllon. -- - - ; - TURPFNTINB In eases, T2ft: weod barrela. TOHe: iron barrels. 66o par gal- ao:.jq case iota. lie. .. yr r-. ( NORTHWEST BANK STATEMENT Portland' Banks,"'-"'' 1 Clearings today 1 1 .... . ... .$1,859,675.34 Year,, 'ago,,., . . . i .. . . 1.678,387.08 ''ainftoday a'v-Vi.;4$21.188.22 Balances today ........... $148,187.61 Year'' ago-'; . . . . . . .-. . . . . . 169,784.66 ... . .... ... ...... .. ... 181,773 Clearings Balances ! .:,if:; Money "and Exchange. ; London: Jan. IK Conaola. 77 1B-16; silver,. 26 9-16; bank rate, 4 per cent. New York.-Jen. 16. Starling exchsnre. long,, 4.81V4; short, 4.87; silver bullion. : ';'.-' ''.-' San Francisco. Jan. 16. Bterllnsr ex change. 0 days, 4.82: sight.. 4.86 Si documentary, 4.82H;- transfers, ' tele graphic, 7 premium; sight, 4 premium. ; : ( San Francisco Barley Market. ; San Francisco, Jan. 16. Barley rails: '' - ;!.mv, -- ..-tf Open. ". ,j Close. May ,202 201 - Journal Went Ads bring results. Mon. Bat . Frl. . Thura wed., , .. Tues. . , Week ago Br far the greatest bunch of live stock that has ever entered the local market, was reported In at North Port land today. There was a total of 80 carloads available for the trade this morning. The shipments consisted prin cipally of cattle. Of these 60 cars ar rived. - The remainder were 9 cars of hogs and 11 cars of sheep. For the first time in a very long time California has started to ship cat tle to the, Portland market. - The trade there had found it unprofitable to aend stock In. this direction heretofore this season and praotically all of the sup plies have been going to markets In the southern state. .The. shipment to day consisted of lffht loads. The stock name from Oaselfa and was sent for ward by Goodale A Cassady who al ways try the Portland market when ever prices here are right. While the bl bunch of stuff that came forwsrd today naturally caused some weakness and fractional price loss, me snowing or prices waa good in view of I he record movement Most , of the stuff that came forward was unex pected, therefore caught the trade by surprise. That the big buyers knew nothing of this Is Indicated by the fact that the Union Meat company was re cently foroed to go out into the country and purchase stock direct through a stockyard representative. This cattle waa purchased at $6.26, but the same class of stuff could be secusad for less in the yards today, owing to the huge offerings. , - - ' 111 Ship at Ones. Tne shipment of so much cattle to the local market today cornea as a re sult of the recent Improvement in the situation here. The trade haa been fam ished for - good cattle for some time, and while this class of stuff is almost always in demand at' good prices, ths greater movement wiu uaeiy aiiecl tne cheaper atuff.. r- Shipments Into the stockyards today inciuae supplies rrom practically all sections west of the Rocky mountains mat usually come to tnls market At Chicago thera was a much firmer tone in tne catiie trade today, witn a run or iy.vuu neao. race advanced 100 to i5c for the day. - At Kansas City much strength was shown in ths cattle market. ' Prices closed 1 60 higher than Saturday, with offerings of 12,000 head. In view of the big run the showing of prices was remarkable. At South Omaha the trade for cattle waa just steady, with offerings of 4100 iieau. . i op sieera continue at 97.70, Many Shippers of Cattle. Cattle shippers Into the North Port- lana maraet since ssiurasy include II Page, Flier. Idaho, 2 loads; Van Slyke Bros., Milton. 2 loads; Frank Lund. Welser. Ilabo. 2 load a: H r. Lynch, Welser, 1 load; H. Lynch, Welser. 1 load; J. Griffin. Twin Falls, jaano, loaas; w. to. usaer. Hunting ton. 2 loads cattle and calvea: Junto Hunt, Midland, 1 load; Goodale A Cas sady, Gaselle, Cat, 8 loads; 8. D. Stark, names, s loaas; v. e: iNesDii, rayette. " a vwva ava v. inuvu w iini)uci a-i uranae, s losas; w. a. uover, uaxer, z loans: j. u. uox, Katon. Idaho, I losds; Sol Dickerson, Welser, Idaho. 1 load cat tle and calves: P. J. Brown. Baker. 2 loads; Haines, 2 loads; 'Kid well & Cas well, Ecnq, s loads: Biackfoot Idaho, 2 loads: J. Raymon, Echo, 2 loads; W, C. Reeves, Echo, 4 loads; R. N. Stanfleld, Bianneia, a loaas. . North Portland cattle nricea today Select steers ............... 2 Fancv steers Choice steers . . ............ common steers Feeder steers . Spayed heifers Ordinary heifers 'anoy cowa .. Ordinary cowa roor cows Fancy light calves.....,,.,. Medium light calves........ Fancy bulls Medium bulls .............. Ordinary bulla . .-. , . . . Stags... .,.. .. . - - Mog KlTkat It Weaker. There was a weaker feellnr In tha hoar trade at North Portland todav. To gether with the very liberal lina In other lines, thera wss a very good showing of swine. A total of 804 bed waa received for tha A . . wees ago no arrivals were shown in this line. At Chics go there wss rrm of 81,000 hoga compared with 38,000 head a year ago. The market was weak with prices 60 to lOo lower than on Saturday. . Kansaa City showed much weakness tn ths swine trade with most values 10c lower. Run wss 11,000 head. South Omaha -showed a firmer tone for hogs.- There waa a run of but 79O0 head and prices were forced 60 to 10c higher. - Tops are at $6.86. ' Hog shippers today at North Port land Included: L. MoGregor, . Nortn powder,; 1 load; Charles Mimlck, North powder, 1 load; H. M. Raye, Arco, Idaho, 1 load; Ball A Anderson, Hanson, Idaho, 1 load; Jack Cole, Enterprise, 1 load; R. G. Sloan, Pal ma, Idaho, 1 load; Ed Coles, Haines, 1 load; William Noh, Buhl, Idaho, 2 loads. . " , Today's North Powder Swine prices: Fancy mixed, ...,..........$ 7.00 Good heavy 6.9006.96 Good light ................. 6.906.5 Medium light - 8.76 Rough and heavy vnir; . . '. V-' ' '""''i 6.60 Poor and-'heavy t rt-nn-rttpm 8.00 , - ' UhV Trade Zs Easier. " - Much easiness was showing In sheen market prices ss a rule today, although in the better clsss of stuff an advance of 10c waa forced in some inalances. Ths market for lambs bears the brunt of ths pressurs In ths mutton yards. . With offerings for ths dsy showing a total of 2662 head, compared with none a week ago, the trade was getting about all the sheep and Iambs It needed. At Chicago, there was a firmer tone In the mutton trade, with a run of 20,000 head.. -. Prices wrs 10o higher than Fsturday.- " Kansas City mutton trade wss firm 60 to 100 above last week's final figures. At South Omaha sheep and lambs were steady around previous figure. Sheep shippers at North Portland to day were: J. A. Kerby, Roblnette, 1 load; J. L.' Cox, Eaton, Idaho. 1 load: Hall A Anderson, Hanson, Idaho, 1 load; T. A. MUner, Welser, Idaho, 2 . loads; BORDEN FIGHTS BACK AND PLACES CANNED MILK Id CTS. DOWN Big Condensary Company Cuts Plon J, eer ., Dime Which Places It Nickel Below Carnation Surplus Is StJII Heavy. , Milk prices are again being cut and a fight to the finish is now In sight The latest cutter of canned milk val ues today was the Borden Milk com pany, owners of ths Pioneer brand. This was cut lOo per case, making the price In small lota 13.40, or 60 below the Carnation. This is expected to start the latter Into action again, thereby affecting the remainder of the brands. -Canned milk prices at this time ere far ths lowest ever known In the Pa cific coast markets at this period of the year. As a rule It Is the custom to start prices upward during the late win ter months, but tha reverse has been the case this season. With the greatest August canning Ver known, milk companies have held a larger surplus during the early winter- than ever, known. All ' efforts to stimulate ' trade aeem to have failed and large stocks ' are retained everywhere, Notwithstanding the sharp cutting; of fresh milk-prices by cannsrs, their re ceipts continue 10 increase, me sur plus of the big Washington . conden sates ia being shipped to the cream eries of Pujtet sound and is holding ths price of butter. In check. .... CHICAGO FOIXOW8 FOREIGNER. Wheat Market Closes With Loss of ' 96 to Je Bushel Today. ' Chicago, Jan. 18. The wheat trade followed the lead of foreign markets to day. ' While the opening was fraction ally higher for the May and July, clos ing waa weaker with a loss of He to o In the various options. Practically everyone in the foreign trade was bearish today owing to the reports of better weather In southern Argentina.. The harvest throughout that country la progressing favorably accord ing to tooay s caoies. Wheat and flour shipments of the world Include! Wk.End Wk End Jan. 18. ' Jan. 6. ..2.661.000 8.291.000 .. 16,000 248,000 ,.1,240.000 616.000 ..1,029,000 2.712,000 .. 928,000 1,113,000 ,.i,80o,uoo U. S. A Canada... Argentina Australia Danublan porta.... Russia India Total 7 .7,674,000 8,671.000 Range of Chicago prices furnished by Overoeca c cooae uo. WHEAT. .-Open. High. Low. May .... 100 uofe July Sept May July Sept May July Sept . . . .1685 . .1635 Jan. Mav July ....1647 Jan 940 May .... 960 July .... 976 6.00 6.9706.18 6.7606.96 4.7606.00 4.75(2)5.00 6.00 6.26 6.26 4.2504.75 S.6008.75 8.00 7.0007.25 4.76 4.60 4.00 4.00 Jan. - May July 96 95 93 93 H - CORN. 84 66 64 65 65H 65 OATS. 49 49 44 44 40 40 PORK. 1687 1640 1655 LARD. 940 962 976 RIBS. 94 2 66 Close. 99HA 94 92B 64 64B 65A 40 882 887 886 890- 1582 1630 1(46 937 955 967 877 885 1682A 16S0A 1645A 937 .966 967A 860A 877 ; 886A J. R. Hlnton. Hanson, Idaho, S loads. Sheep market at North Portland: Select lambs $5.6606.75 Choice lambs 6.60 Common lambs . Yearling lambs . Old wethers . . . Fancy swea , . . . 4.00 Ordinary 3.60 Disposition of ZdTestook. The following sales of livestock were made st North Portland during the week ended Saturday, -January 13: cattle, uaives. nogs, tsneep, 6.00 4.75 4.60 4.10 $.76 Union Meat 8. & S. Frank Smith.. M. J. Gill Co.. R. Falrchlld.. Misc. Port. ... Misc, Oregon.. 279 188 28 47 17 ' 2 66 $ 12 Carsten Paok'g.106 J. Henry Z7 Tacoma Meat. ... Peoples Market 25 786 179 83 141 262 87 1727 784 259 218 263 291 WEAKNESS ABROAD IS AFFECTING TRADE IN 11urAT MAniLT urnr 11 mmm mlal Jf earlJAU Foreign Markets Are Low er and Therefore Cargoes Are In Jjtm DemandCheaper Hays Are Not so Firm Today. . ' ' S ' By George SroomhaU. " 41 Liverpool, Jan. 16. Our Ar- 4 gentlna agent cables that the railway strike la stopping ship- ' menta. He estimates the export- : 4 -able surplus at 96,000,000 bush- els, : a reduction of : 8,000,000 : bushels . from his previous es- V tlmate. - Last year- the ship- 4 I menta were estimated at 88,- - 000,000 bushels.. The exportable surplus of e v ' oats Is estimated at 65.000,000 . 4 bushels compared - with ship- ments of $7,200,000 bushel's last S - year. . "w - "" " nunrcK wnrrsB - whbat . akba. Ifaris, Jaa. 15. Ths official report of tha agricultural dsparbmsnt gives the winter wheat acreage for tha 1913 crop at 15,600,000 acres, oompared with 16, saiwo acres a year ago, Tha conditioa of tha orop January 1 was T9.4 par esnt, oompared with ea.l per sent a year ago. BAND0N, WATER SYSTEM WILL BE IMPROVED r Bandon, Or., Jan. 15. The Bandon Water company has Uken ? over tha holdings, sites and franchises of tha Bandon Light & Water Co... and has elected the following officers: B. B. Johnson, president; L.' H. Haaard, vloe president;. George P. Laird, aecretary and manager. . The new oompany has commenced extensive t Improvements among which are new reservoirs call ing for the construction of three dams and about 1800 feet of flumes, togeth er with about 5000 cubic yarda of ex cavation, the laying of several thous and feet of pipe. The. supply is to be obtained from springs. ' New York Cotton Market. Low..- - Clomu ' ' Open. High. Jan. 943 944 Mar. ....... 969 - 962 May 977 979 ' July ....4., 988 988 j Aug. 973 973 Sept. ...... ; 992 ' 992 Oct ....... 995 996 Dee. ..1000 1000 925 988 952 962 968 970 976 985 929030 943046 968069 968 969971 'I7908S 985087 IIUOMETO BU1D HOTEL AT LAKEViE (Rpecial to Ths Ioornl- . lkevlew. Or., Jan. 15 George Wing filed of Reno, Nevada, haa taken an op tion on tha hotel alts opposite the new courthouse and announces that he will erect a three story fireproof building In the spring. Wlngfleld lived In Lake view In the early days, but left and went to Reno, where It Is said he amassed, a large fortune. It la said the hotel will cost $250. 000, and Is planned to be one of the finest on the coast The building will be situated on the street corner upon which the Heryf ord block, tha Odd Fel lows' temple and the courthouse stand. A holder to be fastened" to a kettle on which to rest a spoon has been pat ented bx a Massachusetts msn for the use of housewlvea. FOREIGN WHEAT MARKETS. Liverpool Wheat closed d lower. Buenos Ay res Wheat closed to So lower. ' ''.' Budapest Wheat unchanged. . . Berlin Wheat c lower. Antwerp Wheat c lower. ' Paris Wheat lower. . . WHEAT CARGOES DULL. London, Jan. 16. Wheat Cargoes dull. Walla Walla for shipment 86s 6d to 86s 9d. English and French country markets firm. PORTLAND GRAIN RECEIPTS.- ' Wheat. Sarley. Flour. Oats. Hay Monday . 166 rear ago 1 Season to date 848$ Year ago 8447 1 1 280 885 16 18 1490 1281 9 6 995 699 1$ 28 1902 1686 With the severe weakness in foreign markets, duo to the better weather con ditions in Argentina, there waa little inclination to do business in the local wheat trade today. Practically all foreign markets were under Saturday at the closing today and ss this has a direct bearing upon the cargo market exporters were not very strong In their views. On the basis of export values, buyers here say that club wheat Is not worth above 80c per bushel 'track Portland, but notwithstanding this millers are occasionally offering as high as 81o for a limited supply. , At the higher price their needs are not extensive but they are unable to buy for less. With the opening of spring work, horse owners are feeding their stock a better class of hay. This accounts for the latest Improvement In the call for timothy and the weaker feeling for poor grain - stock. Best eastern Oregon timothy is this morning finding bids at $17.60 to $18 a ton and Willamette valley stock from $15 to $16, according to quality. Alfalfa Is not finding so much call and Is nominally showing bids around $12.60013 a ton here, while the general run of grain hay of quality is quoted at $12012.60 by buyers, cheat and oats hays are weak around $11912. The oats market la steady with only a limited movement around isj.bu. SPECIALTIES SHOW I FAIR TONE FOR TRADE f 5. There was con n some of the spe- , Totsls .785 16 1498 8542 Monday's Xdvestook Sales STEERS. Average Lbs. 199 steers . , ,....,,....1196 25 steers 1020 4 steers . . 1240. 28 steers 1211 25 steers ..1020 4 steers ....1240 ' COWS. 28 cows ........1090 26 cows 1038 26 cows 1186 15 steers 894 1 steer 1040 4 cows 970 BULLS. 1890 1390 1 bull 2 bulls 2 bulls 16 calves 1 stsg CALVES. ' stags! ,.1486 ,. 41$ 1040 SHEEP AND LAMBS. 228 wethers 260 swes .... . r a HOGS. 18$ hogs 15 nogs 2 hogs ..- 93... 71... 84... ft tt fW.eese a a a e es a a a s 88......... 4.. 1 1. 2. 1. 8. I I VII t 100 101 101 218 884 600 234 203 217 218 148 297 860 420 446 350 476 Price. 26.26 6.96 . 6.25 6.80 6.75 6.76 -$6.25 6.10 4.85 4.75 4.00 S.60 $4.60 4.60 4.25 $6.75 $6.00 $4.85 4.26 4.88 $6.86 6.00 6.26 6.95 6.96 6.96 6.96 6.96 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 Stock contracted by "Union oompany at La Grande, therefore did not enter the trade. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK' HIGHER, Market 10 to 15c Up for Cattle In , ;-,', ""'Yards' Today. ' 'j; Chicago. Jart. 16. Run: Hors. 11.000: cattle, 17,000; sheep, 20.000. - fr- Hogs are so to 100 lower; iert over, Ddou; receipts a year go , were 58,000. Mixed. $6.9btf.45: heavy, 86.26f6.46: rough, $5.966.10: light, $6:90 6.26. to 100 nigner.. - ,- . ki.k.. ...1 H;',:'.'?.i't!-. Cattle. lOo ; Sheen. lOo higher. OMAHA HOGS lHQIIEIt. - Market Up 5 to 10c Today Others Are. Steady. 'yr-:l:i,.j South Omaha, Jan. 15. Cattle. 4100: market, steady. ' Steers. - 86.6007.78.- cows and heifers, $4.40 9 6.76. . Hon, 7uo: mar Ket, bo to 100 higher, at $.1606.85. - ' ' Sheep, 8700; market, steady; yearlings, 35.00fli5.60; wethers. 84.40W4.75; lambs, 6.6097.00; ewes, $4.00 4.35. ' ..- " Kansas crry livestock. Market Up 18c for Cattle -Sheep . .' 10c Higher. Kansas City. Jan. '16. Hoas. 11.000: market, 10c higher. ' . t attle, li.uou; maricet, iec nigner, -6heep. 10,000; market, 60 to lOo high- New York. Jan. slderable strenath clalties during the early trading today. and while reaction was forced later, the market closed fairly well. Union Pa cific SteeL Readlna. Lead. Missouri Pa cific, New York Central. St. Paul and Smelter were each a fraction or two higher than Saturday. Weakness In London was due to con tinual selling. This dumping move ment has sssumed heavy proportions. Range of New York prices, furnished ny uverpecK fc uooko jo. Descrlption- Amal. Cop. Co. Am. C. & F., o Am. Can, c. . . . Am. Cot Oil, o Am. Loco., c. .. Am. Sugar, c. , Am. Smelt.. C. Anac. Min. C. . . . Am. Wool., c . . . Atchison, c. . . . B. & O., c. . . . . Beet Sugar . . . Brook. Rap. T. . Can. Fac, c. . . . Cent. Leather, C. & O. W., C. C M. & S. P.". Cht & N. W. .. Ches. & Ohio . . Col. F. A I., c. . Co I. South., c. . Con. Gas Corn Producta, c. Kris, c. Gen. Eleo. . . . , . G. NL ore lands . Ice Securities . . 111. Cent Int. Har. ....... Int Met., c Lehigh Valley .. K. C. Southern . . Louis. VEalh... M..S. P. A S. S. M. M., K. & T c. . . Mo. Pacific t - 11. National Lead .. Nevada Cons. ... N. Y. Central... N. Y O. AW.... Nor. & Western. No. American .. P. M. S. k Co..v Pa. Railway .... P. I & C do. Reading, c. . . . . . Rep. I. A 8., c... Rock Island, c. . S. Ii. & a W.. c S. P., c. ........ s. R'y. c Tex. & Pacific.. T. St. L.AW., o. U. P.i c... ..... TT. S. Rubber. Ci. XT. 6. Steel Co.,c. Utah Copper ... Va. Chemical v.. Wabash, 0...... W . U. J OI ...... west piscine, , Wis. Central, c. . Openl Hlgh Low I Bl l 63 33 Vi 852 see 104 108 e ; 78 228H is 17H 106 73H 72H 72. ass 44 140 106 108 139 108 IT 184 27 123 105U 152 25 109 28 12 168 7 65 65 68 "83 '70 $6 i65 103 275 109 109 108 83 73 30 168 39 17 122 105 . 151 25 24 28 09 2 12 166 79 frtnA n1&a " A i A 6nA . Money, 24 24 per cent United States Rubber, com., Ex-Div. 1- per cent - . ' J.C.VILS0N&C0. HIV TOM STOCK EXCHANGE. HEW TOM COTTOIT XXOHAKOB. f.vTirir nnixn ov ruins THS STOCK AsTD BOWD EXOSASTOBj Mala Office Mills Bid., San rranolsco. Bmnoa Ofliess vanoouveF, eieatua. Portland, I.OS Angsies, sen . siego, : Ooronado Bsaclu FOKTXAjrs .omen: Boom- 8) Xiumbsnneas Bank Building. nones Marshall eiao, a-4107. Redemption of Bonds of the , RAILWAY EXCHANGE BUILDING COMPANY Portland, Oregon, Dated August 1, 1910 V : Bonds number eleven (11) to twenty-four (24), both numbers Inclusive, o( the above issue, in conformity with Article III of tha .Deed of Trust executed to tne undersigned, dated August latvWIO, securing said bonds, will be paid bv the Railway Exchange Build ing Company at the office of the Security Savings & Trust Com pany, Portland, Oregon, on surrender of said bonds February 1st. 1912, at $50375 and accrued interest Interest on said bonds will cease to accrue on and after that date. . . . , . SECURITY SAVINGS & TRUST CO. TRUSTEE By R. O. Jnbitz, Secretary. :. . FIRST NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $1,500,000 - SURPLUS . $850,000 - OLDEST NATIONAL BANK WEST OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS ., .... '-'?'-"'' Travelers' Checks--- Ths most convenient form yet devised for carry Ing funds safely while traveling is offered by travel ers' checks. These checks may be cashed anywhere at home ' or abroad, without identification. They may be purchased of the - - lumbermens National Ban k Capital - - - $1,000,000.00 Four Per Cent on Savings Cor. Fifth' anH Stark THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital . . . . .7.". . ; . . .$ 1,000,000.00 Surplus and Profits 900,000.00 - OFFICERS ' 7. C AINSWORTH, Pres. . R. W. SCHMEER, Cahiet . R. LEA BARNES. Vice-President. . v -.... A. M. WRIGHT, Assistant Cashier - - ... A- --I W. A. HOLT, Assistant Cashier DRAFTS ISSUED ON ALL, FOREIGN COUNTRIES PAYMENTS MADE BY POST TO PARTIES ABROAD WITHOUT COST TO RECIPIENTS W-h UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION sax nujtcxsco i ? ' " 1 . , ' FOUNDED 1864 Capital Paid in J .'. ....... ... .$8,500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits. .... .$7,805,709.00 BRANCHES . Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and Virginia City ' We buy arid sell foralfn Exshenre: Issue Drafts and Cable ? reliefers. Commercial Credits and Travnlers' L. e 1 1 . r s of redit available In all parts of the world; make collections . on all points and conduct a (eneral foreign and domestle bsnklnf businesa ... ' . ' . nmtiST ., vaio ' on ukb ash satzvos szrosrrs PORTLAND BRANCH . . ' ' Chamber of Commerce BuiUlnj , SfOBTRWSST OOBSSm OT TKZXS ilTS STAHK 8T?.XT3 WK. A. UAO SAB. Alanajer. 9, X. UaTCHArx.L, Asst. ilinsf. (